Birdflu 'vaccine' bioweapon massacres dozens in human experiements

UPDATED: Monday, July 13, 2009 05:56
PAGE 1 of 1

Sunday, July 12, 2009 5:51 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!


Monday, July 13, 2009 5:56 AM


FACT: We played this game before in 1976, and a lot of people died needlessly.

FACT: Every supposed Swine Flu "Vaccine" has been in practice MORE lethal than the illness it is supposed to prevent.

FACT: The current "Vaccine" is being made by Baxter.

FACT: Baxter is guilty of mailing live viruses in "Vaccine" shipments, something not possible under BSL-3 and this is widely suspected of being deliberate - as no investigation has been done, that cannot be ascertained with certainty, however, at the very LEAST they are guilty of gross criminal negligence.

FACT: The current "Swine Flu" is remarkably similar in composition and structure to the live virii mailed out by Baxter, enough so that an independant laboratory stated a very high possibility that this current strain is artificial in origin.

POSSIBLE: While no solid "proof" exists, match up the outbreaks with Baxters seasonal flu shot shipments and you tell me that ain't suspicious.

FACT: Regular flu kills far more people than any of this boogeyman variants.

FACT: Donald Rumsfeld is a prick, just sayin...

FACT: Regular flu shots are themselves of very questionable safety/efficiency, particularly flu-mist, which makes the victi... err, patient, a carrier.
(read the pamphlet which comes with it if you doubt this.)

In light of this, I happen to be personally very damned suspicious, and have shared these concerns and supporting evidence with both my own physician and the manager of the local CVS* - both of whom are quite concerned about the matter themselves.

My physician in particular was not amused.
"Is it not enough that people shame me for being an Arab, but now I must be shamed for being a doctor ?!
Maybe *I* should buy a burka!"

*The manager of this CVS shares my concern in part because I pointed out some of the risks to her a few years back and she realized that ONLY her employees who GOT the flu shot got the flu, and not a SINGLE ONE of the ones who did not fell ill - resulting in a total freakout on her part, and that CVS no longer offering the cursed things.

And we all know what happened with the LAST attempt to push "Mandatory" vaccination, aka Gardasil, right ?

Most of those with the GBS symptoms are now DEAD - the symptoms simply got worse till they died, and between the nightmare hell of the VAERS database and the death toll, combined with the exposure of dangerously shoddy research and questions to it's effectiveness, combined with the horror of the political maneuvering and lobbying behind the effort to make it mandatory...

YOU ought to be well concerned.

Remember, this is coming from the person who stated right up front that their push to get Gardasil to as many customers as possible, as fast as possible, was hiding something awful - that they wanted the maximum profit before that penny dropped, and got shouted down until the pileup was so grevious it could no longer be denied.

And that makes one more casualty list on my wall I coulda done without.

Please, for the love of mercy, don't make there be another, do NOT fall for this obvious bullshit and let it happen again.


It cannot be said enough, those who do not learn from history, are doomed to endlessly repeat it