It's time for changes..... lots of them.

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Sunday, November 9, 2008 4:21 AM


Heh... good luck with any of that Lester. That's so far to the neo-Christian-right even I can't have your back on most of that. I'm not knocking your opinions here or anything and I'm not trying to start a fight with you.... Just saying that chances aren't so good on a majority of that when the Dems run everything. (I know what it's like to have plenty of disagreers here and in the Real real world, being a smoker)

Perhaps I worded the question wrong when I started this thread since it's been nothing but the usual suspects lashing out at each other..... but that's my RWED.....

I just want the Government to step off and quit trying to micromanage every bit of our lives, and stop using money to control our states and towns and schools and even ourselves as individuals. I'd rather put up with the unknown than be bullied or coddled into a false sense of security.

"A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned."


Sunday, November 9, 2008 7:46 AM


I understand, diagreement isn't always a sign of conflict.
i too used to be a two pack a day smoker( kinda hard not to be part of the tobbaco club while in the army) until recently, and i had people talk about my evil second hand smoke was going to sufficate them while we were out in the open.
which part cant you have my back on? im curious. is it the ban on abortion?( i;ve even gone as far as to offer to adopt a child if the mother carried it to full term. it wasn't my kid, i know, but i felt that if i could make that small of a difference it would be worth the 18 yrs of responsibility) or the freeze on spending? or the 'lets keep giving the army money' rant?
i know the dems wont do any of that, in fact they will probably screw things up even worse than the republicans did, but just because the majority wants something doesn't mean it's the right thing. it just means that they can get away with doing the wrong thing.

Awesome as Always,


Sunday, November 9, 2008 8:00 AM



Originally posted by Lester:

2: for him to not cut spending on the military by 25 percent, when the wolves are knocking at the gate.

Um, hi Les...I was wonderin'...precisely what wolves are knocking at our gate?
'Cause, see, I don't hear no fighting...I SEE fighting on TV from the Middle East and such, but right here at our 'gate'? Not so much....

Curious Chrisisall


Sunday, November 9, 2008 6:00 PM



wolves are knocking at the gate.


" I beg leave to consider the circumstances of the Union antecedent to the meeting of the Convention at Philadelphia. We have been told of phantoms and ideal dangers to lead us into measures which will, in my opinion, be the ruin of our country. If the existence of those dangers cannot be proved, if there be no apprehension of wars, if there be no rumors of wars, it will place the subject in a different light, and plainly evince to the world that there cannot be any reason for adopting measures which we apprehend to be ruinous and destructive."

-AntiFederalist #2, excerpted from the Speech of William Grayson, on June 11, 1788.


Monday, November 10, 2008 2:08 AM


So, umm, tell me wouldja ?

How many divisions have they fielded ?

How many aircraft carriers in their navy, and what combat aircraft are they fielding from them ?

How much of their sub fleet is deep strike or nuclear capable ?

How many battleships in their task forces ?

How much armor are they equipping their divisions with ?

How much of their airforce are strike bombers, or fighter bombers ?

How large is their merchant marine force ?

How many ICBMs in their long range missle silos ?

What is their production ability in reference to heavy and medium tanks ?

What is the range of thier mobile artillery and how fast can they move it ?

Do we have any intel on the logistical basing they intend to use for their massive invasion ?

Eh ?

Oh, they're not invading us ?

Fuck em, not our problem then.

It cannot be said enough, those who do not learn from history, are doomed to endlessly repeat it


Monday, November 10, 2008 3:32 AM


Hey Lester,

I don't totally disagree with any of it, nor do I totally agree with any of it.

As far as abortions are concerned, I personally abhor the idea of one, and I am probably guilty of being too judgemental of someone who would kill their unborn child, but it is not something for the Federal Government to decide for us. I feel the same way about gay marriage and smokers rights as well. (That list could go on and on and on....)

Now... if your church were to find out, would I have a problem with them telling you that you couldn't attend anymore? Absoulutely not.

