
UPDATED: Wednesday, September 2, 2009 23:24
VIEWED: 3239
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Friday, August 28, 2009 4:24 PM


I don't really have words beyond expressing how horrible that is.

Link is safe, just description of an appalling crime.


Friday, August 28, 2009 4:51 PM



Friday, August 28, 2009 6:11 PM


Creepy. Where was this link?


Friday, August 28, 2009 6:32 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!


Authorities acknowledged that they blew a chance three years ago to rescue Dugard from the backyard labyrinth of sheds, tents and outbuildings that were concealed from the outside world.

A neighbor called 911 in November 2006 and described Garrido as a psychotic sex addict who was living with children and had people staying in tents in his backyard.

The investigating officer spent a half-hour interviewing Garrido on his front porch but did not enter the house or search the backyard, Contra Costa County Sheriff Warren E. Rupf said. The deputy, who did not know Garrido was a registered sex offender even though the sheriff's department had the information, warned Garrido that the tents could be a code violation before leaving.

All cops are incompetant morons and criminals who protect pedophiles.

The pedophile in question was wearing a GPS ankle bracelet and talking to his parole officer, who of course noticed nothing.

Ask Noreen Gosch about her thoughts on cops and pedophiles.


Saturday, August 29, 2009 9:53 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...


All cops are incompetant morons and criminals who protect pedophiles
ALL cops?? Wow...are they all Jewish, too?

You are some piece of work, you are; I'd think you were on two Firefly boards, except your doppleganger doesn't rant about Jews. Were you two separated at birth or something?

On the subject itself: yes, it's horrific. As it happened just across the Bay from me, doubly so to me and doubly sad that things like this are going on essentially "right under our noses" in a place where we think ourselves to be tolerant and intelligent.

I think of that girl/woman, and how tough it's going to be for her to reintegrate. Then I think of all the others we don't know about, and especially those we may never find out about, and it makes me cry.

I like to say "strange little species, we are", but in cases like this, it comes out more "sick little members of our strange little species, there are".

The thing that gets me is HIS WIFE! I look at her picture and can only think "HOW in hell....??" I'd have killed the bastard.

Together we are greater than the sum of our parts


Saturday, August 29, 2009 1:16 PM


There's similarities here to this man, his wife, and the case of Brian David Mitchell and Wanda Ileen Barzee. Only minus religious fanaticism and self-deification.

However, I also think the marriage may have been one of convenience, I've heard they met in prison.


Saturday, August 29, 2009 1:23 PM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Convenience be dammed; I can't conceive of any woman living like that. Well, yes, I can, I understand enough of the psychology. I just can't IMAGINE it, I guess...the day-to-day living and not wanting to bash the bastard's head in, I mean!

Together we are greater than the sum of our parts


Saturday, August 29, 2009 2:33 PM


It may come out she had an equally twisted part in it, after all, she had to know what was going on, which means she likely helped her husband conceal it.

Because of Elizabeth Smart's abduction, Utah has a lot of familiarity with this sort of strange husband wife child abuse/kidnapping scheme. It is difficult to understand, and I think insanity may factor in on the side of the wife.


Saturday, August 29, 2009 3:03 PM


Platonist, if you are referring to Mr Grigg, he's actually quite a decent fellow - and he acted well within his rights for very good reason.

See, I could tell ya stories about CPS, and NCMEC, and Boystown, but like I said, there's stuff in this world so horrible, so mindbendingly awful, that just the KNOWING of it can hurt you.

That said, there's also matters like this, and it's certainly enough to make one say WTF?!!

When you've have seen happy, healthy children, adequately parented, torn from their families and handed to predators on contrived excuses, and then see something like this where they have every reason to act and somehow manage to critically fumble the ball repeatedly, it makes one deeply suspicious of their motives to the point where PN starts sounding sane...

But it's not, what it is, is piss poor training, hardly any funding, no screening of personnel with axes to grind, or who work for predator collectives, and a whole heaping load of incompetence and red tape causing cracks so wide that a small moon could fall in.

