Liberals Voice Concerns About Obama

UPDATED: Friday, December 19, 2008 04:50
VIEWED: 1497
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Tuesday, December 9, 2008 2:06 AM


Some choice quotes:

"Obama has reversed pledges to immediately repeal tax cuts for the wealthy and take on Big Oil. He’s hedged his call for a quick drawdown in Iraq. And he’s stocking his White House with anything but stalwarts of the left." (Not that I want leftists "stalwarts", but it still makes me laugh)

"Now some are shedding a reluctance to puncture the liberal euphoria at being rid of President George W. Bush to say, in effect, that the new boss looks like the old boss."

OpenLeft blogger Chris Bowers went so far as to issue this plaintive plea: “Isn't there ever a point when we can get an actual Democratic administration?”

Obama drew rousing applause at campaign events when he vowed to tax the windfall profits of oil companies. As president-elect, Obama says he won’t enact the tax.

Heh.... I could pretty much quote the whole thing, so I'll just let you read it yourselves. I'll just leave with this last quote"

"David Corn, Washington bureau chief of the liberal magazine Mother Jones, wrote in Sunday’s Washington Post that he is “not yet reaching for a pitchfork.”

But the headline of his op-ed sums up his point about Obama’s Cabinet appointments so far: “This Wasn’t Quite the Change We Envisioned.”

"A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned."


Tuesday, December 9, 2008 2:39 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

You seem almost surprised.


Tuesday, December 9, 2008 2:40 AM


... fully loaded, safety off...

The election went for almost 2 freaking years, every day people had provocative things to say. And then the worst possible thing happened: it ended. You can see the withdrawl in these kinds of articles. "What the f*ck do we write about now?? The guy's not in office so we can't really write about policy yet... or can we?" They're desperate to get eyeballs.

I saw his Meet The Press interview with Tom Brokaw last Sunday. It was better than some of his press conferences - dude's got a good brain.


Tuesday, December 9, 2008 2:55 AM


Heh.... I'm not surprised man. Just saving up my I Told You So's until the man gets into office.

"A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned."


Tuesday, December 9, 2008 3:08 AM



Originally posted by Kwicko:
You seem almost surprised.

Would have been nice if during the election someone would have pointed out Obama's complete lack of a record or lack of specific plans in order to show that we didn't really know what he was going to do...



Tuesday, December 9, 2008 4:48 AM



Actually, Obama did some pretty good design for an administration, during the campaign. What he didn't realize was that in DC, everything is about power groups, how many allies someone has, lobbyists, knucklebreakers, hookers, etc., and how much money and influence those guys have.

Obama stikes me as a nice family guy, and a "true believe" from the globalist camp. He's not the sleeze end, he's just deluded in thinking that globalism is a good idea. But he's the sort of person you'd like to have dinner with in the way that Bill and Hillary are very much the sort of people you don't want to.

What he wasn't expecting was that he was going to get totally steamrolled by the neocons and clintonistas. He should have. I guess the hope is fading but that audacity is on the rise.

Now, democrats and liberals of the forum, tell me you aren't just a little disappointed about Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State?

Oh well, basically, we're all screwed together, and rather than cling to one group of evil overlords against another and play "sports fan" with red vs blue, let's just admit that we're all f%^&ed in this together, and not squabble about petty differences, and try not to feed the trolls.

Oh, and see if we can't pocket some of that bailout money. I think it's time for my billion.


Tuesday, December 9, 2008 7:05 AM


I don't think that's the case with him, but that's just because he comes from Illinois pollitics... and oh yea, because he got elected.

Being able to eat dinner with somebody is a very crappy barometer for if somebody would make a good president for the people. There are a lot of Americans who would have enjoyed dinner with the Bushes too, particularly a month before he took office.

"A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned."


Tuesday, December 9, 2008 7:50 AM



What he wasn't expecting was that he was going to get totally steamrolled

Ok, everybody with me now...

I Told You So.

Anyhow, it's not exactly Obama I am betting on, his sidekick is the far more dangerous of the two, mark my words.


It cannot be said enough, those who do not learn from history, are doomed to endlessly repeat it


Tuesday, December 9, 2008 8:20 AM


He's doing pretty much what he said he would. Much of this talk of Liberals being upset with him has originated with Conservatives trying to create a narrative of dissatisfaction before he even gets started.

"I thoroughly disapprove of duels. If a man should challenge me, I would take him kindly and forgivingly by the hand and lead him to a quiet place and kill him."


Tuesday, December 9, 2008 9:33 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by Hero:

Originally posted by Kwicko:
You seem almost surprised.

Would have been nice if during the election someone would have pointed out Obama's complete lack of a record or lack of specific plans in order to show that we didn't really know what he was going to do...


Yeah, there wasn't a single voice out there in all the United States who ever tried to say that Obama wasn't experienced or lacked a record... or at least there was no one out there that was worth listening to on it.

