Why CAN'T Ron Paul be President?

UPDATED: Thursday, March 26, 2009 08:35
VIEWED: 8250
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Friday, March 13, 2009 4:07 AM


What Rue, and Sig don't understand is that if we actually followed the Constitution...the country would be a better place for EVERYBODY. Rich, poor, black, white, whatever.


Friday, March 13, 2009 4:22 AM



Originally posted by SignyM:

Seems like the truth to me.
THAT is the essence of racism. To castigate an entire group pf people by their race, based on an unsupported belief. (Blacks are shiftless and lazy. Too lazy to even riot properly against the gubmint. 'cause they're only interested in free money.) Jack, have you ever talked to blacks about US foreign policy? Or what it means to live in a police state? A lot of blacks "get it". They do. They would be the Libertarian's natural allies except is seems the Libertarians are a white middle-class group throwing a hissy-fit.

But let me 'splain why it's prolly not true: The peeps rioting were primarily young males. The peeps getting the welfare check were primarily female. It's not the some 40-year-old taking care of her grandchildren stopped in the middle of throwing a molotov, checked her wat and thought "OH DARN! I GOTTA STOP THIS AND GET DOWN TO THE OFFICE TO PICK UP MY CHECK!"

SO, there's ANOTHER reason why Ron Paul won't be President. (


That's not at all what I was saying. I hate the way stuff gets conveyed over the net.

I never said anything about their intentions or what I thought of their rioting. I only commented on the truth of the statement.

I envy them. I envied the few Middle Eastern kids that went to our junior high that were real tight. All I knew growing up was an extreme distrust in a lot of other white people until they proved themselves to me in the teenage world of popularity. It was just like the movies like Breakfast Club, except now we had about 20 "Arabs" as we called them, who if anyone started something with one of them they eventually had to reckon with all of them.

A lot of people thought negatively about that, but I always envied it. Except for the few friends that I believe would stand up for me like I would for them, no white guys I knew growing up were going to do that for each other. They'd run and hide. I've been a victim of that myself on several occasions. I was a little shit of 74 pounds in Jr High and I didn't let anyone talk down to me and often got my ass kicked by more than one person for it.

Only 3 guys I know that would have helped me out or have helped me out in the past. Two of them I will have stood up in their weddings by fall, and the other I will when he gets married.

They, the Arabs, like the crew of Firefly, had a group unity that I never knew on such a large scale ever in my life. They were united, even though they probably all fought amongst each other. One of them rubbed me the wrong way once, and I paid for it for two years until I went to highschool and became a "Jock" on the wrestling team.

I never got any shit from anyone after Freshman year Wreastling, but I never looked up to those guys like I did the Arabs though. Hell... half of them I always despised as human beings. We were a team at the meets, but off-mat I couldn't care less about them.

Bottom line is... they, a group of blacks in LA, rioted (not all of them, or even a majority of them duh!). I'm sure some white people got involved in the looting too since it was already going on......

Big Daddy Government swooped in to the rescue with Baby Bottles Brimming with Benjamins and nursed everyone back to sleep.

You know me Signy by now. I envy the dark neighborhoods that the cops are scared of entering. Like little microcosims in an otherwise tamed world.

People at my work are really trying to talk me out of buying a $7,000 duplex in a "bad" neighborhood. I keep asking them if it's just "white paranoia" that's making them say that, or if they really belive that just because I'm a white man I'll get killed living there. A majority of them, and I can't blame them, believe that if I'm not killed there my life will be hell. I just don't really believe that.

I'm ashamed to admit that I wouldn't be able to live with my brother anymore though because he is going to be getting married and I would be afraid for his fiencee. I'm fully willing to admit that this is an unfounded fear, but I'm sure that Lewis and Clark felt the same way.

Hey... don't hate me for what I say. I see the only way to "integrate" neighborhoods is to mix the color in with the white. I have just never seen or known anybody who has done it the other way.

I might get a great duplex for $7,000 out there. Could they really hate me that much because of my skin color when I probably hate cops more than they do?

