Obama's Bank Holiday to devalue dollar in Sept Surprise

UPDATED: Saturday, July 4, 2009 09:39
VIEWED: 6844
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Thursday, June 25, 2009 5:53 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

Bank Holiday means the bank goes on holiday with your money

The private "Federal" Reserve Bank Corporation plans a "bank holiday" in August-Sept to devalue the so-called "US dollar" (Federal Reserve Note), to double the cost of all imports and begin hyper-inflation. Stealing $20-trillion/year aint' enough for their greed. Martial law will be required to halt civil war.

Bank "Holiday" in Hell bans account withdrawals and gold confiscation

FDR's Bank Holiday was followed by ordering the US military to stand down while Japan attacked Pearl Harbor, to start WW2 for the NWO banksters.

Buying a sandwich in British Zimbabwe


Thursday, June 25, 2009 10:35 AM


From the text of the article :

'...U.S. embassies around the world are selling dollars and stockpiling money from respective countries where they operate.

FDR imposed a "bank holiday" soon after taking office. It resulted in the government stealing gold from the American people and giving them useless fiat paper money in return.

“Some US embassies worldwide are being advised to purchase massive amounts of local currencies,” writes Harry Schultz, “enough to last them a year.” Schultz publishes the Harry Schultz Letter, an international investment, financial, economic, and geopolitical newsletter named as “Newsletter of the Year” by Peter Brimelow of Market Watch in 2005 and 2008.

Schultz believes the global elite are in the process of engineering an FDR-style “bank holiday” of undetermined length in order to “sort-out the bank mess” and impose new bank rules.

On March 5, 1933, in the depths of the banker engineered “Great Depression,” newly elected Franklin Roosevelt declared a “bank holiday” that forced banks closed for four days. Roosevelt then rammed the Emergency Banking Act through the legislature. Passed by Congress on March 9, the act granted FDR near dictatorial control over the dealings of banks. It also allowed the Secretary of the Treasury the power to compel every person and business in the country to relinquish their gold and accept paper currency in exchange.

On March 10, Roosevelt issued Executive Order No. 6073, forbidding people from sending gold overseas and forbidding banks from paying out gold. A few weeks later, on April 5, Roosevelt issued Executive Order No. 6102 ordering Americans to deliver their gold and gold certificates to the Federal Reserve bank in exchange for paper fiat money.

In other words, FDR engaged in one of history’s greatest rip-offs — that is until now.

FDR not only ripped-off the American people, but foreigners holding dollars as well, thus ensuring the “Great Depression” would spread around the world like a bankster engineered contagion.

As Schultz notes, another forced “bank holiday” will likely lead to a formal devaluation of the already broadsided U.S. dollar. “But devalue against what? The euro? Doubtful. Gold? Maybe. Or vs. the IMF basket of currencies,” which he feels is more likely.

In fact, this is precisely what the globalist have in mind. In March, the media reported the IMF was poised print billions of “global quantitative easing” dollars to be dubbed global “super-currency” to address the (bankster engineered) economic crisis. “The principle behind it is that everyone would get bonus dollars and instead of the Federal Reserve having to print them, everyone gets them,” declared Simon Johnson, former chief economist at the IMF.

Can you say inflation?

It is no secret the elite have envisioned a global currency for some time now. In 2007, the director of international economics at the Council on Foreign Relations stated that the dollar and the euro are but temporary currencies. “It is the market that made the dollar into global money – and what the market giveth, the market can taketh away. If the tailors balk and the dollar falls, the market may privatize money on its own,” Benn Steil pontificated.

More like the banksters taketh away — and not only money but national sovereignty as well because a global currency will demand an end to “monetary nationalism.”

Or as Richard N. Haass, president of the Council on Foreign Relations, has said, “states must be prepared to cede some sovereignty to world bodies if the international system is to function.”

