$100 traffic ticket for bread crumbs = SLAVERY

UPDATED: Wednesday, January 21, 2009 03:09
PAGE 1 of 1

Monday, January 19, 2009 7:02 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

Driver snatched a bite of her sandwich at the wheel - and had to swallow a £60 fine

Note the brainwash term "HAD".

Note that London cops CAUSE 4,000 crashes every year, by crashing their police cars. Not counting all the other cops crashing in England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland.

Until We the Sheeple start defending our right to travel in court, we shall forever lose our right to travel.

Mr. Dred Scott was a black slave in USA, who sued his slaveowner for his freedom, all the way to the US Supreme Court. DRIVERS NEED TO SHOW THIS MUCH GUTS.

Dred Scott v. Sandford, 60 U.S. 393 (1856)
US Supreme Court

WASHINGTON DC - In the opinion of the court, the legislation and histories of the times, and the language used in the Declaration of Independence, show, that neither the class of persons who had been imported as slaves, nor their descendants, whether they had become free or not, were then acknowledged as a part of the people, nor intended to be included in the general words used in that memorable instrument.

They had for more than a century before been regarded as beings of an inferior order, and altogether unfit to associate with the white race, either in social or political relations; and so far inferior, that they had no rights which the white man was bound to respect; and that the negro might justly and lawfully be reduced to slavery for his benefit.

He was bought and sold, and treated as an ordinary article of merchandise and traffic, whenever a profit could be made by it.

And in no nation was this opinion more firmly fixed or more uniformly acted upon than by the English Government and English people. They not only seized them on the coast of Africa, and sold them or held them in slavery for their own use; but they took them as ordinary articles of merchandise to every country where they could make a profit on them, and were far more extensively engaged in this commerce than any other nation in the world. No one of that race had ever migrated to the United States voluntarily; all of them had been brought here as articles of merchandise.

One year after the Supreme Court ordered that all blacks are slaves who can never be US citizens, Dred Scott was given his freedom, and his former slave owner was sent to a loonybin. Then the US Govt enslaved all white males and massacred 600,000 US citizens in the First Civil War.

Are YOU free, or are you a slave?

The Criminal Govt will always steal our money and rights, until we say NO.


"Defendant is a “traveler” under the common law, and is not engaged in commercial transportation “for hire”. Defendant retains his Constitutionally protected God-given Natural Right to travel, and retains his Constitutionally protected rights to freedom from unreasonable stops, detentions, searches and seizures. Defendant makes Special Appearance to deny that a valid contract exists for Summons and Service of Process of Notice and Complaint. Defendant involuntarily signed his name to “Blount County Sheriff’s Office Multiple Offense Citation”, also known as “citation in-lieu-of-arrest”, under threats, duress and coercion from an armed employee of “Blount County Government”, identified on complaint as “JANTRAS”, a/k/a “’Josh’ Antras”. Complainant Antras declared that he would arrest Defendant immediately, if Defendant refused to sign for service of process of the complaint, notice and summons, as recorded by Plaintiff’s audio portion of “FLASHBACK DVR In-Car Digital Video Recorder” system, and preserved on digital computer recording devices, in possession of Plaintiff, located in Plaintiff’s business records. Under said threats and duress, in fear of his life and liberty from an openly armed gunman, Defendant did involuntarily sign his name, in block of complaint/summons titled “VIOLATOR’S SIGNATURE”, by crossing out the word “VIOLATOR’S”, and by including the words “under duress” after his signature. Although gunman did not brandish his firearm, he put his hand on his firearm in its holster, in preparation for “quickdraw” and summary execution of Defendant. Gunman also radioed for “backup”, and a second as yet unidentified gunman arrived, and stood within touching distance of the vehicle Defendant was traveling in, and also presumably would have participated in a summary execution of Defendant by Death Squad. Defendant’s coerced signature does not waiver his right to contest personal jurisdiction, due to improper service of process, under Rule 4 of Tennessee Rules of Civil Procedure, and Tennessee Code: TCA §47-1-207 (adopted from Uniform Commercial Code) (1) "A party who, with explicit reservation of rights, performs or promises performance or assents to performance in a manner demanded or offered by the other party does not thereby prejudice the rights reserved. Such words as 'without prejudice,' 'under protest' or the like are sufficient." Defendant’s “signature” on his “Tennessee Driver License” does also display the term “TCA §47-1-207” beside said signature, indicating reservation of all rights. Legislative intent acknowledges the lack of proper service of process of “traffic citations”, when a party to an action threatens criminal prosecution to gain advantage in a civil action, which would result in arrest and/or disbarment of a private attorney for the crime of extortion. Tennessee Code §29-9-108. "The power to punish for contempt conferred by this section may NOT be used to punish persons who fail to appear for traffic violations or parking violations." Defendant appears in this Court unwillingly, under threat, coercion and duress, in fear of summary execution by Death Squad and/or other retaliations, if he did not appear in this Court to answer this complaint. Such appearance in court to contest personal jurisdiction is not a waiver of that defense."