(No offence if you're a cop. Any cop I've met on a personal level I've rarely had any problems with. I just know that you judge me, and all of us, before you know us. It's part of your job. I just figure that I'll naturally extend the same courtesy to you when you're on duty and on the hunt. I'm much more wary of any cop I don't know much more than a stranger that happens to be black, regardless of the color of your skin. Sure... THAT's racism in a way, but automatically when people don't trust cops or government they're the bad guys.)

"A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned."


Friday, March 13, 2009 7:51 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

I've lived in tough black neighborhoods and everything bad they say about them is true. I got tired of the police helicopters at night, the armed stand-offs, the break-ins (including my own home), the fact that I couldn't walk down to the corner store in the evening w/o getting harrassed, being assaulted, the purses which had been snatched being ditched in my garden... I got tired of living with a shotgun under me bed, of having my SO prowl the house to make sure that is was clear (he was trying to reassure me. Having been a crime victim three times in one year left me a bit rattled!) And heck, that all happened in ONE YEAR!

Blacks don't have the kind of unity you think they have. The most frequent victim of black crime are blacks. There are the socially aware, and then there are the thugs... trust me, you don't want to tangle with THEM.

It's different if you move into a middle-class black neighborhood. They exist, and they're nice. But don't get fooled by how nice the houses "look"... some real pretty-looking neighborhoods around here are drug hellholes.

It's the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine.


Friday, March 13, 2009 8:14 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


You know me Signy by now. I envy the dark neighborhoods that the cops are scared of entering. Like little microcosims in an otherwise tamed world.

People at my work are really trying to talk me out of buying a $7,000 duplex in a "bad" neighborhood. I keep asking them if it's just "white paranoia" that's making them say that, or if they really belive that just because I'm a white man I'll get killed living there. A majority of them, and I can't blame them, believe that if I'm not killed there my life will be hell. I just don't really believe that.

Hey... don't hate me for what I say. I see the only way to "integrate" neighborhoods is to mix the color in with the white. I have just never seen or known anybody who has done it the other way.

I might get a great duplex for $7,000 out there. Could they really hate me that much because of my skin color when I probably hate cops more than they do?

Been there, done that. Until 2 months ago, I lived in a neighborhood where I wouldn't walk at night without a gun and/or a knife on me. Police helicopters, roadblocks, drive-by shootings, SWAT kicking in doors - literally right across the street, twice - the whole damn deal. And I'm here to tell you that is HAS been done the other way, by me at least. I was the only whitey I ever saw in the area. I got pulled over a few times for being in the area at night - "What are you doing over in this area? Are you buying drugs?" "No, sir - I'm going home. I live just over there, in that blue house."

There was a little stretch where we were catching a murder a week on my block. One guy got capped in the head 'cause some idiot wanted his watch: a shitty $20 Timex. You're gonna cap a brother, at least make it a Seiko or somethin'! Just sayin'.

Funny thing is, I had my share of trouble, but nobody ever once gave me any shit for being white. I was known as the Honda Guy, and if anyone in the neighborhood had a Honda, I was the guy they asked for help or advice when it wouldn't run. Hell, I even got my own street name in the 'hood: Bird, or Bird-man. It started off as Larry Bird, because I'm white and tall, then just became Bird-man, then simply Bird. I took it as a compliment, a sign of acceptance and respect.


I can't run no more
with that lawless crowd
while the killers in high places
say their prayers out loud.
But they've summoned, they've summoned up
a thundercloud
and they're going to hear from me.

- Anthem, by Leonard Cohen


Friday, March 13, 2009 8:25 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


"What are you doing over in this area? Are you buying drugs?"
We knew this black lady who had a flat tire in a real, real scary part of town one night... well, her drug-addled hubby was nowhere to be found, so she called my SO and gave him real garbled directions about where to find her. When he drove arund the block twice the 'hood throught he was looking for drugs. When he drove arund four times they thought he might be a cop. Fortunately, he found her and fixed her tire b4 anything happened.

It's the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine.