Mr. Schultz believes a “bank holiday” would suit the burning desires of the international bankster elite. It will lead to “nationalization,” which is a polite word for brazen thievery. It will allow the government — owned lock, stock and barrel by the global elite and run by their corrupt whores and cronies — to rape secured creditors and bondholders. Nationalization is the unfettered process of grabbing up of insurance companies, mortgage companies, banks, medical care, and car companies and handing them over to the monopoly men.

During the FDR “bank holiday,” Schulz notes, “thousands of banks never reopened; it was a face-saving way of shutting them down. I would guess the same would occur today; thousands have little or no net value, loaded with debt, bad mortgages.”

In order soften the nation up for the coming pillage, the Obama administration has proposed a plan to give the privately-owned and unaccountable Federal Reserve complete regulatory oversight across the entire U.S. economy. The new rules would see the Fed given the authority to “regulate” any company whose activity it believes could threaten the economy and the markets — that is to say if it “threatens” the monopolistic interests of the bankers.

“Obama’s regulatory ‘reform’ plan is nothing less than a green light for the complete and total takeover of the United States by a private banking cartel that will usurp the power of existing regulatory bodies, who are now being blamed for the financial crisis in order that their status can be abolished and their roles handed over to the all-powerful Fed,” write Paul Joseph and Steve Watson. “The government is ready to hand over everything to a monolithic private corporation and a gaggle of bastard banker offspring, that have gobbled up an amount close to the entire GDP of the country in taxpayers’ money and figuratively stuck the middle finger up regarding questions over where that money has gone.”

A “bank holiday” would work wonders for any “regulation” the Fed and the bankers have in mind. It would compliment the criminal consolidation now underway. It would allow them to finally and formally devalue the dollar and usher in a global “super currency” of control and enslavement.

A Bob Chapman subscriber added a little dinger to the prospect of the banks going dark. The subscriber claims to have overheard two men in FEMA jackets talking with a police chief in California, all who agreed that the federalization of police around the country — a process largely complete — will be required if the banks are shuttered in late August or early September because it will get “ugly” out there.

No doubt. Because the sort of enduring and polite American who weathered the “Great Depression” is now in seriously short supply.'



Friday, June 26, 2009 6:25 AM


The Corbett ReportThursday, June 25, 2009

Observers of the annual elitist confab known as Bilderberg have long known that plans discussed at the conference quickly become reality. In 2002, Bilderberg researcher Jim Tucker correctly predicted that the Iraq war would start in March 2003 (not late 2002, as many were predicting at the time). In 2006, Daniel Estulin correctly forecast the popping of the housing bubble and subsequent economic crash, a possibility that most talking heads in the corporate media were laughing at at the time. In 2008, Tucker forecast a dramatic drop in oil prices while most analysts were fretting about the possibility of $200 a barrel oil. Tucker and Estulin have proven so stunningly accurate in their predictions not because they have a crystal ball, but because they have sources inside the Bilderberg Group and other organizations where financial oligarchs and their political puppets make decisions about our geopolitical future.

2009 is not even half over, but it seems the forecasts made by both Estulin and Tucker based on their 2009 Bilderberg sources are already proving to be accurate. In a phone interview conducted as this year’s conference was getting underway in Greece, Daniel Estulin warned The Corbett Report that the powers that be were preparing to run up the stock market one final time in order to draw the masses back into investing before crashing the market. Now, a worrying new report suggests that this is precisely the case as corporate executives start ditching their stocks at a rate not seen in years. Watch an excerpt from the interview in the video player below:

Daniel Estulin on Bilderberg 2009

The Bloomberg report suggests that the market—currently enjoying one of the greatest rallies in decades as stocks continue to rise from last year’s post-crash nadir—is about to have the rug pulled out from under it, a fact that corporate executives in the know are taking to heart as they scramble to get rid of their worthless stocks before the general public realize what’s going on. Add to this the stunning news that U.S. Embassies around the globe have been instructed to prepare for a bank holiday in September and growing opposition to the Obama Administration’s stunning proposal to give the private Federal Reserve sweeping new dictatorial powers over the entire U.S. economy and there is little doubt that an economic collapse the likes of which Estulin discussed is becoming more likely by the day.

