9/11 'Truther' and white supremacist murders at Holocaust Museum

UPDATED: Tuesday, June 16, 2009 16:51
VIEWED: 9290
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Thursday, June 11, 2009 12:44 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by Skywalken:
Dr. Morton H. Pomerantz, a rabbi, has written an article in which lays out the case that Barack Obama is breeding a climate of hate against Jews.

Yeah, his nefarious plan is probably being overseen by Rahm Immanuel, his Jewish Chief of Staff, 'cause no one wants to wipe out the Jews like the Jews themselves...


Build a man a fire and he'll be warm for a day...
Set a man on fire and he'll be warm for the rest of his life.

"You're a idiot." -AuRaptor, RWED, May 27, 2009.


Thursday, June 11, 2009 12:50 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

That's funny Sky, 'cause PN is convinced that Obama IS a Jew! Or a muslim part of the Jewish conspiracy. And strangely, von Brunn wrote "The Holocaust is a lie. Obama was created by Jews. Obama does what Jew owners tell him to do."

I'm so confused. I just don't know WHICH conspiracy theory to believe anymore!

We should have strapped him into a glider, filled it nose heavy w/ explosives, and dropped his Allah lovin' ass into a large, empty field. After which, release wild boars into the area so they could make good use of his remains. Now THAT's justice.- rappy

Yeah, that's what Sheikh Issa said. Seems you both have a lot in common.- signy


Thursday, June 11, 2009 12:58 PM


I'm a proponent of the one where the holocaust happened, it was horrible, and Isreal was set up as a refugee nation for SOME Jewish people. I also believe not every Jewish person is an Isreali, though they like to show solidarity. Lastly, I believe the Isreali Government just wants to exist, and that's fine, but they're going about securing themselves and their nation in a real douchebag, counter-effective way.

On a separate subject, I believe the word "douchebag" can be an adjective and a verb as WELL as a noun. Mostly because I just like that word a lot.


Thursday, June 11, 2009 1:59 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by SignyM:
That's funny Sky, 'cause PN is convinced that Obama IS a Jew! Or a muslim part of the Jewish conspiracy. And strangely, von Brunn wrote "The Holocaust is a lie. Obama was created by Jews. Obama does what Jew owners tell him to do."

I'm so confused. I just don't know WHICH conspiracy theory to believe anymore!

We should have strapped him into a glider, filled it nose heavy w/ explosives, and dropped his Allah lovin' ass into a large, empty field. After which, release wild boars into the area so they could make good use of his remains. Now THAT's justice.- rappy

Yeah, that's what Sheikh Issa said. Seems you both have a lot in common.- signy

I'm tellin' ya, Sig, it's the Jew Obama and his Jewish Chief of Staff plotting the overthrow and destruction of the Jews. They're self-hating Jews!


Build a man a fire and he'll be warm for a day...
Set a man on fire and he'll be warm for the rest of his life.

"You're a idiot." -AuRaptor, RWED, May 27, 2009.


Thursday, June 11, 2009 2:01 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by Bytemite:
I'm a proponent of the one where the holocaust happened, it was horrible, and Isreal was set up as a refugee nation for SOME Jewish people. I also believe not every Jewish person is an Isreali, though they like to show solidarity. Lastly, I believe the Isreali Government just wants to exist, and that's fine, but they're going about securing themselves and their nation in a real douchebag, counter-effective way.

On a separate subject, I believe the word "douchebag" can be an adjective and a verb as WELL as a noun. Mostly because I just like that word a lot.

I'm not sure I ever used "douchebag" as a verb. I don't think I've ever douchebagged somebody. But as a noun and an adjective, I'm right with ya.


Build a man a fire and he'll be warm for a day...
Set a man on fire and he'll be warm for the rest of his life.

"You're a idiot." -AuRaptor, RWED, May 27, 2009.


Thursday, June 11, 2009 4:59 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!