Conservatives seem genuinely shocked that Obama's not a radical left-wing socialist, and actually intends to govern pretty much down the middle. Liberals seem somewhat surprised by this, too, apparently having bought into the conservative rhetoric about the man. Truth is, the vast majority of us live right in the middle on most issues, so that's where Obama plans on being for the vast majority of his term (or terms) of office.

What surprises me most, is how surprised most people seem to be by what I thought was always completely understood...


"It is complete now; the hands of time are neatly tied."


Tuesday, December 9, 2008 9:40 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


I told YOU so.

All them right-wingers who thought that Obama was going to lob bombs at Congress.... wow, what a bunch of pissy-pants. I kept saying that Obama was far more moderate than the howling right-wing would have everyone believe.

AFA repealing the upperclass tax cut... my understanding is that since they're due to expire anyway he's just going to let them die.

Let's party like its 1929.


Tuesday, December 9, 2008 9:59 AM



Originally posted by Kwicko:
What surprises me most, is how surprised most people seem to be by what I thought was always completely understood..."It is complete now; the hands of time are neatly tied."

I'm not surprised at all. He's playing ball. He got voted in by writing checks he likely won't be able to cash (like all politicians do) and he'll tow the line for globalization, imperialism, and further pave down that road to the one world government.

Nope... no surprise here. Nothing I haven't said for a long time about either of the chosen candidates.

"A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned."


Tuesday, December 9, 2008 3:01 PM



Not me, I wasn't here, but if you said so, then good call. I assume by sidekick you mean Rahm, and not Joe ;)


Tuesday, December 9, 2008 3:01 PM


Oh, I'm a double post, what will I do.
I'm a fish ><>


Tuesday, December 9, 2008 5:29 PM


DT, my exact words, long before he was even nominated were...

"He's gonna get steamrollered like Carter..."

And I am not very concerned about Rahmbo, since like Bolton before him, they have to give him a hi ranking post as a sop to AIPAC, but the one they gave him is where you generally shovel an incompetent lunatic (like Bolton, after his *humiliating* antics at the UN) that you're stuck with to appease folks who helped finance you.

So, lunatic that Rahmbo is, he's got a nice fancy title and a meaningless position that's also close enough to keep the leash TIGHT, and puts him where he can be watched 24-7, a wise move if you ask me.
(especially after Dov Zackheim)

And I did mean Biden - he's a quite dangerous sort of man in the right cirumstances, with an intricate knowledge of how things work inside the beltway and enough shady contacts in and out of the alphabet soup goons to give anyone a little pause.

That and he's sneaky, discreet, and his information security both technological and professional is top-freakin-notch, as even *I* have no real clue what his goals and intentions are and that's damned worriesome.

And all the while projecting, and quite well actually, the fox mulder stupid-stare with a heaping helping of obfuscating stupidity, looking every bit as harmless as a dead possum and not half as bright.

This guy, while never so much publicly, is the Democrats variation on Karl Rove and Don Rumsfeld, and quite good at it - which is why lack of knowledge about his intentions bothers me so.

Trust me on this, Obama is the velvet glove, but Biden is the iron fist, and whoever he means to do unto won't ever see it comin till it's too late, if at all.

I'm just *hoping* it's them neocon bastards instead of us, yanno ?


It cannot be said enough, those who do not learn from history, are doomed to endlessly repeat it


Wednesday, December 10, 2008 4:04 AM



good call. I made the same call, but not here, because I wasn't on this forum, until I get this email because someone responds to a two year old post.


And I am not very concerned about Rahmbo, since like Bolton before him, they have to give him a hi ranking post as a sop to AIPAC, but the one they gave him is where you generally shovel an incompetent lunatic (like Bolton, after his *humiliating* antics at the UN) that you're stuck with to appease folks who helped finance you.

So, lunatic that Rahmbo is, he's got a nice fancy title and a meaningless position that's also close enough to keep the leash TIGHT, and puts him where he can be watched 24-7, a wise move if you ask me.
(especially after Dov Zackheim)

I'd take it differently. Rahm and Barry are buds, and much of the battle was for show. Psychoboy is going to be able to ice opponents from anywhere, in his current position, sure, it's almost meaningless once the government is constructed, but has a lot of play in building the team. Barry is not completely innocent here. He's willing to play ball with some pretty corrupt guys. Rahm has helped the steamrolling, but also, it's chief of staff's job to "keep the cabinet in line." They do to the principles what tom delay and nancy pelosi did to the house, I'm assuming threats and firearms are involved.


And I did mean Biden - he's a quite dangerous sort of man in the right cirumstances, with an intricate knowledge of how things work inside the beltway and enough shady contacts in and out of the alphabet soup goons to give anyone a little pause.

Any CFR is dangerous, but the whole admin is CFR.


And all the while projecting, and quite well actually, the fox mulder stupid-stare with a heaping helping of obfuscating stupidity, looking every bit as harmless as a dead possum and not half as bright.

