
UPDATED: Thursday, August 13, 2009 15:42
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Thursday, July 23, 2009 1:31 PM


Btw, I personally saw this behavior growing up. SO, I'm kind of curious as to what people think of it.


Thursday, July 23, 2009 1:39 PM


Also, the authors attempt at doing something about it.


Thursday, July 23, 2009 3:39 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

Dr James David Manning PhD:

We had a local black preacher who ran a local govt bank for inner city loans. He was football star Reggie White's preacher and business partner. His momma used to clean my parents' house. He was arrested for arson of his own church, and embezzled the insurance building funds. He claimed whitey burned down his church, which gave him free publicity to raise money, including from me. Maybe that's why black Reggie White dropped dead?

I give the skools and gubmint a lot of dat credit. "Mandatory" vaccines with mercury to cause brain damage. "Silver" dental fillings with mercury to cause brain damage. DIEt sodas with methanol to cause brain damage and fatness. Food and additives to cause malnutrition, brain damage and fatness. Steroids in skool milk to make girls manly (fat). No relevant classes that actually teach survival skillz, like housekeeping, raising kids, cooking, beauty secrets, nutrition without junk food, how to safely and legally shoot a gun for self defense, The Law and how to argue a lawsuit and win without paying a lawyer, ACTUAL JOB SKILLS so kids can get real full-time jobs and get married and raise a family at age 16 like the rest of the planet. Skoolz a jus prison camps, as admitted in this article, with dozens of cops (the enemy) on the cellblock, er, campus every day. No classes teachin dat whites were the first slaves sold in Ameria, dat CIA imports coke and smack for CIA's black gangs to rob and enslave blacks today in the Prison Industrial Plantation Complex. Dat HIV AIDS is a Pentagon bioweapon to genocide mainly heterosexual black women. Dat Mexicans want to kill all blacks for the jewish Nazi banksters that run the New World Odor to overthrow USA. THAT would get their attention.

Now picture those same black folks with hi-paid govt jobs, that include being told who to vote for. We saw in the military what happens when they get promoted to positions of authority. Not that whites do better by the Peter Principle, just that blacks do even worse. Blacks in lower jobs did just a good a job in hi-tech military positions as did whites, one of my co-workers even appeared on a British TV gameshow with his British Caribbean wife (until he got disabled by Gulf War Syndrome and she divorced him, and his brother burned down his family home in NYC to kill his family).

That's why Obama refuses to release his college transcripts, that show how dumb he really is, and where he's really from. His family even names 2 hospitals he was allegedly born at in Hawaii.

Obama used 39 Social Security numbers, like any good illegal alien:

"Shit's gettin way too complicated for me. There are white folks, and then there are ignorant mutherfuckers like you! You can put lipstick on a pig. Sorry ass mutherfucker's got nuttin on me. I inhaled frequently - that was the point. Pot helped, and booze. A little blow when you could afford it. Junkie, pothead. That's where I'd been headed. You ain't my bitch nigger, git your own damn fries!"
-Barack Hussin Obama Soetoro, Dreams From My Father


Thursday, July 23, 2009 4:59 PM


My opinion ?

I'd like to borrow one of William Norman Grigg's nice shoes and smack you in the head with it for posting such demonstrably false, racist tripe.

Most of the worst issues within inner city schools have shit to do with race, and everything to do with abject poverty, desperation, and hostility towards a word that has mistreated and neglected them since they popped out.

Public school cannot fix that problem any more than the Justice system can - both solutions neglect the source of the problem being an inherent hostility TO those systems.

Only *people* can make a difference, and in many cases of young black men, Gramma is the LAW, which you might know if you ever looked at this issue from within, instead of from behind the fence of your own inherent biases.



Thursday, July 23, 2009 5:16 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

Not even white teachers or college professors know what a CAFR is, or that the "Federal" Reserve Bank is private, or what Operation Northwoods was, or USS Liberty. Or the facts of the murders of JFK Sr/Jr, RFK, Malcolm X and MLK.

Skools are full of prescription narcotics forcibly given to kids by teachers for ADD, like Ritalin, Dexedrine (Speed) and Desoxyn (Crystal Meth), that cause brain damage.

Kosher Freemasonry founded KKK with jew Albert Pike, to divide and conquer whites from working with blacks, after the Civil War failed to overthrow USA for the British Empire. Pike is the jewish pope of freemasonry, and wrote its bible Morals and Dogma in Hebrew.

Masons are the most racist whites, and Obama is a Prince Hall Mason, since blacks aren't allowed in white Masonic Temples.

The only real school is so-called "homeschool" with mommy at home raising the kids, for both blacks and whites. This is mandatory for survival of a species. Jewish Rockefellers destroyed edjewkashun in USA to overthrow USA for their NWO global plantation to makes all goyim slaves, or kill them.

I went to private military skool starting in 7th grade, which went BK after losing the Nam War, then became just another "Christian" co-ed conentration camp babysitter service. It totally screwed my college edukashun, by banning all classes in algebra (class limited to the speed of the slowest students), geometry, trig, calculas, chemistry, engineering and law. But I did get to get my ass kicked in varsity sports against bigger skools. No blacks allowed, but lots of Hispanic boarding student refugees from the CIA Iran-Contra cocaine wars in Nicaragua, where their parents were Nazi kingpins. Now that skool is Jap only.


