Interesting info possibly related to recent events.

UPDATED: Saturday, May 16, 2009 06:29
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Saturday, May 16, 2009 5:36 AM


We're working on confirmation, but several sources have apparently tracked the initial swine flu vector down in mexico back to what appears to be a total FUBAR in someone's research group - an accident rather than intent, but compounded by negligence.

The finger so far points to Teva, a pharma company owned by folks no one with any sense trusts (the country which shall not be named, expect PN to go berserk about it) that also has a long history of ripping off other pharma companies research and product lines, as well as slipshod safety protocols.

Apparently they were trying to duplicate their own version of tamiflu or similar product, and one of their test subjects developed a resistant strain without their knowledge and then capped it in a local hospital after no doubt infecting others.

That info, so far unconfirmed - mind you, was passed to us by an employee of a professional document shredding company engaged by Teva shortly after this incident occurred.

Make of it what you will, but the contact indicated they "shredded boxes and boxes" worth of stuff.



Saturday, May 16, 2009 6:13 AM


Now, If I were to be developing a flu vaccine or medicine, THIS would be worth it...


Flu is a slippery customer. The virus constantly alters its surface proteins so that we can be infected many times over a lifetime and a vaccine made last year no longer works. Now it appears this behaviour is just a decoy to guard the virus's more vulnerable parts – a fact that might able us to make drugs, or a vaccine, that will work on all kinds of flu, year after year. Flu's main surface protein, haemagglutinin, looks like a lollipop. Our immune systems mostly produce antibodies to its rounded head, and it is this part that changes every year, making immunity short-lived. But in a large library of human antibodies, Wayne Marasco at Harvard University and colleagues found very few that bind its "stalk", which barely changes at all, either through time or between different flu viruses.

To see if this might provide a way to attack the virus, they produced large amounts of the antibodies that home in on the stalk and found that they cured and protected mice from two kinds of H5N1 bird flu, as well as many other flu families including H1N1 pandemic and ordinary flu. The researchers now want to develop the antibodies as a flu drug, possibly to stockpile for pandemics. The team also plans to test the stalk antibody as a vaccine, so that people produce more of these antibodies themselves. They suspect haemagglutinin's big head is a decoy aimed to attract the immune system's attention and to stop us making many antibodies to the stalk – a delicate bit of molecular machinery that not be so easy to change to evade our immune attacks. In tests on mice, they found that the flu viruses did not evolve to escape the treatment. Another benefit is that such antibodies stay effective for more than three weeks when injected into people, and in a pandemic could keep people alive long enough to produce their own antibodies to the virus.


Saturday, May 16, 2009 6:29 AM


Wow, that IS interesting, thanks for the heads up, JK.

I've also been digging into some previous research involving use of sonics to render viruses (which are crystalline in nature) harmless or at least less harmful, but most of the stuff I've run across dates back to the fifties and sixties and is way past my ability to comprehend the scientific jargon, alas.

The one study that did pop up repeatedly was this one.

As sonic treatment continued, the number of particles of this length decreased exponentially with time, the number half this length increased and then decreased, and the number of quarter length particles subsequently increased and then decreased. The biological activity of the samples, as determined by the half leaf lesion method, decreased exponentially with time of sonic treatment with a rate constant given by k = 0.13 min.–1. A correlation exists between the size distributions and biological activity and shows that only the particles of length 280 mµ are the biologically active units.

Of course, said type of treatment would not be as profitable, so one can guess big pharma isn't too interested.

But just imagine, having an awful case of the flu, going to the doc - and all they have to do is slide you through the machine like a pizza on a warming rack, BZZZZZOOTTT, and send you home, six hours later you're fine ?


It cannot be said enough, those who do not learn from history, are doomed to endlessly repeat it