Could be the real Biden :)


Trust me on this, Obama is the velvet glove, but Biden is the iron fist, and whoever he means to do unto won't ever see it comin till it's too late, if at all.


I'm just *hoping* it's them neocon bastards instead of us, yanno ?

They are the same bastards. Clintonistas are not the opposition to neocons, they are the neocons. They're just the mafia portion. If you look back to Carter you see the same names you see on G.W. Bush's advisory team.

Obama said it himself "My administration will represent no real change in policy." Oh right, that was the interview with Lara Logan that they ran like once at 3 am, and then redid with Katie Couric, to fill with marshmallow fluff instead.

Now that's change *I* can believe in.


Wednesday, December 10, 2008 6:30 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

No, no, no... you've BOTH got it all wrong!!!!!

Bush/ Cheney/ Rove are the military industrialists/ financiers.

Clinton is the "international trade" wing of the economic spectrum.

Let's party like its 1929.


Wednesday, December 10, 2008 8:24 AM


Oh I am well aware of it, DT - the current batch of neocons was actually cooked in the office of Henry "Scoop" Jackson, a Democrat, and initially their little plans were not so secret, thus requiring efforts to retroactively classify much of Scoops official records.

I kid you not, they hunted em down, seized em and shredded them, but you cannot make a person unsee or unread what has already been done.

Anyhows, these neo-feudo-fascist priggs have been with us from the very start, Hamilton and Jay are good examples, as was Lincoln, but until about circa 1905 they were not that much of a threat, and about every 12-16 years, they get run out of town on a rail, like now, at least some of em do, the less discreet ones...

And then folks forgive, and folks forget, and it happens all over again - and we never do retake the ground we lost, not all of it.

Like a decaying orbit, sooner or later, kerplunk.

That is why I am so very intent on putting the boot in and finishing the job on the ones now leaving office as hard as I can, it's like bar fight rules, as I said earlier - you put the boot in, finish the one on the floor in front of ya while the other is too busy to engage you, and then once they are hors de combat, then you take the other guy.

Besides which, crippling the Republicans mortally at this point will start clearing the deck for third parties if they can get their shit together quick enough, cause the idea of a single party system ain't gonna sit well with most folk, despite that practically being what we have now.

I hate all the damn republicrats, but I have the neo-feudo-fascist pricks hiding in the sleazepit behind the ordinarily corrupt all the worse.

As for Biden, he's not dumb, far from it, and knows how to "play the game", the fact that my people have been unable to determine his intentions is a pretty clear indicator of competence, not to mention his record, both public and whispered in the dark, is something not to take lightly.


It cannot be said enough, those who do not learn from history, are doomed to endlessly repeat it


Wednesday, December 10, 2008 9:03 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

Frem, be careful assuming that Rahm Immanuel is powerless in his chief-of-staff position. That position is actually one of the most powerful in the Executive Branch; he's the sole arbiter of who gets "face time" with the Prez, and what issues are put in front of him for his perusal. The President has to meet with the Cabinet and the Joint Chiefs, but other than that, the Chief of Staff decides who gets to see him, who gets to talk to him, and what they get to say to him. In a world that's all about one word - "access" - CoS is the ultimate gatekeeper.

If Rahmbo scares you, then be prepared to get very, very scared, because he's the one who decides who has Obama's attention for the next four years.


"It is complete now; the hands of time are neatly tied."


Wednesday, December 10, 2008 3:28 PM


There's that Mikey, but ole Rahmbo is, and has always been, his own worst enemy.

You'll see what I mean by that soon enough.



Wednesday, December 10, 2008 4:39 PM


I, personally, think the Obama administration is very troublesome. It will be a miracle if they don't start world war three AND the next great depression.

This isn't a partisan comment, just re-Rahm et al.

It's been my life experience that every president is worse than the last, all other issues aside, and this is shaping up to be no exception. I vote we eliminate the position.


Wednesday, December 10, 2008 6:58 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by dreamtrove:
I, personally, think the Obama administration is very troublesome. It will be a miracle if they don't start world war three AND the next great depression.

Be kinda hard for him to start WWIII and a great depression, since Bush has already beat him to the punch on both.


"It is complete now; the hands of time are neatly tied."


Thursday, December 11, 2008 2:18 AM



Originally posted by dreamtrove:
I, personally, think the Obama administration is very troublesome. It will be a miracle if they don't start world war three AND the next great depression.

This isn't a partisan comment, just re-Rahm et al.

It's been my life experience that every president is worse than the last, all other issues aside, and this is shaping up to be no exception. I vote we eliminate the position.

