
UPDATED: Thursday, August 13, 2009 15:42
VIEWED: 7630
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Wednesday, August 12, 2009 1:37 PM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

First off, show me a cite."

Matter of public record, but here's a news cite

The YFZ Ranch leader is facing criminal charges accusing him of performing an illegal marriage ceremony by wedding his 12-year-old daughter to Warren Jeffs. He is one of a dozen FLDS men facing criminal charges.

That is roughly 10% of the men there.

"Do NOT fuck with me about this, Miss - I can and will pull the thread up just to show all your lies, obfuscations and celebration of the personal destruction of folks you didn't agree with, an ugly side of you I have far from forgotten and probably never will."

Bring it. And I will show them YOURS. Ready ? Let's go.

"And every time I see again in my mind, the image of that little girl rolling into a twitching, howling ball of misery cause a stranger came near her, I think of people like YOU ..."

And every time I see the stories of women and children who had to put up with demeaning abuse - I think of YOU - an aider and abettor - who will excuse anything - ANYTHING - because of a personal vendetta against government.


Silence is consent.


Wednesday, August 12, 2009 1:55 PM



Originally posted by Wulfenstar:
Problem Plain, to many of these kids dont have a Mom AND Dad... they just have a Mom... usually bitter at the way life turned out.

Moms are perfectly capable of raising decent human beings, dads too. Nowhere does it say you have to have 2 parents to be brought up decent. I just had a mom, even though dad lived in the same house he really wasn't involved. I was lucky to have grandparents that cared enough to make me behave myself, so my mom didn't go it totally alone.

While me and my sister lived at home, we were my mom's number 1 priority. We had food and clothes and shelter, even if it meant she didn't get to do some of the things she would have liked to. That's my biggest point. Your kids are your priority; if you can't devote yourself 115% to being a parent, don't have kids. And if you do have kids, put them up for adoption. They deserve better than what they are getting these days, and if you can't step up you should step out.

BTW--this is why I don't have kids. Don't want any either. Don't like'em. I would be a crap parent, even though I was raised better. I'm very self-centered and that's not a good thing when you're talking about parenting. Neither is a really short fuse and a tendency to swear. I'll stick with cats, thanks.

Got no problem with people wanting to have kids, but they come with some mighty big strings attached and it might behoove folks to think about that for a minute before they go signing on. It's not like it is on tv. It's goram hard work. If you arent willing to do it, be like me and have cats (dogs, ferrets, whatever floats your boat).

Day late an'a dollar short...Story of my ruttin' life!


Wednesday, August 12, 2009 2:49 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Frem, you seem to be of two minds. On the one hand, you think that children shouldn't be thought of as the property of their parents, but as full human beings with fully human rights. OTOH you seem ot think that parents "should' be able to bring up their children however they want. But when parents are negligent or abusive those two thoughts collide.

So how do you propose to ensure children's rights when parents won't, without public intervention??? And no, I don't mean in the distant future when we're all better community members, I mean now. What do you propose? 'Cause I'm not hearing it.*

It's very much like the healthcare debate. Most everyone agrees that the current for-profit health INSURANCE system sucks. But they don't want government either? So... what's the plan?

*ETA what I AM hearing is: Parents should be allowed to raise their children however they see fit as long as they have MY (Frem's) approval.


Wednesday, August 12, 2009 2:53 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

Man, I leave a thread alone for just a few hours, and the whole place goes to hell...

Okay, time to start catching up.


AgentRouka wrote:

As an observer, I always felt much of it was backlash against her anti-city, anti-"elite" rethoric, though. The term "real Americans" being thrown around and such. Am I completely off-track?

In my view, you're completely ON-track. Palin and the rest of the neo-con hordes have a deep-seated hatred for ANY kind of "intellectualism". Seriously. They're on the same level as Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge, if not in actual DEEDS, then clearly in intent, which is WHY I dubbed them the Khmer Rove in the first place. It wasn't because it was a cutesy moniker; it was because it fit their idea of what they wanted to do to America, to knowledge, to learning, and to critical thought, not only to dissent.

