Obama - Guns

UPDATED: Sunday, December 28, 2008 04:50
VIEWED: 5402
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Friday, December 26, 2008 5:32 AM




Nice link. I didn't fit any of them. I guess I'll have to add my own, maybe a Raccoon. "Let's approach this problem with caution, it's tricky, and with discretion, because *they* are listening"

I invite everyone to go and read Frem's list.

(Folks might peg me as a reindeer, but I have no interest in changing the other heroes, only in approaching the issue with caution, making sure the other heroes do not fall into obvious traps)

Everyone, follow Frem's link, find yourself, and recognize that it will derogatory and insulting, but that there is a grain of truth in it.

Myself. Probably more of a Fox. Definitely not a Reindeer. I would let the boat sink. Not out to change anyone, not there to restrict anyone's freedom, just interjecting to try quixotically to prevent the Boars from sacrificing themselves.

Many of you may find yourselves Wolves, but please read the entire entry, and you will see why I express concern to the Wolf.

Ultimately, all of these are negative stereotypes, but with a touch of truth, feel free to create your own animal archetype, but recognize the negative, and accept it, be self critical and honest.


Done told you I've no intention to be nice.

The Jayne Cobbs and Cap'n Mals of the world I can handle. The Niska's can get on my nerves. Attacking your allies will not get you far.


And be damned if imma respond kindly to folks who wanna keep their rights while handing mine over

I was not at any point taking your rights. I only question the tactic "every man for himself." Even Wolves travel in packs.

Also, I was pointing out the reaver issue. Few seemed to catch on to this: This is a strong running theme in the show. Freedom is essential, but it potentially creates reavers. The Crips and Bloods are Reavers. I can tell stories. This is not race relates, half the ones up here are white. Reavers are reavers, and our local reavers they love assault rifles. Handy for killing lots of people especially if you don't care who you like. To see pure reavers, check out the RUF. It's worth looking up for those who don't know them. The RUF in America is just starting, my prediction is that this is going to be big in our new socio-economic collapse, your judgement day.


They might not ADMIT that, but like I said, I have a pretty good bullshit detector.

No Bull, I was wrong, and admitted freely when proven wrong, there's a difference between that and Bull. The Bull is manipulative, and attempting to disuade.


As for the rest of it, hell no, a single handgun ain't gonna make that damn much difference, but collectives of skilled people who understand and can effectively practice 4GW warfare are a very realistic response to such things, which is all imma say on that.

I agree, that's pretty much what I was arguing for. I can't argue for war, but I can say that this is not what the people arguing against me most vociferously were suggesting. They were the Lone Wolf crowd.

I had to google 4GW. This is the sort of thing I *want* to see here. Constructive arguments towards directions of mutual benefit. Now you've done it twice in a row.

Hats off to you, Frem, and I mean that with no implied sarcasm or insincerity, informative posts!

For anyone else ignorant of this as I was:


The second amendment is a tripwire, it's there to let folks know when the Gov has overstepped itself, and to let it fall invites a domino effect once the threat of armed citizenry is fully neutralised.

My brother the Fox said specifically about this question a footnote which I did not pass on before, because I thought it might offend, but if people can take it, from an expert on the subject:

"The Second Amendment is like the Templars -- a touchstone of craziness, regardless of which side the ranter is foaming on."

I guess that pretty much sums it up, so I must have some Fox blood.

Wolves, learn to travel in packs, and check that you are not Boars.

Speaking of wolves, any other Nightwish fans around? Just curious.

My own tack, of the Raccoon. I will never strike, but I will win by surprise. I'm a chess player. Some folk might mistake that for a chicken, but trust me, I've been there, and am not afraid. It's a move of choice, and a strategy of many years of design, and guided by my faith. I'm at least as committed to the fight as the rest of you. I will never give up, I only didn't want to see my fellow browncoats sacrifice themselves pointlessly along the way.


Friday, December 26, 2008 6:47 AM



Originally posted by AG05:
I disagree. Guns are most certainly not obselete

I think we can compromise and agree that some guns are obselete and some are not. For example, black powder rifles are obselete...

Semi-automatic assault weapons with large capacity magazines are very practicle...