Don't worry about Rahm Emmanuel. He'll be in prison in the near future. He's dirty up to his neck with Gov. Blagidiot. Emmanuel was Blaggie's point man for his Gov run, and little Rahmie got bad-boy Blag's House seat in the process. Quid pro quo with felonies aplenty. Obama's gonna turn around one day and all his inner circle will be gone. Wait till Hillary and the rest of the Clintonistas walk away from Obama too, claiming his Admin is a product of corrupt Chicago politics. Smart move for her. No Sec of State, no CIA Director, and AG nominee Holder will never be confirmed. Maybe Obama can just do it all himself, he is a smart man. So smart, so damn smart that for the last 20 years he surrounded himself with the most vile of the Chicago cesspool dwellers:
Reverand Wright
Bill Ayers
Tony Rezko
Gov. Blagostein....and he NEVER knew anything bad about any of 'em. That takes real smarts.

Democrats are finished in Illinois, not that the Republicans there are any less corrupt, but I can only imagine the terror now permeating throughout that state. When Gov Rowdy Roddy Blaggie is sat down to face the reality of perhaps facing 30 years in prison, he will begin to sing like a yellow canary. He is the only one who knows all the players, all the dirty deals, all the felonies. He'll trade immunity or reduced charges for ratting out everyone else. Even Tony "the ferret" Rezko will come back into the fray. Who knows what juicy tid-bits he can add to the scandal. Then of course, there's the Chicago Mob. They are embedded into everything as well, almost a personal guard for mayor Daley. Bodies in the river, suicides galore; I imagine Sean Penn is taking careful notes on this. Could be an Oscar somewhere in there for him in a few years playing Gov Rod (he likes characters with weird hair).

Finally, in all honesty, I do not want to see anything bad for Obama. He won the election, and it was indeed historic. The country is in bad shape and Bush is totally awol. The transition is seeming endless. I truly hope the scandal stays local in Illinois. America doesn't need this now. But after the horrible McCain selection for Presidential candidate, and the abysmal campaign he ran, and the bitterness and disappointment of the election, this Illinois scandal is at least providing some Holiday amusement for me, and I guess that's something.


Thursday, December 11, 2008 12:32 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


....and he NEVER knew anything bad about any of 'em. That takes real smarts.

Too true. I tend to give Obama the benefit of what the government - since Nixon, at least - calls "plausible deniability". It's not what you knew, or even suspected. It's what you can be shown NOT to have absolutely known. Sure, you may have suspected that someone was a scumbag, but you didn't really have any solid PROOF, right? And if you don't have proof, you can honestly say you never knew.

It's how our government runs, and how things get done. If that seems wrong to you, just look at how well it runs and how much it gets done - then try to tell me that they ever knew ANYTHING at all! :)

By the way, Blag-o-Dolt says he ain't steppin' down, he ain't goin' anywhere. Gonna be interesting to see how this plays out. He has the power to appoint the successor to Obama's Senate seat, but there's pretty much zero chance the Senate will seat any pick he makes. And if he doesn't step down, the Lt. Governor can't pick the successor.

So HOW does a successor get chosen and approved at this point? It's not a moot point, since Congress will be going into session in about 6 weeks, and they're going to need all hands on deck to get anything accomplished (if they ever do get anything accomplished, that is...).

I'm kinda geeked about this whole thing, honestly. Not the scandal, but just watching it unfold, watching how the government works, how it reacts, how it adapts. It's like poking a patient that's strapped to a gurney, just to see how they react. ;)


"It is complete now; the hands of time are neatly tied."


Thursday, December 11, 2008 1:09 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


So smart, so damn smart that for the last 20 years he surrounded himself with the most vile of the Chicago cesspool dweller...:and he NEVER knew anything bad about any of 'em. That takes real smarts.
I finally took a look at Obama, and I think I see where he's coming from, but not where he's going to.

One of the complaints I heard about Obama from his community organizing days is that he didn't pay his dues: he stayed with them just long enough to learn the ropes, perhaps get a feel for who's who, and then he moved on. This is a pattern with him, and it's a deliberate pattern. My guess is that he's aimed at the Presidency since before graduation.

The peeps he's been "associated with" were stepping stones. And the stepping stones that he chose were the ones who could get him the farthest: the wheelers and dealers, the peeps who could get him to the next position. I suspect that he didn't involve himself very deeply with the shenanigans of ANY of those stepping stones because he wasn't interesting in trading on THAT level for power, and didn't want dirt stuck to his shoes. What he got was invitations, contacts, and visibility.

What I find interesting, however, is that he would call the Illinois state legislator from the Senate and push him to enact reform, which was a smart idea. One of the things you CANNOT do is fight corruption from within. You need to be one or two rungs higher in the scheme of things.

Well, now Obama's at the highest rung. It'll be interesting to see what he does with it.

AFA as not knowing anything "bad" about these guys: He prolly does. But there seems to be an unwritten law of politics that you never criticize your fellow party member in public. Has Ron Paul ever criticized a Republican by name? Has Russ Feingold ever criticized a Democrat by name? (It's like a dysfunctional family: everyone is invested in protecting the family secret, even the victims. It would be interesting to do a psychological study on why that feeling occurs and- more importantly- how to break it up. But that's another story.)

