Now with more Summer Glau, act now, post your own

UPDATED: Saturday, January 24, 2009 16:13
VIEWED: 6144
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Friday, January 23, 2009 2:50 PM


Do'nt go there chris, I'll make you cry. I'm not afraid of you.


Friday, January 23, 2009 2:53 PM


Wait, I thought Dreamtrove proved that you were one in the same.


Friday, January 23, 2009 3:01 PM



Originally posted by Kirkules:
Wait, I thought Dreamtrove proved that you were one in the same.

People thought me and RAP were one and the same, I will get a good nights sleep and tackle this in the morning. It may be ugly.

I'm going to microwave a bagel and have sex with it - Peter Griffin


Friday, January 23, 2009 3:02 PM



Originally posted by whozit:
Do'nt go there chris, I'll make you cry. I'm not afraid of you.

People are rarely afraid of what they do not conceive of as a threat, but boyo, I'm your worst nightmare, I'm that thing in the night that brushes up against your window, that thing that can be unseen, unheard, that thing that can take your life & hand it over to old Hobb quickly & efficiently.
Be afraid.
Be very afraid.

The DarkChrisisall


Friday, January 23, 2009 3:10 PM



Originally posted by Kirkules:
Wait, I thought Dreamtrove proved that you were one in the same.


The fighting Chrisisall


Friday, January 23, 2009 3:21 PM



Wait, I thought Dreamtrove proved that you were one in the same.

We are all Haken. We only post here to make your life uncomfortable. The police don't put up cameras, we do. We are the all seeing eye. You have no TV reception, we make it all up. We are skynet, and you are our most popular product, broadcast to the rest of the nation your innermost secrets.

Oh,. screw it, you're both here, so


Friday, January 23, 2009 3:25 PM


...uh, what was this thread about...?

The distracted Chrisisall


Friday, January 23, 2009 4:02 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


I thought I was Whozit!

Maybe this is an existential thread after all.

The not-so-distracted Signy-is-all.


Friday, January 23, 2009 5:57 PM


My PSYOP was disrupted.

Okay, trying again.

Chris: Focus on a familiar object

Segue into a like image from a different show

Creepy/Sexy. what better a combination is there?

But this isn't about watching sexy girls

It's about watching sexy girls kill people and blow stuff up

Charles Purcell gets geeky with cult actress Summer Glau, who starred as the lethal River in Joss Whedon's cult hit sci-fi movie Serenity. She will be appearing at pop-culture expo Supanova along with Kevin Weisman (Alias), Mira Furlan (Lost) and Clare Kramer (Buffy the Vampire Slayer).

What are you going to do at Supanova?

I'm going to meet the fans and sign autographs. I [will] also talk about Serenity and what it was like training for the movie and being in the movie.

What was Buffy creator and Serenity director Joss Whedon like to work with?

One of the funniest people alive. He's brilliant.

You did a lot of martial arts in Serenity as the heroine River. Are you really tough?

No, it's all movie magic. I did hurt some of the stunt guys [though]. I had to actually make contact. They always got blamed. If I hurt them, it was always their fault, they should have got out of the way.

Do you ever think to yourself during these conventions, "Oh my God, get these geeks away from me"?

No, I sometimes turn into a geek myself. I was a Star Trek: The Next Generation fan. When I met Counsellor Troi (Marina Sirtis) I almost cried.

Do you collect any sci-fi stuff?

I don't collect anything, but I love watching so many sci-fi movies. I loved The NeverEnding Story.

Did you feel cheated when it actually ended?

[Laughs] No, but I was really sad when Atreyu's horse gets drowned in quicksand.

Do you speak Klingon? Or Vulcan?

No, I need to have lessons.

Do you think not speaking Klingon or Vulcan would reduce your marriageability in certain galaxies?

No doubt.

Does anyone ever ask you to marry them?

People ask me to marry them once every convention or they give me their phone numbers. I just get really embarrassed and don't know what to say.

Will you marry me?

I don't know you very well at all.

So, watch, or she will track you down and kill you. She knows where you live :)


Friday, January 23, 2009 6:11 PM


You were busy trying to get yourself lit on fire. It happens.

Oh, Dreamtrove. Don't you know that hotlinking is bad?


Friday, January 23, 2009 6:33 PM



Oh, Dreamtrove. Don't you know that hotlinking is bad?

