Grand jury question for Hero

UPDATED: Sunday, December 14, 2008 13:55
PAGE 1 of 1

Wednesday, December 10, 2008 10:38 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

What's the rules of procedure for discovery of grand jury testimony by witnesses, both formal and unwritten?

Do your grand juries have discretion whether or not to record testimony?

Have you ever seen a judge order waiver of secrecy of grand jury testimony, for impeachment of a witness?

Blago & Tater want to know.


Thursday, December 11, 2008 4:25 AM



Originally posted by piratenews:
What's the rules of procedure for discovery of grand jury testimony by witnesses, both formal and unwritten?

The rules of procedure are the same Criminal Rules of Procedure used in trial. The evidence rules may vary, and different states probably do things a different way (meaning the possibility of hearsay, different standards for authenticating documents, etc.).

Generally Grand Juries can subpoena witnesses and records. Witness examination is done by the Prosecutor. Jurors can also ask questions. Jurors can also direct the investigation to some extent (they don't just have to sit as a quiet audience, they can take charge to some extent). There is no cross examination. Defendant may or may not be present. Same for Defense counsel. In some states Defendant may testify.

Do your grand juries have discretion whether or not to record testimony?

I don't think so. There must always be a record. I've never heard of one not being made. But states vary.

Have you ever seen a judge order waiver of secrecy of grand jury testimony, for impeachment of a witness?

Proceedings are secret. I don't believe that the proceedings can ever become public. The only way I can see it happening is if its something that comes to light during the appeal process (like evidence of juror bias or misconduct).

You can impeach a witness with prior testimony if they change their story from what they testified to in GJ. Your not introducing their prior statement though...goes something like this:

"Blah, blah blah"
"Your honor, permission to treat the witness as hostile?" (Because they would be your witness and they are changing their story on the stand.)
"Mr. Blah, your just testified 'blah, blah blah', is that in fact what you are saying?"
"Yes, its the truth."
"But that's not what you told the Grand Jury, is it?"
"And its not what you told police the night in question, is it?"
"I guess not."
"In fact, didn't you say 'blah blah blah blah...blah blah, blah'?"
"Were you lying then or are you lying now?"
"I'm lying now."
"Thank you."

I note for the record that I've never actually gotten someone to say "I'm lying now" in court. Its also very important that the Prosecutor never say "the witness lied". Make the lie apparent, say something like "why would they lie", answer the question, but juries hate to be told "the witness lied", let them decide it for themselves.

Edited to add: Oh, if someone lies under oath to a Grand Jury, then the secrecy of the proceedings must be limited to allow for their prosecution. Judges would be gatekeepers in such situations.



Thursday, December 11, 2008 8:35 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

Catch 22 for defense counsel. How do you know if a witness perjured himself to a grand jury, if you don't have a transcript or audiotape? The deputy in the particular case lives in a $500,000 house (taxed at $150,000), drives 6 cars, including a new Jag.

I'm trying to decipher this gobbledegook, which appears to say grand juries are not secret. Ex prosecutor Gerry Spence wrote that he got grand jury transcripts as a defense lawyer. Same goes for PC hearings, which are often a sham, according to local judges fearing extortion or assault by deputies for refusing to rubber stamp warrants (big news item that got the judges a new location).


Chapter 11:12 Grand jury secrecy

Chapter 11:13 Recording of proceedings and discovery of grand jury testimony

No requirement to record grand jury testimony, but grand jury MAY record testimony.

"Pursuant to Rule 16(a)(1)(A) and (a)(3) of the TN Rules of Criminal Procedure, a defendant IS entitled to discovery of HIS testimony." Wilson v State, 537 SW2d 446 (Tenn Crim App 1975) re impeachment; West v State, 3 Tenn Crim App 671, 466 SW2d 524 (1971); In re Rich, 413 SW2d 374 (Tenn 1967) re oath of secrecy may be removed if necessary to attainment of truth and justice."

Other than a defendant's own testimony there is no general right of discovery. In re Rich, Tenn Attorney General Opinion 90-06.