For the life of me, I've never been able to figure out why intelligence and education are supposed to be feared, scorned, mocked, or killed. Unless you're actively trying to suppress knowledge of what you're up to, that is...



Wednesday, August 12, 2009 3:17 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by SignyM:
BTW- I read the originally posed article and meant to reply earlier but didn't have the time. Forgive me if I tread old ground, but there're too many posts for me to read, so here's my take:

My first question was Is this real?, or is a bitter rant? My answer is: Yes, it IS real. I've seen videos of a school that looks and sounds just like this. OTOH, that school was widely known as being out of control, even compared to other black schools in the area. So while the post could be real, it sounds like its not typical.

So I started thinking about the kids, and why they are the way they are: predatory towards each other, callous towards themselves, totally unaware of the larger world around them, and that they are in a hell that... while perhaps not of their own genesis... is certainly well within their power to stop. IF they change their collective behavior. (But yanno what? We can't even get a neighborhood of white privileged grownups to change their behavior collectively, so it's unrealistic to expect kids with limited vision to change theirs, dontcha think?)

And what it all boils down to is a hellhole created by a combination of poverty, racism, and capitalism. A misery of dog-eat-dogism, where everyone can and will be taken advantage of, and any tender feelings or bonds of loyalty are weaknesses. Where kids feel they're worth nothing... because they ARE worth nothing.

Been up close a personal with dysfunctional black families and culture. Moms drag their kids around like so much meat, or leave them at home to fend for themselves. Grups hardly ever talk to kids except to bark at them. Anyone who has money or resources is immediately mooched off, with no expectation of repayment. You grow up thinking of yourself and ONLY yourself. You CAN'T put yourselves in someone else's shoes and therefore you CAN'T imagine anything different.

In order for these kids to learn, the FIRST thing they have to do is learn to think about others. Putting the promise of a reward in front of these kids is just a taunt which will be rejected. Instead of showing kids who things can be better, I think they need to bond with someone who has it WORSE. Someone who is defenseless and on-threatening. It's like girls who are abused by their fathers... they put up with it until and then he started on my little sister. Once that emotional barrier ir cracked, THEN they can start to learn.

And THIS is precisely the point at which we have to start working to change the attitudes and perceptions. These are kids who are brought up to think ONLY of themselves, and to view any weakness as an opportunity to be taken advantage of. We have to find a way to alter that thinking and start turning it around. A community that's down below the lowest of the low can still band together and lift up ONE of its people, who can then stretch a hand DOWN to the others and start pulling them up with him or her, and the cycle continues. Everyone who gets lifted or pulled up has an obligation to do the same for others.

And if it's done right, this is a golden opportunity for the churches to get involved. They CAN help here, and without all the proselytizing, if they decide they'd rather help people than indoctrinate them.

I tried to do it on my own, on a very small scale, by talking with neighborhood kids about what I was most comfortable talking about - working on cars. They were older than they should have been when I got to working with them, but I might have helped a few of them out in my own tiny way. I told 'em I'd teach them everything I knew, help 'em work on their Hondas, and all I asked in return was that they not go street-racing, but take it to a track, and that they pass the knowledge on to others down the road, and teach them the same way.

Frem does the same thing, but on a much grander scale, I think, and he has my admiration and gratitude for giving so much of himself to do it.

It's said that a person can't help, that it takes a collective effort, but I have to ask: what is a collective, if not a group of individuals? Sure, no one person can do it alone, but EVERYONE can do it.

The hardest part, by far? Once YOU get out, avoiding the temptation to just run as far and as fast as you can. Going back to reach down and pull others out can't be easy, but they won't make it without all of us.



Wednesday, August 12, 2009 3:23 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by Wulfenstar:
Part of the problem is that our society relies on FAMILIES to raise their children. By problem, I mean SOLUTION.

And maybe a FAMILY isn't enough anymore. Or, to be more accurate, maybe FAMILY isn't who you're born into, but rather the family you make for yourself. If your own family isn't doing the job, you surround yourself with people who add value to your life.



