Merry Christmas from Ahmadinejad

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Friday, December 26, 2008 4:46 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!



President of Iran on BBC Channel 4:

Upon the anniversary of the birth of Jesus, Son of Mary, the Word of God, the Messenger of mercy, I would like to congratulate the followers of Abrahamic faiths, especially the followers of Jesus Christ, and the people of Britain.

If Christ were on earth today, undoubtedly He would stand with the people in opposition to bullying, ill-tempered and expansionist powers.

If Christ were on earth today, undoubtedly He would hoist the banner of justice and love for humanity to oppose warmongers, occupiers, terrorists and bullies the world over.

If Christ were on earth today, undoubtedly He would fight against the tyrannical policies of prevailing global economic and political systems, as He did in His lifetime.

Once again, I congratulate one and all on the anniversary of the birth of Jesus Christ. I pray for the New Year to be a year of happiness, prosperity, peace and brotherhood for humanity. I wish you every success and happiness.


Jewish British Prime Minister Benjamin D'Israeli: "Christians should thank Jews for killing Christ!"


"The chief priests and the elders persuaded the crowd to ask for Barabbas to be released and to have Jesus executed. 'What shall I do, then, with Jesus who is called Christ?', Pilate asked. They all answered 'Crucify him!' they shouted all the louder. 'Crucify him'! Pilate...took water and washed his hands in front of the crowd. 'I am innocent of this man's blood,' he said. 'It is your responsibility!'
All the people answered, 'Let his blood be on us and on our children!'"
-Matthew 27:20 to 23, King James Bible

"Judge Rav Papa bar Rav Acha bar Ada said in the name of Judge Rav Acha bar Ula: This teaches that everyone who mocks (mal'ig) the words of the sages will be punished in burning excrement."
-Babylonian Iraqi "Jewish" Talmud, Eruvin 21b

"He then went and raised by incantations the sinners of Israel, Jesus. He said: What is your punishment? They replied: With boiling hot excrement, since a Master has said: Whoever mocks at the words of the Sages is punished with boiling hot excrement."
-Babylonian Iraqi "Jewish" Talmud, Gittin 57a

"According to the Talmud, Jesus was executed by a proper rabbinical court for idolatry inciting other Jews to idolatry, and contempt of rabbinical authority. All classical Jewish sources which mention his execution are quite happy to take responsibility for it; in the talmudic account the Romans are not even mentioned."
-Dr. Israel Shahak, Jewish History, Jewish Religion


Friday, December 26, 2008 5:08 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!


British government slams Channel 4 over Ahmadinejad Christmas message

The government has criticised Channel 4's decision to broadcast an alternative Christmas message by the Iranian president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

A foreign and commonwealth office spokeswoman said today that the move would cause offence around the world.

"President Ahmadinejad has during his time in office made a series of appalling anti-Semitic statements," she said. "The British media are rightly free to make their own editorial choices, but this invitation will cause offence and amusement not just at home but amongst friendly countries abroad."

Channel 4's alternative message, designed as a contrast to the traditional Queen's speech, has featured a number of leftfield figures in the past but the choice of Ahmadinejad, whose aggressive stance towards Israel and the west - including an alleged attempt to pursue a nuclear weapons programme, has proved particularly controversial.

Israel has 400 stolen nukes and threatens to nuke Europe.


Israeli Professor - "We Could Destroy All European Capitals"

"We possess several hundred atomic warheads and rockets and can launch them at targets in all directions, perhaps even at Rome. Most European capitals are targets of our air force. Israel must be like a mad dog, too dangerous to bother. Our armed forces are not the thirtieth strongest in the world, but rather the second or third. We have the capability to take the world down with us. And I can assure you that that this will happen before Israel goes under."

Who do YOU want to nuke?

Israel of course is enraged that Iran says nice things about Jesus Christ, who is boiling in shlt according to Israel.


Christmas message from Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is 'sick'

He finished by praying for the New Year to be "a year of happiness, prosperity, peace and brotherhood for humanity".

The Israeli Embassy branded the Christmas message a "sick and twisted irony" and Israeli Ambassador Ron Prosor said: "In Iran, converts to Christianity face the death penalty. It is perverse that this despot is allowed to speculate on the views of Jesus, while his government leads Christ's followers to the gallows."

Never mind that preaching Christianity is a felony in Israel, which bans Christians from citizenship.