As a lawyer I plan to rely first on the law to protect me. If a bad guy breaks into my house intent on raping my dog and killing my girlfriend then I plan to hit them over the head with Title 29 of the Ohio Revised Code. Should that prove ineffective then I will (with great regret) shoot them with one (or more) of the variety of large large handguns at my disposal.



Friday, December 26, 2008 8:13 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!


Originally posted by dreamtrove:
Guns are obsolete. Having them will not protect you.

Notice the person who said that Obama would try to take your guns away was not opponent John McCain or arch-rival Hillary Clinton, it was his own running mate Joe Biden.

I think the boys at CFR like gun ownership, they like to lend a hand to civil war. If you had a satelite system, they'd be worried.

Perhaps Sonic Nausea is more your weapon of choice? Police advertise this product to "disrupt public meetings".


ShomerTec Law Enforcement Equipment

Sonic Nausea is a small electronic device which can really turn one's stomach. It generates a unique combination of ultra-high frequency soundwaves which soon leads most in its vicinity to queasiness. It can also cause headaches, intense irritation, sweating, imbalance, nausea, or even vomiting. Hiding this device in your inconsiderate neighbor's house might put an end to their late-night parties. The abusive bureaucrat's office, the executive lunchroom... the possibilities are endless for that small portion of inventive payback. The unique soundwave characteristics make directional source determination difficult. Powered by one 9-volt battery (not included). For extended run time six AA batteries in a battery pack with transistor clips (available from most electronics stores) can be used instead. Use with extreme discretion.

Super Sonic Nausea

This "industrial strength version of the Sonic Nausea is now available for non government sales for the first time. It provides serious substantial capability to disrupt and disperse gatherings. Speeches, demonstrations, crowd dynamics...this device has been used to influence more of these in recent years than you might suspect. Or if planted near the podium you might just have a case of a speaker with diminished clarity and concentration, or perhaps is even unable to complete his presentation "due to liness". This "illness" might even be contagious, as some of the VIPS up there with him also seemed to have caught the same bug. Powered by ten AA batteries (not included). Size: 7 3/4 x 4 1/2" x 2 3/4". Use only with extreme discretion.

Perhaps you'd prefer your own homebrew DIY deathray gun, as countermeasure to the cops microwave cannon? Very useful if you have a wooden door...


"A maser operates in the microwave frequency at 300 GHz. A commercial microwave oven has a power rating of 5,000 watts. I have ignited a 4x8 sheet of plywood, from 500 feet using a 5,000 watt maser for only 30 seconds."
-David Gunn, The Poor Man's Ray Gun

Microwave sound cannon at RepubliConCon USSA

Navy Researching Vomit Beam

US military's heat-ray gun, the Active Denial System

Note that in the military microwave cannons are built exactly like satellite TV dishes, same size as the old big dishes. So combine Ragnar's homebrew with an old TV dish and stepper controller to aim it...

Do you think cops would run if attacked by ghosts of Ball Lightning, like The Invisible Monster in Johnny Quest?

A grounded metal Faraday Cage blocks all microwaves in self defense.

McCain campaigned on stealing guns too. Palin was hired to fool the gun owners. But VPs have zero power - unless they're murderous psychopaths like Nixon, LBJ, Sr Bush and Cheney.


Friday, December 26, 2008 9:27 AM


I'm sure we can, and with time, we can agree to more. But once again, sorry to spark a firefight of friendly fire. I just thought there were some who were going all "last stand against the big bad." Even if I'm wrong constitutionally, I still think it's a bad move, but it's reduced to my personal opinion. When the storm troopers come in, they are going to bring a lot more than guns. Everyone check out the waco story. oh damn, now I have to find the link. It's on youtube, how wes and co filled the basement with flamable chemical weapons and then fired down. Right now I'm really pressed for time.


Friday, December 26, 2008 9:27 AM


I'm a double post, let me be.


Friday, December 26, 2008 4:20 PM


Nah, it wasn't you specifically that I was accusing of hoping to declaw folks like me so that their "benevolent" Gov can "manage" us easier, but there's a couple round here who I do indeed suspect of such.

