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Jim Bob Cooter arrested for cooties
Thursday, July 2, 2009 7:58 AM
John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!
Quote: KNOXVILLE TN - Former UT quarterback Jim Bob Cooter was arrested Friday night, on an aggravated burglary charge. Police found him in a bed. Knoxville Police were called to a home on Franklin Station Way, in the Fort Sanders area. When officers arrived, they heard the caller screaming. They burst into the home, and saw the woman running out of her bedroom, screaming that a burglar was in her room. Inside, they said they found former UT quarterback Jim Bob Cooter in the woman's bed. Officers said Cooter admitted he didn't live there but refused to answer other questions. He's held on $10,000 bond. Cooter saw limited playing time as a UT Vol. He later returned to the team as a graduate assistant in 2007. He is no longer in that position.
Quote:what a c00ter! "Jim Bob C/oo/ter"? What next, "Bubba Joe Gump"? (You have GOT to be kidding me. WBIR has BLOCKED the word 'c/oo/ter'?????????? STUPID!) Well, the content checker will not let me type his last name, lol, so I will just write: Jim Bob "insert last name"??? What in the HECK were his parents thinking??!!! This poor guy was doomed from the start. Guess his parents never heard how a person's name can determine his success or failure. Those crazy irate girlfriends....they'll call you all sorts of names: jerk, idiot, burgular, etc As somebody who has had sex with this man, I can tell you that he is not a mysagonist (sp?). He is caring, sensual, and kind. That doesn't mean for a second that he's not a criminal... This has been such a HUGE mistake! Jim Bob is my cousin. "C00ter" is my mother's maiden name. She took some grief over it in college - didn't make her a lesser person, like you people writing these awful comments. Jim Bob is A BRILLIANT guy (ACT score:34 - what'd you make) who chose sports instead of medicine, which he easily could have done instead. He was going to the apartment of a friend where he had stayed a hundred times over the years. He had no idea his friend had sublet the apartment. You people make me sick. Get your facts right. Well Ms. Stout.....did he always make his entrance through the window? Did he always climb in bed with his buddy like he did the girl that lived there? Just another drunk making excuses trying to get out of a crime. Ole Jim Bob Çóótêr could have been a football Récróótêr, or maybe a lawyer like Justice David Sóótêr or even taken a job with RotoRóótêr, but instead he turned out to be a Lóótêr, got left alone in bed cause he was a Tóótêr and a Póótêr, and now in jail for his obsession with her Hóótêr. THE END
Quote:Congress. The act of sexual procreation between a man and a woman; the man's penis is inserted into the woman's vagina and excited until orgasm and ejaculation occur. "They had congress."
Thursday, July 2, 2009 8:08 AM