Thank you, Barney Frank!

UPDATED: Tuesday, August 25, 2009 12:08
VIEWED: 14368
PAGE 4 of 4

Sunday, August 23, 2009 8:55 AM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

"I do like to enter the water when the 'blue' sharks are circling the Wulf though. Or any other Poster who has the temerity to go against the prevailing flow of this place for that matter."

So where were you when I was criticizing Bush and 90% of people thought he was a hero ?

Oh that's right - you were joining the name-calling team. Remember those words ? Unpatriotic. Terrorist-supporter. Terrorist-lover. Remember ?

BTW - no I don't expect you to have an actual, rational, factual reply. Though I think I've made my point about you - that you lie, that you troll, that in your partisan hatred you know no level below which you will not stoop - to any thinking, rational person who can read.


Silence is consent.


Sunday, August 23, 2009 9:06 AM



Originally posted by rue:
So where were you when I was criticizing Bush and 90% of people thought he was a hero ?

Oh that's right - you were joining the name-calling team. Remember those words ? Unpatriotic. Terrorist-supporter. Terrorist-lover. Remember ?

BTW - no I don't expect you to have an actual, rational, factual reply. Though I think I've made my point about you to any thinking, rational person who can read.

Click on my profile and you will see that I joined this site in March of 2006. At that time I believe 90% of people were criticizing Bush and 10% thought he was a hero.
So how was that answer? Factual? Rational?
Do you still think you made your point? To those that can read I mean.


Sunday, August 23, 2009 9:13 AM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

And yet, you still supported the thugs who did that crap. And that makes you --- what again ? A defender of the little guy ? Hardly.

You'll back ANYONE, ANYTHING, ANY LEVEL OF HATRED - as long as it's YOUR partisan brand.

And I'm right about you.


Silence is consent.


Sunday, August 23, 2009 9:21 AM



Originally posted by rue:
And yet, you still supported the thugs who did that crap. And that makes you --- what again ? A defender of the little guy ? Hardly.

Oh yeah, your whole silence is consent thing.
Tell me Rue, why do you think the moon is made of green cheese? I mean I've never seen you state otherwise.

Originally posted by rue:
You'll back ANYONE, ANYTHING, ANY LEVEL OF HATRED - as long as it's YOUR partisan brand.

And I'm right about you.

Saying that does not make it so.

What if I was to say you'll back anyone, anything, any level of hatred as long as it's your partisan brand. Oh, crap, I think I just proved my "saying it does not make it so" statement wrong.


Sunday, August 23, 2009 9:37 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Digby: Heard and understood. My bad; seems that way most of the time. Will proceed without ascribing feelings.

Together we are greater than the sum of our parts


Sunday, August 23, 2009 9:52 AM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

Well, let's see:

Wulf -

Not just racist, but an equal opportunity hater of anyone who he thinks got what HE deserved. That would be blacks, women, educated people, liberals, and anyone who didn't come up through HIS neighborhood, is HIS particular time, with HIS particular experience. He blames 'them' for everything wrong with HIS life. He blames 'them' for anything wrong with 'THEIR' lives. He quite insanely thinks 'they' are in control.

He takes all the credit for anything good in his life. And he uses that notion in two conflicting ways: he must be special b/c he got out, and, alternatively, if he could do it, anyone could. And so he blames 'them' for not doing so as well.

And what he has against health care - well, if it was for deserving white men - like himself - I don't think we'd be seeing any objection. No, what HIS STATED objection is that some of it would go to the hated 'them'. And it drives him to such a racist froth he can't contain himself.

That kind of insane rationalizing he's doing is extremely dangerous.

As an analogy - I'm sure OJ Simpson never told himself: I am going to murder my ex in cold blood along with anyone unlucky enough who happens to be there. No, what I'm sure he told himself is: NO man could put up with this. ANY man would feel the same way. It's not FAIR ! that she got famous through me and got my money and a HAPPY LIFE and LEFT ! She was NOBODY before me. She doesn't DESERVE to be happy off of me and without me ! And so on.

So, to get back to Wulfie - what exactly are you siding with ? Racism ? Hatred ? Unhinged and potentially dangerous rationalizations ?

Now, as for your supposed interest in the 'little guy' - where you when I was saying the police should not have tasered the student at a Kerry speech (Sep 17, 2007) ? Did you stand up for the 'little guy' - me - there ? Because my opinion was extremely unpopular.

Did you stand up for me when I was saying the state had a duty to investigate claims made against the FLDS (Apr 19, 2008) ? As I recall my opinion was extremely unpopular.

No, by your history, which you so willingly point to, you show that you are NOT defending the minority no matter who. You are merely defending YOUR partisan collection of hatreds. And you do have many. Just like Wulfie.


Silence is consent.


Sunday, August 23, 2009 10:26 AM



Originally posted by rue:
Well, let's see:

Wulf -

Not just racist, but an equal opportunity hater of anyone who he thinks got what HE deserved. That would be blacks, women, educated people, liberals, and anyone who didn't come up through HIS neighborhood, is HIS particular time, with HIS particular experience. He blames 'them' for everything wrong with HIS life. He blames 'them' for anything wrong with 'THEIR' lives. He quite insanely thinks 'they' are in control.

He takes all the credit for anything good in his life. And he uses that notion in two conflicting ways: he must be special b/c he got out, and, alternatively, if he could do it, anyone could. And so he blames 'them' for not doing so as well.

And what he has against health care - well, if it was for deserving white men - like himself - I don't think we'd be seeing any objection. No, what HIS STATED objection is that some of it would go to the hated 'them'. And it drives him to such a racist froth he can't contain himself.

That kind of insane rationalizing he's doing is extremely dangerous.

I think I will let Wulf answer your assumptions regarding his character.

Originally posted by rue:
As an analogy - I'm sure OJ Simpson never told himself: I am going to murder my ex in cold blood along with anyone unlucky enough who happens to be there. No, what I'm sure he told himself is: NO man could put up with this. ANY man would feel the same way. It's not FAIR ! that she got famous through me and got my money and a HAPPY LIFE and LEFT ! She was NOBODY before me. She doesn't DESERVE to be happy off of me and without me ! And so on.

