Newspapers use secret censorship of Comments

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Monday, December 15, 2008 7:32 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

Developing Story:

I was told this was done to someone else, but didn't have any reason to think it would happen to me.

Knoxville News "Sentinel" is a monopoly daily newspaper in Tennessee. News articles have Comments allowed, requiring signing in under a screen name. Now I know why.

This allows censorship of the First Amendment. Constitutions normally don't apply to corporations. But KNS got a $20-million TIF welfare grant from the city taxslaves, so that makes it a govt contractor.

The sneaky part is that when sheeple are banned from making comments, the person is never notified of that ban. The post appears on the forum forever, so far as he can see.

But that comment is censored from everyone else. Very very sneaky. He can literally post for years without knowing that nobody else can read his comments.

I finally checked my comments using, which uses anonymous IP address. Damn if they weren't all censored!

I'll be doing a TV show on this scam. Should be fun.

Imagine if forums start using this system of censorship.

KNS previously censored my brother's 8-page political ad that cost him the election. I'll read the entire advert nailing judge Swann for his 4 marriages, and for being a convicted deadbeat dad, picked by KNS editorial board to run divorce court to terrorize Knox County by jailing men and women, to extort all their family's wealth as ransom, including my brother the lawyer.

Civil contempt of divorce court is a life sentence on death row. Some poor folks have been jailed over 10 years for the crime of divorce, even lawyers.

But you'll never know because censorship is censored


Monday, December 15, 2008 8:36 AM


Comment sections of websites aren't protected by the 1st ammendment, dipshit.

"I thoroughly disapprove of duels. If a man should challenge me, I would take him kindly and forgivingly by the hand and lead him to a quiet place and kill him."


Monday, December 15, 2008 8:43 AM


Storymark is right.

The newspaper can do as it pleases. Anytime people try to dictate "internet law" I become angry. As I'm sure this newspaper is being shady it matters not. It's their site.

I believe in a free internet. I defend this paper's right to do as it pleases on the same grounds where I become upset when the USA attempts to project it's moronic gambling laws on servers located in sovergn nations. The net should be free and barring crimes that INTERPOL would track, the net should be a haven for all.

Information wants to be free, yo.


Monday, December 15, 2008 9:22 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

Wow! The claws really came out in support for corporate censorship.

Do you really want this forum to censor folks secretly?

There may be 1,000s of readers who are censored this way at this one newspaper, without any idea that nobody can read their comments.

The purpose of most public forums in a "democracy" to let the slaves rant impotently, while govt and their fascist contractors completely ignore the sheeple. Visit your local city council and watch the sham "public hearing", where the decisions have obviously been made in private before the council vote. This latest scam takes that to a new level.

Since $20-million of my taxdollars were given to this newspaper, that newspaper becomes a govt contractor, subject to laws that apply to all govt employees.

Caselaw in the courts is very clear for any corporation that gets a govt contract. In this case, that contract is for also for propaganda services, besides the TIF grant of $20-million.

Jr Bush alone spent billions of taxdollars buying propaganda bribery from the media whores, who then pretended it was "investigative news" and not govt press releases. Congressional GAO said that was illegal. Felon Bush and his media whores keep doing it anyway.

Walmart and Home Depot get the same TIF welfare contracts to build free stores, at taxslave expense. All TIFs have obligations written into the contract.

When I checked the contract with Knoxville govt for towing prices, I found their govt contractors were charging me 100 times more than the contract allowed (10,000%), plus denying they towed my cars, plus refusing to give the stolen cars back. So I filed felony charges and got 100 of them fired and banned, plus got the court clerk fired for extortion and keeping a secret illegal docket. Govt audit found 100% contract fraud on every contract for every police tow in the city.

Contract law is part of the US Constitution in the Contract Clause, so the Constitutions do apply to private contracts.

Just like when you sign a contract to get Social Security "benefits", you are subject to extra laws that don't apply to others, like home searches. Same for driver license contracts, which then apply the motor vehicle codes. Same for probation contracts, allowing random drug and alcohol testing. Just ask Paris Hilton.