On an earlier posts note (one I missed the first time through) I don't admit to anything unless I feel it required to get a point across or that I have experience with the issue I speak of, and even then will be as vague as possible, for obvious reasons - I been doin what I do for a very long time, long enough to have entrenched defenses that pre-date most recent efforts to keep tabs on us, and were in place and active long before database dragnets and the like, givin my people an edge that more modern collectives simply do not have.

One specific instance of such would be "poisoning the well" by adding so many falsified listings that no one can ever be sure whatever data they have is accurate, something far more difficult today than it was then since the databases demand so much more verification to "prevent identity theft" which they then sell to anyone with a vendors license, abetting and accellerating the very crime they pretend to be protecting you against, what a neat scam that is, eh ?

We poisoned those wells long before the alphabet goons started drinking from them, and other defense methodologies were in place and hardened before the technologies useful against them were even past the concept stage - both passive and active, FYI, those sonic and pain beams have serious exploitable weaknesses, a little understanding of that tech goes a long way.

And it's not my potential allies I am attacking, the folks who would take insult from a commentary like that, are the zealots that reason and logic would be wasted on to begin with, and any attempt to negotiate with would just hand ground I've no intent on losing - that's just like the folk who spout "reasonable restrictions" in public, and then admit privately that every one of those "reasonable restrictions" is one step closer to their ACTUAL goal of full-on disarmament.

I will not negotiate the right to bear arms with those people any more than I would negotiate the civil rights of minorities with the Klan cause it's just a waste of time - although I will insult their ignorant stupidity given *happens* to such quisling milquetoast collaborators in the end no matter which side eventually wins, just ask some of our people who volunteered to get involved in messy stuff like that, if you can find any still alive.

The only use I got for Snakes and Jackals is fodder to manipulate against their own, and even that would never be from this identity regardless.

Anyhows, we been workin the 4GW angle since before there was even a name for it, and you'll note that I do say "we" - a well knit group is far better functionally than a single person who may be skilled in one area, lacking in others, and has to sleep sometime.
Having solid allies can flatten the curves of an effective movement rather nicely - although it's hard to balance useful suggestions versus what should not be said publicly...
Let's just say that the ability to buy off stop-losses into discharges has benefitted us greatly in recent years, meh.


It cannot be said enough, those who do not learn from history, are doomed to endlessly repeat it


Saturday, December 27, 2008 4:41 AM


I have apologized, almost profusely on my seemingly rabid attack on previous posts of you and your posts. But I actually agree with many of your posts and the mentality behind them. I do not want to see the proliferation of religious zealot thought process upon the US. I want Americans to have a chance to choose their religious and intellectual ways of finding common ground as initially intended by our founders. But those ideals are significantly warped and corrupted throughout both by the media, and political means of our day. Take the personal account of the men directly involved, the people witnessing, and the ''black hoods" before them as some sort of indication behind the truth of what you are told.

Not of what you see is truth. Not that can be heard is truth. Our feelings can be manipulated. When we feel less than safe.

The country is making a big mistake not teaching kids to cook and raise a garden and build fires.
-Loretta Lynn


Saturday, December 27, 2008 10:54 AM



If I may, don't take this as an attack, it's a sincere suggestion, and I say this only as a friend.

1. A couple of recommendation, sincere, one is elements of style by strunk and white, and the other is how to win friends and influence people by dale carnegie. These are two excellent texts on communication skills.

It should not be an uphill battle for me to unravel what you have just said. It should be easy and painless, and everything perfectly clear.

I still don't know what you do, and I am more apt to assume that you are a poseur than the American Mujahideen. But if I were inclined to feel the other way, you would be setting up red flags all over the place.

As I've said before, email me personally, if you feel it can't be said on the board.


Saturday, December 27, 2008 11:08 AM



Apology accepted. I would say that if this was the intent, it failed to reach the audience with clarity, among the venom. But it's clear now. I would make the same reading recommendations I just made to Frem, see above. This is serious straight talk in communications, and effective.

My personal concern is not with religious zealots. I think they have their place and their rights. I was citing Waco as "Govt. out of control." I'm sure you would find Taoism far more similar to native american beliefs, I don't know if you ascribe to them, but there is a strong element of live and let live, and forces of nature trumping forces of man.