"Mommy, Why Do People Want to Kill Jews?"

by jew Dr Henry Makow PhD

I'd explain to young Frum, whose father was a Jewish speechwriter for GW Bush, that a cabal of mostly Jewish banking families have usurped control of the credit of the worlds' governments. They create money out of thin air and charge interest for it. They used this position to buy everyone and everything they need to dominate mankind in a totalitarian "world government."

They are busy "changing the world" so there will be no nations, no religions, no races, no genders, no families, no freedom and possibly no private wealth (except their own.) They use war and debt to increase their power and advance their "New World Order."

This banking cartel is relatively small so they need to infiltrate and manipulate all political parties, organizations and religions. Secret societies (Freemasonry) and intelligence agencies (CIA, Mossad, MI-6), education and the mass media are their most important instruments. So is organized Jewry, the B'nai Brith, American Jewish Committee etc.

They have brainwashed Jews to think anti-Semitism is irrational hatred. As a result, idealistic Jews who "want to change the world," become their patsies or "useful idiots." Your father David Frum and a highly paid army of talking heads herd the sheeple into the abattoir of war. They openly boast that Jewish intellectuals are responsible for the Iraq war which cost a million Iraqi lives, $750 billion and thousands of US dead. The Mossad is widely suspected of playing a critical role in 9-11 which provided the climate for this war.

Holocaust Museums are designed to give Jews immunity from criticism and guilt non-Jews into accepting Jewish leadership. My grandparents died in the Holocaust but I am sickened by this exploitation of their tragedy. There is no reason to focus on Jewish suffering to the exclusion of everyone else's. This selfishness and failure to consider others is a cause of anti-Semitism.

Jews cannot play a major role in the coming New World Order and escape blame for it from the suffering majority. That's why Jews who oppose this evil agenda must stand with their neighbors against it. Young Frum, if this means you will disown your father, we'll be very proud of you.

Most Jews don't want to know the truth but can't play dumb forever.

Along with most other groups, Jews are manipulated to advance the bankers' demonic agenda. Innocent Jews are put in jeopardy by their "leaders" who are beholden to these financiers. This is the real reason police cars are parked outside of synagogues and Jewish schools in America.

These acts of violence are both evil and stupid. They kill innocent people and give Illuminati pawns an excuse to clamp down on free speech. The Illuminati agent Glenn Beck used this event to declare that 9-11 Truthers and the Patriot movement were working with Al Queda to "destroy this country." Homeland Security Director Janet Napolitano has warned against "right-wing extremism" and "anti-Semitism." These violent acts further the Illuminati's totalitarian agenda.

The 'Holocaust' For Dummies (who can count)

Nazi jew Werner Goldberg was "The Ideal German Soldier"

Adolf Hitler was a jew with 150,000 jewish soldiers in WW2

Jew says jew Hitler was a British Illuminati agent


Rev. Jeremiah Wright says "Jews" are keeping him from President Obama

"Them Jews ain't going to let him talk to me. I told my baby daughter that he'll talk to me in five years when he's a lame duck, or in eight years when he's out of office. They will not let him to talk to somebody who calls a spade what it is. I said from the beginning: He's a politician; I'm a pastor. He's got to do what politicians do. Ethnic cleansing is going on in Gaza. Ethnic cleansing by the Zionist is a sin and a crime against humanity, and they don't want Barack talking like that because that's anti-Israel."
-Rev Jeremiah Wright


"God Damn Amerika!"
-Rev Jeremiah Wright

In Israel, Obama is accused of 'anti-Semitism'

Majority of Congress signs Audit The "Fed" Bank Bill with 222 co-sponsors of Dr Ron Paul MD


Thursday, June 11, 2009 5:11 PM


No, but someone can be douchebagging.


Thursday, June 11, 2009 11:24 PM


Jew! JEWS!

Everyone was saying Jew, I felt left out.

What is a Douche and how does one make a bag out of one anyway?


Friday, June 12, 2009 4:02 AM


This entire incident is getting far too much attention...

Jew know?


