It's all over but the crying

UPDATED: Thursday, October 23, 2008 11:47
VIEWED: 3341
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Wednesday, October 22, 2008 2:56 AM


I give up, all hail President Obama! I may as well accept the fact that we are going to have a Democrat White House, House and Senate Dictatorship. But what will happen to the Democrats whores in the media when they have no Right-Wingers to slap around, for example; Do you liberals even want to see 4 - 8 years of Obama ass kissing on MSNBC? There ratings suck now, what's going to happen when they have to spend most of there time defending to guys they helped get elected, or what will happen if they turn on him and begin to treat him and the Democrats like they treat Palin? HAHAHAHAHA!!! SORRY I MADE MYSELF LAUGH! Like that would ever happen! No, the one good thing that seems to be coming out of this is the press may be the ones that end up screwed.


Wednesday, October 22, 2008 3:02 AM


Obama is IN??

So let me be the first:
Obama sucks now that he's the Prez. He's just a lackey of big industry & oil!!!



Wednesday, October 22, 2008 3:17 AM



Originally posted by whozit:
I give up, all hail President Obama! I may as well accept the fact that we are going to have a Democrat White House, House and Senate Dictatorship. But what will happen to the Democrats whores in the media when they have no Right-Wingers to slap around, for example; Do you liberals even want to see 4 - 8 years of Obama ass kissing on MSNBC? There ratings suck now, what's going to happen when they have to spend most of there time defending to guys they helped get elected, or what will happen if they turn on him and begin to treat him and the Democrats like they treat Palin? HAHAHAHAHA!!! SORRY I MADE MYSELF LAUGH! Like that would ever happen! No, the one good thing that seems to be coming out of this is the press may be the ones that end up screwed.

Rassmussen has it as 4 points, so wtf are you going on about? Some other polls, noted for their historical errors and political slant, have it higher, much higher. Some polls say that Obama is already President. So what!?. Look back at the last 20 years polls before elections and you'll see how wrong they all have been. The race will tighten, and is tightening right now. The Left wants you to feel defeated, but the truth is that they're all shitting their pants in fear of McCain winning. Even if McCain goes into Election Day down by 5-7 pts. he will win. The polls always over-poll to Dems advantage, and "likely" voters tend to be all too often non-voters. I just want to see which Liberal bitch will jump out the window first when Sarah Palin becomes their VP, their role model, and in many cases their mommy.


Wednesday, October 22, 2008 3:24 AM


Hope you're rite, I would love to see everyone at MSNBC go into racking sobs if McCain wins, and Palin yells MSNBC SUCKS!


Wednesday, October 22, 2008 3:25 AM


Er, Jong, YOU will be screwed if McCain wins too, FYI



Wednesday, October 22, 2008 4:06 AM



Originally posted by chrisisall:
Er, Jong, YOU will be screwed if McCain wins too, FYI

Er, Chris, I don't think so. Either way I'm going to be just fine. Matter of fact, it might NOT be the worst thing in the world to have Obama & Democrats in charge of everything for a spell. Last time that happened Reagan defeated the Liberal Idiot Carter, and ushered in an Age of Conservatism that got this country out of its' liberal malaise and economic woes of the late 1970's. Four years of Obama / Pelosi should equate to about 20 years of Republican control after that. So again, either way I still have my pool home in Florida by the golf course (mortgage paid), still have my high-paying job, still have my family and friends. Lots of luck to you and yours as well.


Wednesday, October 22, 2008 4:22 AM



Originally posted by Jongsstraw:
Either way I'm going to be just fine. Matter of fact, it might NOT be the worst thing in the world to have Obama & Democrats in charge of everything for a spell.

Obama & Biden are in like Flint. Either they'll do okay, or we'll get ACTUAL Conservatives in after that...yeah, either which way it'll probably work out for the best.



Wednesday, October 22, 2008 4:59 AM


RON PAUL 2012!


Wednesday, October 22, 2008 5:12 AM



Originally posted by chrisisall:

Originally posted by Jongsstraw:
Either way I'm going to be just fine. Matter of fact, it might NOT be the worst thing in the world to have Obama & Democrats in charge of everything for a spell.