For me to have any other stance on the choice of Abortion would be hypocritical, and immediately I would lose any serious footing that I would have in my smoking argument, since I am only one powerless man uncapable of any doublethink spin that Fox or MSN can get away with on a daily basis. I know I am killing myself slowly. I am aware that other people don't like it. I don't smoke in the building where people work, but I just don't understand why I am constantly denied the request for an outdoor facility to smoke in during the winter where ONLY smokers would go.

Fortunately, I don't know of anyone who has had an abortion personally. That's not to say that I don't know people who have had abortions, but since I can't imagine something like killing a fetus is something anyone would want to brag about, I don't have to know that somebody I know or even care for has done it.

The truth is, every one of us is guilty of doing something that other people don't approve of. (Anyone who thinks otherwise is a self-rightous idiot) I just don't want the government detailing out a personal constitution for us all. Do you like the thought of being a robot that has to live by a strict code of rules that may be against your faith or personal inner-constitution? What if the situation were flipped and as a means of population control the Government used a set of criteria to decide that you among millions of other mothers/fathers were unfit to have children and ordered mandatory abortions if you or your spouse were to get pregnant? Since it was made law by our representives, likely without the "popular vote", would you abide?

If you kill your unborn kid, you're the one that has to live with it the rest of your life, and if there is somebody in control of us all, he/she may very well think you made the right choice, given your circumstances.

As for military spending, I don't believe the beast is at the gate. Nobody will ever convince me unless we clean up our own shores and keep illegals out. I believe very much in being prepaired for an attack and sustaining a millitary for defense, but a 12 billion dollar a month sink-hole that is being funded by taxes our grandkids will pay just to pay the interest on the debts we are accumulating is unacceptable.

What we did in Iraq wasn't a "preemptive strike" althought those words together are bad enough. What we did was commit an unjustifiable act of war against another country, and we did it with money that was magically created out of thin air.

What I fear is that paying off the interest on this debt will be the least of our worries when it comes time to pay the piper. If the Ivory Tower really crumbles it will be because we've exploited 3rd world country after 3rd world country, set a code of rules and ethics for everyone else in the world to live by and carelessly disregard ourselves, and then have the balls to act like we're entitled because "We're America DAMMIT!!!"

Try to continue funding that war when the dollar isn't worth anything anymore because nobody will take it. We just watched it happen to derivitaves. We owe anywhere between 9 and 15 Trillion dollars. We've put the printing presses on 24/7 to bail out our mistakes that is messing with everyone else in the world.

I don't see any reason why that couldn't happen.

Now throw onto that pile of manure a whole world full of countries who are sick of our self-righteous shit. (And in many cases, justifiably so)

I do agree that Obama will screw things up more. I hope I'm wrong, but in my eyes he is no different than anyone else we've seen in office the last 20 years. Here's hoping we make a better choice in 4 years and by that time we have more than the choice between the Red Pill or the Blue Pill to swallow.

As for your last comment "but just because the majority wants something doesn't mean it's the right thing. it just means that they can get away with doing the wrong thing.".......

Well that's where you and I part ways completely. I don't recognize your authority to tell me what is right and what is wrong. I don't recongnize the Republican or Democratic version of what is right or wrong. You, like me, are certainly not a righteous person, and since I will never meet one in my life I will not let you or any other human decide for me what is wrong.


"A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned."


Monday, November 10, 2008 11:35 AM


Six String, i like you. you seem like a dirty, godless liberal but i like you.
now, ok, maybe the wovles aren't knocking down the statue of liberty, the gate as it were,(i might have been getting a little bit dramatic there) but we have conflicts going on all over the globe, not just iraq. if you read the news(I usually read yahoo news cause i can read it on my work computer over lunch) we're slowly but surely shifting focus to afganistan. i think with continued overseas conflicts, we shouldn't cut defense spending.
and with the last comment, "but just because the majority wants something doesn't mean it's the right thing. it just means that they can get away with doing the wrong thing." i was trying to just reword the whole " just because something is popular doesn't mean it is right." bumper sticker i saw in the tenth grade. granted, there are some pretty black and white things out there, but dude, im the type of guy that if you leave me alone, than i don't have too much to worry about. I might refeer to someone as " that idiot who said this retarded stuff" but really, who out of us hasn't?my life is exciting enough without trying to tell someone else what to do( minus the abortion argument, but then again,that's just one of my pet peeves.) the whole reason i quit smoking was cause in the army you gotta be able to run and fast, or else you go back to mom and dads house. and you can run fast with two packs a day in your lungs.So light one up for me, will ya? and make it a menthol.