Obama is smart. And effective. And I think that gives right-wing dittoheads goosebumps.

Let's party like its 1929.


Thursday, December 11, 2008 1:19 PM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

"Democrats are finished in Illinois ..."

Looks like they never were anywhere in the first place when it comes to the governorship. WIKI: "Blagojevich was the first Democrat to be elected governor of Illinois in 30 years (since Daniel Walker in 1972)."


Silence is consent.


Thursday, December 11, 2008 4:15 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

I guess my post isn't worshipful enough, or horrified enough, to warrant comment.

As I have said many times before, the best I can say about Obama is that he isn't Bush, he isn't McCain, and he doesn't have Sarah Palin as VEEP. But I'm beginning to agree with Frem: Let's get the Repug bastards first, finish 'em off politically, and then turn our attention to the rest.

Let's party like its 1929.


Thursday, December 11, 2008 6:10 PM


Not to be partisan, because I'm not anymore, but to be neutral, Kwicko, you have a point, but wouldn't it be more fair to say that Clinton did?
I mean the crash of 2000 initiated the economic collapse, and the clinton campaigns against Iraq and Islam overall were the beginning of the war.

I just meant that we're at the precipace of the "long lines of people looking for food while dodging nuclear bombs."

Economic collapse and global conflict haven't hit home yet. there's still lots to eat in america and plenty of cash to go around, and no one is bombing us but ourselves. But that could change at any minute.

I think from a historical perspective, don't you think that there is still a point here where it could all end without being known as WWIII and the second great depression?

Okay, I admit the ball is rolling, but it hasn't stuck yet. My guess is, in an Obama administration, we're headed for a gutterball. I'm not saying that we wouldn't if it had been a McCain administration. I think there's a perverse pleasure in seeing the other side blow it, but there's no pleasure in seeing america go down the tubes.


Wednesday, December 17, 2008 5:14 PM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

Two caveats - I'm not a liberal, and I never thought Obama was, either.

But I'm appalled by his Interior and EPA appointments. :-(

He couldn't have done worse, and he should have done better.


Silence is consent.


Wednesday, December 17, 2008 6:26 PM



I'm appalled by his appointments almost across the board. Of course, they're not his, he was steamrolled by the Clintonistas. We all know that, because he named lots of people for his team during the campaign. None of those people have gotten the nod. One has to assume that Obama was being honest about his first choices, like Buffet for Sec. of Treas., and excellent choice, and so forth, so one has to assume that he was steamrolled.

Relative to this board, with citizen absent, I think you're the relative liberal :)
I suspect that we've all migrated away from the right left perspective to some anti-totalitarian center, not to be confused with the totalitarian centrists in congress (Pelosi/Boener?) Maybe Lieberman/McCain now. There's certainly a center that is nowhere near the center on this board. It goes back to what someone said a while back, the political spectrum is a circle.

If you listen to Ron paul and ralph nader's press conference, the two are not all that far apart, just a little space of left and right, but they're very very far from Clinton/Bush.

I think as for Obama, a lot of people saw what they wanted to see. A man who says "I want to be the next Ronald Reagan" is not a liberal, since it was Reagon who made it a four letter word (lbrl?) before that, there were republicans who would have called themselves liberals.


Thursday, December 18, 2008 7:40 AM



Originally posted by rue:
Two caveats - I'm not a liberal, and I never thought Obama was, either.

But I'm appalled by his Interior and EPA appointments. :-(

He couldn't have done worse, and he should have done better.

What do you think of his choice to have Pastor Rick Warren swear him in at the Inauguration? Not many gay folks happy about that I see today. I'm stunned that he was selected.

Me, I don't like his pick for Education Secretary, but overall I'd have to admit I'm okay with the rest. I'd rather have Clintonistas in power than the Chicago mob.


Thursday, December 18, 2008 7:44 AM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

"Of course, they're not his, he was steamrolled by the Clintonistas."

I've been thinking about this. They're not either of the Clintons' picks. Clinton did much better, like Browner for EPA, and even while facing a repub senate for the confirmations.


Silence is consent.


Thursday, December 18, 2008 9:05 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

What I got in Lisa Jackson was this

Dear Supporter:

As word of President-elect Obama's environmental team was being authoritatively leaked around town, one name jumped out at us - Lisa Jackson, until recently head of the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection, was tapped to head EPA.

Anguished DEP employees (and a few who had resigned in disgust) urged us to put the word out about Jackson, including her -

Failure to tell parents or workers at the Kiddie Kollege day-care center for three months about mercury contamination in the former thermometer factory it was located in (kid you not);
Efforts that set water quality standards so low that aquatic life in the state's rivers and lakes would be poisoned - and that was according to the Bush administration, which also had to intervene to rescue New Jersey's crippled Superfund program; and
Suppression of science, politicized decision-making, and an embrace of secrecy (even invoking "executive privilege" to shield her meeting calendars from public view).

