Sarah Palin, honestly.

UPDATED: Saturday, February 28, 2009 01:04
VIEWED: 2239
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Thursday, February 26, 2009 2:03 PM


Her hunting thing rubs me the wrong way, she's more overtly religious that I believe peeps in public office ought to be, she abuses her power a tad for personal reasons (ah, but really, who wouldn't?), but basically she seems to be reasonably smart, together example of Alaskan womanhood.
I seriously feel, though, that a Vice President should be above average in intelligence, and absolutely on top of world events. Sadly, she was neither. This doesn't mean she doesn't have her good points, but let me say this: I feel like I know more about how the world works than she does, yet I am also unqualified to be the Vice President IMO.

For what it's worth.

"Thanks." -Hero, 2009

The laughing Chrisisall


Thursday, February 26, 2009 2:19 PM


America loves a winner!

Again, with the " Conservatives are dumb " routine. Seriously, when are you going to look in the mirror and say w/ a straight face...

Joe "Stand up, Chuck, let 'em see ya" Biden and Al "Illegitimacy is something we should talk about in terms of not having it." Gore are model VPs ?

It's clear Sarah Palin had more than 'average' smarts, has experience in running Government effectively, and wasn't afraid to go after the " good old boy " network in her own state, hell.... even in her own PARTY!

If she were a Democrat, you'd be singing her praises from the hill tops, daily, nightly and ever so rightly.

In all honestly, she's far more qualified than the doofus we have in the VP office now, and has more real executive experience than the current White House resident.

It is not those who use the term "Islamo-Fascism" who are sullying the name of Islam; it is the Islamo-Fascists. - Dennis Prager

A concern of the GOP is that the people aren't informed enough to understand their policies, while a fear of the Dems is that the people ARE.


Thursday, February 26, 2009 3:35 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


In all honestly, she's far more qualified than the doofus we have in the VP office now, and has more real executive experience than the current White House resident.

And far, FAR less legislative experience - which does indeed count for something, since the VP job is technically part of the Legislative Branch.


If you're going to assume anything, assume you're wrong.


Thursday, February 26, 2009 3:42 PM


America loves a winner!

I'd much rather have an experienced leader in the VP office than a glorified legislature, any day.

It is not those who use the term "Islamo-Fascism" who are sullying the name of Islam; it is the Islamo-Fascists. - Dennis Prager

A concern of the GOP is that the people aren't informed enough to understand their policies, while a fear of the Dems is that the people ARE.


Thursday, February 26, 2009 5:08 PM


I like her. She's just folks, much more than bush.

The thing about the elite is that they share something with socialists: they've already decided what they want to do, and they did so by talking it over with people who agreed with them, and so no questioning went into the plan, that's how we got the disaster we're watching unfold, and the last one, because bush was an elitist like his father, like clinton.

I don't think Joe Biden is elitist but I don't think VP is a big deal. I had serious reservations about McCain, he doesn't think like an elitist, but he has the background, and he's not the sharpest tool in the shed Obama is not showering me with brilliance. I was really put off by that speech, I thought it was terrible.

IMHO? America is done. Stick a fork in it. We blew it. We re-elected the Bush agenda, and we cannot survive another four years of it, and I'd say, we're probably not going to make it through two years. I see the NASDAQ crashing through 1000 in that time, possible dollar collapse, national debt getting out of control, and a radical miscalculation: I think yes, you can sink the american economy by taxing it to death and pay the interest on the new debt, but you can only do that if there is an american income to tax.

Also, four more wars. Four more trillion dollars, another 750 billion for the banks and still not a dime for stem cell research. Every american company is talking about where to relocate and how. The message boards are not filled with whether or not it's necessary or the right thing to do, it's just the where when and how, that's all they're asking. They see the USS Titanic going down, and they're picking their lifeboats.


Friday, February 27, 2009 2:50 AM


Sarah Palin is NOT going to save the Republican Party, and she is not viable any longer for national office.

