Out2Lunch Still Running Away From The Fascists!

UPDATED: Wednesday, August 12, 2009 10:23
VIEWED: 7686
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Saturday, January 17, 2009 12:12 PM



Originally posted by dreamtrove:

Quite true. Realize that it spins both ways.


Is it possible for the Court to make a mistake ?

Of course it is...

On some past occasions , the Court made rulings on an issue , then reversed itself within a few years...

Many times important issues are decided by the narrowest of margins , as with the recent Heller decision , or this one :


Wednesday January 14th 2009, 11:49 pm

Filed under: 4th Amendment, US Constitution

Ok, I really hope that I’m wrong on this but it looks like the Supreme Court of the United States has ruled that any evidence found from a search that was a mistake but not an intentional violation of your 4th Amendment rights still bears evidence that can be used in court.

Here’s a link to a recent Supreme Court Decision:

Herring v. United States

Docket: 07-513

Issue: Whether the exclusionary rule should apply to evidence seized incident to an arrest unlawful under the Fourth Amendment due to erroneous information negligently provided by another law enforcement agency.

And here’s the Argument Preview:

In Arizona v. Evans (1995), the Supreme Court held that the exclusionary rule did not apply to evidence seized incident to an arrest that was unlawful under the Fourth Amendment because it was based on erroneous information negligently provided by a court employee. The question now before the Court is whether the exclusionary rule also applies when the erroneous information is negligently provided by law enforcement personnel.

So, there goes the 4th Amendment, nice knowing you."

" Unbelievable Roberts Court ruling on evidence in illegal searches

By John Amato Saturday Jan 17, 2009 11:00am

Totalitarians rule!

The Supreme Court has ruled by 5-4 split decision that the exclusionary rule, which bars evidence obtained in an illegal search, is not absolute. The case in question, Herring v. U.S., involved a police officer, Mark Anderson, who executed a warrant to arrest Bennie Dean Herring, (described by the Times as "very unlucky as well as felonious in his conduct,") who had previous run-ins with the law and was at the Sherriff's department to retrieve items from his impounded car. A search turned up a gun and metamphatamines in Herring's possession.

The warrant had actually expired several months earlier, so the search was illegal even though Anderson had made an honest mistake. Evidence illegally obtained is usually inadmissible. But with the court's decision, under circumstances such as the one above, this won't be the on

Here's more...

The one limitation on the Court’s opinion — and it will be the key to determining whether it reworks Fourth Amendment jurisprudence very significantly — is the Court’s statement that its rule applies to police conduct “attenuated from the arrest.” Those statements constrain today’s holding largely to the bounds of existing law. But the logic of the decision spans far more broadly, and the next logical step — which I predict is 2 years away — is abandoning the “attenuation” reference on "


Saturday, January 17, 2009 12:54 PM




I think this is one of the transatlantic things I grew up with prophesy, but I see that while prophesy is the more common, by about 10%, wikipedia and google prefer prophecy.

misspelling is in the eye of the beholder. And the count. After all, wikipedia and google are both misspellings. it should be wikipaedia and googol. Sergey Brin said that it was an actual error. In learning English, he had assumed there was a set of phoenetic rules, (I see phoenetic is gradually giving way to phonetic, in hopes of becoming phoenetic.) Anyway, so one of the ones he had learned was -l was -le, and when starting the site, it never occurred to him to look it up. He actually meant "googol" as in the number, but thought it was spelled "google" it's just a misspelled domain name.


TPTB are 'They' , because they are a group...

Or, perhaps there is not one they, but many theys, and many conspiracies, not run for a single agenda, but each off on its own little vector. I mean, the mafia and the new russians and the crips and bloods do not have a common unity or purpose, they're just an unofficial structure that works.


As for the conspirators , 'they' are not themselves centuries old...

Damn. This made it so much more interesting.


Their plans and schemes however , usually actually are !



Folk just need the ability to look beyond the surface of things , and past the present day...

More particularly , into History .
The 'rabbit hole' goes very deep...

Historian, a hobby of mine, I've been down that rabbit hole. The cult of Sinai had come from Egypt, and arabia, to form a new world order. I've gone back that far. I have not been able to discern the corruption of egypt to the west african gold standard or specifically date the fall of the Sahara. After that, I can't say I've dotted every i and crossed every t, but I know more than a little about it.


bread and circuses

Of course Rome was reinvented to serve the purpose. But any time you take over an ally, or in this case, enemy, it would tend to result in a union of some sort.

I know a lot more than I let on. But that doesn't mean that all conspiracies are the same. Anyone can be a conspiracy. LBJ can conspire to kill JFK for selfish reasons without having any connection to Watergate.


Is it possible for the Court to make a mistake ?

The court exists to uphold the conspiracy. It was created by a particular they for a particular reason. Almost every decision is guided by that principle. Sometimes, decisions become unpopular, or have unintended consequences. But even conspiracies are just made up of humans, individually flawed, corrupt, and sometimes even strong willed.


Have google will misspell, I'll look it up.



Yeah, look back, study your history, and you'll find that this is what it was created to do. The very same people who designed the supreme court and gave it the power were the very same people who just, within the previous year, lobbied aggressively to strike the bill of rights from the constitution are the same very same people who had been fighting for eight years to remove individual rights from the articles of confederation and sought ultimately to create a de facto unchecked unitary executive in short a dictatorship.

I posted all this some time ago in another thread. But if you go back and read about the federalists and the origins of the supreme court, you'll see that this is not a misstep, it's just a plan that took a couple hundred years to put into action. When you believe in an afterlife of immortality, the ultimate good, the supremacy of your race and the need to exterminate or enslave all others, at the cost, any cost, for the glory of your God, then, well, what's 200 years?

Doesnt mean that all conspiracies are united though. Logic defies the conclusion. If one group can do it, several can, and would.