Should an economic collapse occur as predicted, social and political changes of world historical importance will be the inevitable result. Jim Tucker, who also recently joined The Corbett Report for a telephone interview, has predicted that the ongoing world financial crisis will be manipulated by Bilderberg to further their long-held goal of crafting a North American Union along the lines of the European Union. Indeed, we have already seen call for the centralization of financial regulatory power from Bilderbergers like German chancellor Andrea Merkel, who argue that national sovereignty over financial regulation is what caused the crisis in the first place. More chillingly, Estulin believes the worldwide economic depression which we are currently entering could ultimately result in the deaths of over 4 billion people, or roughly 2/3 of the planet’s population. This is certainly one way to achieve elitist goals of vast population reduction, an item high on the agenda of another secretive meeting of billionaires (chaired by Bilderberger David Rockefeller) just weeks before this year’s Bilderberg conference.

Jim Tucker also stressed that manipulation of the swine flu hysteria was high on this year’s agenda, and that this crisis too would be used to consolidate power in international bodies such as the WHO. Preparations for ceding more and more power to unaccountable international bureaucrats in the event of a flu pandemic have been carefully crafted for years, and now the butchering of national sovereignty is to begin in earnest. Watch a portion of the Jim Tucker interview in the player below:

Jim Tucker on Bilderberg 2009

Again, recent events have made Tucker’s Bilderberg intelligence that much more credible. Since Bilderberg, the WHO has declared the first pandemic of the 21st century, opening the door to the very WHO power grab that Tucker warned about. The first real test of those powers may be as early as this fall, when a much-hyped seasonal resurgence of the surprisingly weak H1N1 flu may be used as an excuse to implement mass vaccinations. Preparations for just such a plan have been made in country after country including Canada, the U.S. and France.

The prospect of the WHO using their own campaign of swine flu hysteria to justify mass vaccinations in countries around the globe is triply frightening. Firstly, the vaccinations could be made mandatory, thus breaking fundamental tenants of freedom from forced medication which is the very pillar of a free society. Secondly, the swine flu vaccine is being developed by the very company that earlier this year sent out doses of live bird flu to be mixed in with their flu vaccines, an “accident” so incredibly likely that doctors in the Czech Republic accused the company of actually attempting to provoke a pandemic. Thirdly, the idea of a mass vaccination campaign is worrying because, as one of the co-developers of Tamiflu recently surmised, the recent swine flu strain itself was likely created during the vaccine production process.

For more information on the swine flu and the possible implementation of “medical martial law”, please watch the following video:

Medical Martial Law

Although the verification of this Bilderberg intelligence is of course quite worrying, the fact that Tucker and Estulin’s sources have proven accurate yet again provides some small solace. Firstly, it shows that the elitist plans can be exposed (and, if enough political will can be mustered, stopped) by legitimate researchers and alternative media. Secondly, it further discredits the corporate controlled media, which has only begun to shift from its previous canard that Bilderberg doesn’t exist to its latest canard that Bilderberg exists but is not important. The longer the corporate media continues to hold to this line in the face of blatantly obvious facts, the further discredited they will become and the faster the public will abandon the fast-disappearing media apparatus of the corporate propaganda machine. Meanwhile, the alternative media will continue to grow exponentially and awareness of Bilderberg amongst the general public will continue to rise.


Friday, June 26, 2009 6:45 AM


An interesting letter in the Australian Shooter Magazine, quoted here :

"If you consider that there has been an average of 160,000 troops in the Iraq theater of operations during the past 22 months, and a total of 2112 deaths, that gives a firearm death rate of 60 per 100,000 soldiers. The firearm death rate in Washington , DC is 80.6 per 100,000 for the same period. That means you are about 25 percent more likely to be shot and killed in the US capital, which has some of the strictest gun control laws in the US, than you are in Iraq .