Friday, June 12, 2009 7:00 AM



Originally posted by Bytemite:
... On a separate subject, I believe the word "douchebag" can be an adjective and a verb as WELL as a noun. Mostly because I just like that word a lot.

So if I were to paraphrase the Smurfs by saying, "Always douchebag your best!", that would be correct?


Still...what would Papa Smurf do?


Friday, June 12, 2009 9:07 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

Both OlberMANN (jew?) and jew Rush Limbaugh blame their controlled opposition for Von Brunn.

MSNBC is owned by General Electric, the Pentagon contractor that gets rich genociding 2.6-million Iraqi allies. Von Brunn only killed 1 person, allegedly -- no video of course, just like 9.11 airports. Von Brunn could have walked in unarmed, been shot, had a gun dropped on him, since cops always carry a "spare" for that purpose. So many assassiantions include multiple gunmen who are never prosecuted, since the shooters work for police (JFK, RFK, Columbine).

This Northwoods "lone nut" psyop and the Kosher Media Mafiya failed to stop the US House of Reps from passing Dr Paul's Audit the "Fed" Bill, requiring a full vote by Congress.

In related news today, Alex Jones got $250,000 in donations in 24 hours. 9.11 Truth sure does pay well...

NWO retaliates:

Internet Will Become “Paid System” Within “Five Years”


Friday, June 12, 2009 10:52 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

Hussein Obama's black attorney general was scheduled at the Holocaust Museum that same day, to hear a play by the wife fo the jewish US Secretary of War, when a "lone nut" (under max-security federal mindkontrol for 11 years) allegedly shot a black security guard (but no security video of course). How CONvenient... for herding blacks to love the "hymietown" that hates them (as FBI informant Jesse Jackson calls them, after he helped assassinate MLK).


Now Playing at the "Holocaust Museum" - The Lone Nut - What a "coincidence"!

With his shooting at the U.S. Holocaust Museum, Von Brunn has reinvigorated the old 20th century Black/Zionist coalition, on the very day when African-American U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder was due to visit the museum to hear a reading of the script of "Anne and Emmett," a play about Anne Frank and Emmet Till. What a "coincidence"!

The author of the "Anne and Emmett" play is Janet Langhart Cohen, the Black wife of former Secretary of Defense William Cohen who directed American forces during the NATO holocaust against the churches, monasteries and people of Christian Serbia in 1999. What a "coincidence"!

The 400 children murdered last December and January in Gaza by the descendants of "Holocaust' Survivors," have been deposited in the dustbin of history. There never was and never will be an exhibit at the synagogue-masquerading-as-a-museum about the the horrors of the Israeli holocaust against the Palestinians; but it won't be long before the iconic image of a Black policeman who died defending America's most hallowed Judaic shrine, will earn a perpetual memorial there.

Our masters govern by methods that overrule all documentation and silence all arguments: assassination, stealth, treachery, the doublecross and most of all, the inculcation of the doublemind. Their guarantee of last resort comes courtesy of a bullet fired by a "lone nut" who emerges from obscurity to rescue the Cryptocracy's chestnuts from an impending fire, or secure it victory where it would otherwise experience eclipse. What a "coincidence"!

Manchurian candidate James von Brunn: The Shimon ben Yohai of "The White Race, " and His Contribution to Holocaustolatry



by James W. von Brunn


Toward that end -- no different than Hollywood script-writers today -- Saul created a bogus a la Spielberg docu-drama stuffed with lies, miracles, guilt trips, betrayal, virgin birth, eternal damnation, salvation -- a scenario appealing to the superstitious, vulnerable, ignorant yearning sheep -- he named his hoax "Christianity."

The New Testament was written in Greek. Paul - who believed the World was flat, that Joshua made the sun stand still, and Jehovah spoke from a burning bush -- wrote one-third of it, perhaps more. The events described in the 24 Books are often contradictory, fail the time-line, defy both archaeology's and nature's immutable laws, and are suicidal if practiced.