Saturday, January 17, 2009 12:56 PM



I'm sure WhoZit will be very happy if Obama fails and the country crumbles, as he says "I told you so"

Nah, he'll be kicked off youtube for masturbating on a bagel.


Saturday, January 17, 2009 1:21 PM



Originally posted by dreamtrove:


I think this is one of the transatlantic things I grew up with prophesy, but I see that while prophesy is the more common, by about 10%, wikipedia and google prefer prophecy.

'Prophecy' is a Noun.

'Prophesy' is the Verb.


Saturday, January 17, 2009 3:01 PM


Ah, you are correct. No need to go all giant font on me. But one is prof-es-eye. Got it.


Sunday, January 18, 2009 12:41 PM



Originally posted by dreamtrove:
Ah, you are correct. No need to go all giant font on me. But one is prof-es-eye. Got it.

No offense intended...

My posts , even those in reply to you personally , are generally informational in nature .

One should not infer anything that has not been specifically implied .

If I differ with someone about something , there's usually not room for doubt about my meaning...

As for the 'giant font' thing , that's not something that I did...

I've seen that on a number of occasions...Still not sure exactly what triggers it , but it's somewhat automatic in nature , apparently...

Thanks for your posts...'Cause I love gettin' post...

"...Chief Justice John Roberts agreed to hear my case Lightfoot v Bowen, challenging eligibility for presidency of Barack Hussein Obama. He distributed the case to the full conference of the Supreme Court. The timing of this decision by the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, John Roberts, is absolutely remarkable. On January 7, one day before the January 8 vote by Congress and Senate, whether to approve or object to the electoral vote of Barack Hussein Obama, aka Barry Soetoro, as president of the United States, Chief Justice Roberts is sending a message to them, telling them to Hold on, not so fast, there is value in this case, read it. Hawaiian statue 338 allows Foreign Born children of Hawaiian Residents to obtain Hawaiian Birth Certificates, it allows one to get Hawaiian Certification of Life birth based on a statement of one relative only, without any corroborating evidence. You need to investigate, you need corroborating evidence. If only one Congressman or one Senator presents a written objection, then there has to be a formal investigation by the joint session of Congress and Senate. During this investigation original birth certificate from Hawaii will be subpoenaed. All other pertinent documents will be subpoenaed: Obama's immigration records, any and all passports from Indonesia, Kenya and Great Britain; University enrollment records, showing if he was enrolled in US schools and universities and received financial aid as a foreign exchange student from Indonesia or Kenya. All of it can be subpoenaed and obtained within a day or two."

January 23rd .


Sunday, January 18, 2009 2:15 PM


no need for the kid gloves either


Monday, January 19, 2009 1:29 PM



Originally posted by dreamtrove:

I know a lot more than I let on. But that doesn't mean that all conspiracies are the same. Anyone can be a conspiracy. LBJ can conspire to kill JFK for selfish reasons without having any connection to Watergate.


Is it possible for the Court to make a mistake ?

The court exists to uphold the conspiracy. It was created by a particular they for a particular reason. Almost every decision is guided by that principle. Sometimes, decisions become unpopular, or have unintended consequences. But even conspiracies are just made up of humans, individually flawed, corrupt, and sometimes even strong willed.



Yeah, look back, study your history, and you'll find that this is what it was created to do. The very same people who designed the supreme court and gave it the power were the very same people who just, within the previous year, lobbied aggressively to strike the bill of rights from the constitution are the same very same people who had been fighting for eight years to remove individual rights from the articles of confederation and sought ultimately to create a de facto unchecked unitary executive in short a dictatorship.

I posted all this some time ago in another thread. But if you go back and read about the federalists and the origins of the supreme court, you'll see that this is not a misstep, it's just a plan that took a couple hundred years to put into action. When you believe in an afterlife of immortality, the ultimate good, the supremacy of your race and the need to exterminate or enslave all others, at the cost, any cost, for the glory of your God, then, well, what's 200 years?

Doesn't mean that all conspiracies are united though. Logic defies the conclusion. If one group can do it, several can, and would.

by Robert L. Schulz

In our article of December 5, 2008, we asked, "What must a free people do, and what is the appropriate next step, if Mr. Obama refuses to respond to our Open Letter and the Supreme Court refuses to hear the Petitions by attorneys Donofrio, Berg, and Taitz challenging Obama's citizenship status?"

A violation of the "natural born citizen" clause of the Constitution by Mr. Obama is so egregious and blatant in its nature that it marks the overt and wholesale abandonment of the Constitution by the Government, making this our "capstone grievance," capping even the other abusive Constitutional violations this Foundation has sought to correct.

'...Since 1995, we have repeatedly and respectfully Petitioned the Government for Redress of its violations. We have established an overwhelming and irrefutable historic record of numerous, continuing violations by the Government and its steadfast refusal to justify its behavior or be held accountable in any way. For instance:

In light of the war powers clauses of the Constitution we have an individual Right to a government that does not apply the armed forces of the United States in hostilities overseas without a declaration of war; the invasion of Iraq was unconstitutional.

In light of the money clauses of the constitution the Federal Reserve System is unconstitutional.

We, the people have not authorized the government to give or lend public money or credit to private corporations for definitively private purposes. The Treasury and Fed bailouts are unconstitutional.

We, the people have not authorized the government to create a North American union that would, for all intents and purposes, erase our northern and southern borders. The development of a North American Union is unconstitutional.

In light of the privacy clauses of the constitution, the USA PATRIOT Act is unconstitutional, and the developing police state is unconstitutional.

In light of the tax clauses of the constitution, the direct, unapportioned tax on labor is unconstitutional.

In light of the Second Amendment, federal gun control laws are unconstitutional.

In light of the Second Amendment, the absence of well-regulated state militias is unconstitutional.

In light of the "faithfully execute" clause of the Constitution, the President's failure to faithfully execute the immigration and naturalization laws is unconstitutional.

