The ugliest ads during the race for president

UPDATED: Monday, November 10, 2008 22:52
VIEWED: 3618
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Saturday, November 8, 2008 8:47 PM


I can tolerate almost anything the candidates had to say about each other.

However when celebrities stick their nose in things it upsets me. They think using their magic "star" power, they can change the minds of us ordinary folk. Which brings me to Matt Damon.

I lost every ounce of respect for him as a person when he unleashed that barrage of nasty, and brutal words against Sarah Palin. He not only attacked her character, he dragged her image through the mud.
And he's not even in politics. He's someone who gets paid to lie for a living so I guess it's cool.

Well my lifelong boycott for that douche bag started then, and there. And really outside of the Bourne movies his films were pretty average anyway.


Saturday, November 8, 2008 9:08 PM


I agree.

I saw a lot of ugliness during this past election, and it makes me angry and sad.

Mrs. Universe



Saturday, November 8, 2008 9:24 PM



Originally posted by OPPYH:
However when celebrities stick their nose in things it upsets me.

I haven't seen the ad, was it an official ad or a Youtube video?

If it was a Youtube video, you shouldn't be too upset about it, thousands of people voice their opinion on Youtube, celebrities should be able to do the same if they want to. If it was an official Obama campaign ad then I don't agree with it, though.


What sane person could live in this world and not be crazy?


Saturday, November 8, 2008 9:59 PM


What did he say that was off the mark? I didn't see the video, but there's so much amazing juicy real stuff to attribute to her, that I don't know why he'd need to stray from it.

She was woefully underqualified, disgustingly willing to race-bait for the base(the secret service cites her rallies as escalating calls to violence against President Elect Obama - and I think they would know what they are talking about here), she abused her power(although her own appointees interestingly enough, found differently than the bipartisan panel), she has been intelectually incurious about the very position she meant to hold in this nation, to say nothing of her absolute lack of knowledge of the Constitution, - the Primary job of the PResident being to uphold and defend that document that contains our highest ideals!

In-spite of being disintersted in these things, she still thought, "hell, i've got nothing to lose." Well the rest of us did, and shame on her for thinking none of that mattered.

My sympathy only extends to the fact that other people knew better and they still thrust her into this lime-light, but she certainly deserves some blame herself, and at this point, I honestly can't even imagine what you might see in her.


Saturday, November 8, 2008 10:16 PM



Originally posted by Righteous9:
What did he say that was off the mark? I didn't see the video, but there's so much amazing juicy real stuff to attribute to her, that I don't know why he'd need to stray from it.

Theres an interview on youtube with him about Palin which said sort of the same things as the official ad. I can't find the actual ad(it starts"HI I'm Matt Damon)
In the ad he brings up a point about dinosaurs? I don't know where the hell he got it from but he said that Palin claims people co-existed with dinosaurs 3,000 years ago....?...

She would never have said any thing like that. I felt bad for him in the ad. He just came off looking confused. at first I didn't know if it was supposed to be funny like a skit on SNL or real. Turns out it was real.


Saturday, November 8, 2008 10:19 PM


Sarah Michelle Gellar and Freddie Prinze JR. were big time McCain supporters.


Saturday, November 8, 2008 11:03 PM


If she is an intelligent design/creationist person or if she is a bible literalist, then yes, that is exactly what she believes.

I don't know how fundamentalist her religion is. Maybe Matt Damon did some research on that subject, though I'm not claiming he did. Did you do any to make sure that she isn't a member of such a church, with these fundamental beliefs?

just because his claim seems illogical on its face, because you haven't heard anybody report her words saying it, doesn't mean that it doesn't fit within her world-view. I know enough people who believe exactly that, here in the SF bay area, so I can tell you it's not neccesarily an utterly ridiculous tall claim, unless Palin belongs to no such church, and has never suggested such a thing.


Sunday, November 9, 2008 12:05 AM



Originally posted by OPPYH:
Sarah Michelle Gellar and Freddie Prinze JR. were big time McCain supporters.

1) Needs proof.
2) Prinze is a Republican, that doesn't automatically mean that she is or that he was a big time McCain supporter.
3) So what if they were?