Friday, July 24, 2009 1:33 AM


Ok... well since we can't arbitrarily tear down all public schools, we have to work with what is here NOW.

And what is here NOW, is what the author describes.

Btw, Frem, you should know better. Its not racist to describe things, or to make observations. (I will admit, however, that the writing does smack of world-weariness) However, the author, in the second link, made several proposals on how to actually FIX things.

Which, while not as grand sweeping as your Lets-tear-down-society-and-rebuild plan, has the advantage of (if implemented)actually working.

No, the author didn't coddle the reader. He gave it folks straight. As in, here is the PROBLEM as I've seen it, now here too are possible solutions.

For example, here are the (authors) solutions to what he has observed:

1. Reduce teen pregnancy
2. Provide parenting education early
3. Parenting training for welfare-receiving teen parents.
4. Fully fund Head Start/Early Head Start IF the results of the just-completed major study support its cost-effectiveness.
5. Better train teachers.
6. Flexibly group classes.
7. Dispel the belief that working hard is "acting white."
8. Chronically disruptive students must be placed in special classes.
9. Begin career exploration in grade 6.
10. Give students a choice: college-prep or career-prep curriculum.
11. Require a course in life skills. (THIS IS AN IMPORTANT ONE.)
12. Require colleges to provide full disclosure to prospective students.
13. Try bold pilot studies.

So how is accurately describing a problem, then offering fair solutions, racist?


Friday, July 24, 2009 4:56 AM


I guess this topic is too hot to tackle.


Friday, July 24, 2009 5:38 AM


Wulfie, what's racist is the way he goes about it, and tries to make it a race issue when it's in fact an issue of poverty and trying to use a system that's already abusive and adversarial to educate people who despise it - and flat don't CARE about receiving an education they are unlikely to survive long enough to NEED.

Remember what I said about the similarity between constant low-level fight/freeze/flight reactions and what the school system refers to as ADHD ?

These kids live in the next best thing to a war zone, where death hovers at their shoulder every second of every day, and despite their ignorance of book matters, they are not stupid enough to believe that education is gonna do em much good from a shallow grave, or if like most inner city kids, they have a criminal record from being unlucky while doing the shit you NEED to do down there in order to survive.

It's got jack diddly shit to do with race, mano - and you of all people should know that.

So makin it an issue just fouls the works, causing a divide, needless conflict and raises all manner of hackles and personal issues in the middle of an issue where we MUST bring our A-game if we wanna make an impact, thus peeing in the pool and hindering rather than helping.

Imma hit up and comment on the list in a moment, but I wanted to clarify WHERE my problem was, first.

Remember, I can not only get through to these kids - I can actually recruit them to my purposes and make them rabid self educators by treating them with respect, coming at them in a manner they understand, from within their worldview, and offering them the golden key of opportunities that MATTER to them - I got one kid, Raymond, jumping for joy at having managed to secure funding and acceptance for law school, whose overriding purpose in this is to some day prosecute the same kind of abusive police officers who helped destroy his community, and he is fully supported by his gramma, who watched the decline happen, and cried tears of joy when she read the acceptance letter.

She wasn't too keen on accepting the assistance of a "damn honky", but she does trust Augustus, who's got a solid rep in the community, not to mention the cred I got with the boy himself from an incident almost three years ago, when some assholes pulled a spray and pray driveby while I was visiting the community center, and I grabbed two schoolkids and shoved em into cover behind me out of pure natural reflex - that was Raymond and his little sister, who were amazed that some random white guy would do such a thing, to which I pointed out that wasn't about color, that was about being HUMAN, and we all are that.

Fuck race, this is about poverty, opportunity, and respect - you wanna get these folk to listen to you, you can't drive from your gated suburban community to some school in da hood and then talk down at em like they're some kinda lower life form, you have to come at them from an angle which presents them with a clear understanding of their world, you have to relate to them on a personal level, rather than as an authority figure, cause most of the authority they've seen is directed at them in a hostile fashion.

Oh, and just a little side note - finally got my hands on an old VHS copy of Disney's Song of the South and showed it to Gus - he thought it was right damn funny in it's own way and likened me to Brer Rabbit, since I do fit the "Trickster" archetype pretty well.



Friday, July 24, 2009 5:46 AM


"Fuck race, this is about poverty, opportunity, and respect".

Ok, I grant you that part of the problem is poverty. Ignorance breeds when money recedes.. However, if that were the WHOLE problem, then it could be solved simply. Just give every ghetto kid/adult 1 million dollars....

You see where I am going with this....

ETA: Also, I agree that its not a matter of race per se, but of CULTURE. The culture must be improved before any real progress can be made.

And, I will admit, that it did me good to see that I was not the only one to experience these things.

To quote "It can get awful lonely in the black.." (pun intended) Especially when an entire society would like to write you off as an exception to the rule, or as an "Inconvenient Truth"....

Frem, it might do you good to read some of the comments written in regards to this article...

" I did. What am I, a freak of nature?

I'm an exception to the rule, and I'd like to hope that there are more than just a rare few like me. To be honest, there probably aren't a whole lot, and I'll always stick out like a sore thumb.

Reading a whole bunch of stereotypes is a turn-off. But I kept reading, knowing that there are probably a lot of people who openly or secretly agree with everything he says.

This experience will color his view of all blacks, and any that encounter him will automatically have that strike against them.