(cue announcer voice)
And this little interlude was brought to you by the makers of Rue. Rue, the no-sense 'wiperouter' of reason with passion.

Seriously, did you just compare Wulf to O.J.? Why not just call him Hitler or Stalin?

Originally posted by rue:
So, to get back to Wulfie - what exactly are you siding with ? Racism ? Hatred ? Unhinged and potentially dangerous rationalizations ?

No. Just 'siding' with anyone who seems to get you riled up.

Originally posted by rue:
Now, as for your supposed interest in the 'little guy' - where you when I was saying the police should not have tasered the student at a Kerry speech (Sep 17, 2007) ? Did you stand up for the 'little guy' - me - there ? Because my opinion was extremely unpopular.

Be honest Rue. I believe there was a fairly close 50/50 split for and against the tasering of said student. You were in the against camp and I was in the for camp, imagine that.

Originally posted by rue:
Did you stand up for me when I was saying the state had a duty to investigate claims made against the FLDS (Apr 19, 2008) ? As I recall my opinion was extremely unpopular.

As I recall, I believe you and Signy were having a go at Frem in that particular thread. Two against one does not sound like a minority for you at all.
Perhaps your indignation is innocent after all. Perhaps it's your memory, not your ideology that is at the root of your issues.

Originally posted by rue:
No, by your history, which you so willingly point to, you show that you are NOT defending the minority no matter who. You are merely defending YOUR partisan collection of hatreds. And you do have many. Just like Wulfie.

Which is part of being human, IMHO. Tell me Rue, are you human?


Sunday, August 23, 2009 10:51 AM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

"No. Just 'siding' with anyone who seems to get you riled up."

Now I see - you WERE lying when you posted:

"I do like to enter the water when the 'blue' sharks are circling the Wulf though. Or any other Poster who has the temerity to go against the prevailing flow of this place for that matter."


"No, I just don't like gangs of bullies."

Will wonders never cease.


BTW - it would help your argument if you could keep your lies straight.


Sunday, August 23, 2009 11:04 AM




I'm not sure who you're trying to compare to OJ Simpson here, but you're devoting your time and energy to:


Sunday, August 23, 2009 11:45 AM


Hey Dream,
Why not let people express their feelings and opinions without your peanut gallery observations.
Just because you do not like the partisan bickering does not mean that all here share that same sentiment.
Now off you go to try to re-classify RWED or post a 200 + word post telling others to keep their posts under 200 words.


Sunday, August 23, 2009 11:48 AM



Originally posted by rue:
Now I see - you WERE lying when you posted:

"I do like to enter the water when the 'blue' sharks are circling the Wulf though. Or any other Poster who has the temerity to go against the prevailing flow of this place for that matter."


"No, I just don't like gangs of bullies."

Will wonders never cease.

Ever consider that you are part of the prevailing flow of this place?

Originally posted by rue:
BTW - it would help your argument if you could keep your lies straight.

You first.


Sunday, August 23, 2009 12:28 PM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!


Picture doesn't load on my computer. I'm afraid it's lost on me.

Just talking about how it is people rationalize their attitudes and actions - how OJ might have, how Wulf does. And how such rationalizations can lead to bad places. People generally don't do bad things out of nowhere. They have a story going through their heads about why what they do and how what they feel is right and natural - even righteous.

Specifically, Wulf can't seem to let go of the feeling that 'they' had CONTROL over his life. That having that control over his life meant 'they' MUST also have had control over theirs. That 'they' are to blame for all of his problems, and that 'they' are also to blame for all of theirs. That no good came to him that he did not create himself out of his own efforts. And so on.

This line of thought is easily used to justify much personal evil. I see Wulf is on the wrong track - potentially dangerous to him and others, fueling hate which can lead to violence. I am merely commenting on it, as others have, in an impersonal way.


Silence is consent.


Sunday, August 23, 2009 12:36 PM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!


No one is fooled by you. I have not contradicted myself, insisting I did things for a noble reason and then stupidly admitting to a nasty one.

You lie, and lie and lie. You lie about what you mean. You lie about what you do. You lie about why you are here. You are nothing but a troll. And a stupid one at that. That is what you are. And that is how people see you.


Silence is consent.


Sunday, August 23, 2009 12:59 PM



I'm still waiting for Frem to show me where he got it right. Not tell me after the fact.



You asked for it, you'll have it.
Relevant portions underlined for emphasis.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008 - 19:39
"Maybe Chris, maybe...

Had a bit of a dialogue with Dingell this past week, he's not directly my rep but he is my go-to-guy for a defense of 2A Rights often against the wishes of and in contravention of his own party.

One thing we're agreed on is that Obama does not respect the 2A, and we're going to pre-emptively and politically kneecap his ass regarding that fact to prevent him from getting excessively stupid about it.

See, ya gotta take the long view, and with the Rethugs busy engaging in what could be best termed a circular firing squad, that's when it falls to us NOT to breathe a sigh of relief and go home, like so many did when the Dems took a stronger foothold in congress - with the predictable result of them rolling over like bitches the moment we let the pressure off.

Obama has his flaws, and while Biden might be a restraining influence on him, I wouldn't count on that fact alone to prevent the results of those flaws from coming down on our heads.

First, you get the more reasonable, rational guy in office, THEN you make DAMNED SURE that any attempt to overstep himself runs smack into a well formed, pre-existing and rabidly defended roadblock, manned by folks who are tired enough of that shit to not take it from ANY administration.

And that goes for both Conservatives and the kool-aid chuggin RightWingNut horde too...

Cause if yer concerned about Obamas little "plans" you might ponder the fact that we the people don't have to LET him inflict them upon us, and perhaps the best way to avoid that is to push for undoing YOUR blank check that you handed to the executive office in your ignorant fucking stupidity, before he rams it down you throat on a pike like your little pet Shrub did to us.

Kick his ass till it sinks in between his oversized ears that he works for US, not vice versa, use those shrill voices in your own defense, and by that action defend the rights of us all.

In short, pull your fucking weight as americans for once, instead of forcing the rest of us to carry you, unwilling, and you screamed and struggled and demanded a de-facto dictatorship.