In light of the "natural born citizen" clause of the Constitution, it is unconstitutional for Mr. Obama to assume the office of President of the United States, no matter the number of people who voted for him.

In light of the spirit and intent of the Constitution, it is unconstitutional for the Government to conduct elections that do not rely on paper ballots that are hand-marked and hand-counted with results announced and posted at each polling place.

In light of the First Amendment, Government officials are obligated to respond to the People's Petitions for Redress of Grievances and violations of the Constitution.

When a long train of abuses, usurpations, and refusals to respond to Petitions for Redress of violations of the Constitution evinces a conspiracy to transition our Constitutional Republic to a pure democracy, or to otherwise strip us of our Liberties and reduce us to serfdom under absolute despotism, it is the right of the People to alter the Government, proactively, non-violently, and with critical mass.

Since 1995, we have repeatedly and respectfully Petitioned the Government for Redress of these violations of the Constitution. Our Petitions for Redress have been answered only by a conspiracy of silence and repeated injuries. The Government has refused to justify its behavior or be held accountable. '


" Many of the ugly pages of American history have been obscured and forgotten....America owes a debt of justice which it has only begun to pay.
If it loses the will to finish or slackens in its determination, history will recall its crimes and the country that would be great will lack the most indispensable element of greatness--justice " -- Martin Luther King , Jr. 1967


Friday, January 23, 2009 2:23 PM



Originally posted by rue:
"Realize that it spins both ways."

That's true, sort of. Why sort of ?

Here's an example. The reason why the whole birth-certificate thing is never going to go anywhere is b/c it conflicts with reality.

Let's say someone finally jiggers a situation where the birth certificate gets produced. Then what ? The people who are invested in the idea will have to come up with something else (it was forged !), and something else (the state officials are in on it !) and something else ...

That's what happens when you are basing your ideas on things that aren't true.

OTOH, even should you find yourself arguing against many, if your ideas are based on reality, they will eventually prove out.

What's True is that NOBama & Co. has spent hundreds of thousands of dollars obscuring the well-known , and acknowledged Fact ( in Africa , at least ) that BHO/Soetoro was born in Africa , not Hawaii .

What is also True is that NObama could secure a long-form Vault original , State-certified copy of his certificate , from Hawaii , for 12 dollars and 'fitty' cent , which he has NOT done and made available to the Press...

Occam's Razor . Don't bleed out all over , y'all...

Barry Hussein Obama Soetoro...

The United States' first Af-freak-UN-Ummerican pResident...


"I will also hold myself as pResident to a new standard of openness. Going forward, any time the American people want to know something that I want to withhold, we will have to consult with the Attorney General and the White House Counsel , whose business it is to ensure compliance with the rule of law. Information will not be withheld just because I say so."

--Barack Obama announcing his ethics rules on his first day in office.

For starters, may we recommend he demand that the governor of Hawaii unseal his birth certificate.


Friday, January 23, 2009 2:32 PM


November 7, 2008

Oprah Winfrey
Harpo Studios, Inc.
1058 West Washington Blvd.
Chicago, Illinois 60607

Personal & Confidential

Re: Obama

Dear Oprah:


I observed how excited you were with the election of Obama.

I am writing to you as an intermediary in hope that a resolution of the following can be accomplished with the least possible negative impact on Obama and our great nation. Many are concerned that we are headed for riots in the streets with injury and death. I hope not.

I am a proud citizen of the U.S.A., an attorney, a Democrat, white, Jewish and a Life Member of the NAACP with no axe to grind.

To me, there is nothing more important than our U.S. Constitution!

Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger has been approached about running for President and he responds, "Amend the Constitution."

I am in litigation against Obama and it is my 100% belief that Obama does "not" satisfy the "qualifications" for President. And the longer the litigation goes forth, the uglier it is going to get.

That is why I am requesting you to step in and resolve this matter, one way or another. I am either right or wrong and Obama either satisfies the "qualifications" or not.

One of my cases is now pending in the United States Supreme Court [Docket # 08-570 with Defendant Obama's response due by December 1, 2008]; another in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia; and other attorneys have filed lawsuits elsewhere with many others about to be filed.

The issue: Is Obama a "natural born" citizen? This is one of the three [3] "qualifications" for President: 1) be 35 years of age - Obama is; 2) live in the United States for 14 years - Obama has; and 3) be a "natural born" citizen - Obama is not [for several reasons].

This issue has been discussed for over a year. In an attempt to resolve the issue, in June of 2008 Obama's Campaign Web Site posted a COLB [Certification of Live Birth] indicating that Obama was born in Hawaii. This document had been altered as determined by several experts [and at the bottom it says if there is any alteration, the document is invalid] and described as a forgery.

Please note that Obama has never produced his "birth certificate."

Our investigation has determined that Obama was born in Kenya and then brought to Hawaii where his birth was "registered." If so, Obama would only be "naturalized" and not "natural born."

When one parent is from the United States and one not, one must look at the law in effect at that time. Obama's Mom was from Kansas and Dad was from Kenya. The law says the U.S. citizen must have lived in U.S. for ten [10] years and she did, but five [5] of these years must have been "after" the age of fourteen [14]. Fourteen [14] and five [5] equals nineteen [19], but Obama's Mom was only eighteen [18] - therefore, Obama only "naturalized."

Even if Obama was born in Hawaii, thereafter, he lost his U.S. Citizenship. His parents divorced and Obama's Mom remarried in the United States to Lolo Soetoro from Indonesia. In his book, Obama states that my step-father returned to Indonesia before my Mom and I. When I went to Indonesia, I immediately began school. Indonesia was in turmoil in the 1960's and the only children who could go to school were "natural" children of Indonesia. Obama's step-father either "adopted" Obama or "acknowledged" Obama and he became "natural" of Indonesia. His school record supports this - it is on my web site: - it states: Name: Barry Soetoro; Nationality: Indonesia; and Religion: Islum.