Conclusion: The US should pull out of Washington ."


Friday, June 26, 2009 8:20 AM


More Power For the Fed? Seriously?

by Mike Larson

Fed-Worship Finally Ending ...
Good Riddance!

Throughout the 1990s and early 2000s, Fed worship was widespread in Washington. We had to endure endless claptrap about how great Alan Greenspan was (remember his nickname, "The Maestro"?).

Several Republicans AND Democrats gave Geithner a tongue-lashing when he submitted Obama's newest regulatory plan.

That's ancient history. A new skepticism is apparent in Congress and elsewhere in D.C., and I couldn't be happier. Heck, when Treasury Secretary Geithner went before the Senate Banking Committee to champion the Obama regulatory plan, he got an earful from legislators:

Sen. Chris Dodd of Connecticut said giving the Fed uber-regulator status was "like a parent giving his son a bigger, faster car right after he crashed the family station wagon."

Sen. Jim Bunning of Kentucky said "Your plan puts a lot of faith in the Federal Reserve's ability to spot risk and exercise its power to prevent the next crisis. However, if the Fed and other regulators had been doing their jobs and paying attention to what the banks and other firms were doing earlier this decade, they almost certainly could have prevented the mess ... What makes you think that the Fed will do better this time around?"

In an interview given to The American Banker, Senator Richard Shelby of Alabama went even further. He said: "The idea of putting more and more power in the Federal Reserve is, in my judgment, a huge mistake ... They have utterly failed the American people as the regulator of the bank holding companies, most of which have gotten into bad, bad trouble financially. They are doing so many things outside the norm that nobody knows — no accountability for — and to run to the Federal Reserve and to say 'Gosh, they are going to be the winner of everything out of all this,' that is just nonsense."

My bottom line verdict: Entrusting the Fed with more power makes no sense. Policymakers there have gotten so many things so wrong over the past several years, that you could easily make a case that the whole lot of 'em should get the hook ... not the keys to the financial kingdom.

Until next time,

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Saturday, June 27, 2009 7:09 AM


There is this,

Sunday, June 21, 2009
Bank Holiday Coming? Prepare?

From Harry Schultz:
Dear Bob:
Bob Chapman’s Int’l Forecaster newsletter revealed (5/20) this startling intelligence (from within US State Dept & embassies):

”Some US embassies worldwide are being advised to purchase massive amounts of local currencies; enough to last them a year. Some embassies are being sent enormous amounts of US cash to purchase currencies from those govts, quietly. But not £’s. Inside the State Dept there is a sense of sadness & foreboding that ‘something’ is about to happen, unknown re a date—just that within 180 days, but could be 120-150 days.”

Bob quotes another source that “Panasonic has told their people to be back in Japan by Sept 09.”

Harry Schultz, dean of newsletter writers, has quoted the Chapman letter of May 30 regarding US embassies being sent large amounts of cash with which to buy local *currencies, to last them a year. Here is Harry’s remarkable take on the situation:

“My HSL suspicion is that the elite plan another FDR style “bank holiday” of indefinite length, perhaps very soon, to let the insiders sort-out the bank mess which is getting more out of their control every day.*Insiders want/need to impose new bank rules. Widespread nationalization could result, already under way. It could also lead to a formal US$ devaluation, as FDR did by revaluing gold (& then confiscating it). But devalue against what? The Euro? Doubtful. Gold? Maybe. Or vs. The IMF basket of currencies (which seems more likely)—& much in the news recently. Any kind of bank holiday will push the US$ lower, which may be a bonus benefit to their ongoing scenario of letting the $ fall. Such a fall would get the devaluation they want without having to declare it. In sum, the insiders want more bank & system control, fewer banks & a lower US$. A bank holiday would suit all their needs.