And if Obama DOES feed you a hefty helping of the shit sandwich shrub has been feeding us for seven years, you have only yourselves to blame, and don't go expecting much sympathy from me, since your support of a unitary executive enabled that to happen.

In fact... don't expect any fucking sympathy from me at all, because those of you who shouted the loudest in support of tearing down the checks and balances are now running in panicked circles at the thought of the power YOU enabled being aimed at you by a party you disagree with.

But it ain't about sympathy you pissants, and thank your lucky fuckin stars for that - right now it's about self-defense, and if we're gonna get stuck with this guy, the LEAST you can do to atone for your damnfool shortsighted ignorant stupidity is to help rebuild the walls you spent so much effort tearing down.

Or you can run and hide under a rock like your fairhaired boy McCain.

You don't owe me shit, but I think you owe it to yourselves to not let Obama and his plans run over us all.

That's MY bi-partisan call to ya, and if you don't like it, too fuckin bad, you don't HAVE to like it, but if you have any sense left at all, you'll do it.

Get on the horn to your reps and start roadblocking this shit, before he's got a chance to get the ball rolling on it.


Wednesday, July 23, 2008 - 19:47
"I think it's that the big media has simply realized nobody gives a shit.

This one's a no-contest, McCain is draggin around so much party baggage that even a lot of die hard conservative types won't lift a finger, and the blowback hostility directed at the current administration (as if it weren't enabled by a pack of feckless, gutless democrats who played doormat since they got elected ) is carried over right onto him by default.

I don't much like Obama neither, in fact he represents more of the same we've gotten for years at the hands of HIS party, endless platitudes, lies and promises, but no real action whatever.

But then, considering what's going to happen to his ass one way or another, I don't feel too sorry for him neither.

If someone bags him, well, he gets to his maker a bit sooner than the rest of us....

And if they don't - then he gets crushed under the mountain of epic FAIL the current administration has left, which'll be all the worse since they will no doubt pull an Engler and sabotage everything in sight on the way out as a gesture of petty retaliation against us "peons" for failing to provide them with the fawning adoration they think they deserve.
(While nearly every one of them flees the country at high speed, care to make some BETS on that one, folks ? )

If Obama is smart, and I haven't decided whether he is or isn't, cause he plays a good PR-poker game, he's gonna hold out as long as possible and at the last minute select someone SO evil that no one would dare assassinate him cause they'd be stuck with THAT monster instead....

You know, kinda like Shrub did.


Chapter and Verse, is it not ?
And that sabotage on the way our was economic in nature, which leads us to the notion of those bailouts...

Oh yes, those bailouts, let's talk about bailouts...

Tuesday, October 30, 2007 - 06:07
"There's more to that, Usury and Paper Money and "Bills of Credit".. but it has little to do with the topic at hand, other than there is endless chicanery and legal fuckery in the mortgage business, so I will not say there are not without some blame in the current situation.
(While the Gov bails them out, on OUR dime.)"

Thursday, November 22, 2007 - 08:50
"No, the mortgage company, for while joe has to take the consequences if his pizza business fails, the mortgage company can go running to big daddy government to steal more of joes money to ensure their bottom line if their mortgage business tanks."

Thursday, November 22, 2007 - 16:37
"In a REAL free market, you can't outlaw your competitors and their products with the help of big daddy gov, and nor do you get your money back when you make jackass stupid decisions like the mortgage company, or laugh in the customers face while producing a product they don't want, with no effort towards producing one they do, like Ford or GM and their 8-11mpg penis extensions."

Friday, November 23, 2007 - 04:50
"And having read those links, and comprehended the primary point of both - one can then see how mortally offensive I find it for these bankers to cry havoc and run to big daddy Gov to strip even MORE of our money to keep their bottom line intact."

Tell me I didn't call that one chapter and verse, then ?


No, I just don't like gangs of bullies.

Issat so then ?
Seemed to be quite happy about it when they were on YOUR side, and now that your cowardly "stay the course" fellows showed their true colors (yellow) and are off somewhere hiding under a rock, you've the nerve to whine ?
See that part up there about me LACKING SYMPATHY FOR YOU when the situation I was detailing inevitably came to pass ?
So how DOES that shit sandwich taste, BDN ?

At that time I believe 90% of people were criticizing Bush and 10% thought he was a hero.

Oh bullshit, more like 70/30 honestly, and once you include the fucking sock puppets y'all were PRETENDING not to have, closer to 50/50 - you seem to forget that I was both actually here, and have a semi-eidetic memory.

Go hide back under your rock with the rest of em and pray nobody kicks it over with a rope in one hand and vengeance in their eyes.


It cannot be said enough, those who do not learn from history, are doomed to endlessly repeat it


Sunday, August 23, 2009 1:04 PM


DT ?

I like this one better.


Sunday, August 23, 2009 1:36 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Seriously, did you just compare Wulf to O.J.? Why not just call him Hitler or Stalin?

Seems the mighty-whitey-righties have those taken right now.


No. Just 'siding' with anyone who seems to get you riled up.

So if I come out and denounce Al Qaeda, you'll side with them?

I always suspected...


Be honest Rue. I believe there was a fairly close 50/50 split for and against the tasering of said student. You were in the against camp and I was in the for camp, imagine that.

Seems you're always in favor of cops having a go at peoples' civil rights - unless those people are armed protesters at an Obama appearance, of course.



Sunday, August 23, 2009 3:23 PM



I went with the classic. I like to re-iterate the simple lessons of the net just to see how many repetitions it takes the knuckleheads to understand. A moderately intelligent animal is supposed to get it in 5 or less, the smartest, such as humans, in 3. An internet debater, I'll go for more like 12, I think that's a good distance below a french poodle.

You may fear biden, but the people don't, so that's not the game. His popular image is as a buffoon, cheneys popular image was that he ate children.

As per the 2a, so the trap here is that gun toters will make obama so nervous that he will get armed security to keep them out, thus proving their point?


We are Al Qaeda.


Sunday, August 23, 2009 3:47 PM


But DT ?

Coyote never DOES learn!

That's what makes baiting him so fun!
Meep Meep!



