Obama's illegal alien aunt deported

UPDATED: Sunday, November 2, 2008 05:39
VIEWED: 2948
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Saturday, November 1, 2008 7:26 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

But of course she refuses to leave.

Another impoverished relative ignored by Deadbeat Obama.

Editor of Hahvud Law Review


Obama says he didn't know aunt's illegal status

Associated Press Writer
Nov 1, 2008

CHICAGO (AP) -- Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama said Saturday he didn't know his aunt was living in the United States illegally and believes that laws covering the situation should be followed.

The Associated Press found that Obama's aunt had been instructed to leave the country four years ago by an immigration judge who rejected her request for asylum from her native Kenya. The woman, Zeituni Onyango (zay-TUHN on-YANG-oh), is living in public housing in Boston and is the half-sister of Obama's late father.

A statement given to the AP by Obama's campaign said, "Senator Obama has no knowledge of her status but obviously believes that any and all appropriate laws be followed."

The campaign said it was returning $260 that Onyango had contributed in small increments to Obama's presidential bid over several months. Federal election law prohibits foreigners from making political donations. Onyango listed her employer as the Boston Housing Authority and last gave $5 on Sept. 19.

Onyango, 56, is part of Obama's large paternal family, with many related to him by blood whom he never knew growing up.

Obama's father, Barack Obama Sr., left the future presidential nominee when the boy was 2, and they reunited only once - for a monthlong visit when Obama was 10. The elder Obama lived most of his life in Kenya, where he fathered seven other children with three other wives. He died in a car crash in 1982.

Obama was raised for the most part by his mother and her parents in Hawaii. He first met his father's side of the family when he traveled to Africa 20 years ago. He referred to Onyango as "Auntie Zeituni" when describing the trip in his memoir, saying she was "a proud woman."

Obama's campaign said he had seen her a few times since that meeting, beginning with a return trip to Kenya with his future wife, Michelle, in 1992. Onyango visited the family in Chicago on a tourist visa at Obama's invitation about nine years ago, the campaign said, stopping to visit friends on the East Coast before returning to Kenya.

She attended Obama's swearing-in to the U.S. Senate in 2004, but campaign officials said Obama provided no assistance in getting her a tourist visa and doesn't know the details of her stay. The campaign said he last heard from her about two years ago when she called saying she was in Boston, but he did not see her there.

Onyango's refusal to leave the country would represent an administrative, noncriminal violation of immigration law, meaning such cases are handled outside the criminal court system. Estimates vary, but many experts believe there are more than 10 million such immigrants in the U.S.

The AP could not immediately reach Onyango for comment. When a reporter went to her home Friday night, no one answered the door. A neighbor said she was often not home on weekends. Onyango did not immediately return telephone and written messages left at her home.

Onyango was instructed to leave the country by a U.S. immigration judge who denied her asylum request, a person familiar with the matter told the AP. This person spoke on condition of anonymity because no one was authorized to discuss Onyango's case.

It was unclear why her request was rejected in 2004. A spokeswoman for U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, Kelly Nantel, said the government does not comment on an individual's citizenship status or immigration case.

Information about the deportation case was disclosed and confirmed by two separate sources, one a federal law enforcement official. The information they made available is known to officials in the federal government, but the AP could not establish whether anyone at a political level in the Bush administration or in the McCain campaign had been involved in its release.

Onyango's case - coming to light just days before the presidential election - led to an unusual nationwide directive within Immigrations and Customs Enforcement requiring that any deportations before Tuesday's election be approved at least at the level of the agency's regional directors, the U.S. law enforcement official told the AP.

The directive suggests that the administration is sensitive to the political implications of Onyango's case coming to light so close to the election.

The East African nation has been fractured by violence in recent years, including a period of two months of bloodshed after December 2007 that killed 1,500 people.

In Boston, Lydia Agro, communications director for the Housing Authority, said Onyango had been screened and approved for public housing as an "eligible non-citizen" when she moved in in 2003. She said the authority is not notified of deportation orders and did not know Onyango was related to Obama until two days ago.

USA's first illegal alien president

Terrorist Hussein Obama murdered 1,000 Christians and burned 800 churches during his Communist presidential campaigns in Kenya. ObamA's cousin the "prime minster" of Kenya named his son Fidel Castro.


Saturday, November 1, 2008 7:37 AM


They're still trying to figure out how she was able to get into public housing.

I'm going to microwave a bagel and have sex with it - Peter Griffin


Saturday, November 1, 2008 7:44 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

I bet public housing is full of illegal aliens.

Private apartment houses get govt grants to house illegal aliens, with exemption from fire and building codes for max capacity.


Saturday, November 1, 2008 10:51 AM



Originally posted by piratenews:

USA's first illegal alien president

Obama as President will be the last nail in the coffin that contains the U.S. Constitution .