Awesome as always,


Tuesday, November 11, 2008 3:40 AM


Hey.... I know you were joking about the godless liberal thing, but I felt a little self-assessment was called for here.

I'm a believer in the Constitution. Something which the whiny liberals and the warhawk neo-cons have apparently forgotten about.

I don't know if I believe in God, although I ponder the question of his existance nearly every day. I'm likely to be one of the believers someday, but there's a lot that would have to happen for me to take that path. Nothing pisses me off more than door to door atheists though, and hearing how the UK is going to put anti-god messages on busses and billboards. (Right along side the images of the "eye in the sky" watching everyone, I would assume)

I go out of my way to avoid religious know it alls on my own... I don't need to see people who have started their own "anti-religion" doing the exact same crap.

As for the war.... Afghanistan is where we should have struk first if they really did do the deed, and it should have been a blow so powerful that it would have ended anyone's desire to try that shit again. As it is, we've spent several hundred billion dollars chasing phantoms, getting some of our kids killed, and pissing off the whole dammned world at the same time.

I've said this before... We have two very large oceans, and two relatively benign foreign countries surrounding us. We've got the largest naval fleet in the world by far that could house a majority of our soldiers for protection. We've got abundant resources, high technology and some of the most brilliant minds in the world at our disposal. I don't believe we need the global market and I CERTAINLY am against any talk of the "NEW WORLD ORDER" or any one world economy or government. Why give what we have away to others that can't provide anything in return?

Your rethugs want that just as much as their godless liberals do. Ain't nobody on the average American's side here.

The biggest thing about it all though is that we're funding our millitary on Chinese currency and racking up a debt that we obviously never have any intention of paying back. How long do you think that spigot will keep flowing before somebody cuts it off? It was all well and good when we told everyone else what to do, but that just doesn't seem to be the world climate today. Since we can't tell them what to do anymore, I think now is the best time to shut them out and say fuck 'em before we get any deeper into bed with them. Let them sort out their own problems.

(Any jew who wants refuge here from Isreal can come here, no questions asked. Hell, once my bro leaves, I've got an empty room for them to bunk until they get back on their feet)

And smoking... don't get me started. I probably smoke more just in spite of the bastards. Those fat, pill popping idiots that are holier than me because they don't smoke can go suck a cock.

Wish granted Lester... I just smoked two cigarettes while writing this. Menthol


"A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned."


Monday, November 17, 2008 5:34 AM


Too much truth spoken here to handle?

"A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned."


Monday, November 17, 2008 7:13 AM



Good one Chris!

Ha, ha, ha mine is an evil laugh!


Monday, November 17, 2008 7:52 AM



Originally posted by AURaptor:
Bush committed no war crimes, and any HINT of going after him would cause riots. I'm serious, it would bring on armed conflict.

Dude, you and what army?

I am on The List. We are The Forsaken and we aim to burn!
"We don't fear the reaper"

FORSAKEN original

Trolls Against McCain

“I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.” Mahatma Gandhi


Tuesday, November 18, 2008 2:15 AM


The sock puppet army.

Wow, anyone else notice how fast the damn things dissappeared when most of the hard-right did ?

Most of their echo-chamber is them and their empty damned heads.



Tuesday, November 18, 2008 4:11 AM



Originally posted by Fremdfirma:
The sock puppet army.-F

"A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned."


Tuesday, November 18, 2008 4:16 AM



Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

Dude, that is seriously some messed up, crack-induced s**t.



Tuesday, November 18, 2008 7:40 AM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!


"Nothing pisses me off more than door to door atheists ..."

I have NEVER had even one single atheist come to my door let alone atheist S, though I have had groups of religious people come to my door quite frequently.


Silence is consent.


Tuesday, November 18, 2008 8:20 AM


I suspect he was being facetious, Rue.

Kinda like I am when someone presses me on my beliefs, and I say Jenovas Witnesses.