What sane person could live in this world and not be crazy?


Sunday, November 9, 2008 4:28 AM


Joss Whedon's a big-time Obama supporter. So your point is...?


Sunday, November 9, 2008 5:00 AM



Originally posted by OPPYH:

Originally posted by Righteous9:
What did he say that was off the mark? I didn't see the video, but there's so much amazing juicy real stuff to attribute to her, that I don't know why he'd need to stray from it.

Theres an interview on youtube with him about Palin which said sort of the same things as the official ad. I can't find the actual ad(it starts"HI I'm Matt Damon)
In the ad he brings up a point about dinosaurs? I don't know where the hell he got it from but he said that Palin claims people co-existed with dinosaurs 3,000 years ago....?...

She would never have said any thing like that. I felt bad for him in the ad. He just came off looking confused. at first I didn't know if it was supposed to be funny like a skit on SNL or real. Turns out it was real.

He said it because she attends "young earth" churches.

Look it up. They believe that the bible is literal and that the world is 6000 years old and that carbon dating is not accurate or valid. She also believes in the coming of Judgement day (if she follows her churches teachings) which means I DO NOT WANT HER ANYWHERE NEAR the red button.

As for a "barage" of nasty words and attacks. Methinks you need to see the video again.

I am on The List. We are The Forsaken and we aim to burn!
"We don't fear the reaper"

FORSAKEN original

Trolls Against McCain

“I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.” Mahatma Gandhi


Sunday, November 9, 2008 5:05 AM


America loves a winner!

Hollywood celebs and rockstars are THE last folks to listen to when it comes to Politics.

It is not those who use the term "Islamo-Fascism" who are sullying the name of Islam; it is the Islamo-Fascists. - Dennis Prager

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Sunday, November 9, 2008 5:14 AM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by Righteous9:

She was woefully underqualified, disgustingly willing to race-bait for the base(the secret service cites her rallies as escalating calls to violence against President Elect Obama - and I think they would know what they are talking about here), she abused her power(although her own appointees interestingly enough, found differently than the bipartisan panel), she has been intelectually incurious about the very position she meant to hold in this nation, to say nothing of her absolute lack of knowledge of the Constitution, - the Primary job of the PResident being to uphold and defend that document that contains our highest ideals!

Rightious, that is so full of B.S. that it's beyond the pale that you'd promote such lies and character assassinations. The secret service has NO records of the alleged hate speech that went on at the Palin rallies, all that crap was made up by ONE Left wing reporter who couldn't produce ONE piece of evidence of what she claimed actually occurred. Why ? Because it never did.. Nothing you said is valid


In-spite of being disintersted in these things, she still thought, "hell, i've got nothing to lose." Well the rest of us did, and shame on her for thinking none of that mattered.

My sympathy only extends to the fact that other people knew better and they still thrust her into this lime-light, but she certainly deserves some blame herself, and at this point, I honestly can't even imagine what you might see in her.

I'm sorry, but your info is for shit. The foundation on which you build your opinion on Gov Palin are faulty and absurd. She was minding he own damn business , Governing Alaska, when the McCain campaign came looking for HER! She wasn't raising her hand and screaming " PICK ME ! PICK ME ! " when the search for GOP running mates began, they came looking for HER! And after they found her, met with her and talked to her, SHE was their pick. Since the election, all you've seen is a few nameless, gutless McCain staffers spread lies and revise history so they could cover their own pathetic, lame asses while tossing Palin under the media bus.

It is not those who use the term "Islamo-Fascism" who are sullying the name of Islam; it is the Islamo-Fascists. - Dennis Prager

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Sunday, November 9, 2008 5:40 AM


... fully loaded, safety off...


Originally posted by AURaptor:
Hollywood celebs and rockstars are THE last folks to listen to when it comes to Politics./B]

I said that when Reagan ran... If Slash ever runs I'll have hit for the cycle.


Sunday, November 9, 2008 6:09 AM



Hollywood celebs and rockstars are THE last folks to listen to when it comes to Politics.