"This message is for PirateNews. This is the district attorney's office in Maryville Tennessee calling you about your stop sign case. Just wanted you to know, that case is going to be dismissed today at 1:30, uh, with costs to the State. You don't have to be there, if you don't want to be there. You certainly can be there. If you have any questions, my name is Larry Holden, in the ADA's office. My number is 273-5600. Thank you."
PirateNews: "Why did you decide to dsmiss it?"
Larry Holden: "Uhhhh, we decided it was in the best interests of justice to dismiss it."
-State of Tennessee vs. PirateNews, Case No. T0028053, April 25, 2006


Monday, January 19, 2009 8:52 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

Can you show me exactly where in the Consitution it says you have the right to even drive a car, much less eat, do your makeup, talk on the phone, surf porn on the internet, watch movies on your DVD player, read the newspaper, or write The Great American Novel - all while trying to commute at 60mph?

Wanna give out tickets for doing stupid shit behind the wheel? Be my guest! I happen to treat driving with the respect it's due, because it is the single most dangerous thing that most of us do, and we do it on a daily basis, without a thought in the world about what happens when it all goes wrong for a half a second.

Put down all your bullshit, hang up the goddam phone, shut the fuck up, and DRIVE!

[Rant over]


"It is complete now; the hands of time are neatly tied."


Monday, January 19, 2009 9:19 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

"Those who give up their freedom for security deserve neither."
-Old Dead Guy


Monday, January 19, 2009 9:41 AM


Mike, I agree about driving. Here, shooting folk is the most dangerous thing we do

As for myself, banging hookers while skydiving, which *is* actually in the constitution, in the 69th amendment, and of course, posting on this forum.

Statistically, you actually close to correct. The most dangerous thing that the average citizen does is go to the doctor. Specifically, within that, surgery, and even more specifically, undergo general anaesthesia. You're better off mixing crack cocaine with black tar heroin. Statistically.

The I can handle the pain dreamtrove is all.


Monday, January 19, 2009 2:09 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

DT, I should have worded that better:

Driving is the most dangerous thing that most of us do on a daily basis.

Shooting people IS dangerous. That's why I don't do it.

Banging hookers while skydiving? That might be the one time you DON'T want to have much staying power!

And I try not to have surgery on a regular basis. Even when it all goes right, you still end up feeling like you got chewed up by a wildcat and shit out by a bear.


"It is complete now; the hands of time are neatly tied."


Monday, January 19, 2009 4:40 PM


A recent study showed that people over 50, or maybe it was 60, lose 10% of their brain mass with every dose of general anaesthesia.

My brother watched a paraglider go splat once. Right 100mph into a vertical cliffside. Big red splat. I don't know what you do when that's coming at you. I guess you need to be not so securely strapped in so you can jump. he was like 80, 100 feet up, if he'd been out early enough, he might'a hit the water, otherwise, the beach below. Still, there's not a lot of worse options than slamming a sheer stone cliff at 100mph.


Tuesday, January 20, 2009 4:00 AM



Originally posted by Kwicko:
Can you show me exactly where in the Consitution it says you have the right to even drive a car, much less eat, do your makeup, talk on the phone, surf porn on the internet, watch movies on your DVD player, read the newspaper, or write The Great American Novel - all while trying to commute at 60mph?

Its right next to the part the says that gives it the authority to regulate traffic laws in London, England.



Tuesday, January 20, 2009 4:45 AM



Originally posted by Kwicko:

Put down all your bullshit, hang up the goddam phone, shut the fuck up, and DRIVE!

I regularly eat McDonald's, err, food while on long trips driving. Know how I do it? By having been a professional driver in Manhattan for 5 years, and never causing a single accident there.
Most peeps don't have the reflexes to efficiently kill a fly, much less drive a vehicle.
Yeah, I'm a driving elitist.
I'm sick of seeing the light turn green, and each car individually discovering that yes, they can move forward after the car in front of them has done so two or three seconds ago. Add a cell phone or a GPS into the mix, and that's why traffic jams & accidents happen.
It's just WAAAAY too easy to obtain a license. You should have to go through an obstacle course successfully, not just be able to parallel park. I'm frankly amazed that more accidents don't happen, luck favours the foolish.

The speed-racer Chrisisall


Tuesday, January 20, 2009 5:14 AM


I've heard that where I'm at has the worst drivers. It's probably true: people don't have the slightest clue about right of way, will hold up traffic to let someone merge and think they're being nice, and we have a lot of elderly folks who like to drive 20 mph under the speed limit. Plus we're out west and people out west have a different perspective than most, I see a lot of "I'm a tough guy and it's a free country."