The state of Israel says “GO HOME!” to Christian Jews who want to become citizens or to live as authentic, Holy Spirit-led believers in Israel. Israel prohibits Christian Jews from becoming citizens. It also forbids any Christian—whether Jew or Gentile—from sharing Christianity with a minor or even buying an adult Jew a cup of coffee in the course of their religious discussion!


The Jerusalem Post:

A director of the US Union of Messianic Jewish Congregations and his wife were detained Sunday at Ben-Gurion Airport by Interior Ministry officials amid allegations he is involved in illegal Christian missionary activity. It is illegal in Israel to proselytize among minors. It is also prohibited to engage in missionary activities among adults when economic incentives are offered…

After over eight hours of detention, Jamie Cowen, a former president of the union, and his wife, Stacy, were permitted to enter Israel only after they agreed to sign a document that they would not engage in missionary activities during their stay…The Interior Ministry, which directed the police to arrest the Cowens, said they had classified information regarding missionary activity.

"There's a word in Hebrew called 'Goyim', which means non-Jews, it means cattle. I think that summarizes it all. You know, you torture the cattle. What difference does it make? They're not the Master Race so you can't have first class citizenship in Israel unless you are born from a Jewish mother. Now if that's not racism, you tell me what it is? These are the people we are dying for. I mean that's the law of Israel. You can be born in Milwaukee and as long as your mother is Jewish, you can become an Israeli citizen. But if you are born in Jerusalem and you don't have a Jewish mother, you can't. But you tell me if that's not racist?"
-Stanley Hilton, Jewish attorney at law, chief of staff for Republican Senator Bob Dole Radio, Trillion-dollar Class Action Sues President Bush for Perpetrating the 9/11 Attacks, March 11 2003


Friday, December 26, 2008 5:36 PM


I'm not a big fan of Israel since they are a militant nation ruled by self righteous A-holes
but the difference is Israel might be militant but it is still a democracy where people can enjoy freedom
While many of the Islamic regions are barbaric buttholes living in the dark ages,
if the islamic nuts see a Western guy in some of these places or an aid worker it can end with them getting their head sawed off with a rusty knife and the video upload to youtube/liveleak
Arabs bring most of their own misery upon themselves thanks to their stupidity

The Jewish state might be run by militant a-holes but the Jews are more modernized and they value democracy, this is why before 911 or any of that crazy terrorist shit I chose to support them, the Jews over a bunch of islamic thugs who have nothing in common with the United States
since one values democracy and the other group values religious barbarism

Europe will have huge problems thanks to its immigration and welfare issues
Poor Brits are probably worst off in Europe and will be living in an Islamic Republic within the next 200 years
Kosovo was a new state for Islam in the heart of Europe, Britain will be the second new state for the Muslims

Not just their tv station channel 4

Also BBC has gone Islam in the head


Truth Speaks on 2008-12-02 :

BBC even donated huge funds to an Islamic Terrorist charity. No surprises when it defends Islamic terrorists. BBC is one of the biggest haters of Hindus.


Friday, December 26, 2008 5:52 PM


This is what I don't get about some people on the left. I don't like Israel either but I don't know why "PIRATENEWS" chooses to defend the Islams. Try flying to Asscrackistan or one of those places with songs of joy and friendship and see how long you last before you get your head sawed off.


Saturday, December 27, 2008 11:20 AM



Ignorance may be bliss, but it's f^&king annoying.

1. Iran is more democratic than Israel. There is no question about that. Here are a couple of detailed refreshers:

a) in Iranian democracy, every ethnic group is allowed to serve, even jews. Yes, they have jews, and at least on in parliment. In Israel, there are no muslims allowed to serve in parliment, in spite of their high population.

b) In Iran, The clerics of the theocratic branch are directly elected by the people, and their leader, the Ayatollah, who holds veto power is in turn both elected and impeachable. In israel, the Knesset is neither elected nor impeachable, and yet has far more than just veto power, it sets policy for every aspect of Israeli life.

2. Iran is not an arab state. It's made up of caucasians primarily. It is also not barbaric, it is pretty much universally accepted to be the world's most educated nation, and is quite civilized and technologically sophisticated. Also, they have not invaded anyone in 2500 years.

3. People go there all the time, without getting heads sawed off. Nationally, no one has been more of an opponent of Al Qaeda and its Mujahideen than Iran. No one. Not even the US.