In short, her former staff at DEP would be the last to nominate her for promotion. The stories from DEP workers are eerily reminiscent of what we have been hearing from dispirited EPA staff during the Bush years. As one might imagine, our note of dissent on the Jackson pick is being drowned out by a chorus of happy talk. We will be urging the Senate and anyone else who seriously want to evaluate Ms. Jackson's record to talk to the parents of the Kiddie Kollege toddlers. I have a feeling that in the coming years, more than ever, PEER will be called upon to tell inconvenient truths. Please support this (presently) lonely mission

Tom Daschle - Greatness writ small.
Arne Duncan - Talks a good game, hasn't really helped the Chicago schools much.

Don't know much about his other picks.

Let's party like its 1929.


Thursday, December 18, 2008 10:34 AM


1. Clinton was appalling. Beyong any level of a US president probably since Truman. Anyone who is a willing participant to the slaughter of millions of innocent people is a monster. Nuff said.

2. You're assuming that Clinton wasn't steamrolled himself. Clinton during his first term had to compromise a lot. That was part of the deal that he struck with Perot. Perot pulled out of the race when clinton wouldn't bow to his demands, and he re-entered when Clinton finally caved. Clinton had to stick by this, because he needed Perot to run again in 1996, in order to win re-election.

3. As for Clintonistas. I'd rather have Al Capone. The clintonistas are southern mafia. They were into drug trafficking and killing long before they were into human trafficking and genocide. Personally, I'd take virtually anyone over them.

My audacity of hope is that Obama will see to is that he sabotages his own nominees so that they don't pass, and then put forth nominees more like the ones he would have chosen. It's probably the last hope. If this govt. comes in like this, it's another 4 years like the last 16.


Thursday, December 18, 2008 10:39 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

I know Obama's a smart guy. But I think he's setting himself up for failure if he's so "inclusive" as to create a fifth column within his own ranks.

Let's party like its 1929.


Thursday, December 18, 2008 10:44 AM



Originally posted by dreamtrove:
1. Clinton was appalling. Beyong any level of a US president probably since Truman. Anyone who is a willing participant to the slaughter of millions of innocent people is a monster. Nuff said.

2. You're assuming that Clinton wasn't steamrolled himself. Clinton during his first term had to compromise a lot. That was part of the deal that he struck with Perot. Perot pulled out of the race when clinton wouldn't bow to his demands, and he re-entered when Clinton finally caved. Clinton had to stick by this, because he needed Perot to run again in 1996, in order to win re-election.

3. As for Clintonistas. I'd rather have Al Capone. The clintonistas are southern mafia. They were into drug trafficking and killing long before they were into human trafficking and genocide. Personally, I'd take virtually anyone over them.

My audacity of hope is that Obama will see to is that he sabotages his own nominees so that they don't pass, and then put forth nominees more like the ones he would have chosen. It's probably the last hope. If this govt. comes in like this, it's another 4 years like the last 16.

I think I must have missed a few things over the years. Please explain:
1. participant in the slaughter of millions?
2. made a deal with Perot?
3. clintonista human & drug trafficking?; clintonista genocide?


Thursday, December 18, 2008 3:50 PM


You've been reading the lefty news, that's how you missed it.

Look up Rwanda Veto. Clinton instructed Madeline Albright to veto Kofi Annan's resolution which would create an exception to the ban on foreign intervention for nations wished to try to stop the rwandan genocide. This was with 15,000 dead. The resolution was written by Annan after two refugees fled to Gabon, and got in touch with the then low-level worker for the UN.

With 800,000 dead, fighting died down due to a lack of ammunition. Clinton flew in with 7 million guns, and fighting flared up again. When the dust settled, over eight million were dead, solidly erasing from the earth an entire ethnic group, race, and one of the world's oldest cultures, known to previous generations as the Watusi, the rulers of the kingdom of upper egypt, and probably the only surviving descendents of the ancient egyptians. Now a handful of them survive, scattered across the planet. Most are women kept as sex slaves by hutu assassins, and the half-hutu children of the multitude of rapes.

Also, take a minute to watch the video of militias lining up machine guns outside churches, and slaughtering the congregations during service. Or don't, spare yourself that.

Now, skip over to the Bosnia and Kosovo Mujahideens, and the weapons Clinton bought from Iran to sell to the Mujahideen, aka "Al Qaeda" to attack Croatia, our own allies, killing over 100,000 civilians. Oh, and it gets better: He smuggled the guns in using the US division of the UN arms embargo blockage preventing new weapons from entering the country. And the best part? The purpose of the war was to secure a strip of land for Bosnia to reach the sea so that the what would become the Kosovo pipeline project could be completed without paying duties to anyone. And who got the contract for that? Halliburton CEO and closest Clinton advisor Dick Cheney.