Fine, but there's a such thing as being reckless and inconsiderate, too. The right to do whatever the hell a person pleases ends the moment they start putting other people in danger.

California drivers are pretty scary too though. I remember one time in a SF taxi cab, the guy seemed to be trying to catch air off of every hill. Slammed on his brakes at every light, and the lights there don't have that nice extra space for pedestrian crossing. Eek. And the shuttle driver from the airport actually got out to have a yelling match with someone on the damn freeway.

Manhattan kind of amazes me, because no matter how many cars there are on the road, so long as there isn't a stoplight, traffic is always somehow moving. Yeah, they're probably the best drivers.

I practically have panic attacks whenever I get behind the wheel. I don't understand how anyone could take driving casually enough to talk on a cell phone or spend their time fiddling with music. Don't actually WANT to get to that point, either. I figure that's the moment I get killed.


Tuesday, January 20, 2009 5:28 AM



Originally posted by Bytemite:
I remember one time in a SF taxi cab, the guy seemed to be trying to catch air off of every hill.

Sounds like fun.

NYC Taxi drivers are EXTREMELY skilled (I just was a computer parts delivery guy), and they act like they're gonna hit you to get right of way, but if you call their bluff, they'll invariably stop an inch short of collision.

The Taxi-driver-lovin' Chrisisall


Tuesday, January 20, 2009 2:36 PM


Come to detroit.

Avg Hwy speed limit, 70mph.

Avg Residential speed limit, 45-50mph.

Most folk clear that by 10-12mph, as CRUISING SPEED.

And yet, accidents are very rare, even when it's all slush or even black ice, and most of those are single vehicle - SUV pushers who somehow got the idea that just because it's an SUV (and often enough 2WD at that!) it has magical powers of maneuvering and stopping as if it weren't 3500lbs of metal on a damn rigid truck frame with piss poor suspension and less ground clearance than many passenger cars...

And they end up in a ditch or on their side, and we laugh at them.

Unfortunately we too have all too damn many jerks who freak out and decide to halve the speed limit cause one measly flake of snow hit the ground, jeeze, I'm like "IT'S SNOW YOU MORON, YOU LIVE HERE YOU SHOULD KNOW WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE BY NOW!!" but no, suddenly they brainlock, hunch over the wheel and do 20mph under the speed limit, often causing various rear end accidents as the folks *behind* them have to slam on their brakes on the newly slick road as the melting snow kicks up leftover oil and grime into this temporary layer with about the viscosity of buckyballs, and the risk of even more as people desperately try to pass the moron to avoid being rear ended themselves.

Of course, outside of a residential area where police attention is less likely or quick, those folk are liable to be on the receiving end of the helping hand of someones front bumper shoving them towards a more reasonable pace.

We play kinda rough here, see - we don't have any of that inspection/emissions scam bullshit that jacks the value of even the crummiest heap by $3000.00USD just for the clearance stickers and/or bribes, and there's no point to caring about bodywork the salt, slush and snow is gonna chew on like an acid bath besides.

Ergo, we're a LOT more likely to do a lil bumpin and rubbin since everyones got PL/PD and naught else, not to mention bondo and a hammer is way cheaper than any other solution and lasts longer besides.

Don't say I didn't warn ya.



Tuesday, January 20, 2009 2:43 PM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.


Originally posted by chrisisall:
You should have to go through an obstacle course successfully, not just be able to parallel park.

I didn't even have to parallel park.

Totally with you on the stoplights. If there's more than ten cars in front of you, you can pretty much forget about getting through the first time it goes green



Tuesday, January 20, 2009 5:53 PM



I've heard that where I'm at has the worst drivers.



Car wreck stories, I have a couple, but here's one. I was driving home in a VW Bug after taking my sis to a job interview. It was that rain at 32F where a cold wind comes in and the road turns to a sheet of ice in 10 seconds. One of two times this has happened to me. Anyway, the bug fishtailed for a mile, before it started spinning like a top. then, it continued another mile or so as a carousel, and then wham, rear bumper hit a guard rail. The car directly behind us stopped. T'was a cop car, and I got out, and the cop got out, and both of us were holding on to out cars as our feet slid all over the place. He asked if everything was all right, I checked, said yes, he stayed, somewhat impressed that the bug could just drive off.

Well. I had decent tires, and I could drive on this stuff at about 25mph. So, I continued home, and at some point this college student got behind me, and she decided we were going to slow, pulled out into the left hand lane, sped up, and then tried to pull back right. But her left-sliding motion on the basically zero friction suface kept up. She went off the road into a farmer's field, and pulled a total tremors. You could just see this snowquake moving along for like 250 feet. Afterwords, her head popped up, she was okay. Car was kinda burried.