Obviously, U can’t open safeboxes if the banks are closed, so plan accordingly. All this is speculation, but we have to go with what we’ve got, scraps of info that point to certain possibilities. In any case such a closure will, IMO, come sooner or later, as the worst of the embedded derivatives are still to be faced. We are years away from solving them because the controllers don’t want to; their fingerprints are all over them. ***

PS: during the FDR bank holiday, thousands of banks never reopened; it was a face-saving way of shutting them down. I would guess the same would occur today; thousands have little or no net value, loaded with debt, bad mortgages.

••• *PPS: A Bob Chapman subscriber reported overhearing 2 FEMA jacketed men talking to a police chief in Calif. They wanted to federalize the police across the US. They (govt) would be closing banks in late Aug, early Sept & that it will get ugly.” Prepare for worst case, as any good Boy or Girl Scout would do. J”

And this:

We've been hearing the same rumours about embassies buying foreign currencies for their own use as cited here, but have not been able to obtain enough confidence to comment on it before this public disclosure in a major news source.

Harry Schulz apparently thinks a bank holiday is in the offing.

We think that if something decisive like this happens it is more likely related to a de facto devaluation of the dollar, a market break, that would be very brief. The Banks would close in order to allow the markets to stabilize. The occasion is therefore likely to be a major failure of a household name in banking, and/or the more formal nationalization of Fannie and Freddie.

We struggle with the notion of a dollar devaluation. Against what? A continued weakness seems to be in the cards, with some major event precipitating a break in market confidence.

It is obvious that there is a campaign to undermine Ben Bernank e as the Fed Chairman, coming out of the Obama Administration. Bernanke is not willing to monetize debt as aggressively as Geithner and Summers would prefer.

A 'big event' appears to be more a long shot that a bet, but we'll keep an eye on it. It does explain some of the more obnoxious moves by insiders to grant themselves huge bonuses and sell their personal stock holdings now.

A number of people have asked us to comment on this, in addition to the Japanese bond smuggling story out of Switzerland which we suspected was just related to a private fraud of some sort.

A gradual and orderly devaluation of the Dollar is most probable but some exogenous event could trigger a loss of confidence and a slide which could provoke a bank holiday. A decline of 20 to 25% in the dollar index from here is what technical analysis seems to indicate, but the Dollar Index is hopelessly out of touch with the modern realities of global currency exchange.

We have taken some steps in our personal life to guard against this, but think it is unlikely given what we know today.

Latest Schultz Shock: a 'bank holiday'
by Peter Brimelow
Jun 24, 2009, 1:35 a.m. EST

NEW YORK (MarketWatch) -- The t op-performing letter that predicted the Crash of 2008 now predicts a confiscatory Franklin D. Roosevelt-style "bank holiday." But it's surprisingly sanguine about stocks -- in the (very) short term...

In its current issue, HSL reports rumors that "Some U.S. embassies worldwide are being advised to purchase massive amounts of local currencies; enough to last them a year. Some embassies are being sent enormous amounts of U.S. cash to purchase currencies from those governments, quietly. But not pound sterling. Inside the State Dept., there is a sense of sadness and foreboding that 'something' is about to happen ... within 180 days, but could be 120-150 days."

Yes, yes, it's paranoid. But paranoids have enemies -- and the Crash of 2008 really did happen.

HSL's suspicion: "Another FDR-style 'bank holiday' of indefinite length, perhaps soon, to let the insiders sort out the bank mess, which (despite their rosy propaganda campaign) is getting more out of their control every day. Insiders want to impose new bank rules. Widespread nationalization could result, already underway. It could also lead to a formal U.S. dollar devaluation, as FDR did by revaluing gold (and then confiscating it)."

