Running out of bullets... but I've still got one with your name on it.

UPDATED: Wednesday, February 11, 2009 17:04
VIEWED: 1895
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Tuesday, February 10, 2009 7:24 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!


Demand for bullets is so strong that suppliers are restricting deliveries.

"Where we used to get 20 to 30 cases in a shipment, we may get two to three cases now," said Vic Grechniw of Florida Ammo Traders in Tampa. "The supply just isn't there. . . . Everybody is pretty much rushing out to get their hands on whatever they can."

Most in demand is handgun ammunition, including 9 mm and .45-caliber for semiautomatic pistols and .38-caliber for revolvers. Clerks at local Walmart stores, including Apopka and Kissimmee, say those sizes, along with .22-caliber, are on back order at the chain's warehouses.

Despite being able to buy 100,000 rounds at a time, Shoot Straight can't find any copper-jacketed bullets for .380-caliber pistols, popular as concealed weapons. The shops have adequate supplies of other calibers.

"You've got to beat the bushes and take deals," Anderson said. "Now I take whatever I can get instead of being finicky."

National chains are seeing the same increased levels of customers buying guns and ammunition in recent months, said Larry L. Whiteley, a spokesman for Bass Pro Shops.

"Why, we don't know," he said.

One major regional manufacturer, Georgia Arms, has seen bullet sales jump 100 percent since the November election.

"People are just stockpiling," said company spokeswoman Judy Shipley. "A gun is just like a car. If you can't get gas, you can't use it."

Georgia Arms sells more than 100 types of ammunition for handguns, shotguns and rifles at gun shows from South Florida as far north as Virginia. It now cautions online buyers, "Attention: Due to a huge increase in demand, our shipping times have been delayed 5-7 weeks on most orders. Please be patient with us and know we will fill your orders ASAP.",0,2201778.stor


Tuesday, February 10, 2009 7:33 AM


Stocking up as we speak.


Tuesday, February 10, 2009 8:01 AM


Ah, morons and their money, soon parted, donating it to the cretins who run the market, who are getting fat off this one, and are praying for more domestic violence and suicide. Lending Darwin a hand.


Tuesday, February 10, 2009 8:03 AM


Dream, got to my other thread and argue against the right to be armed.



Tuesday, February 10, 2009 8:15 AM


Funny about this thread. Yesterday I was cruising the local gunshops, damn if that ain't true. This one shop I go in kinda looks like it has a good security system going on nobodies around. Then the owner pops out from around the corner with two .45s under his arm pits with a twitch and draw look. But he told me he was out of ammo and hard for him to get anything from the suppliers. I yacked for awhile to figure this dude out. Yeh this is a grassy knoll type.

"Battle of Serenity, Mal. Besides Zoe here, how many-" "I'm talkin at you! How many men in your platoon came out of their alive".


Tuesday, February 10, 2009 10:04 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

If you are just now realizing that there's an ammo shortage and that prices are up, you're about two years too late.

If you're just now stocking up, you're too late.

I predict prices will be falling soon. This sucky economy is going to lower LOTS of prices, as people decide what they can and can't do without.


"It is complete now; the hands of time are neatly tied."


Tuesday, February 10, 2009 10:36 AM



If you are just now realizing that there's an ammo shortage and that prices are up, you're about two years too late.

Indeed, we've only been commenting on it for about that long, yeesh.

Prices were up before that cause metals took off when the dollar started sinking, which means copper, brass and lead jumped in price, ergo, less cheap ammo around, specially what with everyone buying it up.

I see this as a good thing though, despite everything else wrong and/or stupid about it, cause it does stimulate the economy a little, and give pause to anyone pondering putting REX84 into operation.

Plus, being that ammo doesn't last, yanno... FOREVER, sending folks to the practice range so their old ammo doesn't go to waste tends to encourage self defense and proficiency of use.

Some damn fools blow way more money on personal electronics, and folks don't mock them half as much as they should.


It cannot be said enough, those who do not learn from history, are doomed to endlessly repeat it


Tuesday, February 10, 2009 12:07 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Some damn fools blow way more money on personal electronics, and folks don't mock them half as much as they should.

You mean like the latest Sony Fucking Piece of Shit that Doesn't Goddamned Work the Way it Fucking Should?

My last round of ammo buying set me back $160 for 1000 rounds of 7.62x39mm hollowpoint. That will last me about a year going to the range. Cheaper than cigarettes. Cheaper than a combo meal a week.


"It is complete now; the hands of time are neatly tied."