Oh, but it feels so good


Friday, January 23, 2009 6:47 PM


You were busy trying to get yourself lit on fire. It happens.

But hotlinking, in addition to being theft of bandwidth, is also unreliable, as pictures have been known to change or not post (as evidenced above). Much better to save it to Photobucket or something else and use those links instead.


Friday, January 23, 2009 7:15 PM


They're all there for me, even if Summer's characters are notoriously not all there ;) My secret agenda is to get Chris to watch Sarah Connor Chronicles, so the fact that the links will die is not a major issue. Besides, I got them off of google images, and the if they didn't notice the bandwidth loss from google images, then the couple dozen hits that a firefly thread gets isn't going to rock their boat.

Or, to put it another way

Oh, that is so five minutes ago. No one charges for bandwidth anymore, and a jpg is like a nanofile. I mean it's not like I'm siphoning their stream or torrent feed or something.

But seriously, the above files are around 24-32k, each from different sites. So, if this thread gets 2 dozen hits, then that means about 500k of BW lost. Typically, no one on the server is going to notice until the hotlinking passes between one million and one billion times that. Not to mention, that a random visitor to these pages is also going to have pushed at them flash advertisements, and mp3 files, video files, all of which dwarf a random jpeg, of which they all have quite a few.

The idea that a jpeg hotlink represent a bandwidth problem is like very 1995. My own site costs me $7/month to host, and has no bw limit, but if I go about 50,000,000,000k a month, they might send me an email about it. If I don't, they'll shrug. As would he site owners. They might not mind at all, might generate traffic if someoen right clicks the image and follows to the site. Anyway. It wasn't worth the time to move the images. BTW, you can calculate the inherit economic value stolen by bw theft of an image as somewhere around a millionth of a cent. In addition, I might mention that the images technically are copyright infringement for the original websites to have put up, since a lot of them are publicity shots and the rest are stills, they are (c) Fox aka newscorp, and so Murdoch is losing out on a potentially royalty.

Sorry, I routinely hack other people's sites for fun, not to mention minor bug abuses on this one earlier today, as you just did by changing the thread title. It's not as if I'm worried about these issues. In order to watch the show, Chris is going to have to use a fileshare, like he did to watch the pilot, since he said he doesn't buy dvds, but then we all did the same on the last thread about another show. But seeing as some of these threads are about effective terrorism and how to break the law, and stuff like that, really, bandwidth theft?

Oh, if the blatant sexism bothers you, you might have noticed that it started out as a ring match. I think that set the tone.

But you should appreciate the end goal: the more people that watch Sarah Connor, the higher the ratings, and the ratings for Sarah Connor are tied to those of Dollhouse, so that helps both Summer and Joss.


Friday, January 23, 2009 7:31 PM


You were busy trying to get yourself lit on fire. It happens.

I stopped watching TSCC when they introduced the evil redheaded robot lady. Her accent is irritating and she spouts Biblical references like crazy. I also do not like Riley. My mom still watches, though.

As far as Dollhouse goes, I'm giving it a chance because of Joss, but it does not particularly enthuse me. I'm much more excited about Castle - even though it looks like a standard cop show, it seems like it will be more fun to watch (and Nathan Fillion!).

I think, ultimately, though, that however much I may want the actors' careers and Joss to do well, whatever show they're involved with should sink or swim on its own merits. I'm not interested in siting through a show I dislike in the hope that maybe someday eventually it will mean better things for Firefly/Serenity.

RE: the thread title - I deleted hot because it's a subjective term, and because it's a lousy descriptor, IMO, for anything other than heat.


Friday, January 23, 2009 10:33 PM


My problem with Dollhouse is that I've seen half the concept done before, masterfully - and half of it done badly.

It comes across to me as Gunslinger Girl meets The Pretender.

While I'm sure Joss can make something interesting of it, it's pretty well travelled ground and it's on a network that will kill it before it even gets off the runway more likely than not, so I am not too keen on investing in it.

But then, it's a matter of taste, I didn't care for the BDM too much neither.


It cannot be said enough, those who do not learn from history, are doomed to endlessly repeat it


Saturday, January 24, 2009 5:26 AM



I stopped watching TSCC when they introduced the evil redheaded robot lady. Her accent is irritating and she spouts Biblical references like crazy.