But there's a dark side too, never you doubt it, stuff you will never, EVER hear about on mainstream news, because it's just too damn awful - and certain branches of CPS in several states were shown to be directly complicit in this kinda thing.

And if you follow that down into the foster care system, it gets even uglier, which directly links back and forth to juvenile "justice" like that meted out by Ciavarella and Conahan, and the hellcamps.
(I *WILL* link this one, though.)
And they act like this is an "isolated incident", sure, seems law enforcement in general has an awful LOT of "isolated incidents", don't they ?

Where it goes from there...
You don't wanna know, you don't never EVER wanna know, ok - just suffice it to say that it's there, and people like me work against it.

CPS and the Foster care system is supposed to be a safety net, a backup system, to provide for children who family has failed - and occasionally, it works, not gonna deny that, hell, part of the brighter side of the matter is trying to FIX the holes these kids fall through without giving rise to another FLDS fiasco, but that requires funding and resources no one wants to spend on kids cause they're politically "worthless" and not even socially considered human.

Our response to that was to get a big political crowbar and threaten them with it, a political action committee (PAC) dedicated soley to these issues.

And yet there are still things so horrific they cannot in any way be brought to the public arena cause merely having knowledge of them can potentially incriminate you, and if you did try to expose em you'd sound like PN and no one would freakin believe you anyways.

Why you think some of these bastards deliberately use satanic trappings ? it ain't cause they believe any of that crap, it's to play on the ufo-factor, all they need do is force the witness to the stand, and then mock their testimony as contrived, EVEN IF the trappings themselves were recovered, which is not uncommon, but they are usually inadmissible cause who's gonna put THAT on a search warrant ?
Perfect scam, use it to terrify the victims, excite the customers, and it's a free walk on bust cause even if they do testify no one will find them credible, all for the price of some candles, a couple black robes and mumbled latin, whee.

Not to mention of the last three kids to come out and try to expose this, one got dunked damn near under the prison for "perjury", six plus years in solitary and then the prison "lost" her...
One was found dead in a hospital observation room with his tongue ripped out, and one was granted a rather huge settlement on the condition he keep his mouth shut.

Franklin wasn't the end of it, Abramoff picked up the action thereafter, and did anyone even notice just how HARD the media danced around the fact that many of the "prostitutes" he was providing weren't old enough to drive ?
So there's that too.

Anyhows, if you want CPS to do the job, and do it any kind of decently, three things need to happen.
1. We HAVE to legally and socially consider children to be people, human beings, rather than property.
2. Proper funding, training, and screening of personnel.
3. Actual documentation of all claims including videotaped interviews so that folks with an axe to grind or an "order to fill" cannot contrive or falsify victim testimony.

As it stands though, they have too much "dirt" clinging to them for me to trust them, and those measures would do a lot to help clean it off.


It cannot be said enough, those who do not learn from history, are doomed to endlessly repeat it


Saturday, August 29, 2009 3:20 PM


I know fumbling was the case for Elizabeth Smart, Mitchell didn't have any real connections.

What do you make of this case? In California, in a busy city, and supposedly before he was convicted of rape and sent to prison.

You know, I seem to recall hearing that his previous rape conviction in Nevada, he had some kind of access to some very well stocked sex facility complete with bed, toys and candles and stuff. Doesn't that suggest there was more than him involved with that?

Also strangely, I seem to recall reading that in the article I linked, but I don't see it there anymore.

...Anyway. You think this guy may be part of something, Frem?


Saturday, August 29, 2009 3:58 PM


Nah, I think he's just a sicko, and they fumbled the ball abysmally bad cause they're overworked, underpaid and the combination of high professional qualifications required along with terrible pay doesn't ensure quality personnel, is all.



Saturday, August 29, 2009 4:19 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!


Originally posted by Niki2:


All cops are incompetant morons and criminals who protect pedophiles

ALL cops?? Wow...are they all Jewish, too?

Yes, all cops are stupidly incompetent cowards and criminally corrupt, as defined by their own laws, which they break millions of times every day. Read US Supreme Court in Miranda v Arizona, where SCOTUS admits that cops perp 14-million FELONIES every year, WHICH IS MORE CRIMES THAN THE CAREER CRIMINALS... Probably half of all career criminals like rapists, robbers and hitmen are salaried employees of police as "informants" with immunity from arrest, which is why most crimes never get "solved".