Sunday, August 23, 2009 5:01 PM


Evidence would seem to indicate... I suppose you have tried this experiment daily over the last 5 years.

Curiously, an earthworm learns on the 150th repetition, vs. a little yippie dog which takes until the 85th.

Also curiously, the small one, which doesn't embed well, and may not play, plays at a much better frame rate for me. Does anyone else have this issue? I'm on a solid state PC and that may effect things.

name='wmode' value='transparent'>

' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' wmode='transparent' width='550' height='445'>


Sunday, August 23, 2009 5:37 PM



Sunday, August 23, 2009 6:00 PM



Originally posted by Fremdfirma:

Why always so dramatic? How is it that you feel you somehow trapped me? You made a claim which I found slightly dubious and I asked you for a refresher. You have been kind enough to supply said refresher and for that I commend you. At the very least I kept you occupied for the better part of a day.

My memory is pretty good but not quite so good as yours, apparently. And to be quite honest, I do find some of your posts overly long for my relativly short attention span. I also suppose that I do not spend as much time here as you. So I can postulate that perhaps I missed more than a few of your posts. Not all topics and therefore not all threads interest me as well.

No where did I say that Frem was full of shit. Or Frem does not know what he is talking about.
So once again, What trap did you just snap?

Originally posted by Fremdfirma:
You asked for it, you'll have it.
Relevant portions underlined for emphasis.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008 - 19:39
"Maybe Chris, maybe...

Had a bit of a dialogue with Dingell this past week, he's not directly my rep but he is my go-to-guy for a defense of 2A Rights often against the wishes of and in contravention of his own party.

One thing we're agreed on is that Obama does not respect the 2A, and we're going to pre-emptively and politically kneecap his ass regarding that fact to prevent him from getting excessively stupid about it.

See, ya gotta take the long view, and with the Rethugs busy engaging in what could be best termed a circular firing squad, that's when it falls to us NOT to breathe a sigh of relief and go home, like so many did when the Dems took a stronger foothold in congress - with the predictable result of them rolling over like bitches the moment we let the pressure off.

Obama has his flaws, and while Biden might be a restraining influence on him, I wouldn't count on that fact alone to prevent the results of those flaws from coming down on our heads.

First, you get the more reasonable, rational guy in office, THEN you make DAMNED SURE that any attempt to overstep himself runs smack into a well formed, pre-existing and rabidly defended roadblock, manned by folks who are tired enough of that shit to not take it from ANY administration.

And that goes for both Conservatives and the kool-aid chuggin RightWingNut horde too...

Cause if yer concerned about Obamas little "plans" you might ponder the fact that we the people don't have to LET him inflict them upon us, and perhaps the best way to avoid that is to push for undoing YOUR blank check that you handed to the executive office in your ignorant fucking stupidity, before he rams it down you throat on a pike like your little pet Shrub did to us.

Kick his ass till it sinks in between his oversized ears that he works for US, not vice versa, use those shrill voices in your own defense, and by that action defend the rights of us all.

In short, pull your fucking weight as americans for once, instead of forcing the rest of us to carry you, unwilling, and you screamed and struggled and demanded a de-facto dictatorship.

And if Obama DOES feed you a hefty helping of the shit sandwich shrub has been feeding us for seven years, you have only yourselves to blame, and don't go expecting much sympathy from me, since your support of a unitary executive enabled that to happen.

In fact... don't expect any fucking sympathy from me at all, because those of you who shouted the loudest in support of tearing down the checks and balances are now running in panicked circles at the thought of the power YOU enabled being aimed at you by a party you disagree with.

But it ain't about sympathy you pissants, and thank your lucky fuckin stars for that - right now it's about self-defense, and if we're gonna get stuck with this guy, the LEAST you can do to atone for your damnfool shortsighted ignorant stupidity is to help rebuild the walls you spent so much effort tearing down.

Or you can run and hide under a rock like your fairhaired boy McCain.

You don't owe me shit, but I think you owe it to yourselves to not let Obama and his plans run over us all.

That's MY bi-partisan call to ya, and if you don't like it, too fuckin bad, you don't HAVE to like it, but if you have any sense left at all, you'll do it.

Get on the horn to your reps and start roadblocking this shit, before he's got a chance to get the ball rolling on it.


Do you think Obama is the first president to go against the 2A?

Originally posted by Fremdfirma:
Wednesday, July 23, 2008 - 19:47
"I think it's that the big media has simply realized nobody gives a shit.

This one's a no-contest, McCain is draggin around so much party baggage that even a lot of die hard conservative types won't lift a finger, and the blowback hostility directed at the current administration (as if it weren't enabled by a pack of feckless, gutless democrats who played doormat since they got elected ) is carried over right onto him by default.

I don't much like Obama neither, in fact he represents more of the same we've gotten for years at the hands of HIS party, endless platitudes, lies and promises, but no real action whatever.

But then, considering what's going to happen to his ass one way or another, I don't feel too sorry for him neither.

If someone bags him, well, he gets to his maker a bit sooner than the rest of us....

And if they don't - then he gets crushed under the mountain of epic FAIL the current administration has left, which'll be all the worse since they will no doubt pull an Engler and sabotage everything in sight on the way out as a gesture of petty retaliation against us "peons" for failing to provide them with the fawning adoration they think they deserve.
(While nearly every one of them flees the country at high speed, care to make some BETS on that one, folks ? )

If Obama is smart, and I haven't decided whether he is or isn't, cause he plays a good PR-poker game, he's gonna hold out as long as possible and at the last minute select someone SO evil that no one would dare assassinate him cause they'd be stuck with THAT monster instead....

You know, kinda like Shrub did.


Chapter and Verse, is it not ?

I'll concede that.
You think Obama, and Bush before him, were the only Presidents to strategically pick their VPs? Who was Billy's boy again? Remember Quayle? How about Mondale or Agnew?

Originally posted by Fremdfirma:
And that sabotage on the way our was economic in nature, which leads us to the notion of those bailouts...

Oh yes, those bailouts, let's talk about bailouts...

Tuesday, October 30, 2007 - 06:07
"There's more to that, Usury and Paper Money and "Bills of Credit".. but it has little to do with the topic at hand, other than there is endless chicanery and legal fuckery in the mortgage business, so I will not say there are not without some blame in the current situation.
(While the Gov bails them out, on OUR dime.)"

