This will amuse PN, no doubt.

UPDATED: Saturday, October 25, 2008 19:41
PAGE 1 of 1

Friday, October 24, 2008 3:53 PM


Speed cameras face the end of the road: Towns join rush to ditch money-making machines Speed-cameras-face-end-road-Towns-join-rush-ditch-money-making-machines.html

Now to hand out the "I-told-you-so"s, right, PN ?



Friday, October 24, 2008 4:40 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

That's great news. 1,000 flaming Gatsos can't be wrong.

Redflex stock dropped over 50% during the bankster bailout, and is facing a hostile takeover.


California: Another City Dumps Red Light Cameras

El Monte, California votes to eliminate red light cameras after study shows they did not reduce accidents.

Following San Jose, California's recent decision to reject red light cameras, the Los Angeles suburb of El Monte yesterday decided to put an end to photo ticketing after five years of use proved disappointing.

With a unanimous vote, the city council declined to renew its contract with Australian camera vendor Redflex because, according to police, the cameras failed to produce any reduction in the number of intersection accidents. More importantly, however, the devices failed to produce revenue.

"We're spending a lot of staff time on this just to gain $2000 a month," City Manager James W. Mussenden explained. "It doesn't reduce accidents -- that's what our studies and results have come back."

Data obtained by suggest the loss in revenue could be related to changes in intersection signal timing. On April 12, 2004 the city increased the yellow warning time to 3.5 seconds for the left turn movements at the intersection of Peck Road and Ramona Boulevard. The results were immediately felt. In March 2004, before the increase, Redflex mailed 665 tickets. In May, the first full month after the increase, citations dropped to 265. This small engineering improvement cut the photo enforcement system's total profit by $1.4 million.

This result is also consistent with the Texas Transportation Institute finding that increasing the yellow signal time beyond the bare minimum amount can decrease violations by 53 percent (view report).

The disappointing lack of violations gave the police department a green light to announce that the program had failed to save lives.

"A comparison of traffic collisions at Redflex monitored intersections vs. non-Redflex monitored intersections revealed that there is no statistical difference in the number of traffic collisions because of Redflex monitoring," Police Chief Ken Weldon wrote in a memo to the council.

As a result of the council's action, the city's two red light cameras will be disconnected by November 30. A copy of the police memo is available in a 43k PDF file at the source link below.

Source: Redflex Update, City of El Monte, California, 10/22/2008

It's an infowar out there. And a SHOOTIN WAR.

Knoxville TN cancelled its contract with Redflex within 3 days of me feeding defense lawyers the tip that the Redflex Sniper is a Knox County deputy sheriff, confirmed by investigators speaking to KC deputies.

Prosecutors have refused to prosecute the Redflex Sniper bind over order to the grand jury, and offered to dismiss all charges against Cliff Clark, including later charges of pointing a shotgun at undercover copsters invading his home without identifying themselves. Then they sent a 2nd undercover police state death squad to kill him. Again. Clark's dojomaster said only cops know how to inflict those injuries to the face.


Friday, October 24, 2008 8:41 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

There's no need to shoot the cameras, or burn them, unless you're just in a fit of rage. In most places I've seen, they're actually fairly close to the ground, so a person - if they so desired, and I'd NEVER be one to condone such action (but might have a helluva laugh if it happened) - could just walk by (face hidden from cameras, of course) with a handful of Vaseline and smear it across the plexiglass shield in front of the cameras, rendering them useless.

Not that I'd ever suggest doing such a thing, of course. That would be something an anarchist might do... ;)



Friday, October 24, 2008 10:45 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

COPS are shooting the traffic scameras, since cops have the most to lose to robocops - THEIR CAREERS. When prosecutors refuse to prosecute cops for shooting scameras, that makes it OPEN SEASON for everyone to shoot them, under Constitutional Equal Protection doctrine in the 14th Amendment.


Australia Deploys Noise Cameras

New Camera Issues Tire Tread Tickets

California Boosts Emissions Spy Camera Program

GPS car tax by the mile and GPS speeding tickets by mail in North Carolina, Tennessee and USA

More proof that Gangsta Traffic Scameras TM INCREASE crashes:


BBC Speed Camera Crash Video Uncovered

BBC video shows driver panic reaction to presence of speed cameras causing crashes.

A British Broadcasting Corporation News broadcast that showing speed camera traps causing crashes has now been made public. The April 21 BBC report was meant to highlight government efforts as part of a European "crackdown on speeding" using video excerpts from the Norfolk Speed Camera Partnership. The excerpts unintentionally showcased the panic reaction some motorists have when surprised by police operating from a freeway overpass.

"He jams on his brakes when he sees the speed truck," BBC News reporter Mike Cartwright said in describing an October 3, 2005 incident. "He smacks into the barrier and amazingly slides in between those two cars there and nobody was hurt -- a very lucky escape indeed for all the drivers involved in that."

A second video taken June 18, 2007 showed a vehicle surprised by a speed camera on a wet road.

"And the same thing here," Cartwright said. "The guy jams on his brakes and he goes up the embankment."