Which is a shame because I quite like Shirley. I think either they've given her an uninteresting role, or she's not doing much with it. The cop, Ellison, likewise has become a fifth wheel. As has Derek's gf. I think that the show has to realize that in a war, people die, and they don't have to be the people introduced that episode. This is a major failing of all TV shows.


I also do not like Riley. My mom still watches, though.

Lol. Riley is intensely annoying. Also, the show does the romantic angle not even halfway, they go about 1/8th of the way. If you're going to do a romance, go for it, otherwise, screw it.


As far as Dollhouse goes, I'm giving it a chance because of Joss, but it does not particularly enthuse me. I'm much more excited about Castle - even though it looks like a standard cop show, it seems like it will be more fun to watch (and Nathan Fillion!).

I'll watch castle. Imho, director carries further than actor. I'm watching the terminator mostly because it's terminator, the hotties <--- objective term, are a bonus. Cameron and Sarah are also very well done. Everyone else is on the kill list, I think they better shape up or they're mincemeat. I expect Dollhouse to be entertaining and get cancelled. I think Joss needs to master the open. He's psyched to get into the story, but it's episodic candy that draws people in, then you feed them the story. I don't think he's ever had a show that lasted out a full first season. The networks are goign to scramble the eps. again on him, hope he's prepared for it. The problem with a new show is that if you don't come in on ep 1, and its all serial, you're lost. T:TSCC actually worked for me, even though I can in very late. I still think its better from the beginning forward.

Oh, and this nitpick about Sarah Connor Chronicles: they come up with fascinating ideas, and then abandon them right quick. Some things should stay around. Allison from Palmdale is probably the best episode yet, yet I feel that this, like the pilot, contains threads worth dragging out. I'm already sick of the other relationships, and the Shirley-Ellison corporate thing. It's like *yawn* we've been here, and it's just taking screen time. Still, this is the only morally ambiguous thing out there giving me my femme fatale dose, atm.


RE: the thread title - I deleted hot because it's a subjective term, and because it's a lousy descriptor, IMO, for anything other than heat.

Okay, sexy Summer Glau:

(If the feminists hadn't simultaneously denounced identification of women in this way and started labelling men in this way, they might have gotten away with it. Personally, I have issues with feminism, and tend to react negatively towards it. I guess its a natural reaction to an ideology based on the hatred of a target audience, but also, I have a personal history reason to react to it, and all that is PC. The notion, which I was raised to believe in, has done a lot of damage to me, and to the world.)

That said, equal rights for everyone to blow things up while being naked. Except for Rush Limbaugh. He doesn't get to be naked on my screen, it might cause nightmares, and possibly seizures.


Saturday, January 24, 2009 8:51 AM


You were busy trying to get yourself lit on fire. It happens.


I don't think he's ever had a show that lasted out a full first season.

Buffy and Angel would beg to differ.


I guess its a natural reaction to an ideology based on the hatred of a target audience,

Feminism as a general ideology is not about the hatred of men. There are feminists who are man-haters, but that does not make feminism about man hating. Otherwise I suspect that there would be fewer men who identify as feminists.

And I don't know feminists who have a problem with sexy, except as a way to focus exclusively in on the appearance of women and ignore their other qualities as people (kind of like what happened with Sarah Palin and the VPILF stuff). But then, I'm kind new to feminism, having believed some stupid stuff about it a couple years ago.

So, yes, Summer Glau is quite sexy.


Saturday, January 24, 2009 10:29 AM


buffy didn't have a full first season. Hence the shortage of episodes. Angel, sure but it was Jeff Bell's spin off. I'm just saying, no one should be surprised to see a Joss show get cancelled. He comes in to tell a story, rather than have people in bikinis push each other in the mud. The latter doesn't get cancelled, because it has a wide audience and costs nothing to make. Stories are more difficult to hitch those who weren't there on day one. It's not Joss' problem alone, but one of any serious fiction, particularly if it's genre.

[rant warning]
I have experienced a long time of feminism, and know a lot of feminists, one of my sisters is a feminist writer, and even she takes it to task sometimes. The real problem I have is like socialism, this is an idea that lives in academia and infects each generation. Here are my fundamental problems with it.