Bibby Jindal?....meh to no, zero personality, no charisma

Tim Pawlenty? way...Minnesota out of control

Michael Steele?...The new African-American RNC Chairman and former Governor....Maybe?, if he could actually learn to get to the point when he speaks, instead of going off on loopy tangents

Mike way. I like him, but he carries his Bible too much with him

Mitt Romney...nope, Again, I like him, but he's Mr. Wooden Soldier, and not in touch with the times we live in

Matter of fact, I cannot think of one Republican right now that is even close to being electable. The new leaders of of the Party now are actually on TV (Hannity)and radio (Limbaugh), or appear as guests on those shows like Newt Gingrich, Dick Morris, Karl Rove, Kimberly Guillfoyle, Ann Coulter, Monica Crowley, Bernie Goldberg, etc, and NONE of them could run for dogcatcher in Paducah. So why the ENORMOUS disconnect between Actual Republican politicians, and Conservative Repubicans in the media? Why? I think Republican politicians are generally clueless, generally living in the 1950's, generally AFRAID of public opinion, generally cowards, generally cannot ever effectively argue a position, and are generally self-serving twits like most of their Dem counterparts. Also they cannot unite on anything, especially the opposition to Democrats. I give the Dems credit; even though they too are fractured by diffferent positions, they always band together against Republicans, and that's why they win these days. I heard Morris last night predicting that Republicans will take back Congress in 2010 as a result of the backlash against Obama's failed economics and worsening recession/depression. I think that's delusional thinking, and if THAT's THE PLAN to get back in power, just to watch Obama fail, then God help us all.


Friday, February 27, 2009 3:05 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


I give the Dems credit; even though they too are fractured by diffferent positions, they always band together against Republicans, and that's why they win these days.

The operative words in that sentence are "these days". It's only in the last two years that the Dems have been able to get together on ANYTHING, and even at that it's mostly because of a very simple message: "Bush bad, Us better." In other words, their best rallying point was handed to them by the opposition.


I heard Morris last night predicting that Republicans will take back Congress in 2010 as a result of the backlash against Obama's failed economics and worsening recession/depression. I think that's delusional thinking, and if THAT's THE PLAN to get back in power, just to watch Obama fail, then God help us all.

That plan will work, but ONLY if things get markedly worse over the next two years. If they get better, the Republicans are going to be portrayed as the obstructionists who tried to stand in the way of economic recovery, and they'll lose even more seats and become even more marginalized.


If you're going to assume anything, assume you're wrong.


Friday, February 27, 2009 5:58 AM



Originally posted by AURaptor:
Again, with the " Conservatives are dumb " routine.

Look, Dopey, I started this thread to say how I actually felt about Ms. Palin without the usual 2nd grade put downs. You wanna act like that? Go for it. Call Biden a 'tard or whatever.
I tried to raise this above a certain level! See? AU won't let me.

"Thanks." -Hero, 2009

The laughing Chrisisall


Friday, February 27, 2009 6:57 AM



Originally posted by Kwicko:

In all honestly, she's far more qualified than the doofus we have in the VP office now, and has more real executive experience than the current White House resident.

And far, FAR less legislative experience - which does indeed count for something, since the VP job is technically part of the Legislative Branch.

Now wait a minute - I thought the Veep was basically in charge of the Senate...?

It was like that when we got here!


Friday, February 27, 2009 7:11 AM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

"Now wait a minute - I thought the Veep was basically in charge of the Senate...?"

Only you and Cheney seem to think so. Everyone else knows better.


Silence is consent.


Friday, February 27, 2009 7:22 AM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

Whatever her personal qualities (and she has many typical repubican deficiencies and unsavory tendencies) Palin was simply not qualified to be VP.

She showed herself to be woefully inadequate on a national and international level. She did not understand the issues or her constitutional role in the position, something particularly worrisome given McCain's age and health. Biden was and still is far more qualified.


Silence is consent.


Friday, February 27, 2009 7:26 AM



Originally posted by rue:
Biden was and still is far more qualified.

I remember making comments indicating that she was stupid, laughable, ignorant & such.
I just wanted to be absolutely on-target in this thread and just say plainly that she was unqualified, period.

"Thanks." -Hero, 2009

The laughing Chrisisall


Friday, February 27, 2009 7:36 AM


America loves a winner!

Chris -

You 'nicely' said Gov Palin was stupid, but suggesting she didn't have " above average intelligence " and that she was "unqualified", in your opinion.

You say that, and then I point to Biden as an example of someone who DOES have above average intelligence? Or IS qualified ? Please, spare me the " I tried to be nice " routine. Balderdash !

rue -

Per your comments on Biden. Only a blindly partisan hack could come to the conclusion you did.