HSL is still sticking with its 20-year "V" formation forecast, but emphasizes that within the current 10-year downtrend phase there will be rallies that will "last 1-2 years." It attributes its current success to "successfully trading almost daily, especially in commodity stocks (coal/potash/energy/ f ertilizer/gold). Take profits constantly and rebuy on mini pullbacks. Prefer non-U.S. dollar companies; many such companies are listed in U.S. & Canada or Australia."

HSL says: "The world is staggering today between stagflation and net deflation right now; it varies widely around globe. Net deflation is a maybe 35% risk, due to toxics and/or deepening depression. Bit more likely, we'll slowly creep up to a dangerous 4.5% inflation on average, medium-term. But the wild card is the currency risk, which has a 50% (?) chance of boiling over and causing literally overnight (i.e. 24 hours) mega inflation in the asset markets."

Nevertheless, in the very short term, HSL's charting leads it to say: "we MAY not get a new bear market decline that many bears are predicting. Likewise, DJIA & S&P500 may build a Head-and Shoulders right shoulder."

HSL's currently recommended allocation:

• 35%-45% Government notes, bills and bonds. (Not U.S.)

• 8%-10% Stocks (non-golds).

• 10%-30% Commodities, via futures, commodity stocks and/or physical assets.

• 35%-45% Gold stocks and bullion.

• 0-5% Bear stock protection via inverse ETFs like ProShares UltraShort QQQ ; ProShares UltraShort Dow30 ("Use to trade/hedge market downturns only.")

The Erosion of the Dollar and the Rise of the East

The outcome of the push for globalization is a severe decline in the median standard of living in the US and an erosion of those individual liberties and freedoms which has made the US somewhat unique on the vast historical sweep of world history.

Few understand this. One cannot be completely sovereign when the push for 'competitiveness' is used to consistently erode the commitment to individual freedom.

David Rockefeller, and Sam Walton, and Bill Gates, looked at the social and economic structure of the People's Republic of China and saw the new American paradigm. Not in the evolution of China to democracy and freedom, but in the subjugation of the United States to huddled masses docilely wearing the yoke of debt subservience to the ruling elite.

Too much speculation in this? The pattern of behaviour of those who promote this canard of globalism is too obvious to ignore.

The banks must be restrained and balance must be restored before a sustained economic recovery can be achieved.


Saturday, June 27, 2009 7:14 AM


Meanwhile , where are the missing TRILLIONS of US Taxpayer Dollars ?


Saturday, June 27, 2009 5:27 PM



Originally posted by out2theblack:
Meanwhile , where are the missing TRILLIONS of US Taxpayer Dollars ?

They went back to the land of 1's and 0's from which they came.

You didn't really think your house was worth half a million bucks when Firefighters and Cops had to buy houses 45 minutes away from the station because they couldn't afford to live in their own towns, did you? Would you believe that i got in several arguments with people 3 or 4 years ago telling them NOT to buy a house and arguing my reasons for renting because they were convinced that Real Estate was hands down the best investment? Yeah... some of them are upside-down now. By now, I bet most people don't even remember thinking that Real Estate is the way to go.

I notice you don't see any "NO MONEY DOWN!" Carlton Sheets infomercials anymore. Maybe somebody capped him for ruining their lives and taking much more than the 6 hundered or so for the full course.

I wish Alan Greenspan would shut the fuck up too already. If any one single person is responsible for where we are today it is him.

"A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned."


Monday, June 29, 2009 10:30 AM



Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

Originally posted by out2theblack:
Meanwhile , where are the missing TRILLIONS of US Taxpayer Dollars ?

They went back to the land of 1's and 0's from which they came.

...You didn't really think your house was worth half a million bucks when Firefighters and Cops had to buy houses 45 minutes away from the station because they couldn't afford to live in their own towns, did you?

...I wish Alan Greenspan would shut the fuck up too already. If any one single person is responsible for where we are today it is him.

So , what you're saying in so many words , is that the Alliance 'crashed' those accounts ?

That right there is the problem with 'fiat' currency and 'fractional reserve' banking...