Nevertheless, the shamans bought it, taught it, and the illiterate public was coerced, brainwashed, threatened, tortured, murdered, and enthralled. The Encyclopedia Britannica states that over 6,000 major redactions exist between the Septuagint (translation of Aramaic into Greek) and its St. James biblical translation.

The Gospels profess that only Christians may enter Yahweh's Kingdom of Heaven. To qualify, among other demands, Christians must LOVE THEIR ENEMIES (Jews); give away their personal belongings; eschew knowledge; judge not, despise nature, abandon earthly pleasures, acknowledge that all YHWH's children are equal; and above all else worship YHWH, the jealous, wrathful, vengeful, unforgiving, genocidal, anthropomorphic tribal god (Jesus' father) created by Hebrews in their image and likeness. Omnipotent, omniscient YHWH promises Hebrews that they alone shall inherit the earth, that it is commendable to steal from Gentiles, better yet -- kill them. Whereas Gentiles, if they fail to worship YHWH, are transported straight to Hell. And it is written, "A little child shall lead them."

These dangerous, imbecilic, concepts, tenets, and teachings, often treasonous, DESTROYED the Roman Empire and drenched the soil of Europe with Aryan blood for almost 2000 years!

The Big Lie technique, employed by Paul to create the CHRISTIAN RELIGION, also was used to create the HOLOCAUST RELIGION ... CHRISTIANITY AND THE HOLOCAUST are HOAXES.

"Christianity" destroyed Roman Civilization. The "Holocaust" Religion is destroying Western Civilization. The Aryan gene-pool dies, "unwept, unhonored and unsung."

I suspect an awful lot of FFFs agree with JVB on that last post.


Saturday, June 13, 2009 8:57 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!


LT James Von Brunn US Navy PT Boat commander was NOT a Nazi, because he killed many Nazis in WW2:

James Von Brunn had a genius IQ as proven by his membership in MENSA, publishing a novel and PT boat commander in WW2 (just like JFK).


American Mensa expresses sympathies about shooting

American Mensa Home Page
June, 2009

American Mensa is distraught to hear of the violent events at the Holocaust Museum in Washington, D.C., on Wednesday, June 10. Our thoughts are with the victims and the family and friends of Stephen Tyrone Johns, the security guard who was killed in the attack.

The accused shooter in this event, James Von Brunn, is a former member of American Mensa. Mr. Von Brunn was a member more than 20 years ago and his membership tenure lasted less than a year.

Mensa has more than 57,000 members across the United States and more than 110,000 members worldwide. Our members include people from all races, religions and walks of life. The organization thrives on the diversity of its members and the atmosphere of open-mindedness evident at Mensa events.

If he's so smart, why did he allegedly use a puny 22-cal rat rifle, that's the most inferior weapon used to stop or kill humans, and is difficult or impossible to use in hand-to-hand combat? Why did he only have 10 little itty bitty bullets? Why did he leave his 30-30 at home?

How did he hide a rifle from a security guard who opened the door for him?


FBI non-eyewitness Criminal Complaint under Admiralty Martiime (Martial Law) Jurisdiction

"The defendant double parked his vehicle in the traffic lane. Defendant stepped out of his vehicle and approached the musum. The defendant was carrying a rifle at his side as he approached the building. Special Police Officer Tyrone Jones, employed as a security guard by the museum, opened the door for the defendant. Defendant raised his rifle, aimed it a SPO Johns and fired one time, striking SPO Johns in the chest. All of these events are captured on videotape.

Officers did recover a notebook from his vehicle: “You want my weapons – this is how you’ll get them. The Holocaust is a lie. Obama was created by Jews. Obama does what Jew owners tell him to do. Jews captured America’s money. Jews control the mass media. The 1st Amendment is abrogated – henceforth. See: JVB swore (LT USNR) to defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic. Jews – Bolsheviks – Zionist are America’s enemies. See: Talmud – Sanhedrin “Kill the Best Gentiles!”