Then it's a good thing you never used anyone like Alec Baldwin to bolster your position!


Sunday, November 9, 2008 6:14 AM


America loves a winner!


pizmobeach wrote:
Sunday, November 09, 2008 05:40
Originally posted by AURaptor:
Hollywood celebs and rockstars are THE last folks to listen to when it comes to Politics./B]

I said that when Reagan ran... If Slash ever runs I'll have hit for the cycle.

Then you were and are a moron.

It is not those who use the term "Islamo-Fascism" who are sullying the name of Islam; it is the Islamo-Fascists. - Dennis Prager

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Sunday, November 9, 2008 6:15 AM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by ElvisChrist:

Hollywood celebs and rockstars are THE last folks to listen to when it comes to Politics.

Then it's a good thing you never used anyone like Alec Baldwin to bolster your position!

Which political ad did he make ?

It is not those who use the term "Islamo-Fascism" who are sullying the name of Islam; it is the Islamo-Fascists. - Dennis Prager

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Sunday, November 9, 2008 7:27 AM


Auraptor, don't be a fucking idiot.

First of all, the report I'm talking about is not froma female reporter. If this has been discredited then send me the link.

I'm talking about them contacting Obama, and suggesting that her rallies have ginned up some of the death threats against him.

Don't be a further zombie by suggesting that I'm basing my opinion on Palin on anything Fox News has said about her recently. I don't know what that game is, or whether she said africa was a country. I don't care, because I have listened to her speak of the Vice Presidency 3 fucking times, one where she said she didn't know what it did(and at least that was refreshingly truthful and humble), one where she said that the Constitution allows for the strengthening of the Authority of the VP, and one where she told a 3rd grader via NBC that the Vice President is in charge of the Senate, and can get in there and make things happen.

Jesus man, those are all true, and whether thrust into the role, or ambitiously seeking it, if she was going to take it, she should have fucking put in the effort to know what the job was, and further, to know what the Precidency was about, at which point, she better have fucking known what the Constitution said.


Sunday, November 9, 2008 7:32 AM



Originally posted by AURaptor:
Rightious, that is so full of B.S. that it's beyond the pale that you'd promote such lies and character assassinations. The secret service has NO records of the alleged hate speech that went on at the Palin rallies, all that crap was made up by ONE Left wing reporter who couldn't produce ONE piece of evidence of what she claimed actually occurred. Why ? Because it never did.. Nothing you said is valid

This is very sad. There are tapes from the rallies (just head over to YouTube and check 'em out for yourself), with folks shouting "traitor" and "bomb Obama" and "Treason" and "kill him" (more than one "kill him") and "off with his head." Do you believe all of these tapes were faked?


Hey, hey, hey, don't be mean. We don't have to be mean, because, remember, no matter where you go, there you are.


Sunday, November 9, 2008 7:32 AM


Also, it's absolutely stupid to suggest that actors and rock-stars always have less credibility than say our media pundits and columnists. And if you want to look at recent history, they have been at least more right on issues than their "learned counterparts" in the field of politics, who have at least been half-wrong.

An informed voice is an informed voice. Take everything you hear with a grain of salt, but the only difference between O'reilley and Susan Sarandon, is that O'reilley is a celebrity who talks about politics as his job, he's still just a familiar face. Degrees in the field don't always make you wiser in a field. It's how you use those degrees, and how you think through these things. I question O'reilly's ability to, frankly.


Sunday, November 9, 2008 7:37 AM



Originally posted by Righteous9:

Auraptor, don't be a fucking idiot.

Politically, he has no choice as of right now.



Sunday, November 9, 2008 8:02 AM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by Righteous9:

Auraptor, don't be a fucking idiot.

First of all, the report I'm talking about is not froma female reporter. If this has been discredited then send me the link.

I'm talking about them contacting Obama, and suggesting that her rallies have ginned up some of the death threats against him.

Don't be a further zombie by suggesting that I'm basing my opinion on Palin on anything Fox News has said about her recently. I don't know what that game is, or whether she said africa was a country. I don't care, because I have listened to her speak of the Vice Presidency 3 fucking times, one where she said she didn't know what it did(and at least that was refreshingly truthful and humble), one where she said that the Constitution allows for the strengthening of the Authority of the VP, and one where she told a 3rd grader via NBC that the Vice President is in charge of the Senate, and can get in there and make things happen.