It is not those who use the term "Islamo-Fascism" who are sullying the name of Islam; it is the Islamo-Fascists. - Dennis Prager

A concern of the GOP is that the people aren't informed enough to understand their policies, while a fear of the Dems is that the people ARE.


Friday, February 27, 2009 8:25 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by rue:
"Now wait a minute - I thought the Veep was basically in charge of the Senate...?"

Only you and Cheney seem to think so. Everyone else knows better.


Silence is consent.

Rue - he's funnin'. I take it you didn't notice the wink. :)

And you're wrong, too - Sarah Palin says the Veep is in charge of the Senate, too - so she'd have been able to get in there and stir things up, get things goin', don'tcha know.

(Odd... when I put it like that, Sarah Palin sounds like a laxative!)


If you're going to assume anything, assume you're wrong.


Friday, February 27, 2009 8:36 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by AURaptor:
Again, with the " Conservatives are dumb " routine.

Well, you really DO make it so damned easy.

I mean, if you would just stop holding yourself up as the very model of a modern conservative, and then acting like one of the single least-educated people here, it would be harder to dismiss conservatives as being not very bright.

And when you ARE corrected, you blow it off and ignore it, making the same dumb mistakes over and over, or you get nasty, claiming that it doesn't matter and that you weren't writing a term paper. Hey, if you can't effectively communicate, if you can't put together a grammatically correct sentence, if you can't spell "cat" even if I spot you the "c" and the "t"... what else are we supposed to think? That all conservatives are really smart, but they're just too smart to show how smart they are to us lowly peons?


Seriously, when are you going to look in the mirror and say w/ a straight face...

Joe "Stand up, Chuck, let 'em see ya" Biden and Al "Illegitimacy is something we should talk about in terms of not having it." Gore are model VPs ?

Never? Is never good for you? How 'bout the day after never? Sorry, but I'm never going to look in the mirror and say Joe Biden and Al Gore are model VPs. Nor am I ever going to say that Bush was a model President - unless he was the model for how NOT to do the job!


It's clear Sarah Palin had more than 'average' smarts...

Actually, that's NOT clear. I've seen no indication at all that she's smarter than average. Her college grades appear to be stultifyingly average.


...has experience in running Government effectively...

I take it you base this on something more than her running Wasila deep into debt and turning Alaska into a Welfare State and a model government taking from the rich to give to the poor?


If she were a Democrat, you'd be singing her praises from the hill tops, daily, nightly and ever so rightly.

See, that's where you're dead wrong. If she were a Democrat, I'd be looking for a Republican or an Independent to vote for. I don't blindly pull the "D" lever when I enter the voting booth; I never voted for Bill Clinton, even though I'll grant that he IS of well-above-average smarts. Thing is, I just never trusted the man. Or his wife. Didn't vote for her, either.


In all honestly, she's far more qualified than the doofus we have in the VP office now, and has more real executive experience than the current White House resident.

Actually, she's far LESS qualified than Biden; I already pointed out that the VP job is part of the Legislative Branch, and as a long-time U.S. Senator, Biden is ever so much more qualified for the job than Palin.

And she now DOESN'T have more real executive experience than Obama. You know how I know? Because on her resume, it doesn't say "President of the United States of America"; on his, it does. That's some pretty tough executive experience to trump, especially for the two-bit governor of a piss-pot state like Alaska.

But it's a moot point, because Obama and Biden are there, and she's back up in the frozen tundra...

Game. Over.

You. Lose.



If you're going to assume anything, assume you're wrong.


Friday, February 27, 2009 8:45 AM


America loves a winner!

" Mike "

You're as dyed in the wool partisan as there ever has been, and there's simply nothing left to discuss over this matter. Obama will NEVER have more experience than Palin. Being Prez for 1 month doesn't automatically give you experience. It gives you prestige, it gives you clout, but doesn't give you experience. It will, of course, over time, but not so much over just 1 month.

Game over, we ALL lose.

It is not those who use the term "Islamo-Fascism" who are sullying the name of Islam; it is the Islamo-Fascists. - Dennis Prager

A concern of the GOP is that the people aren't informed enough to understand their policies, while a fear of the Dems is that the people ARE.