Obama attended school from age six [6] to ten [10]. At age ten [10] Obama's Mom sent him to Hawaii to live with her parents. Next set of problems. Did Obama go through U.S. Immigration or just return to Hawaii on the passport he used to go to Indonesia?

If Obama went through U.S. Immigration, he would have been given a "Certificate of Citizenship" that would indicate he was "naturalized" since he had been a citizen of Indonesia. If Obama did not go through U.S. Immigration, then, believe it or not, he would be an "illegal alien" and not eligible to be President or a U.S. Senator from Illinois. Of course, this could have changed if he at some time thereafter gone through immigration, but he would not have status of "natural born."

Another problem, if the above wasn't enough. At age twenty [20] Obama traveled to Pakistan on an Indonesia passport. This was an "overt act" against the United States and would affect his U.S. citizenship, as Pakistan was a restricted nation in 1961 to U.S. citizens.

Based on the above, Obama is "not qualified" to be President.

Another issue, if Obama did not "legally" change his name after leaving Indonesia, his "legal" name today would be "Barry Soetoro."

Hopefully, you will review with Obama and contact me to resolve this before it gets ugly and hopefully, we can prevent riots in the streets.

Thank you.




Friday, January 23, 2009 2:34 PM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

God bless you all, you're doing God's work. Just keep at it.


Silence is consent.


Friday, January 23, 2009 2:40 PM



Originally posted by rue:
God bless you all, you're doing God's work. Just keep at it.

Truth be told , 'God' doesn't have a dog in this fight...

But , thanks for your tribute , anyway .


Friday, January 23, 2009 2:49 PM



This conspiracy theory, about the outcome of which I do not care, a competent non-Moron could have been thawed from Antarctic Ice and be running on the Soviet Communist Ticket, lost by 96:4, then seized power, if he fixes the mess, I'm cool with that.

But seriously, the very first thing this conspiracy needs is proof that Obama's mother was in Kenya. I know that his father was in Hawaii, but I haven't seen evidence of the other. She would have to at some point be in Kenya in order for him to be born there.

Thanks, that's all.


Friday, January 23, 2009 4:15 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

RUE: Bwahahahahaha!

You are one sick pup, yanno that?

Carry on.

That is all.

It's the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine.


Friday, January 23, 2009 5:04 PM


You were busy trying to get yourself lit on fire. It happens.


Originally posted by dreamtrove:
But seriously, the very first thing this conspiracy needs is proof that Obama's mother was in Kenya. I know that his father was in Hawaii, but I haven't seen evidence of the other. She would have to at some point be in Kenya in order for him to be born there.

Thanks, that's all.

Kenyans are like seahorses. The father is impregnated and gives birth, instead of the mother.

Or maybe both his parents are transgendered or intersexed...


Friday, January 23, 2009 6:30 PM



Kenyans are like seahorses. The father is impregnated and gives birth, instead of the mother.

I considered this option, and then reviewed the genetics. To my astonishment, seahorses had almost no DNA in common with us, or even horses. By contrast, Kenyans turned out to be the same species as us.

It made me rethink my world view. I had to take my tinfoil hat and pierce it with a sword of a knight of the british empire, handed down from the knights templar, and crafted by the illuminati, though I suspect it is really of extra-terrestrial origin. To my surprise, the tin foil did not protect the watermelon against the sword. This meant that either I needed to get a personal deflector shield and a pair of Hulda Clark electrodes, or that conspiracy theories that did not have conclusive evidence for each part of their theory were entirely bogus.

Shuttering at the latter conclusion, I quickly rushed out and bought myself a radio telescope the size of kuwait. with this, I was able to scan the signals coming from the alien home world, which I was able to decode according to the fourth mayan codex. Taking my newfound revelation, and posting it on a random blog, I found that it quickly cycled through the huffington post to CNN, thus confirming that, since it was in the news, it must also be so.

I then was able to use this to ensnare an alien superagent posing as a delivery man for a local pizza place. I detained him in a cell which contained no metal parts, and was shielded from all outside signals. Given this special set of circumstances, I was ready to begin my experiments which would lead to the final proof that in fact there was a secret laboratory under area 51 which was running the country, and subverting the will of jesus christ, who, while not my lord and savior, was some guy, and probably human.

But suddenly, my plans were foiled because my alien joe sixpack impersonator had a cell phone, which he used to call a being known as Margaret, and this led to me fleeing to my secret lab on an undisclosed island location. It would have worked out perfectly had I not tried to return for my first edition mint condition star wars miniature action figures.


Friday, January 23, 2009 6:51 PM


You were busy trying to get yourself lit on fire. It happens.

Or maybe... Obama is really McCain's illegitimate black child!


Friday, January 23, 2009 7:23 PM


Hmm. I hadn't considered this. It's possible. I mean John McCain has been to Hawaii. Obama is from Hawaii. Black people have also been to Hawaii. He could be a changeling.

The only real flaw is that Obama looks distinctly Luo, and not at all like McCain. Though there were many jokes flying about Karl Rove calling people during the primaries and saying "Did you know Obama has a black baby?"

I actually noticed the absence of the black girl on the campaign trail for McCain, she was there sometimes, but Megan was spotlight grabbing, trying to carve a future political career, like Sarah.


Friday, January 23, 2009 7:42 PM


You were busy trying to get yourself lit on fire. It happens.

Well, if McCain fathered Obama by some unknown woman, it means he could have been born anywhere - including Kenya, but not limited to it. Anywhere not considered to be U.S. soil would be sufficient.

And either one of them could have had plastic surgery. Or be pod people.

As far as Bridget McCain goes, I say good on the McCains for keeping her out of the spotlight. Some of the stuff that's been going on with Malia and Sasha has been crazy.

Edit: Oh, and, if it really is the case, think of what that means. The strained relationship, the attacks and name-calling... maybe that was a facade. Maybe McCain, in choosing Palin, deliberately sunk his own presidential bid to give it to his son, as an apology for being an absent father... or because he has a terminal illness and he's been told by the doctors he secretly saw on the campaign trail that he's only got 6 months to live!