Obama & Biden are in like Flint. Either they'll do okay, or we'll get ACTUAL Conservatives in after that...yeah, either which way it'll probably work out for the best.

In Obama’s second term he will raise taxes. I suspect that by the second term, ~ 6 years give or take, we will be coming out of the recession that we seem to be in or heading to. Unless Obama raises taxes and kills the economic recovery. So hopefully, you’re right about conservatives coming in after Obama.

Nihil est incertius vulgo, nihil obscurius voluntate hominum, nihil fallacius ratione tota comitiorum.

Nothing is more unpredictable than the mob, nothing more obscure than public opinion, nothing more deceptive than the whole political system.

-- Cicero


Wednesday, October 22, 2008 5:45 AM



are you going to be happy if Sarah Palin becomes our VP?

Do you really care that little about the state of our nation?

And if that seems like a malignant statement to make, then please tell me again, what the fuck qualifies this woman that just recently said the "VP is in charge of the Senate" to hold that position, and possibly the highest position in this land? Do you really want another national embarassment to furher jeapordizze our standing in the world?



Wednesday, October 22, 2008 5:46 AM


What may be fun watch is how the cable infotainment shows like Olberman, and political comedy shows like the "Daily Show" deal with total Democrat rule, and what will happen to there ratings if they continue being Obama lackys. I think FOX NEWS and whoever is'nt afraid to go after Obama, and not be afraid to be called racist by his whores in the news media are going to hit the ratings jackpot. There will be scandals in an Obama administration, (there are in every administration) and Biden is already predicting some kind of a disaster in Obamas 1st year, so will the media who helped get him elected come to his aid, or turn on him? Again, this may be fun to watch.


Wednesday, October 22, 2008 5:52 AM


luckily Daily show has never been obama lackeys,

they even recently dogged both candidates for a lame stance on something, at the end of which Stewart, somewhat exasperated, said "ron paul 08!"

Not that Obama is easy to mock legitimately, he doesn't make horrible gaffes, he doesn't spin in circles on his policies...

but I hope as you do, and expect that when there is something to point out, when irony can run high about the democratic leadership, that the Daily Show will be up to task.

That democrats aren't often quite as absurd as our recent cast of characters on the right, will just force the writers to work overtime finding those kernals of truth.


Wednesday, October 22, 2008 5:57 AM



In Obama’s second term he will raise taxes.

Will that tax hike come before or after he says, "Read my lips. NO NEW TAXES!"

Just wondering.

If the prefix "pro-" means "for" or "in favor of", and "con" is its opposite, and if "progress" means "pushing forward" or "improving"... then what the hell does "Congress" mean?


Wednesday, October 22, 2008 6:58 AM



Originally posted by Righteous9:

Jong, are you going to be happy if Sarah Palin becomes our VP?


Yes, quite happy.

" Obama is not qualified to be President." Joe Biden

" The Presidency doesn't lend itself to on the job training." Hillary Clinton

" Obama played the race card against Hillary." Bill Clinton

" Barack is saying he doesn't like me now because he's just a politician." Rev Jeremiah Wright (smiling)


Wednesday, October 22, 2008 7:03 AM



Originally posted by Finn mac Cumhal:
In Obama’s second term he will raise taxes.

In 1992 Bill Clinton said he wouldn't raise taxes. He did, almost immediately. Obama, and for that matter McCain, have no choice now but to raise taxes and revenues to the Treasury. Obama's trillion dollar new Federal socialist programs are gonna have to wait. McCain too will go after our money. There won't be a penny of capital gains coming in for a long time, and the annual Capital Gains Carryover Losses ( Schedule D ) will reduce Federal income taxes coming in to Washington for a decade.

" Obama is not qualified to be President." Joe Biden

" The Presidency doesn't lend itself to on the job training." Hillary Clinton

" Obama played the race card against Hillary." Bill Clinton

" Barack is saying he doesn't like me now because he's just a politician." Rev Jeremiah Wright (smiling)


Wednesday, October 22, 2008 7:08 AM



Originally posted by Righteous9:
luckily Daily show has never been obama lackeys,

they even recently dogged both candidates for a lame stance on something, at the end of which Stewart, somewhat exasperated, said "ron paul 08!"