4. If Pirate News is the left, what does the right look like ?!?!?!?


Saturday, December 27, 2008 11:25 AM


Oh, and that's Muslims or Moslems, not Islams.

And John, thanks for the sanity from Mahmoud, appreciated and on target. While it's presumptuous for the Kurdish leader of the Islamic republic to speak for Jesus, I suspect objectively that he is not off target.

I am no opponent of Israel or the jews, but I would point out to the christians on the forum, that Muslims actually believe that Jesus Christ was a divine messenger of God. In Shiia Islam, he is often put on a level with Mohammed.

Judaism meanwhile shuns Jesus and all that he stands for. Ironic that so many christians should choose to ally with Israel against Islam.

If anyone is wondering why, do a little research. AIPAC created a group, I think it was in the 1970s to promote the idea of jews being a christians best friend within new christian sects. I'm sure PN has the details.


Saturday, December 27, 2008 12:24 PM



Originally posted by dreamtrove:

Ignorance may be bliss, but it's f^&king annoying.

1. Iran is more democratic than Israel. There is no question about that. Here are a couple of detailed refreshers:

I question it. And so would a lot of critical minded people.

Originally posted by dreamtrove:
a) in Iranian democracy, every ethnic group is allowed to serve, even jews. Yes, they have jews, and at least on in parliment. In Israel, there are no muslims allowed to serve in parliment, in spite of their high population.

Iran sets aside ONE seat for a single token Jew. No other Jews are allowed. On the other, the Israeli Parliament has never had any restrictions on who could serve based on religion. There is no legal reason why the entire Jewish Parliament couldn’t be Muslim.

Originally posted by dreamtrove:
b) In Iran, The clerics of the theocratic branch are directly elected by the people, and their leader, the Ayatollah, who holds veto power is in turn both elected and impeachable. In israel, the Knesset is neither elected nor impeachable, and yet has far more than just veto power, it sets policy for every aspect of Israeli life.

All 120 members of Knesset are elected directly by the people of Israel. On the other hand, while in theory the 290 members of Iran’s Majlis are elected by the People of Iran, each candidate must be approved by the Council Guardians which acts for the Supreme Leader of Iran, who is not elected by the people, but appointed by an Assembly. This Assembly is elected by popular vote from approved candidates. In Iran, no one who is not approved by the government is allowed to be elected to any office.

Originally posted by dreamtrove:
2. Iran is not an arab state. It's made up of caucasians primarily. It is also not barbaric, it is pretty much universally accepted to be the world's most educated nation, and is quite civilized and technologically sophisticated. Also, they have not invaded anyone in 2500 years.

Iran is not principally Caucasian it is Persian, and it is certainly not “universally accepted to be the world's most educated nation.” Also Iran has not existed for 2500 years. The current Islamic Republic of Iran came into existence only in 1979 with the Islamic revolution. Prior to that Iran was a successor state of the several Persian Dynasties many of which were very expansionistic, until finally a war with Imperial Russia destroyed them.

Originally posted by dreamtrove:
3. People go there all the time, without getting heads sawed off. Nationally, no one has been more of an opponent of Al Qaeda and its Mujahideen than Iran. No one. Not even the US.

In fact there is considerable evidence that Al Qaeda trained in Iran and there are ties between Bin Laden and Iran and Hezbollah. Currently Iran is one the world’s most active state sponsors of terrorism.

Originally posted by dreamtrove:
4. If Pirate News is the left, what does the right look like ?!?!?!?

I don’t know.

Nihil est incertius vulgo, nihil obscurius voluntate hominum, nihil fallacius ratione tota comitiorum.

Nothing is more unpredictable than the mob, nothing more obscure than public opinion, nothing more deceptive than the whole political system.

-- Cicero


Saturday, December 27, 2008 3:36 PM


Dreamtrove clearly one of your kin follows Shiite Islam or some other nonsense which is why you chose to almost religiously defend Iran and bash the Jewish state. I don't care much for the Jews and their state but I care even less for whatever crybaby tale the extreme Moslems have to offer up. They are a bunch of dingbats to me which is why I called them 'Islams'
and to me all religion is a bunch of fairytale nonsense
but Islam takes the cake for being the biggest bunch of BS on Earth.

and yes I know well the Iranians are Persians not Arabs but many of them do have something in common to the Arab dingbats. They elected a leader who would like to see the state of Israel wiped off the map.