Meanwhile , issues that remain unanswered are being given cover by State 'authorities' in Hawaii...

No wonder there's an Hawaiian secessionist movement...

Hawaiians no doubt figure that a government that doesn't uphold its own highest law is unworthy to be their government...

Under an Obama Administration , enforcing or upholding the Constitution will be a 'hate crime'...

'...In another lawsuit, author Andy Martin filed an emergency motion in the U.S. District Court in Hawaii on October 17 for an order to show cause against Hawaii Governor Linda Lingle and Dr. Chiyome Fukino, director, Hawaii Department of Health, after his request for a certified copy of Obama's birth certificate was denied due to Hawaii's confidentiality statutes.

Martin said there is "intense national interest in access to an officially certified copy of the birth certificate
in question . . ."

Following Obama's one-day trip to Hawaii last Thursday to visit his "deathly ill" grandmother, Lingle placed Obama's birth records under seal and instructed the Hawaii Department of Health, under no condition may it provide access to the original document unless Obama authorizes it to be released.*

The department of health asserts it has not received any such authorization, neither from Obama nor from anyone else acting officially on his behalf, which confirms the "official" birth certificates posted on,, and elsewhere on the Internet were indeed all fake.'


Saturday, November 1, 2008 11:50 AM


All of this will be investigated AFTER he's been eleceted, at that time, this is going to get FUNNY! When Obamas shit hits the fan, it's going to be whacky to watch his whores in the press cover his ass. Maybe we're in for 4 years of great entertainment.

I'm going to microwave a bagel and have sex with it - Peter Griffin


Saturday, November 1, 2008 12:00 PM



Saturday, November 1, 2008 12:20 PM


Is this supposed to be the much-dreaded October surprise? C'mon, I wanted something interesting! Where's the "Whitey" tape? I want to see the "Whitey" tape!

Whitey tape! Whitey tape! Whitey tape!


McCain/Palin: The first presidential ticket that features two candidates who have both been found to have violated ethics standards.


Saturday, November 1, 2008 12:43 PM



Originally posted by Khyron:
Is this supposed to be the much-dreaded October surprise? C'mon, I wanted something interesting! Where's the "Whitey" tape? I want to see the "Whitey" tape!

Whitey tape! Whitey tape! Whitey tape!


McCain/Palin: The first presidential ticket that features two candidates who have both been found to have violated ethics standards.

What did you want, a DWI? Sorry illegal allien Aunt living in a slum, eatting dog food is the best we got.

I'm going to microwave a bagel and have sex with it - Peter Griffin


Saturday, November 1, 2008 3:36 PM


Wacky Weekend for Obama , due to his Auntie ,

who is an illegal alien , just like her famous

nephew :

"...Illegal immigration is a political minefield in US politics and the story could be a vote-losing headache for Obama. Her refusal to leave the country does not make her unusual in America - there are an estimated 10 million 'illegals' - but the issue is a hot button one, especially with the white working-class voters courted by both Obama and John McCain.

Illegal immigrants are often accused of taking jobs and government services from US citizens and legal residents..."


Saturday, November 1, 2008 3:43 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

Obama sure was a cute baby!


Saturday, November 1, 2008 3:47 PM



Originally posted by Kwicko:
Obama sure was a cute baby!

Cute Little KENYAN Baby from Mombasa !

Hardly makes him qualified to be President , indeed , the converse is true...


Saturday, November 1, 2008 3:49 PM



Originally posted by piratenews:

I bet public housing is full of illegal aliens.

Private apartment houses get govt grants to house illegal aliens, with exemption from fire and building codes for max capacity.


Originally posted by FutureMrsFIllion:

OMG that poor woman! I kinda feel sorry for her in a "she is pathetic" kind of way.

We are The Forsaken and we aim to burn!

"We don't fear the reaper"

Yes , pathetic is right...Just like Barry Jr.'s attempted end-run around the Constitution...


Saturday, November 1, 2008 3:53 PM


Tell me, O2B, was every person with dark skin who wants to run for the presidency born in Africa, or just Obama?


McCain/Palin: The first presidential ticket that features two candidates who have both been found to have violated ethics standards.


Saturday, November 1, 2008 4:00 PM



Originally posted by Khyron:
Tell me, O2B, is every person with dark skin who wants to run for the presidency born in Africa, or just Obama?

So far , Just Obama...

But , you really should already know that...

Only an illegal alien would think to try running for President without proper legal documentation...

I've seen little brown men try the same thing at the DMV , trying to get a Driver's License with phony documents...

Oddly , it doesn't always work...


Saturday, November 1, 2008 4:06 PM



Originally posted by Khyron:
Tell me, O2B, was every person with dark skin who wants to run for the presidency born in Africa, or just Obama?

Yes , definitely Just Obama...