Not that Obama is easy to mock legitimately, he doesn't make horrible gaffes, he doesn't spin in circles on his policies...

but I hope as you do, and expect that when there is something to point out, when irony can run high about the democratic leadership, that the Daily Show will be up to task.

That democrats aren't often quite as absurd as our recent cast of characters on the right, will just force the writers to work overtime finding those kernals of truth.

John Murtha, Charle Rangle and of course Biden have been spiting out some whacky stuff latley that does'nt get the ink if a Republican said it. You Democrats are lucky.


Wednesday, October 22, 2008 7:41 AM



What may be fun watch is how the cable infotainment shows like Olberman, and political comedy shows like the "Daily Show" deal with total Democrat rule, and what will happen to there ratings if they continue being Obama lackys.

Zit, are you really that thick-headed or short of memory? Keith Olbermann got his start in the news biz (as opposed to his ESPN sports gig) reporting and doing commentary on the whole Clinton-Whitewater-Lewinski scandal.

Why else do you think he never endorsed Hillary for president?

Also, were Rush and O'Reilly out of business from 2000 through 2006, when the Republicans had complete control of the White House, the Senate, the House, the Supreme Court, and the Department of Justice?


Wednesday, October 22, 2008 7:46 AM



Originally posted by whozit:
I give up, all hail President Obama!

I hear he's lined up the fella to do his Presidential Portrait. Same fella did President Dewey...



Wednesday, October 22, 2008 7:47 AM



Originally posted by ElvisChrist:
Zit, are you really that thick-headed or short of memory?

Good question:



Wednesday, October 22, 2008 7:48 AM



In 1992 Bill Clinton said he wouldn't raise taxes. He did, almost immediately. Obama, and for that matter McCain, have no choice now but to raise taxes and revenues to the Treasury. Obama's trillion dollar new Federal socialist programs are gonna have to wait. McCain too will go after our money. There won't be a penny of capital gains coming in for a long time, and the annual Capital Gains Carryover Losses ( Schedule D ) will reduce Federal income taxes coming in to Washington for a decade.

Realistically, your taxes are going to go up, no matter who wins the White House. You simply can't keep spending the way Bush has, more than doubling the national debt, without at some point either raising taxes or collapsing the economic system.

We found this out after 8 years of "Reaganomics", which HW Bush rightly called "Voodoo Economics" - despite running on the "read my lips, no new taxes" line, he signed one of the largest tax increases in American history almost as soon as he got into office. Why? Because he had to find a way to pay for all the crap Reagan had blown our wad on.


Wednesday, October 22, 2008 8:13 AM



Originally posted by ElvisChrist:

What may be fun watch is how the cable infotainment shows like Olberman, and political comedy shows like the "Daily Show" deal with total Democrat rule, and what will happen to there ratings if they continue being Obama lackys.

Zit, are you really that thick-headed or short of memory? Keith Olbermann got his start in the news biz (as opposed to his ESPN sports gig) reporting and doing commentary on the whole Clinton-Whitewater-Lewinski scandal.

Why else do you think he never endorsed Hillary for president?

Also, were Rush and O'Reilly out of business from 2000 through 2006, when the Republicans had complete control of the White House, the Senate, the House, the Supreme Court, and the Department of Justice?

Obama will be the next Prez, the fact Olberman did'nt endorse Clinton means nothing now. There's no dought in my mind (as small as it may be) is that Olberman will defend Obama and the Democrats no matter what. He defended Pelosi when she wanted a 767 for herself when she became speaker, because the smaller plane would have to stop for fuel on it's way to California. Also she now needed the room because she'd have such a big staff. And do'nt forget that him and Mathews were taken away from the Anchor desks during the RNC, beacuse they could'nt hide there bias. I hope his ratings drop so low that he loses his mind and runs out into the street naked and yells, LOOK AT ME, I'M FAMOUS!


Wednesday, October 22, 2008 8:24 AM


"Couldn't hide their bias"

why do people want people to do this? you htink if its couched well that somehow that will be better for the consumer? The dumbest shit in the world is an attempt to appear unbiased by pundits and even news anchors. If they've been following shit, they have a perspective. Now either that means when they report, they slant the news unintentionally in their direction, or they intentionally push the other way, against their judgement and value system, and that is not honest reporting.