"Defense counsel should keep in mind that trial judges retain the power to remove the secrecy requirement in order to allow impeachment in a subsequent trial." TCA 8-7-501; TennRCrimPro 6(h)(1) "and when it is clearly shown necessary to the attainment of justice." In re Rich

"Under these circumstances a trial judge has authority to permit discovery of grand jury testimony." State v Meeks, 1994 WL 548714 (Tenn Crim App 1994)

"Accused's Right to Discovery of Minutes of State GRand Jury Minutes", 20 ALR 3d7

Chapter 11:14 Witnesses and evidence before grand jury

TN allows indictment on hearsay testimony, even if only from a cop who CANNOT testify to those allegations at trial. State v Grady, 619 SW2d 139, 140 (Tenn Crim App 1979)

TN also allows evidence banned as inadmissible at trial. State v Dixon, 880 SW2d 696 (Tenn Crim App 1992)


TN Rules of Criminal Procedure: Rule 6 Grand Jury

(k) Secrecy of Proceedings; Exception.

(1) Grand Jury Proceedings Secret. Every member of the grand jury shall keep secret the proceedings of that body and the testimony given before it, except as provided in Rule 6(k)(2).

(2) Exception to Rule of Secrecy. The court may require a grand juror to reveal the testimony of a grand jury witness:

(A) to ascertain whether the grand jury testimony is consistent with that given by the witness before the court; or

(B) to disclose the grand jury testimony of any witness charged with perjury.


(a) Disclosure of Evidence by the State.

(2) Information Not Subject to Disclosure. Except as provided in paragraphs (A), (B), (E), and (G) of subdivision (a)(1), this rule does not authorize the discovery or inspection of reports, memoranda, or other internal state documents made by the district attorney general or other state agents or law enforcement officers in connection with investigating or prosecuting the case. Nor does this rule authorize discovery of statements made by state witnesses or prospective state witnesses.

(3) Grand Jury Transcripts. This rule does not apply to the discovery or inspection of a grand jury’s recorded proceedings, except as provided in Rule 6 and Rule 16(a)(1)(A), (B), and (C).

Nice way to call a witness a liar: "The witness made an intentional mistatement of fact".

When I have a witness on the stand, I ask:

"Have you ever told a lie?"


"Are you lying right now?"

Rhetorical questions, rope a dope diversionary tactic, pissing on my turf. Trick question, everybody tells lies, or they're a liar.

Then I move for the judge to order arrest of the cop for whatever crimes he confessed on the stand and in his own videotape. When the judge obstructs justice (falls into my trap), this proves to the appellate court that there are 2 tiers of justice - immunity for govt employees, and all normal actions are illegal for non-employees of govt. 14th Amendment Equal Protection issue for reversal. And the judge will be lucky to keep his job.

A local defense lawyer got a judge to order arrest of a trooper for perjury, based on testimony of a deputy. But somehow the trooper was not arrested. Didn't have time to hear the whole story, other than the deputy testified the trooper never turned on radar, ever. Not a grand jury indictment, just a high-school dropout judicial commissioner rubberstamping a warrant after a "PC hearing". That non-attorney judicial commissioner is now in prison for juvenile rape, and posting her nude photos on the wall of the county clerk's office (his non-attorney daddy the clerk is an ex deputy who paid $50,000 taxdollars to the rape victim).

For me, the prosecutor just dismisses the charges, sooner or later. The fed prosecutor in my current appeal just "retired for medical reasons". Just like the fed ALJ judge in my disability appeal, after I got him reversed by the fed court, which wrote a scathing reprimand as, "beyond the pale of anything seen by this magistrate judge in any other Social Security appeal". BAM!

Here's a near DUI arrest for a prosecutor who obstructed justice by stopping me for arresting cops for stealing my cars, as part of a massive cartheft racket:

Her billionaire Arab uncle has a habit of burning down his govt office buildings. Police-approved insurance fraud is big business, just like the forest service routinely sets "controlled burns" every year, "to prevent forest fires".

My condo beside a Towering Inferno - Note 3 little firemen not putting out the fire

Which is what I found out when the fire dept supervisor told me, "I have a jail cell with your name on it, if you use that word arson again!" He refused to look at my photos taken that same day of the confessed arsonist setting the fire. I was not impressed, since I'd just run into a towering inferno. The local TV news stations refused to sell me copies of their broadcast of that "accidental arson", which probably showed Thermite lava pouring out the windows. Our fire insurance investigator told me "we never check for arson - that's how you get killed".


