I will soon laugh at your pain

UPDATED: Tuesday, December 2, 2008 09:04
VIEWED: 5928
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Saturday, November 22, 2008 3:39 AM

Barry is putting together a group of back stabing, power hungery, Clinton retreads. Since Barry has no friends in Chicago he can bring to Washington, (his Chicago friends are nutz & terrorists) he has to pick from the pool of Washington insiders, fowl tempered, power hugery rodents who WILL let Barry down. AND THEN I WILL LAUGH AT YOUR PAIN, AND DRINK YOUR TEARS!!

I'm going to microwave a bagel and have sex with it - Peter Griffin


Saturday, November 22, 2008 7:00 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Yeah, yeah. Whatever.

Let's party like its 1929.


Saturday, November 22, 2008 7:01 AM




Drink my tears? What the heck is that supposed to mean. You should have used "eat you children". Drink your tears sounds like some Mexican soap opera.

At any rate, my thoughts:

There is no gloom and doom that Bush didn't cause till Obama is President.

Democrats from the Clinton administration are not bad, remember how good the Clinton economy was?

The Democratic party is not split.

Obama doesn't hate Reid and Pelosi.

Pelosi doesn't hate Reid, or Obama

Bill Clinton is not a liability, unless he let's the cats out of the bags.

There are dissapointed anti war Democratic voters like me that are concerned about Obama's shift to the center on the war

The war is not enough for Democrats to be split like evangelical and fiscal Republicans are.

Every Democrat I know is enthusiastic about Obama in spite of attempts by the right to claim dissention where none exists.

The RNC has instructed Fox, and Conservative media, and Republicans to complain about everything, and if they have nothing, make something up until 2012.


Saturday, November 22, 2008 7:12 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

IMHO anybody will be better than Bush ever was. Bush will be rememberd as the President who broke the American economy and the American military. He'll also be remembered as the Gorbachev of the American empire. That's a lot of shit to shovel. But Obama doesn't have to be god on earth: all he has to do is not be Bush.

No tears here. Just a big sigh of relief that the incoming President isn't going to f*ck up as badly as our previous fearless leader.

Let's party like its 1929.


Saturday, November 22, 2008 7:18 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

That's okay, 'Zit - go ahead and laugh all you want. We're sure as hell laughing at YOUR pain, so I s'pose it's only fair you want to laugh at ours. 'Course, it might help if we actually had any pain for you to laugh at, but from where I sit, things are looking pretty shiny. We've got the White House, the House, and the Senate, the Republicans are running scared and begging to be included in ANYTHING... so where's all our pain?

Sure, the economy is in the shitter, but that's all down to Bush - unless you accept that it's either the Clinton policies, which took over 7 years to have an effect, or it's the Obama policies, which have had an effect months before the guy is even sworn in.


Saturday, November 22, 2008 7:27 AM



Originally posted by MalBadInLatin:


Drink my tears? What the heck is that supposed to mean. You should have used "eat you children". Drink your tears sounds like some Mexican soap opera.

At any rate, my thoughts:

There is no gloom and doom that Bush didn't cause till Obama is President.

Democrats from the Clinton administration are not bad, remember how good the Clinton economy was?

The Democratic party is not split.

Obama doesn't hate Reid and Pelosi.

Pelosi doesn't hate Reid, or Obama

Bill Clinton is not a liability, unless he let's the cats out of the bags.

There are dissapointed anti war Democratic voters like me that are concerned about Obama's shift to the center on the war

The war is not enough for Democrats to be split like evangelical and fiscal Republicans are.

Every Democrat I know is enthusiastic about Obama in spite of attempts by the right to claim dissention where none exists.

The RNC has instructed Fox, and Conservative media, and Republicans to complain about everything, and if they have nothing, make something up until 2012.

The Clinton years were good because the Repulicans were in the majority in the House & Senate, and kept fatso in check. The Clinton years was one scandal after another, we had a good economy beacuse of the Republicans. And do'nt forget that fatso passed on killing Bin-Laden 3 times! As for the FOX and the "Conservative" media, who will complain about Barry when he screws up, MSNBC, CNN, Bill Maher, Jon Stewart, the latenight hosts? Nope, Barry can get drunk, barf in the rose garden, flip off the press and they'll still kiss his ass! I look forward to drinking your tears and washing them down with a glass of Gentleman Jack.

I'm going to microwave a bagel and have sex with it - Peter Griffin


Saturday, November 22, 2008 7:30 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

At least you'll have Gentleman Jack for company so it won't be an entirely dry evening. Have fun. Seems tho like you've already started the party so let us know when you come out of your haze.

Let's party like its 1929.


Saturday, November 22, 2008 8:10 AM


Wow. Whozit: not even trying to hide the fact that his top priority is not for America to succeed, but for Democrats to fail. Way to love your country man!

You know, for the past year and a half there's been a few conservatives pointing to Congress's low approval ratings as proof that the slim Democratic majority was even less popular than Bush. To which I pointed out that if that was true, the Repubs should make great gains in 2008. Which clearly did not happen. Do you think these hot air filled idiots have reconsidered their stance and worked out that they were wrong? That the disapproval was of the Republican minority stopping all useful legislation? And that's why the Republican minority shrank so severely, and is now truly a minority?