Tuesday, February 10, 2009 1:11 PM


I think many local ammo sellers just do a poor job estimating demand, which is understandable considering skyrocketing demand. I buy my ammo online and even lately they've be able to ship next day. Local retailers are just afraid of getting stuck with a ton of overpriced ammo when the rush slows down.


Tuesday, February 10, 2009 1:24 PM


It takes me a year to use up my ammo. I don't like keeping it around til it turns green. But in November I was stocking up when the prices went up. Now it seems the shelves are empty. In times of chaos follow the fat people for food. Follow the flanel for ammo.

"Battle of Serenity, Mal. Besides Zoe here, how many-" "I'm talkin at you! How many men in your platoon came out of their alive".


Tuesday, February 10, 2009 2:08 PM


They need the ammo to hunt for food in the age of Obama. Stray dogs taste good


Tuesday, February 10, 2009 2:19 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by whozit:
They need the ammo to hunt for food in the age of Obama. Stray dogs taste good

Stray deer taste better - and in west Austin you can shoot them off your porch!


"It is complete now; the hands of time are neatly tied."


Tuesday, February 10, 2009 2:21 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by PirateCat:
It takes me a year to use up my ammo. I don't like keeping it around til it turns green. But in November I was stocking up when the prices went up. Now it seems the shelves are empty. In times of chaos follow the fat people for food. Follow the flanel for ammo.

"Battle of Serenity, Mal. Besides Zoe here, how many-" "I'm talkin at you! How many men in your platoon came out of their alive".

PC: That's about how long mine lasts, too. I don't worry about it getting old, though - the 7.62x54r ammo I bought (880 rounds for $180) was manufactured in 1976. Haven't had a misfire yet, and it still kicks like a mule on crack.

Follow the flannel for ammo, eh? Never heard that, but it ain't a bad idea. In Austin it might lead you to an all-girl bar, though!


"It is complete now; the hands of time are neatly tied."


Tuesday, February 10, 2009 3:38 PM



No way in hell. I conceded the last one, that gives me the right to not have to deal with it again. I can still point out when people are being morons. I pointed it out when people were stocking up on canned food for the coming apocalypse which will never come, and no one assaulted me claiming I was infringing on their right to eat food.

That's just a plumb dumb argument. Here's what else is dumb: How many people are you going to shoot, anyway. I figure If I can hit a target going 40 mph about 60-70% of the time, I could probably hit a human about 90%, consistant with my video game record. As for practice, yeah, I've done both, I think video games are great practice, as they are for driving and flying. No need to burn 1000 bullets on practice. So, given that, the need for more than a dozen bullets is hard to fathom. No one had a better than 10:1 kill ratio on average, and Cho probably hit it at 32, but his opponents weren't armed. If you're the defender, your opponents will be armed. If there are more than 10 of them, you're screwed.

Of course, if you got yourself into the above situation, you screwed up somewhere else.

Tactical idiocy, not strategic. Assume your assailant is a criminal, it's not ten of them. If you have even 100 rounds of ammunition you're over-armed. It's just a sucker play for the sheeple to buy more of the product than they need

Ditto for the food. Compulsive consumerism is somewhere between dumb and insane, and sure, a victim of society, but if you don't see it for what it is, I'm certainly not going to argue.

IOW, you missed the point by a mile. Nothing to do with 2nd am. at all.


Tuesday, February 10, 2009 5:25 PM


Ah, but here in America you (technically) got the right to be whatever kinda fool you please without some damn nanny-state coming in and trying to run your life for you, all "for your own good", of course.

Take a hard second look at what you're halfway advocatin there.

If it makes em happy (that whole pursuit of happiness thing, yanno) and ain't doin harm to no one else, I don't see a problem with it, honestly.

Sure, you might think it stupid, but the fact is that you can't legislate away stupidity, and ya shouldn't try.

Snickering a bit at em, sure - but just remember what kind of a door your lack of respect for other peoples whims is gonna pry open while you do it.

And what lies behind it.


It cannot be said enough, those who do not learn from history, are doomed to endlessly repeat it


Tuesday, February 10, 2009 6:20 PM


Not legislating, just laughing at them.

My lack of respect? In four years I think that if anyone failed to notice my lack of respect they weren't paying any attention.


Ah, but here in America you (technically) got the right to be whatever kinda fool you please without some damn nanny-state coming in and trying to run your life for you, all "for your own good", of course.

Pursuit of happiness is not law, as the DOI is not law. Technically, no you don't, but I ain't arguing rights. I'm just making fun. The law is your right to swing your arms ends where my nose begins. That law is sometimes violated by our social system, but it shouldn't be, in theory. The law was never life liberty and the pursuit of happiness, that was a goal that I think we never really reached. Got close a couple times, but now it's getting away.