Now that the way has been paved by the fakery of Obama , perhaps a genuinely qualified Black American , like maybe Walter Williams , will consider a legitimate run at the Office :

America's move toward tyranny

Posted: October 01, 2008
1:00 am Eastern

© 2008

'Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis warned, "The greatest dangers to liberty lurk in the insidious encroachment by men of zeal, well meaning but without understanding." The freedom of individuals from compulsion or coercion never was, and is not now, the normal state of human affairs. The normal state for the ordinary person is tyranny, arbitrary control and abuse mainly by their own government. While imperfect in its execution, the Founders of our nation sought to make an exception to this ugly part of mankind's history. Unfortunately, at the urging of the American people, we are unwittingly in the process of returning to mankind's normal state of affairs.

Americans demand that Congress spend trillions of dollars on farm subsidies, business bailouts, education subsidies, Social Security, Medicare and prescription drugs and other elements of a welfare state. The problem is that Congress produces nothing. Whatever Congress wishes to give, it first has to take other people's money. Thus, at the root of the welfare state is the immorality of intimidation, threats and coercion backed up with the threat of violence by the agents of the U.S. Congress. In order for Congress to do what some Americans deem as good, it must first do evil. It must do that which if done privately would mean a jail sentence; namely, take the property of one American to give to another.

According to a Washington Post article (June 22, 2005), there were nearly 35,000 highly paid registered lobbyists in Washington in 2004 who spent $2.1 billion lobbying the White House, Congress and various agencies on behalf of various interest groups. Political action committees, private donors and companies give billions of dollars to political campaigns. My question to you: Do you think that these people are spending billions of dollars to assist presidents and congressmen to better perform their sworn oath of office to preserve, protect and defend the U.S. Constitution? If you do, you're a fine candidate for a straitjacket. For the most part, the money is being spent to get politicians and government officials to use their coercive power to create a favor or special privilege for one American at the expense of some other American.

If we Americans didn't give Washington such enormous control over our lives, I doubt whether there would be 10 percent of the money currently spent on lobbying and campaign contributions. This enormous control that Congress has over our lives also goes a long way toward explaining much of the government corruption that we see in Washington.

If the average American were asked whether he wishes to return to mankind's normal state of affairs featured by arbitrary abuse, control and government dictates, I am sure he would find such a suggestion repulsive. But if you were to ask, say, the average senior citizen whether Social Security, Medicare and prescription drug subsidies should be continued, he would probably answer yes. The same would be true if you asked a college professor whether higher education should continue to be subsidized, or a farmer or a dairyman whether their products should be subsidized, or a manufacturer whether there should be tariffs and quotas on foreign products that compete with his product. The problem with congressmen producing favors and privileges to all interest groups is that it creates what none of us wants: massive control, numerous dictates and micromanagement of our lives.

There is no question that if one were to ask whether we Americans are moving toward more liberty or more government control over our lives, the answer would unambiguously be the latter – more government control over our lives. We might have reached a point where the trend is irreversible, and that is a true tragedy for if liberty is lost in America, it will be lost for all times and all places.'


Hmmm , seems Professor Williams would like illegal-Alien Obama-Sammy to keep his hands off
American wallets , and DOES NOT FAVOR the Socialist Scheme to " spread the Wealth around "...

Kind of sick for absentee Khyron to attempt to play the Race Card by proxy for Obama , when economics and Liberty is what we're speaking of...


Saturday, November 1, 2008 4:32 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Hmmm , seems Professor Williams would like illegal-Alien Obama-Sammy to keep his hands off
American wallets , and DOES NOT FAVOR the Socialist Scheme to " spread the Wealth around "...

I notice he doesn't point the finger of blame at any one party, but rather at ALL of the government. Has it ever occurred to anyone else here besides Frem that there's a reason the government got so large and in charge? Because we the people LET IT. We've made a conscious choice and effort to NOT be involved in politics, usually at ANY level, and then we act surprised when politicians act in the interests of those who show up.

You want less government? Don't for a second let McCain fool you into believing he'll do anything of the kind. Look at what 8 years of Republican rule has brought us, and ask yourself if what you really, REALLY want is more of the same. More bureaucracies, bigger bureaucracies, that's what the Republicans are offering. Note that not a damned one of them actually accomplishes anything, yet they keep on growing.

You're worried about the direction Obama would lead the country? From where I'm standing, it couldn't POSSIBLY be any worse than where we've been led in the last eight years - as long as we keep him firmly grounded and tell him exactly what it is we want our government to do (and NOT do).



Saturday, November 1, 2008 4:45 PM



Originally posted by Kwicko:

Hmmm , seems Professor Williams would like illegal-Alien Obama-Sammy to keep his hands off
American wallets , and DOES NOT FAVOR the Socialist Scheme to " spread the Wealth around "...