Monday, December 15, 2008 9:42 AM


Get over yourself, PN.

I'm not supporting corporate censorship - but it's their site, they can do with it as they please. You want an unrestricted comment section - start your own. That's the way it works.

And no, the point of a comment section isn't for it to be a democracy. That is simply retarded, and only those who don't get the concept use that sort of excuse. It's just a way to up their site traffic, plain and simple.

"I thoroughly disapprove of duels. If a man should challenge me, I would take him kindly and forgivingly by the hand and lead him to a quiet place and kill him."


Monday, December 15, 2008 11:49 AM


Before the election McCain sent the New York Times an editorial about Iraq, the Times refused to print it because they did'nt agree with it. They printed Barry's editorial about Iraq a fews weeks earlier.

I'm going to microwave a bagel and have sex with it - Peter Griffin


Monday, December 15, 2008 11:56 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!


Originally posted by Storymark:
Get over yourself, PN.

I'm not supporting corporate censorship - but it's their site, they can do with it as they please. You want an unrestricted comment section - start your own. That's the way it works.

And no, the point of a comment section isn't for it to be a democracy. That is simply retarded, and only those who don't get the concept use that sort of excuse. It's just a way to up their site traffic, plain and simple.

Dude, you have zero concept of law, contract law or constitutional law. Which is exactly how dumbed down the media mafia and gangsta govt want you to be. Just bend over and take it like a good slave.

The purpose of the media mafia is to LIE LIE LIE, for PROFIT. When govt pays them to lie, in secret, its a felony, according to GAO in Congress.

If I pay $200/year to start my own forum, then I get to censor, er, moderate whoever or whatever I want. I already spend more than that on my other websites, plus my TV show, so I don't have a custom forum, just several free RSS blogs. But the govt isn't going to pay me $20-million to post their govt lies on my forum. Some day I'll spend $1,000s on my own forum, and I'll censor all cops who tell lies.

TAXDOLLARS - THAT'S the difference. Once a newspaper takes taxdollars, they are legally part of the govt. Just like Haliburton building concentration camps in USA. Or Blackwater gunning down 20 innocent bystanders at a Bagdad intersection (our local mercenaries are now on civilian trial for mass murder).

Your tax money is used as a weapon against you. To rob you, enslave you and kill you, sooner or later. Censorship is THEFT, FRAUD, LIBEL and MURDER.

Most people see no problem with lying, and would rather not know if their spouse is cheating. But would thay want to know if their spouse hired a lawyer to divorce them and steal everything they own, and hired a hitman to kill them?

I bet their "customers" will be outraged to know that 100 of each person's posts were secretly censored without anyone being able to read them.

The posts they censor are mainly folks who fact-check the media lies, catch them lying, and prove them wrong. That's why I was censored, in secret.

If this newspaper is doing it, then every newspaper or TV website may do it. It's all part of shutting down the internet to Truth, and replacing it with the Tyranny of mind control.

That's why I sued our city govt in 2 class actions, forcing them to sue 100 of their employee contractors in an identical class action, then fire them.

Here's one article I posted on, to correct their pathological lying:

"Editorial: No surprise: Red-light cameras are legal"
(Translation: No Surprise The Laying Media Whores Tell Lies For Gangsta Govt)

One big whopper lie in every article about redlight traffic cameras by this newspaper, as part of their govt propaganda contract: The it's ok for this private contractor in Arizona to get 90% of ticket revenue. REALITY CHECK: Redflex Corp is NOT located in Arizona, it's located in Australia. Australia is a foreign nation, for those who don't know.

Not even city council was allowed by the police to know the name of WHO negotiated this contract (who will get paid the monthly kickback bribe to "administer" that govt contract). This is now standard govt policy, from the Texas Toll Road secret contracts to give all public streets and highways to foreign nations, to the $8.5-Trillion Bankster Bailout Bill last month which blacked out commission fees from Congress. Do you want single govt employees to be paid literally $10-millions/year or more, PER PERSON?