Jesus man, those are all true, and whether thrust into the role, or ambitiously seeking it, if she was going to take it, she should have fucking put in the effort to know what the job was, and further, to know what the Precidency was about, at which point, she better have fucking known what the Constitution said.

How about YOU not be such a god damn fucking idiot, you gutless shit.

" Ooooh, ooh...the UK Telegraph wrote a story about it , so it MUST be true !!"

The attacks provoked a near lynch mob atmosphere at her rallies, with supporters yelling "terrorist" and "kill him" until the McCain campaign ordered her to tone down the rhetoric. That REPORT turned out to be BULLSHIT, and was all started by a sole female reporter who could not produce any audio or video backing up her claims.

And Palin telling the truth about Obama " palling around " with Ayers and those who sprew hared toward the USA isn't a damn accusation, its a FACT. The racist nut cases were going to be out there, regardless. There's months old footage of some old white guy , dressed up in his favorite KKK outfit, guaranteeing that Obama would be killed. This was LONG before Palin was even thought of as an VP candiate, even long before McCain won the GOP nomination!

May 6, 2008 -

This hatchet job against Palin is driven by punk losers in the McCain / inside the beltway D.C. elitist club. These schmucks who don't want McCain's loss on their hands, least it tarnish their long term aspirations of gorging themselves on the D.C. $$ for years to come.

Your anecdotal remarks about Palin don't mean a damn thing. Joe Biden stuck his foot in his mouth FAR more times, and made bigger gaffs, by far. Only the MSM decided not to vilify old Joe like they did the woman. The VP is President of the Senate, as a matter of fact, so that IS one of the jobs the VP must perform.

Clause 4: Vice President as President of Senate; Voting Power
The Vice President of the United States shall be President of the Senate, but shall have no Vote, unless they be equally divided.
Section Three provides that the Vice President is to serve as President of the Senate, although in practice, the Vice President usually presides over the Senate only when a tie in the voting is anticipated.

She's talking to a damn 3RD GRADER !! What do you expect her to say ? Does being a moron come naturally for you, or do you have to take time out of your busy day to work on it ???

It is not those who use the term "Islamo-Fascism" who are sullying the name of Islam; it is the Islamo-Fascists. - Dennis Prager

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Sunday, November 9, 2008 8:10 AM


I expect her to tell the third grader what the Vice President does. He or she does not get in there and make things happen. He or she only breaks a tie. That's it. The title may be meaningful, but the VP's role in the Senate is dilenated quite clearly.

Show me a retraction from the news sources prnting the story, or show me something other than a right-wing rag that has proof the story is bogus, and I'll retract the story. I didn't find anything to say that, but you clearly have the links, so give them up already.


Sunday, November 9, 2008 8:22 AM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by Righteous9:

I expect her to tell the third grader what the Vice President does. He or she does not get in there and make things happen. He or she only breaks a tie. That's it. The title may be meaningful, but the VP's role in the Senate is dilenated quite clearly.

Show me a retraction from the news sources prnting the story, or show me something other than a right-wing rag that has proof the story is bogus, and I'll retract the story. I didn't find anything to say that, but you clearly have the links, so give them up already.

Why would a left wing media willingly retract a story which it deems harmful to Sarah Palin? That was the whole fucking INTENT of the story in the first place, you door knob. The bogus cause / effect of the alleged attacks can easily be explained by the closeness of the election date and the inbred racist dick heads getting scared that Obama will be elected and that he'll turn all their glorious trailer park communities into slave camps, or what ever it is those pea brained morons told themselves.

If Obama didn't want to have his ties to black supremacist and terrorist, then he should have broken off those ties and denounced them long ago. He did neither.

It is not those who use the term "Islamo-Fascism" who are sullying the name of Islam; it is the Islamo-Fascists. - Dennis Prager

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Sunday, November 9, 2008 8:25 AM


I have a news article, and you have your own voice. Give me a news article discrediting the story that says the Secret Service saw a correlation.