Thursday, November 22, 2007 - 08:50
"No, the mortgage company, for while joe has to take the consequences if his pizza business fails, the mortgage company can go running to big daddy government to steal more of joes money to ensure their bottom line if their mortgage business tanks."

Thursday, November 22, 2007 - 16:37
"In a REAL free market, you can't outlaw your competitors and their products with the help of big daddy gov, and nor do you get your money back when you make jackass stupid decisions like the mortgage company, or laugh in the customers face while producing a product they don't want, with no effort towards producing one they do, like Ford or GM and their 8-11mpg penis extensions."

Friday, November 23, 2007 - 04:50
"And having read those links, and comprehended the primary point of both - one can then see how mortally offensive I find it for these bankers to cry havoc and run to big daddy Gov to strip even MORE of our money to keep their bottom line intact."

Tell me I didn't call that one chapter and verse, then ?

I will concede that.
You think government bailouts are new to the past and present administrations?
Covers HW Bush and Clinton


Originally posted by Fremdfirma:
Issat so then ?
Seemed to be quite happy about it when they were on YOUR side, and now that your cowardly "stay the course" fellows showed their true colors (yellow) and are off somewhere hiding under a rock, you've the nerve to whine ?

What is all this about cowards on my side showing their true colours? This very thread has been a prime example of my shark analogy. By posing to you a simple query, I was engaged by no less than 3 other posters while waiting on your reply. Could it be the pack mentality? You know, one of 'them' was picking on one of 'us' so SWARM!!!!!!!!!!

Originally posted by Fremdfirma:
See that part up there about me LACKING SYMPATHY FOR YOU when the situation I was detailing inevitably came to pass ?
So how DOES that shit sandwich taste, BDN ?

Don't really know, I decided to take a pass on lunch. Perhaps your power of memory is intermittent. Do you not remember me stating before that I was not an American citizen?

Originally posted by Fremdfirma:

At that time I believe 90% of people were criticizing Bush and 10% thought he was a hero.

Oh bullshit, more like 70/30 honestly,...

Still heavily in favor of the bash Bush crowd no?

Originally posted by Fremdfirma:
...and once you include the fucking sock puppets y'all were PRETENDING not to have, closer to 50/50 - you seem to forget that I was both actually here, and have a semi-eidetic memory.

I forgot nothing regarding this matter. 50/50 is your take and I am of another opinion. I do think we can both agree that the 10% criticism and 90% hero whorship figures put forth by Rue are bogus and a cheap shot at phony indignation.

Originally posted by Fremdfirma:
Go hide back under your rock with the rest of em and pray nobody kicks it over with a rope in one hand and vengeance in their eyes.

Your power of alienating folks is damn impressive.

Go add another notch to your bedpost. You sure showed how superior you are to the right 'wing-nuts' yet again. Now go poke some other 'wing-nut' and watch them dance. Or is that enough for one day? Come on, I mean someone must be keeping score, no?


Sunday, August 23, 2009 6:05 PM



Originally posted by dreamtrove:

I'd like to thank you for starting a pit of hell thread. The forum always needs one around just to swallow the partisan bickering, and keep it away from everyone else. Judos. I mean Kudos.

Admiral, should you ever return, you can't possibly be "quaint" as something would have to be outdated to be quaint, and you are a n00b.

No offense, I would have to care to give offense, I would nuke such threads if they didn't perform such a wonderful function and benefit society by sucking in all the BS that might get posted elsewhere where people were trying to have a civilized conversation, even if they do push people to the point where (reference omitted here.)

O would some power the giftie gie us to see ourselves in some necroposted threads of earlier this year...

I've returned .
We dodged "Bill" today and I'm just off a twelve hour shift at the Sunset Beverage Room so that should explain my tardy response .
( as in late and not "tard" like , although I may still seem "tardy" to you )

And yeah , here , I'm most certainly a n00b .

Not too partisan I hope .

( although I suspect my views shall be interpreted as such when they fail to gibe with conventional thoughts )

All in all , I fail to see how this discussion is in any way shape or form "uncivilised"

( the "Faggot" bomb thrower notwithstanding )


Sunday, August 23, 2009 6:05 PM



Originally posted by dreamtrove:

I'd like to thank you for starting a pit of hell thread. The forum always needs one around just to swallow the partisan bickering, and keep it away from everyone else. Judos. I mean Kudos.

Admiral, should you ever return, you can't possibly be "quaint" as something would have to be outdated to be quaint, and you are a n00b.

No offense, I would have to care to give offense, I would nuke such threads if they didn't perform such a wonderful function and benefit society by sucking in all the BS that might get posted elsewhere where people were trying to have a civilized conversation, even if they do push people to the point where (reference omitted here.)

O would some power the giftie gie us to see ourselves in some necroposted threads of earlier this year...

I've returned .
We dodged "Bill" today and I'm just off a twelve hour shift at the Sunset Beverage Room so that should explain my tardy response .
( as in late and not "tard" like , although I may still seem "tardy" to you )

And yeah , here , I'm most certainly a n00b .

Not too partisan I hope .

( although I suspect my views shall be interpreted as such when they fail to gibe with conventional thoughts )

All in all , I fail to see how this discussion is in any way shape or form "uncivilised"

( the "Faggot" bomb thrower notwithstanding )


Sunday, August 23, 2009 6:08 PM


And yet another double post by yours truly .

Perhaps I *am* a "Tardy n00b" ?


Sunday, August 23, 2009 6:12 PM


Just because


Sunday, August 23, 2009 6:42 PM


Look on the bright side. That means you weren't part of the three day war in January.


Sunday, August 23, 2009 7:09 PM



Originally posted by dreamtrove:
Look on the bright side. That means you weren't part of the three day war in January.

I'm intrigued .

What happened ?


Sunday, August 23, 2009 7:30 PM


Blood was spilt


Sunday, August 23, 2009 7:32 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


BDN: I would appreciate a direct response to my prediction, and to my request for a single instance of where you criticized the Bush administration or made a single prediction about where his policies would lead. Because for someone who keeps sayin' ANYONE could have predicted that! the problem is... you didn't.