At the same time, I have to admit that a lot of blacks act exactly as he describes, and unless they get rid of this mindset, they will not become productive members of society. There are more that are as he describes to a lesser degree. Many of my family members, with whom I no longer associate, are like this."


Friday, July 24, 2009 6:30 AM



Ok... well since we can't arbitrarily tear down all public schools, we have to work with what is here NOW.

No shit, happen to be doing that, without much help from that system and despite a lot of active resistance from it.

As stated, lemme throw some stuff at this list.

1. Reduce teen pregnancy

This one isn't so hard once you get over the hump and get someone respected in the community to front for it, just need to get behind some real matter of fact education and make condom availability and use something celebratory, and get some role models they can relate to acting in counter to thug culture, there's been a couple musicians who've laid into that one pretty good.
UTFO: Burning Bed, Ice-T: Big Gun - classic examples.

My way to front it to em is simple - you put on the nice threads when you wanna impress the ladies, shouldn't your trouser titan dress up for the main event ?
Hell, you pull out one of THESE - you'll double your chances of gettin laid on the spot, homeboy!

All that one requires is that we really try.

2. Provide parenting education early

Hell, providing ANY would help - and the very FIRST person I would go to in order to enlist support for that idea would be Alice Miller.
A lot of bad parenting is ignorance and inadequacy rather than malice, and that can be corrected, if we're gonna offer sex-ed it seems kinda negligent to not follow up, you ask me.

3. Parenting training for welfare-receiving teen parents.

I am not big on "mandatory" anything, but including it as part of a whole comprehensive life-skills program would be a damn good idea - not just parenting, but cooking, basic household maintainence, remedial business-level literacy, budget management, the stuff they NEED in order to break the cycle, rather than a handout and a hassle, like we do now.

4. Fully fund Head Start/Early Head Start IF the results of the just-completed major study support its cost-effectiveness.

I am with that regardless - having a safe, structured environment during the developmental period is a serious leg up for these kids, allowing them to internalise some concept of social order other than the hostile environment of their neighborhood, and the benefits of it are more of a long term payoff that most studies by political folk interested in immediate gain aren't gonna show.

5. Better train teachers.

Oh hell yes - and not just in a subject, but with a required degree of human relations, conflict management and de-escalation as part of the coursework, cause a lot of teachers lack the social and psychological skills to effectively make a class their allies instead of opponents.

6. Flexibly group classes.

Indeed, I've found that two smaller groups can get more across in half an hour, than a group twice that size in ninety minutes, and the breaks between classes should be extended a bit, allowing time to internalise and reflect on the lesson just given - cause in the panicked rush to get across the building to the next class, there's no chance for it to soak in.

7. Dispel the belief that working hard is "acting white."

That's a deeper and more complex concept, you have to acknowledge the basic reality of "What's the benefit to ME ?" - and if the answer is "Not a whole lot", the response is GOING to be "Fuck you."

Working hard for the enrichment of a company's executives, without even the illusion of job security, and knowing that any hope of a pension is gonna disappear with a legalese reorganisation, and no future beyond the ability to offer your children their place in the cycle of enriching others ?

No - you have to offer them something REAL, some hope of realistic improvement of their life, instead of a pie in the sky myth they KNOW is utter and abject bullshit.

Look at Raymond, not only does he open the door to using the systems own weight against it in a form of legal judo, he also nets the immediate benefit of being able to protect his friends and family from the abuses of the system by acting as their defense counsel - of course, he's being mentored by my lawyer, who's an evil prick, but you kinda have to be if you wanna study law.

8. Chronically disruptive students must be placed in special classes.

Ayep, and they need to reach out to folks like me or Gus who can relate to corner kids, regardless of our lack of official qualifications - that's a big stumbling block we could solve with something like an internship or apprenticeship rather than the inefficient system we have now for training educators.

9. Begin career exploration in grade 6.

HELL yes, open up Vo-tech to middle school, get some hands-on where they can SEE the active benefit to knowing this stuff, there's a LOT of young kids with outstanding mechanical aptitude and potential just itching to get their hands dirty and nowhere for them to do it!

10. Give students a choice: college-prep or career-prep curriculum.

Indeed, every student should have a flexible action plan, and start using the guidance counsellors for their actual purpose instead of an office of propaganda and social crowd control, get someone from the COMMUNITY even if they are not technically qualified.
Even though I am not fond of religious folk, there's quite a few religious community leaders who would be most helpful to the process if anyone from the school system would only work with em - so long as they could respect the boundries, which they ones I know could - they would multiply the effectiveness of this concept a lot cause they are role models and looked up to.

11. Require a course in life skills. (THIS IS AN IMPORTANT ONE.)

Again, right on - with additional electives available as advanced classwork, there's cooking/survival and then there's "cooking", one might say.
(They don't call me the DietKiller for nothing)

12. Require colleges to provide full disclosure to prospective students.

Long past time, ESPECIALLY the level of debt, how long it's gonna take to pay it, just how much a chunk it's gonna bite off of you each month, the whole deal, complete with cost-efficiency assessment in comparison to baseline wages.

Of course, this would either mean reducing tuition, or quite rightfully getting told to piss off when that $80,000.00 USD "education" offers no effective return on the investment - so the colleges will fight that one tooth and nail.

Degree requirements are mostly a "join the club fee" anyways - that's always been a pet peeve of mine cause my Dyscalculia prevents me from using higher math functions, putting a degree forever out of my reach due to "padding" it out with needless extras to bulk up the bill.