Friday, February 27, 2009 8:59 AM


America loves a winner!

OK, the "NEVER" have more experience, that's the partisan side jumping out a bit.

But the point being, as candidates, Palin DID have more executive experience than Obama, and there's simply no denying that.

It is not those who use the term "Islamo-Fascism" who are sullying the name of Islam; it is the Islamo-Fascists. - Dennis Prager

A concern of the GOP is that the people aren't informed enough to understand their policies, while a fear of the Dems is that the people ARE.


Friday, February 27, 2009 9:07 AM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

"But the point being, as candidates, Palin DID have more executive experience than Obama, and there's simply no denying that."

If she were a manager at McDonalds she could say she had executive experience. But doncha' know , it wouldn't count for the job as VP with a distinct possibility to move up to president.

'Governor' doesn't automatically give someone the credentials to run for president - they actually have to know somethin' about somethin'. And for her performance as mayor and governor, well - what she knows, apparently, is how to run a place into the ground. Or tundra. And stuff her wallet.


Silence is consent.


Friday, February 27, 2009 9:10 AM


America loves a winner!

How'd she run Alaska into the ground ?

And why does she have such a high popularity vote, if she's doing such a poor job ?

It is not those who use the term "Islamo-Fascism" who are sullying the name of Islam; it is the Islamo-Fascists. - Dennis Prager

A concern of the GOP is that the people aren't informed enough to understand their policies, while a fear of the Dems is that the people ARE.


Friday, February 27, 2009 9:10 AM



Originally posted by AURaptor:
" Mike "

You're as dyed in the wool partisan as there ever has been

LOL, You don't actually read what he posts, clearly.
Mike examines issues, while you rubber-stamp them.
And then spill the ink.
On us.

"Thanks." -Hero, 2009

The laughing Chrisisall


Friday, February 27, 2009 9:12 AM



Originally posted by AURaptor:

And why does she have such a high popularity vote, if she's doing such a poor job ?

Sometimes, all you have to do is win a beauty pageant.

"Thanks." -Hero, 2009

The laughing Chrisisall


Friday, February 27, 2009 9:12 AM


"Heeeer she comes,
Missss AUuuuuRhetoric!"


Friday, February 27, 2009 9:14 AM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by chrisisall:

Sometimes, all you have to do is win a beauty pageant.

"Thanks." -Hero, 2009

The laughing Chrisisall

Hold up now, i thought she was " boxer chewing a wasp " ugly. But she won a beauty contest, ya say?

Seems to be a disconnect here, son.

It is not those who use the term "Islamo-Fascism" who are sullying the name of Islam; it is the Islamo-Fascists. - Dennis Prager

A concern of the GOP is that the people aren't informed enough to understand their policies, while a fear of the Dems is that the people ARE.


Friday, February 27, 2009 9:19 AM



Originally posted by AURaptor:

Hold up now, i thought she was " boxer chewing a wasp " ugly.

Not from where I stand- I always thought she was rather easy on the eyes, myself.

"Thanks." -Hero, 2009

The laughing Chrisisall


Friday, February 27, 2009 9:27 AM


America loves a winner!

The man has good taste in women. Might be as off as a out - house rat when it comes to politics, but women?


It is not those who use the term "Islamo-Fascism" who are sullying the name of Islam; it is the Islamo-Fascists. - Dennis Prager

A concern of the GOP is that the people aren't informed enough to understand their policies, while a fear of the Dems is that the people ARE.


Friday, February 27, 2009 9:28 AM



Originally posted by AURaptor:


I have my shaggin' moments.

"Thanks." -Hero, 2009

The laughing Chrisisall


Friday, February 27, 2009 9:36 AM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

"**Campaign Stuff:
Washington Post finds that Alaskans have grown a bit wary of Gov. Sarah Palin since she returned from the campaign trail in the lower 48. "A number of factors seem to have contributed to the bumpy homecoming: a residual anger among Democrats for the attack-dog role Palin assumed in the McCain campaign, lingering resentment from Republicans for the part she may have played in McCain's defeat, and a suspicion crossing party lines that the concerns of Alaska, at a time of economic crisis, will now be secondary to her future in national politics." Her approval rating is still above 60 percent, though."