I notice he doesn't point the finger of blame at any one party, but rather at ALL of the government. Has it ever occurred to anyone else here besides Frem that there's a reason the government got so large and in charge? Because we the people LET IT. We've made a conscious choice and effort to NOT be involved in politics, usually at ANY level, and then we act surprised when politicians act in the interests of those who show up...

...You're worried about the direction Obama would lead the country? From where I'm standing, it couldn't POSSIBLY be any worse than where we've been led in the last eight years - as long as we keep him firmly grounded and tell him exactly what it is we want our government to do (and NOT do).


Ever notice that it's ALWAYS the Money Powers who 'show up' ?

Don't get delusional , Mikey...It can ALWAYS BE WORSE...As an example , supposing Obama gets de-certified , what then ? If the Dems have fielded Obama as the Nominee , does that mean a McCain 'win' ? Or a 'runoff' with Hillary ?

Will Dubya invoke 'Constitutional Crisis' as a justification for declaring himself 'dictator' , under 'continuity of government' rules ?

That's probably the ONE thing we can count on for 2009...If we want things to be better , we have to make them better...Folk are Angry , maybe that's a Good Thing...

A good FIRST STEP: End Corporate 'Personhood' , AND make ALL Lobbying by anyone other than Private Citizen Individuals a Treasonable FELONY...

But , first , we'd have to secure our Right To Petition for Redress of Grievances , which we apparently do not presently have...


Saturday, November 1, 2008 5:27 PM


Some good things have come out of the Republic of Texas...

Unfortunately , 'W' hasn't been one of 'em...

I'm guessing 'texasdarlin' might be from Texas...

Oddly enough , these are self-described
" Clinton Dems for McCain/Palin "...

Interesting Blog they've got :


'Coast Provincial General Hospital, Mombasa, Kenya
Update 2, 10/12/08 10:40 AM ET: Since originally posting this story Saturday, Atty. Philip Berg’s office informed us that they cannot discuss this matter due to pending litigation, which is understandable. They also informed us that Berg is NOT collaborating with Ed Hale, moderator of a site, “Hillary Clinton Supporters for John McCain” and host of a radio show. We have had no direct contact with Ed Hale, and have no idea whether he’s truthful or not. Whether or not the “tip” we received is accurate, only time will tell. At this time, we have no further independent verification. However, the reason we published this story and the reason we will keep the story on this blog is that the language in Berg’s filing — which is a matter of public record — is specific about the Kenyan birth place, and we assume that the claim is based on something besides wishful thinking.

Update 1, 10/11/08: Please note that the information about the Kenyan BC is based on a tip that has not yet been verified.
The information about the lawsuit is confirmed, and was taken from the court record.

Judah Benjamin’s analysis follows the Foreword.

TD Foreword: Those who have followed this blog know that our working assumption has been that Barack Obama was born in Hawaii. We have asserted that Obama’s legal name and citizenship changed when he was adopted by Lolo Soetoro, and that the birth certificate image published on Obama’s campaign website does not reflect current records. You can read the previous articles referenced at the end of this post to catch up on our analysis.

We now wonder if our assumption about Obama’s birth place was wrong.

I have received an unverified tip that certified copies of a Kenyan Birth Certificate (BC) for Obama were sent from Kenya, and have been received by three separate individuals. I am told that these documents are certified, with an embossed seal, and display the name of the hospital where Obama was born, as well as witness signatures.

It reads:

…Obama was born at Coast Hospital in Mombasa, Kenya located in Coast Province…

We do not currently have any additional confirmation of this new information. If it is an accurate tip, the implications are disastrous for Senator Obama and his backers. For that analysis, we proceed to Judah Benjamin…


Barack Hussein Obama II
By Judah Benjamin, Guest Author

It has been asserted by a number of sources, including Andy Martin, that Barack Hussein Obama was born in Mombasa, Kenya and not in Hawaii. Philip Berg’s Latest Motion to the Court is more explicit since it gives an exact Place of Birth. I must assume that Berg did not simply pluck the Location out of thin air, Mombasa has more than one Hospital, though Coast Provincial General was the best in 1961.

British Birth Certificates have a Standard Format which has been more or less the same since 1837 and they can only be challenged in a British Court. Kenyan Law is explicit and can only be challenged in a Kenyan Court. Indonesian Law is explicit and can only be challenged in an Indonesian Court. Be clear, if Obama was born in Kenya this is not simply a matter for the US Courts, or US Law.

If he was born in Kenya, and his parents were Legally Married [which on the Preponderance of Evidence they were, his father's first "Marriage" being a Tribal, or Village, Marriage, which was not Legally Recognized] due to the age of his mother he would NOT have been a US Citizen. The Immigration and Nationality Act 1952, 8 U.S.C. 1401. Sec. 301 (g) [Effective November 14, 1986] does not apply, nor does Title III, Immigration and Nationality Act Section 309. [8 U.S.C. 1409].