1. Dictatorial: This is right, and that is wrong, and everyone who don't do what's right is a wrong doer.

2. We are the group of you. All organizations like this bother me. Because you are female/black/white/young/old/christian/jewish etc. you belong in our movement. This means that our ideology is the one you must believe in. I was in both the wymyn's alliance and the students of color coalition, formerly third world allince, and I have to say, sure they let me in, but as a token member, to show off that they weren't exclusive, but I got a lot of outsider's insider's view about what this was really about: Recruitment

3. History. If you look back to Margaret Sanger, her scottish equiv., Gloria Steinem, etc. the founders of this movement, and what it grew out of, which is eugenics, birth control, etc. This was never about rights, it was always about keeping the population under control, and keeping the smart obedient and numbered, and outweighed by the mindless masses, with the full weight and support of tptb.

Not to get into an argument with anyone on a political subject, it's a waste of time, but just saying, be very aware of what you're getting into: it ain't about your freedom.

As for sexism, I don't apologize for it, I don't apologize for being male either, and all that comes with it. But I don't have anymore sympathy with the wife beater than the child beater or the other person beater, and ditto for discrimination.

Feminism is trying to reinvent itself, as is socialism, so that they can sell the product. I'll assure you of one thing, feminists, of which I know many, have fewer, usually no, children. They've moved from blaming men to blaming things quintessentially male, but the goal is the same: create a war between the sexes, and force society apart, foster fear, resentment, etc.

I'm not saying that the right doesn't have its share of self-destructive controlling ideologies, it has them in spades, always trying to re-invent themselves. It begs the question, why, after so many centuries of atrocities, does the catholic church still exists? My answer would be the same reason as Islam: They have more children. It doesn't matter what else they do. It's evolution.

Margaret Sanger, founder of planned parenthood, laid this all out quite plainly in black and white in "the new race." The "undesirables" are to be weeded out, kept under control, etc. etc. None of this is news.

So, yes, the face of ideologies change, because they have to. when I was growing up, feminists would have eschewed Summer for her weight alone, to say nothing of sex appeal, nudity or her vargas girl photoshoots. And sure, they will convince each generation of women that they must believe in this, because they are owned by feminism, by virtue of being born female. But none of this means that the underlying objectives have changed. I see the evidence in all the childless women of my family, all ardent believers, who chased away the men in their lives, who all react as badly to feminism as women react to Rush Limbaugh (which well they should.)

I'm not busting your chops about this, I suspect it catches almost all women above a certain age.

I know some lovely people who are ardent feminists, and the only ones with children I know came to feminism after the children. If my mother hadn't been one of these, I wouldn't be here. In an ironic way, I owe my existence to this nonsense. My older sister was born with a serious birth defect, and can't walk. My parents were concerned of course. Shortly afterwards, the Planned Parenthood goon squad came to visit my mother in the hospital to ask her if maybe she had had enough children already, and should focus on raising and caring for the ones she had, and not have any more. Her visceral reaction to this she said probably played a part in her decision to have more children.

So, for me, the young male feminist, it wasn't a problem, there was a family I might have had if I hadn't swallowed the "self control" line, and I regret that, but as a man, I have a lot of time. There are so many women I know who are very twisted up inside, something which also happens to the gay men I know, because they have allowed themselves to be cut out of the evolutionary loop. This includes a couple of pretty famous people I know who I won't name for the obvious reason. I don't know anything about you or your family life, but I know this is a dangerous deceptive ideology, and a world of regret for those who followed it, who shut out the unacceptables males.

I'm certainly not up for an argument on the subject, I have travelled this road well enough already, just consider this a friendly warning, be careful what your new friends or mentors tell you...

I've found two overarching truths of these group philosophies:

1. You are female, it is your duty to be a feminist (you're black, it's your duty to be a democrat) etc. Is this not the attitude, and does it not have an eerie resemblance to "you are an aryan, it's you duty...." I don't think I need to finish that one.

2. The consistent pattern here is "No more babies" and more specifically "No more babies from you guys." It's specific targeted population control, and it's coming from somewhere else. That's evolution, an outside population, manipulating your population. Every policy laid down, including Roe v. Wade, etc. is sold as "a right to be fought for" but was made in the dead of night by a nefarious group.

3. If you can't or won't see it around you, look at the other side, look at the people you disagree with on the board, and see how the dynamics of inclusion, such as capitalism, the "right" to work, to slave their hours away for some corporate master, the "right" to have a gun and get into some stupid battle that could end their life, etc. The "right" to substance abuse that will destroy their minds and disable them as a resistance.