AND, you're avoiding this.

Stupid troll.


Sunday, August 23, 2009 9:10 PM


Why do you make it so easy, BDN ?

Why always so dramatic?

Cause it's my nature, cause I CAN - remember you're talkin to someone who mocked their removal from city council by showing up dressed as a villain classic here ?

At the very least I kept you occupied for the better part of a day.

More like an hour, havin lunch and nothin better to do at the moment.

Want some more greatest hits, off the top of my head ?

Under the "if this keeps up, soon enough someone's going to..." file -

Bomb an army recruiter - happened, just off times square, dinnit ?

Revenge bomb a corp they feel screwed them - happened to Paypal, was a door-spring type, as I recall.

Make a desperate and fatal last stand in their foreclosed home rather than hand it over - if memory serves, that one was in texas, eh ?

My memory is pretty good but not quite so good as yours, apparently. And to be quite honest, I do find some of your posts overly long for my relativly short attention span. I also suppose that I do not spend as much time here as you. So I can postulate that perhaps I missed more than a few of your posts. Not all topics and therefore not all threads interest me as well.

Then perhaps you should allow for that before you open your mouth, just sayin.

No where did I say that Frem was full of shit. Or Frem does not know what he is talking about.

Of course not, that would require you to stand to it - no, you insinuated it, and now wanna weasel out when the bluff is called.

So once again, What trap did you just snap?

Baiting you to keep sticking your neck out when I am nearby with metaphorical axe in hand, grinning... like, well... now.

Do you think Obama is the first president to go against the 2A?

Not at all, but I cited pre-emptive defense of that right, and that he would turn around and rather than repeal the many abuses, use them for HIS agenda, while so many others were going on about 'hope' and 'change' and I didn't buy it for a minute.

I'll concede that.
You think Obama, and Bush before him, were the only Presidents to strategically pick their VPs? Who was Billy's boy again? Remember Quayle? How about Mondale or Agnew?

The bit in question was actually in reference to McCain getting handed his head, which I not only knew was GOING to happen even before they picked veeps, I was wisely laying plans against further abuses by THIS administration before it even came to be, and reached across the aisle, although not very politely, trying to garner support from those who enabled it as an act of atonement for doing so - and they had none of it, thus my "hiding under a rock" commentary.
There was also knowing that the NeoCons wouldn't be sticking around this country when the threat of prosecution might eventually rear its ugly head.

I will concede that.
You think government bailouts are new to the past and present administrations?

Not at all, but I knew WHO was gonna get bailed out, and in the case of GM, could even point out WHY (makin shit no one wanted).

What is all this about cowards on my side showing their true colours? This very thread has been a prime example of my shark analogy. By posing to you a simple query, I was engaged by no less than 3 other posters while waiting on your reply. Could it be the pack mentality?

More like you chumming the waters with your idiocy, although in Kwicko's case he completely had ulterior motives, cause he was all the while setting you up like a pretty white volleyball, knowing DAMN WELL I couldn't resist going for the spike - he won't even deny it.
That ain't premeditated so much as he's an asshole and imma bastard who's primary rule is to always kick someone when they're down.

Don't really know, I decided to take a pass on lunch. Perhaps your power of memory is intermittent. Do you not remember me stating before that I was not an American citizen?

Then why's it matter to you so much ?
And I will say if you're british you did get that lunch cause I don't believe those diplomatic snubs are at all accidental, nor do I think them undeserved.

See, to me, you're filed as "Authoritarian Lapdog, Mild Case, Occasionally showing the barest lick of sense.' and thus your mere existence provokes a natural emnity since I see all such types as collaborators and enablers.

Still heavily in favor of the bash Bush crowd no?

Oh and poor widdle shrub didn't give folk any REASON to bash him, is that your sob story ?
Again, note that whole "No Sympathy" thing - despite what else you may think me, imma man of my word.
Cry some more.

I forgot nothing regarding this matter. 50/50 is your take and I am of another opinion.

Forgot nothing ? except for them sock puppets being outed (Right JSF?)

Your power of alienating folks is damn impressive.

Why thank you, I DO try.
Remember what I see you as, and realize that the more I raise your hackles, the easier it is to bait you, cause I so WANT to do that, I want to crush your arguments, make you look a fool, destroy any support for your opinions by completely obliterating any credibility you might possess.
I don't pretend to be impartial, I never have.

Go add another notch to your bedpost. You sure showed how superior you are to the right 'wing-nuts' yet again. Now go poke some other 'wing-nut' and watch them dance. Or is that enough for one day? Come on, I mean someone must be keeping score, no?

Ain't about keepin score, it's that I feel a moral duty to verbally scourge anything and anyone that I consider an enabler of tyranny.

Although, on that note...


You've been Pkunk'd!

Feed my engines with your ire!
(game related in-joke)


It cannot be said enough, those who do not learn from history, are doomed to endlessly repeat it


Sunday, August 23, 2009 9:13 PM



Originally posted by AdmiralDigby:
( the "Faggot" bomb thrower notwithstanding )

Generally it's my job to throw bombs, bein one of them *SARCASM* bomb throwing anarchists *SARCASM* don't ya know...

But cursed if imma take credit for that one, although, come to think of it didn't PN have some rant about a gay bomb, or anti-gay bomb, or somesuch, a while back ?

Yeah, let's blame HIM!



Monday, August 24, 2009 2:10 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Posted by Frem:

More like you chumming the waters with your idiocy, although in Kwicko's case he completely had ulterior motives, cause he was all the while setting you up like a pretty white volleyball, knowing DAMN WELL I couldn't resist going for the spike - he won't even deny it.
That ain't premeditated so much as he's an asshole and imma bastard who's primary rule is to always kick someone when they're down.

Could it be? He IS the Quisatz Haderach!


Remember what I see you as, and realize that the more I raise your hackles, the easier it is to bait you, cause I so WANT to do that, I want to crush your arguments, make you look a fool, destroy any support for your opinions by completely obliterating any credibility you might possess.

Done, done, and DONE. Nice job.


Ain't about keepin score, it's that I feel a moral duty to verbally scourge anything and anyone that I consider an enabler of tyranny.