Unless he has taken the Oath of Allegiance as a Naturalized Citizen since he was 18 years old, and if he was born in Mombasa, Kenya, Barack Hussein Obama II would not be a US Citizen, period. The issue of whether or not he was Natural Born under Article II of the Constitution of the United States would cease to matter and he would need to be Deported as an Illegal Alien.

Impeachment as a Senator would seem not to be necessary since he would never Legally have been one, but Diane Feinstein and the members of the Senate Ethics and Rules Committee would be liable to Impeachment. So would their opposite numbers in the Illinois Senate and the appropriate officials of the Illinois State Supreme Court and Bar, so far as I can see.

If Senator Barack Hussein Obama II was born in The Coast Provincial General Hospital at Mombasa in Kenya at 7.24 PM on August 4th 1961, or at any other time, he is not a Natural Born Citizen of these United States and he never was. Philip J Berg, Esq, is correct, under the Nationality Act of 1940, as Revised June 1952 and in accord with United States of America vs Cervantes-Nava 281 F 3d 501 (2002) and Drozd vs INS, 155 F 3d 81, 85-88 (2d Circuit 1998) Senator Barack Hussein Obama II would not ever have been a Legal US Citizen at all, unless he was Naturalized.

If he was born in The Coast Provincial General Hospital at Mombasa in Kenya any Certificate, or Certification of Live Birth, issued for him by the State of Hawaii is a Fraudulent and Illegal Document. At Birth he would have been a UK and Colonies Citizen and in accord with the Kenyan Constitution he would have become a Kenyan Citizen in December 1963. He would not have been a US Citizen.

Alternatively, his UK and Colonies Birth Certificate issued in Mombasa in August 1961 could be a Fraudulent and Illegal Document. The two BCs would need to be compared. By this I mean the Original Vault Copy of the Hawaiian Birth Certificate and not the Amended, Post Adoption, Copy, Legally available to the Senator, assuming he was, as indicated by the Preponderance of Evidence, Adopted by Lolo Soetoro. This case might also need to go through the UK and Kenyan Courts and becomes a Matter of International Law and Controversy.

If Barack Hussein Obama II was born at The Coast Provincial General Hospital at Mombasa in Kenya at 7:24 PM on August 4th 1961, or at any other time, it is certain that he is not Eligible to hold the Offices of POTUS or VPOTUS and highly probable that he is not Legally entitled to hold the Office of Senator either and that he was not Eligible to be an Illinois State Senator.

In that event the Senate Ethics and Rules Committee, Chair Diane Feinstein, have a problem because they are responsible for the Certification of a Candidate’s Compliance with Constitutional Requirements, a job they would have conspicuously failed to do. Should he be Elected the poisoned Chalice would pass to Nancy Pelosi because as Speaker of the House she, and the House, have the Responsibility to ensure that the President Elect can Effectively be Sworn In and Legally Assume the Office and Duties of the President.

Be very clear here, if Barack Hussein Obama II was born at The Coast Provincial General Hospital at Mombasa in Kenya at 7:24 PM on August 4th 1961, or at any other time, Diane Feinstein’s Committee have already failed in their Duty, as has every Secretary of State in the Union.

Let me repeat myself, if Barack Hussein Obama II was born in The Coast Provincial General Hospital at Mombasa in Kenya at 7:24 PM on August 4th 1961, or at any other time, he is not a Natural Born Citizen of these United States and he never was, he is not even a Citizen by Birth. I had assumed ab initio that Obama was born in Hawaii and that his Hawaiian Paperwork was basically “on the up and up”, I could not conceive that a lie of this magnitude was possible, I thought that the INS would have caught on long since. If he is a US Citizen under these circumstances his Oath of Allegiance must be on Record somewhere. If it isn’t he is not a US Citizen.

Hawaii may Legally be able to Issue a Birth Certificate under these circumstances, according to their own Code, but it would breach of International and Federal Law if they have. It would breach Hawaiian Law if the Place of Birth is spurious.'

Credit : TD Blog , Copyright 2008


Saturday, November 1, 2008 6:03 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

VIDEO: Obama's granny in Kenya on video saying Obama was born in Kenya


State Lawmaker Joins Quest for Information on Obama

"As a veteran and an elected official who takes an oath of office, just like every past and future President of the United States, to uphold and defend the Constitutional rights of the citizens I represent, it is greatly perplexing and beyond troubling that a political candidate can ascend to the White House without providing sufficient documentation verifying his or her place of birth or American citizenship," state Rep. Daryl Metcalfe (R-Butler County) said in a statement. "This legislation is intended to send the message that even those candidates who are running for our nation's highest office are not above the law."

Former Chairman of the Montgomery County Democratic Committee Philip Berg filed the suit against Obama, saying the candidate did not provide an authentic birth certificate. The judge ruled against him, saying harm from an allegedly ineligible candidate was "too vague and its effects too attenuated to confer standing on any and all voters."