Since when does a Psychologist, Criminal Law specialist or Nurse need to know Trigonometry on a daily fekkin basis, I ask you ?

13. Try bold pilot studies.

Heck yes, and first and foremost, bring back paid apprenticeships, so these kids can earn while they learn, show the BENEFITS right up front and proper instead of maybe-someday down the road!

But again, it's not a problem of race, but a human issue - to even bring race into it is asinine, idiotic, even.


It cannot be said enough, those who do not learn from history, are doomed to endlessly repeat it


Friday, July 24, 2009 6:42 AM


So weve established that its not a question of race, but of culture.

And see? The true answers only come from facing the true realities of things.


Friday, July 24, 2009 7:53 AM


I see that both Rue and Sig havnt chimed in...


Friday, July 24, 2009 9:31 AM



You've been speaking for me without knowing it for a couple few weeks now in threads I find too onerous to really get into myself. You've said everything I'd say here and more.

Hey, if you ever need a ghost writer for your autobiography, look me up. You're an extraordinary person.


Hey, hey, hey, don't be mean. We don't have to be mean, because, remember, no matter where you go, there you are.


Friday, July 24, 2009 11:26 AM


Wow, I expected more of an uproar over this.


Friday, July 24, 2009 11:56 AM


What sort of uproar were you expecting?


Hey, hey, hey, don't be mean. We don't have to be mean, because, remember, no matter where you go, there you are.


Friday, July 24, 2009 1:00 PM


That means a lot to me, HKC, really it does.

Consider it your just due for chiming in and saying clearly what I could not find the words to do on many an occasion yourself.

We both have the understanding, I just happen to be down in the trenches carrying the banner forward right in the teeth of matters, cause I can do that, and have just as much respect for those who raise it as a rally banner by personal example at the back of the line, cause that is what THEY are good at, is all.

Besides, what with WWASPS finally crumbling, I happen to be running short of bad guys to hack off at the knees, not that I'm complaining of the lack - just that I am a little adrift at the moment having more or less "won" a "hopeless" fight I never expected to be finished in my lifetime - I mean, how DO you cope with that, yanno ?


PS. Check your PMs.


Friday, July 24, 2009 1:01 PM


Wulfie, any "uproar" would have to do with the dimwits trying to make it a racial issue when race ain't got shit to DO with it, honestly.



Friday, July 24, 2009 6:48 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


...just that I am a little adrift at the moment having more or less "won" a "hopeless" fight I never expected to be finished in my lifetime - I mean, how DO you cope with that, yanno ?

Near as I can tell, you sit down for a minute, have a drink and a smoke (if you're a smoker, that is - don't start on my account), and then say, "Next!" before moving on to the next battle.


Saturday, July 25, 2009 2:56 AM



I kind of thought there would be an upraor from the lefties/liberals, denying that it would ever be as bad as the author describes.

To me, the author did what the Libs and Conservatives were (and ARE) afraid to do. He got in his SUV (if he were a Conservative), or his Prius (if he were a liberal), and drove into the hood to try and teach.

But what he found there, shatters all the illusions that we've been force fed from infancy.


Saturday, July 25, 2009 3:02 AM


Sometimes you own the libs. Sometimes, the libs own you.


Originally posted by Wulfenstar:
Ok... well since we can't arbitrarily tear down all public schools, we have to work with what is here NOW.

And what is here NOW, is what the author describes.

Btw, Frem, you should know better. Its not racist to describe things, or to make observations. (I will admit, however, that the writing does smack of world-weariness) However, the author, in the second link, made several proposals on how to actually FIX things.

Which, while not as grand sweeping as your Lets-tear-down-society-and-rebuild plan, has the advantage of (if implemented)actually working.

No, the author didn't coddle the reader. He gave it folks straight. As in, here is the PROBLEM as I've seen it, now here too are possible solutions.

For example, here are the (authors) solutions to what he has observed:

1. Reduce teen pregnancy
2. Provide parenting education early
3. Parenting training for welfare-receiving teen parents.
4. Fully fund Head Start/Early Head Start IF the results of the just-completed major study support its cost-effectiveness.
5. Better train teachers.
6. Flexibly group classes.
7. Dispel the belief that working hard is "acting white."
8. Chronically disruptive students must be placed in special classes.
9. Begin career exploration in grade 6.
10. Give students a choice: college-prep or career-prep curriculum.
11. Require a course in life skills. (THIS IS AN IMPORTANT ONE.)
12. Require colleges to provide full disclosure to prospective students.
13. Try bold pilot studies.

So how is accurately describing a problem, then offering fair solutions, racist?

These aren't the author of the essay's solutions they're those of the man who runs the blog, and posted the other guy's essay.

Very tough issue this, I might add some thoughts later.

Heads should roll


Saturday, July 25, 2009 11:28 AM


Sometimes you own the libs. Sometimes, the libs own you.

Ok, this tough question.

I think decent people are repelled by the idea that some races are inferior to others, because it’s an ugly notion. Then again, such an idea can still appeal to decent people, if the weight of their experience of a certain race is so overwhelmingly negative (as with the author of the essay), and they need an answer. Racism is the easy answer to the question. Repulsive, but easy – because on the whole, worldwide, blacks are a very underperforming ethnicity, and accounting for this takes a lot of intellectual theorising, which can be exhausting.