My main concern was that I have known more than one "Last stand"'er who thought that "me and my gun to protect me" was a realistic defense of their rights. Realistically, it's a red flag to the feds saying "kill me now, I'm a threat." My main concern was that people are gearing up for a battle here that they are guaranteed to lose. Or, to be more terse, the charge of the light sabre brigade. Or to be more on target, I see Serenity Valley in the future for this crowd.

If I were to argue the point on the founding father, I would be forced to concede the position, but would still point out that this was the 18th century. I'm sure that Jefferson was not about to go handing out guns to slaves and native american tribes. He probably wouldn't've been too keen on the idea of, "Immigrant welcome to America, here's your gun." If I'm wrong on any of these, feel free to correct me.


Saturday, December 27, 2008 3:25 PM


DT, take it how you like, but I am not going to mess with a style of communicating that is extremely effective at the people I wish to reach just because someone on the internet says I should.

As for strunk and white, I suspect you're not quite on board with the fact that telling an Anarchist there's "only one right way" annoys the everliving hell out of them, besides which if that *was* the only right way, not one of the published authors I read would have a career.

And don't even get me started on that bastard Carnegie, the sins of his father are legion and his own no less, but that's a whole other topic.

His *REAL* method of "communication" and "influence" was the money spent on hired goons to enforce their will, like his father did at Ludlow and Homestead, so you could simply dismiss the crap in the book and retitle it -
"Being Rich and Immoral, the key to making friends and influencing people."

You're also seemingly clueless about the nature of the discussion you desire - either you discuss it in a cryptic and elliptical fashion, or you do not discuss it at all in a public forum, you're sitting there asking dangerous questions and all the while telling folk they don't dare answer, and then being annoyed when they react in a very predictable fashion to that conundrum, and how ridiculous is that ?

I've told you as much as you really need to know, you're a smart guy, you figure it out - cause askin me to spell it out means you're either applying a setup, or as dimwittedly self-destructive as the very folk you're flaming.

Neither one of those makes the idea of you as an ally appealing, frankly, and so I've nothing further to say on the topic at this time.


It cannot be said enough, those who do not learn from history, are doomed to endlessly repeat it


Saturday, December 27, 2008 4:51 PM


For them as need it told , from the Independent Institute:

The Founders’ Second Amendment soars to #1 category ranking at in Law, Civil Rights and Liberties, Constitutions, Constitutional Law, Constitutional History, and Revolutionary and Founding History, as well as #12 in History, #11 in Professional and Technical, and #24 in Nonfiction (December 15).

"...As you know, the U.S. Supreme Court’s June 2008 landmark District of Columbia v. Heller ruling finally affirmed that the Founders fully intended the Second Amendment to protect an individual right to own and bear arms. The renowned Second Amendment scholar and lawyer Dr. Stephen P. Halbrook, Research Fellow at The Independent Institute, was key to the Heller victory—as well as to three previous gun-rights victories in cases before the Supreme Court. And his definitive defense of the Second Amendment is now available in The Founders’ Second Amendment: Origins of the Right to Bear Arms ;
the first in-depth, book-length account of the origins of the Second Amendment and the most readable, comprehensive, and compelling work ever assembled arguing that the right to own a gun is as fundamental under the U.S. Constitution as is freedom of speech and freedom of religion.

Yet, even before the ink was dry on the Heller decision, efforts were underway in Washington, D.C., to resume the assault against gun rights. Further, and despite the rhetoric, both President-elect Barack Obama and his choice for Attorney General, Eric Holder, have repeatedly opposed Second Amendment rights, and any new federal judge appointments will likely be similarly biased.

Thus, preserving our constitutional rights will hinge on our ability to educate the American people on the imperative of Second Amendment rights. The Supreme Court’s Heller decision has provided us with an unprecedented opportunity to do this."


Saturday, December 27, 2008 4:55 PM



DT, take it how you like, but I am not going to mess with a style of communicating that is extremely effective at the people I wish to reach just because someone on the internet says I should.

Your loss.