We've been waiting 12 years to see FBI videotape of Sgt Tim McVeigh bomb OKC fed building with a Ryder truck (since that would show the building explode from the inside out, after his FBI/CIA handlers got out of the truck with him, with ATF bomb squad in full MOB gear playing hooky waiting for the bombs to go off). We've been waiting 8 years for FBI videotape proving an airliner hit the Pentagon on 9.11, or proving the alleged "suicide hijackers" boarded any airliners (half are still alive and giving interviews to BBC News). When Life magazine finally published frames from its Top Secret video of JFK getting his head blown off in front of Dallas PD and FBI HQ, Life switched frames out of sequence, to hide the fact he was shot from the front. FBI shot MLK, according to US Congress. FBI denied the Mafia existed for 50 years.

FBI is run by White Supremicists who sell a "N!gger Hunting License", according to US Department of Justice investigation into the annual "Good Ole Boy Roundup":


Good O' Boy Roundup Report - March, 1996


The two anonymous affiants alleged that they had heard that a woman was gang-raped at a Roundup. Affiant A claimed to have heard that twenty-five men at the Roundup got a woman drunk, placed her on a picnic table, took turns having sex with her, and then urinated on her. Affiant A had no personal knowledge about the incident. Affiant B claimed to have been in the campground when a woman was "gang-banged" by many officers who then urinated on her.

During the investigation we located a man who claimed to have seen a gang rape at either the 1988 or 1989 Roundup. This was the same man who claimed to have obtained cocaine at an earlier Roundup. He said one Friday or Saturday night at about 2 a.m. he saw a woman lying unconscious on a picnic table while six to eight men had sex with her and then urinated on her. He said he was approximately 100 feet from where it occurred, that he did not make any effort to stop it, and that a group of officers sitting only 15 feet away also took no action.

All three of these people identified one particular woman as the alleged victim. We located that woman and interviewed her at length on several occasions. She attended several Roundups. She denied being raped or urinated on at a Roundup.

In addition to this public allegation of rape, Curtis Cooper, in an interview several months after his Senate testimony, alleged that in approximately 1987 he had spoken with a former ATF agent who told him he had attended a Roundup and observed an ATF agent get a woman intoxicated and, with some other men, have "various sexual relations" with her that "constituted rape."

JVB's censored website as mentioned in FBI complaint:


REAR ADMIRAL John G. Crommelin, USN, said this about James von Brunn:

"It is my conviction that James von Brunn deserves the gratitude and assistance of every White Christian citizen of these United States."*/

If he's so pro-USA why was he driving a Hyndai from Korea?

He did not possess bullets when he attempted citizens arrest on the "Federal" Reserve Bank executives in 1981.

Why is the CIA-run "news" media cartel instantly calling him a "lone nut", without any investigation or evidence? (like done with most other "lone nuts")

Why is "Homeland Security" refusing to say if he was on a No Fly Watch List? (because he had CIA/FBI/SPLC/ADL handlers like all other "lone nuts"). FBI/ADL/APLC say he was "watched" (handled) for 25 years. Was his FBI handler his "future daughter in law" who gave him a place to live? (FBI and Pentagon were landlord to the alleged 9.11 "suicide hijackers", half of whom are still alive and giving interviews to BBC News)

Why no photos or video of him in the hospital with bullet holes in his face and head? (cannot allow sympathy for a gunshot victim)

Why did security guards shoot for his head, when they're trained to shoot for the torso? Were they under pre-arranged orders to execute him to prevent his testimony at trial? One security guard shooter was a retired DC cop (enforcing unconstitutional gun bans), the other a former USMC soldier (the ultimate in mind control).

Where is the security video proving he's a shooter, who only made one lucky shot, before being shot multiple times in the face and head?

Why no "fair and balanced" network news reports on his web articles about the Israeli massacre of USS Liberty?


John McCain is a total nut job!

by 6killer James von Brunn

As a former Navy officer,WW2, this writer finds Senator John McCain unfit for any governmental position. He is a traitor to the United States of America.

John McCain was raised in Naval lore. His grandfather and father were decorated 4-star Admirals. “Don’t Give Up the Ship,” was engraved in their personas. Yet, that is exactly what John McCain has done . He “Gave Up the Ship” – then kissed the Enemy’s ass.

