Palin resigning as Alaska governor

UPDATED: Tuesday, July 14, 2009 15:07
VIEWED: 5727
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Monday, July 13, 2009 12:54 PM


Well,Kwicko;my distrust of Obama is based on much of the same reasons why BUSH was not my primary pick(or McCamnesty;for that matter)-associations(past and present) as wella s major policy disagreements(past and present).
Palin actually comes (or came,at least) a lot closer to mirroring my belief set than McCain ever did(McCain Fengold,amnesty,lukewarm 2nd Ammendment Support,attempts to muzzle grassroots orgs).
I dislike statists and rascists ,regardless of party or pigment.


Monday, July 13, 2009 5:39 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by Hero:

Our entire nation is founded upon the notion that the individual should be the senior partner in the social contract.

And your more recent Republican history is founded upon the notion that the corporation is the more senior partner than the individual, and that the federal government is the most senior of all.


First of all, if Obama said it and meant it there would be outrage...from the liberals. Liberals believe in the inevitable decline of fact they are invested in it.

I have several investments. I can't seem to find my stock quotes for "Decline Industries" anywhere. I *do* have my money in things like green industries and alternative energy - you know, GROWTH industries for the future, rather than things like dinosaur fuel, which is on its way to extinction...

On the other hand, conservatives seem to be invested only in industries that promote war, exploitation of resources, and death - historically, that's a sure sign of hedging your bets against declining power and relevance.


Unfortunately they have convinced many Republicans of this "inevitable decline" argument. Ultimately its [sic] the American people's opinion that matters and most Americans are returning, as they often do in troubled times to our nation's conservative roots.

Yes, both of which explain why the conservative party running on the platform of "no change, nothing to change here, everything's fine, the fundamentals of the economy are sound" won so resoundingly in the last election.

Oh, wait... they didn't? Oh well. You just keep telling yourself that all those people running away from your party in droves are actually leading the charge to the new conservatism...


He's not asking for govt to do something. He's advocating removing as much of govt from the picture thus allowing the natural creative energy and industry of the American people to move and this "era of national renewal" his [sic] a call to act.

Then he's a liar, or he's out of his mind. (In retrospect, I guess you could say both of those things were true, eh?) His "removing the government from the picture" resulted in an enormous increase in the size of the government. And he raised taxes to pay for it, despite his "promises" not to.


Faith, hope, courage, strength, and determination...these are the things that will allow you to do more then [sic] merely survive a tornado. Lose everything save these and you'll be ok, thats [sic] his message.

Imagine a life of safety and security...without faith, hope, courage, strength, or determination. Huddling in your shelter while the tornado comes and takes it might as well be dead.

Of course, go into a tornado armed only with faith, hope, courage, strength, and determination, and WITHOUT safety and security, and you not only "might as well be dead", but you'll ACTUALLY be dead.

Oh, and would you please explain the last eight years to me? Something about safety and security, the homeland, the need to be able to watch and listen to everything I do or say without a warrant (in the name of "security", mind you). Can you tell me how that ties in with your core Republican values? I mean, I get that you expected the victims of Katrina to get by on nothing but their strength, faith, and hope (which is why no one bothered to try to help them, and why the President didn't even bother to cut his vacation short), and offered them absolutely nothing in the way of safety and security, but can you please explain to me why we need tens of thousands of new cops with fully-automatic weapons and armored personnel carriers on our streets, when faith, courage, and hope are supposed to be all we really need to live a happy and productive life? I was absolutely sure that the REPUBLICAN President insisted that we needed all this stuff for our safety and security. While all of you on the right were hiding under your beds screaming about the big bad bogeyman, most of us on the left were just out trying to do our jobs and not get tasered while crossing the street.

Are you saying that with the Republicans in charge, we might as well be dead?


Your [sic] the guys keeping all the Joe the Plumber types from opening their own businesses.

I thought it was the tax lien he had to pay off. Or the fact that he wasn't a licensed plumber and didn't have anywhere near the money he needed to take over the business he was supposedly buying. Sounds to me like he's just a lazy fuck looking for the government to hand him the keys to a business he isn't willing to put in the work for.

Wanna make things more business-friendly? I'm all for it. Let's write ONE set of rules for businesses in this country. No subsidies, no welfare, no tax loopholes, no tax abatements - the rules are the rules, and the taxes are the taxes.


Build a man a fire and he'll be warm for a day...
Set a man on fire and he'll be warm for the rest of his life.

If it wasn't for my horse, I wouldn't have spent that year in college...


Tuesday, July 14, 2009 4:10 AM



Originally posted by Kwicko:
please explain to me why we need tens of thousands of new cops with fully-automatic weapons and armored personnel carriers on our streets

It was so hard driving to work this morning with all the armored personnel carriers in the way, not to mention the streets lined with cops with assault rifles.