As for strunk and white, I suspect you're not quite on board with the fact that telling an Anarchist there's "only one right way" annoys the everliving hell out of them, besides which if that *was* the only right way, not one of the published authors I read would have a career.

Have you even read it?


And don't even get me started on that bastard Carnegie, the sins of his father are legion and his own no less, but that's a whole other topic.

James William Carnegie, the midwestern farmer? His sins must have been legion. I think you've made the mistake of assuming that Dale Carnegie is any relation to Andrew Carnegie. He is not. Never make assumptions, especially on the internet. I already knew this one, but anyone, including you, could have checked it in five seconds.


His *REAL* method of "communication" and "influence" was the money spent on hired goons to enforce their will, like his father did at Ludlow and Homestead, so you could simply dismiss the crap in the book and retitle it - "Being Rich and Immoral, the key to making friends and influencing people."

Um, see above. No relation. Carnegie's story is an interesting one. He got his start hopping trains as just the sort of character that this new society would never allow. Do your homework before ranting.


You're also seemingly clueless about the nature of the discussion you desire - either you discuss it in a cryptic and elliptical fashion, or you do not discuss it at all in a public forum, you're sitting there asking dangerous questions and all the while telling folk they don't dare answer, and then being annoyed when they react in a very predictable fashion to that conundrum, and how ridiculous is that ?

I'm sorry. I thought we had something in common. My mistake. You help runaways and abused children, so have I, we oppose gansta govt. The only form of communication I ever wanted was one on the level. You, sir, are not on the level. You talk in circles and vague ambiguities, and make yourself out to be an underworld spy with some sort of cache. I suspect it's a cover for a used car dealership. Myself, I really do grow tomatoes.


I've told you as much as you really need to know, you're a smart guy, you figure it out - cause askin me to spell it out means you're either applying a setup, or as dimwittedly self-destructive as the very folk you're flaming.

Where your clues lead me is nowhere you would want to be found. I was looking for some clue that your circuit was something more akin to the underground railroad than to human trafficking. So, I have a brain, no information to discount it, and I came to the conclusion.


Neither one of those makes the idea of you as an ally appealing, frankly, and so I've nothing further to say on the topic at this time.

Well, I guess there's only one other possibility. I am thinking at this point that you are not the sharpest tool in the shed, and not a potential ally. Overplaying your little game in a public forum, posting a picture, and then leading me to think that you are running a penny ante human trafficking ring is just icing on the cake. Not knowing who Dale Carnegie was is just dumb. It's the dumbest thing posted since 2004, when Hero posted that "Nothing was further from a western style economy than Japan prior to WWI" Okay, no offense Hero, but that's still the dumbest thing ever posted to this forum.

I'm really a pretty sharp guy, and I analyzed the data given. You've already admitted to breaking the law, repeatedly, and if there is no proof that it's for some sort of altruistic reasons, then I have to assume the opposite. Myself, when I sheltered runaways, I contacted the state and local police myself, often daily. After a couple years, my state police contact said after one of the kids was picked up on drug charges that I had to abandon the operation or the kids could potentially get me into trouble, if they decided to take drugs onto the property. So I did.

No one is going to assume that just because you are outside the law that you are a good guy. I, for one, do not buy the secret agent persona, or your grand operation. Anyone running a real underground would not be dumb enough to post it online in an open forum.

I offer you one opportunity of defense. Keep it short.


Saturday, December 27, 2008 4:59 PM



Was awaiting acknowledgement of my concession and apology. Also, any thoughts you had on random reavers vs. organized resistance.

An argument for one side doesn't win the point, esp. if my main point was that this was an outdates concept of "arms" if you wanted real defense. But still, I wanted to clear the air, just so I know that we're cool, and can move on.


Saturday, December 27, 2008 5:02 PM


You can always move on...

I'm not one to stand in a man's way...

I'm not 'the government'...Not any more...


Saturday, December 27, 2008 5:56 PM


Tempted to move on to less suicidal pastures. Atmosphere is getting kinda hostile.

Nice symbol, btw :)


Saturday, December 27, 2008 6:04 PM



Originally posted by dreamtrove:
Tempted to move on to less suicidal pastures. Atmosphere is getting kinda hostile.