That's not counting the billions of traffic crimes perped by cops every year, nor 100,000 car crashes perped by cops every year, nor the unconstitutional highway robbery perped by cops every year since they lack jurisidiction for traffic tickets, driver licenses and vehicle registration taxes.

I've personally filed criminal charges against dozens of cops, and gotten over 100 police contractors and court employees fired for running a massive cartheft ring. But since criminals who call themselves prosecutors refuse to allow arrest of cops caught perping crimes, this Gangsta Govt is now out of control. Name ONE cop who immediately arrests all crooked cops the instant he sees them break a law. Not even Serpico ever arrested a dirty cop.

Rampart LAPD cops were robbing banks, dealing dope and murdering anyone they wanted, until a few got sent to prison, which cost Los Angeles taxslaves over $100-million (paid 99% to the jewish lawyers of Crips and Bloods).

BTW, every dictionary defines semite as ARAB not jew. 95% of "jews" are East European whites with zero DNA from ancient Israel, who are genociding the last of the semitic separdic jews, and genocided over 100,000 separdic jewish kids in Israel via "medical experiments" funded by US "jews" like the Rockefeller rabbis, who just stole $25-trillion in the Bankster Bailout Bank Robbery Bill And Pedophile Protection Act by jewish pedophile pimp Barney Frank.

All police are unconstitutional, and are the reason for the Revolutionary War, as declared in the Declaration of Independence.

Here in Knoxville TN this week, police fingerprint experts testified at trial they had the identification and home address of a suspect, but police refused to go to that home for 24 hours, while the suspect was torturing, raping and murdering Channon Christian, and has already tortured, raped and murdered her boyfriend Chris Newsom. Taxslaves will pay $10-million for the trials and imprisonment of the 4 killers, but the gangmember related to KPD police was not charged.

In this CA kidnap rape case, the actual arrest was made by a private security guard who investigated and solved the case in about 5 minutes, while working at a museum. Govt cops had nothing to do with it. As many here have suspected, cops were probably helping this psycho avoid arrest for many years, as part of a pedophile ring run by govt employees and mafias.

Juvenile courts on Knoxville TN ordered that pedophile rape is legal "for reasons of national security". Cathy O'Brien wrote 2 books about that case of her daughter, raped by at least one president of the United States. The last episode of my TV show was about that case (in the cartoon NeoCons Gone Wild), so my show was instantly banned.

The only reason cops exist is because most Amerikans are just as spineless, stupid and cowardly as the cops. Idiocracy run amok.


Saturday, August 29, 2009 4:50 PM


Well, that does fit with hearing a complaint about the guy's back yard and NOT CHECKING THE BACK YARD.

I mean, what? It's either incompetence or bribery, because just looking at the guy there's no way it's charm.


Saturday, August 29, 2009 5:16 PM


Yes, Fremdfirma, Mr. Griggs, the one that demanded a search warrant, within his Constitutional Rights, of course, and then RAN when one was forth coming. I’m sure this was NOT the first time CPS knocked on his door, which is a concern in its own right. He readily admits to knowing the social worker and considers her a family “friend”. My guess is that the family was already working with a case worker and Mr. Griggs failed to follow through with his requirements from previous allegations. The CPS workers were doing a follow up visitation and that’s why they didn’t have an armed officer with a warrant (which by the way they don’t need if they are only there to talk to the children). Children are NOT property. And, if they were planning on removal, they would have come with a Bench warrant to start with. Logic would dictate, at this point, that Mr. Griggs ran because he IS culpable and guilty of whatever he is hiding. He obviously would rather have his children frightened than honest. He’s not the hero you want to make him out to be, not in my book, as an educator, Christian, or fellow parent.

And I quote:
Once we crossed the county border, I relaxed a little bit and gave some instructions to Korrin and the kids. I told Korrin that it was important not to call our home, since caller ID would reveal the location of the safe house. I would contact them through an intermediary, and if she needed anything she was to call that person. I told the kids that they would be safe with our friends until I came to get them, but that if people from the government arrived they were to be courteously uncooperative.