Friday, March 13, 2009 3:16 PM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

"So get with the program !"

DOOOOOoood - that was a JOKE !


Silence is consent.


Friday, March 13, 2009 3:32 PM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

Anyway -

I provided links to the pdfs so people could read the bigoted screed under Ron Paul's name. I typed one short portion to give people an idea of what was in there. It was the first thing I found, it wasn't the worst thing I found.

The pdfs are not a e-version - they are badly scanned hardcopy that I would have to type in by hand. I'm not going to bother.

Read them or not. But they were a big reason why Ron Paul's rising star suddenly fell. They came at a critical time just as his name was starting to be mentioned, and he never fully explained why people should not think of him as a blatant bigot with many, many target groups.

But go ahead - keep thinking of him as a saint - and keep on wondering why he's not popular. Your frustration over that unanswerable question is not my concern.


Silence is consent.


Saturday, March 14, 2009 2:37 AM



Originally posted by SignyM:
I've lived in tough black neighborhoods and everything bad they say about them is true. I got tired of the police helicopters at night, the armed stand-offs, the break-ins (including my own home), the fact that I couldn't walk down to the corner store in the evening w/o getting harrassed, being assaulted, the purses which had been snatched being ditched in my garden... I got tired of living with a shotgun under me bed, of having my SO prowl the house to make sure that is was clear (he was trying to reassure me. Having been a crime victim three times in one year left me a bit rattled!) And heck, that all happened in ONE YEAR!

Sounds like paradise to me!

Nah... not really. That's a shame that it's really like that. It's crazy how we all live so closely together near big cities and just a few miles away people are killing each other.

It's even sadder that this stereotype is real. I know there are a lot of middle class blacks who make something of themselves and have respect for themselves and their families. I still remember this guy Gary who was a Suit at a retail company I worked at a few years when I was in highschool. I was trying to use my mojo on the cutest girl that worked there in the break room one night, but she wasn't having it. It turns out she had never been on a "date" before and liked it when guys just partied with her and she put out if she liked them. This little rico suave looking mf got into her panties right quick by treating her like he didn't care if she existed. (I've known several girls I've taken out on dates that were over 20 and said it's the first time they've ever been on a real date..... and that's just sad).

Anyways....... Gary walked in the break room towards the end of that conversation. I don't know what he heard or even remember any of what we said to each other 12 years ago, but he saw that I looked down when she left and he told me "Don't worry about that now. You just keep doing what you're doing. A lot of girls like the bad boy type at your age, but when you get older the women are looking for somebody smart and responsible like you".

He probably doesn't even remember me now, but I won't forget him. First black man I respected, and one of the few people who worked there that I ever did. Not a lot of adults, including my parents, talked to me like an adult back then. He was only there a few weeks and then he was off to "fix" another store in the chain.

I did walk 12 miles home one night because some friends pissed me off about something when we were at a restaurant after drinking all night. There were busses on the way, but in my state and state of mind I wasn't going to get on a bus and I was going to walk home if it took me the rest of the night (which it did). It was the middle of November and 14 degrees, so not a whole lot of people were out. Though I didn't see anybody white out there, I did pass some black and Mexican people. I'd say hi as I passed and they'd greet me right back. I admit that I was on guard and alert of my surroundings when I passed anyone (being that it was 3:00AM, I was alone, and I was drunk and high enough to be walking 12 miles in November weather), but nothing bad happened.

I walked past a Labor Ready a few hours later with about 30 Mexican guys and girls waiting outside. It kind of pissed me off when they all pretended not to know English when I asked them for a lighter and even stooped to playing charades with them, making the motions with a cigarette in my mouth, after no one would offer one up (I only had matches in my pocket somehow, and they had run out a half hour earlier).

But then I walked past another Labor Ready a while down and talked to the lone black guy who was about 40 years old named Anthony standing in front of the building, waiting to find out what his assignment of the day was. I was about 10 miles into my trek then, but I was cold and tired and my foot was killing me. I didn't mind stopping to chat at all to relieve some of the negative feelings and thoughts I was experiencing. He was a very friendly guy who listened to my story of the night, we talked about his job for a while, and when we were saying bye he gave me his lighter and said "you make it home now." I thanked him and went on.