"Hero. I have come to respect you"- Chrisisall, 2009.


Tuesday, July 14, 2009 4:30 AM



Originally posted by Kwicko:

Your [sic] the guys keeping all the Joe the Plumber types from opening their own businesses.

I thought it was the tax lien he had to pay off. Or the fact that he wasn't a licensed plumber and didn't have anywhere near the money he needed to take over the business he was supposedly buying. Sounds to me like he's just a lazy fuck looking for the government to hand him the keys to a business he isn't willing to put in the work for.

Who are you to pass judgement on his dream? Ten years ago I was a broken down security guard, college dropout. I realized I could do better, went back to school, found my own money to pay for it, worked every day, studied my ass off, graduated, went to lawschool, worked every day, and was a full time student, graduated, passed the bar first time, got my job, worked my other job, worked 7 days a week for two years without a vacation to pay off my student loans, now I'm making good money doing what I love and serving my community.

Nobody gave me a damn thing, I earned my spot, I was Joe, hell I'm still Joe cause I aint done yet. Last thing I need is some govt coming in and punishing me cause I got off my ass and did something.

Joe wants to own a business, fine. Its a process, a journey, and he doesn't need the govt putting his destination out of reach, that's not America. We don't need a "congatulations, you made's your bill", or worse "thanks for all your hard work, give it to us" or worse "I'm sorry, no dreams for you, we've reserved your American dream for someone else, but we still need your money."

Ronald Reagan stood for strength, courage, hope, faith, determination, and the American dream of liberty. He applied those values to every aspect of his life, they found a voice his his stand against communism, they guided his pen when he signed his economic plan into law. They guided him to not one but two highly successful careers and the highest office in the land and brought him home to his Lord as a good and faithful servant to the principals he believed. He was far from perfect, he was an American, more so then merely an accident of birth, he lived it and we'd be wise to consider his wisdom before throwing it all out for a system that has failed everywhere its been tried.

I understand you don't like the way things have been going. Maybe you didn't like everything that happened in the last eight years or those eight years Reagan was in office.

Perhaps you should consider that things are not merely left and right...Reagan often argued it was up and down, he was for ideas that lift people up, left and right are just tools to divide us and divert us from right and wrong.


"Hero. I have come to respect you"- Chrisisall, 2009.


Tuesday, July 14, 2009 5:17 AM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!


Here's Palin getting out of the biz for the sake of her children ...

Palin takes aim at Obama over energy
Posted: 10:45 AM ET

Palin takes aim at Obama's energy legislation.
(CNN) — Sarah Palin may be set to resign her post as governor of Alaska, but the former Republican vice presidential candidate is signaling she has no plans to retreat from publicly taking aim at the Obama administration.


Is anyone surprised ?


Tuesday, July 14, 2009 7:10 AM



Originally posted by rue:

Here's Palin getting out of the biz for the sake of her children ...

Palin takes aim at Obama over energy
Posted: 10:45 AM ET

Palin takes aim at Obama's energy legislation.
(CNN) — Sarah Palin may be set to resign her post as governor of Alaska, but the former Republican vice presidential candidate is signaling she has no plans to retreat from publicly taking aim at the Obama administration.


Is anyone surprised ?

First she's not quite out of office yet. I don't think she's officially out untill the end of the month? Or is it the end of the week? I dunnno. At any rate, as an acting governor, she can still make pot shots.

Secondly . . . and I mean this sincerely . . . after she's gone, do you REALLY think anyone will listen to her? I'm all for her leaving office early (yes, quitting), but she's got other things to focus on. I don't think she'll be paid any attention to until that book of hers comes out and by then, who knows? Who will be paying attention?


"It's okay! I'm a leaf on the wind!!!"
"What does that mean?!?!?!"


Tuesday, July 14, 2009 8:20 AM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

So she'll get out of the spotlight for the sake of the children --- but keep herself in it for her financial and political ambitions.

Yeah, that makes sense. (not)


Silence is consent.


Tuesday, July 14, 2009 8:25 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by Hero:

Originally posted by Kwicko:
please explain to me why we need tens of thousands of new cops with fully-automatic weapons and armored personnel carriers on our streets

It was so hard driving to work this morning with all the armored personnel carriers in the way, not to mention the streets lined with cops with assault rifles.


"Hero. I have come to respect you"- Chrisisall, 2009.

Yes, and I can hardly get out the door in the morning without getting a bill for "the death tax"... or without the government getting in my way.


Tuesday, July 14, 2009 10:34 AM



Originally posted by Kwicko:

Yes, and I can hardly get out the door in the morning without getting a bill for "the death tax"... or without the government getting in my way.