Nonetheless, that’s the position I take. The simple answer is not always the right one. The author of the essay is racist quite simply because, clearly, he views blacks as inferior to whites in all respects. In a way I sympathise and am not quick to judge, because experiences like the ones he has had can be overwhelming – and even if they are constructively rationalised, they are bound to affect the subconscious in people, sadly. But the truth is he has reached a wrong, abhorrent conclusion, and his voice on the subject will always be damaging. And so I disagree with the blogger who chose to post the essay thinking it was an important, ‘front-line’ voice. Not that we ought to cover up the accounts of appalling and sickening behaviour by some black people, and some almost entire black communities – it’s a problem that needs to be faced if it’s to be addressed: but that involves going the extra mile in our understanding of human beings.

Here is a basic attempt to do so – my understanding of things.

First of all human are animals, with potential to be civilised – we have noble, societal instincts that can be fostered – or not.

I also have a second, more complex and unique way of trying to understand the situation (not a completely undocumented idea, but one not fully understood and talked about enough, imo, especially in this context). It is that human beings are role-playing creatures (my paradigm for looking at many things, a very profound truth imo). Our sense of identity and the role we adopt in relation to others has a vast impact on how we develop as people, to become good and intelligent and successful and productive, or not.

Why is it that ethnic minorities in different countries generally score lower IQs than the majority population?

Why is that a disproportionately large amount of professional athletes are born at a specific time of year – that makes them the oldest (and most physically developed) in their classes when they start school?

Attempts to answer these questions (especially the second one) will I think show that the roles human beings mentally adopt, how they position themselves in relation to others (especially during their early development), is crucial to the question of human potential being fulfilled.

Heads should roll


Saturday, July 25, 2009 11:47 AM


Freedom is Important because People are Important


It seems that the author of the essay describes events in a way that is colored by his own bias. An example is when the author asserts that certainly, there are fat white people, but you have never seen an anorexic black person.

This is tripe. There are other examples of tripe in the essay. I am appalled to imagine such a person teaching the youths he is charged with. Not only does he have severe bias, evident in his choice of words and perceptions of situations, but he seems to have disconnected from the problems he is facing entirely. He speaks of black people as though they are some flavor of alien entity visiting Earth to attend his classes. He discusses them as though they are Star Trek extra-terrestrials, a homogeneous group with intrinsic traits and behaviors to which there cannot be more than a few notable exceptions.

I have myself attended a magnet school where the majority of students were black (or African American, as the vernacular may hold for those that prefer it.) I learned that there is not so much a 'white' culture or 'black' culture. Poor attitudes, language skills, and other problems are the result of a culture of hopelessness that can cross all racial lines. The generalities that the author ascribes to black people based on his perception of what he is seeing are clearly colored by a strong bias that he carries within himself.

This bias is further evidenced when the author says that white people enjoy a variety of music types, including "God Forbid" rap music. And I have no problem believing that the author would be thankful if God would actually manifest himself and forbid such an abomination from being enjoyed by the superior white population.

The author further asserts that no white girl would accept an advance from a black boy, except perhaps after being guilted into it. This is additional example of his bias, assuming white people to be inherently superior to black people, and capable of co-mingling only out of a sense of pity.

The essay writer makes one insightful comment: "One tragic outcome among whites who have been teaching for too long is that it can engender something close to hatred."

This is of course true about the author as well, though he does not explicitly say so. But it is an insightful comment. If you feel something close to hatred for your students, then you have absolutely been teaching for too long. Please leave the profession.

There is another quote, a statement by a student to the essay writer. I can easily imagine his unspoken reply.

“I cain’t do dis, Mr. Jackson," the student says, “I black.”

"I know you can't" we can almost hear Mr. Jackson say, "but I'm contractually obliged to assign the work to you anyway."

The teacher has bought into, and by doing so continues to reinforce, the culture he despises. Not a black culture. Rather a culture of victimhood. Of helplessness. And of hopelessness.

I am glad he switched schools, though I might wish he had retired from the profession altogether.


"Liberty must not be purchased at the cost of Humanity." --Captain Robert Henner


Saturday, July 25, 2009 1:04 PM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

"The point is that human beings are not always rational."

The point is, over time, they are. They will do what works and give up what does not. If you attend school, keep your nose to the grindstone, and get that HS diploma - if you are a black male, you might, MIGHT get rewarded with a minimum wage job at McD's.

How does one rationally respond to a society that is not only fully prepared to throw you away - but already has ?

Or to put it this way: do you find such behavior among minorities in Canada ? In France ? England ? Switzerland ? And, to answer this for you, since you do not - what might be the difference between the US and everywhere else in the developed world ?


Silence is consent.


Saturday, July 25, 2009 1:56 PM



Originally posted by rue:
How does one rationally respond to a society that is not only fully prepared to throw you away - but already has ?

Via retaliation by striking at it's very foundations, not to destroy them, but to fundamentally change them.

If human beings are essential evil - this is a lost cause.

But if that, one of the basic foundations of the perceived NEED for so much external control, it's essential justification...

If that is a LIE - then instead of a lost cause, that very change is really our only hope.

And it all depends on what you believe, and the strength of that belief, a very Firefly-ish sentiment indeed.

I believe, do you ?


It cannot be said enough, those who do not learn from history, are doomed to endlessly repeat it


Saturday, July 25, 2009 2:07 PM


Sometimes you own the libs. Sometimes, the libs own you.