Wednesday, August 12, 2009 3:30 PM



Yes, I think so. Much of Palin's rhetoric was canned, and her botched interview with Couric was staged. Couric and Obama are colleagues, which is why Katie had already gone to great lengths to bury Lara Logan's hardball interview of Obama, and replace it with her own. Ironically, Logan is also a liberal and also works for CBS, but she asked Obama real questions, and tough ones, which made it clear that Obama was not willing to cater to the liberal vote.

Palin was a stunt, she was there for McCain, who had no folksy credibility at all, to try to gain some. She was picked for her lack of experience, given no preparation, and handed a script and then fed to the wolves.

Whether you like Sarah Palin or not isn't the point. Palin's political stance was a written script, as were her talking points.

Now if I can theorize: The design was to have Palin fail. Palin is a moderate, probably to the left of McCain, or was until suddenly being tapped for VP. The GOP was constructing a new image, and part of that image was to present a face that represented their constituency to a tee, and then to have them watch her torn down by the leftist media like a pack of wild dogs. Sarah herself was an unwitting sacrifice. The GOP was trying to save its image, and carve a new one, different from Bush, while not losing its Bush base.

I'll go a step further: McCain consistently throughout the election made absurd statements, painting socialism as "spreading the wealth around," a more flattering image of socialism than even its die hard supporters would claim. (I think the usual term supporter use is "a safety net.") He painted Obama as better than he was, because he wanted to lose the election. The GOP wanted to lose.

They knew the mess that they had created under Bush, and that the whole house of cards was about to collapse. It was time to get out from under, and let someone else take the blame. (I'm talking strategy here: I know someone people will say "But Obama *is* to blame" well, sure, in part, but this house was already coming down, probably starting back as far as at least Clinton, but Bush set in motion what caused the house to collapse, and the republican party knew it.)

What I object to in the Palin attacks isn't that the media bought a trap hook line and sinker, or that a moderate if slightly corrupt politician was sacrificed, but that the whole thing came out with such class bigotry. It was stunning. It was everything that we thought we had defeated by electing a black president, still going full blaze.

The fact it, most bigotry is carried out not with malicious intentional hatred towards a group with intentional bias, but with total ignorance that a bias is being applied.

I'm not about to jump on Wulfie's train and suggest that the new target is whites: There are many new targets, but they aren't usually colors: We have muslims, immigrants, the rural lower class, asians, and most recently, shamelessly, south asians, but to no small degree, the chinese. (Every corporate lack of oversight was blamed on 1.3 billion people?)

Racism is as alive and well as it is in star trek, where all humans are created equal, but klingons are stupid and evil. No wait, that's not right, it's romulans who are evil. Oh, sorry, that's racist. Cardassians are evil. And Ferengi are cheaters and crooks...

So, I apologize for the occasional slight against the new xtians. They're just folks. Moving on.


Wednesday, August 12, 2009 3:31 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by Wulfenstar:
.... and you can thank all those feminists for that....


You wanna run that by me one more time, sparky? Care to explain why Dad being a deadbeat and running away from his responsibilities has ANYTHING to do with feminists? That's the most cheese-dicked copout I think I've ever heard.

Let me guess... That's going to be your defense when you try (and fail miserably, I might add) to take a shot at our elected leader, as you've alluded to more than once? "Why'd you do it, son?" "Because my MOM was a FEMINIST!"

I thought you were done trying to lay blame for your problems, and wanted to actually try to DEAL with them and GET PAST them. Guess I was completely wrong about you.

Well, at least I know I never, ever have to take you seriously about anything ever again...



Wednesday, August 12, 2009 3:49 PM


Frem, it is very entertaining to watch you rant and fume.

My two cents:

The FLDS is a church, and old one, an institution of the United States, which avows freedom of religion. They set rules for their society, which all consenting persons capable of caring for themselve can choose to abandon, and leave, just like any other free and functioning society.