Yet another example of how some conservatives have conveniently selective memories... helps with the delusions.

So here's my challenge to the Whozit and AUraptor types: if in a few years America is chugging along decently, recovering from this horror that Bush put us through, with a steady economy, civil rights restored, the constitution once again honored, our youth not dying for oil company profits, etc, are you going to man up and admit that the BS you're going on about right now is completely and absolutely wrong?

And yes, if Barack turns this country into a white-man-hating burka-wearing socialist whatever-it-is-you-fear, I'll certainly admit I'm wrong. And I'll fight to get him out of office.

But, if he does well and the country thrives, will you fight to keep him there?

I'm guessing whozit won't. He seems set on spending the rest of life looking for tears to drink, cause he likes being right more than he likes his country. Gotta say - that's pretty pathetic.


Saturday, November 22, 2008 8:14 AM



Originally posted by Kwicko:
That's okay, 'Zit - go ahead and laugh all you want. We're sure as hell laughing at YOUR pain, so I s'pose it's only fair you want to laugh at ours. 'Course, it might help if we actually had any pain for you to laugh at, but from where I sit, things are looking pretty shiny. We've got the White House, the House, and the Senate, the Republicans are running scared and begging to be included in ANYTHING... so where's all our pain?

Sure, the economy is in the shitter, but that's all down to Bush - unless you accept that it's either the Clinton policies, which took over 7 years to have an effect, or it's the Obama policies, which have had an effect months before the guy is even sworn in.

Let the Repulicans run, they're fat and need the excercise. Your whores in the press are making this guy look like the 2nd coming, TIME has him on the cover as FDR, no joke, go to the store and see for your self. If this douch does'nt have the troops home soon, the stock market kicking ass, and a free puppy for everyone by next Christmas, even Barry's bitches in the press wo'nt be able to save him. This guys charm will only take him so far. And then I WILL LAUGH AT YOUR PAIN!!

I'm going to microwave a bagel and have sex with it - Peter Griffin


Saturday, November 22, 2008 8:29 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

My god, Whozit. Stop drinking so early!

Let's party like its 1929.


Saturday, November 22, 2008 8:45 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


TIME has him on the cover as FDR, no joke, go to the store and see for your self.

You say that as if the Time cover is some sort of hero-worship. I thought you and your kind loathed FDR; shouldn't the shot of Obama as FDR be exactly the sort of "confirmation" you're looking for that he's a "socialist"? In other words, for those who hate FDR, shouldn't the Time illustration really be just what they're looking for? Instead, you complain about it.


Saturday, November 22, 2008 8:48 AM



Originally posted by whozit:
As for the FOX and the "Conservative" media, who will complain about Barry when he screws up, MSNBC, CNN, Bill Maher, Jon Stewart, the latenight hosts? Nope, Barry can get drunk, barf in the rose garden, flip off the press and they'll still kiss his ass! I look forward to drinking your tears and washing them down with a glass of Gentleman Jack.

You must not watch them because Jon Stewart and Bill Maher still tease Clinton. Just so you know, Maher and Stewart have never claimed journalistic accuracy. They're like SNL, and Jack Benny. If Fox get's thier reptillian claws ahold of a negative Obama story. They'll spread it without relent until they all let out a satanic exhausted sigh before smoking a ciggarette. And it will be lies half the time, and exagerations the rest of the time.

But after Obama is in...the Conservative media is only Fox and Rush. If we Liberals ignore them like I suggest, the redneck bigoted evangelicals will be stifled. No more of thier needless death in wars, bigotry, and anti "elitism"(education)

And you're gonna wash my tears down with Jack Daniels!? Why am I not suprised. You'll not be washing my tears down. I don't have tear ducts.

Oh yeah!? Why don't Republicans do comedy? That stupid unfunny show Red Eye on Fox, and then that 1/2 comedy hour that failed on Fox sucked worse. They had to put on laugh tracks becuase you Republicans are as funny as dirt.

SNL, Jon Stewart, Stephen Colbert, Bill Maher...all hysterically funny with years long follwings and emmy awards.

Why aren't Republicans funny...ever!


Saturday, November 22, 2008 9:04 AM



Originally posted by MalBadInLatin:

Originally posted by whozit:
As for the FOX and the "Conservative" media, who will complain about Barry when he screws up, MSNBC, CNN, Bill Maher, Jon Stewart, the latenight hosts? Nope, Barry can get drunk, barf in the rose garden, flip off the press and they'll still kiss his ass! I look forward to drinking your tears and washing them down with a glass of Gentleman Jack.

You must not watch them because Jon Stewart and Bill Maher still tease Clinton. Just so you know, Maher and Stewart have never claimed journalistic accuracy. They're like SNL, and Jack Benny. If Fox get's thier reptillian claws ahold of a negative Obama story. They'll spread it without relent until they all let out a satanic exhausted sigh before smoking a ciggarette. And it will be lies half the time, and exagerations the rest of the time.

But after Obama is in...the Conservative media is only Fox and Rush. If we Liberals ignore them like I suggest, the redneck bigoted evangelicals will be stifled. No more of thier needless death in wars, bigotry, and anti "elitism"(education)

And you're gonna wash my tears down with Jack Daniels!? Why am I not suprised. You'll not be washing my tears down. I don't have tear ducts.