Nice symbol, btw :)

That's just your paranoia talkin' to ya...

You've got a little sense , knowin' when you're outmatched , and outgunned...

Move along , move along...


Saturday, December 27, 2008 6:41 PM


I was refering to the suicidal tendencies of others, not myself. I don't have fear. I'm never outgunned, as you can see from my earlier posts. I'm content to be the unarmed man against an army, and I don't expect to lose.

A tacit admission of undue hostilities would be a good sign of communication skills, unless your posting of a yinyang was just a very subtle admission.

But I am moving along. The tone and defeatism is strong, and a pointless waste of time. I have stuff to do, and a revolution to deal with, and I'm not convinced that the fellow browncoats would be an asset.

As I said, anyone who cares can feel free to email me.

It's not this thread, it's been a string of threads to try to move people up to a higher level of discourse than to be at each other's throats at all times. This has proven fruitless, so I am abandoning ship.

For the record, I've known a good many people who have relived Custer's last stand. Not one of them has stood.

On a personal note, when someone admits to being wrong, and you have attacked them full force with regards to the malice of their misinformation, an apology is a simple and easy way to restore communcation.

I leave not because I'm outgunned, or in hostile territory, or because I lost this one, but because I see nothing here worth saving, or capable of being saved. Not that salvation is my thing, but that this is not a group collectively headed anywhere.

I came in to visit, and you were all at each other's throats like rabid dogs. I stood in the middle, and there was a moment of peace, and then all the dogs turned on me. In moments after my departure, you will again be at each other's throats, not moving forward towards a united front.

I'm giving up on this as a constructive resistance, I'm not ruling out any of its individual members, some of you I know, others are as I said, free to email me. I'm a realist, and I have a pretty solid bead on the real situation. There is a lot of fantasy here, and a lot of quixotic desparation, consigned to oblivion.


Saturday, December 27, 2008 7:52 PM


Punk !

We barely knew ya !

Good riddance , too !


Saturday, December 27, 2008 9:12 PM



Saturday, December 27, 2008 9:22 PM



Originally posted by dreamtrove:
Tempted to move on to less suicidal pastures. Atmosphere is getting kinda hostile.

“It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly; who errs and comes short again and again; because there is not effort without error and shortcomings; but who does actually strive to do the deed; who knows the great enthusiasm, the great devotion, who spends himself in a worthy cause, who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement and who at the worst, if he fails, at least he fails while daring greatly. So that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat.” --Theodore Roosevelt , 1858-1919


Saturday, December 27, 2008 11:14 PM


Ok, how bout this for short.

That good enough ?

Too bad I don't meet your idealised personal concept of what you assume me to be, and for some reason you seem to think I might care.

Actually I got confused between ole Dale Carnegies work and "How to Succeed in Life" which was in fact written by Andrew Carnegie, and had no opportunity to correct it since I was rather busy covering rounds for one of my people, and walkin them on top of melted and refrozen slush topped off by freezing drizzle isn't exactly a restful thing on a bad leg day - shit happens, and demanding perfection from other human beings is idiotic.

Besides, whatever gave you the moronic idea I was a good guy, or a decent human being ?
I don't claim either one, never have, and had you *done your homework* - something you never do as you want everything compressed into a thirty-second soundbite and downloaded right into your brain or something, you might have some other picture than the one you prefer to draw because you're maybe offended that I do not fully agree with you.

Well, too bad, boo-fuckin-hoo, your own superior attitude, and repeated assumptions that I, being one random jerk on an internet message board, give a shit what you, one random jerk on an internet message board, happen to think of me or what I do.

Get over yourself, I been bending backwards trying to be (relatively) nice to you, but I see now that you just want your puny little ego stroked and now that it ain't happenin, you'll prolly pout, whine, and threaten to take your little ball and go home, as if we'd shed a bitter tear...

One final bit of advice - if you ever really wanna change anything, you are going to HAVE to do the research yourself, and then be willing to do what it takes no matter how awful, or how high the psychological cost is gonna be, and I just don't see you doin either one.

So.. adieu.