CPS agents are busy people with huge caseloads; they rarely make home visits with the intent of removal, without substantial evidence, such as, photos of children with physical and sexual bruises, malnutrition, poor school attendance, consistent reports of lack of a clean or safe living environment, etc. Trust me on this; I'm an administrator at a school in an economically depressed rural area of CA. I have to MANTATORY REPORT any and all suspicious of abuse. I’ve tried countless times to have children removed from abusive or neglected homes. It takes years to have a child removed because there is no where to place them. Usually, leaving them in the home is the lesser of two evils, unless a family member will step in and offer support and provide children with another living option, and no, I’ve never seen foster parents become rich off of governmental substances for abused children. Sometimes the parents themselves will recognize that the children need a safe harbor and they will give them up, get cleaned up, clear their heads, clear their households of criminal boyfriends and lovers of the month, and work to facilitate healthier interactions and communication with their children.

Anyhows, if you want CPS to do the job, and do it any kind of decently, three things need to happen.
1. We HAVE to legally and socially consider children to be people, human beings, rather than property.
2. Proper funding, training, and screening of personnel.
3. Actual documentation of all claims including videotaped interviews so that folks with an axe to grind or an "order to fill" cannot contrive or falsify victim testimony.

In the County I work in these requirements are all ready in place. The nature of the job dictates this criterion. And please, stop being judgmental when blaming Social Services, Law Enforcement, Educational Services for not recognizing poor environments for our children. It’s easy to point the finger when you’re not in the trenches dealing with the scourge of human existence everyday. All of the people I work with are hard working, have families of their own and have the safety of those we know aren’t where they need to be, in our hearts and minds all night and day.


Saturday, August 29, 2009 5:45 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


I think of that girl/woman, and how tough it's going to be for her to reintegrate. Then I think of all the others we don't know about, and especially those we may never find out about, and it makes me cry.

I like to say "strange little species, we are", but in cases like this, it comes out more "sick little members of our strange little species, there are".

The thing that gets me is HIS WIFE! I look at her picture and can only think "HOW in hell....??" I'd have killed the bastard.

My heart breaks when I think of her having two children by this sick fuck. How can she even look at her own children without being constantly reminded of her imprisonment and rape?

And yeah, his wife seems like some piece of work. Life without parole for both of 'em, if convicted.



Saturday, August 29, 2009 6:05 PM


I keep seeing the end of "Beneath The Planet Of The Apes" in my head when I read stuff like this.

The laughing Chrisisall


Saturday, August 29, 2009 6:41 PM



In the County I work in these requirements are all ready in place. The nature of the job dictates this criterion. And please, stop being judgmental when blaming Social Services, Law Enforcement, Educational Services for not recognizing poor environments for our children. It’s easy to point the finger when you’re not in the trenches dealing with the scourge of human existence everyday. All of the people I work with are hard working, have families of their own and have the safety of those we know aren’t where they need to be, in our hearts and minds all night and day.


I really shouldn't get involved in this... But I don't think Frem was blaming the foster care system or social services. Maybe I misread something, but I thought I saw him say that he recognizes that they're necessary. But the times when things go wrong, like with the FLDS compound in Texas, or with the hellcamp/fraudulent juvie behavioural correction center stuff, Frem's very much on the front lines.

My mom used to work on a foster care review board, so I empathize with you. She used to tell me stories about some of the abused children... And no, I don't think some of those parents were good people, or had the best interests of their children in mind.


Saturday, August 29, 2009 6:44 PM


I don't know Kwicko. I'm glad she loves them, but I don't know. I'm seeing her as needing some serious therapy in her future.

And the KIDS. did you read the description of the kids? Pale (says to me malnourished), quiet, drab clothing...

What do you bet the douchebag was molesting her daughters too?


Saturday, August 29, 2009 7:49 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

Cops are digging for dead bodies...


Saturday, August 29, 2009 9:08 PM


Platonist, since this is your first time I've seen posting here...