If we went all 2nd am here, i have a right to a mininuke. Actually, I think an antimissile system would do nicely. Here's my rationale: It's very unlikely that anyone is going to come to my door with a gun. However, if some idiot in washington starts WWIII and someone decides to nuke NY because for some reason we have a target painted on our state, which imho, was a bad idea, we should probably rethink that move... Anyway, I know the DoD isn't going to defend me, so I should have my own defense. Set up a missile defense grid, some anti-aircraft, anti-tank systems, then I'm ready if we really get attacked, because the way I see it, we paid in 200 billion a year or the equiv every year for a couple centuries, for national defense, and nothing else, and when we were finally attacked? Washington wasn't worth a damn.

So, no, if govt. comes for you, guns don't save your ass, just ask David Koresh. But the 2nd am. doesn't say "guns" it says "arms."

But this isn't about 2nd am. it's about panicmongers.

So, sure, I laugh at them. I laugh at Dick Cheney. All those years of clever planning against a threat he appears to believe in, and now he is our new Bin Laden: Hiding in a cave, waiting to die, sending us audio tapes about impending doom.

Here's my take: The doom don't come. Just like the rapture, and the global meltdown, and the nuclear war. When the Russians finally invaded the only thoughts that Americans had about it were "are they going to take our jobs" and "I wonder if any of them are single..." rewind to the cold war and everyone was telling you about how they would be up there with their guns defending against every ruskie that crossed the border. Yeah, right. I think I've seen this movie...

Al Qaeda someday will be a competitor to Starbucks. We all remember when Sandinistas were the invading army to fear. Now they're an airline. We fought 2 wars with China and one with Japan, and now we drive our Toyotas to Walmart.

Here's an interesting footnote of history: Hayao Miyazaki's father was one of the engineers who designed and built the Zero.


Snickering a bit at em, sure - but just remember what kind of a door your lack of respect for other peoples whims is gonna pry open while you do it.

And what lies behind it.

Lemme guess... A nut holed up with a bunch of guns and a way too much ammo?
Sorry, but my days of taking them seriously are definitely coming to a middle.

If it's any consolation, I made just as much fun of the people who stockpiled gold. Hell, I make fun of folk who stockpile federal reserve notes...

And that's not touching on star wars miniatures and beanie babies... (star wars miniatures are okay if you are a fan of the movies, but not as a financial plan.)

If ya really want to be self sufficient? Build a house, get some solar cells, set up a garden, remember, the body lives off of an omnivore diet, nuts, seeds, fruits, you are not a rabbit (just saying because I've knows sooo many people who have made this mistake, ie, your home garden must be able to support humans. If it supports rabbits, expect them to show up and be supported, but don't expect to be able to live off of lettuce.)


Tuesday, February 10, 2009 6:33 PM


Yeah, Yeah, plenty of jokes, don't cha?

Ok, truth be told, if I COULD build some compound out in the middle of nowhere, with everything I would ever want or need...sure, why not?

But of course it would have to be at least 15 minutes away from a Starbucks...and a place that does decent Thai...and a good Chipotle...mmmmmMmmm burrito bowl...

Dammit, now Im hungry.


Tuesday, February 10, 2009 6:42 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

DT, I think you have the wrong image of me. Yes, I have a stock of ammo. No, I don't think there's a situation coming up - ever - where I'm going to need 1000 rounds of ammo at one time. If such a situation DOES occur, I'm deeply screwed with or without the ammo.

I enjoy going to the range. I enjoy shooting targets - paper ones, not living ones. When I go, I might shoot 50 rounds out of one rifle, 20 out of another, 60 out of a handgun, and 5 out of a long-range target rifle. I bought 1000 rounds of a couple of calibers because (a) I knew an election year was coming up, (b) ammo and gun prices ALWAYS go up during any major shift in electoral politics, and (c) with our own two wars going, and the Russians being involved in South Ossetia, and the ongoing travails between Israel and, well, EVERYBODY, it seemed the price of certain calibers (7.62x39mm and 7.62x54r specifically, since they're hugely popular Soviet-bloc calibers) could do nothing BUT go up. Metals were going up, wars were taking up all available ammo, and I made the decision to buy cheap whenever I saw the opportunity.

I don't think that makes me "some nut holed up in a cave" or any such thing. I think it makes me a semi-savvy ammo buyer. This stuff isn't particularly perishable - I've got Japanese ammo from WWII that still fires just fine, and it's not like I've got my life savings invested in it.


"It is complete now; the hands of time are neatly tied."


Tuesday, February 10, 2009 8:01 PM


All this fear stuff. Are survivalists predicting a global Road Warrior situation or something? If it comes to that you better know how to live in the underbrush with nothing but what you have on your back.