If you attend school, keep your nose to the grindstone, and get that HS diploma - if you are a black male, you might, MIGHT get rewarded with a minimum wage job at McD's.

You might end up as president of the United States... Nonetheless it will take a long time to wholly get rid of systematic/institutionalised racism in the US, longer to get rid of the perception of it, and longer to get rid of all traces of its legacy.

I'm afraid I have to agree with that quote about humans not being rational - we're semi-rational at best.


Or to put it this way: do you find such behavior among minorities in Canada ? In France ? England ? Switzerland ?

Yes, certainly (though perhaps not to the same extent). It's a worldwide thing, minorities underperforming - just considering one measure of this, IQ scores, as I was referring to before - here's a short analysis of discriminated minority peoples and their documented lower IQ/grade scores:

A good quote:

The answer becomes obvious when you compare the lower IQ results of other discriminated minorities around the world, many of whom are of the same genetic stock.

Perhaps the most dramatic example is the Northern Irish. Even though they come from the same ethnic group, Catholics (the discriminated minority) score 15 points lower on IQ tests than Protestants.

One thing that is interesting, in the UK it is white, lower class males who are the biggest school underachievers:

A good quote:

The Government has poured millions of pounds in to tackling boys' underachievement, yet only 15 per cent of 16-year-old white boys who qualify for free school meals – an indicator of deprivation – leave schools with five GCSEs at grades A* to C, including maths and English.

The figure for black boys from similar backgrounds is 22 per cent and for children from Asian backgrounds, 29 per cent – still low but improving.

Some critics have argued that funding ringfenced for ethnic minority pupils should be redirected.

Heads should roll


Saturday, July 25, 2009 2:12 PM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

"I believe, do you ?"

Caral, Mohenjo-Daro and the Minoan culture on Thera - I don't need to believe it is possible - I KNOW it.


Silence is consent.


Saturday, July 25, 2009 2:15 PM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

Underachievement is one thing - a culture like the one described in the letter is another. That culture is what I was referring to, I thought that was pretty clear.


Silence is consent.


Saturday, July 25, 2009 3:21 PM


"Journalism is just a gun. It only has one bullet. But if you aim it right,
that's all you need. Aim it right and you can blow a kneecap off the world."
-- Spider Jerusalem

Or in this case..

Writing is just a gun. It only has one bullet, but if that bullet is the truth, and you aim it right, thats all you need. Aim it right, and you can blow the kneecap off all the propaganda and lies we've been fed.


Sunday, July 26, 2009 10:10 AM


Sometimes you own the libs. Sometimes, the libs own you.


Originally posted by rue:
Underachievement is one thing - a culture like the one described in the letter is another. That culture is what I was referring to, I thought that was pretty clear.


Silence is consent.

Bad grades are part of the culture, all I was saying. But yeah, I was half answering your question and half expanding on something I was saying before.

Heads should roll


Sunday, July 26, 2009 10:59 AM


Sometimes you own the libs. Sometimes, the libs own you.


Writing is just a gun. It only has one bullet, but if that bullet is the truth, and you aim it right, thats all you need. Aim it right, and you can blow the kneecap off all the propaganda and lies we've been fed.

I'm all for truth, I think truth is complex though.

A lot of black societal problems are well documented - what propaganda are you talking about?

Heads should roll


Sunday, July 26, 2009 11:09 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Aim it right, and you can blow the kneecap off all the propaganda and lies we've been fed.

You mean all that crap we've been fed about blacks being inferior, not being capable of giving gifts, and stuff like that?


Monday, July 27, 2009 12:26 AM



Originally posted by HKCavalier:
You're an extraordinary person.

You both are.


Monday, July 27, 2009 12:46 AM



Originally posted by Wulfenstar:
Btw, Frem, you should know better. Its not racist to describe things, or to make observations.

It is racist to make observations if you only observe the behaviors that reinforce your racist worldview. Mr. Jackson is racist through and through, and I am ashamed that someone associating "libertarian" with his blog would post such racist garbage.

What makes these "observations" blatantly racist is the hasty generalization fallacy. He speaks as if the black students sampled in his classroom represents all black students.

What is more subtly racist is the accusation that because they do not fit in well with the dominant culture, there is something wrong with them. The assumption is that anyone who is not like me is inferior, that any subculture that is not like mine is inferior.

Ultimately, cross cultural communication and understanding was what was needed in that classroom, something that Mr. Jackson sorely lacked. Something that Nemko doesn't understand either, to even reprint Mr. Jackson's BS.


Monday, July 27, 2009 12:52 AM



Originally posted by Wulfenstar:
Also, the authors attempt at doing something about it.

These are good ideas, for the most part. But I fail to see why they should specifically target "black" folk. These ideas should be implemented for everyone in public school, period.

Like white parents don't need parenting classes as much as black parents? What is that about?

Sorry. As a member of a racial minority (thought not black), racism irks me greatly.


Monday, July 27, 2009 12:57 AM



Originally posted by AnthonyT:
I am glad he switched schools, though I might wish he had retired from the profession altogether.

Well said Anthony. Me too. I hate to fathom what kind of damage he did to those kids in the years he taught them.


Monday, July 27, 2009 1:13 AM


I just read some of Marty Nemko's other blogs. He is the type of libertarian that gives libertarianism a really bad name. He oversimplifies issues all through his bias that anyone who suffers does so because they are either greedy or lazy. He imagines that the whole world has good health, mentally and physically, and no one has any reason to not be as successful as he is. So the only reasons he can conceive is inferior character or inferior reasoning.