Tuesday, November 18, 2008 8:37 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by Fremdfirma:
The sock puppet army.

Wow, anyone else notice how fast the damn things dissappeared when most of the hard-right did ?

Most of their echo-chamber is them and their empty damned heads.


I notice a distinct lack of Finn around here. Haven't seen hide nor hair of him since Election Day. S'pose he's cleaing out his office? Jumped out a window? Anyone go by and check his place, just to make sure he hasn't gone Lane Staley?


Tuesday, November 18, 2008 8:40 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by Fremdfirma:
I suspect he was being facetious, Rue.

Kinda like I am when someone presses me on my beliefs, and I say Jenovas Witnesses.


Funny - when pressed, I claim to be Pastafarian. Y'know, follower of the Giant Flying Spaghetti Monster. Have you been touched by his noodly appendage?


Tuesday, November 18, 2008 8:49 AM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

"I suspect he was being facetious, Rue.
Kinda like I am when someone presses me on my beliefs, and I say Jenovas Witnesses."

I was wondering ...


I must have briefly entered an irony-deficient zone.


Tuesday, November 18, 2008 5:42 PM


I stand corrected, he might have been serious.

I did not know the FFRF (based in Wisconsin, so they'd be in Jack's hair first, obviously) had taken steps I consider ridiculous and do not support.

Atheists Reach Out -- Just Don't Call It Proselytizing

What a ridiculous idea, I simply cannot agree with it.



Tuesday, November 18, 2008 6:52 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

Yeah, the problem we atheists have is that we pretty routinely DON'T get together at church to hatch our big plans. We tend to live our lives and let others live theirs, so long as they aren't trying to ram their beliefs down our throats.


Wednesday, November 19, 2008 3:33 AM



Originally posted by Rue:
I have NEVER had even one single atheist come to my door let alone atheist S, though I have had groups of religious people come to my door quite frequently.

I can't seem to find the article I read about a guy doing this on his own a year or two ago right now, but I assure you that there are more people doing this. I admit that the door to door stuff is pretty annoying. We've got a bunch of them around me and I get letters handwritten to my mailbox and door to door visits quite frequently (which I just know better than to answer now). Especially annoying was the first time Mormans came to my door the wearing the outfits they wear and I thought it was the feds banging on my door to confiscate my computer with my pirated Culture Club discograpy.

This is a joke right here (at least kind-of), but it's only a matter of time idiot kids copycat it and start doing this stuff.


Originally posted by Fremdfirma:
I stand corrected, he might have been serious.

I did not know the FFRF (based in Wisconsin, so they'd be in Jack's hair first, obviously) had taken steps I consider ridiculous and do not support.

Atheists Reach Out -- Just Don't Call It Proselytizing

What a ridiculous idea, I simply cannot agree with it.


Well you've found something along those lines Frem. Although this seems to be even more scary because of the size of the whole deal. I know I'm much more prone to a life of faith someday than you are and I'm totally cool with that. I appreciate it the most coming from you that this idea is not one to be supported.

What's next? The year of our Ford?


Originally posted by Kwicko:
Yeah, the problem we atheists have is that we pretty routinely DON'T get together at church to hatch our big plans. We tend to live our lives and let others live theirs, so long as they aren't trying to ram their beliefs down our throats.

I know I don't "hatch big plans", but I haven't been to church for years except for weddings and funerals. I can say that back when I did go to church though I did not ever hear anyone hatching any plans against others. I've only been to Catholic church though, so I can only speak for that.

That being said, I agree with your sentiment if it were really happening, but I assure you that most of us aren't anything like what you're talking about and part of the problem is that there are those of you who think that anyone who believes in God is like that. I don't like it when Mormans come to my door, but if a door to door Athiest came to my door I'd likely punch him in the face because they're just doing this to piss people off. I don't agree with the Mormans tactics, but at least I believe that they really have good intentions in their hearts when they're doing the door to door thing.

"A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned."


Wednesday, November 19, 2008 8:41 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


I thought it was the feds banging on my door to confiscate my computer with my pirated Culture Club discograpy.

Let me guess: You answered the door and said, "Do you really want to hurt me?"