Friday, January 23, 2009 10:54 PM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.


Originally posted by out2theblack:
Even if Obama was born in Hawaii, thereafter, he lost his U.S. Citizenship.

He didn't. I covered that earlier. Damn, you have a short memory.

This continuing insistence that he was born in Kenya? Okay, seriously, his mother was, what, sixteen? Seventeen? She was young. And pregnant. So she decided, at that time, that going to Africa to have her child would just be a keen idea?
Come on.

He's your President. Get the frack over it.


Originally posted by yinyang:
And either one of them could have had plastic surgery. Or be pod people.


You rock.



Saturday, January 24, 2009 4:53 AM


YinYang. you're a very funny person.

I suspect that Paterson's pick for senator and McCain's pick of VP were both panic moves, knowing that the inner-party opposition already had huge files against all the potential picks, to grab a random nobody.

I get flack for being a fan of Palin. It's not because she's a vpilf, it's because she's very bumpkin, and until she had to run for VP, very moderate. She had only a few days/weeks to learn everything about the world and reposition herself as a christian conservative, back away from her own positions. Additionally, she was fed to the wolves. If you saw the interview with Obama by CBS's Katie Couric (Fellow fellow of the CFR, iow, coworker of Obama) which was oh so softball, that was made as a cover for CBS's Lara Logan (a real reporter, not a career neocon) interviewing Obama a few days earlier. Logan is pretty liberal, but she's not afraid to ask tough questions that Obama answered, basically saying that his administration would be a lot like Bush's. That wasn't the image that (extremely pro-democrat) CBS wanted, and so they staged the Couric interview for him. Knowing that, picking couric to interview Palin was like picking a smarter Sean Hannity to interview Obama. It was a friendly fire move, so yes, I think they deliberately sunk the ticket. For the record, these interviews are usually taped over a 2 hour period, and you end up seeing the 5-15 minutes they choose to show you. That editing style can make anyone look horrid. Just imagine Joe Biden under such circumstance. Even Obama flubs about once per speech, in candid conversation, we all do. Not saying she's a genius, but that everyone else was given 2 years to prepare, a team of researchers, and very friendly media connections. The whole Palin thing was like Dennis Kucinich and the UFOs, or the fringifying of Ron Paul. (Also note the absurd promotion of non-canidates like Rudy Giulianin. Someone actually pointed out at one point that Steven Colbert was ahead of Rudy in national polls.) [/rant]

Anyway, re: Malia and Sasha, I totally agree. this is an extension of what I've been calling Suri Stalking. The kids should be off limits, unless they deiberately throw themselves out there like Meghan McCain or Chelsea Clinton, and say "I want to be part of this political process."

I picture Suri, 2016, going to the mall with friends: "cameras, two behind us, one in the corner, two at the atm. The two old guys talking, they're not really drunks, they're reporters..." Picturing Agatha Lively style.

I suspect that Obama is the product of human cloning, and they have replaced Obama with Obama, in an effort to defeat Hillary Clinton before she could assassinate them all. Worries me her still being so close, but I guess he can send her on a diplomatic mission for 8 years to Bangladesh.

You have, of course, overlooked the possibility that Obama *is* John McCain, and that they switched bodies like Faith and Buffy. Of course, this doesn't ring very true, Obama is too cool. I'm not getting the freaky friday vibe here.


Saturday, January 24, 2009 12:34 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Worries me her still being so close, but I guess he can send her on a diplomatic mission for 8 years to Bangladesh.

Will she have to duck sniper fire there? She says she's really good at it, you know. ;)


"It is complete now; the hands of time are neatly tied."


Saturday, January 24, 2009 12:46 PM


Vince Foster was a sitting duck I guess :)


Saturday, January 24, 2009 1:40 PM


You do word-salad very well , D-T...

Experience has broadened you...

You with the holey-tinfoil hat , still coming off smarter and more stable than Penix-Rosey...

Wasn't difficult , was it ?


Saturday, January 24, 2009 2:22 PM



I'm figuring this is a response to the area 51 post when me and YinYang were doing our best to bring the crazy.

As for the rest, I try not to knock other users who are not abusing bagels, but I do clash sometimes and it could get ugly. I guess I should apologize to Citizen for taking his head off. Sorry about that. You were messing with my fruity Obama bar, but it's no excuse, I shoulda let it slide.


Saturday, January 24, 2009 4:14 PM



Saturday, January 24, 2009 5:03 PM


You were busy trying to get yourself lit on fire. It happens.

Shocking Truth: John McCain’s Love Child is Barack Obama


Saturday, January 24, 2009 5:35 PM


lol. good find. Or, the disturbing possibility that you have way too much time on your hands, or possibly a small munchkin army that does your bidding.

I read recently that there are 1400 users who edit wikipedia obsessively, and do nothing else. Hard at work, removing references to hillary clinton homosexuality, and turning everyone jewish (anyone else noticed this?) Anyway. apparently it's so, and hyperactive on the political pages. Not so much on the history of the Ming dynasty or the evolution of tokelau creole from the solomon-cooke languages in the austronesian sea migrations. More sort of on the well trafficked pages about Rush Limbaugh and Weddell Seals. I was actually aware that their body structure was designed to collapse like a seahorse as they dove down to 50 atmospheric pressures, a third of a mile beneath the ice shelves of Antarctica. What I didn't know was that they had their own nuclear program.


Saturday, January 24, 2009 5:35 PM


Double Post. So, I can't find a conclusion to the heated debate over which dog-like animal they are descended from. I know there's the hippo, hyena, bear and early proto-canine civet crowd. It's all hinging on the hinging of the joints, last I heard. Did you know that a dog could double his heart and lung capacity with special muscles for short bursts of extreme energy?


