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Biowar lab built on hurricane island
Thursday, October 30, 2008 4:40 PM
John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!
Quote:Bio Lab in Galveston Raises Concerns GALVESTON, Tex. — Much of the University of Texas medical school on this island suffered flood damage during Hurricane Ike, except for one gleaming new building, a national biological defense laboratory that will soon house some of the most deadly diseases in the world. How a laboratory where scientists plan to study viruses like Ebola and Marburg ended up on a barrier island where hurricanes regularly wreak havoc puzzles some environmentalists and community leaders. “It’s crazy, in my mind,” said Jim Blackburn, an environmental lawyer in Houston. “I just find an amazing willingness among the people on the Texas coast to accept risks that a lot of people in the country would not accept.”
Quote:PUBLIC LAW 95-79 TITLE 50 CHAPTER 32 SECTION 1520 CHEMICAL AND BIOLOGICAL WARFARE PROGRAM "The use of human subjects will be allowed for the testing of chemical and biological agents by the U.S. Department of Defense, accounting to Congressional committees with respect to the experiments and studies. The Secretary of Defense may conduct tests and experiments involving the use of chemical and biological agents on civilian populations." Title 50 US Code Chapter 32 Section 1520a Restrictions on use of human subjects for testing of chemical or biological agents (b) Exceptions - Subject to subsections (c), (d), and (e) of this section, the prohibition in subsection (a) of this section does not apply to a test or experiment carried out for any of the following purposes: (1) Any peaceful purpose that is related to a medical, therapeutic, pharmaceutical, agricultural, industrial, or research activity. (2) Any purpose that is directly related to protection against toxic chemicals or biological weapons and agents. (3) Any law enforcement purpose, including any purpose related to riot control. (e) “Biological agent” defined: In this section, the term “biological agent” means any micro-organism (including bacteria, viruses, fungi, rickettsiac, or protozoa), pathogen, or infectious substance, and any naturally occurring, bioengineered, or synthesized component of any such micro-organism, pathogen, or infectious substance, whatever its origin or method of production, that is capable of causing (1) death, disease, or other biological malfunction in a human, an animal, a plant, or another living organism; (2) deterioration of food, water, equipment, supplies, or materials of any kind; or (3) deleterious alteration of the environment. Terminator Governor Schwarzenegger orders aerial cyanide spraying that kills children KLSA TV CHEMTRAILS: US Govt secretly testing Americans again
Thursday, October 30, 2008 11:58 PM
Quote:Reaver 1: Bill, does this taste like chicken to you? Reaver 2: Ted, I think it takes like sheeple.
Friday, October 31, 2008 8:19 AM
Quote:Leave It To Reaver * Ward Cleaver June Cleaver Wally Cleaver Reaver Cleaver