1. Welcome to RWED.

2. You *DO* know what RWED is like, right ?
If not, I highly, highly reccomend you look and ask around a bit to make sure of what you're gettin into.

3. The short, merciful answer - get stuffed.

I'd not fault you in the least if you left it at that and went on - but on the off chance you brought you helmet and wanna play ball with us...

Gimme bout 10-15 minutes.



Saturday, August 29, 2009 9:51 PM


And if you do wanna play ball, here's the less merciful reply.

Platonist, your "guess" falls in respect to my knowledge of the matter - it was an anonymous tip sent in explicitly for the purpose of malice and harassment in hopes of getting an overeager or axe grinding worker to find an excuse to jump on.

Bit of information missing from your assessment is the fact that we know who it was, and why it was done, and it had nothing to do with the official purpose of CPS any more than "Swatting" has to do with the official purpose of Law Enforcement.

And between the political enemies this guy has made flaming both previous and current administrations for their misdeeds, the former of which got him outright fired from the New American (magazine) in retaliation cause it wasn't kosher for conservatives to slam Bush when they were in power...

And the fact that he did every bit as much ass-handing to the CPS over the FLDS mess as I did, and has a MUCH wider readership...

You don't think he had some right to be more than a LITTLE suspicious of a grudge at work there ?

And your whole "how dare he exercise his rights" meme falls every bit as flat as basing whole assumptions of the character of a man you do not know on a "guess" - sorry, that's not good enough, and refusing an illegal search should not IN AND OF ITSELF become justification for one, that's bullshit now, and it was bullshit when they did it to the FLDS and have you learned NOTHING from that ?

I think we've all had quite *enough* of that "if you have nothing to hide" shoveljob to excuse an absolute disrespect for peoples lives and privacy on behalf of the State, thanks.

CPS workers are human, and as many of them are from the very communities they service you mean to even TRY to tell me they don't have their own little personal petty axes to grind with local community members over community politics harper valley PTA bullshit, and that, being almost immune to consequence since it's not THEM who pays for the mistake, they're not above abusing the position ?

Or making "guesses" based on their POLITICAL dislike of a person, like you just did ?

And that's just personal, doesn't even touch on the downright ludicrous sums of money available to those "in the know" for certain placements, all nice and quiet like.

And I am WELL AWARE of the problems on the other side you just described, did I not mention the funding, training and personnel issues that are the root of it intially ?

And one final bit I really DO need to be harsh about.

It’s easy to point the finger when you’re not in the trenches dealing with the scourge of human existence everyday.

You have no IDEA, none, pray you never do.

Go ask an NCMEC supervisor what "nulls" are.
Go ask your county prosecutor what exceptional clearance is, then ask them how many cases YOU brought to them got tanked because of it.

You work the legit side of the issue, and that's a bitch, I know better than any, which does buy you some cred with me, but not very bloody much given your fine example of the exact behavior Mr. Grigg had damn good cause to BE concerned about, obviously.

But you can't NOT know about the uglier side, enough to realize there are folk who act against even THOSE people because you cannot even bring the evidence to light without incriminating yourself by revealing how it was obtained, and no court would dare prosecute besides.
(again, ask about exceptional clearance)
And there ARE situations where that is necessary, even on your side - the return of the FLDS children was a tradeoff for not *prosecuting* Judge Walthers, Sherrif Dolan and Angie Voss for a blatant and intentional criminal conspiracy under cover of law, to destroy the families, community and belief system of folks they didn't agree with - what does it say when it takes BLACKMAIL to cause enforcers of the law to actually obey it, does that really boost ones faith in "the system" when one has to act outside it to defend themselves from it's misuse ?

In order for folk to have faith in a system, we have to give them reason and cause to have faith in it, it's gotta be earned, and what with the incompetence, abuses and corruption at the present time, no it doesn't deserve any level of automatic trust - and I am ALL FOR fixing the problems that lead to this, but it's something not within my expertise because I came into this from the OTHER end, and at a time when force and violence were often the only means we had to recover some of these kids from places that according to society and the media "did not exist".