I have to say, I am getting really tired of libertarians talking as if this is what libertarianism is about. Makes all of us look like assholes with no capacity for compassion or intelligent thought.


Monday, July 27, 2009 3:15 AM



The article is racist because the author describes what he saw in a less than PC way?

Also, Cant, libertarianism IS about personal accountability.


Monday, July 27, 2009 4:33 AM


Sometimes you own the libs. Sometimes, the libs own you.

No, the author is racist because he despises black people. The article is the perspective of a racist, albeit a first hand perspective. You can decide for yourself how valuable it is, these two things considered. I would rather read first hand accounts of people who aren't looking through a racist lens - as theirs would be closer to the 'truth'.

Heads should roll


Monday, July 27, 2009 5:53 AM



Originally posted by kpo:
No, the author is racist because he despises black people. The article is the perspective of a racist, albeit a first hand perspective. You can decide for yourself how valuable it is, these two things considered. I would rather read first hand accounts of people who aren't looking through a racist lens - as theirs would be closer to the 'truth'."

Wait.... so the behavior he describes, somehow, does not exist because you believe he is a "racist"? Is that your opinion?


Monday, July 27, 2009 6:12 AM


See, here is what I don't get....

Noone is arguing about what the author saw. Noone is saying that the actions he witnessed, and the behavior he describes, is incorrect.

Just that the way he put it was racist.

So, the behavior is somehow.....ok. But describing the behavior in a less than polite (PC) manner is not.

What most people here are saying is... "Thats the way blacks are, but we dont like it when you describe it that way." ?

There is always a lot of talk about subtle racism here, but I would argue that it runs the other way most times.

I keep banging away at this issue, because it is one that is very close to me.

Its one that needs to finally, fully, be addressed. After all, we don't want to be "cowards when it comes to race."



Monday, July 27, 2009 6:35 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

Maybe the Bell Curve is due to slavers genociding the smartest, bravest Africans exhibiting leadership qualities, and breeding a domesticated black race for the plantations? That's how you make a weinerdog out of a wolf.

Slavers wrote textbooks on how to use "big black women" to narc and beat black men into submission.

Which is why jews pay Oprah billion$ of "Federal" Reserve Bank debt notes. Gotta keep dem slaves in line at the slaughterhouse.

Note that Oprah ran a local Bilderberg meeting on how to genocide the human race.


Monday, July 27, 2009 6:40 AM



Originally posted by Wulfenstar:

The article is racist because the author describes what he saw in a less than PC way?

Also, Cant, libertarianism IS about personal accountability.

Wulf, you've been spoiling for a fight since you posted this thing. And now you decide to get into it with CTS, why? Anthony and Frem already elucidated the situation powerfully and with examples both from life and from the blog.

I think sometimes people lose all understanding of what words mean--it's this whole, nasty fascist wind blowing through the country since 9/11: everyone's biased, all facts are propaganda, meaning is determined by the winner, etc. Don't fall into that habit, fellow freedom lover.

Racism is simply the notion that one race is superior to another. Even if your man grants that certain exceptional members of that race "rise above" the inferiority of the rest, the race as a whole is still inferior in his eyes and he is simply and definitively racist. What else do you think racist means???

It has nothing to do with whether or not he is telling the truth about his particular students--as Frem told you--the problems in Mr. Jackson's class stem from being poor and being hopeless, not from being black.

But the situation is slightly complicated because part of the hopelessness comes from experiences that are culturally bound. You and Mr. Jackson seem bent on this idea that black culture is inferior to white culture and that shows a colossal lack of understanding of history. Hello? For FOUR HUNDRED YEARS in this country white culture used the black race to wipe its collective ass. As slaves, for most of their stay on this continent, black people learned what a slave learns--that they have no value and life is very cheap. Black women were ROUTINELY raped by their white owners, slave families were ROUTINELY split apart to destroy their natural sense of loyalty and family, black men who disobeyed were ROUTINELY lynched for the entertainment of white culture. Can't you imagine the kind of impact that sort of conditioning will have on a people, even generations after the most extreme aspects of their abuse have been outlawed? How such folk will internalize this nightmare and despite their will to change, perpetuate their conditioning?

You need to understand this. Repetition compulsion is real. You cannot simply remove a raped and tortured individual from the rape and torture and assume that they will have a happy trouble free life because of it, PARTICULARLY when, below the surface, you continue their ill-treatment; PARTICULARLY, if you do nothing to rebuild their trust in the dominant culture, and you, as an individual member of the dominant culture, take no responsibility to understand what's really going on--seeing only the most convenient and superficial "tendencies" of a systematically abused people and saying it must be caused by some innate flaw in the race without any thought of your culture's continued part in it.

The gravest evils in the world such as American style slavery and the Holocaust leave their marks upon their victims for generations, long after the external situation has changed. To blame black people for not trusting white culture, or to blame the Israelis for being too aggressive with people who want the Jewish state destroyed is pathetically miopic.

You may say they should all be "over it" by now--move on, quit living in the past. But that, again, shows an utter lack of compassion and personal depth of character. What have YOU done to help them get over it? And from reading that sorry, self-aggrandizing article, what has Mr. Jackson done to help his students?


Hey, hey, hey, don't be mean. We don't have to be mean, because, remember, no matter where you go, there you are.