But wait till the budget hits the news and they stop getting their free-money oil-checks:

The Alaska state budget is facing a budget shortfall of $2 billion to $3 billion for 2010, according to Alaska State Senate President Gary Stevens.


So, you still think she DIDN'T run Alaska into the tundra ?


Friday, February 27, 2009 9:54 AM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

So, just for fits and giggles, I compared the per capita budget shortfalls of California and Alaska.

WARNING to all posters commonly called Rap: the following message contains common English phrases, numbers, and facts, and may not be suitable for your viewing.

Using the figures below, the per capita California budget shortfall is $743. The per capita Alaska budget shortfall is $3692.

Alaska 2007 population: 676,987
Alaska 2010 projected budget shortfall: $2.5B (average)

California 2007 population: 37,700,000
California 2010 projected budget shortfall: $28B


Silence is consent.


Friday, February 27, 2009 10:19 AM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

And to expound further - a relative used to* work in the oil industry.

Now, as anyone who's associated in any way with the oil industry knows, it's either boom or bust. You never, but never spend the income you think you're going to have next year, or even next month. As governor of a state with major revenues coming from oil, and a nearly lifelong resident, you think she would have known a little sumthin' about sumthin' about oil income. But if 44 years of Alaska living didn't teach her that, I'm not sure if she's capable of learning.

* In fact, after 8 years, that relative left the oil industry because of it's unstable income source.


Can you say 'screw up' ? Sure you can.


Friday, February 27, 2009 11:21 AM


America loves a winner!


lingering resentment from Republicans for the part she may have played in McCain's defeat
This shows to me that this is was written by a Democrat, and one who has no clue of what they're writing. Almost universally among the GOP, Palin is seen as one who revived McCain's campaign, not one who got him defeated. McCain's choice to run back to D.C. and vote on the 1st bail out bill..remember the urgency folks ? Yeah, that worked out well. His ineptness at comprehending the complexities of the economy and his utterance that the economy was strong, in the midst of the free fall of the dow jones plunge, gave voters the impression that McCain just didn't get it. Gov' Palin is adored by the GOP everywhere she goes, while McCain is viewed as the one who failed his party, and ultimately , his country.

It is not those who use the term "Islamo-Fascism" who are sullying the name of Islam; it is the Islamo-Fascists. - Dennis Prager

A concern of the GOP is that the people aren't informed enough to understand their policies, while a fear of the Dems is that the people ARE.


Friday, February 27, 2009 11:49 AM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

No matter what your spin, these are udeniable facts:

1) Palin ran Wasilla into deep debt.

2) Palin ran Alaska into deep debt.

3) Palin has state and federal tax issues connected to both her 'work at home and get paid for travel' scam as well as her 'travel your kids on the public dime' scam.

4) Palin could not answer gimme questions like 'what magazies do you read ?'

5) Palin was not versed on the job she was trying to get.

6) Palin's Alaska popularity - where they know her best - dropped 20 points after her national performance, and will continue to drop as the free-oil-money-checks go away.


Silence is consent.


Friday, February 27, 2009 11:52 AM



Originally posted by Kwicko:

Originally posted by rue:
"Now wait a minute - I thought the Veep was basically in charge of the Senate...?"

Only you and Cheney seem to think so. Everyone else knows better.


Silence is consent.

Rue - he's funnin'. I take it you didn't notice the wink. :)

And you're wrong, too - Sarah Palin says the Veep is in charge of the Senate, too - so she'd have been able to get in there and stir things up, get things goin', don'tcha know.

(Odd... when I put it like that, Sarah Palin sounds like a laxative!) Maverickmucil.

Thanks, Mike - though I had a funny feeling at the time, like I wasn't using enough winks

It was like that when we got here!


Friday, February 27, 2009 11:53 AM


America loves a winner!

rue.. you're the one who is spinning now.

Her " tax issues" are among the most hyped and exaggerated in all politics. And still, you've devoted next to no time talking about Rangel, Geithner's sweet deal ( paying zero penalties ). Compared to them, Palin is accused of jaywalking, while they've gotten away with murder.

Her popularity remains strong, in Alaska and among GOP across the nation.

It is not those who use the term "Islamo-Fascism" who are sullying the name of Islam; it is the Islamo-Fascists. - Dennis Prager

A concern of the GOP is that the people aren't informed enough to understand their policies, while a fear of the Dems is that the people ARE.