And when you're done, skip on over to rampant civilian targeting in Haiti, Kosovo, and Serbia, blockading food and medical supplies in Somalia, and random bombardments of Iraq to the other real biggie:

A complete blockade preventing all food and medical supplies from entering Iraq. Total casualty figures were put at a minimum of 1/2 a million children, and an unknown number of adults, but total adult casualties from the seige and bombing combined approach 700,000.

Now retreat to Arkansas, where you can find everyone in Bill Clinton's 2000 pardon list, a long line of cocaine traffickers, part of a large network in arkansas and texas that brought drugs in by plane, which filled the coffers and funded the Clinton political career. You'll find some dead children there, plenty of dead co-workers, sex-slaves, prostitutes, and the usual skullduggery of a subhuman mutant psychopath like Bill. But then, all of that is just well documented cases of charges against a man who, once president committed atrocities that well exceeded those of Pol Pot, himself also one of the ten most evil men to ever live.

Apologies to anyone who voted for him. Don't worry, the folks who voted for Bush feel sorry too. Myself, I find democracy de-humanizing because it forces us to be a party to the actions of people we select from a very short list, all of whom might be monsters.

Oops, left one part out: I used to work for the Perot guys, the deal with Perot was pretty well known. Perot didn't want to win. It was far more profitable for him to stay a govt. contractor. He hate G.H.W. Bush personally, and wanted him to lose. So, at some point, Perot himself was ahead in at least one poll, and Clinton was second. Polls showed that without Perot, Bush was ahead.

Perot went to Clinton and said "Here, I have a plan to fix the economy, implement it, and I'll stay in." Clinton said "I can win with or without you."

So, Perot dropped out. Come towards the election, Clinton is behind. He calls Perot back and says "Okay, I'll make the deal. You come back in, you can set up the economic plan and help build my economic team, but if it works, you have to run again in 1996"

So, Perot came back in, and Clinton walked into the White House with 39% of the popular vote, the lowest total since Wilson's 33%. Perot put a lot of his economic reforms into effect, the economy started to recover. 1997, after the re-election, Clinton fired all the Perot people, put in his own team, and ran a new economic policy much like the one we see under Bush.

Economic policies run on a two year lag. This is because The team of 2000 writes the plan for 2001, which isn't fully in effect until it has run its course, at the end of 2001. Add to that, presidents take office the year after the election, so Jan 1993, Perot people start constructing the 1994 budget, economy recovers in 1994-5, four years later there's hyper corruption, and 1998-9 things start to falter, 2000, everything crashes, second worst crash in history. Bush plan doesn't go into effect until 02-03, initially economic recovery, but it's more of this credit economy nonsense, borrow and spend. Second term, same thing, steal all the money, and crash it for Obama. In Obama's first two years, look for a serious economic collapse that he will get blamed for, that really won't be his fault.

Okay, that's a primer on Who these Clinton guys are, and this group of criminals, the clintonistas, who hang around them are, and what they're up to. Check out Clinton's donor list, and compare it with Bush's friends. What a pair. It's a match made in heaven. I maintain that in reality, it's one continuous administration with two faces.

Here's a scary thought: If I'm right, and Clinton:Bush are a team, then there has been a Clinton or a Bush in the administration since 1980. And this time will be little, if any, different. Ah, change *I* can believe in.

Pardon me if I'm a little cynical sometimes ;)


Thursday, December 18, 2008 3:53 PM



I don't think it's stupidity, I think it's two things:

1. He has no choice. They have all the power

2. He's a team player. He doesn't care who he has to play for. This is classic of people who have a specific narrow agenda they care about, and are willing to compromise on everything else. I haven't yet figured out if this is Obama's political archetype, or if he's the CFR true believer political archetype. It's possible he's a career-first person as well, but that would be a third choice for me.


Thursday, December 18, 2008 4:03 PM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

"because he needed Perot to run again in 1996, in order to win re-election"

I don't think this is true. Clinton's poll numbers were high. He was running against Dole, who generated about as much enthusiasm as dishwater. Perot got less than 8% of the vote. Even if all of those voters had voted for Dole, Clinton would still have won.

And this: (Rwanda) "With 800,000 dead, fighting died down due to a lack of ammunition. Clinton flew in with 7 million guns, and fighting flared up again. When the dust settled, over eight million were dead ..." Is just plain wrong. In 1993 Rwanda had a total population of about 8 million. If the entire population had disappeared, somehow, I think people would have noticed.


Silence is consent.


Thursday, December 18, 2008 5:19 PM


You forgot NAFTA.



Friday, December 19, 2008 4:50 AM



Originally posted by dreamtrove:
You've been reading the lefty news, that's how you missed it.

Look up Rwanda Veto. Clinton instructed Madeline Albright to veto Kofi Annan's resolution which would create an exception to the ban on foreign intervention for nations wished to try to stop the rwandan genocide. This was with 15,000 dead. The resolution was written by Annan after two refugees fled to Gabon, and got in touch with the then low-level worker for the UN.