The 'money' doesn't have a relationship with reality...It does exist as binary digits only , in most instances...

The only reasons that there are still notes being passed around is that it facilitates the further robbery of the serfs on the plantation , and it enables the maintenance of the illusion held in most minds that there really is something aside from imagination holding up the system...

Don't worry though , these devils have plans for everyone...

As for the value of 'real estate' , I've thought for much of my life about the overvaluing of it , which is mostly a by-product of the chronic inflation induced by sustaining the 'debt' and the compounding interest imposed by the banksters...


Monday, June 29, 2009 11:52 AM


Here's a lady who wants her money back :

"...I gave $20 a week for seven months, plus $60 every once in a while for a t-shirt and sticker. I gave of my modest purse joyfully. Once I add that all up, it makes a grand total of... $106 billion?! Wait a minute, I thought I was supporting change I could believe in, not more of the same bloodshed and war!

Betrayal is a part of life. After awhile, you just come to expect it. Yet, the initial shock always hits you as a surprise. Alas, the nature of betrayal. Humans are vulnerable to being betrayed because underneath our husky shells, our pain and hardened hearts, we are soft and trustful creatures. We want to believe in people.

I'm not that young, so I possess some cynicism. But I'm not that old either, so I manage some idealism. Sure, I am used to being betrayed by my government. But I thought my days of calling the White House in tears were over. To think that Barack Obama preyed on this naive hope in me and millions like me is unforgivable.

I expect the Republicans to throw money at the Military Industrial Complex. Yet, from the Democrats, I was promised a different direction (like OUT of the Middle East). Regrettably, there has been miniscule change. There is still nothing to believe in.

It is against my religion to say the Pledge of Allegiance. (I am a Christian so I pledge allegiance only to God.) I did, however, pledge my time and treasure to Barack Obama. On November 4, 2008, I danced in the streets waving the American Flag, feeling proud to be an American. I was pathetically close to bustin' out some Toby Keith ditties.

It's not just the $106 billion that makes me feel betrayed. It's not just the fact that Gitmo probably won't be shut down after all. It is not even the president's assurance to Republicans that he will not release the photos of detainee abuse.

It is the rumors of intimidation and strong-arming that are, to me, the greatest betrayal.

That President Barack Obama sent Rahm Emanuel and Nancy Pelosi to bully anti-war Democrats into voting for the supplemental (and threatening to withdraw the leadership's support for their re-elections if they didn't) is a shameful misuse of power. Where's the humanity I once saw in Barack? It's just more of the same and I can't stomach it.
I knew I was naïve; yet like millions of Americans, I had no choice but to believe. Our hearts were desperate for hope. We saw Barack Obama as an oasis in the desert. To think that he may be just a mirage is heartbreaking.

When you have a minute, give Wisconsin Senator Russ Feingold a call at (202) 224-5323. He was the only Democrat in the Senate to vote against the war funding (along with three Republicans and an Independent)."


Tuesday, June 30, 2009 6:16 AM


Here's an interesting author who agrees with us , Jack...

"...The current mass delusion that will go down in history as the "green shoots fugue" can't possibly bring the credit freak show back because the credit -- i.e. money borrowed from the American future -- was swindled away.

Something like $14 trillion worth of nominal dollars is being sucked into a cosmic vortex never to be seen again. It was last seen in the spectral forms of so many collateralized debt obligations, credit default swaps, so-called structured investment vehicles and other now-obvious frauds. That giant sucking sound we hear means the process is still underway, and the "money" disappearing into yawning oblivion will out-pace any effort orchestrated by the Federal Reserve and the US Treasury to replace it with new "money" (or credit). Therefore there is no chance between heaven and hell that the pre-2008 suburban homesteading and shopping fiesta can ever come back. The American polity is tapped out in all sectors, personal, corporate, and public.