Here's my uncensored response, that's only visible to me, and now you (you are so lucky!):


Posted by piratenewsdotorg on December 12, 2008 at 6:41 p.m.

This attorney general opinion fails to mention Tennessee Rules of Civil Procedure Rule 4.03, Summons; Return requires personal service of process by signature before default judgment:

"It is extremely easy to beat this type of ticket in court. Your easiest defense is to simply throw the ticket away. If it does not come with a return receipt that requires a signature, there is no proof that you actually got the ticket and they cannot prosecute you on that."
-Norman G. Fernandez, attorney at law, and Jes Beard, attorney at law in Chattanooga, Tennessee, "How to Beat a Speeding Ticket - Photo RADAR"

ROBOCOP TICKET REFUND: WILLIAMS vs REDFLEX, CITY OF KNOXVILLE, Conspiracy Case No.: 3:06cv400, on appeal to 6th Circuit in Ohio

Redflex and city councils facing Federal criminal investigation

"Redflex Group is based in South Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. Redflex Holdings Limited was listed on the Australian Stock Exchange in January 1997."

18 US Code ยง 2381. Treason.
Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

Knox County sheriff deputies shooting Redflex Robocops in Knoxville TN

Posted by piratenewsdotorg on December 12, 2008 at 7:10 p.m.

For 10,000s of years no person needed a license to travel. That changed when USA implemented the Communist Manifesto in the 1930s. Just say to the judge BEFORE trial, "NO, I do NOT consent to these civil contracts for driver license, vehicle registration and traffic citation, and I do NOT voluntarily grant this court personal jurisdiction nor subject matter jurisdiction for this traffic ticket."

"Voluntarily" signing a driver license contract out of fear of assassination by police state death squads is defined as "duress". Duress voids all contracts, per UCC 1-207, TN Code 47-1-207 and common law.

300,000 illegal aliens are not required to show valid ID, and can buy a "driver certificate" without any verified ID.

No license is required to fly an airplane, drive a boat, ride a scooter or ride a horse. Driver licenses are slave contracts. You can get an advanced "Pilot Certificate" with immunity from all speed limits and stop signs. There is no such document as "Pilot License".

Most judges in USA have no "License to Practice Law" (no such document), never passed a bar exam, never graduated law college, never graduated university, and many cannot read, reported NY Times. Any person can be a lawyer for anyone else in any court using Power of Attorney In Fact contract (pro se for a pro se).

Judge Dustin Hatcher in Blount County did graduate from Car Stereo Installation and Removal School, and is now living in prison for pedophile rape for a girl in the "Justice Center".

"The Right of the Citizen to travel upon public highways by automobile is not a mere privilege which may be permitted or prohibited at will, but the common Right which he has under his Right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, under Constitutional guarantee."
-II Am.Jur. (1st) Constitutional Law, Sect.329

"The claim and exercise of a constitutional right cannot be converted into a crime."
-Miller v. US, 230 F 486, 489

COP. 2. to steal; filch. 3. to buy (narcotics).
-Random House Unabridged Dictionary 2006

"Govt control of communications and transportation."
-Communist Manifesto, 6th Plank

Posted by piratenewsdotorg on December 12, 2008 at 7:20 p.m.

Texas and Lousiana Courts Bust Redflex and ACS for FELONY Operating Without Private Investigator License.

Louisiana: State Board Rules Against Redflex Camera Company - The board may at its discretion impose the penalty of up to a year in jail and a $5000 fine on each employee found to be operating without a license. The state defines a private investigator as, "any person who... accepts employment to furnish information... with reference to... crimes or wrongs committed." (La. R.S. 37:3500-3525)

So each employee of Redflex MUST have a Private Investigator license issued by the State of Tennessee...

Redflex illegally operated radar units without the appropriate certifications from the Federal Communications Commission, so Redflex had no legal right to operate speed camera equipment in the US.