Friday, February 27, 2009 12:09 PM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

Her tax issues were deliberate, carried out over a long time, based on specious claims that NO tax expert would condone or even excuse, and not a result of confusing tax laws and practices. I didn't also mention the awarding of contracts in Wasilla and the fact that her home was built for free by the same company, a matter of continuing investigation for fraud. She has a long standing history of fraud and tax evasion over many venues over many years

Her fiscal policies are equally disastrous both for Wasilla and Alaska.

Her knowledge of national and international issues was nil.

Palin is popular among a VERY narrow demographic - ultra conservative repubicans.

Among Alaskans, not so much:
"Some speculate Palin has every intention of running for president four years from now after tasting the national spotlight. She has yet to rule out a race for Alaska Senator Lisa Murkowski’s seat two years from now. Murkowski’s seat opens the same time as Palin’s term as Governor ends. Palin may be better positioned to run for president after spending a couple years in the Senate. But how would she do against Murkowski?
A poll commissioned by and conducted by Dittman Research shows Palin would have a tough time beating Murkowski.
In fact, in a Republican primary, Murkowski would defeat Palin soundly, by a margin of 58 percent to 31 percent."


Silence is consent.


Friday, February 27, 2009 12:11 PM



Originally posted by Kwicko:
And far, FAR less legislative experience - which does indeed count for something, since the VP job is technically part of the Legislative Branch.

Wow, Cheney was the first one to make that point. I disagree, the VP is part of the executive branch...his role in the legislature is limited and more accurately reflects another check/balance, which seems to accurately reflect the intention of the founders (that or the desire to give the VP something to do since he had no real purpose).

As for Palin...her story is very traditional American. Came from nowhere to contend for the nation's highest office. Its also very Republican. Lincoln, for example, had very little experiance...neither did Teddy R.

It really should not matter if your the Governor of a small state, like Rhode Island, a huge state, like Texas, a heavily populated rich state, like New York, or a sparsly populated rich state, like Alaska. Being a good Governor is a great qualification for higher office. It should be noted that there are good Governors in both parties.

Palin ran the state in an effective manner. She did it despite her lack of Statewide experiance and her bitter fight with corruption in her own party's highest level. She earned her place...why not allow the American people to decide it based on that. Argue against her positions. Use the issues, not these baseless personal attacks.

I don't think anyone can argue that had Palin been a liberal Democrat on Obama's ticket...these personal attacks would not have happened (there'd have been some from the kooky right, but not much and McCain would have slapped it down like he did with the attacks on Obama).


"Hero. I have come to respect you"- Chrisisall, 2009.


Friday, February 27, 2009 12:15 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


OK, the "NEVER" have more experience, that's the partisan side jumping out a bit.

Well, thanks for sayin'...

As for my partisanship, it HAS gotten worse - I can recognize that - but there are Democrats I won't and can't support. Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, John Edwards and Bill Clinton to name just a few.


If you're going to assume anything, assume you're wrong.


Friday, February 27, 2009 12:17 PM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

"Being a good Governor is a great qualification for higher office."

But not the only one, or the only one needed.

You need to know about national and international issues. If all you know is your corner of the world, you are poorly prepared for national office.

But if you are going to claim it as an asset, then it helps if you are a good steward of your state and can claim to have done a good job. Since she massively bankrupted her state, Palin fails on that account.

And since it is her only mark of note, she is therefore not qualified.


Silence is consent.


Friday, February 27, 2009 12:18 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by AURaptor:

Originally posted by chrisisall:

Sometimes, all you have to do is win a beauty pageant.

"Thanks." -Hero, 2009

The laughing Chrisisall

Hold up now, i thought she was " boxer chewing a wasp " ugly. But she won a beauty contest, ya say?

Seems to be a disconnect here, son.

It is not those who use the term "Islamo-Fascism" who are sullying the name of Islam; it is the Islamo-Fascists. - Dennis Prager

A concern of the GOP is that the people aren't informed enough to understand their policies, while a fear of the Dems is that the people ARE.

Point of clarification:

She didn't *win* any beauty contest; she came in second, if memory serves.