Shortly after the news program aired, the BBC removed all copies of the footage from its website. Motorist Keith Jones had seen the video and enlisted the help of the Association of British Drivers to urge the BBC, the Norfolk Speed Camera Partnership and the UK Information Commissioner to release the publicly funded tapes under open records laws. The government authorities refused to do so, citing "technical difficulties."

In frustration, Jones created a humorous cartoon mocking the BBC for hiding its own news broadcast.

View cartoon:

The animation succeeded in raising awareness of the incident and an individual who had taped the news program came forward with a copy of the censored video.

A UK Department for Transport-funded report suggests that the panic braking seen in the Norfolk footage may not be an uncommon response. A study of speed camera usage in 29 highway construction zone projects over 450 miles of road from November 2001 to July 2003 showed that accidents increased by 55 percent in the locations where speed camera vans were used.

The DfT unsuccessfully attempted to prevent publication of the report (read report).

These are mafia criminal corporations, and must always be treated as such. Happy hunting.


Saturday, October 25, 2008 1:13 AM


Arrid extra dry, Mikey.

More range, faster and slightly more discreet.

Also a bit easier to explain if noted in your possession than the other, ahem.



Saturday, October 25, 2008 8:17 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Arrid extra dry, Mikey.

More range, faster and slightly more discreet.

Oh, I'm sure I'd never have any use for such things, not at all...

I'd just find it HI-larious if somebody 'round these parts DID find a good use for them.

But I've got my alibi. I was with y'all, right?

Oh, and Fremmie? I don't know if you have Academy Sports stores up your way, but if you do, they're running an unadvertised sale on 7.62x39mm ammo, along with some shotgun rounds. I just bought 1000 rounds of 7.62x39 for $161 out the door - over one-third less than I paid last month ($125 for 500 rounds). Someone posted it on one of the gun boards I frequent, so I had to go check for myself. Sure 'nuff, it's for real. It's being confirmed in Georgia, Alabama, and Texas so far, so keep your eyes peeled if you have these stores in your area. I wish I had the spare cash to pick up a couple thousand more rounds at these prices!

And before anyone starts freaking out about "overkill", no, I don't *NEED* a thousand rounds of ammo for any particular reason, except I go to the range a couple times a month, and I tend to pour about 100-150 rounds through my rifles when I'm there, so it's definitely cheaper to load up when it's on sale... Just a couple years ago, that same brick of a thousand ran me $80 at the gun show. My, how times have changed!



Saturday, October 25, 2008 10:56 AM


Ah, that would explain the three cases of Wolf someone just foisted on me...

I swear, do I have a flaming sign overtop my head screamin GIVE THIS GUY GUNS N AMMO or something ?

In the past year my gunbunny friends have unloaded a whole buncha stuff on me for severely cutrate prices or even free, and I just don't get it, given my attitudes on the matter.

Not to mention the dude who wants to unload his old gunsafe on me cause it's now too small.

Seems all I have to do to build an arsenal is just sit back and let people hand it to me, although heaven knows I'd be a happy camper if I never needed a one of the cursed things.

Oh, and as for the Zombies thing, just adding to the hilarity is a recent contract covering a freakin graveyard (they had some vandalism problems) from midnight to eight in the morning.

You can imagine the commentary imma gettin from the gunbunny horde over THAT one, I can imagine.
"Like dude!, your our first line of defense now!"

Geeze, not that I should complain, but still, it's a mite ridiculous, the world is, sometimes.


It cannot be said enough, those who do not learn from history, are doomed to endlessly repeat it


Saturday, October 25, 2008 4:22 PM



Originally posted by Kwicko:
I just bought 1000 rounds of 7.62x39 for $161 out the door - over one-third less than I paid last month ($125 for 500 rounds).

And before anyone starts freaking out about "overkill", no, I don't *NEED* a thousand rounds of ammo for any particular reason,

You're one of them there Consecutive whack job religious extremists, don't deny it. That's the only possible reason anyone would need 1500 rounds(you thought we couldn't add) of "Assault Rifle" ammo. I'll bet you're siting in your bunker/compound right now reading the Bible and wacking off to Tammy Faye Baker photos.


Saturday, October 25, 2008 7:41 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by Kirkules:

Originally posted by Kwicko:
I just bought 1000 rounds of 7.62x39 for $161 out the door - over one-third less than I paid last month ($125 for 500 rounds).

And before anyone starts freaking out about "overkill", no, I don't *NEED* a thousand rounds of ammo for any particular reason,

You're one of them there Consecutive whack job religious extremists, don't deny it. That's the only possible reason anyone would need 1500 rounds(you thought we couldn't add) of "Assault Rifle" ammo. I'll bet you're siting in your bunker/compound right now reading the Bible and wacking off to Tammy Faye Baker photos.


"Religious extremist".

Well, I s'pose atheism IS a form of "religious extremism"...

As for reading the bible - tried it. It doesn't add up. It's full of bullshit and doublespeak, and the logic just doesn't work. I keep one around in case I run out of toilet paper and need to wipe my ass, though.

Tammy Faye pictures? Ick. Just Ick.







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