My overriding priority though, is what's best for the child in question, and that's never EVER an easy decision, there's NO fekkin room for error there cause a screwup can lead to lifelong misery and consequences, seen enough of that to last me seven lifetimes, since I work with the discards and writeoffs that are considered "lost causes" by the med/psych establishment, and sometimes I even manage to save em, cause I can relate to them, get through to them, cause I understand things too horrible to ever put into words.

And despite howling at the "expense" of "wasting" resources on kids who "will get over it" (they won't, you and I both know this) - folks never do seem to realize that we'd save five to ten times that much on the OTHER end when we don't have to arrest, prosecute and incarcerate them as they do to society what they felt society did to them...

So understand first and foremost, that for all I am a darkhearted, savage, evil bastard, I am in fact on YOUR side of this, pissed off at a broken system that does not, CAN NOT, work as advertised without a major renovation, and yet unwilling to sell freedom down the river to obtain it cause that defeats the purpose of the damned thing.

I'm not judgemental of their inability to recognize, I am judgemental of their CREATION of poor environments - socially the only structure you'd find as a match for public school is the flippin penal system, complete with pecking order and factions, something which the Stanford experiment PROVED is a toxic environment - which leads to a low level fight/flight/freeze reflex as a natural human response, which we then turn around and try to label some kind of pysch disorder ?

Most of childrens aberrent behavior truly comes from trying to reconcile their natural human instincts with what our sociopathic society demands in order to achieve acceptance and success - and my bet is on mother nature as the eventual winner, cause a tree root ALWAYS beats the sidewalk, does it not ?

We do unto them, they spend the rest of their lives doin unto themselves, each other, and us.
Repensum est Canicula



Sunday, August 30, 2009 7:46 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Frem: Too much to read right now (which is pathetic, coming from someone who loves long posts dealing with facts and at least semi-reasonable debate, sorry, will try to get back to it later).

What I wanted to add was about

they fumbled the ball abysmally bad cause they're overworked, underpaid and the combination of high professional qualifications required along with terrible pay doesn't ensure quality personnel

That's potentially quite valid. Given it was Antioch, the police there don't have the bad rep they do in SF, LA or many other places. Smallish (by Bay Area standards), quiet town...and yes, it could easily have been going on right under everyone's noses without anyone noticing. Several neighbors have said he seemed like a nice guy and was friendly to them...these people are masters of deception.

As to CPS, I've heard some pretty awful stories from people I know, but they weren't about Antioch, but about small rural towns. They DEFINITELY have too heavy a caseload everywhere, and they make mistakes, and they're human so grudges and irrationality are in there, and everything else everyone said about them.

For me, it's just one missed case among many I believe are out there, which is awfully sad. As to another remark about him possibly having abused the kids, for me there's no question: of course he did!

Together we are greater than the sum of our parts


Sunday, August 30, 2009 7:49 AM


I'm going to send you my response via PM Frem because I need to maintain a low profile here because of my professional standing. That doesn't mean I don't enjoy discussing my experiences and opinions with everyone here.

I do respect the opinions of others on this site and often times read other’s posts with great interest; I just need to stay under the radar than most, especially when discussing RWEs.

I'm warning you, though; it’s a long one;)


Sunday, August 30, 2009 10:50 AM


Sorry to bump this, but there's been more information released.


He had confessed to a Reno police detective Dan DeMaranville, telling him that he preferred sex by force. DeMaranville, since retired, described the storage unit where the rape occurred as a "sex palace," with a bed, rugs on the floor and walls, various sex aids, sex magazines and videos, stage lights and wine.

"He had it set up real cozy," DeMaranville recalled.

I knew I'd seen that somewhere.


Sunday, August 30, 2009 11:53 AM


Alas, Platonist - I cannot receive PMs cause the email address this username connects to has been dead for YEARS now, twas a disposable at the time, and when Juno suddenly did that 180 from "Email was meant to be free!" to "pay us MONEY, and oh yeah, don't actually USE the service either or we'll ban you" - having been with the service since the day it started, called the dude who made that decision and ripped into him over the phone.