Wednesday, February 11, 2009 1:33 AM


Concerning THAT scenario, I'll give the advice I always do.

Don't need to HAVE one, tho it might help a little.

But know how to USE one, cause should it come to the point where you'll likely need one, there will be plenty layin around that the owners don't need no more.

Starvation would kill more people than gunfire, and more quickly, in the event of a total social collapse of that nature.

As for gardening, I am fond of potatoes, it's hard to screw that up, they go with anything, and can be prepared in many tasty ways.

And any Bunny what decides that MY food is a buffet table is gonna wind up in the stewpot!



Wednesday, February 11, 2009 4:22 AM



lol. dish out... can't take... must return to bridge... must find most human looking alien and sleep with it... oh, no wait, that's kirk

You missed the part where I'm just as serious as you are, which is to say not. I'm just poking fun. There's been a lot of posts about coming doom, stocking up food, now stocking up bullets. Just making fun of people in general is all.

ps. didn't know it was possible to offend you.



But know how to USE one, cause should it come to the point where you'll likely need one, there will be plenty layin around that the owners don't need no more.

Already do, but I think that it's an unlikely scenario, and a different defense is a better idea. Disease would probably be the biggest problem. Our society is so f^&ked up it's like it's disaster prone by design. We have medical specialists who jealously guard medicine and medical secrets, education professionals, etc. Probably, most people will sell themselves into slavery for education and medicine. Just hoping that the govt. doesn't force them to do so.

Shooting rabbits ain't easy. There are a lot of them, and the come mostly at night. Just saying rabbits in your garden might be a sign of a diet you can't survive on. He's an herbivore, you're not, that's all.


Wednesday, February 11, 2009 4:29 AM


DT, Having a bad hair day or just got a bad hair doo, Anyhoo. Serialization of bullets is what people are really worried about. Another way of chipping away at your freedom. The goverment is constantly screwing with us. Yellow lights lasting 2 seconds then snapping your picture. $300 dollar ticket. Katrina should have woke everybody up. Crooked mayor and police force. US Coast Guard confiscating guns. My sister survived Katrina. She said she would have shot that mayor dead. Her neighborhood wiped out. Now it was the one time she stayed through a hurricane. I think her job had something to do with that. Then FEMA hired her on the spot to find dead neighbors. If you have a generator you better have a gun. Remember the rape gangs in the streets of Na'Leans then all of sudden it stop. The Great GW Bush sent Delta Force in at night and waxed them. That is where the rumor of the army blowing up the south wall in the lower ward came from. I was out in Los Angeles last summer I forgot about what beach to stay out of during July 4, worked out there in the late 80s. Dockweiler Beach between Manhatten Beach and Playa Del Rey is where the airliners at LAX take off over just go to El Segundo. Now its known where the blacks go and you can feel the tension from them. But hey I gotta walk to my favorite bar (Prince of Wales). These are the cities that are ready to explode. This summer the urban areas will lite up like dynamite. It will probably be something stupid then bang across the country. Detroit I figure to start it. O'Bama will be afraid to send troops in on his minions. Western Oklahoma, West Virginia, and the Dakotas will be fine. There ya go. Gotta go to work so later gator, PC.

"Battle of Serenity, Mal. Besides Zoe here, how many-" "I'm talkin at you! How many men in your platoon came out of their alive".


Wednesday, February 11, 2009 4:48 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by dreamtrove:

lol. dish out... can't take... must return to bridge... must find most human looking alien and sleep with it... oh, no wait, that's kirk

With ya on the first part... lost me on the second part.

You missed the part where I'm just as serious as you are, which is to say not. I'm just poking fun. There's been a lot of posts about coming doom, stocking up food, now stocking up bullets. Just making fun of people in general is all.

Ah - good to know. I thought you were serious there for a minute...


ps. didn't know it was possible to offend you.

I'm sorry, did I look offended? Just trying to clear up what I took as a misconception about me on your part. It seemed like you lumped me in with the crazy-holed-up-in-a-cave gun nut survivalists. Truth be told, I can't stand Ted Nugent. And nut-jobs of any stripe just skeeze me out, whether they be religious nuts, white pride nuts, gun nuts, conspiracy nuts, or what have you.


"It is complete now; the hands of time are neatly tied."


Wednesday, February 11, 2009 4:53 AM


three words...

Load Your Own


Wednesday, February 11, 2009 4:59 AM


old star trek reference. Kirk goes to a planet, full of funny looking aliens, and one is a humanoid hottie who he then boinks. Of course, the humanoid hottie then had to basically look human. Todays audience would accept her as boinkable if she had a face and basic girl parts. Horns and wings or big fluff ears would just be considered kinky.