Oh yeah!? Why don't Republicans do comedy? That stupid unfunny show Red Eye on Fox, and then that 1/2 comedy hour that failed on Fox sucked worse. They had to put on laugh tracks becuase you Republicans are as funny as dirt.

SNL, Jon Stewart, Stephen Colbert, Bill Maher...all hysterically funny with years long follwings and emmy awards.

Why aren't Republicans funny...ever!

Ignore is the word in your essay that jumped out at me, you and others "ignored" Barry's lack of experiance, slimey friends, and now lack of CHANGE. Jon Stewart once called Bush a retard, do you think Barry is going to get as much heat? As for funny Republicans, there are plenty, Dennis Miller, Laura Ingram, Rush Limbaugh and others who ar'nt afraid to be "Black Balled" in Hollywood. They're going to be in demand in the next 4 years.

I'm going to microwave a bagel and have sex with it - Peter Griffin


Saturday, November 22, 2008 9:08 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Let's party like its 1929.


Saturday, November 22, 2008 9:18 AM



Originally posted by whozit:
Jon Stewart once called Bush a retard

Really? That going to far IMO. That he ain't bright is obvious, but no mentally handicapped person could ever be the President.

The even-handed Chrisisall


Saturday, November 22, 2008 9:56 AM



Originally posted by whozit: Ignore is the word in your essay that jumped out at me, you and others "ignored" Barry's lack of experiance, slimey friends, and now lack of CHANGE. Jon Stewart once called Bush a retard, do you think Barry is going to get as much heat? As for funny Republicans, there are plenty, Dennis Miller, Laura Ingram, Rush Limbaugh and others who ar'nt afraid to be "Black Balled" in Hollywood. They're going to be in demand in the next 4 years.
I would never ignore you Whoz...but I would enthusiastically ignore Fox, Rush, Laura, and the hysterical rantings of that traitor to the Democratic party and severe alchoholic Dennis Miller. Hollywood isn't a cable news network and they can blackball anybody they're not in favor of the Fairness Doctrine are you? If not they can deal with or deal out anyone they don't like. Conservatives are so easy not to like.

If Jon Stewart calls Bush a retard, is that a bad thing?? Because I called him much worse yesterday...and today ain't over. And he deserves all of it because he's President right now and everything sucks, he was supposed to be the doorman and not let "suck" in. Republican pundits are getting lambasted even on Hannity for accusing Obama of ruining the country and causing the financial crisis when he's not the President.

I didn't vote for Obama's experience. I voted for him because he was smarter than McCain and Palin combined. I trust his intellect to make sound logical decisions. Not decisions based on the tyranny of evangelical dogma. McCain totaly sucked up to Bible thumpers. The dumbest Democrat is smarter than the smartest Evangelical any day, anywhere.

Only an absolute moron would think Ayers's existance would affect Obama's approach to leading the country. My garbage man snorted coke in front of my house, and I caught him...should I have denounced him and sold my house because I would have a continued connection with him? Republicans were begging for traction with that one, and because they didn't get it...they just whined louder. Boo hoo cry babys.

Whozit? Doesn't the fact that they got nothing! on Barack Obama...and that the only thing they could get was on people he knew...mean anything to you?

Every bit of ignoring of the Bible thumpers is neccessary for human survival. How many times between 2002-2006 did Bush ignore Democrats anyway?


Saturday, November 22, 2008 10:35 AM



Originally posted by MalBadInLatin:

Only an absolute moron would think Ayers's existance would affect Obama's approach to leading the country.

Mal...*trying hard not to laugh*
you do have a way with words... I trust you're not lookin' at anyone in particular when you say this...

The laughing out loud Chrisisall


Saturday, November 22, 2008 11:06 AM



Originally posted by chrisisall:

Glad to see Jonathan Frakes is doing some physical therapy for that neck problem of his. Seems his costars approve as well.


Hey, hey, hey, don't be mean. We don't have to be mean, because, remember, no matter where you go, there you are.


Saturday, November 22, 2008 11:36 AM



Originally posted by chrisisall:

Originally posted by MalBadInLatin:

Only an absolute moron would think Ayers's existance would affect Obama's approach to leading the country.

Mal...*trying hard not to laugh*
you do have a way with words... I trust you're not lookin' at anyone in particular when you say this...

The laughing out loud Chrisisall

Oh you know just who brings out the verbose in me Chris.

On a related note...I was really crushed the other day...once because my friend told me Sarah Silverman has a boyfriend, or girlfriend, either way....and the second time...did you know...that after Obama takes office on January 20th...Conservatives still get to talk?? That's right! mouth usage, jawin' n' whitlin', talking! at us!!! There should be a rule whereby loosers who belong to a deadly toxic demonstrably corrosive political party shouldn't be talking to a positive guy like me.


Saturday, November 22, 2008 11:59 AM



Originally posted by MalBadInLatin:
did you know...that after Obama takes office on January 20th...Conservatives still get to talk??

I guess we got to take the BAD with the good, eh?