The specific rules of that society are no more our concern as those of Iraq, Iran or Japan. As long as the are not harming anyone else, and are not a danger, then they have that right.

Now take a moment to examine "mainstream society."

Our "proper" mating ritual is to consume toxic amounts of drugs and alcohol and then have sex with strangers.

Our educational strategy is that we mandate imprisonment and punishment for children for 13 years until they conform to a constructed set of beliefs

Our occupational strategy is that we "purchase" further "education" to ensure "employment" which puts us in permanent debt, which amounts to perpetual slavery.

Our generally accepted child rearing practice is to maintain slave-wage employment, drowning in taxation*, and never actually see our children to ensure that they are raised by the media-state through institutions such as the public school, television, and much more sinister ones Frem has alerted me to, all to create dysfunctional dependent citizens unable to fight back, and beholden to the system that brought them up.

*taxation: the right to pay interest on the loans taken out for a war planned by unelected unofficials in back rooms and think tanks for some nefarious purpose, put into action through manipulating their toadies in office. This will eat half your income if you're luck, but probably more.

Okay, that's not a cynical look, I haven't even gotten warmed up. I'm just saying...

Anyone here currently living in a utopia not ridden with mandates, inescapable labor systems, debt, disease, war, and completely dysfunctional decay, feel free to attack whoever you want for their shortcomings.

Myself, the only society the US can probably look down on with moral certainty is Saudi Arabia, though we do lose out on the disease issue. A few others are suspect, sure, but they, like the former USSR, could throw a few back in our faces.

Oh, did I forget to mention our drug problem? Oh, I did. What a pity.


Wednesday, August 12, 2009 3:52 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by Fremdfirma:

Or, like a gun, a really big gun, like a Pfeifer Zeliska.

Useful for some jobs, but potentially VERY dangerous, especially in the hands of someone who doesn't know what they're doing, or doesn't observe proper safety precautions, or tries to use it for something radicially out of it's intended function (driving in nails, for example).

But WITHIN it's intended and specific function, ultimately the best tool for the job.

Ok, there *IS* such a thing as "too much gun" apparently, who in their RIGHT FREAKIN MIND would *want* that horrific thing ?
You have to love the comment "There won’t be any permanent damage inflicted to your wrist."

Okay, in general, I'm one of those "no such thing as too much gun" kind of guys. I'm a large - FREAKISHLY large - human, and most weapons just feel puny to me. I'm used to that, though, and I figure if the caliber is right for the job, I'll figure out how to use it.

Having said that, I have to agree with you 100% on that monstrosity. That's a stupidly large gun, designed for people with the very tiniest of penises, apparently. I'm completely happy with a .44 magnum revolver, because as you've often said, if you fire 6 shots of that beast at something and need more, you don't need a gun, you need a freaking EXORCIST!



Wednesday, August 12, 2009 3:56 PM


Again, innocent till proven guilty, although I tend to be pretty damn sure THAT bastard is guilty, and I never said there weren't folk who were, not even once.

You have yet to offer proof of that 10% figure, as FLDS most certainly has more than 10 adult males in it, and I take it with the same grain of salt as when you told me "half" the "underage" girls were pregnant, neither claim of which turned out to be true, mind you.

And, you have yet to offer any proof that it was a "matter of policy" as in statements under oath by church officials or official documents, which given your long record of outright falsehoods stated as fact, often in the fact of clearly refuting hard evidence, I am not in the slightest inclined to believe you.

That said, *some* of those church leaders and elders belong in jail, hell yes - where the bloody HELL do you think they're getting the goddamned evidence to put them there ?
Sure as shit isn't the case so thoroughly polluted by the fiasco, no - it's the stuff the members gave us and others in their defense, and more that they handed off AFTER realising just how badly their own leaders had shafted them.

Like I said, a housecleaning, and a badly needed one, but targeted on the PERPS rather than the VICTIMS - something you have trouble understanding from day one.


It cannot be said enough, those who do not learn from history, are doomed to endlessly repeat it


Wednesday, August 12, 2009 3:59 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Did or did not Gov Perry push for mandatory vaccination with Gardasil ?