Should people have the freedom of choice? Sure. But they should also be very very skeptical of the people giving them those freedoms, and try very very hard to find the underlying manipulation. No power group ever handed you a right because they were looking out for your own interests. Feminists, Christians, I don't care who the group is, they have no power by themselves, every victory they won was because someone who did have the power let them win, because that agenda fit their agenda, and that agenda was not your interests.

The extreme skeptic dreamtrove is all.


Saturday, January 24, 2009 11:03 AM



I'm going to microwave a bagel and have sex with it - Peter Griffin


Saturday, January 24, 2009 12:03 PM



Sorry for the rant, I'm leaving it up because I think it's accurate. Bear in mind that I'm someone who writes fantasy and sci-fi with strong female characters who are not sex objects, and very much have strong female empowerment themes. This underlying idea doesn't bother me at all. I find it far more interesting than the woman-as-servant/sidekick model or woman-as-victim.

But it's the movement of intellectual feminism itself, not the Joss Whedon stuff. It's this academic "you have a duty to believe" club that is broadcasting very dangerous self destructive messages, and I think they're doing it for nefarious reasons. I see groups within america both on the left and the right that mean us no good, and stroke our egos to get us to obey. This is far more dangerous to us, even as individuals, than Al Qaeda.

Society is thick with them. While at the moment I put academic feminism as a minor threat, paling in comparison to globalism or socialism and credit capitalism, take your pick really, it's still on my threat down.

My beef is with Sanger/Steinem and Madonna, that strain of thought, not with women's rights or anything. I think this is an old manipulative ideology that has accomplished basically nothing, but would like to take credit for the suffragettes, etc.

Just wanted to put a little warning out there, at the risk of alienating some folks. Academia has a place for those who disagree, but Darwin doesn't.


Ah, you located the culprit. Good detective work, or reading of past threads. :)


Saturday, January 24, 2009 12:14 PM



Originally posted by dreamtrove:

Sorry for the rant, I'm leaving it up because I think it's accurate. Bear in mind that I'm someone who writes fantasy and sci-fi with strong female characters who are not sex objects, and very much have strong female empowerment themes. This underlying idea doesn't bother me at all. I find it far more interesting than the woman-as-servant/sidekick model or woman-as-victim.

But it's the movement of intellectual feminism itself, not the Joss Whedon stuff. It's this academic "you have a duty to believe" club that is broadcasting very dangerous self destructive messages, and I think they're doing it for nefarious reasons. I see groups within america both on the left and the right that mean us no good, and stroke our egos to get us to obey. This is far more dangerous to us, even as individuals, than Al Qaeda.

Society is thick with them. While at the moment I put academic feminism as a minor threat, paling in comparison to globalism or socialism and credit capitalism, take your pick really, it's still on my threat down.

My beef is with Sanger/Steinem and Madonna, that strain of thought, not with women's rights or anything. I think this is an old manipulative ideology that has accomplished basically nothing, but would like to take credit for the suffragettes, etc.

Just wanted to put a little warning out there, at the risk of alienating some folks. Academia has a place for those who disagree, but Darwin doesn't.


Ah, you located the culprit. Good detective work, or reading of past threads. :)

No I thought it was CHRISISAL. If you waitted longger you could have had more fun, now everyone knows it was you. I tip my hat to you, but I must still find a way to make CHRISISAL cry.

I'm going to microwave a bagel and have sex with it - Peter Griffin


Saturday, January 24, 2009 12:15 PM


You were busy trying to get yourself lit on fire. It happens.

Dreamtrove - If I ever run into this monster version of feminism you've described (which bears a strong resemble to radical feminism), I'll decry it just as surely as you have. And the extreme brand of skepticism you apply to everything is not something I'm interested in emulating, if for no other reason than to preserve my sanity and life. So, yeah, it's best that this argument ends before it begins.


Saturday, January 24, 2009 12:33 PM


Okay, agreed.

I would only wish that the new female empowerment could have a different name, and distance itself, not let these people in.

As for my skepticism, it's only because the world is really that cruel, but it takes having taken some heavy beatings to be able to see it, and not turn pale. I've gotten used it. But it took time.


Saturday, January 24, 2009 12:35 PM


America loves a winner!

Where are the Summer Glau pics ?