The bee-boppin' Chrisisall


Saturday, November 22, 2008 12:13 PM



Originally posted by chrisisall:
I guess we got to take the BAD with the good, eh?

The bee-boppin' Chrisisall

You're the actual positive guy then Chris, or at the very least diplomatic. Like George Schultz and not like Henry Kissinger.

Not dissagreeing with anything in particular Capn''s just that back in the day there would have been actual "good" with that "bad", and the talking!


Saturday, November 22, 2008 12:20 PM



Originally posted by MalBadInLatin:

Originally posted by whozit: Ignore is the word in your essay that jumped out at me, you and others "ignored" Barry's lack of experiance, slimey friends, and now lack of CHANGE. Jon Stewart once called Bush a retard, do you think Barry is going to get as much heat? As for funny Republicans, there are plenty, Dennis Miller, Laura Ingram, Rush Limbaugh and others who ar'nt afraid to be "Black Balled" in Hollywood. They're going to be in demand in the next 4 years.
I would never ignore you Whoz...but I would enthusiastically ignore Fox, Rush, Laura, and the hysterical rantings of that traitor to the Democratic party and severe alchoholic Dennis Miller. Hollywood isn't a cable news network and they can blackball anybody they're not in favor of the Fairness Doctrine are you? If not they can deal with or deal out anyone they don't like. Conservatives are so easy not to like.

If Jon Stewart calls Bush a retard, is that a bad thing?? Because I called him much worse yesterday...and today ain't over. And he deserves all of it because he's President right now and everything sucks, he was supposed to be the doorman and not let "suck" in. Republican pundits are getting lambasted even on Hannity for accusing Obama of ruining the country and causing the financial crisis when he's not the President.

I didn't vote for Obama's experience. I voted for him because he was smarter than McCain and Palin combined. I trust his intellect to make sound logical decisions. Not decisions based on the tyranny of evangelical dogma. McCain totaly sucked up to Bible thumpers. The dumbest Democrat is smarter than the smartest Evangelical any day, anywhere.

Only an absolute moron would think Ayers's existance would affect Obama's approach to leading the country. My garbage man snorted coke in front of my house, and I caught him...should I have denounced him and sold my house because I would have a continued connection with him? Republicans were begging for traction with that one, and because they didn't get it...they just whined louder. Boo hoo cry babys.

Whozit? Doesn't the fact that they got nothing! on Barack Obama...and that the only thing they could get was on people he knew...mean anything to you?

Every bit of ignoring of the Bible thumpers is neccessary for human survival. How many times between 2002-2006 did Bush ignore Democrats anyway?

The trouble with you big brains is you put IQ head of common sence. I do'nt give a rats ass how smart Barry is, he's briniging back the Clinton years, it was 8 years of scandal! He yelled CHANGE for 2 years, so were's the change? You big brains will bring up how great the Clinton years were, BUT WERE'S THE CHANGE! You've got your Democrat Whitehouse, House and Senate, WERE"S THE CHANGE! Now you guy's are in favor of corperate bailout, WERE"S THE CHANGE! Your tears will nurish me, yum I can taste them now.

I'm going to microwave a bagel and have sex with it - Peter Griffin


Saturday, November 22, 2008 1:33 PM



Originally posted by whozit:
I do'nt give a rats ass how smart Barry is, he's briniging back the Clinton years, it was 8 years of scandal! He yelled CHANGE for 2 years, so were's the change?

Well, one BIG one is we'll have no Presidents doing any extracurricular activities in the Oval Office, and then feelin' the weasely need to LIE TO CONGRESS about it...

There WILL be nookie in the White House once again, but the moral & wholesome kind- I'd call THAT quite a change, wouldn't you?

The frisky Chrisisall


Saturday, November 22, 2008 2:38 PM



So here's my challenge to the Whozit and AUraptor types: if in a few years America is chugging along decently, recovering from this horror that Bush put us through, with a steady economy, civil rights restored, the constitution once again honored, our youth not dying for oil company profits, etc, are you going to man up and admit that the BS you're going on about right now is completely and absolutely wrong?

Hell no.

They'll either hide under a rock with the rest of their brownshirted breathren until society has forgotten their crimes, or throw an endless tantrum since reality doesn't match the idealised world inside their little plastic bubble.

Just like they always do.

Me, I just wanna stomp on the rock they're hiding under, putting paid to a cycle that's haunted us for a hundred and more years and done damage uncounted to our whole society.


It cannot be said enough, those who do not learn from history, are doomed to endlessly repeat it


Saturday, November 22, 2008 3:12 PM



Originally posted by Fremdfirma:

So here's my challenge to the Whozit and AUraptor types: if in a few years America is chugging along decently, recovering from this horror that Bush put us through, with a steady economy, civil rights restored, the constitution once again honored, our youth not dying for oil company profits, etc, are you going to man up and admit that the BS you're going on about right now is completely and absolutely wrong?

Hell no.

They'll either hide under a rock with the rest of their brownshirted breathren until society has forgotten their crimes, or throw an endless tantrum since reality doesn't match the idealised world inside their little plastic bubble.

Just like they always do.

Me, I just wanna stomp on the rock they're hiding under, putting paid to a cycle that's haunted us for a hundred and more years and done damage uncounted to our whole society.