When I woke up in the morning and made breakfast in my robe my grandma freaked out when she came in the room. Turns out my right sock was caked with blood from the walk. She damn near had a heart attack when I told her where I walked home from that night.

For that, and similar things I've done in the past, my friends consider me a real genius. I don't know... it was an experience I will never forget, and I didn't think it was all that bad. Maybe it was just the November night weather keeping everyone inside. I don't know...

If anyone I passed was somebody who liked stealing or starting shit with people for the fun of it, nobody showed it. Either it's not as bad as I see in movies, the people I walked past that night were good people, or they were just more afraid of a white guy who would walk those streets alone at 3AM.

"A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned."


Saturday, March 14, 2009 8:04 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


If anyone I passed was somebody who liked stealing or starting shit with people for the fun of it, nobody showed it. Either it's not as bad as I see in movies, the people I walked past that night were good people, or they were just more afraid of a white guy who would walk those streets alone at 3AM.

It's not anywhere near as bad as you see in movies and on TV. If it were, the L.A. riots wouldn't have even made the news, because crap like that would be "normal". It makes the news because, even in the worst areas in the nation, there's bad behavior that really stands out.

I was out in L.A. on business a few years ago. I was staying in Redondo Beach, but business took me right through Compton. One night a group of us went out after our meetings, so I didn't get back to the hotel 'til after 2am. So here's me, an out-of-towner from Texas, sitting RIGHT in the middle of Compton at 2:30 in the AM, basically shitting bricks 'cause I just know I'm going to end up a statistic. And to top it off, I got lost. I had to stop and ask directions from a group of black kids on the corner, which I was pretty sure from what I'd seen on TV was going to be the last thing I did. But I stopped, left the car in gear, ready to bolt, and asked how I got to so-and-so street in Redondo.

You know what happened next? One kid steps forward, asks where I'm trying to get to, and gives me really good directions.

That's it. I wasn't jacked, robbed, or killed, just sent on my way with directions.

And in more than a week in the area, passing through Compton, Watts, and Inglewood on a daily basis, I never did see any crimes being committed or get in any beef with anyone.


I can't run no more
with that lawless crowd
while the killers in high places
say their prayers out loud.
But they've summoned, they've summoned up
a thundercloud
and they're going to hear from me.

- Anthem, by Leonard Cohen


Saturday, March 14, 2009 9:21 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


If anyone I passed was somebody who liked stealing or starting shit with people for the fun of it, nobody showed it. Either it's not as bad as I see in movies, the people I walked past that night were good people, or they were just more afraid of a white guy who would walk those streets alone at 3AM.
Well, it's not as bad, and sometimes its worse. In that bad neighborhood, our immediate neighbors were great folks. Our downstairs neighbor, Mrs McClusky was an 83-year-old pistol, drove around in her powder blue VW like she was some kinda racecar driver. The family next door, the Givens (I wonder about the origin THAT name; I sure can construct a plausible story going back to the days of slavery) were great; the dad was a contractor and the sons were in business with him. The lady across the street distributed Amway products. But there was a big apartment building nearby, there was always fighting and drugs there. And our little street was apparently a magnet for robbers; at either end of our short street was a lot of drug dealing cause there were major streets there.

Hubby works at USC, which is right between the hispanic gangs to the north and the black gangs to the south. 99% of the time, its OK. But there's a night-time armed robbery on or just off campus at least once a week.

Has nothing to do with being white, and everything to do with the neighborhood being poor and disenfranchised in so many ways.

It's the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine.


Sunday, March 15, 2009 2:47 AM



Originally posted by SignyM:
Has nothing to do with being white, and everything to do with the neighborhood being poor and disenfranchised in so many ways.