In an interview with, Metcalfe said many of his constituents came to his office asking him about the validity of the lawsuit against Obama. When he and his staff researched the issue, Metcalfe said they were shocked to find out presidential candidates in Pennsylvania don't have to prove that they were born in the United States, or that they are a citizen.

Every other elected office in the state must provide proof they are eligible to run, he said.

"I think the majority of citizens would be shocked there isn't more oversight of candidates by state government," Metcalfe said.


You know, on 9/11/2001, as I watched the robot airliners hit WTC, then WTC explode in controlled demolitions, I was neither shocked nor scared. I knew instantly that no Arabs could do that, since I've been in the Middle East and seen how they live. I was just curious who was so powerful they could order the White House to order the US military to stand down.

When USA is destroyed by controlled demolition via nukes in the next 24 months, I will not be afraid. I'll sit back and enjoy the show, with a loaded shotgun, my nuke detector and 12 months food supply.

VIDEO: Obama's Weatherman terrorist bomber Bill Ayres loves Sirhan Sirhan for shooting Senator RFK after winning the de facto Democratic presidential nomination:


Saturday, November 1, 2008 6:10 PM



Originally posted by piratenews:
I was just curious who was so powerful they could order the White House to order the US military to stand down.

Well, now you have your answer! It was the Kenyans who were behind it all along! And in a final campaign in their heathen war against America, they've sent their prodigal illegitimate son to lead the country into a hole so deep that it won't ever be able to recover, thereby making Kenya the most powerful nation on Earth! HARR HARR HARR!!!


McCain/Palin: The first presidential ticket that features two candidates who have both been found to have violated ethics standards.


Saturday, November 1, 2008 7:02 PM



Originally posted by Khyron:

...And in a final campaign in their heathen war against America, they've sent their prodigal illegitimate son to lead the country into a hole so deep that it won't ever be able to recover...

Obama/Biden: The first presidential ticket that features two candidates who have both been found to have violated ethics standards.

Obama probably wasn't Born Illegitimate...He's simply a Non-Citizen...

In my world view , there are No Illegitimate Children , only Illegitimate Parents !

However , he has adopted the mantle of Illegitimacy , by running a Campaign of Deceit , and refusing to produce honest
Documentation of Citizenship...

Dictionary definition ,
Illegitimate: 3) Contrary to Law or Rules ; Unlawful...

Shameful , Unethical Conduct for a JD from Harvard School Of Law...


Saturday, November 1, 2008 7:21 PM



Originally posted by piratenews:


You know, on 9/11/2001, as I watched the robot airliners hit WTC, then WTC explode in controlled demolitions, I was neither shocked nor scared. I knew instantly that no Arabs could do that, since I've been in the Middle East and seen how they live. I was just curious who was so powerful they could order the White House to order the US military to stand down...

Not to mention these supposed 'Arab' terrorists who'd flunked out of flight school were supposedly able to pull a 6.5G turn into target ,
at nearly Vmax...

In an upright seat on an airliner flight deck ?

Try that trick in ANY airplane , if you want to have your head try to drop off and land in the seat...

Haven't folk ever noticed the seats in a fighter plane are reclined to a semi-supine level ?

Take a look at an F-16 , sometime , folks...

The seat is tilted way back for a reason...It's to increase the pilot's G-Tolerance...

The problem is called 'G-LOC'...

...for Gravity Induced Loss-Of-Consciousness .


Saturday, November 1, 2008 7:32 PM



Saturday, November 1, 2008 8:34 PM



Originally posted by Kirkules:

Originally posted by out2theblack:
Not to mention these supposed 'Arab' terrorists who'd flunked out of flight school were supposedly able to pull a 6.5G turn into target ,
at nearly Vmax...

What exactly are you disputing, the ability of a suicidal terrorist to survive a 6.5G maneuver or the airplanes ability to survive the same. I personally believe that both would be able to do so at least once.

But , we're talking about TWICE...In a row...The same day...With pinpoint accuracy ! By AMATEURS !

Then , we're to believe that ANOTHER jetliner came in at high-speed , lower than the lampposts , and DISAPPEARED into the Pentagon ?

Meanwhile , yet a FOURTH airplane does a 'Split-S' and also DISAPPEARS into a TINY HOLE in Pennsylvania ?

At some point , credulity begins to be a little strained...

Most airliners are stressed to receive max loads of 3.8 G's Negative , and 4.4 G's Positive , or LESS...

Even with Certification requirements of Safety Factors of 150 Percent of Design Limits , it's still A Stretch , No Pun Intended...

Boeing builds some fine flying machines , to be sure , but doing a Split-S from a high-cruise velocity isn't among the typical corners
of 'the envelope' that is part of their Warranty...