It cannot be said enough, those who do not learn from history, are doomed to endlessly repeat it

Oh I'm a Nazi? Gee thanks for letting me know I was evil. I thought I was a nice guy. My guess is you would'nt know a Nazi if he burnt a cross in your front yard, I could be wrong bitch.

i'm going to microwave a bagel and have sex with it - Peter Griffin


Saturday, November 22, 2008 3:19 PM



Originally posted by whozit: The trouble with you big brains is you put IQ head of common sence. I do'nt give a rats ass how smart Barry is, he's briniging back the Clinton years, it was 8 years of scandal! He yelled CHANGE for 2 years, so were's the change? You big brains will bring up how great the Clinton years were, BUT WERE'S THE CHANGE! You've got your Democrat Whitehouse, House and Senate, WERE"S THE CHANGE! Now you guy's are in favor of corperate bailout, WERE"S THE CHANGE! Your tears will nurish me, yum I can taste them now.
That is so funny...I don't do rhetorical LOL's, if I whip that weenie out it's for real. And I say LOLROFLMAO because! ain't gonna get nourished if you drink my tears. You're gonna notice an uneasy butterfly feeling first. Then visual halucinations, and soon after you'll realize that you're high as a kite from the Orange Sunshine, Purple microdot, four way window pane, and 50 lbs or so of magic mushroom residue radiating from the mothership, AKA my liver.

What is all this big brains stuff, I have a 2 year education that took me 3 years to get from 2 different community colleges. Then 1 year in mainland China. Don't you put that "elitist" jacket on me.

Do you actualy think that the detrement value of Clinton's one proven scandal, a blow job, is a detrement to Obama's cabinet because they were near Clinton when Monica was a huffin' and a puffin'? You Conservatives are not hesitant to convict anyone guilty "by proximity" to a blow job recipient, are you? Who frickken cares. Oh yeah, pent up evangelicals, Republicans, and hypocrits.

The only ones who threatened to throw everyone out of Washington was Republicans because everything sucks right now and it's thier fault. Democrats can vote with thier leaders 90% of the time because they're right. Democrats will try to change Americans, and America. Republicans always apply thier faults, problems, and shortcommings to Democrats. Then declare Democrats wrong if they don't act like Republicans, who currently have everything screwed up. That's play #1 in Rove's playbook. Takes a long time to unwind it.


Saturday, November 22, 2008 3:30 PM



Originally posted by MalBadInLatin:

Originally posted by whozit: The trouble with you big brains is you put IQ head of common sence. I do'nt give a rats ass how smart Barry is, he's briniging back the Clinton years, it was 8 years of scandal! He yelled CHANGE for 2 years, so were's the change? You big brains will bring up how great the Clinton years were, BUT WERE'S THE CHANGE! You've got your Democrat Whitehouse, House and Senate, WERE"S THE CHANGE! Now you guy's are in favor of corperate bailout, WERE"S THE CHANGE! Your tears will nurish me, yum I can taste them now.
That is so funny...I don't do rhetorical LOL's, if I whip that weenie out it's for real. And I say LOLROFLMAO because! ain't gonna get nourished if you drink my tears. You're gonna notice an uneasy butterfly feeling first. Then visual halucinations, and soon after you'll realize that you're high as a kite from the Orange Sunshine, Purple microdot, four way window pane, and 50 lbs or so of magic mushroom residue radiating from the mothership, AKA my liver.

What is all this big brains stuff, I have a 2 year education that took me 3 years to get from 2 different community colleges. Then 1 year in mainland China. Don't you put that "elitist" jacket on me.

Do you actualy think that the detrement value of Clinton's one proven scandal, a blow job, is a detrement to Obama's cabinet because they were near Clinton when Monica was a huffin' and a puffin'? You Conservatives are not hesitant to convict anyone guilty "by proximity" to a blow job recipient, are you? Who frickken cares. Oh yeah, pent up evangelicals, Republicans, and hypocrits.

The only ones who threatened to throw everyone out was Republicans because everything sucks right now and it's thier fault. Democrats can vote with thier leaders 90% of the time because they're right. Republicans always apply thier faults, problems, and shortcommings to Democrats. Then declare Democrats wrong if they don't act like Republicans, who currently have everything screwed up. That's play #1 in Rove's playbook. Takes a long time to unwind it.

I give up. You Democrats rule now. NOW I DEMAND YOU FIX EVERYTHING! If you do'nt, it's YOUR FAULT! Now all the worlds problems are on your shoulders, FIX THEM! DO'NT BITCH, FIX THEM NOW! You wanted to be in charge, now fix it!

I'm going to microwave a bagel and have sex with it - Peter Griffin


Saturday, November 22, 2008 3:46 PM



Originally posted by whozit: I give up. You Democrats rule now. NOW I DEMAND YOU FIX EVERYTHING! If you do'nt, it's YOUR FAULT! Now all the worlds problems are on your shoulders, FIX THEM! DO'NT BITCH, FIX THEM NOW! You wanted to be in charge, now fix it!
Not so fast there Whozit. I'm not sure how to break this to you.......But George Bush is still President till Jan 20th.