Wednesday, November 19, 2008 8:47 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


...but I assure you that most of us aren't anything like what you're talking about and part of the problem is that there are those of you who think that anyone who believes in God is like that.

And I assure you that the only Xtians I tend to meet are the proselytizing, pushy kind that feel the need to knock on your door and piss you off. Tell you what - IF I decided to believe in a god of some sort, I'll figure out where to go to worship all on my own, okay?

Every Xtian I've ever come across who wanted to "help" me was also utterly convinced that I was a demon-worhipper the moment I told them I was an atheist. Makes me tend to think that all Xtains are either deluded, or straight-up fucking morons. I don't believe in THEIR god because I don't believe in ANY god, or even in the concept of gods. That kind of thinking is anathema to churchfolk, though, at least in my experience.



Wednesday, November 19, 2008 12:48 PM


Indeed Jack, the funny thing is that this type of activity is discouraged, if not outright forbidden, in both Christian and Muslim religious texts, I kid you not.

In fact it was reading the Bible that lead to me to eventually find Christianity as a whole despicable.

If you want folks to travel the path that you walk, the only right way to do it is to SET A FREAKIN EXAMPLE, and they'll come to you, if they're interested.

Imma Unitarian Universalist as a whole, and my personal beliefs are not something I share save with a tiny most respected few, and when I have it's invariably upset them.

All that I will share is that they resemble eastern philosophies more than western, with a heavy maltheistic bent, and that's as much as anyone really needs to know, more actually - since it's a persons ACTIONS that are meaningful, not their beliefs save as they inspire behavior.

Believe me, folks can twist any belief in their own minds far enough to do ridiculous crap with it - and even worse, fight about it !

Look at Xmas/Yule, for example... folks, I don't care if ya got a tree, or not, or a menora(sp?) or a yule log or nothing at all, it's ALL pretty in it's own way and the only part of it I don't care for is the rampant and crass commercialism and greed, which has it's own amusements to someone with a dark sense of humor, mind you...

But people fight, over a friggin XMAS TREE ? with lights and pretties ?

WHO IN THEIR RIGHT MIND could find that offensive ?

Now, the bell-ringin extortionist in a santa suit giving me a headache outside of walmart, I can see where that would be offensive in a way, and even rubs me a little raw on top of it cause of the salvation army's intolerance of gay people...

But you know what ?

He's dressed as Santa, ringin a bell, and kids like that stuff... and they DO help people, as intolerant as they are, and so I just shut my mouth and keep on keepin on, rather than crash everyone around me's day cause I am perchance a bit annoyed, so what, I'll get over it.

It's called tolerance, and more folk should learn some.


It cannot be said enough, those who do not learn from history, are doomed to endlessly repeat it


Wednesday, November 19, 2008 12:51 PM


Funny quote, relative to that, Mikey, and at the time, it was thrown at me in insult, comparing me to Aereon, and NOT viewing me or her favorably.

Dame Vakko - "You don't pray to our God, you pray to NO God, or so I hear."
Aereon - "Elementals..., we calculate."

Religious folks should keep it to themselves, out of respect for others, imho.



Thursday, November 20, 2008 4:27 AM



Originally posted by Kwicko:

...but I assure you that most of us aren't anything like what you're talking about and part of the problem is that there are those of you who think that anyone who believes in God is like that.

And I assure you that the only Xtians I tend to meet are the proselytizing, pushy kind that feel the need to knock on your door and piss you off. Tell you what - IF I decided to believe in a god of some sort, I'll figure out where to go to worship all on my own, okay?

Every Xtian I've ever come across who wanted to "help" me was also utterly convinced that I was a demon-worhipper the moment I told them I was an atheist. Makes me tend to think that all Xtains are either deluded, or straight-up fucking morons. I don't believe in THEIR god because I don't believe in ANY god, or even in the concept of gods. That kind of thinking is anathema to churchfolk, though, at least in my experience.


There's no need to call them Xtians. You know that's just something that pisses people off too.

A majority of the Christians that live here in America are pretty secular for the most part. I have more vices than I can count on two hands and I always try my best not to judge other people too hard because I ain't exactly proud of a lot of my actions. I think the problem is that you judge all Christians by the actions of the vociferous minority who feel it is their duty to point out everyone elses flaws, while completely ignoring/forgetting about their own.