I'm no fan of Israel and I think Bush was an A-hole
but you defending Iran as being more democratic than Israel has to be another in a long line of BS posted on this firefly board
-The state Iran has spent a good deal of time torturing the Kurdish peoples
-Women who had affairs were sentenced to death by a mob throwing stones, again not something that occurs in a democratic state but is more akin to the dark ages and burning of witches.
-Sexual slavery is a growing trade in Iran
-They want to see Israel wiped out
-The Iranians recently executed more homosexuals for basically just being gay

I'm sure with a little google I could make this list 30 times longer


Saturday, December 27, 2008 4:23 PM



You live. Good to see you.

1. Question everything. I have no doubt. I know a lot of Israelis and Iranians and I make my judgments on a completely objective level. I support israel of course, for obvious reasons, but not today... Evil is evil, whereever it comes from. But that doesn't bear on my comments, since I hadn't read about the bombings yet when I posted this.

2. Not true. Yes, one token seat is reserved, but other jews can serve if they can win. The problem is that jews are fleeing the country, leaving only 30,000 constituents. The Iranian govt. has repeatedly said there is no danger to jews, and they are welcome to return. The remaining jews now hold a lot of abandoned real estate. As for Israel, with 1/2 the population being palestinian, in the overall occupied territories, I think only citizens can run, and we both know how tight a rope they keep on these ideas. The Knesset is very powerful.


Iran sets aside ONE seat for a single token Jew. No other Jews are allowed. On the other, the Israeli Parliament has never had any restrictions on who could serve based on religion. There is no legal reason why the entire Jewish Parliament couldn’t be Muslim.

Knesset is elected? This is news to me. Are they impeachable? What I hear from Israelis is that they are a menace.

I hear this about the Ayatollah from a lot of Iranians, but they don't generally oppose the body or the position, they just think he should be impeached.

4. Persians are Caucasian. They are descendents of the migrations from the caucuses around 5000 years ago. Sorry, this is a fact, of the carved in stone variety.

Dynasties of Persia were contractionistic. Czarist Russia continually took territory from them, and won.

I've met no one who denies that Iran is the most educated population, and most of the people I know are zionists. Many have volunteered the information. The real competitors are the US, Russia, Britain, and Germany, Japan is lagging lately. China is coming up, but is still far behind.


In fact there is considerable evidence that Al Qaeda trained in Iran and there are ties between Bin Laden and Iran and Hezbollah. Currently Iran is one the world’s most active state sponsors of terrorism.

Finn, you're talking again. This is never good.
Iran supports Hezbollah, I just said they did. That's a Shiia organization, they are shiia, they were instrumental in creating hezbollah.

Ties between Bin Laden or Al Qaeda and Iran? A few months ago someone asked Cheney about that he said the idea was, if I recall correctly "insane, if not totally ignorant." Bin Laden and Al Qaeda are Sunnis. They hate Iran. In fact, terrorist attacks against Iran by ... let's not be totally ignorant here ... the Mujahideen are a major security threat to the nation. The US had admitted to supporting these Mujahideen, but not the specific attacks.

For those who don't know:

Bin Laden is terminally ill if not dead. He can't attack anyone.

Al Qaeda is a communication network, it can no more launch a terrorist attack than can AT&T.

Mujahideen are militants, and they receive assistance through the Al Qaeda network, as well as from other sources. They are often supported by nation states, often openly. The US is currently openly supporting Mujahideen in Afghanistan, as it did before, as it did in Kosovo. It has been accused of supporting Mujahideen in Pakistan, India, Chad and the Sudan, as well as in Iraq, and even Iran.

Iran has never supported any Mujahideen, as it is the opposition to its own Hezbollah, and no one in the intelligence community or the administration to my knowledge has ever accused it of doing so. If they have, it is certainly far from a consensus opinion.

The idea is patently absurd. It would make more rational sense to say that the US was supporting the Soviet Union during the cold war, as we were supplying them with materials and trading with them, but it would still be an absurd claim.

Sorry Finn, that is moronic.

I guess the right looks like Finn.

Anyway, glad to see you back, even if we disagree on this one.


Saturday, December 27, 2008 6:17 PM



Dreamtrove clearly one of your kin follows Shiite Islam ...