Yes, he did. And the shits of it is, he didn't do it out of any great concern for children, or any great hopes of saving a young generation; he did it for the basest of reasons: money. He was given large campaign donations by one of the bigwigs behind Gardasil, and in return, he promised his friend that he'd push to make the vaccination mandatory for all girls entering the sixth grade. Why he isn't up on charges is beyond me. Probably because he's got great hair.


Did or did not serious safety and side effect concerns come up, including deaths and injuries reported to the VAERS database proportionally far in excess of any other vacc ?

To the best of my knowledge, yes. That's what eventually led the Texas legislature (or "the lege" as we call it here in the Capitol City) to push back on the issue, and to reverse course. But not before there were some horrific side effects inflicted.



Wednesday, August 12, 2009 4:09 PM


The bigwigs are Merck, which is Rummy and Co. Still, their science is sound. I don't care why they're pushing it, I think it's a good idea. It's a genetically engineer vaccine, so there's no risk of infection, and it could save a lot of lives.

I think only giving it to girls is pretty moronic, men die of it too, fairly readily. Right at the moment, Patrick Swayze is dying of it, like Farrah Fawcett before him. This is a common disease. If you give the vaccine to half the population, you only encourage the disease to evolve.

If Obama decided to provide support for an independent national rail system because of some special interest benefit, I'd still think it was a good idea.

National health plans have problems, not the least of which is that they are not improving heathcare quality or lowering the cost, and they are supported by people I thoroughly mistrust and an ideology which is just poorly conceived, but it's still better to provide the service than not. At least then govt. would be doing something.


Wednesday, August 12, 2009 5:00 PM



Originally posted by SignyM:
Frem, you seem to be of two minds. On the one hand, you think that children shouldn't be thought of as the property of their parents, but as full human beings with fully human rights. OTOH you seem ot think that parents "should' be able to bring up their children however they want. But when parents are negligent or abusive those two thoughts collide.

So how do you propose to ensure children's rights when parents won't, without public intervention??? And no, I don't mean in the distant future when we're all better community members, I mean now. What do you propose? 'Cause I'm not hearing it.*

It's very much like the healthcare debate. Most everyone agrees that the current for-profit health INSURANCE system sucks. But they don't want government either? So... what's the plan?

*ETA what I AM hearing is: Parents should be allowed to raise their children however they see fit as long as they have MY (Frem's) approval.

I was gonna say something snarky and throw hints, but longer I thought about it the worse idea it seemed.

This reminds me of recently watching a conversation between two alleged child advocates in which they talked to each other right over the head of an eight year old like he was a piece of furniture, and then reacted like he'd grown an extra head when I asked him HIS opinion and he started giving it.

I think you are conceptually making the same mistake - first we need to INVOLVE the children, and by that I mean in the process, without the patronizing brush off they get now, cause even today most will *not* take a report from a child seriously, and would be unable to take any action on it cause of that whole property-status thing.

Gotta cut this short cause I got rounds to do, but ponder this, what frustration exactly, do you think it was that lead me as a kindergarten age child, to come at my father with a steak knife ?



Thursday, August 13, 2009 6:31 AM


It is so ridiculous the way people treat children like they're not even in the room, I see it too.

When I talk to children, I am careful to try to explain and describe a situation or a political issue in a neutral manner, and let THEM make up their own minds on the issue.

People often ask me why I bother, because they say there's no way children could possibly understand the complexity of what I'm trying to explain.

But if people would actually TRY it, they'd be surprised by how much children understand, and by how much fairness, as opposed to personal gain, dictates children's thinking on what's best to be done.

All it takes is patience.

The children often come to a point of view that's different from my own on the issue, usually as a result of upbringing and how they've observed their parents react to an issue. I'm fine with that, so long as it's THEM deciding and not their parents. If they want to tell me their opinion (sometimes they'd rather keep it to themselves or think about things for a while), I don't try to change their mind. I just nod and accept their opinion as a valid viewpoint.