That may be possible, but there is usually a lot of truth sadly behind stereotypes. Short of the neo-nazi block in Statesville, I don't think there are too many white neighborhoods I'd be afraid of walking through at 3:00 AM... Especially considering that I wasn't afraid when I walked through the neighborhoods that everyone else called me an idiot for walking through alone.

I certainly will admit that there are neighborhoods still today that black people wouldn't walk through at 3:00 AM either.

I get mixed opinions from posts here though. I'm told that I basically should not even consider moving into one of these neighborhoods, but that they're really not all that bad.

Bottom line is, I don't like cops, I mind my own business and I don't flash things I have like candy on a string to entice break-ins. My car is two years older than me and cost $1,800. If anything were to happen to me, I can't see it happening for any reason other than I'm different.

"A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned."


Sunday, March 15, 2009 6:47 AM


I could write a freakin six paragraph explaination of why I could go there and never have a problem, and some folk would get mugged before getting fifty yards, but you know - someone's already done a right damn good job of it.

High Risk Behavior and Knowing Where You Are
Best Way to Get Attacked

There's a complex set of psychological variables involved in dealing with "barbarians" and simply understanding what the local ground rules are, as well as being able to speak on equal terms with them will often net you enough "props" to be left alone, and might cut you a little slack for sheer novelty since you gave enough respect to understand at least that much.

While I wouldn't reccommend it to someone who doesn't understand the concepts here, my primary protection isn't based on a defensive model, which is the safest, surest route to go for most people.

Muchlike how I play to pyschological blindspots, I also play to the fears of the lower element by a combination of elements that reads to their signals processing as a fellow predator, and a damned nasty one as well, causing their risk assessment to go straight into "get the hell out of dodge" mode - and you have to KNOW how to do this, cause if you screw it up in any way, well, bad things happen, and that means you have to be willing to back it up if you must.

It's hard to explain to someone who hasn't been immersed in that little world, but it's a combination of all the little signals which will trip all the fear switches in their little monkeybrain and send them scurrying for cover, or at least easier prey - and yes, occasionally you get one of em just so damn stupid or chemically enhanced they might do something stupid, but often enough their own brethren will intervene to protect THEM from you, resulting in a clean walk-away for you without it ever coming to violence.

Frankly, most of the trouble I've ever had when residing in some of the awful places I have, didn't come from the criminal element anyways, but rather either dipshit "romans" who didn't know any better, or the more professional criminal element known as the Police, which are from THAT perspective, no more than just another gang or mafia, only differing in that they have official sanction and more resources.


It cannot be said enough, those who do not learn from history, are doomed to endlessly repeat it


Sunday, March 15, 2009 8:07 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


I get mixed opinions from posts here though. I'm told that I basically should not even consider moving into one of these neighborhoods, but that they're really not all that bad.

Bottom line is, I don't like cops, I mind my own business and I don't flash things I have like candy on a string to entice break-ins. My car is two years older than me and cost $1,800. If anything were to happen to me, I can't see it happening for any reason other than I'm different.

I say if you can get that place for $7k, go for it. Kinda hard to go too wrong on that one, it seems like. Well, unless you have to put $200k into "fixing it up"! :)

As for being break-in bait, I think a lot of it is just being seen as "not belonging" or not being one of the regulars in the area - that makes you "fair game" because the thieves aren't stealing from a friend, but from a complete stranger, so in their eyes, it doesn't really count.

It's always confused me why people in the poorest areas seem to find such joy in stealing from each other. Always made more sense to me that, if you wanted to steal and get something worth having, you'd hop a bus across town to the rich areas and steal your stuff there. I mean, stealing from people you already know don't have shit just doesn't make much financial sense - and if they had anything worth much, they'd probably live in a nicer area to begin with.

But that's just me...


The "On Fire" Economy -
The Dow closed at 10,587.60 on January 20, 2001, the day GW Bush took office. Eight years later, it closed below 8000 on the day he left office - a net loss of 25%. That's what conservatives call an economic "success".


Sunday, March 15, 2009 1:19 PM



I dont know why you'd want to go to a place like that. Most folks want to get OUT of areas like it.