Saturday, January 24, 2009 9:13 PM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

I had the strangest dream. A dream that I was in elementary school, where the best counter to a high-speed logic train was to make what passed as a witty play on someone's name.


Anyway, I think it's been well established that Barack O'Bama is Irish.

From the old Blarney Stone to the great hill of Tara...



Saturday, January 24, 2009 10:56 PM


What I find especially grating about the Deletionist horde is their attempts to spin US History by removing bits that place others in proper context and other means subtler and more blatant.

Why that rooks me especially so is that's what started me down the course of rejecting school taught history - twas the fact that they completely removed the anti-federalists and their arguments from the curriculum and presented the federalist papers as mere explaination to us peons from our betters....

But this enterprising little brat convinced his mother to buy a very used set of encyclopedia britannica at a yard sale and made seven trips to carry it all home, you see...

And given an obviously combative temperment, you can imagine what followed soon after I found out just how deeply they were lying to me.


It cannot be said enough, those who do not learn from history, are doomed to endlessly repeat it


Sunday, January 25, 2009 3:22 AM



Originally posted by dreamtrove:

As for the rest, I try not to knock other users who are not abusing bagels, but I do clash sometimes and it could get ugly. I guess I should apologize to Citizen for taking his head off. Sorry about that. You were messing with my fruity Obama bar, but it's no excuse, I shoulda let it slide.

Gratefully received. I apologise for whatever I said to you, but I still have no idea what it was, nor did I mean any offence.

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
No one can see their reflection in running water. It is only in still water that we can see.


Sunday, January 25, 2009 3:54 AM


The internet is a marvelous tool for correcting that. One of the things I'd like to create is a counter to wikipedia, where the information is more controlled, so the "deletionists" aren't there ready to slam any actual information.

People are woefully ignorant of history. PN is not one of them, but he sure does bring the crazy. But the US involvement in WWII, something which should be really straightforward, is not only distorted by the public schools, our #1 state propaganda machine, but our media-run state's hollywood war films carry it to the absurd.

Little details you undoubtedly already know, but 99% of the public doesn't:
1. We entered the war in the pacific when we sunk a Japanese Sub. But that was just the sea battle, we'd been at war with Japan since 1937.
2. We didn't defeat Hitler, the Soviets defeated Krosigk, since Hitler had been dead for a while. We barely got to Germany.
3. We didn't stop the holocaust, or save anyone, (possibly we liberated transition camp Treblinka, I'd have to check on this, since we took czechoslovakia, and then traded it for Austria, which the soviet took, in a standard WTF? move)

But my point is that Hollywood has us rolling into Auschwitz and liberating the jews. We'd have to have been in Poland for this to happen. Hell, most Americans aren't aware that Auschwitz is in Poland.

So sure, the revisionism is an army of disinformationalists. And there's 1400 on wikipedia, just editing day and night. And sure, some of those are setting the record straight, but I think that a system that holds accurate information, however damning, while eschewing excess bagels, (which admittedly, some of the chronic editors of wikipedia do for us.) But it shouldn't need constant vigilance, or if it does, it should probably be staff. The self appointed staff is sure to make some changes for nefarious purposes.


Sunday, January 25, 2009 12:29 PM



Originally posted by PhoenixRose:
I had the strangest dream. A dream that I was in elementary school, where the best counter to a high-speed logic train was to make what passed as a witty play on someone's name.


But you're not telling the weirdest bits...

Like when that quickie-'logic' train ran off-track and wrecked . Badly .

Or , the part where you eventually 'woke up' , and discovered that you actually are
in elementary school...

Once you start to learn some of the important stuff from the big kids , though , you'll have a chance to grow out of it and graduate to a larger world...


Saturday, August 8, 2009 7:45 AM


U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder; his Staff; and the United States Department of Justice to which he Over-Sees

Violated the Code of Federal Regulations as well as Federal Criminal Laws Pertaining to their Conflict-of-Interest


Berg’s Qui Tam Case [False Claims Act] against

Barry Soetoro a/k/a Barack H. Obama

and Berg has filed a Motion for Reconsideration

(Washington, DC – 07/02/2009) - Philip J. Berg, Esquire, the first Attorney who filed suit against Barack H. Obama challenging Senator Obama's lack of Constitutional "qualifications/eligibility" to serve as President of the United States and his cases that are still pending in Federal Court, Berg vs. Obama [Third Circuit Court of Appeals No. 08 – 4340]; this case - Berg as Relator v. Obama; [U. S. District Court for the District of Columbia No. 08-cv-01933]; and Hollister vs. Soetoro a/k/a Obama, et al [U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia, No. 09-5080]; announced today that he filed a Motion for Reconsideration in the Qui Tam [False Claims Act] Case filed in the U.S. District Court, District of Columbia as United States Attorney General Eric Holder and his Office have a Conflict-of-Interest and inasmuch violated both the Federal Regulations as well as Federal Criminal Codes. U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder, his Office, his Staff and the United States Department of Justice are required to uphold and ensure our laws; the laws of the United States are upheld and enforced.

Article II, Section 3 of the U.S. Constitution states:

“The Constitution entrusts the Executive with duty to take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed."

Berg said, “The request of the Government to Dismiss his Qui Tam action against Barry Soetoro a/k/a Barack H. Obama is in clear violation of the U.S. Attorney General’s duties pursuant to Article II, Section 3 and should ‘NOT’ be allowed”.

Berg continues, “I furnished the Government and the Court with the information as to Barry Soetoro a/k/a Barack Hussein Obama’s legal name, which is Barry Soetoro and his citizenship status as Indonesian; I furnished sworn Affidavits showing Barry Soetoro a/k/a Barack Hussein Obama was born in Mombosa, Kenya; I presented evidence that the Certification of Live Birth [COLB] presented on the internet by Barry Soetoro a/k/a Barack Hussein Obama has been deemed a forged and altered document; I presented evidence that the birth announcement filed in the Hawaiian newspapers regarding Barack H. Obama on or about August 13, 1961 could not be verified; I presented evidence Barry Soetoro a/k/a Barack Hussein Obama never resided in the address on the birth announcement; and I raised the genuine issues pertaining to Barry Soetoro a/k/a Barack Hussein Obama’s college records wherein Berg is informed, believes and therefore alleges Barry Soetoro a/k/a Barack Hussein Obama attended Occidental College in California and Columbia University in New York and Harvard Law School as a foreign student. None of which have been refuted by the Government”.