When people lean a certain direction and are at least up front about it, that is preferrable to me. Hell, I think Hannity is a total asshole, but at least he lets his viewer know exactly wheere he stands...O'reilley calls himself an independant(OKAAAY)

Frankly, maybe I should give it to Hume too, if he didn't pretend to be an impartial anchor, and maybe he doesn't even do that, because he's pretty frikken obvious. if it isn't his intention to come across as impartial, then more power to generate more light with friction than with inert neutrality.


Wednesday, October 22, 2008 8:34 AM



Originally posted by Righteous9:

"Couldn't hide their bias"

why do people want people to do this? you htink if its couched well that somehow that will be better for the consumer? The dumbest shit in the world is an attempt to appear unbiased by pundits and even news anchors. If they've been following shit, they have a perspective. Now either that means when they report, they slant the news unintentionally in their direction, or they intentionally push the other way, against their judgement and value system, and that is not honest reporting.

When people lean a certain direction and are at least up front about it, that is preferrable to me. Hell, I think Hannity is a total asshole, but at least he lets his viewer know exactly wheere he stands...O'reilley calls himself an independant(OKAAAY)

Frankly, maybe I should give it to Hume too, if he didn't pretend to be an impartial anchor, and maybe he doesn't even do that, because he's pretty frikken obvious. if it isn't his intention to come across as impartial, then more power to generate more light with friction than with inert neutrality.

When MSNBC takes them away from the Anchor desk you know they stepped over the line, but when Obama or somone in his cabinet get caught in a scandal, will Olberman & MSNBC rip into Obama or whoever, or try to defend them?


Wednesday, October 22, 2008 8:41 AM


what line?


Wednesday, October 22, 2008 9:12 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

THAT line! damnit! Can't you SEE it??

Let's party like its 1929.


Wednesday, October 22, 2008 9:15 AM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

Oh, THAAAT line !!!!


I still don't see it.


Wednesday, October 22, 2008 9:26 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Yeah, the one next to the emperor in all of his finery.

Can you see HIM? I can, and he's absolutely stunning in his new outfit.

Let's party like its 1929.


Wednesday, October 22, 2008 10:49 AM


Whozit, don't you DARE throw in the towel, nor the rest of you right-end political bastards.

Gonna just take the ball and go home when they swear in Obamalamadingdong ?

Like bloody hell!

Fact is, just like ANY politician, we all know he's gonna push the limits and possibly abuse and misuse his authority, all of em do it, save Ron Paul, we know this.

So who's gonna be the check and balance and all up in their reps ass to sandbag this guy if not the folk who opposed him in the first place ?

We, as in we the people, don't have to LET him do jack shit, and it'd be a smart thing to have the boom ready to bring down when he oversteps himself to show his rookie ass where the limits are, yes ?

And you think those rabidly supporting him are gonna do that ? - yeah, right.

Like it or not, america needs you - I might think you're politically cracked in the head for supporting some guy who wants to continue Shrubs disastrous policies, but just cause McCain would be an unmitigated disaster does NOT mean Obama does not have the potential to be.

So get with your reps, let em know where it stands, pick up the political crowbar and get ready to kneecap this asshole if he crosses the line, damn sure his kool-aid drinkers ain't gonna do it... and so that comes down to folk like you.

So, you gonna step up to the plate, or go home and sulk, then ?

Cause I ain't backin off an inch, not on your life.


It cannot be said enough, those who do not learn from history, are doomed to endlessly repeat it


Wednesday, October 22, 2008 10:56 AM



Originally posted by whozit:
When MSNBC takes them away from the Anchor desk you know they stepped over the line, but when Obama or somone in his cabinet get caught in a scandal, will Olberman & MSNBC rip into Obama or whoever, or try to defend them?

I feel confident that MSNBC and Olberman will be more critical of an Obama administration that FOX "Bush walks on water" NEWS has ever been of the current boss.

"I thoroughly disapprove of duels. If a man should challenge me, I would take him kindly and forgivingly by the hand and lead him to a quiet place and kill him."