I can see where certain people would find her attractive, but she doesn't do it for me. I wouldn't call her "pit bull chewing a wasp" ugly, but I don't find her to be "hot" either. She's okay, in a matronly librarian kind of way.


If you're going to assume anything, assume you're wrong.


Friday, February 27, 2009 12:20 PM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

"I don't think anyone can argue that had Palin been a liberal Democrat on Obama's ticket...these personal attacks would not have happened ..."

WHAT personal attacks ? Which ones, specifically ?


Silence is consent.


Friday, February 27, 2009 12:27 PM


America loves a winner!

Off topic =

Can any Dems explain to me why any one would still have an Kerry/ Edwards sticker on their car ? I mean, seriously. I never had a McCain / Palin sticker, but if I did, it'd have taken it off by now.... they lost. Deal and move on. It just seems to me like a double smack on one's self, identifying yourself as supporting a loser, and then still carrying a torch for that fraud and 2 timing worm in Edwards.

It just don't make no sense, but around where I live, I've seen more than a few such stickers.

It is not those who use the term "Islamo-Fascism" who are sullying the name of Islam; it is the Islamo-Fascists. - Dennis Prager

A concern of the GOP is that the people aren't informed enough to understand their policies, while a fear of the Dems is that the people ARE.


Friday, February 27, 2009 12:30 PM


America loves a winner!


rue wrote:
Friday, February 27, 2009 12:20
"I don't think anyone can argue that had Palin been a liberal Democrat on Obama's ticket...these personal attacks would not have happened ..."

WHAT personal attacks ? Which ones, specifically ?

The "artist" who painted her in the nude, for starters. And all the names she's been called, "bimbo", and the like. And then there's this gem.....

It is not those who use the term "Islamo-Fascism" who are sullying the name of Islam; it is the Islamo-Fascists. - Dennis Prager

A concern of the GOP is that the people aren't informed enough to understand their policies, while a fear of the Dems is that the people ARE.


Friday, February 27, 2009 12:33 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


As for Palin...her story is very traditional American. Came from nowhere to contend for the nation's highest office. Its [sic] also very Republican. Lincoln, for example, had very little experiance [sic]...neither did Teddy R.

It's not a uniquely Republican story - Obama did the same. And Lincoln had less experience than Obama - as a Republican, would you list Lincoln as a terrible President? (Shut up, Frem - I know where you come down on this one! I want to hear from the resident Republicans!)


It really should not matter if your the Governor of a small state, like Rhode Island, a huge state, like Texas, a heavily populated rich state, like New York, or a sparsly populated rich state, like Alaska. Being a good Governor is a great qualification for higher office. It should be noted that there are good Governors in both parties.

Maybe it shouldn't matter, but it DOES matter. Some governors have more power than others; some are mere figurehead positions. South Dakota and Texas, for instance, are tied for DEAD LAST in the amount of power that their governors actually have. I'm not sure why South Dakota went that route, but here in Texas, it was all down to Reconstruction after the Civil War, when the Union officials insisted on installing carpet-bagger governors for defeated southern states. As the victors, that was well within their rights - but Texas decided to do an end-run, and put almost all the real power in Texas into the hands of the Lieutenant Governor. Later, when oil made Texas unimaginably wealthy, the Land Commissioner and the Railroad Commissioner took huge shares of power, too. The governor? Not so much.

THIS is why I said 10 years ago that Bush had no real experience to prepare him for the Presidency. I was right. Palin probably wields more power and real control in Alaska than Bush ever did here in Texas. That doesn't qualify her for much, really.


If you're going to assume anything, assume you're wrong.


Friday, February 27, 2009 12:36 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by AURaptor:
Off topic =

Can any Dems explain to me why any one would still have an Kerry/ Edwards sticker on their car ? I mean, seriously. I never had a McCain / Palin sticker, but if I did, it'd have taken it off by now.... they lost. Deal and move on. It just seems to me like a double smack on one's self, identifying yourself as supporting a loser, and then still carrying a torch for that fraud and 2 timing worm in Edwards.

It just don't make no sense, but around where I live, I've seen more than a few such stickers.

It is not those who use the term "Islamo-Fascism" who are sullying the name of Islam; it is the Islamo-Fascists. - Dennis Prager

A concern of the GOP is that the people aren't informed enough to understand their policies, while a fear of the Dems is that the people ARE.