Or I could be jewish. Just stop firing in the air.
(Taoist as you all know, but otherwise, of Northern Irish, green, nothing against the orange. Not so much lost the carpenter as found the librarian.)


Islam takes the cake for being the biggest bunch of BS on Earth.

Nonsense. Reverend Phelps takes the cake.


and yes I know well the Iranians are Persians not Arabs but many of them do have something in common to the Arab dingbats. They elected a leader who would like to see the state of Israel wiped off the map.

They elected a Kurd, which is a small minority. arabs are about 10% minority, this post doesn't merit me looking it up, but this is what I recall.


I'm no fan of Israel

lately, they're not winning miss congeniality. I support Israel, but I just think they have an ass of a govt. But then again, who doesn't.


I think Bush was an A-hole

At least we agree on something.


but you defending Iran as being more democratic than Israel

all posts in iran are elected. I don't value democracy, i don't think it's a great form of govt. If I were to say that there was a list of functioning democracies on the earth, Iran would be way up there. I think the one we created in Iraq and Palestine do okay. Most places it has decayed into a thin ruse to cover tyranny. I'm not talking about Israel, I'm talking about the US.


-The state Iran has spent a good deal of time torturing the Kurdish peoples

And then they went and elected one. I guess that will come to an end now. Unless you expect Obama to herald in a new era of opression of blacks. Maybe he's bring back Jim Crowe.


[propaganda rant]

No comment. A lot of crime happens a lot of places. Big f^&king deal. Christians in America torture and kill their children because they are sinners. This happens sporadically, but don't believe for a second that each instance isn't broadcast throughout Al Qaeda as proof of American atrocities.

Sexual slavery is big in Dubai and Saudi Arabia, our allies, where it is legal.


They want to see Israel wiped out

nonsense. I know not only Iranians and jews but Iranian jews. I think I get a lot of good info on this. Iran is sick of the Zionist admin.'s treatment of palestinians. So am I.


The Iranians recently executed more homosexuals for basically just being gay

They're not a monolithic robot army, they sometimes commit hate crimes. Here in the US, we actually have laws against homosexuality. If it involves minors, as it often does, they can get executed. If it doesn't, in certain places, such as Georgia, it can merit life in prison, even if between two consenting adults. Several gays are serving those sentences. If you want to have a gay pride parade, I suggest you head over to Israel and try it. Then, if you survive that, head over to our good allies Saudi Arabia, and see what happens.

God, why am I even bothering. Bigotry is everywhere, and like trolldumb, should be ignored.


Sunday, December 28, 2008 7:37 AM


So Dreamtrove completely ignores the fact that the Israeli Knesset is elected by popular vote, but he continues with this propagandist tone about Iranian Jews, even though he admits they’re fleeing Iran in droves. (If one were a bit less biased it might occur to wonder why, but that’s probably asking too much.) Then the propaganda continues with bullshit like Iran never invaded any country and they’re the smartest people on earth. They’re the GREATEST!!!!!!!

Not like those damn Jews, that don't even elect their elected officials and won't even stay in peaceful and smart Iran. Stupid Jews fled Nazi Germany too.

That is some delusional shit, Dreamtrove. The Soviets had a term for people like you; "Useful Idiots." I'm sure the Morality police in Iran are just as thankful.

Nihil est incertius vulgo, nihil obscurius voluntate hominum, nihil fallacius ratione tota comitiorum.

Nothing is more unpredictable than the mob, nothing more obscure than public opinion, nothing more deceptive than the whole political system.

-- Cicero


Monday, December 29, 2008 6:16 AM


Keep the Shiny side up


Originally posted by dreamtrove:
I've met no one who denies that Iran is the most educated population...

How about the Iranian government?


Iran ranks 87th in literacy rate
TEHRAN, May 6 (Mehr News Agency) -- Iran is ranked 87th in literacy rate among 139 countries in the world, state Literacy Movement Organization announced in Tehran on Monday.


How 'bout the UN's ILO, citing UNESCO?

Try Wiki

"Keep the Shiny side up"


Monday, December 29, 2008 7:08 AM


Geezer, perhaps I'm wrong. I only get this from all sides here in america. Of course, both can be true, they can have a high average education, and a large uneducated population, like the US.

Finn, I meant to concede that point, but I wanted to verify it. Only Israelis had complained about the Knessett being untouchable and unelected, but perhaps it was hyberbole.