“Instead of investigating the true issues, the Government through the United States Attorney General Eric Holder, his staff and the United States Department of Justice, who U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder also over-sees moved to Dismiss the Qui Tam action instead of upholding our United States Constitution and the very laws stated to protect “we the people” from any individual usurping the Office of the President of the United States”.

Berg’s Qui Tam was regarding the U.S. Senator Position from Illinois held by Barry Soetoro a/k/a Barack H. Obama and the salary and benefits Obama drew based on fraudulent claims. This is a very unique situation as Barry Soetoro a/k/a Barack Hussein Obama is now our acting President of the United States. President Obama appointed Eric Holder for the position of the United States Attorney General and Mr. Holder reports directly to President Obama. This creates a huge Conflict-of-Interest with anyone from U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder’s Office having any association with the Qui Tam matter against, now, President Obama.

There are Federal Statutory prohibitions and related regulations addressing Conflicts-of-Interest on the part of present officers or employees of the Federal (and in some instances of the District of Columbia) government.

The Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), 5 CFR § 2635, et seq. and 5 CFR § 2640, et seq. governs Governmental Employees, including U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder and his staff.

5 CFR § 2635.101 states in pertinent part, “(a) Public service is a public trust. Each employee has a responsibility to the United States Government and its citizens to place loyalty to the Constitution, laws and ethical principles above private gain.

In addition to the standards of ethical conduct set forth in the Code of Federal Regulations, there are Conflict-of-Interest statutes that prohibit certain conduct. Criminal Conflict-of-Interest statutes of general applicability to all employees, 18 U.S.C. §§ 201, 203, 205, 208, and 209, are summarized in the appropriate subparts located in these chapters and must be taken into consideration in determining whether conduct is proper.

As to the restrictions on Conflicts-of-Interest during government service, only Section 208 is illuminated by formal regulations, which are found in the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR).

5 CFR. § 2640.103 “Prohibition” states:

“(a) Statutory prohibition. Unless permitted by 18 U.S.C. 208(b) (1)–(4), an employee is prohibited by 18 U.S.C. 208(a) from participating personally and substantially in an official capacity in any particular matter in which, to his knowledge, he or any other person specified in the statute has a financial interest, if the particular matter will have a direct and predictable effect on that interest. The restrictions of 18 U.S.C. 208 are described more fully in 5 CFR 2635.401 and 2635.402.

Berg stated, “U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder has a financial interest as does his staff as they draw their income from the Government who is over-seen by Barry Soetoro a/k/a Barack H. Obama”.

“Eric Holder joined President Obama’s presidential campaign as senior legal advisor and also served as one of three [3] members on Obama’s vice-presidential selection committee. In December 2008, then President-elect, Obama asked Eric Holder to serve in his cabinet as the U.S. Attorney General. Mr. Holder was appointed by President Obama and now serves as the United States Attorney General; is the head of the United States Department of Justice and United States Attorney General’s Office. Eric Holder is paid by the United States Government and reports directly to President Obama. Eric Holder has a direct financial interest in that he draws a salary based on his position as United States Attorney General. This Conflict-of-Interest goes beyond financial. The United States Attorney General is the Chief Law enforcement officer of the Federal Government and represents the United States in legal matters and gives advice and opinions to the President of the United States”.

Conflicts-of-Interest include but are not limited to a financial interest; a personal interest; improper business practices; etc. Berg continued, “It is clear U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder and the staff in which he supervises have a huge Conflict-of-Interest as they have financial interests as well as personal interests which limits them from doing their job as required pursuant to the United States Constitution and therefore, Attorney General Eric Holder should recuse himself and/or designate Relator Philip J. Berg to proceed.

Berg concluded, "I am not giving up and am continuing my legal fight to prove Obama is not constitutionally qualified/eligible to be President of the United States. I am proceeding for the 305 + million people in 'our' U.S.A., for 'our' forefathers and for the 1.5 million men and women that have died defending our Constitution in the many wars over the years and the 1.5 million men and women who were injured in those wars,"


Saturday, August 8, 2009 8:03 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Oh, good. We get endless posts about a nutter's lawsuits, motions, and appeals, as if that means anything. Honestly, I'd rather read about PN's tales of pro se victories.


Saturday, August 8, 2009 9:48 AM


So, the most recent thread on this ludicrous subject wasn't going badly enough for you, you went and dug up an old thread even more chock-full of refutations to all your claims. Good plan!


Saturday, August 8, 2009 10:09 AM



Originally posted by RiverDancer:
So, the most recent thread on this ludicrous subject wasn't going badly enough for you, you went and dug up an old thread even more chock-full of refutations to all your claims. Good plan!

You must really be an idjit , Obot R-D...

You keep bringing up your notions of 'refutations' , but can provide no examples ?
Like you said , Good Plan !

I expected you to be a moron , but you really are abusing the privilege...

Speaking of morons , have another !
They're crawling out of the woodwork...Look , here's one now :


Originally posted by SignyM:
Oh, good. We get endless posts about a nutter's lawsuits, motions, and appeals, as if that means anything. Honestly, I'd rather read about PN's tales of pro se victories.

Only if you're really , REALLY lucky , and on your best behavior...

Yep , one would imagine highfalutin' legal procedures to all be lost on you , and suchlike Folk...

Now , if ScamBO will just step up to the plate , he can end this 'lunacy' once and for all...For the sake of 'transparency' , of course !