The truth is, most of the Christians you know you are completley unaware that they are Christians.

Frem don't believe in God (at least I think he doesn't, not trying to put words in his mouth), but he isn't activly trying to piss Christians or any other believers off for the sake of pissing them off. He wants to be left alone just like I do, and that includes sarcastically calling Christians Xtians.

I don't think you're a demon worshiper for being an atheist. I normally don't even bother saying what I think of someone who is truly convinced there is no higher power, but since we're on the subject, I think you think far too much of yourself because you can't even concieve the possibility that there is a creator. I don't think you're going to burn in hell for not believing like more religious folks than I do probably will. To do so would be almost surely damning my own self for my own indescretions.


EDIT: I was mistaken about Frem's beliefs. See... he don't even feel the need to say that much. I'm surprised he did now.

Religious people should keep that shit to themselves Frem. I completley agree. That includes a bunch of idiots who out of hate want to start an "anti-religion" and do to others exactly what they hate is being done to them.

"A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned."


Thursday, November 20, 2008 6:24 AM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

I always understood the Xtian moniker to be the same as Xmas. Just shorthand, and not an effort to 'piss people off'.


Silence is consent.


Thursday, November 20, 2008 6:43 AM


Indeed, Jack.

My first reaction to that was "Whiskey, Tango, Foxtrot, over ?" cause it not only redlines the irony meter, it makes absolutely no damn sense.

Never really understood why folks who've taken a mess of shit need to turn around and do the same to another group all the while whining about how persecuted they are.

The freakin protestants did it to the native americans, the Israelis do it to the Palestinians, and now this happy horse shit.

It's asinine, and if I ever do see any on my doorstep, they get the one legally required warning, indicating that noncompliance will result in forceful removal, during which they may (strongly hinted: damn sure WILL BE!) injured in the process thereof - in most states, that's all you are legally obligated to do, give them the warning and then a reasonable amount of time (say, a minute) to comply before you physically remove them, and you've every right to defend yourself if they assault you during the process.

And that's if I feel like being NICE, and don't feel like engaging in malicious mindfuckery a'la wormtongue vs eowyn - I'll get in their heads and break stuff, it's easy when you know where all the levers are and what all the buttons do, really.

Normally imma pretty tolerant fellow, but attempting to force ones political or religious beliefs at me is on par with a slap in the face, and attempting to due so with even a *hint* of threat behind it is one step short of pulling a weapon - and I WILL react accordingly.

Just because it isn't physical violence, makes it no less an attack at ones person.

If I can find the time, imma stop by my local FFRF people and have that kinda discussion with em, cause this behavior is absolutely unacceptable and inexcusable.

Oh, and admittedly, right up front, yes I am extremely hostile to and biased against the Christian belief system, sure - I take people individually however, just like I do with police officers despite how I feel about police, and police forces in general, they can INDIVIDUALLY be decent folk, and thus take them accordingly...

But as a belief collective, as a system, hell yes (pun intended) I despise them, not gonna deny that one bit.

One of my allies, a former catholic nun, and as nice a lady as you could ever meet, put it this way - "I suppose, from your viewpoint, we could be considered despicable, but I am not WE, I am ME, and it's my example you have to judge me by as a person, and rightly it's sure better than yours, young man."

Smart lady, sweet too - just cause I don't like the belief don't mean I can't like the people.

It cannot be said enough, those who do not learn from history, are doomed to endlessly repeat it


Friday, November 21, 2008 9:06 PM



Originally posted by rue:
I always understood the Xtian moniker to be the same as Xmas. Just shorthand, and not an effort to 'piss people off'.


Silence is consent.

It sure pissed my grandpa off when they started doing it at his job at Dominicks foods. Do you think that Christina Aguliara did it for reason's other than to be "darkly" appealing when she started calling herself Xtina during her "Dirty" phase?

Just so you know..... Xmas, Xtianiaty, and any X of that sort isn't something that believers like seeing. If you use it, you're being as offensive to those people as if you were calling someone a Nigger or a Kike.

The more you know...

"A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned."