The ones who DON'T want to leave are the retards. They have no chance of surviving outside of their little bit of hell and they know it.

I mean it, they are messed up in the head. The one who actually want to stay have zero intelligence, and are more animal than human.

So, Im curious as to why you'd actually want to be in a place like that? For the adventure of it? Being able to say you did it? The supposed lawlessness?

It reminds me some people I knew a few years back. Hippy libs, who were buying a place in a bad neighborhood to help "gentrify the neighborhood". Every week they had new and exciting stories of their "experiment".

Their rich, hippy-lib friends would comment on how great they were for doing it, and how important it was, and how brave ect ect.. basically having an orgasm at the idea..

Well, they made the mistake of trying to brag about their experience to me...Being the nice guy that I am, I made a simple statement.

"Yeah, you are living there, but you can leave any time you want. Just pack up and go. Its like being in prison, but being able to walk out whenever you want. You are the worst kind of fakes, because you are making a mockery of the people who CAN'T leave."

I stopped hearing from them after that. But I did hear, they got into so trouble and did end up just leaving. They live in California now. The rich area of course. Go figure.

With that said, I don't think thats your reason. So, allow me to make a few suggestions..

If you really intend to do it:

1. Be armed. At all times, if you can legally. If not, make damn sure you are armed at home.

I say at all times LEGALLY, because you WILL be harassed by cops. Quite simply, you don't belong. You will stick out like a sore thumb, and they will think you are either there to buy drugs or a prostitute.

2. Know that at some point you will be challenged. You will be tested. Know what that means, and know how to keep yourself from looking like prey. F that up, and it will get a whole lot more serious, VERY fast.

3. Don't have anything that you don't mind losing, and cannot leave or take with you in 5 minutes flat, if you need to.

4. Know that for the entire time you live there, any repairs you need will either cost you triple, or will never get done.

5. Everyone, and I mean everyone, will assume that you are weak, and rich. Like what they show in the movies and on T.V.

Also, that you are stupid. And can't see a scam right in front of your face. You MUST decide whether it more to your advantage to let them think that, or to change their minds. Either way, you have some sort of fight ahead of you.

Above all, whatever you decide, just be safe.


Monday, March 16, 2009 8:56 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


If anything were to happen to me, I can't see it happening for any reason other than I'm different.
That kind of reasoning will get you in trouble.

Our local newspaper (the LA Times) tried an experiment once. Instead of running stories on just the most horrific murders... the ones that would give their white middle-class readers a frisson of fear... they decide to run a brief story on EVERY SINGLE murder for a week. That was, as I recall, about 50 murders.

I read every single one. And the funny thing is, in about 40-45 of them, despite the fact that the murders took place on the street or at a party "nobody saw anything". Yep. They were all deaf, blind, and dumb.

Because the murders were all gang-related. Potential witnesses were either part of the perp's gang (celebrating) or the victim's (planning revenge) or neither (keeping their heads down). Even when little kids get killed by accident... and accidents DO happen, kids and other people get killed by mistake... there is a brief flurry of neighborhood outrage. And then nothing happens because "nobody saw anything".

One good thing about you being white: If you're in a black neighborhood, you wont' get shot because someone mistook you for a rival. Unless you look Hispanic and you live in a border area, in which case you really just might wind up being a target.

So good luck on the idea. But don't go into this with romantic notions about lawlessness. even IF you figured out the who and why, the ebb and flow... life is chaotic, and shit happens.

It's the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine.


Tuesday, March 17, 2009 4:31 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

One bump

It's the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine.


Tuesday, March 17, 2009 9:34 AM


2 bump.


Tuesday, March 17, 2009 11:23 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

Red Bump.


Tuesday, March 17, 2009 4:13 PM


Bump x 4


Wednesday, March 18, 2009 2:27 AM


Like woman, I am a mystery.


Thursday, March 26, 2009 8:16 AM


Im gone a few days and this passes into antiquity?






Thursday, March 26, 2009 8:35 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Blue bump.

It's the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine.






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