Sunday, November 9, 2008 8:30 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.


Originally posted by AURaptor:
And Palin telling the truth about Obama " palling around " with Ayers and those who sprew hared toward the USA isn't a damn accusation, its a FACT.

It's funny, I have yet to see a photograph of them together. They both sat on same educational committee or somesuch, if I understand it right? So they had some contact, but were not, by any report I've heard, close friends or drinking buddies or anything beyond... members of the same committee. By that logic Obama has 'palled around with' every member of the US senate as well, but I'm sure he's disagreed with the stance of plenty of them, wouldn't you say?


Sunday, November 9, 2008 8:35 AM


I think we can all agree that "celebrities" should keep their stiupid fucking opinions to themselves.

They are paid to read lines and look pretty. probably one of the moset useless things on the planet to do. (But they look pretty and entertain us with said we give them money. DANCE MONKEYS DANCE!)




Sunday, November 9, 2008 8:37 AM


We don't all agree Wulf. See my post above.


Sunday, November 9, 2008 8:46 AM



Originally posted by Wulfenstar:
They are paid to read lines and look pretty. probably one of the moset useless things on the planet to do...

Useless? Reading lines and looking pretty can get you pretty far in politics--or so I hear.


Hey, hey, hey, don't be mean. We don't have to be mean, because, remember, no matter where you go, there you are.


Sunday, November 9, 2008 9:11 AM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by PhoenixRose:

Originally posted by AURaptor:
And Palin telling the truth about Obama " palling around " with Ayers and those who sprew hared toward the USA isn't a damn accusation, its a FACT.

It's funny, I have yet to see a photograph of them together. They both sat on same educational committee or somesuch, if I understand it right? So they had some contact, but were not, by any report I've heard, close friends or drinking buddies or anything beyond... members of the same committee. By that logic Obama has 'palled around with' every member of the US senate as well, but I'm sure he's disagreed with the stance of plenty of them, wouldn't you say?

Sweetie , that there's no photo of them playing pool together doesn't mean one damn thing. It's a fact, that no one even dinies, that Obama got his political career started in the living room of one William Ayers. Why are we still talking about this ?

It is not those who use the term "Islamo-Fascism" who are sullying the name of Islam; it is the Islamo-Fascists. - Dennis Prager

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Sunday, November 9, 2008 9:47 AM


Obama has claimed that that was patently false. YOu saying it doesn't make it true. Do you have proof or do you care about proof before you make allegations?


Sunday, November 9, 2008 10:40 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


I think we can all agree that "celebrities" should keep their stiupid fucking opinions to themselves.
Hey, they have freedom of speech like anyone else. I might think that Dean Cain, James Caan, Jon Voight, Robert Davi, Lou Ferrigno, Lacy Chabert, Angie Harmon, Victoria Jackson (Saturday Night Live), Jon Cryer (Two and a Half Men); Lorenzo Lamas, Kevin Sorbo, Patricia Heaton, Robert Duvall, and Jerry Bruckheimer have their taste in their ass for supporting McCain but they have a right to their opinion.

Let's party like its 1929.


Sunday, November 9, 2008 11:24 AM



Originally posted by SignyM:
Dean Cain

I knew there was a reason I never bought his Superman series on DVD....



Sunday, November 9, 2008 11:29 AM



Originally posted by AURaptor:
Why are we still talking about this ?

Because we made fun of Bush for like seven years for bein' a jerkoff, so you're gonna make fun of Obama for...uhhh..not doing too much...but you'll make it up as ya go...
You know...Obama once watched Valley Of The Dolls in college...that had Sharon Tate in it...she was killed by Charles Manson....




Sunday, November 9, 2008 11:44 AM


... fully loaded, safety off...


Originally posted by AURaptor:
Hollywood celebs and rockstars are THE last folks to listen to when it comes to Politics.


pizmobeach wrote:
I said that when Reagan ran...


AURaptor: Then you were and are a moron.

I just repeated what you said.