“I’ll burn your house down, set your dog on fire and there won’t be a member of your family left, do you understand me? I won’t hire it done, I will do it myself! Do you understand me?”
-Blount County TN sheriff James Berrong, United States Court of Appeals, Sixth Circuit, Nuchols v. Berrong, No. 04-5645, July 11, 2005

Tennessee Auditors Arrive - 48 Blount Sheriff cars missing

"A former police chief's home burned down due to arson, coincidentally as he investigated Senator Koella's crash. Ex-cop J.D. Smith was also a political candidate for the Tennessee state legislature. The fire destroyed many of his Koella files, but some information did survive. The Sevier County resident checked out Koella's alleged bar-room antics at the Airport Hilton with current Tennessee governor Don Sundquist, prior to the senator's fatal crash. The private detective was on the trail of allegations that Senator Koella was kicked out of the Hilton bar by a bouncer, due to Koella's inebriated state. The "governor's" aircraft was parked next door at the Cherokee Aviation terminal."
-Tennessee Highway Named for Convicted Hit-and-Run Killer Crack Cocaine Kingpin

My condo was nearly burned down while I had the only copy of Koella's $1.5-million wrongful death settlement court file, which I was holding along with my computer when threatened with arrest by the fire bug.

Prosecutors in this town are scumbags, or they're fired and blacklisted forever - true story of my law professor Dr Death:

As for my cousin's appointment to TN Supreme Court after being a part-time municipal judge in a town of 2,000, seems her father was a county commissioner when a "casino" got a permit, and reportedly a bagman for the governor to hire troopers. I didn't even know TN had casinos, at least not legal ones? The casino police chief got his house arsoned last month. She also reversed the Crack Tax, which made the CIA cocaine kingpins in the state legislature happy. Coincidence? And why would she take a 50% pay cut to be a judge? And why does she threaten to sue me when I mention her name? (Rhetorical Q) (annual strip club biker party)

If she sues me I'll put her on the witness stand...


Friday, December 12, 2008 5:06 AM



Originally posted by piratenews:
For me, the prosecutor just dismisses the charges, sooner or later. The fed prosecutor in my current appeal just "retired for medical reasons". Just like the fed ALJ judge in my disability appeal, after I got him reversed by the fed court, which wrote a scathing reprimand as, "beyond the pale of anything seen by this magistrate judge in any other Social Security appeal". BAM!
Which is what I found out when the fire dept supervisor told me, "I have a jail cell with your name on it, if you use that word arson again!" He refused to look at my photos taken that same day of the confessed arsonist setting the fire. I was not impressed, since I'd just run into a towering inferno. The local TV news stations refused to sell me copies of their broadcast of that "accidental arson", which probably showed Thermite lava pouring out the windows. Our fire insurance investigator told me "we never check for arson - that's how you get killed".
If she sues me I'll put her on the witness stand...

Your babling again.



Sunday, December 14, 2008 12:22 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!


Originally posted by Hero:
Your babling again.


Jus provin what a pack of scumbags some prosecutors are. Judges too. Firebugs too.

Or maybe Knoxville is just lucky?


"Knoxville must be the most corrupt city on earth. People worry about the national government but it's the local government people need to fear."
-City Councilmember Carlene Malone to Pirate News TV

"Sitting on Council, I was in the presence of evil. There was just darkness. Hopelessness."
-Knoxville councilmember Carlene Malone, Metro Pulse, "Malone Alone", December 13, 2001

Malone's daddy was an NYPD homicide dick, so she knows evil when it arsons 2 of her cars. So after our little talk she sued the mayor and city council, just I already did.

Same mayor who's George W Bush's gay lover, according to their dominatrix political candidate Leola McConnell, now missing presumed dead. I warned McConnell that Victor Victoria Ashe's gay lover was murdered in my TV station, and Bush's rape victim Margie Shoedinger was suicided after suing Bush in fed court. She said the IRA would save her. I said MI6 runs IRA. Now she's gone...


Sunday, December 14, 2008 1:55 PM


I found this;

I'm going to microwave a bagel and have sex with it - Peter Griffin






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