Needless to say, he didn't care for that one bit, and alas for the account, oh well.
I was right too, Juno paid dearly for that mistake, in the end.

Anyhows, I don't receive PMs, which can be annoying at times, and would in fact recommend against discussing anything related to the topic with me that you wouldn't openly, cause as a representative of the official end of things you shouldn't go dipping into the grey area that is my end of things - it sets a bad example and hinders the public trust more than any benefit to you and your work that the discussion could offer.

That said, there are things useful relative to the discussion at hand we could discuss openly, such as how the legal and social status of children as subhuman, or as property, severely hinders any official act on their behalf because they're not legally allowed to have input on their own fate, which is kind of shame, innit ?

The concept of Guardian Ad Litem, while imperfect as anything dependent on humans, is still a significant step forward, especially in custody cases where otherwise NO ONE is representing the childs interests directly.

I do actually have some level of knowledge of the official end, but lacking credentials and should I be recognized, a nasty rep on top of it, that's better left to folks who are solid enough to withstand the inevitable legal barrage from folks unhappy with their work for reasons having naught to do with the benefit of the children in question, yes ?

A better person to have a private discussion about those intricacies which one would need to avoid publicly would be Shelby, from ISAC, since she plays it by-the-book, and thus it would not be the red flag talking to me would be.

Thankfully the issue has become public enough that the "does not exist" myth don't fly no more, and while a couple cents of that dollar was mine, what VI mostly did was find supportive relatives of kids who'd been sent to hellcamps like High Impact, Tranquility Bay, Casa by the sea, etc, and outright TAKE them back, often using means no one could possibly give legal sanction to, as well as hindering or outright sabotaging of transport services like those run by that asshole Rick Strawn.

Something that is most blessedly no longer necessary, and lead to me passing control of my little collective to folks who use paper and camera, rather than crowbar and fist.

But there's a time when nothing less awful will serve, never one should doubt it.


It cannot be said enough, those who do not learn from history, are doomed to endlessly repeat it


Monday, August 31, 2009 6:59 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Had heard a bit of thaton TV myself, but the details were interesting. His blog should be interesting, too, in a pathological sense, but I doubt I could read it!

Once I get past my first flash of pure , all I can do is and worry over those two children. I don't know how they will assimilate, and know they'll never be free of what was done to them. Neither will the mother, and I weep for her too. The wife; I have a certain amount of sympathy for her, as she's a victim too, but I can't quite get past being horrified that she let such things take place silently.

But those poor children...gawd help them, and I hope (and believe) many people will, as well. I can only hope they're good, kind, PATIENT people!

Together we are greater than the sum of our parts


Monday, August 31, 2009 8:47 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

Kidnapping victim was not always locked away. Jaycee Dugard never hinted at real identity during series of e-mails, chats, meeting customers at the front door, traveling in public...

Cathy O'Brien was a CIA sexslave for George Bush Sr and Hillary Clinton

The Illuminati (Govt) Formula to Create an Undetectable Total Mind Control Slave
FBI framed the author preacher for bank robbery, still in prison

Note that this psycho and the Illuminati both put kids in cages.

The sheeple neighbors did nothing to help the kids, and trusted the police to protect them. All courts agree that police have zero responsibility to protect the public. Police only exist to rob the public at gunpoint for the govt 99.9% of the time.

This psycho had schizophrenia and/or psychosis, which are normal side effects of his confessed use of LSD, which is a mind control drug invented by the CIA, which gave away the formula to help overthrow USA. The FBI refused to investigate him last week, after he went to FBI with his book on "how to cure schizophrenia" and "mind control"... FBI runs child kidnap rings (ask Noreen Gosch and Jeff Gannon), and denied the Mafia existed for 40 years.

The Police State will profit over $1-million from this crime, to prosecute and jail the psycho and his mind-controlled wife.

The Police State is using mind control to brainwash the sheeple to volunteer for FEMA concentration camps. 100,000 residents of New Orleans are still in FEMA concentration camps or banned from returning to their homes.


Monday, August 31, 2009 12:08 PM



Fearmongering. How Quaint.