Death tax? Bush got rid of it...but its coming back. Trying to convince my grandfather and parents to die before next year so we can get it all...if he hangs on govt takes 50%.

Can you get out the door without govt getting in your way? Sure. But try getting in the door and its a different story (unless your an illegal).

Take a small business. Cap n trade, health care, and higher taxes take your razor thin margin and makes it a loss. Easier to fire your ten employees, shut down, and sell your carbon credits to make some money.


"Hero. I have come to respect you"- Chrisisall, 2009.


Tuesday, July 14, 2009 10:49 AM



Tuesday, July 14, 2009 11:51 AM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

Many years ago I was a waitress college dropout. I realized I could do better, went back to school full time, worked every day full time and then some to pay for school and rent, studied my ass off, graduated, was kept out of medical school so I went to school full time to get my next degree, worked every day full time, and after I got my other degree worked at least two jobs 7 days a week for two years without a vacation, then got a better job and now I'm making good money doing what I love and serving my community.

Nobody gave me a damn thing, I earned my spot ...

Yeah, that sounds familiar. I hear the tiny violin playing.

Only I recognize the advantages I had - I was white and went to a decent high school. And YOU had it even better with even fewer obstacles - you are male.

I don't think you would have made it as a black man from a dysfunctional family and a bad school. You just don't have the cojones --- or the smarts.


Silence is consent.


Tuesday, July 14, 2009 12:56 PM


I tried that and realized what a scam it was to take on massive debt in order to obtain jobs which wouldn't pay the goddamn interest, much less the bills - and already knew full and well just how much bullshit exists in slaving to enrich the elite from when I was fifteen and all of the jobs which demanded a car and phone as condition of employment wouldn't pay the phone bill and fuel, much less a sixteen year olds car insurance.

And I tried, I really did try to be legit, but workin eighty hours a week at three jobs and STILL fuckin sinkin cause of them goddamn taxes eatin me alive sent me right into the groundhog day moment.

"I am NOT gonna play by their rules any more!"

If the game is rigged, your only smart response is to cheat.

"All in the game yo, all in the game."
-Omar Little.



Tuesday, July 14, 2009 1:03 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Can you get out the door without govt getting in your way? Sure. But try getting in the door and its a different story.

Especially if it's your bedroom door, and you're gay or thinking about an abortion... Good luck getting the "conservatives" out of your way THEN!


Tuesday, July 14, 2009 1:05 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


"All in the game yo, all in the game."
-Omar Little.

Can I take that as an indication that you've now seen The Wire?


Tuesday, July 14, 2009 1:22 PM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

"If the game is rigged ..."

Of COURSE it's rigged ! There's ALWAYS a 'reason' to keep people out of the (deliberately scare) resources - too black, too female, too old ... and besides you want too much in wages and too many benefits ... and there's too much government regulation --- and frankly, you're just not enough like Chinese prison labor ...


... and if you don't like it, some unemployed person will be more than happy to take your place.


Tuesday, July 14, 2009 3:07 PM


"Can I take that as an indication that you've now seen The Wire?"

Some of it, yeah - chilling, how goddamn accurate it is.

What happened to Omar brings to light something I had not considered in a while though.

Every human lives an inch from death, but most of the time we get by cause we don't think about it, see ?

Baltimore, it brings the REALITY of that to you, 24-7-365 in-your-face ALL THE TIME, non-stop, you're absolutely aware that death is but a rogue 9mm away, by intent or accident, it hovers at your shoulder just a-waiting.

You cannot live that way and stay sane, it makes you crazy, mean and callous and short-sighted, only concerned with RIGHT NOW and nothing beyond it, because there might not BE anything beyond it.

"The second characteristic is lack of perception of the future. He has none. If you ask a kid like this, "What are you going to be doing next year?" you will get an absolutely blank stare. Not because he's stupid, but because he simply cannot conceptualize such a distance from right now. If you want to speak with this kid, you have to speak within his time frame, and that time frame isn't ever more than a few hours from the present."

I crawled out of that morass of insanity long enough ago that I can look back, but only in short doses, Mikey - I came here to get AWAY from that nightmare, so watchin The Wire pushes all kinds of buttons in my head I don't care to be pushed, thus I tend to limit the doseage - I've seen it for real, up close and personal, as involved as it gets...
(Shit, I knew Hollister, and crossed paths indirectly with Andrews a couple times, thankfully not in opposition though)

So it's maybe not for me, right ?

But if you wanna know WHY, what makes folk into monsters there, I would say it's "required reading" for the course.

Oh, and the window jump was Boyd, I think, and it was only two stories, and that into a half full dumpster for no more than a broken ankle and a trip to the laundromat - but hollywood, yanno ?

And yes, the "photocopier-as-polygraph" incident really DID happen, but that guy was a fekkin dimwit anyway.







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