Egg-Zachary! My wife asks me why I bother arguing on the internet with people whose opinions I'll never sway. I told her that it's not THEIR opinions I care about - I know I'll never change the minds of those so hidebound in their views, especially by being so confrontational with them. The only people I care about trying to connect with are the ones watching from the sidelines, who haven't quite made up their minds yet. The ones who hear the crap people like Wulf spews and say, "Ya know, he's got a point there..." The people who listen to folks like AntiMason blather on about "Well, the AMA is against healthcare reform, but it's not like THEY know anything..." without also pointing out that the AMA is NOT a think tank, but rather a special interest group, a lobby on behalf of doctors, representing less than 20% of doctors in this country, and hell-bent in increasing the paychecks of its members more than on influencing policies regarding better medical care.

THOSE are the people I want to reach, before it's too late. I think Frem, Rue, Signy, and a host of others feel the same way. We're not going to convince AuRaptor; we're not going to change BDN's mind. But what we CAN do is stomp them into dust before they get a foothold on someone else's views!



Monday, August 24, 2009 2:24 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


But cursed if imma take credit for that one, although, come to think of it didn't PN have some rant about a gay bomb, or anti-gay bomb, or somesuch, a while back ?

Sadly, that's one of his LESS-crazy rants, too. DoD actually DID do research into a "gay bomb" that was supposed to release pheromones that would turn everyone in the affected area into a raging sex fiend overcome with lust, which was supposed to mean they'd be too busy fucking each other to fight back against our troops.



Monday, August 24, 2009 3:56 AM



Sadly, that's one of his LESS-crazy rants, too. DoD actually DID do research into a "gay bomb" that was supposed to release pheromones that would turn everyone in the affected area into a raging sex fiend overcome with lust, which was supposed to mean they'd be too busy fucking each other to fight back against our troops.

I see...

So did they accidentally drop it on washington, D.C. ?

That'd explain a lot, wouldn't it ?



Monday, August 24, 2009 5:12 AM


Lol. I thought this only worked on insects. thought I know ... um, skip that thought...

Where is your god now...


Monday, August 24, 2009 6:55 AM



Originally posted by SignyM:

BDN: I would appreciate a direct response to my prediction, and to my request for a single instance of where you criticized the Bush administration or made a single prediction about where his policies would lead. Because for someone who keeps sayin' ANYONE could have predicted that! the problem is... you didn't.

AND, you're avoiding this.

Stupid troll.

A) Please expain to me where it says that I must answer your petulance within a certain time frame.
B) For someone who 'retired' I notice no decrease in volume or vitriol from you.
C) Where does it say that because I could have done something, that automatically means I must.
D) You keep putting a lie to your "but I only want to engage people in substantive debate" with your constant name-calling.
E) The past is past, one must look to the future. And in that vein, here is my prediction regading the Obama administration.
Inherited defecit. No major scale back of military operations. An itinerary to improve healthcare. I predict Obama will raise taxes. The richest will be hit hardest but the middle class will not escape unscathed.
Anyone want to make a wager? I will give 2/1 odds.


Monday, August 24, 2009 7:54 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Inherited defecit. No major scale back of military operations. An itinerary to improve healthcare. I predict Obama will raise taxes. The richest will be hit hardest but the middle class will not escape unscathed.
Anyone want to make a wager? I will give 2/1 odds.

Inherited deficit? Yes, he certainly did. And it's going to be damned hard to pay off Bush's debts and deficits WITHOUT raising taxes, isn't it? Hell, I predicted that NO MATTER WHO WON THE 2008 ELECTION, your taxes would be going up. One candidate or another can promise tax cuts, and even occasionally deliver them, but they can never make them stick, it seems - you cut taxes today and don't cut services or spending, and you WILL have to raise taxes tomorrow to pay for those services and spending. Either that, or you'll have to raise taxes to pay the interest on the money you borrowed from China to pay for those services and spending yesterday - and you'll be paying that interest for all your tomorrows.

So, will Obama LEAVE an inherited deficit behind? Depends, I s'pose. If he gets 8 years AND raises taxes, he can probably pay down a lot of Bush's deficits. Otherwise, probably not so much.

An itinerary to improve health care. That's not so much a "prediction" as an "after-diction"; he's already working on that one. Or have you not been paying attention?

Raising taxes. See above. "The rich will be hit hardest" - weren't the rich the ones who were "hit hardest" by Bush's tax cuts? 'Cause the poor and middle classes sure didn't see much in the way of relief.

No major scaleback of military operations. Well, we're supposed to be out of Iraq quite soon - maybe a year sooner if the Iraqis vote for such a referendum. And you can't have a problem with them voting us out, because that was the whole reason for the war, right? To give them democracy? Well, that was ONE of the reasons du jour, anyway...

Now, as long as Obama doesn't increase troop levels by 130,000 in Afghanistan or invade any other nation with a like-sized armed force, that would be a de facto reduction in military operations, would it not?



Monday, August 24, 2009 8:00 AM





Monday, August 24, 2009 2:25 PM



Originally posted by Fremdfirma:
Why do you make it so easy, BDN ?

So you can keep up.

Originally posted by Fremdfirma:

My memory is pretty good but not quite so good as yours, apparently. And to be quite honest, I do find some of your posts overly long for my relativly short attention span. I also suppose that I do not spend as much time here as you. So I can postulate that perhaps I missed more than a few of your posts. Not all topics and therefore not all threads interest me as well.

Then perhaps you should allow for that before you open your mouth, just sayin.

Well that's a novel idea there Frem. No one should ask any questions unless they already know the answers first.

Originally posted by Fremdfirma:

No where did I say that Frem was full of shit. Or Frem does not know what he is talking about.

Of course not, that would require you to stand to it - no, you insinuated it, and now wanna weasel out when the bluff is called.

You sure do need to spin things to make yourself look better. At first I thought it was your extremely high opinion of yourself that I reacted to. Now I think perhaps you have a low opinion of yourself. Why else the need for all the grand-standing. If that is the case, then my bad.

Originally posted by Fremdfirma:

So once again, What trap did you just snap?