Wednesday, October 22, 2008 11:05 AM


well frem, one thing that will hopefully be different is that alot of us voting for Obama will also be watching what he does. He is our responsibility after all.

That's my hope anyway, and I wish Republicans hadn't cast off their own responsibility so willingly.

....not that I can vouch for democrats during the Clinton administration...he signed some really bad shit into law.


Wednesday, October 22, 2008 11:34 AM


Exactly, R9 - and so I am reachin across the aisle here to folks who might be a little more willing to put a leash on that shit, you know ?

I still remember the verbal lashing I dished out to folk who just kinda sighed in relief and let it go when the Dems climbed to a better position in Congress not long ago, cause that let the pressure off and the minute that happened...

They rolled over like bitches, didn't they ?

Let's NOT make that mistake twice, ehe ?

Just getting him in office is the easy part, makin him behave himself is gonna be a whole nother battle, and best be ready and able to get it done, is how I see it.


It cannot be said enough, those who do not learn from history, are doomed to endlessly repeat it


Wednesday, October 22, 2008 12:28 PM


I wonder what the first thing Karl Rove is gonna do if McCain looses?

I'd be fooling myself if I thought he'll ever be poor. But I would give up my shitty 01 Chevy Prizm just to slap him over and over till he cries like a 12 year old girl. No offense to 12 year old girls. He'd be getting off easy if that's all I did.

But if Obama wins...Rove will no longer control our country. Or at least not be advising Republicans in government who do stuff against the law how to beat the rap.

Trolls against McCain


Wednesday, October 22, 2008 1:01 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


He defended Pelosi when she wanted a 767 for herself when she became speaker, because the smaller plane would have to stop for fuel on it's way to California. Also she now needed the room because she'd have such a big staff.

Okay, I have to confess - I almost laughed soda out of my nose while reading this, because what I thought you were going to say was "because she'd have such a big HEAD."

Which would still have worked, 'cuz she DOES seem to have a large head.



Wednesday, October 22, 2008 1:13 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


When MSNBC takes them away from the Anchor desk you know they stepped over the line, but when Obama or somone in his cabinet get caught in a scandal, will Olberman & MSNBC rip into Obama or whoever, or try to defend them?

Odd as it may sound, I both agree and disagree with Whozit on this one. Yes, Olbermann and Matthews definitely blew it with their convention coverage, which was really embarrassing to watch, because I normally like both of them (but Darryl Hammond does a FANTASTIC dead-on Chris Matthews). As for what they'll do in the event of an Obama screwup or scandal, I think their primary party concerns are summed up in one word: RATINGS! If there's ratings to be had by tearing into Obama's administration, I'll bet they'll be there to do some tearing.

Hell, even Rush Limbaugh has moderated his views in recent months, going from Bush-is-great to Bush-might-not-be-the-greatest-President-in-history. It's hard to watch your heroes fall, I s'pose...


This world is a comedy for those who think, and a tragedy for those who feel.

Trolls Against McCain!


Wednesday, October 22, 2008 1:15 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Can you see HIM? I can, and he's absolutely stunning in his new outfit.

I think Palin's new outfit is better. And I KNOW it's pricier!



Wednesday, October 22, 2008 1:19 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by Fremdfirma:
Whozit, don't you DARE throw in the towel, nor the rest of you right-end political bastards.

Gonna just take the ball and go home when they swear in Obamalamadingdong ?

Like bloody hell!

Fact is, just like ANY politician, we all know he's gonna push the limits and possibly abuse and misuse his authority, all of em do it, save Ron Paul, we know this.

So who's gonna be the check and balance and all up in their reps ass to sandbag this guy if not the folk who opposed him in the first place ?

We, as in we the people, don't have to LET him do jack shit, and it'd be a smart thing to have the boom ready to bring down when he oversteps himself to show his rookie ass where the limits are, yes ?

And you think those rabidly supporting him are gonna do that ? - yeah, right.

Like it or not, america needs you - I might think you're politically cracked in the head for supporting some guy who wants to continue Shrubs disastrous policies, but just cause McCain would be an unmitigated disaster does NOT mean Obama does not have the potential to be.