Save this and repost it on Jan 20th and it will be totaly relevant. Nice chatting with ya'


Saturday, November 22, 2008 4:07 PM


Didn't call ya evil, Zit - I called ya stupid.

Not necessarily the same thing, but often related.

And they usually end up...

If I meant to call ya something else, I woulda - I tend to be damn specific when I get to insultin someone.



Sunday, November 23, 2008 3:32 AM



Originally posted by whozit:
The trouble with you big brains is you put IQ head of common sence.

Well - and here's the thing that might give whozit a wittle bitty headache if he thinks about it too long - some of us base our common sense on such IQ related things as, say... logic. Reason. Facts. Oh, and the ability to spell.

Still waiting on your input on my thought experiment, whozit. I know it's a stretch for someone who celebrates ignorance as you do, but give it a try: If the US is going strong 2 years from now, will you be able to admit that you're wrong? Will you be able to get over your biases and support Obama if he proves himself to be good for the country?


Sunday, November 23, 2008 4:59 AM


I think Bush will go down as the worst president in history, but I've got 4 or 8 years to make up my mind on that. And then another 4 or 8 to make up my mind on that.....

Show me an Obama who undoes the Patriot Act and the Real ID card and I'll show you a guy who puts his foot in his mouth.

"A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned."


Sunday, November 23, 2008 5:40 AM



Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:
but I've got 4 or 8 years to make up my mind on that. And then another 4 or 8 to make up my mind on that.....

I'm confused.


Show me an Obama who undoes the Patriot Act and the Real ID card and I'll show you a guy who puts his foot in his mouth.
And yet more confused...

Certainly, if Obama did these two things, I'd be !


Sunday, November 23, 2008 6:55 AM



Originally posted by swish:

Originally posted by whozit:
The trouble with you big brains is you put IQ head of common sence.

Well - and here's the thing that might give whozit a wittle bitty headache if he thinks about it too long - some of us base our common sense on such IQ related things as, say... logic. Reason. Facts. Oh, and the ability to spell.

Still waiting on your input on my thought experiment, whozit. I know it's a stretch for someone who celebrates ignorance as you do, but give it a try: If the US is going strong 2 years from now, will you be able to admit that you're wrong? Will you be able to get over your biases and support Obama if he proves himself to be good for the country?

If Barry does a great job, then all my bitching will fall on deaf ears. Rite now Barry is getting a free pass, the comics wo'nt touch him, some are afraid, some support him. The press are his lap dogs, Sarah Palin got the vetting he should have gotten, a ZOGBY poll proved most Obama voters knew more about Palin then they did Barry. Your IQ is way higher than mine and you can spell better, but common sence tells me when Barry falls, he'll fall hard. His whores in the press can only do so much for him when his training wheels come off.

I'm going to microwave a bagel and have sex with it - Peter Griffin


Sunday, November 23, 2008 7:15 AM



Originally posted by whozit:
If Barry does a great job, then all my bitching will fall on deaf ears.

The question is: if the country does well under "Barry", will you, for the love of God, STOP BITCHING? And think twice about inventing things to bitch about in the future?


does w Rite now Barry is getting a free pass, the comics wo'nt touch him, some are afraid, some support him. The press are his lap dogs, Sarah Palin got the vetting he should have gotten, a ZOGBY poll proved most Obama voters knew more about Palin then they did Barry.
Have you followed up on that poll, and seen how obviously it was the same dishonest right-wing bullshit that lost McCain the election? As it's been said: the poll got stupid answers because it asked stupid questions. Zogby himself has stated that the poll was "not his finest hour", and has refused to do a follow-up, no matter who - lefty or righty - writes it.

As for Palin, she got nailed by the press because she's a doorknob. Just like you and AUraptor continually get nailed on these threads - because your arguments are pathetic. That's the price for hanging your ignorance and lack of open mind out for everyone to see, as Palin learned. Or should have learned. Try to be less of a tool and people won't treat you like one. Obama wasn't treated like an idiot because he makes an effort to not be one.


Your IQ is way higher than mine and you can spell better, but common sence tells me when Barry falls, he'll fall hard. His whores in the press can only do so much for him when his training wheels come off.
OK, it's clear how much I value your version of common sense (It's spelled s-e-n-s-e), but again I ask: will your brain open up at all if Obama proves you wrong? See, it's that making an effort not to be a fool thing. You too can try it - it's not about IQ, it's about giving a shit.

Yes, I'm having an aggravating day on many levels and I'm venting on you poor folks here. I may have to apologize later...


Sunday, November 23, 2008 7:28 AM



Originally posted by swish:

Originally posted by whozit:
If Barry does a great job, then all my bitching will fall on deaf ears.

The question is: if the country does well under "Barry", will you, for the love of God, STOP BITCHING? And think twice about inventing things to bitch about in the future?


does w Rite now Barry is getting a free pass, the comics wo'nt touch him, some are afraid, some support him. The press are his lap dogs, Sarah Palin got the vetting he should have gotten, a ZOGBY poll proved most Obama voters knew more about Palin then they did Barry.
Have you followed up on that poll, and seen how obviously it was the same dishonest right-wing bullshit that lost McCain the election? As it's been said: the poll got stupid answers because it asked stupid questions. Zogby himself has stated that the poll was "not his finest hour", and has refused to do a follow-up, no matter who - lefty or righty - writes it.