John McCain has steadfastly refused to confront and bring the State of Israel to justice. As you know so well, JEWS deliberately attempted to sink the USS Liberty, with all hands. It was a botched false-flag operation; similar to what JEWS got away with at Tonkin Gulf, and on 9-11. In effect, McCain turned against the United States of America, and surviving members of Liberty’s crew, to join hands with Murder, Inc.

In 1967, while the USS LIBERTY patrolled the Med , John McCain flew A-4 Skyhawks over Hanoi. He was bunked aboard the USS FORRESTAL. . The great carrier was named for James Forrestal, former SecNav, then SecDefense under Truman. James Forrestal attempted to curtail ISRAELI influence in the USA. He was murdered by JEWS. Jack Mc Cain, John’s father, knew Forrestal well - but Jack, a boozer, sucked up to “The Jews.” He knew on which side his bread was buttered. He taught his son well. Blood will tell.

When you read the following references ( tip of the ice-berg) you will sense the evil ambiance surrounding John Mc Cain .

On June 8, 1967, US Navy intelligence ship USS Liberty was suddenly and brutally attacked on the high seas in international waters by the air and naval forces of Israel. The Israeli forces attacked with full knowledge that this was an American ship and lied about it. Survivors have been forbidden for 40 years to tell their story under oath to the American public. This USS Liberty Memorial web site tells their story and is dedicated to the memory of the 34 brave men who died. [hijacked link]

James Von Brunn Wasn’t a “Right Wing” Extremist

Why is the US Govt building a museum in USA for foreign victims of war in a foreign country? Especially when the info in the museum is proven to be a lie by the official govt directors of other museums at the so-called death camps?


What Is The Fed?

by James Van Brunn

The following are a few excerpts from the Chapter MONEY, "Kill the Best Gentiles !" (

[full quote]

"And there was a great cry of the people and of their wives against their brethren the Jews. Some also there were that said, We have mortgaged our lands, vineyards, and houses, that we might buy corn, because of the dearth. There were also that said, We have borrowed money for the king's tribute, and that upon our lands and vineyards. Yet now our flesh is as the flesh of our brethren, our children as their children: and, lo, we bring into bondage our sons and our daughters to be servants, and some of our daughters are brought unto bondage already: neither is it in our power to redeem them; for other men have our lands and vineyards. And I was very angry when I heard their cry and these words. Then I consulted with myself, and I rebuked the nobles, and the rulers, and said unto them, Ye exact usury, every one of his brother. And I set a great assembly against them. And I said unto them, We after our ability have redeemed our brethren the Jews, which were sold unto the heathen; and will ye even sell your brethren? or shall they be sold unto us? Then held they their peace, and found nothing to answer. Also I said, It is not good that ye do: ought ye not to walk in the fear of our God because of the reproach of the heathen our enemies? I likewise, and my brethren, and my servants, might exact of them money and corn: I pray you, let us leave off this usury. Restore, I pray you, to them, even this day, their lands, their vineyards, their oliveyards, and their houses, also the hundredth part of the money, and of the corn, the wine, and the oil, that ye exact of them. Then said they, We will restore them, and will require nothing of them; so will we do as thou sayest. Then I called the priests, and took an oath of them, that they should do according to this promise."
-Governor Nehemiah, Nehemiah 5, Christian Bible KJV and Jewish Ketuvim


Monday, June 15, 2009 11:40 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

Obama to create US Dept of Pre-Crime?