Monday, July 27, 2009 7:04 AM


"Black schools are violent and the
few whites who are too poor to escape
are caught in the storm...."

Se, HK, the problem with your argument is that there are no blacks who were slaves in this country, nor Jews who were lampshades ANYMORE.

These things, which are abhorrent, happened WELL BEFORE OUR in, hundreds of years ago.

But NOW, as in TODAY, these things are happening.

And yet, nothing is done.



Monday, July 27, 2009 7:08 AM


Oh and sorry... lol

When I read the article I couldn't HELP but think of this stupid "video"....


Monday, July 27, 2009 7:28 AM



Originally posted by Wulfenstar:
"Black schools are violent and the
few whites who are too poor to escape
are caught in the storm...."

Se, HK, the problem with your argument is that there are no blacks who were slaves in this country, nor Jews who were lampshades ANYMORE.

These things, which are abhorrent, happened WELL BEFORE OUR in, hundreds of years ago.

But NOW, as in TODAY, these things are happening.

And yet, nothing is done.


The situation is slightly complicated because part of the hopelessness comes from experiences that are culturally bound. You and Mr. Jackson seem bent on this idea that black culture is inferior to white culture and that shows a colossal lack of understanding of history. Hello? For FOUR HUNDRED YEARS in this country white culture used the black race to wipe its collective ass. As slaves, for most of their stay on this continent, black people learned what a slave learns--that they have no value and life is very cheap. Black women were ROUTINELY raped by their white owners, slave families were ROUTINELY split apart to destroy their natural sense of loyalty and family, black men who disobeyed were ROUTINELY lynched for the entertainment of white culture. Can't you imagine the kind of impact that sort of conditioning will have on a people, even generations after the most extreme aspects of their abuse have been outlawed? How such folk will internalize this nightmare and despite their will to change, perpetuate their conditioning?

You need to understand this. Repetition compulsion is real. You cannot simply remove a raped and tortured individual from the rape and torture and assume that they will have a happy trouble free life because of it, PARTICULARLY when, below the surface, you continue their ill-treatment; PARTICULARLY, if you do nothing to rebuild their trust in the dominant culture, and you, as an individual member of the dominant culture, take no responsibility to understand what's really going on--seeing only the most convenient and superficial "tendencies" of a systematically abused people and saying it must be caused by some innate flaw in the race without any thought of your culture's continued part in it.

The gravest evils in the world such as American style slavery and the Holocaust leave their marks upon their victims for generations, long after the external situation has changed. To blame black people for not trusting white culture, or to blame the Israelis for being too aggressive with people who want the Jewish state destroyed is pathetically miopic.

You may say they should all be "over it" by now--move on, quit living in the past. But that, again, shows an utter lack of compassion and personal depth of character. What have YOU done to help them get over it? And from reading that sorry, self-aggrandizing article, what has Mr. Jackson done to help his students?


Hey, hey, hey, don't be mean. We don't have to be mean, because, remember, no matter where you go, there you are.


Monday, July 27, 2009 7:36 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


What most people here are saying is... "Thats the way blacks are, but we dont like it when you describe it that way." ?

I think the operative mistake you're making - and the author seems to be making - is that you're working from a position of "These people act this way because they're black" rather than "these people act this way because they're poor, or uneducated."


Build a man a fire and he'll be warm for a day...
Set a man on fire and he'll be warm for the rest of his life.

If it wasn't for my horse, I wouldn't have spent that year in college...


Monday, July 27, 2009 7:42 AM


Quite honestly, HK...

I don't care.

I don't care about "rebuilding their trust" or any of the other garbage.

Never owned slaves, never turned Jews into lampshades, never had ANYTHING to do with ANY of that.

But I DID get the "opportunity" to be in one of those "schools".

As a white male.

Sorry. Slavery, Holocaust, ect.. mean NOTHING to me. Other than as a warning of what could happen again.

I lost my pity a long time ago.


Monday, July 27, 2009 7:44 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Se, HK, the problem with your argument is that there are no blacks who were slaves in this country, nor Jews who were lampshades ANYMORE.

Ummm... hate to burst your bubble, Wulfie, but there are quite a few Jews around still who were actually there in the concentration camps. You seem to think that all this stuff is ancient history, that it happened "hundreds of years ago", but that's simply not the case.

I don't know about YOUR lifetime, but the Civil Rights Act was passed into law in MY lifetime, and it wasn't just a feel-good, unnecessary thing; it was a response to black people being routinely murdered for having the gall to speak their mind to white people, or to ask to be treated as human beings. Hell, sometimes they even went so far as to ask to be allowed to vote!


Build a man a fire and he'll be warm for a day...
Set a man on fire and he'll be warm for the rest of his life.

If it wasn't for my horse, I wouldn't have spent that year in college...


Monday, July 27, 2009 7:45 AM


Sure Kwick,

Then the answer is to take all of these poor kids, give them a million dollars and send them to a good private school.



Monday, July 27, 2009 7:47 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


But I DID get the "opportunity" to be in one of those "schools".

As a white male.

It certainly sounds like you're still carrying around a world-sized chip on your shoulder about it. This is something in the ancient past, isn't it? Shouldn't you just "get over it" already?


Build a man a fire and he'll be warm for a day...
Set a man on fire and he'll be warm for the rest of his life.

If it wasn't for my horse, I wouldn't have spent that year in college...






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