CPS isn't going to magically become good just by funding and training. I knew a CPS snatcher quite well. She quit when she decided that CPS was "evil" which is the word she used. She held that herself, like the rest of the staff, were convinced that they were doing *good* but were being directed by people with evil intent. So sure, the rank and file are normal humans, and they're blissfully unaware that they are traffickers. If they become aware, they will be replaced with other wannabe do-gooders.

You know far more about this than I, but that was my encounter with the beast, I don't expect that it is about to reform and start protecting children any more than our military is about to reform and start protecting Americans, or the police will reform and start preventing crime, or the DEA will reform and stop the drug traffic.

I'd abandon the reliance on a govt. agency and trust all tools to the public.


Monday, August 31, 2009 7:47 PM



I don't have any confidence or reliance on em, but for the time being there's just not enough support to eliminate em, and on occasion that safety net does work better than nothing - just because I don't think the concept is longterm workable is no excuse to just turn my back on it when I can at least shove it in a slightly less harmful direction, and hopefully draw resources for that from programs which do nothing BUT harm.

That's a bit like refusing comfort or treatment to a terminal patient cause they're gonna die anyway, innit ?

Besides, I never put overmuch reliance on any one tactic or front - there's a reason I use the word steamrollered, you know.



Tuesday, September 1, 2009 10:49 AM



point taken. Rocks in the stream change the course far easier than a dam could stop it. I thought you were suggesting that this was ultimately a viable solution with a few small repairs. Sunny side up, I guess ;)


Tuesday, September 1, 2009 10:54 AM


Three words:
How on earth do these "people" not get killed in their sleep?

Day late an'a dollar short...Story of my ruttin' life!


Tuesday, September 1, 2009 11:19 AM




Fearmongering. How Quaint.

Not my intention. Only posted more because this article had the information I'd heard about the set up the guy had for his previous rape victim.

I was noting the elaborate nature of the set-up. Frem said he doesn't THINK the guy is involved with other groups, but I don't know... It just seems odd that one person could put all that together.


Tuesday, September 1, 2009 6:16 PM



Missing the point. This is the sort of focus MSM puts on society, dragging us towards a conclusion about humanity which is incorrect, but this is also not the point.

It was a snark. I figured you had met them before I think I mentioned them before.

I myself posted a grisly crime not too long ago, worthy of snarking, as are many other things but no one did.

Wulf and PN both insulted the victim, but Wulfie apologized - I long ago gave up on posting the obvious comment to their threads which have a very common running trait, which is no longer quaint, alas, it has become boring ;)


Wednesday, September 2, 2009 11:24 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!


"I'd love to get my hands on Garrido and kill him!"
-Kenneth Slayton, deadbeat father of Jaycee Lee Dugard

Jaycee Lee Dugard kidnapping: police focus on the "real monster" Nancy Garrido, who he met and married WHILE IN PRISON FOR KIDNAPPING AND RAPE and was the only kidnapper while he was in prison for 6 months for parole violation.

Molester Van follows Google Maps

Google Maps satellite at crime scene

Turns out this is a pedophile paradise in San Francisco.

1700 registered sex offenders in the county, but only 300 are "watched" by cops.

And 60 miles from Bohemian Grove, where Polly Klass was murdered. Richard Davis was stopped by Sonoma County deputies during his DUI crash, but was not arrested, though Polly was still alive at the scene. Sonoma County deputies guard Bohemian Grove homosexual nudist compound during the ritual "mock" human sacrifices.


"You know what happened to the Romans? The last six Roman emperors were fags. Neither in a public way. You know what happened to the popes? They were layin' the nuns; that's been goin' on for years, centuries. But the Catholic Church went to hell three or four centuries ago. It was homosexual, and it had to be cleaned out. That's what's happened to Britain. It happened earlier to France. Let's look at the strong societies. The Russians. Goddamn, they root 'em out. They don't let 'em around at all. The upper class in San Francisco is that way. The Bohemian Grove, which I attend from time to time--it is the most faggy goddamned thing you could ever imagine, with that San Francisco crowd. I can't shake hands with anybody from San Francisco."
-President Richard Nixon, White House audiotapes






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