"Round Up Hate-Promoters Now, Before Any More Holocaust Museum Attacks!"
-Jew Bonnie Erbe, editor U.S. News & World Report, host of To the Contrary with Bonnie Erbe on PBS TV, writer for Scripps Howard News Service

"She said something must be done about ridding the Internet and the public dialogue of hate speech. I agree. Isn't it time we started rounding up promoters of hate before they kill?"
-Jew Janet Langhart Cohen, CNN

"But, in a stunning human rights tribunal ruling last month, [jew] Warman himself was rebuked for posting anti-Semitic comments on Stormfront, a neo-Nazi website, including a message calling Jews "scum." Warman has stated that he was attempting to gather information on real Nazis, but the tribunal called his actions "disappointing and disturbing," and ruled that he risked encouraging more hateful messages himself."
-Jew Henry McKow PhD, Canadian Jewish Congress Ran Canadian Nazi Party

Obama disarms entire US Navy for fear of his assassination after Holocaust Museum attack


Tuesday, June 16, 2009 4:51 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!


Eyewitness - One Guard Shot The Other At Holo Museum

HENRY: And then you saw some of the return fire from the security personnel?

MARIA: Yes, it hit the security man. I am not sure where, but he was flat on his back.

"I didn't shoot nobody, no sir!"
-Lee Harvey Oswald US Marine Corps, before he was assassinated by a jewish mobster in the Dallas Police Dept

So Von Brunn didn't shoot nobody, no sir...

Here's more circumstantial proof these assassinations are govt/jewish psyops under Operation Northwoods, to pass "Hate" legislation to eliminate all opposition to the jewish "Federal" Reserve Bank scam. Negro AG Holder was scheduled to "listen to loving poetry by the Pentagon" at the Holocaust Museum, the same day a "killer Nazi Nazi-killer" allegedly shot a negro security guard who opened the door for him while he carried a Manlicher Carcano, uh, 22...


James von Brunn’s murderous rampage may soon produce concrete results — the passage of “a tougher U.S. hate crimes law,” according to AG Eric Holder.

Holder cited attacks over a two-week period that killed a military recruiter, a late-term abortionist and a guard at the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum.

In normal times, such crimes would be prosecuted as routine homicides. However, we now live in an era dominated by political correctness — engineered to foment social and political chaos — and thus crimes committed against protected groups will receive special consideration.

Holder said the recent violence “reminds us of the potential threat posed by violent extremists and the tragedy that ensues when reasoned discourse is replaced by armed confrontation.” In order to stop that violence, Holder urged Congress to legislate an updated version of hate crimes law “in order to more effectively prosecute those who commit violent attacks based on gender, disability, or sexual orientation.”

Bill "Clinton" Blythe III (ba$tard Rockefeller) passed domestic terrorism acts after he bombed the federal building in OK City. George "Alister Crowley" Bush passed the anti U.S.A.P.A.T.R.I.O.T. Act after he bombed WTC and Pentagon on 9.11. Just like "Hitler" di after he bombed the Reichstag parliament and radio stations in false-flag attacks.

Stalin's Jews: We mustn't forget that some of greatest murderers of modern times were Jewish, by Israeli jew

Religious row as Orthodox Jewish couple sue neighbours for 'imprisoning' them with automatic hallway light

Al Gore's lawyer defends jew caught stealing $5-Billion from AIG pension plan

Here's the Washington Times lying about the private "Federal" Reserve Bank being a govt agency.


The Federal Reserve, already arguably the most powerful agency in the U.S. government, will get sweeping new authority to regulate any company whose failure could endanger the U.S. economy and markets under the Obama administration's regulatory overhaul plan.

"Plaintiff, who was injured by vehicle owned and operated by a federal reserve bank, brought action alleging jurisdiction under the Federal Tort Claims Act. The United States District Court for the Central District of California, David W. Williams, J., dismissed holding that federal reserve bank was not a federal agency within meaning of Act and that the court therefore lacked subject-matter jurisdiction. Appeal was taken. The Court of Appeals, Poole, Circuit Judge, held that federal reserve banks are not federal instrumentalities for purposes of the Act, but are independent, privately owned and locally controlled corporations." - United States Court of Appeals, Ninth Circuit, No. 80-5905, Lewis v. United States, 680 F.2d 1239 (1982)

Wash Times was bought by CIA dope kingpin Reverend Moon, to stop reporting on gay hookers in the Bush/Reagan/Clinton/Obama White House.






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