As for Palin, she got nailed by the press because she's a doorknob. Just like you and AUraptor continually get nailed on these threads - because your arguments are pathetic. That's the price for hanging your ignorance and lack of open mind out for everyone to see, as Palin learned. Or should have learned. Try to be less of a tool and people won't treat you like one. Obama wasn't treated like an idiot because he makes an effort to not be one.


Your IQ is way higher than mine and you can spell better, but common sence tells me when Barry falls, he'll fall hard. His whores in the press can only do so much for him when his training wheels come off.
OK, it's clear how much I value your version of common sense (It's spelled s-e-n-s-e), but again I ask: will your brain open up at all if Obama proves you wrong? See, it's that making an effort not to be a fool thing. You too can try it - it's not about IQ, it's about giving a shit.

Yes, I'm having an aggravating day on many levels and I'm venting on you poor folks here. I may have to apologize later...

If Barry proves me wrong I will drop to me knees and kiss your LEFT butt check, if he fails.........we all will be in trouble.

I'm going to microwave a bagel and have sex with it - Peter Griffin


Sunday, November 23, 2008 7:44 AM



Originally posted by whozit:
If Barry proves me wrong I will drop to me knees and kiss your LEFT butt check,

No thanks, I don't need lip prints on my ass. See, I'm not like you. I don't care (nearly as much ) about being proven right or wrong. I'd rather have this country not suck, no matter what it takes and who leads us there. And I'd like to see fewer Americans celebrating their biases as if prejudice and ignorance makes for greatness.


if he fails.........we all will be in trouble.
Um... yeah, no shit. Though you might note that we're in trouble already, through none of Barack Obama's doing. And you might deal with his failure if and when it happens, instead of jumping up and down hoping for it, hmmm?


Sunday, November 23, 2008 7:57 AM



Originally posted by swish:

Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:
but I've got 4 or 8 years to make up my mind on that. And then another 4 or 8 to make up my mind on that.....

I'm confused.


Show me an Obama who undoes the Patriot Act and the Real ID card and I'll show you a guy who puts his foot in his mouth.
And yet more confused...

Certainly, if Obama did these two things, I'd be !

He didn't do them, he's just part of the two party machine that does these things. He won't undo them, I can all but guaranty that.

We'll talk in 4 years....

"A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned."


Sunday, November 23, 2008 8:01 AM



Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:
He won't undo them, I can all but guaranty that.

Sadly, I tend to agree. I hope I'm wrong, but I think we have firmly entered the Age of Paranoid Near-Police State, and it's not going to go away soon.


Sunday, November 23, 2008 9:31 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by swish:

Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:
He won't undo them, I can all but guaranty that.

Sadly, I tend to agree. I hope I'm wrong, but I think we have firmly entered the Age of Paranoid Near-Police State, and it's not going to go away soon.

Yes, and it was brought to you by George W. Bush.


Sunday, November 23, 2008 11:50 AM


Ayep - where's Eddie Murrow when ya need him.

As Geezer has pointed out a couple times, we have indeed stooped lower, but have always rebounded, although not entirely - we never do get back all the ground we lose, and eventually, if we keep putting these Neo-Feudo-Fascist wannabes in office, like a decaying orbit, sooner or later it WILL lead to our destruction.

Never, EVER, forget this moment - or 12-15 years down the road when everyone has, it'll happen all over again, just like it always does, because no one ever has the guts to put the boot in and finish the job.

And that's not regarding any party in particular, cause both of em are every bit as guilty of harboring such.

However, sending the rabid dog away in hopes it will die on it's own soon has never worked, it just gets sneakier, meaner, and more dangerous.

What we oughta do is run the bastards to ground, root em out and throw em in prison, but so many americans are such damn fools wrapped up in their own beloved ignorance, intolerance and learned sociopathy that it would be hard to do so without irreperable damage to the very fabric of our society - not that such would bother me considering the evil from which that cloth was woven, I'd be more concerned about it sparking a witch hunt a'la McCarthy and doing more harm than good.

This is history, REMEMBER it, or pay the price.


It cannot be said enough, those who do not learn from history, are doomed to endlessly repeat it


Sunday, November 23, 2008 2:40 PM



Originally posted by Fremdfirma:
What we oughta do is run the bastards to ground, root em out and throw em in prison,

Well, that's a little extreme. Cause if you can do that to support your side, what's to stop Them from doing it to support Their's?

It's all a big pendulum. We had our ultra conservative 50s (Nothing happening now is as scary as McCarthy and his Red Hunt, not in my opinion!), the liberal 60s and 70s and then a conservative swing that seems to be ending now. But - I read an article about this, it's not my idea - this country is not near so right-center and some radio yammerheads would have us believe. Don't Ask, Don't Tell is going down the tubes, gay marriage is on the way in (prop 8 will be go down, by 2010 if not sooner), and could you have imagined any of that in the 80s? How about a woman with a pregnant teenaged daughter running on the Republican Ticket? Never mind a black man winning the presidency! We've traveled quite a bit left on many issues, even with the right in power.