Sunday, November 2, 2008 12:22 AM


Not to mention half and more of the so called perps are actually alive and well and wondering who the fuck was really on that plane, let's not forget that little piece.

As for Obama, McCain, and where they were supposedly born - I do not rightly care, they live here, work here, pay taxes here, and both of them seem to want very badly to be a part of our Government and help operate it.

Regardless of their rationale, party or politics, the above is good enough for me, and it oughta be good enough for you.

Anything else is just a throwback to McCarthy-McCarran fear and loathing bullshit from another dark era of our history which we like to pretend didn't happen, which, when we finally dump these Feudo-Fascist scum out of the oval office and congress, this too will someday be.

If you can get enough AMERICANS to put you on the ballot, you belong there, in my opinion, period.


It cannot be said enough, those who do not learn from history, are doomed to endlessly repeat it


Sunday, November 2, 2008 12:27 AM



Boeing builds some fine flying machines , to be sure , but doing a Split-S from a high-cruise velocity isn't among the typical corners
of 'the envelope' that is part of their Warranty...


You'd be amazed at what a Boeing Jetliner can do, in extremis.

Did you know you can actually forward-drag-slip a 767-200, AND deadstick land it successfully ?

I kid you not, it's been done.

AND the airframe continued in service till January this year, at which point they threw it a little parade and party at it's decommissioning.


It cannot be said enough, those who do not learn from history, are doomed to endlessly repeat it


Sunday, November 2, 2008 2:38 AM


Whoops , doppel-posty-ness !

Back on the subject of 'Auntie' :

Story may require WP 'registration'...

'...The Department of Homeland Security is investigating whether its privacy policy was violated after a news organization reported that an aunt of Democratic presidential nominee Sen. Barack Obama is an illegal immigrant from Kenya, officials said yesterday.

After Obama's campaign announced yesterday morning that it will refund a small number of contributions made by Onyango, two government officials confirmed that Onyango had sought asylum, citing violence in her native Kenya. One federal law enforcement official confirmed that a federal administrative judge ruled in 2004 she was not legally entitled to be in the United States and that a final order was entered for her deportation.

While such denials can be appealed, cases are generally decided within a year or two, according to federal statistics. Of about 12 million illegal immigrants estimated to be in the United States, about 550,000 are "fugitive aliens" staying in violation of deportation orders.

Reports filed with the Federal Election Commission show Onyango gave Obama's campaign a total of $265, including several contributions of $5 and $25. The latest recorded contribution, of $5, was on Sept. 19. Only U.S. citizens and legal permanent residents, known as green cardholders, can legally contribute to federal presidential campaigns.

"Given the information that has been brought to our attention, the contributions are being refunded," said Ben LaBolt, an Obama campaign spokesman. "Senator Obama has no knowledge of her status but obviously believes that any and all appropriate laws be followed." '

© 2008 The Washington Post Company

Yeah , Right !

Here's one for ya , Barry...

United States Constitution , Article 2 , Section 1 , Paragraph 5...


Sunday, November 2, 2008 2:44 AM



Originally posted by Fremdfirma:

Boeing builds some fine flying machines , to be sure , but doing a Split-S from a high-cruise velocity isn't among the typical corners
of 'the envelope' that is part of their Warranty...


You'd be amazed at what a Boeing Jetliner can do, in extremis.

Did you know you can actually forward-drag-slip a 767-200, AND deadstick land it successfully ?

I kid you not, it's been done.

AND the airframe continued in service till January this year, at which point they threw it a little parade and party at it's decommissioning.


It wasn't the only time it's been done , but it was the first for the 'type'...

Did you ever hear about a Boeing test pilot named 'Tex' , who barrel-rolled the prototype 7-aught-7 over the Lake Washington waterfront ?

Lemme see if I can find you a cite for that...

Okay , better still , there's VIDEO :

Disclaimer : Kids , do NOT try this at home , under ANY circumstances , EVER !
We're what you call EXPERTS !

"...On August 7, 1955, Alvin M. "Tex" Johnston stuns the crowd at the Seafair Gold Cup hydroplane race on Lake Washington by barrel (or aileron) rolling the prototype Dash-80, the precursor to the Boeing 707, thus launching the era of the modern commercial jet. Johnston's co-pilot was Boeing test pilot James R. Gannett (1923-2006). (What Johnston did with the airplane was called a barrel-roll but some consider it an aileron roll in which a plane rotates on its long axis, rather than describing a "barrel" loop. However, unlike a conventional aileron, or snap, roll, Johnston maintained positive gravity through the maneuver.) Even Boeing President William Allen is taken by surprise as he escorts potential customers who are seeing the jet for the first time.

Flying at more than 400 miles per hour just 400 feet above the water, Johnston commenced a sudden ascent. The jet's swept-back wings spiraled as the 128-foot-long, 160,000 pound plane rolled, flying for a short time upside down. Then, for extra measure, Johnston performed a second barrel-roll. Boeing President Allen asked a guest with a heart problem if he could borrow his pills. The potential jet buyers were duly impressed."