Friday, November 21, 2008 9:17 PM



Originally posted by Fremdfirma:
"I suppose, from your viewpoint, we could be considered despicable, but I am not WE, I am ME, and it's my example you have to judge me by as a person, and rightly it's sure better than yours, young man."

To the rest of your post Frem, and especially that, I agree completely. I'm surely no poster child for Christianity, but most of the people who think they are are sorely mistaken too.

That's the part of the message that I really love, and that most people who "follow" seem to forget about. There is not one single righteous person on this planet. Not One. The second you go around thinking you're better than somebody else because your faith if the "right" faith, why should anyone listen to you?

Does god, if there is one, work in ways we couldn't understand? Sure... I believe that. Afterall, the most common position we die in is a fetal position, symbolizing the fact that we're not much more mature when we go than when we came into the world.

I really think the only reason that I pretend that there might not be a god is because I'm not willing to let myself be judged by him for what I've done. I can't speak for you, but why do you think I can point out all of this manipulation and evil? It's because I know that if I were in charge I'd be doing a lot of it myself, and also trying to hide the fact it was being done to the proles in the process.

I admit that. I wish our politicians would before we voted them in, since they're the only knobs that aren't held up to any accountability when they fail or completly lie to us. More folks will know what I'm talking about in 4 years.

Just leave me alone and I'll leave you alone. So what if I want to smoke a damn cigarette in my apartment? Who's it really hurting but me?

I'm sick of people from all sides and angles trying to force their ways on other people.

"A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned."


Friday, November 21, 2008 11:28 PM


Well Jack, I dunno about Judgement, but I do hold a mild suspicion that folks are sent to the afterlife most suited to them even if it's not their own...

And as such, I am very likely to get roughed up on my way to Valhalla for groping the Valk who comes to collect me.



Saturday, June 15, 2024 3:24 PM


the father

George H.W. Bush at 100: How good a president was he? | Opinion


Saturday, June 15, 2024 5:13 PM



Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:
So..... America can actually make a choice that isn't 50/50. That's the only good thing I see coming out of the 2008 elections, but I could be wrong. I've no doubt been wrong about my fair share of things in the past. I certainly didn't want McCain in office either, so it was either a Giant Douche or a Turd Sandwich. I'll leave it to you to decide which one we got.

I'm hoping that something good comes out of it though, and that the vast majority of Americans were right. Given that there will obviously be some sort of change for the better or worse now, I have a list of things I'd like to see Obama do. I don't have any faith he will do any of them, but here's my Obama Change Wishlist:

1. Give GWB a fair and balanced trial for his war crimes and his pissing on the Constitution and American freedoms. (I mean fair and balanced as in the Websters dictionary use of the term, and not FOX News' No-Spin-Zone spin on the term)

2. Immediate investigations into any CEO or board member getting paid any sort of bonus (with or without taxpayer dollars) involved in any company that is losing money, losing their shareholders money, laying off workers, denying workers their cost of living increases that match inflation, fudging books, cutting back on employee benefits to secure the bottom line for the quarter, or in any other way jeopardize the lives of the people who work for the companies or have invested their money in them based on lies.

3. End the endless war on terror that serves no other purposes than to piss everyone else in the world off and dump 12 billion dollars a month in that shit hole when they have plenty of oil money to fight their own battles.

4. Reverse his treasonous vote for telco-immunity for spying on American citizens.

5. Putting a very quick end to this shit and making sure that when we bring our troops home they aren't foot soldiers for the Government to pummel us into submission.

6. The tell corporate at my office that they have to make an outdoor smoking shelter for us where we have winter since they kicked us out in the cold. (Corporate happens to be in Florida)

I'm sure I can think of a million more things, but that's just what's on my mind this second.

What is your Obama wishlist?

"A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned."

16 years and 3 Presidents later and none of this was done.

I can't imagine that 28 year old me really thought any of it was ever going to be done either.

At least the smoking shelter thing worked itself out though. That company I was working for at the time joined the long list of companies that failed some time after I stopped working there, and since I don't work now I can smoke whenever I want, wherever I want.

And they all lived happily ever after.

The End.


Trump will be fine.
He will also be your next President.






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