So get with your reps, let em know where it stands, pick up the political crowbar and get ready to kneecap this asshole if he crosses the line, damn sure his kool-aid drinkers ain't gonna do it... and so that comes down to folk like you.

So, you gonna step up to the plate, or go home and sulk, then ?

Cause I ain't backin off an inch, not on your life.


It cannot be said enough, those who do not learn from history, are doomed to endlessly repeat it


Now you're talkin'. I think, at its best, the press SHOULD have a somewhat adversarial relationship with ANY politician, and not be in their pocket. We've seen what happens when they just go along with the party line instead of questioning it. You get these wonderful little wars in lovely places like Iraq!


Wednesday, October 22, 2008 1:24 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by Righteous9:

well frem, one thing that will hopefully be different is that alot of us voting for Obama will also be watching what he does. He is our responsibility after all.

That's my hope anyway, and I wish Republicans hadn't cast off their own responsibility so willingly.

....not that I can vouch for democrats during the Clinton administration...he signed some really bad shit into law.

Exactly. And I'm none too thrilled with the actions of most of the Democrats in the House and Senate over the last couple years, either. They had several chances to do shit, and did nothing of any consequence. Hold ALL of their feet to the fire, and remind them that WE don't work for THEM - it's supposed to be the other way 'round!


Wednesday, October 22, 2008 1:34 PM



Originally posted by Kwicko:
Now you're talkin'. I think, at its best, the press SHOULD have a somewhat adversarial relationship with ANY politician, and not be in their pocket. We've seen what happens when they just go along with the party line instead of questioning it. You get these wonderful little wars in lovely places like Iraq!

What you need is a Paxman. Watch him interview several senior British politicians and simply ask the questions that need to be asked and demand answers when they try to evade him:

Plus you need a population that abandons politicians who won't face up to such strong interviewing. If they don't turn up, assume the worst. Of course in Palin's case, that turned out to be true.


Wednesday, October 22, 2008 1:47 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

Sorry for the flurry of replies all at once - I just got in from one hellacious day at work, and I'm trying to catch up!

As for Paxman, love his stuff. I try to catch him on BBC when I can find him. And you're right - he doesn't take any shit from them. Reminds me of Russert, or in an earlier age, Sam Donaldson. Pit bulls with reporters' notebooks and iron-trap minds. Sure do miss those guys... Sure could use a few more like them, but I don't see it happening anytime soon.


Wednesday, October 22, 2008 3:37 PM


I too miss Sam the Shovel - I was very saddened by the way he went out, forced under threat of firing to verbally support one candidate over the other, and so ashamed of caving in that he felt a public apology was necessary.

Hung out to dry on the pike of his bosses partisanship, that just had to suck.

I never really watched much TV even as a youngster, but there were a few extremely memorable moments...

It was quite a while ago, but I happened by chance upon an interview of Andrew Vachss, I forget the program and station, but his message rang out so powerfully to me that the whole course of my life kinda slowly bent in the same direction - it was much of what I had always believed, and could never put into words, and here was a guy not only doing that, but so eloquently, so powerfully, the truth of it could not be denied, and the way it made everyone so unconfortable brought it clear to me that while everyone knew, no one wanted to admit it.

One of the others was ole Sam the Shovel getting all up in the face of a business exec, who tried to escape by ducking into an elevator, and Sam would just NOT let him go...
"You're an asshole, Donaldson!"
"That I may be sir, but would you answer the question?!"

Sam was like a pitbull, once he latched on, you were not gettin away without losing some flesh.

I miss that guy, really I do.

I wonder what the first thing Karl Rove is gonna do if McCain looses?

Go cry on Kissingers shoulder, and then sit with him in the darkness, fucking things up from the shadowy edges, till they slime their way back into power, just like these types ALWAYS do till you run em to ground and throw them in a cell where they belong.


It cannot be said enough, those who do not learn from history, are doomed to endlessly repeat it


Wednesday, October 22, 2008 5:12 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)



I wonder what the first thing Karl Rove is gonna do if McCain looses

Go cry on Kissingers shoulder, and then sit with him in the darkness, fucking things up from the shadowy edges, till they slime their way back into power, just like these types ALWAYS do till you run em to ground and throw them in a cell where they belong.