Thursday, August 13, 2009 9:55 AM


Yeha, those silly children.....


Thursday, August 13, 2009 3:42 PM


Posting for Clarification.

Some of the leadership of the FLDS is guilty as hell, much of it - by our count eight of em, plus the original two we wanted even before the fiasco, not to mention Jeffs of course, who is in a class by himself, yick.

So that's a total of eleven, which ain't no ten percent, but given that they were at the top of the heap enough to have been a serious problem, something me and my folk *did* know about and were trying to get something done about prior to the mess at YFZ.

Now, while alluded to elsewhere, lemme make clear what happened at the end there, so folks will understand where this is going.

We found that "larger crowbar" in having serious hard evidence of criminal conspiracy on behalf of Judge Walthers, Sheriff Dolan and Angie Voss to more or less outright destroy the FLDS as an organisation, and we're talking unassailable, indisputible, iron-clad proof, ok ?

When it came to the dirty back room dealings and politics an incident like this always boils down to, that gave us an equal hand at the poker table, and they KNEW my "price" going in - something which there was less resistance to meeting when it became clear that we'd been freely given some substantial evidence against a collective of really bad people who used the mental instability of Jeffs and their own positions of power to manipulate the exercise of the churchs beliefs to benefit them while hanging the members out to dry - and we'll not discuss whether that's the purpose of religion itself (in my opinion it is.) cause that's not the point here.

It wasn't policy, as asserted, but more of a personal agreement between these lowlifes that was in contravention to church policy, but they used leadership positions, personal charisma, and other forms of influence to get their way despite ongoing opposition to it from within the faith itself, a schism they were NOT going to reveal publicly and explicitly asked me not to, while they were more or less under siege with their children as hostages, hell no.

Then they got advance notice of the DNA results, which caused much consternation among them cause it more or less blew the remaining tattered threads of their so called case to powder.

And so I pulled out the trump card - despite the entire case being poisoned due to the illegal actions taken in processing it, and the fact that we had the ability and intent to prosecute THEM and make it stick, were they to stand and deliver my bloodprice, not only would they not be prosecuted for their own wrongdoing, but those individuals who WERE actually guilty of the crimes in question could be prosecuted with untainted evidence, IF, and only IF, they tossed the original case without trying to prosecute it so that double jeopardy could not be invoked.

All they had to do was convince the appellate court to go along, which given that many of the folks in question were going to be held accountable in a major way if it didn't, was about as slam dunk a bet as it ever gets.

And once the children were properly reunited with their families, despite ongoing hassles with CPS, which has ever been uncooperative due to the religious conflict of the respective beliefs of most of the CPS personnel (Baptist) and the FLDS, my "price" was met and we handed over the files, and backed them up when needs be by taking statements and the like from members to support the evidence in those files, and so long as these were targeted, specific, by-the-book prosecutions - would assist and secure cooperation from present and former members of the FLDS for the housecleaning so badly needed.
(And yes, not all of em necessarily completely agreed with it, but having personally experienced the alternative....)

So despite repeated false accusations to the contrary, me and mine never, EVER had any intent whatsoever of letting the bad actors get away with that crap, but damned if we were gonna let the victims be punished for it instead of the perps.

I was measuring those bastards for the rope before most people ever heard of FLDS, much less about the fiasco, and there's a certain personal satisfaction in pulling it up short on them at last, helped along by members of the FLDS who whethered the crisis of faith and came out stronger for it, cause they're not bloody likely to let this rot set back in once they've expunged it - family is everything to em, and seeing how their own blindness and complacency allowed it to be poisoned and nearly destroyed, most of em see the matter as Gods will in that it forced them to face up to and stand against what was going on.

But damned if I happen to be any part of it from THAT aspect, if I have affiliations with any religious 'side' it'd be the other one, but try tellin THEM that, meh.

That should clear up any lingering questions, leastways I hope so, about what went on in the aftermath.


It cannot be said enough, those who do not learn from history, are doomed to endlessly repeat it






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