Afterall, I could make all of the above claims about the US and the Bush administration, and not be wrong about any of them. We have a very high functionally illiterate population, about 23% last time I checked, and we're a highly educated nation, certainly a contender for the top spot.

We have a democratically elected govt. chosen by the supreme court that is run amok with unaccountable theocrats.

I don't want to be the apologist for Iran, but it comes in for a lot of abuse, which is unwarranted. Iran is pretty unobjectionable as a nation state to anyone not trying to conquer the world or genocidally exterminate Islam. That doesn't make them perfect by any means.

Iran is a lot like Poland, it's just a country, full of people. It's neither good nor bad.

However, when the US govt. is pushing hard for a war against a nation, and someone come up and starts berating the potential target, attempting to paint them as somehow sub-human, well, that just sounds a little too familiar.

If you missed the cue, I suggest you go back and read German comments about Jews from 1936, and I think that they will sound a lot like the two of you.

Now mind you, you suspect the Sunnis of killing 3000, now 10,000, Americans, counting the war. You have no claims against Iran at all. The Germans suspected the jews of having killed 10s of million of Europeans. That doesn't justify their actions, but it does make their position logically consistant.

I have nothing against jews or Israel. Nothing against Islam or Iran either. I personally blame Cheney and Co for 9-11. And I have nothing against republicans. I think the current administration is a bunch of poseurs. I think the next administration also looks like a bunch of poseurs already, in fact, the same bunch, for the most part.

I'll file these flames under "friendly fire"

And also, why do I even waste my time.


Monday, December 29, 2008 7:19 AM



Originally posted by dreamtrove:
Also, they have not invaded anyone in 2500 years.

Don't you UNDERSTAND??? Thermopylae changed EVERYTHING!



Monday, December 29, 2008 8:01 AM


2000 years of Tyranny, Bloodsheed and Invasions

900 Ghaznavid Iran invades, conquers and enslaves nearly all the present territory of Afghanistan

1090 Iran invades and kills people in the Uzbeck region but since this was done in the name Allah I guess it was an 'War of Peace'

1500 Iranains invaded India causing mass killing in order to establish an Islamic Empire but since this was done in the name Islam I guess it was an 'Invasion of Peace'

Safavid Iranain Empire, Persian attacks on the Ottoman Turks and Iran attempts to invade Egypt
but since this was done in the name Allah I guess it was an 'Invasion of Peace'

1930s Imperial State of Iran gets into bed with Adolf Hitler during WW2 which gives the Western powers an excuse to put the Shah puppet in place after the dust settles post-WW2

Post 1979, hostage taking, terrorist etc etc Islamic Republic of Iran fights long and bloody wars against the Iraqi people

Like I was saying I never really liked Bush and I don't life the self righteous A-holes from Israel but I hate the muslim extremist far more
They can, as far as I'm concerned


Dreamtrove makes up all kinds of ridiculous state ments thanks in part to him having some blood connection to Iran

He states some crazy stuff

Clearly he's looking at the wrong century or else he's getting his daily news from the Mahmoud Ah-ma-diner-jacket network
20% of the Female Iranian population can not read or write
If you look at all the advances in material science, chemisty, pharmaceuticals, biology, its coming from the Western world - ie the winners in science come from the INFIDELS in Europe and America
If you look at the Nobel laureates in the sciences, many of them who win are JEWS like Albert Einstein.
If you look at who launched satellites at Mars and put people in space. It's the good old UNITED STATES OF AMERICA who put people into Space. The Russians also, a people with Christian Orthodox heritage and largely communist Russian society. The Chinese and Japanese are doing it too, but anywhere you look in the Islamic world the societies are going backwards to the darkages.


Originally posted by dreamtrove:
I personally blame Cheney and Co for 9-11.