Tuesday, January 20, 2009 6:22 PM


Man. I have to give credit for no injuries, that's pretty amazing.

Yeah, I know black ice stories, for some reason people seem to forget every six months how to deal with icy snowy conditions.

I see hydroplaning around here, too. Most times people manage to recover, but sometimes I've seen people go shooting off the road, or over the center barricades. Pretty nerve wracking. I'd say people have more trouble with skidding here. Like they don't seem to realize, oh, it's icy, I need to brake sooner. I can understand new drivers being that way, but I see middle-aged folks with no winter driving skill too.

Of course, I'm probably not one to talk... Only time I could take drivers ed was in the summer, and the simulation cars can't possibly prepare you for anything. I avoid driving in bad conditions, take mass transit instead.


Tuesday, January 20, 2009 6:41 PM



I had some others, but I'm seriously depressed and discouraged right now. It would've been a good day, ah well. I think I'll drop out for a while. it's been real.


Tuesday, January 20, 2009 7:30 PM


Hey, feel better.


Tuesday, January 20, 2009 11:26 PM


Well, how bout a happy ice-slide tale, kinda sorta...

Ok, while not fond of 70/76 East through PA on the turnpike and beyond via the Cumberland Gap, there's still times that route can be worth the trouble, like when you'll be hammering down it at 3am on a weekday, but anyhows...

Right down near Breezewood and the jump to southbound I-70 there's a set of hills called (depending on where you're from) the sinners stair, the nitro express or simply "The Bitch".

You do *not* screw with the bitch, she will eat you alive and not even spit out the bones, we're talkin SERIOUS mountainside switchbacks with a guardrail that's a lame joke at best, narrow lanes, and limited visibility - on a good day, CAVU - if it rains or snows, park the freakin car.

I'd say get a motel, but guess what ? no exits for a LOOOOOOOOOng time and none that go anywhere till Frederick - the signs are out of date, those services mostly don't exist no more and two of the rest stops are out of commission for at least a year and more, oh, yeah, and no callboxes or at least none that work anymore.

Ergo as you can imagine this is prettymuch a nightmarish stretch of road to be caught out in an unexpected blizzard on.

Now here I am truckin along just past Breezewood, having filled up before leaving the turnpike, doin ok and rockin along at about 35-40mph which is maybe a bit quicker than safe, but cuttin back on the corners and I know the route enough to drive it in my sleep by now.

And I come up on this mini-van slogging along, noticing a couple little heads in the back seat and my ire instantly evaporates as I slowly begin to pass, giving them extra room... and notice the mommy is white knuckled on the wheel with her face frozen in a rictus of outright stark terror.

And the next exit is 72 miles away.

I fall back and drop in behind them, inspired by a rare moment of pity and instinct, not to mention I got a soft spot for kids and stressed out mommies.

And then notice they got the wrong tires for this kinda weather, and they're damn near bald besides.

Around the next corner, the back of the van comes around and the lady behind the wheel panics and steers against, breaking the front loose and screaming loud enough for me to hear in my car, and sure as heck there's why - that corner is a hard downhill to a corner that's over ninety degrees, not banked, with a single piece of rusted out guardrail mounted in mere dirt, past which is about a 1/4mile straight down, or nearabouts as makes no nevermind.

And she's sliding sideways toward it at an increasing rate of speed.

Yes, imma lunatic, but I am also a direct descendant of some of the best shine runners there ever were - and the day I can't work magic behind the wheel, well just shovel me into the ground cause dead is the only thing that'd stop me from doin it.

I pulsed the gas to get some speed up without losing traction, blew past them and then threw my car into my signature move, the opposite lock.

And ever so gently let off the gas, as the side of the minivan came to rest on the side of my car, giving her the time and stability she needed to get herself and the vehicle back under control, and paced her around the corner between her and the dropoff side - then dropped in back behind her.

And so we went, for almost three hours - every corner I would move to a position in between her vehicle and the outside of the corner, and every time it started to get away from her, close up and hold it steady.

Finally we make it to Frederick and she pulls into a McDonalds, I pull in behind her and step out with my insurance card to pay for any scratches I might have left and she waves it away without a blink - apparently she was a very devout person and praying for an angel to show up, I told her I guessed one did, tipped my hat and went on my merry.

Done a lotta things I ain't proud of in my time, but there's a few that I am, and damn straight that was one of em.


It cannot be said enough, those who do not learn from history, are doomed to endlessly repeat it


Wednesday, January 21, 2009 3:09 AM


Keep the Shiny side up

Back to the original topic. If this had occurred in certain parts of the U.S., some folks would have said the lady was pulled over for D.W.B. Does this not happen in Liverpool?

"Keep the Shiny side up"






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