Originally posted by OPPYH:
And he's not even in politics. He's someone who gets paid to lie for a living so I guess it's cool.

Huh? Say that to Nathan Fillion's face.

Silly, silly people.


Sunday, November 9, 2008 4:47 PM



Originally posted by pizmobeach:

Originally posted by OPPYH:
And he's not even in politics. He's someone who gets paid to lie for a living so I guess it's cool.

Huh? Say that to Nathan Fillion's face.

Silly, silly people.

Oh I like certain actors. Just not crazy ones who think they are above mere normal folk. Point of fact:Tom Cruise was once my favorite actor.


Sunday, November 9, 2008 4:53 PM



Originally posted by ElvisChrist:
Joss Whedon's a big-time Obama supporter. So your point is...?

Joss Whedon was pissed when Hillary lost out to Obama. As was I. He supports the Democratic party, which happened to have Obama.
He is a tried and true democrat. He would never in his life vote republican. So what choice did he have?


Sunday, November 9, 2008 4:55 PM



Originally posted by OPPYH:

Originally posted by ElvisChrist:
Joss Whedon's a big-time Obama supporter. So your point is...?

Joss Whedon was pissed when Hillary lost out to Obama. As was I. He supports the Democratic party, which happened to have Obama.
He is a tried and true democrat. He would never in his life vote republican. So what choice did he have?

Probably the same choice Sarah Michelle Gellar had - support Obama or support McCain. He chose to support Obama, to the tune of $28,500 in donations, according to FEC documents.

Is your point that it's okay for celebrities to support Republicans, but they lose all credibility when they support Democrats?


Sunday, November 9, 2008 4:59 PM



Originally posted by Khyron:

1) Needs proof.
2) Prinze is a Republican, that doesn't automatically mean that she is or that he was a big time McCain supporter.
3) So what if they were?

1) not really

2) whatever

3) They are, and it's none of our business. Which brings me back to the point of:
Celebrities should stay the F___K out of politics.
If they want to vote fine, just don't go parading around trying to inspire votes for a candidate.


Sunday, November 9, 2008 5:01 PM



Originally posted by ElvisChrist:
Is your point that it's okay for celebrities to support Republicans, but they lose all credibility when they support Democrats?

No. See my post above!


Sunday, November 9, 2008 5:15 PM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

Speaking of Palin:

Here's a fascinating morsel that came to us through an email drawing our attention to Philip Munger, who runs the blog Progressive Alaska. The email was pointing out that Munger "can address a number of aspects of Gov. Palin's record", and it contained the following quote attributed to him:

"One thing that hasn't gotten much attention is Palin's apparent belief in creationism. Around June 1997 she told me she thought the Earth was about 6,000 years old and that people and dinosaurs walked the Earth at the same time. In 2002 or 2003 (I know it was Nov. 11 since it was at a Veterans Day event) I asked her about this again since my kids and her kids were in the same school district and I was concerned about creationism being taught as if it were a form of science. This time she didn't answer directly, but said that it didn't matter since 'the Lord is coming soon.'"




Sunday, November 9, 2008 5:33 PM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.


Originally posted by AURaptor:
Why are we still talking about this ?

Be...cause... there's... no proof?
Forget playing pool, can a photo of them talking be produced? Okay, forget even that, how about being in the same general vicinity? If this was such an important and close association, then surely there would be some... evidence? Or do we call things with no evidence fact now, just because a loose tie is discovered and thrown around until it's something it's not?
There was a point at which no one denied that the world was flat, that didn't make it fact. And something that has been denied, and that there is no real evidence of... is not a fact.
Please go find a leg to stand on and try again.
I notice also you ignoring the point that spending time in the same organization as someone doesn't mean you agree with them.


Originally posted by OPPYH:
In the ad he brings up a point about dinosaurs? I don't know where the hell he got it from but he said that Palin claims people co-existed with dinosaurs 3,000 years ago....?