As a conspiracy theorist I resent be lumped together with nuts. and as a nut, I resent to being lumped together with conspiracy theorists

I used to draw the line at the fluoridated water crowd. Sure, you might get some fluorides from it, but do you want to deal with the parasites that you would have if they didn't? Just look up problems with water in the third world, in the "civilized world" in the 19th c., etc.

Now I have a new bar. Hulda Clarke. There are relatively few UFO nuts left, but there are followers of quackeometry. Another one: monoatomic metals.


Wednesday, February 11, 2009 10:54 AM


DT, believe it or not one small part of the huge load of crap that convinced me to move from TX to MI was the advice of a local meteorologist I was having dinner with.
"Seriously ? move north, get the hell away from the coast and somewhere in the midwest that isn't part of tornado alley."
He said that in 1997, mind you.

As for the rest...

Shooting rabbits ain't easy.

Sez you!
Anything within 50 yards is a clout shot, despite my depth perception issues - in fact I go for the headshot at that range cause imma lazy bastard , no to mention merciful when it comes to animals and not wanting to waste a perfectly good hide.

Besides, who sez the garden isn't rabbit bait ?

Seriously tho, I like potatoes, they're a good diet staple and you can get a damned lot of value out of even the tiniest bit of ground that way - and being hard to screw up is a definate plus.



Wednesday, February 11, 2009 4:36 PM


Rabbits, kinda nocturnal, that's the part that makes them hard to shoot.

But the real point was more not about rabbits, but about people. A lot of people plant a garden with a lot of greens, with the thought that a human being can survive on lettuce, cabbage and broccoli. News flash: We can't. A rabbit can, because he's an herbivore, his system can digest that stuff and convert it into carbs, oils and proteins. We can't, because we're not herbivores. Ironically, herbivores are more highly evolved in their metabolism. It may be why they are less evolved in everything else. Sort of like trees: When you perfect the quest for food, there's no need to develop any other abilities. As for rabbits as a food source, not a lot of meat on a rabbit. Meat, not a great food source for humans, we're not a carnivore either. Potatoes, that's a good start.

I only point it out because a very large number of people make this mistake. They aim for self sufficiency without considering what a human really has to take in to stay healthy.


Wednesday, February 11, 2009 4:46 PM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

"A rabbit can, because he's an herbivore, his system can digest that stuff and convert it into carbs, oils and proteins." 'Xsept, they have to eat their poop to do it !

"As for rabbits as a food source, not a lot of meat on a rabbit." And more important, not enough fat. I wish I could remember the name of the illness - but pioneers died from it trying to subsist on rabbit meat, due to the lack of fat in their diet.


Silence is consent.


Wednesday, February 11, 2009 4:59 PM



Originally posted by Fremdfirma:
Concerning THAT scenario, I'll give the advice I always do. Don't need to HAVE one, tho it might help a little. But know how to USE one, cause should it come to the point where you'll likely need one, there will be plenty layin around that the owners don't need no more.

Starvation would kill more people than gunfire, and more quickly, in the event of a total social collapse of that nature.

As for gardening, I am fond of potatoes, it's hard to screw that up, they go with anything, and can be prepared in many tasty ways.

And any Bunny what decides that MY food is a buffet table is gonna wind up in the stewpot!

The dainty, the very young, the old, those afraid to kill, and the stupid would go first. One time outside of Ulan Bator in 1986 I hate fermented Yak meat crawling with maggots. If that nausiates you, you'll go too. Unless you are comitted to living to the point where you'll eat worms, insects, and roots, you'll go too. Come to think of it, I'm not sure I'd stay because those maggots added a creamy texture but that was the Hilton compared to stone age post apocalyptic, or post foreign army invasion life.

Probably won't come to that though.

I tried frying rabbit like fried chicken but it came out too tough. I think stewing is the only way.


Wednesday, February 11, 2009 5:03 PM



Only when caged. Rabbits are pretty dumb, they carry a couple diseases, but they are quite lean. One of the hardest prey to catch. They also have excellent immunity to poison, and this can lead to poisonous rab meat if you're not careful, their system just siphons out stuff that would kill us.

MBL, yeah, mongols eat some definite life-shorting sh*t. Rabbit is very tough, kind of like re-heated chicken.


Wednesday, February 11, 2009 5:04 PM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

"The dainty, the very young, the old, those afraid to kill, and the stupid would go first." Plus the plain unlucky. All you'd need to do is to eat something that made you very ill, get a bad cut, a broken bone, a cavity, or have some other ill-timed event befall you.


Silence is consent.






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