'The World is Doomed' That's me with the sign

UPDATED: Wednesday, June 17, 2009 19:21
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Wednesday, June 17, 2009 7:03 AM


Good morning browncoats,

How is everyone today? I will start with saying that I usually stay out of real world events and commentaries but today I came across something that made me pipe up a bit. It was an article about Joss and others and what took place during the writers strike.

Well, let me say that I am in full support of the writers and what they were out to achieve. Fact is I support the idea of unionism and am a member of a union myself. I do understand that there are differing opinions and ideals but I for one have always thought and stick to the belief that a company or company owner WILL NOT pay an individual a living wage if they feel that they can get their product produced cheaper . Even to the point of having slave labor. So what if it means their employees have to have a second job in order to make a living, or no job at all? What’s it to them. Will they feel bad? Will they think it is terrible? I will tell you that they wouldn’t concern themselves that all.

Now, I’m not saying that union workers are and do nothing for their pay. Anyone in question of this should come work with me for a month. What I am saying is that people are entitled to make a living wage. That said I mean something that an individual can live and support a family on. I know for a fact that companies don’t give a rat’s ass if they are fair about this or not. They are out to make and sale their product as cheaply as possible. I have no issue with that, but when your company manager tells you that every dime counts then has a company picnic where only the big wigs are invited well, that expresses my point.

Now back to the writers strike. I can see a time coming in the near future where actors are replaced by computer images. Someone is brought in, scanned , paid ten bucks then their likeness is used to make companies millions of $$$$.

What would you think if Tom Hanks or Will Smith were only a computer generated image? You likely wouldn’t care. The only people effected would be the actors themselves. Believe me the wheels are already turning for this to happen.

So, I have no problem with writer or actors wanting their fair share of moneys. What I do have problems with is CEO’s making kazillioms of bucks and wanting to pay the actual workers peanuts. That is an outright sin in my book.

Mark my words the world will soon be populated by three classes of people. The rich, the poor and the military.


Wednesday, June 17, 2009 7:29 AM



Originally posted by zzetta13:
I can see a time coming in the near future where actors are replaced by computer images. Someone is brought in, scanned , paid ten bucks then their likeness is used to make companies millions of $$$$.

Then it's a cartoon. I'm not sure peeps other than in Japan would go for that. Beowulf was a cartoon. I do not want movies to look like that, even with advancements, CGI will never look 100% real.

The laughing Chrisisall


Wednesday, June 17, 2009 9:56 AM



Thanks for posting. I think most of us share your frustrations, but I've never been clear what the "living wage" cause it supposed to do. Is the intent to make it illegal to work for less that some established minimum? Who decides how much that will be? What if I'm willing to work for less?

Let me give you an example. I recently changed careers at 40 years old. I've gone from being an experienced sheet metal worker to a novice computer programmer. One way I've been able to do that is because my kids are raised and I have no debts to speak of - so I'm willing to work for pretty low rates.

Now, lets say the programmers in my state, most of whom have families, mortgages, car payments, etc..., decide that there should be a minimum "living wage" that all programmers should get paid. The thing is, I'm just getting started in the trade and, quite frankly, I'm not very good yet. I'm not worth as much as the average programmer. So, am I just out of luck? What about interns and volunteer workers? Will they be outlawed as well?


"It's a cold and it's a broken hallelujah"


Wednesday, June 17, 2009 11:18 AM



Originally posted by zzetta13:

Mark my words the world will soon be populated by three classes of people. The rich, the poor and the military.

Not IMO. It will be the super-rich, those getting by, and the military. Upper & average middle class & poverty-level will meld into simple low-level working class ( a sort of less-poor poor), it's BEEN happening, but now it's becoming REALLY apparent. There will be fringe elements of homeless & surface well-to-do (waiting for the layoff to crush them), but that's the main three that I see.
This is what Capitalism has been steering us toward all along.

The laughing Chrisisall


Wednesday, June 17, 2009 12:25 PM


Ding! Now add a bit of inflation and manipulation of the masses through the credit and lending system, and make 'em work three jobs to support their families in the ghetto houses/the projects, and you have a delightfully dependent slave class to support rich upper class ASSHOLES, and about zero hope for change or improvement.


Wednesday, June 17, 2009 12:58 PM


Hello there browncoats!

Chris ol’ buddy, I knew that if there would be one browncoat that was interested in this thread it would be the Laughing Chriisall. Well my friend I beg to differ with you about the animated actor question that I posted. I feel that we are at the very tip of the beginning stages where in the next 50 years acting duties will be a thing of the past.

CG is already to the point where if The Teminator, dinosaurs and trips to Mars and things of today were shown on tv to people 50 years ago they may have been convinced that it was all real.