Yeah, I think things slowly trend toward sanity, even with the swinging back and forth. We certainly will repeat the madness in 15-20 years, but I think it'll be less extreme.

Um... that's not to say that everything about conservatism is madness. I'm all for small govt. It's just the neocon/religious part that I find more than a little insane.


Sunday, November 23, 2008 2:53 PM


Swish, I like your style.

The sympatico Chrisisall


Monday, November 24, 2008 3:08 AM



Originally posted by Kwicko:

Originally posted by swish:

Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:
He won't undo them, I can all but guaranty that.

Sadly, I tend to agree. I hope I'm wrong, but I think we have firmly entered the Age of Paranoid Near-Police State, and it's not going to go away soon.

Yes, and it was brought to you by George W. Bush.

He certainly took it further than any administration in my lifetime has, but he's hardly the point at which we can say it started.

There are two important weapons he had in his arsenal that his predessors didn't possess.

1) Technology. Cell phones. Cheap cameras at every light and peeking out every store window. Networked police who can pull up every single thing about your past no matter what state of the Union you're in. Centralized databases on almost every single thing you can imagine on nearly all of us. And let's not forget our beloved internet.

2) A seemingly endless supply of money printed unConstitutionally to support all of these things and a centralized government that is becoming larger than the whole of the populace it is supposed to be serving.

Quick fact.... none of these things will go away in 2009. Obama's administration will have free reign over all of them, and more I would imagine by 2012.

No..... Bush didn't start the fire, though he did everything he could do in his power to feed it.

Show me an Obama who puts a stop to it and you'll all have my appreciation for voting him in. Sadly, I think we're in for 4 more years of this now, and possibly many more until we get somebody who isn't part of the 2-headed-monster-machine running things.

"A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned."


Monday, November 24, 2008 5:34 AM



Originally posted by swish:

Yeah, I think things slowly trend toward sanity......

good post Swish...

It's called Progress.... something that has been lacking for eight years...


Monday, November 24, 2008 6:06 AM



Originally posted by deadlockvictim:

Originally posted by swish:

Yeah, I think things slowly trend toward sanity......

good post Swish...

It's called Progress.... something that has been lacking for eight years...

If it really had only been going on for 8 years I could only imagine how good things would be today in comparison.....

"A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned."


Monday, November 24, 2008 6:36 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Quick fact.... none of these things will go away in 2009. Obama's administration will have free reign over all of them, and more I would imagine by 2012.

No..... Bush didn't start the fire, though he did everything he could do in his power to feed it.

Show me an Obama who puts a stop to it and you'll all have my appreciation for voting him in. Sadly, I think we're in for 4 more years of this now, and possibly many more until we get somebody who isn't part of the 2-headed-monster-machine running things.

Well... yeah. That's the Number One reason those of us who were against this kind of shit were against it in the first place. Not because Bush might abuse it (that was a given), but because EVERYONE who follows will feel free to do the same, and worse. THAT is why you don't let that particular djinni out of the bottle, even if you think you have legitimate reasons for doing so, because you'll never get him all the way back in...


Monday, November 24, 2008 6:53 AM



Originally posted by Kwicko:

Quick fact.... none of these things will go away in 2009. Obama's administration will have free reign over all of them, and more I would imagine by 2012.

No..... Bush didn't start the fire, though he did everything he could do in his power to feed it.

Show me an Obama who puts a stop to it and you'll all have my appreciation for voting him in. Sadly, I think we're in for 4 more years of this now, and possibly many more until we get somebody who isn't part of the 2-headed-monster-machine running things.

Well... yeah. That's the Number One reason those of us who were against this kind of shit were against it in the first place. Not because Bush might abuse it (that was a given), but because EVERYONE who follows will feel free to do the same, and worse. THAT is why you don't let that particular djinni out of the bottle, even if you think you have legitimate reasons for doing so, because you'll never get him all the way back in...

Well on that, Kwicko, we can agree upon 100%

It's much harder to put the shit back in the horse, particularly a Trojan one.

"A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned."


Monday, November 24, 2008 6:54 AM


"Yes we Can!",
"Yes We Did!",
"Barrack the Vote"

The power of mass labeling to pull the wool over peoples eyes...

In the age of propoganda marketing, is it any wonder?

Catchphrases. *Sighhh :masturbatory gesture:


Monday, November 24, 2008 7:21 AM



THAT is why you don't let that particular djinni out of the bottle, even if you think you have legitimate reasons for doing so, because you'll never get him all the way back in...

I thought about this a while, while eatin lunch here...

And yanno, pondering it leaves me wondering, they said the BDM was impossible too, yes ?

Easy, no - but as for ramming that damn genie back in the bottle, while it might well not be possible, there's really no excuse to not try.

I don't believe in "impossible", haven't since being flat out told I wasn't gonna make it back in 1992, and I am still kickin, now ain't I ?

Ain't no such damn thing as "impossible" if enough folks want something badly enough.



Monday, November 24, 2008 9:06 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

Right on, Frem & Jack - just cuz it's impossible don't mean it ain't worth tryin' anyhoo!

I don't think we'll get everything back that we gave away (or Bush took), but that's certainly no reason not to try to stomp the bastards down. Anyone remember Weasel Stomping Day?

It's time again.






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