Baiting you to keep sticking your neck out when I am nearby with metaphorical axe in hand, grinning... like, well... now.

It's okay, Frem. We all feel down from time to time.

Originally posted by Fremdfirma:

What is all this about cowards on my side showing their true colours? This very thread has been a prime example of my shark analogy. By posing to you a simple query, I was engaged by no less than 3 other posters while waiting on your reply. Could it be the pack mentality?

More like you chumming the waters with your idiocy, although in Kwicko's case he completely had ulterior motives, cause he was all the while setting you up like a pretty white volleyball, knowing DAMN WELL I couldn't resist going for the spike - he won't even deny it.

Yep, yah sure did stick it to me. You and your sock puppet both.

Originally posted by Fremdfirma:
That ain't premeditated so much as he's an asshole and imma bastard who's primary rule is to always kick someone when they're down.

What's up Frem, only children are worth being civil to? Or is it just people who think like you do?

Originally posted by Fremdfirma:

Don't really know, I decided to take a pass on lunch. Perhaps your power of memory is intermittent. Do you not remember me stating before that I was not an American citizen?

Then why's it matter to you so much ?

Because I come here to spar, I mean debate. Is that so wrong?

Originally posted by Fremdfirma:
And I will say if you're british you did get that lunch cause I don't believe those diplomatic snubs are at all accidental, nor do I think them undeserved.

Wrong again, but what's the point. I could tell you I was from Mars and you would still try to find a way to try force feeding me your sandwich.

Originally posted by Fremdfirma:
See, to me, you're filed as "Authoritarian Lapdog, Mild Case, Occasionally showing the barest lick of sense.' and thus your mere existence provokes a natural emnity since I see all such types as collaborators and enablers.

Well that cuts it. I have been filed away in Fremworld. I truly hope you never come to the realization that we all don't live in Fremworld. If that day ever comes it shall shatter your little world and shake your beliefes to the core. And I'm not sure you could bounce back from that.

Originally posted by Fremdfirma:

Still heavily in favor of the bash Bush crowd no?

Oh and poor widdle shrub didn't give folk any REASON to bash him, is that your sob story ?
Again, note that whole "No Sympathy" thing - despite what else you may think me, imma man of my word.
Cry some more.

No. I'm too busy basking in the glow that poor little Rue was in fact lying when she blatantly stated that her Bush bashing was heavily in the minority back in 2006.

Originally posted by Fremdfirma:

I forgot nothing regarding this matter. 50/50 is your take and I am of another opinion.

Forgot nothing ? except for them sock puppets being outed (Right JSF?)

From both the right and left feet, right?

Originally posted by Fremdfirma:

Your power of alienating folks is damn impressive.

Why thank you, I DO try.
Remember what I see you as, and realize that the more I raise your hackles, the easier it is to bait you, cause I so WANT to do that, I want to crush your arguments, make you look a fool, destroy any support for your opinions by completely obliterating any credibility you might possess.

Pssst, Frem come a little closer.
This is the real world events discussion area of a T.V. show fan-site. This is not congress or the floor of the UN. Might want to remember that in future discussions.

Originally posted by Fremdfirma:

Go add another notch to your bedpost. You sure showed how superior you are to the right 'wing-nuts' yet again. Now go poke some other 'wing-nut' and watch them dance. Or is that enough for one day? Come on, I mean someone must be keeping score, no?

Ain't about keepin score, it's that I feel a moral duty to verbally scourge anything and anyone that I consider an enabler of tyranny.

You go V.


Monday, August 24, 2009 2:39 PM



Originally posted by Kwicko:
THOSE are the people I want to reach, before it's too late. I think Frem, Rue, Signy, and a host of others feel the same way. We're not going to convince AuRaptor; we're not going to change BDN's mind. But what we CAN do is stomp them into dust before they get a foothold on someone else's views!

(Kwicko voice)
We are making it a better world, all of them better worlds.


Monday, August 24, 2009 3:10 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by BigDamnNobody:

Originally posted by Kwicko:
THOSE are the people I want to reach, before it's too late. I think Frem, Rue, Signy, and a host of others feel the same way. We're not going to convince AuRaptor; we're not going to change BDN's mind. But what we CAN do is stomp them into dust before they get a foothold on someone else's views!

We are making it a better world, all of them better worlds.

And what is it, exactly, that YOU are trying to do? Make it a WORSE world? That would explain a lot, really.



Monday, August 24, 2009 3:15 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


This is the real world events discussion area of a T.V. show fan-site. This is not congress or the floor of the UN. Might want to remember that in future discussions.

And you're here arguing about it, why, exactly? I mean, if it's so beneath you to argue here, what does it say about you that you say that, and yet you're still here? Seems you must have no life at all, if you'll argue your point where you no it will do no good whatsoever.



Monday, August 24, 2009 3:46 PM


Or one could ask what you're doing here Mike, as I think I did with my whackamole ref. It doesn't pay to actually read and respond to posts, just wait for something entertainingly stupid.

Edit: deleted comment ;)


Monday, August 24, 2009 3:51 PM



Originally posted by Kwicko:
And what is it, exactly, that YOU are trying to do? Make it a WORSE world? That would explain a lot, really.

Time to watch Serenity again, methinks.


Monday, August 24, 2009 3:55 PM



Originally posted by Kwicko:

This is the real world events discussion area of a T.V. show fan-site. This is not congress or the floor of the UN. Might want to remember that in future discussions.

And you're here arguing about it, why, exactly? I mean, if it's so beneath you to argue here, what does it say about you that you say that, and yet you're still here? Seems you must have no life at all, if you'll argue your point where you no it will do no good whatsoever.

Slow down Mikey and take two deep breaths. My comment was in regards to Frem's way over the top rhetoric about stomping out tyranny or somesuch. Perhaps he is the one who forgets that this is a fan-site. So please stop with the strawman argument, okay?


Tuesday, August 25, 2009 7:37 AM


Meh, why should I care to indulge your masochism when it's clearly obvious that's what you want, especially after having made every point I felt the need to ?

To quote Durran Haymer:
"Now you're just embarrassing yourself."



Tuesday, August 25, 2009 12:08 PM


So the field is mine?






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