It cannot be said enough, those who do not learn from history, are doomed to endlessly repeat it


Sunday, December 28, 2008 4:50 AM


This has nothing to do with me losing this argument. I'm still in no way offended. Just bored. I'm not superior, or inferior. I'm just leaving, and posting that notice in case anyone cared and wanted to contact me. Like lurkers, I might check back, but debates like these, whether won or lost, are irrelevant, they are not action, they are infighting. This identical debate with the identical outcome, carried out in a concise, cordial and productive manner, could have wasted a lot less time.



Punk !

We barely knew ya !

Good riddance , too !

You already told me to leave, and I decided it was a good idea. This is not because I felt "kicked out of a club," but that I was wasting my time.

I was here for years, and left before when personal attack threads began, of the nature of of "let's all hate Mr X." None of them were directed at me, but it was childish and hostile.

Look at my other posts and threads and you will see that I came back to see if people could be united against govt. tyranny. They couldn't.

What I see is not men of action. Don't waste time with insults in an effort to offend me, it won't work. If you'd been through what I had, they wouldn't affect you either.



Besides, whatever gave you the moronic idea I was a good guy, or a decent human being ?

If that was you trying to be nice, I don't want to see the rest. People who live in glass houses, (you do no research,) shouldn't throw stones.

You talk much, and say little.


Some people on this board are capable of civility. Everyone else should look at themselves and ask what they're doing here.

For the record, the entire debate was about people holed up by themselves with an AK47, I never questioned the right of anyone to organize against power. I did question the effectiveness. Every post opposing me was in support of lone gunmen holed up with their AK.

This developed into an all-on-one debate, ganging up as it were, but I did not feel ganged up against. I was wrong, even though I had done my research, I misinterpreted the intentions. I say this because my brother is an expert in this field, and and I trust his word over mine. Some people here, even hostile ones, already knew.

But this was NOT the point I was arguing. I was arguing against lone gunmen taking a last stand against tyranny. IMHO, that's idiotic, and gets you shot. Also, questioning the rights of reavers to carry assault rifles to use in offense against the general populace. I don't think anyone won this argument.

When I'm wrong, I freely concede the point without any sense of loss.

I would like to point out something ironic.

People on this thread who carried themselves like men were people whom, correct me if I'm wrong, I would have perceived to be young.


I'd have guessed KWICKO to be older, but carries himself well.

I ignore WHOZIT on the assumption that he's 15.

People on the personal attack ironically, I would say are about 40.

While this says good things about our society's future, it says something about older men who participate in such a forum which is sad.

Please correct me if I'm wrong about the ages.

I'm not dying, btw, I'm retreating to lurker status. This infighting is a waste of time. No offense to anyone who was civil. Or to others, which is to say, none intended, but they will find ways to take offense.

"you have no idea how easy a matter it is to offend a man who is on the look-out for offenses." -Frederick Douglas






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Sat, March 15, 2025 14:37 - 356 posts
Do you feel like the winds of change are blowing today too?
Sat, March 15, 2025 14:35 - 1008 posts
South Africa the "Rainbow nation" with 12 official languages
Sat, March 15, 2025 14:17 - 30 posts
End Is Nigh 4 Europe, Refugees, Illegal Immigration, Muslim Invasion...alarmist doomsday post
Sat, March 15, 2025 14:15 - 85 posts
China to mine the moon?
Sat, March 15, 2025 14:03 - 9 posts
Trump calls for building 10 New Super Cities the USA to create empty futuristic ‘Freedom Cities’ then filled up with Maga people
Sat, March 15, 2025 13:50 - 3 posts
Make America "GREAT"? We couldn't even hit "average"
Sat, March 15, 2025 13:45 - 72 posts
In the garden, and RAIN!!! (2)
Sat, March 15, 2025 13:23 - 5205 posts
Democratic Donor Platform ActBlue in Chaos as Workers Flee
Sat, March 15, 2025 12:39 - 9 posts
Trunp loses again in Court
Sat, March 15, 2025 12:35 - 473 posts
A reminder that Kamala Harris was a terrible candidate
Sat, March 15, 2025 12:34 - 2 posts