With 800,000 dead, fighting died down due to a lack of ammunition. Clinton flew in with 7 million guns, and fighting flared up again. When the dust settled, over eight million were dead, solidly erasing from the earth an entire ethnic group, race, and one of the world's oldest cultures, known to previous generations as the Watusi, the rulers of the kingdom of upper egypt, and probably the only surviving descendents of the ancient egyptians. Now a handful of them survive, scattered across the planet. Most are women kept as sex slaves by hutu assassins, and the half-hutu children of the multitude of rapes.

Also, take a minute to watch the video of militias lining up machine guns outside churches, and slaughtering the congregations during service. Or don't, spare yourself that.

Now, skip over to the Bosnia and Kosovo Mujahideens, and the weapons Clinton bought from Iran to sell to the Mujahideen, aka "Al Qaeda" to attack Croatia, our own allies, killing over 100,000 civilians. Oh, and it gets better: He smuggled the guns in using the US division of the UN arms embargo blockage preventing new weapons from entering the country. And the best part? The purpose of the war was to secure a strip of land for Bosnia to reach the sea so that the what would become the Kosovo pipeline project could be completed without paying duties to anyone. And who got the contract for that? Halliburton CEO and closest Clinton advisor Dick Cheney.

And when you're done, skip on over to rampant civilian targeting in Haiti, Kosovo, and Serbia, blockading food and medical supplies in Somalia, and random bombardments of Iraq to the other real biggie:

A complete blockade preventing all food and medical supplies from entering Iraq. Total casualty figures were put at a minimum of 1/2 a million children, and an unknown number of adults, but total adult casualties from the seige and bombing combined approach 700,000.

Now retreat to Arkansas, where you can find everyone in Bill Clinton's 2000 pardon list, a long line of cocaine traffickers, part of a large network in arkansas and texas that brought drugs in by plane, which filled the coffers and funded the Clinton political career. You'll find some dead children there, plenty of dead co-workers, sex-slaves, prostitutes, and the usual skullduggery of a subhuman mutant psychopath like Bill. But then, all of that is just well documented cases of charges against a man who, once president committed atrocities that well exceeded those of Pol Pot, himself also one of the ten most evil men to ever live.

Apologies to anyone who voted for him. Don't worry, the folks who voted for Bush feel sorry too. Myself, I find democracy de-humanizing because it forces us to be a party to the actions of people we select from a very short list, all of whom might be monsters.

Oops, left one part out: I used to work for the Perot guys, the deal with Perot was pretty well known. Perot didn't want to win. It was far more profitable for him to stay a govt. contractor. He hate G.H.W. Bush personally, and wanted him to lose. So, at some point, Perot himself was ahead in at least one poll, and Clinton was second. Polls showed that without Perot, Bush was ahead.

Perot went to Clinton and said "Here, I have a plan to fix the economy, implement it, and I'll stay in." Clinton said "I can win with or without you."

So, Perot dropped out. Come towards the election, Clinton is behind. He calls Perot back and says "Okay, I'll make the deal. You come back in, you can set up the economic plan and help build my economic team, but if it works, you have to run again in 1996"

So, Perot came back in, and Clinton walked into the White House with 39% of the popular vote, the lowest total since Wilson's 33%. Perot put a lot of his economic reforms into effect, the economy started to recover. 1997, after the re-election, Clinton fired all the Perot people, put in his own team, and ran a new economic policy much like the one we see under Bush.

Economic policies run on a two year lag. This is because The team of 2000 writes the plan for 2001, which isn't fully in effect until it has run its course, at the end of 2001. Add to that, presidents take office the year after the election, so Jan 1993, Perot people start constructing the 1994 budget, economy recovers in 1994-5, four years later there's hyper corruption, and 1998-9 things start to falter, 2000, everything crashes, second worst crash in history. Bush plan doesn't go into effect until 02-03, initially economic recovery, but it's more of this credit economy nonsense, borrow and spend. Second term, same thing, steal all the money, and crash it for Obama. In Obama's first two years, look for a serious economic collapse that he will get blamed for, that really won't be his fault.

Okay, that's a primer on Who these Clinton guys are, and this group of criminals, the clintonistas, who hang around them are, and what they're up to. Check out Clinton's donor list, and compare it with Bush's friends. What a pair. It's a match made in heaven. I maintain that in reality, it's one continuous administration with two faces.

Here's a scary thought: If I'm right, and Clinton:Bush are a team, then there has been a Clinton or a Bush in the administration since 1980. And this time will be little, if any, different. Ah, change *I* can believe in.

Pardon me if I'm a little cynical sometimes ;)

Wow...that's the strongest indictment against Bill Clinton I think I've ever seen. I'm not going to question or debate your points, but I must say that I find most of it a bit hard to swallow. The Clinton years were good years for me and my family, and for most Americans. I have few problems with Bill's record. I believe I'm as well informed as the next person on historical events, and much of what you have stated seems like ideological revisionism.






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