In this video:

What he says is he needs to know if it's true she thinks this, and needs to know if it's true she tried to ban books. He starts off by saying he doesn't know anything about her, really, and finds that scary, and that "the hockey mom rises to power" sounds like a bad Disney movie, and goes on to say it's important to know her outlook because, basically, he thinks it could be dangerous to hand the nuclear codes to, well, just anyone.
It's his opinion. I happen to agree with him on it, but I know that doesn't matter to anyone here. I also happen to know the book banning thing has been debunked, as I looked into it, but this interview was likely before that, because it sounds like it was very shortly after she was selected. I haven't seen any confirmation or denial of the biblical literalist stance, but I find it likely. It doesn't matter, as much, since she isn't the VP, but I may hunt around on that.


Sunday, November 9, 2008 6:27 PM


Bah, Celebrities can think or say what they wish, it's not like I give their opinion any more, or any less, credence than anyone elses.

Why should I ?

It's not like being famous really makes anyone smarter, better informed, or more competent necessarily than the auto mechanic down the street.

Just cause they can throw their "voice" wider doesn't mean it holds any more weight, if any at all, Faux "news" *snicker* is living proof of that.

So let em think and say what they will, nothin says I gotta agree, or even listen to em if I do not care to - and neither do you.

What a pointless argument.



Sunday, November 9, 2008 8:12 PM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by chrisisall:

Because we made fun of Bush for like seven years for bein' a jerkoff, so you're gonna make fun of Obama for...uhhh..not doing too much...but you'll make it up as ya go...
You know...Obama once watched Valley Of The Dolls in college...that had Sharon Tate in it...she was killed by Charles Manson....



You know what I'm gonna do ? You can tell the future ? Hot damn! Or maybe, you're projecting your insecurities and failings onto others, because of guilt maybe ?

Yeah, that's got to be it.

It is not those who use the term "Islamo-Fascism" who are sullying the name of Islam; it is the Islamo-Fascists. - Dennis Prager

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Sunday, November 9, 2008 8:14 PM


America loves a winner!

On December 21, 1997, Barack Obama wrote a short review of William Ayers’ book A Kind and Just Parent: The Children of Juvenile Court, which had recently been published by Beacon Press. Here’s a photo of how the review appeared in the Chicago Tribune:

Just some guy I knew in the neighborhood.....

It is not those who use the term "Islamo-Fascism" who are sullying the name of Islam; it is the Islamo-Fascists. - Dennis Prager

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Sunday, November 9, 2008 8:37 PM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

Well, I'm sold. Reviewing a book about the Juvenile Court system is sure proof he supports the bombing of public buildings.
Say, there's a teacher on this board who's worked closely with delinquent students, she must support bombings too! And here I thought she was one of the smartest and most caring women I've ever met, and a dear friend who's always been there for me, and indeed everyone else.
Silly of me. I see all the convoluted connections now.


Monday, November 10, 2008 2:12 AM


It's a sad damn day when PN has more dirt of better quality on Obama than you do, Rap.

Tsk tsk, yer losing your edge, gettin old and senile like yer last presidential hopeful, eh?



Monday, November 10, 2008 3:09 AM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by Fremdfirma:
It's a sad damn day when PN has more dirt of better quality on Obama than you do, Rap.

Tsk tsk, yer losing your edge, gettin old and senile like yer last presidential hopeful, eh?


Mitt Romney was old and senile?

It is not those who use the term "Islamo-Fascism" who are sullying the name of Islam; it is the Islamo-Fascists. - Dennis Prager

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Monday, November 10, 2008 8:35 AM



Originally posted by AURaptor:

You know what I'm gonna do ? You can tell the future ?

No, but I can predict with a fair amount of certainty based on years of observation of the subject.

Dr. Chrisisall


Monday, November 10, 2008 8:40 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by AURaptor:

Originally posted by Fremdfirma:
It's a sad damn day when PN has more dirt of better quality on Obama than you do, Rap.

Tsk tsk, yer losing your edge, gettin old and senile like yer last presidential hopeful, eh?


Mitt Romney was old and senile?

It is not those who use the term "Islamo-Fascism" who are sullying the name of Islam; it is the Islamo-Fascists. - Dennis Prager

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "

His "magic undergarments" kept him young and virile!


Monday, November 10, 2008 10:52 PM







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