You Sir are acting like a spoilt little Brat, the US admin are a bunch of dumbos but they had NOTHING TO DO WITH 911
Unless you're one of the tinfoiled headed fools who believes Elvis is hiding in some CIA UFO basement

you will have the rational sense to know :

This was a disgusting terrorist act carried by MUSLIM TERRORITS.
Now I know Iran has a different breed of extremism, the Shiite
Where as the Saudi backed terrorists were Sunni
but those brothers both have something in common, they both hate the United States and would love to see the Jews pushed back into the sea

I know some people have said some pretty offensive stuff to Dreamtrove, perhaps I have too but I still have absolutely no sympathy for Dreamtrove
He cries and moans he's leaving the firefly forum after he throws plenty of dirt and when somebody throws it back he moans like a spoiled brat saying he's leaving.
I have no sympathy for the Muslim scumbags who die since the extremist scumbags have murder more people everyday than the Ku Klux Klan has in the last 50 years
they have killed more people on one day September 11 than over 39 years of conflict and violence in Northern Ireland
95% of the terrorist in the word are islamic, that in itself says something about the religion of peace.
This is a society that produced a people who went on a rampage of burning, killing and rioting after somebody in Denmark drew a funny cartoon. Clearly these types of people are living in the wrong century.

Now as dumb as Dreamtrove appears sometimes I still do agree with him on some things like 'Iran gets too much bad press'
IMO It's those Saudi Assholes we should be concerned about since they funded most of the terrorism in the Middle East but since Saudi Bribed the US Congress with barrels of Oil I doubt the US administration will do anything about those twisted mutha fuckers


Monday, December 29, 2008 8:35 AM



Originally posted by dreamtrove:
Geezer, perhaps I'm wrong. I only get this from all sides here in america. Of course, both can be true, they can have a high average education, and a large uneducated population, like the US.

No. There’s nothing true about it at all. You made up some ridiculous comment and you expected everyone to role over for you. It’s dishonest and intellectually insulting that you think we’re all stupid enough to buy your blatant lies as if they were fact. This is the reason why you get into so much trouble on this board. It has nothing to do with everyone else’s debating skills, you’re dishonest and you insist upon relying solely on your lies. When blatantly stupid statements like “[Iran is] universally accepted to be the world's most educated nation” are the best you can come up with, maybe you just aught to shut up, because you’re not doing yourself any favors.

And you are an apologist for Iran. And given that much of what you’ve said in this thread is so blatantly a fabrication, I have no reason to believe you when you claim you’re not. And anyway, you’re still apologizing for Iran. You’re trying to equate the US Supreme Court to Iran’s Morality Police. But there is no comparison. Iran has several government bodies, whose sole purpose is to approve candidates who can be voted into office. If you think that’s the same thing as Israeli’s Knesset or the US Supreme Court, you’re horribly misinformed.

Nihil est incertius vulgo, nihil obscurius voluntate hominum, nihil fallacius ratione tota comitiorum.

Nothing is more unpredictable than the mob, nothing more obscure than public opinion, nothing more deceptive than the whole political system.

-- Cicero


Monday, December 29, 2008 9:20 AM



Originally posted by JaynezTown:
the US admin are a bunch of dumbos but they had NOTHING TO DO WITH 911

Ummm....well, they ignored relevant pre-event intel, I've heard it said...but that's not a partisan thing, it's an indictment of corporate mentality applied to intelligence services. The guys at the street level are good at what they do; the peeps at the top are more concerned with appearances than reality, IMO.

The 2centsofChrisisall


Monday, December 29, 2008 10:03 AM


FAOWMIMC: The BBC and Channel 4 have nothing to do with each other. Two separate organisations.

Carry on.


Monday, December 29, 2008 10:09 AM


Oops I fed the trolls. My mistake. Finn and JT, two more reasons to leave.


Monday, December 29, 2008 10:16 AM



Originally posted by dreamtrove:
Oops I fed the trolls. My mistake. Finn and JT, two more reasons to leave.

Good bye.

Nihil est incertius vulgo, nihil obscurius voluntate hominum, nihil fallacius ratione tota comitiorum.

Nothing is more unpredictable than the mob, nothing more obscure than public opinion, nothing more deceptive than the whole political system.

-- Cicero


Monday, December 29, 2008 10:32 AM



Monday, December 29, 2008 10:34 AM


Seryn, good point.


Tuesday, November 10, 2015 1:06 PM



Originally posted by JaynezTown:
This is what I don't get about some people on the left. I don't like Israel either but I don't know why "PIRATENEWS" chooses to defend the Islams. Try flying to Asscrackistan or one of those places with songs of joy and friendship and see how long you last before you get your head sawed off.

Opps, here's another one. Time to fess up buddy. It's the same shit you are saying today but exposes you as obsessed with Islam. If you check out other posts by you on this thread you see the attacks against liberal's as well. Same old song.