Notice the two words largely absent from whatever public discussion exists around these matters -- "swindle" and "fraud." The reason they're missing is because if they happened to enter the conversation, something would have to be done about them, namely investigations and prosecutions. The president is the person in the best position to set the terms of this public discussion, and by avoiding these two words he's blowing the chance to begin the process of correcting the tragic course we're on.

These swindles and frauds range from malfeasance at the highest levels to indecency in the lowliest cubicles -- i.e. the collusion of a revolving cast of cabinet-level officials with Wall Street executives to loot the US Treasury, the probable criminal dereliction at the mid-level of agencies like the Federal Reserve's oversight office and the SEC, to certain and outright street grifting in the traffic of securities known to be worthless at their creation. The current fiction that the public seems to be swallowing (for the moment) is along the lines of the old "mistakes were made" locution, which is an easy way to avoid holding individuals responsible for misdeeds. "

More , at :


Tuesday, June 30, 2009 3:02 PM


...I just finished a fiction book by this same author...By which I was struck by how much the lifestyle of the folk resembled the 'raggedy-edge' , rustic atavism we know from Firefly ,
( minus spaceships , though ), which caused me to wonder if the author drew any inspiration from the series :

" World Made By Hand "

Now I want to read his nonfiction title ," The Long Emergency ".


Tuesday, June 30, 2009 6:41 PM


Yeah.... well whatcha gonna do?

It's not like Obama started the fire. He just never had any intentions of putting out any of the flames, and campaign promises are always broken, every time. Is anyone really surprised that he's going to be the worst president ever, even surpassing Bush? His unfettered ability to push anything through will make sure of that, although the Media will never delve too deep into any of that and most of the idiot sheep will probably keep carrying his flag.

He was groomed for this position for years. Something that Alan Keyes or Jesse Jackson could never have accomplished since they were a little too "dark" and not charasmatic enough.

So the Obamagasm that's lasted months has allowed him to get away with all sorts of things the Bush Administration could never get away with. Add the race card thing and he's damn near invincible.

And when the Rethugs take it all back, manipulating the sheep will be all that much easier with the new tools at their disposal that they will build upon, no doubt.

Maybe we'll be a cashless society in 4 or 8 years time so they'll know everything we do.

"A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned."


Wednesday, July 1, 2009 12:27 PM



Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

Yeah.... well whatcha gonna do?

It's not like Obama started the fire...

...He was groomed for this position for years. Something that Alan Keyes or Jesse Jackson could never have accomplished since they were a little too "dark" and not charasmatic enough...

...Maybe we'll be a cashless society in 4 or 8 years time so they'll know everything we do.

I doubt that the 'cashless' thing will even take quite that long...

It's already shocking how much 'they' know about everything 'we' do...

And , so now , every 'new' thing that 'they' do is oriented toward knowing what we do...

It's like the Borg collective from Star Trek : TNG , " You will be assimilated..."

And , the goal is to make complete their desire , which is expressed in the remainder of their message :

" Resistance is futile..."

Still , many will resist , though most will not .


Wednesday, July 1, 2009 12:55 PM


Serious as hell, Alan Keyes would have been a GREAT president...I STILL get the whole"you must be a racist for not worshipping Obama" (from guilt ridden white trustifarians,usually!)...the same folks usually go "who?" when I tell them I was a Keyes voter in the 2000 attention span,or long term memory.Side effect of the whole "keep me entertained NOW" era....


Thursday, July 2, 2009 4:48 PM


At least Keyes knows wassup with the ScamBO-man from Mombasa...Whiles scores of millions still don't...

Meanwhile , Crap-In-Trade accelerates the decline of the Republic :

Banksters Love Cap-and-Trade: Economic collapse about to accelerate

The well-placed and well-connected are set to make trillions off new climate bill

by James Corbett


Saturday, July 4, 2009 9:39 AM


"Scambo Man"....I LIKE that!Right up there with "Hows that hope&change working for you??"""






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