As for my rant about money and the economy SergeantX, no I would not want to see you loose your job. I don’t want to see anyone loose his or her job. Lets ask the CEO of a huge zillion dollar corporation what the cap on his salary should be……do you think he would care to give you an answer? My company has been crying poor mouth to me for ages (17 years) I’ve seen a lot of co-workers come and go. Now my employer is in on the “ terrible economy” bandwagon like every one else , yet they’ve just spent 100,000$$ for new equipment for me to work with. Not that it makes it better for me but because it has the capability of manufacturing more.

I don’t have a problem with making more product, and I don’t have a problem with my current wage. I don’t have long before I retire. I do have two young sons thought and it depresses me to think of what they are headed for. SergeantX, you’ve said something about starting a new career in computers, and your thoughts of loosing your job if a company is force to pay you more (better). Well as things go as a new and therefore considered trainee then your current wage should reflect your experience and ability. As your expertise develops then yes, you are of more value to the company and should therefore be paid more. You ask what a good wage would be for people to feel stable and comfortable with? Well all I can come up with is a semi-formula: Current a family of four should, with the combined salaries of both parents and after paying most all bills have an excess dollar figure of cash at the end of each week of 200 dollars (due to economics being different in some areas of the country everyone’s $$ figures could be different)

Now that being said some folk would certainly take that extra cash and blow it in some fashion or another. You can’t help everybody and you asked for figure so I’ve come up with one. Some folk will save that money though, or at least some of it and sleep better at night.

Now back to Firefly. The reason I’ve posted this little thread here is because I’m seeing a lot about animated FF. Lets say had the actors been CG-ed for the series back in 2002 and the current 14 episodes of Firefly had been done this way with no quality lose or anything . Would a company be willing to crank up the ol’ Firefly machine again? There would be no actors to deal with and no contracts to settle except for the animators and writers. Would Firefly be back on television now?



Wednesday, June 17, 2009 5:05 PM


Again, maybe if the Gov would keep their bloody hands out of it and let collective bargaining work instead of backing their corpie friends, things wouldn't come to this pass - but then, that would eliminate the Govs excuse to intervene, and we can't have that now can we ?


It cannot be said enough, those who do not learn from history, are doomed to endlessly repeat it


Wednesday, June 17, 2009 7:21 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

Living wage? That's what 50-million illegal aliens and outsourcing are for. Obama's the best Union Buster robber barons have ever seen, dropping wages from $50/hour to $1/hour. Communism and Fascism merge into the Jew World Order.

Restaurant wages have dropped 50% in Tennessee just from illegal aliens. Managers are required to perp felonies to work with them knowing their IDs are fake, ignoring a steady stream of robberies, rapes and murders. Even "Christian" tax-free foundations refuse to pay a living wage, while enjoying their luxurious campuses and CEO lifestyle, requiring women to work for slave wages with glass ceilings (100% to pay the unconstitutional unratified income tax for their husbands, a big joke confessed by trillionaire jew Nick Rockefeller).

Hussein Obama fired over 1-million auto union members and other employees in his 1st 6 months as the first illegal-alien "president". He even refused to deport his illegal-alien family.

Govt Motors CEO was paid a fraction of what Obama's jewish masters on Wall Street paid themselves, after getting $15-Trillion in corporate welfare, from both Obama and Bush, with zero audit allowed.

Firing GM's CEO was required to export those factories to Brazil and Commie China, using our "taxdollars" to pay the Chinese to purchase our factories.

Warren Buffet (jewish?) is worshipped as a god, and paid himself $35-Billion personal annual salary, tax-free, as CEO of GEICO Govt Employees Insurance Corp, and was CEO of Soloman Bros when Soloman Bros WTC7 exploded on 9.11, without being hit by a plane, as Buffet "coincidentally" played golf in Nebraska with WTC CEOs at Strategic Air Command, which was "coincidentally" running "drills" of hijacked planes crashing into buildings, as confessed in Pentagon/CIA's Operation Northwoods. GEICO (CIA) pays billion$ to the media mafia for bribes, er, "advertising". Wasn't Buffet CEO of BK AIG? AIG's previous jewish CEO is now on trial for personally stealing $5-Billion from AIG pension fund.

Actually, no taxdollars run the govt, it all goes to the private foreign "Federal" Reserve Bank as interest on the previous counterfeit debt, with the entire current budget borrowed on top of that, with zero audit allowed. Jewish fascism run amok. Once they get all your money, then the jews and their royal relatives will kill you, just liek they did in Commie Russia, Nazi Germany and Commie China. They've already killed 50-million babies in USA in just 40 years.

Will sheeple continue to march nose-to-butt into the slaughterhouse?






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