Tuesday, November 10, 2015 1:09 PM



Originally posted by JaynezTown:
2000 years of Tyranny, Bloodsheed and Invasions

900 Ghaznavid Iran invades, conquers and enslaves nearly all the present territory of Afghanistan

1090 Iran invades and kills people in the Uzbeck region but since this was done in the name Allah I guess it was an 'War of Peace'

1500 Iranains invaded India causing mass killing in order to establish an Islamic Empire but since this was done in the name Islam I guess it was an 'Invasion of Peace'

Safavid Iranain Empire, Persian attacks on the Ottoman Turks and Iran attempts to invade Egypt
but since this was done in the name Allah I guess it was an 'Invasion of Peace'

1930s Imperial State of Iran gets into bed with Adolf Hitler during WW2 which gives the Western powers an excuse to put the Shah puppet in place after the dust settles post-WW2

Post 1979, hostage taking, terrorist etc etc Islamic Republic of Iran fights long and bloody wars against the Iraqi people

Like I was saying I never really liked Bush and I don't life the self righteous A-holes from Israel but I hate the muslim extremist far more
They can, as far as I'm concerned


Dreamtrove makes up all kinds of ridiculous state ments thanks in part to him having some blood connection to Iran

He states some crazy stuff

Clearly he's looking at the wrong century or else he's getting his daily news from the Mahmoud Ah-ma-diner-jacket network
20% of the Female Iranian population can not read or write
If you look at all the advances in material science, chemisty, pharmaceuticals, biology, its coming from the Western world - ie the winners in science come from the INFIDELS in Europe and America
If you look at the Nobel laureates in the sciences, many of them who win are JEWS like Albert Einstein.
If you look at who launched satellites at Mars and put people in space. It's the good old UNITED STATES OF AMERICA who put people into Space. The Russians also, a people with Christian Orthodox heritage and largely communist Russian society. The Chinese and Japanese are doing it too, but anywhere you look in the Islamic world the societies are going backwards to the darkages.


Originally posted by dreamtrove:
I personally blame Cheney and Co for 9-11.

You Sir are acting like a spoilt little Brat, the US admin are a bunch of dumbos but they had NOTHING TO DO WITH 911
Unless you're one of the tinfoiled headed fools who believes Elvis is hiding in some CIA UFO basement

you will have the rational sense to know :

This was a disgusting terrorist act carried by MUSLIM TERRORITS.
Now I know Iran has a different breed of extremism, the Shiite
Where as the Saudi backed terrorists were Sunni
but those brothers both have something in common, they both hate the United States and would love to see the Jews pushed back into the sea

I know some people have said some pretty offensive stuff to Dreamtrove, perhaps I have too but I still have absolutely no sympathy for Dreamtrove
He cries and moans he's leaving the firefly forum after he throws plenty of dirt and when somebody throws it back he moans like a spoiled brat saying he's leaving.
I have no sympathy for the Muslim scumbags who die since the extremist scumbags have murder more people everyday than the Ku Klux Klan has in the last 50 years
they have killed more people on one day September 11 than over 39 years of conflict and violence in Northern Ireland
95% of the terrorist in the word are islamic, that in itself says something about the religion of peace.
This is a society that produced a people who went on a rampage of burning, killing and rioting after somebody in Denmark drew a funny cartoon. Clearly these types of people are living in the wrong century.

Now as dumb as Dreamtrove appears sometimes I still do agree with him on some things like 'Iran gets too much bad press'
IMO It's those Saudi Assholes we should be concerned about since they funded most of the terrorism in the Middle East but since Saudi Bribed the US Congress with barrels of Oil I doubt the US administration will do anything about those twisted mutha fuckers


Tuesday, November 10, 2015 1:49 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Now as dumb as Dreamtrove appears sometimes I still do agree with him on some things like 'Iran gets too much bad press'
IMO It's those Saudi Assholes we should be concerned about since they funded most of the terrorism in the Middle East but since Saudi Bribed the US Congress with barrels of Oil I doubt the US administration will do anything about those twisted mutha fuckers

How true.

SAGAN: We are releasing vast quantities of carbon dioxide, increasing the greenhouse effect. It may not take much to destabilize the Earth's climate, to convert this heaven, our only home in the cosmos, into a kind of hell.






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