Meanwhile , maybe P-N will start a pro se lawsuit that leads to victory against the Obot and his evil hordes...


Saturday, August 8, 2009 10:20 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Hey, I have an idea! I'll file a meaningless lawsuit against you! Claim that you're a stalking me, or some such. Then you might gain an understanding about idiotic legal proceedings.


Saturday, August 8, 2009 10:37 AM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

And I'll be a witness ! Yes, I too think OTL is stalking you. May even be stalking me !

How could it NOT be true ! Two people claim the same thing !


THAT settles it for sure !


Saturday, August 8, 2009 10:37 AM



Originally posted by out2theblack:
You keep bringing up your notions of 'refutations' but can provide no examples ?

Um, do you really need me to quote half the thread back to you? If you didn't read, comprehend, or notice the first time through, why would I waste my time collecting that many posts, some of them quite sizable, with expectations that this time, maybe something will get through to you? That would be moronic.


Saturday, August 8, 2009 11:56 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Posted by Out2Lunch:

Yep , one would imagine highfalutin' legal procedures to all be lost on you , and suchlike Folk...

So, Out2Lunch, can you please explain the "highfalutin' legal procedures" you're talking about?

Please explain to me the part about the Constitution requiring both parents to be U.S. citizens as you've claimed it does, 'cause that one just never gets old. If you can, quote back to me the relevant passage in the United States Constitution where you got that "highfalutin'" notion, 'cause I'd love to read it, and none of my copies of the Constitution have it anywhere, so you must have one of the super-secret special versions that us mere mortals aren't allowed to see.

And then, if you get a chance, you can use your highfalutin' legal learnin' to please, please, PLEASE show some evidence that I or anyone else here has ever tried to have you "banned" from this board. I've asked several times already, for almost two weeks now, and you keep disappearing every time I bring it up. The only conclusion that I - or anyone who's following this at all - can come to is that you're dodging me. Are you afraid to admit that you were lying when you made that claim?


Sweeping generalizations are always wrong!


Saturday, August 8, 2009 12:04 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Now , if ScamBO will just step up to the plate , he can end this 'lunacy' once and for all...For the sake of 'transparency' , of course !

Except - he CAN'T "end this lunacy once and for all". No matter what he does, no matter what evidence he provides, no matter what evidence the other side produces which is then almost immediately refuted and retracted, you and your merry little band of dipshits will NEVER accept the truth of the situation. It's a game of constantly-moving goal posts. One thing is shot down on your side, so you immediately come up with another. One thing is verified on Obama's side, and it's immediately clear to you that everyone but you is in on the conspiracy.

Why would ANYONE, much less the President of the United States, play along with your silly little game?

Oh, and please use some of your "highfalutin'" legal learnin' to prove to us again how when you accuse someone of something completely ridiculous, it's incumbent upon them to disprove your batshit allegations.

You are a once-in-a-lifetime legal mind, Out2Lunch. Thank goodness for small favors.


Sweeping generalizations are always wrong!


Saturday, August 8, 2009 4:24 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

Why would Barry Soetoro, aka Hussein Obama, live in a foreign exchange student dorm with a Pakistani roommate if he were a US citizen?

That's why he'll never reveal his college transcripts.

Along with his 29 Social Security numbers.

USA has been overthrown by the British Communist Empire.

The 2nd Revolutionary War has begun...


Saturday, August 8, 2009 4:30 PM


Who keeps changing the titles of these threads? It's getting childish, I feel like I'm in grade 5 and everyone's going "Did not - Did too - Did not..."

Honestly your adults, stop the silliness.

{{{*********~A footer is the closing of an article, not a kinky sex move~*********}}}


Saturday, August 8, 2009 5:30 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by Misstressahara:
Who keeps changing the titles of these threads? It's getting childish, I feel like I'm in grade 5 and everyone's going "Did not - Did too - Did not..."

Honestly your adults, stop the silliness.

{{{*********~A footer is the closing of an article, not a kinky sex move~*********}}}

It seems to happen in waves. Flares up for a while, then subsides again.


Saturday, August 8, 2009 6:04 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by piratenews:

Why would Barry Soetoro, aka Hussein Obama, live in a foreign exchange student dorm with a Pakistani roommate if he were a US citizen?

Why did you live in a gay brothel with an Israeli "rommate"? Can you prove that you never did? 'Cause I heard you did, and the person who told me that is a lawyer, so it has to be true. She's also a dentist. :)


That's why he'll never reveal his college transcripts.

I have yet to see your college transcripts. What are YOU hiding, and who are you hiding it from?


Along with his 29 Social Security numbers.

Again, why haven't you posted any of your SSNs? If you won't post them, it means you don't have any, which means you're here illegally...


USA has been overthrown by the British Communist Empire.

I knew you were Jewish and I knew you were British (your posts about nuking the U.S. when you were in England proved that), but I wasn't sure if you were a communist until you just admitted it.


The 2nd Revolutionary War has begun...

You missed it. Your side lost.

Oh, and WHEN are you going to show us your birth certificate? You know we can't accept you as real until you do, right?


Saturday, August 8, 2009 7:26 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


he can end this 'lunacy' once and for all
O2B, the only one who can end your lunacy is YOU.

Honestly, I swear to God about 35% of the peeps in the USA ware on the verge of complete mental breakdown....


Wednesday, August 12, 2009 10:10 AM



Originally posted by Kwicko:

Originally posted by Misstressahara:
Who keeps changing the titles of these threads? It's getting childish, I feel like I'm in grade 5 and everyone's going "Did not - Did too - Did not..."

Honestly your adults, stop the silliness.

{{{*********~A footer is the closing of an article, not a kinky sex move~*********}}}

It seems to happen in waves. Flares up for a while, then subsides again.


Wednesday, August 12, 2009 10:13 AM


Obama or Nobama... will the Supremes decide?


But a .308 round might...

I kid, I KID!!!!






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