It is not those who use the term "Islamo-Fascism" who are sullying the name of Islam; it is the Islamo-Fascists. - Dennis Prager

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Saturday, January 24, 2009 12:44 PM


You were busy trying to get yourself lit on fire. It happens.

Alright, AURaptor.


Saturday, January 24, 2009 12:55 PM



Thank you, the males of the species appreciate it :)

Oh, as for a glimpse into the shadows of where I'm coming from, genocide and cultural assimilation are big issues with me, as one side of my family is Irish, and the other was wiped out in the holocaust. I've come to a more respect for life and diversity fold through Taoism that's led me to be an ardent environmentalist, for the same pro-diversity angle.

I posted a rant on the Rush thread about England and Ireland, if you want to see how this fits into that. If you want to see something really f^&ked up, search on the RUF, and the central african (congolese) war, etc. But that stuff is way too far on the dark side, if the underlying ideas give you the heebee jeebees, I'd suggest missing the detailed discussion of the african wars, it's intensely reaver level or more disturbing.


Saturday, January 24, 2009 1:00 PM


You were busy trying to get yourself lit on fire. It happens.

I know for a fact that it's not just the males.

Some of the reavers we've got in U.S. are bad enough. I don't know what good it will do the world for me to expose myself to anything worse.


Saturday, January 24, 2009 1:03 PM


You were busy trying to get yourself lit on fire. It happens.

More Summer!


Saturday, January 24, 2009 1:15 PM


You were busy trying to get yourself lit on fire. It happens.

And some more Summer!


Saturday, January 24, 2009 1:15 PM


You were busy trying to get yourself lit on fire. It happens.


Originally posted by AURaptor:
Where are the Summer Glau pics ?



Saturday, January 24, 2009 1:17 PM



Originally posted by yinyang:
More Summer!


I'm going to microwave a bagel and have sex with it - Peter Griffin


Saturday, January 24, 2009 1:24 PM


You were busy trying to get yourself lit on fire. It happens.

Thank you, whozit. I think this is officially my new favorite photo of her.


Saturday, January 24, 2009 1:31 PM


America loves a winner!

Whoa. Good photos!

Thanks YY!

It is not those who use the term "Islamo-Fascism" who are sullying the name of Islam; it is the Islamo-Fascists. - Dennis Prager

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Saturday, January 24, 2009 1:47 PM



I know for a fact that it's not just the males.

Oh, like almost every girl I've ever dated. Actually, the Summer thing, I can see, but the girls I've dated the biggest crushes have been Nicole Kidman, Tori Amos, and of course, Audrey. So, I guess Summer fits in that line.


Some of the reavers we've got in U.S. are bad enough. I don't know what good it will do the world for me to expose myself to anything worse.

Actually, the RUF is exporting reavers and reaver tactics to the US, but we have our own more mild homegrown variety. Much more with the kill then the torture, maim, eat-rape. (not a common crime most places)

But yes, it's best avoided, like Frem's child abuse stories, though there's a crossover.

I just read a fascinating book by the guy who did Gertie the Dinosaur. The thrust of it was "what your country will look like in a hundred years" from the pov of 1907. It was really scary in its way:

There would be large aeroplanes carrying people. There would be "ocean aircraft ferries" that would carry small airplanes across the sea, to launch from anywhere, cities would have 100 story skyscrapers towering over the normally towering city skylines. Ultimately, a lot of upbeat inventions and progress, not any of which was wrong, and then the whole country would be completely distracted by entertainment, fall in drug abuse, under a giant drug cartel, and party while greedy bankers and warmongers would take over the country, and the entire nation would live in fear, cities would be destroyed by winds and flooding, and then we'd end up with a black president with a message of hope.

I just found myself reading this thinking, did this guy have a crystal ball or something? I think he just thought about it enough. it was scary. Next up, the nation trains its citizens to be cogs in a great machine, while someone runs off with all the money, or we all die, or we all separate into out own little tiny bubbles, and one of them is bankers with all the money, but they're not particularly more happy than anyone else.

Oh, and there was a nice cartoon of God putting man in a special place in the universe, way off to the side in a corner where he couldn't cause any more trouble ;)

Now that it's required:


Saturday, January 24, 2009 4:13 PM


Just making sure Chris gets the message on Terminator. Story errors? Sure. But watching Lena and Shirley, and most of all Summer, throw people through walls, that's what it's all about. Your wife will thank you






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