There's another VID nicked from a Documentary , with Tex Johnston explaining in his own words , but some English wonk misspells Tex's last name...

Now , for something absolutely nucking futz...Good thing these Folk have a sense of humor :

" This guy's psychotic ! "


Sunday, November 2, 2008 3:30 AM


Wowza, they just don't make pilots that nutty anymore - that puts me to mind of Chuck Yeager.



Sunday, November 2, 2008 3:44 AM


Funny thought on that, coming back from a biz trip to Wisconsin, as our flight came down at DTW, we get down and into the afterbrake roll...

WHAM, the damn thing hits a freakin pothole - everyone onboard is like WTF was that!

And I just couldn't resist...
"That, ladies and gentlemen, was a pothole, welcome to Detroit."

Even the flight attendants were cracking up.


It cannot be said enough, those who do not learn from history, are doomed to endlessly repeat it


Sunday, November 2, 2008 3:49 AM



Originally posted by Fremdfirma:
Wowza, they just don't make pilots that nutty anymore - that puts me to mind of Chuck Yeager.


I don't like Yeager at all...

His wingman , Bud Anderson , was just as remarkable a pilot in his own right , plus much more personable and modest...

Better than both of them , skills-wise , is Robert A. 'Bob' Hoover...

A 'Pilot's pilot' , though not really in flight test , was Robin Olds...Everyone seemed to like him...

Also noteworthy , Admiral Don Engen , an American who attended the Empire Test Pilots' School ; and my grandpa's first flight instructor
and flying buddy , Lockheed test pilot Herman Salmon...

Ironically , both of them ended up dying in non-test flying accidents...

I never met Scott Crossfield , though I knew people who knew him ; and Scotty also ended up dying in a non-test air crash...


Sunday, November 2, 2008 4:18 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Better than both of them , skills-wise , is Robert A. 'Bob' Hoover...

I had the honor of watching Hoover do aerobatics in a twin-engined business plane (a Shrike Commander) some years ago. Simply stunning.

I'd put Jim Franklin high on that list of great pilots, too. I used to work crop-dusting with him at Burt Bruton's Aerial Spraying, and it was amazing to watch him work. Sadly, he died in an airshow crash a few years back.



Sunday, November 2, 2008 4:30 AM



Originally posted by Kwicko:

Better than both of them , skills-wise , is Robert A. 'Bob' Hoover...

I had the honor of watching Hoover do aerobatics in a twin-engined business plane (a Shrike Commander) some years ago. Simply stunning.

I'd put Jim Franklin high on that list of great pilots, too. I used to work crop-dusting with him at Burt Bruton's Aerial Spraying, and it was amazing to watch him work. Sadly, he died in an airshow crash a few years back.


Yep , Jimmy was up there with the best of 'em...

I saw him at an excellent little show just a few weeks before he was in that crack-up , and he was a showman , plus a very versatile aviator...

I also really liked Neil Anderson , who I met at LockMart in Fort Worth , and he was very personable and interesting...There's an old film of him flying the F-16 prototype , forced to do a gear-up landing , and skidding across the airfield in the " World's Fastest Vacuum Cleaner "...

It's a hoot...

Did you see Rick Searfoss on the VW commercials ?

I really like Rick , he was great at being a Shuttle commander , he's a regular guy , and he likes to build model airplanes...Nowadays , he's doing some next-gen space test work...

P-N might've met him , 'cause Rick flew 111-'s out of Lakenheath , back in the day...

One more thing about Bob Hoover...He could do that routine with the Shrike with two engines , one engine , or no engine...And , he could put a glass of water on the glareshield , brim full , and slow-roll the airplane without spilling a drop...

Bob used to demo the F-86 for North American , to Air Force pilots who were wary of the Sabrejet...Did all the same stuff with it that he could do with the Shrike or the Mustang...I had a near-fatal encounter with an F-86 at a show once , but an old man saved me from being in the wrong place at the wrong time...

Frank Tallman was a movie stunt pilot whose favorite airplane was the Sabre...Frank got killed flying a Piper Aztec into cumulo-granitus...

Hey , Mikey...

I used to work on a project where we imported Dromaders and assembled them...

Did you ever work with any of them ?


Sunday, November 2, 2008 5:39 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

Nope, no Dromedars - we were using a pair of Piper Pawnee aircraft and a Cessna AgTruck. Jimmy flew one of the Pawnees. Where there were power lines across the cotton fields, he'd play around with 'em, going over one set, under another, and so on. And you always knew when his hopper was empty, because he'd finish his pass, pull up, and give a nice aeleron roll as a signal. He was a very easy-going guy to work with, and loved showing us kids how stuff worked and why he did things a certain way.






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