Can't explain it, but that's only because I don't put ANY stickers on my car, except for the two that are legally required - state inspection and state registration. Other than those, I prefer to keep my cars looking clean and uncluttered.

And in redneck country, any sign of liberalism only makes your car a target for beer bottles and keys...


If you're going to assume anything, assume you're wrong.


Friday, February 27, 2009 12:38 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by AURaptor:

rue wrote:
Friday, February 27, 2009 12:20
"I don't think anyone can argue that had Palin been a liberal Democrat on Obama's ticket...these personal attacks would not have happened ..."

WHAT personal attacks ? Which ones, specifically ?

The "artist" who painted her in the nude, for starters. And all the names she's been called, "bimbo", and the like. And then there's this gem.....

It is not those who use the term "Islamo-Fascism" who are sullying the name of Islam; it is the Islamo-Fascists. - Dennis Prager

A concern of the GOP is that the people aren't informed enough to understand their policies, while a fear of the Dems is that the people ARE.

What about the personal attacks on Obama? The ones like the "Snob" picture you had in your own signature for so long? Did you not think they were insulting or demeaning?


If you're going to assume anything, assume you're wrong.


Friday, February 27, 2009 12:55 PM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by Kwicko:

And in redneck country, any sign of liberalism only makes your car a target for beer bottles and keys...


If you're going to assume anything, assume you're wrong.

Certainly the reverse is true, which is why I don't put anything GOP related on my ride. I live in a liberal part of Atlanta, near Emory University. It's about as close to a N.E. liberal area as one can find this far south.

It is not those who use the term "Islamo-Fascism" who are sullying the name of Islam; it is the Islamo-Fascists. - Dennis Prager

A concern of the GOP is that the people aren't informed enough to understand their policies, while a fear of the Dems is that the people ARE.


Friday, February 27, 2009 12:56 PM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

"The "artist" who painted her in the nude, for starters. And all the names she's been called, "bimbo", and the like. And then there's this gem....."

And this all happened where ? At democratic rallies ? On mass-audience websites like Kos or Huffington ?

"bimbo" - That's one you've come up with which I never heard out in public - and which is pretty mild when compared to "traitor". So, do I need to remind you of the s#!t that was thrown about Obama during McCain's rallies and that was tolerated, even encouraged ? Or the cr@p that was posted on TownHall by the hate-filled right wing ? Or the b*!l religious supporters used during their stump speeches for the repubicans ?

What you're using is more than a double standard - it's COWARDLY.


Silence is consent.


Friday, February 27, 2009 12:59 PM


America loves a winner!

Portraying the then Senator as a 'snob' is far less of a personal attack than morphing Gov Palin's face w/ that of a dog.

And it could be argued that Obama IS a snob, with his support for the teacher's unions, but sending his own kids to a VERY private school, his apparent disdain for freedom and capitalism, his elitist buddies.....

It is not those who use the term "Islamo-Fascism" who are sullying the name of Islam; it is the Islamo-Fascists. - Dennis Prager

A concern of the GOP is that the people aren't informed enough to understand their policies, while a fear of the Dems is that the people ARE.


Friday, February 27, 2009 1:01 PM


America loves a winner!

There's no double standard here. You asked and I provided. Admitting there were some outrageous remarks hurled at Obama doesn't dismiss the fact that the attacks on Palin were every bit as uncalled for.

It is not those who use the term "Islamo-Fascism" who are sullying the name of Islam; it is the Islamo-Fascists. - Dennis Prager

A concern of the GOP is that the people aren't informed enough to understand their policies, while a fear of the Dems is that the people ARE.


Friday, February 27, 2009 1:06 PM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!


You've cited one extremely mild word pulled from who knows where, and two photoshops by who knows who. You've not given one single example of a democrat attacking Palin in any way during the campaign.


Go home and grow up.

And if you stop telling whoppers, maybe your nose won't be so long and you'll turn into a real boy.


Friday, February 27, 2009 1:11 PM


America loves a winner!

Wow. Your powers of ignorance are impressive.

It is not those who use the term "Islamo-Fascism" who are sullying the name of Islam; it is the Islamo-Fascists. - Dennis Prager

A concern of the GOP is that the people aren't informed enough to understand their policies, while a fear of the Dems is that the people ARE.






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