California: City Caught Trapping Drivers with Short Yellows

Bailed-Out Banksters Go on Toll Road Buying Binge

UK, Australia, Pennsylvania Speed Traps Stolen

Copycat Pickaxe Attack on Redflex Speed Cam

Arizona: Redflex Redlight Camera Tickets a Redflex Speed Camera

The next post is:



Black helicopter paranoia? Meth labs? I guess you don't mind government intrusion into your life. Perhaps you would prefer the scenario in Bradbury's Fahrehheit 451. Do a cost benefit analysis: civil liberty loss v. a few extra red light scoflaws caught or meth busts. You want to trade civil liberties for a risk free life. I guess you like the failed drug war and all of its civil liberty abuses.

When I spoke on TV in city council against this contract, it was obvious the decision was already made to turn city streets into foreign toll roads, replacing US police and US courts, with 90% of the profit exported to Australia. It's illegal to hold secret meetings to decide public business.

One city council member I spoke with sued city council for holding secret meetings, after I told her about my lawsuit against the city for car theft, against the same mobsters who arsoned 2 of her cars.

Bottom line: These criminals must be stopped. The infowar is step 1, legal war step 2, bullet war step 3. That's what's taught in law schools, that's what our nation was founded on.

Tennessee's first governor was a newspaper owner and preacher on death row for terrorist bombings and controlled demolition of bridges in the Civil War, Parson Brownlow. Now they name schools after him. So beware newspaper owners and preachers. The Knox Sentinel owners, Mr Scripps and Mr Howard, are members of Jewish Bohemian Grove...

UPDATE TODAY: Speed Cameras in UK, Italy Burned and Shot


Monday, December 15, 2008 3:16 PM


PN posts 300 words to say probably 50 words of info about censorship of comments. Interesting
SM posts 40 words to say about 7 on a scope issue, throws in an insult, to help discredit himself, but has a potential point.
BSCM posts 100 words to say maybe 20 on editorial rights, this is a more valid point
PN posts 386 words to say another 20, that there is a deception here, comments porport to be the voice of the people. If they are edited, that should be disclosed. Normal disclosures says "obscenities omited" but perhaps they should says "we reserve the right to edit comments at will" something like that.
SM posts 112 words saying that comment pages are a traffic gimmick, not a free speech zone, also good point. He throws in some insults, maybe 30 words of info.
WZ posts 49 words of an interesting anecdote of editorializing. NYT is biased, everyone knows that, still, it's a breach of protocol.

Clearly, at this point, an objective observer would be me saying "okay, it's not a first amendment issue, but the website is being deceptive." Of course, this is probably nothing new. Isn't it convenient how on call in shows how 50% of the people support a position and 50% oppose? Logically, most of them should be completely tilted in one direction. Someone is editing.

That's my 62 word response that could probably be chopped down.

PN posts 1769 words with some possible attacks, and the text of his deleted comment, making it clear why the comment was deleted, which doesn't help his case, but does raise an interesting question about whether or not there is any responsibility of a site to mention that comments are edited. I recall TV stations saying "edited for content." If a comment page is edited, then it might display an overwhelming support for one issue, say "war with pakistan" when that represents a small minority view. If the page is perceived to be the voice of the people, then we have a problem.


Monday, December 15, 2008 5:19 PM


Their site, their rules.

Come back and bitch when YOU are paying the bills for it, I might listen.



Tuesday, December 16, 2008 12:24 AM


PS - One reason I am so rabidly fond of Haken is that he has prolly the most hands-off policy I've ever seen on an internet forum outside of... well, ones that shall not be named, and I think our discussions here are all that much better FOR it, since you *must* argue your case, instead of begging or baiting the folk tearing your argument to shreds into being banned.

Which is, frankly 90-fekkin-5 percent of "political" discussion elsewhere.


It cannot be said enough, those who do not learn from history, are doomed to endlessly repeat it






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