Nope, ol' Rove will still be around, back in the shadows, grooming the next "outsider" for a run at something or other, or trying to engineer the "comeback" of someone like slippery Newt Gingrich or that asscrack Tom Delay. And he'll be all over Faux News spinning his own personal brand of contemptible bullshit, and getting a fat paycheck for it. Somehow, douchebags like Rove always manage to fail upwards.



Thursday, October 23, 2008 3:13 AM


Today's Poll Art: Pennsylvania, McCain v. Obama
Barack Obama is so far ahead in some states that even the poll results are veering off into meaningless doodles. Today's polling from Pennsylvania:


Thursday, October 23, 2008 3:26 AM



Thursday, October 23, 2008 4:08 AM


they make a cute couple......ack!


Thursday, October 23, 2008 7:40 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by chrisisall:
..and look at this:


I like this one better:

What, no catchy sig-line?

Trolls Against McCain!


Thursday, October 23, 2008 7:57 AM


Excuse me, but what about beloved President Bush's 2004 Campaign? (How soon they forget)

(Some other polls, noted for their historical errors and political slant, have it higher, much higher. Some polls say that Obama is already President. So what!?. Look back at the last 20 years polls before elections and you'll see how wrong they all have been).

Campaign 2004: Bush Opens Double-Digit Lead,8599,692562,00.html

Sept. 3, 2004 Time Magazine:

For the first time since the Presidential race became a two person contest last spring, there is a clear leader, the latest TIME poll shows. If the 2004 election for President were held today, 52% of likely voters surveyed would vote for President George W. Bush, 41% would vote for Democratic nominee John Kerry...

If memory serves me....."W" Won.

"I am the Decider!"


Thursday, October 23, 2008 8:24 AM


Cast my vote yesterday.

One note about the polling - yes, there are inconsistancies, and polls tend to be off for the final result - but on thing that is of note, since polling began, no candidate who was as far behind at this stage in the game as McCain is, has ever won.

"I thoroughly disapprove of duels. If a man should challenge me, I would take him kindly and forgivingly by the hand and lead him to a quiet place and kill him."


Thursday, October 23, 2008 8:27 AM



Originally posted by Shinygoodguy:
Excuse me, but what about beloved President Bush's 2004 Campaign? (How soon they forget)

(Some other polls, noted for their historical errors and political slant, have it higher, much higher. Some polls say that Obama is already President. So what!?. Look back at the last 20 years polls before elections and you'll see how wrong they all have been).

Campaign 2004: Bush Opens Double-Digit Lead,8599,692562,00.html

Sept. 3, 2004 Time Magazine:

For the first time since the Presidential race became a two person contest last spring, there is a clear leader, the latest TIME poll shows. If the 2004 election for President were held today, 52% of likely voters surveyed would vote for President George W. Bush, 41% would vote for Democratic nominee John Kerry...

If memory serves me....."W" Won.

"I am the Decider!"

The polls are everywhere, some have Obama up by 1 or 2 points, some have him up by 5 to 7. The NYT has him up by 12, even the libs can't buy that. But in EVERY poll Obama is up.


Thursday, October 23, 2008 8:29 AM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!


Silence is consent.


Thursday, October 23, 2008 8:40 AM


Hey Shiny gg - glad you made it down to the basement. As you can see, we're all just a bunch of fun-loving, happy-go-lucky, back-stabbing reprobates..... happy you could join us.

As for polls - hell, anybody can take polls - i do it all the time. Why, just yesterday I polled my fellow workers on the merits of fried chicken vs. vegie pizza for lunch - (chicken always wins)...

The one site i do visit often (every morning for a sanity check), is

Nate Silver and crew have put together a fairly impressive system for gleaning the statistical data from a wide variety of pollsters out there and organizing the information into an easily understandable web site. Plus, Nate is, or was, Managing Partner of Baseball Prospectus. He first gained public recognition for inventing PECOTA, a system for forecasting the performance and career development of Major League Baseball players.

Anyone who can make sense of a twi-night double-header when both games go into extra innings and the majority of each team is thrown out for charging the mound, twice - and the center fielder winds up pitching six full innings, is a pretty smart guy in my book.

oh, and W who?






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