How many hypocritical Republicans can dance on the head of a sex scandal?

UPDATED: Tuesday, September 15, 2009 15:57
VIEWED: 1795
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Friday, September 11, 2009 8:17 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Yeah, another Mark Morford, but he's so GOOD at it!

Spank me, then let's do lunch
By Mark Morford, SF Gate Columnist

In my more subdued moments of delighting in the pathos and adulterous whinings of incalculable greasy right-wing politicians, I oft wonder at the threshold, the limit, if there is some sort of karmic boundary that will eventually snap and recoil and strike them all down on the spot, some sort of grand tsunami of wayward justice that will sweep them all to the great Thai brothel in the sky after one too many gay lovers, meth addictions, adulterous affairs, teen boy fetishes comes to light and the world says, you know what? Enough of you. Back to the primordial slop you go.

It's a fantasy, I know, and an unrealistic one at that, given how there appears to be no mechanism in the reptilian political mind to allow for nuance, no space for notions of responsibility and consequence. It simply doesn't exist.

Really, half the GOP congressman in Washington could admit to a gay affair and the other half to snorting blow off the tailbone of a needy lobbyist/hooker/intern in front of a church on Sunday, and still the party leadership would say, gosh, that's too bad, what a shame, let us now respect the privacy of the families involved at this difficult time and leave them alone and hey by the way, Obama is a socialist tyrant who wants to indoctrinate your babies. Fear him!

So it is we observe the end of the puny political career of California state assemblyman Mike Duvall, R-Riverside County (AKA the dystopian wasteland of Orange County, to you and me), the classic chubby, glad-handing political slug if ever, boasting to a colleague of his rather gross sexual exploits with not one, but two different mistresses -- one allegedly a lobbyist with whom Duvall did regular state business -- on a live microphone he thought was turned off. Ah, technology, will you ever cease to bless us with your copious gifts?

The reaction to Duvall's recorded slop? Pretty much one giant shrug. Sure, he resigned immediately for causing a "distraction." Sure, everyone expressed their pseudo-shock and said the right things about investigations and repercussions and tsk tsk tsk. But even his colleagues stopped short of outright condemnation. And no one anywhere was really the slightest bit surprised by any of it. The truly astonishing thing is how such revelations don't ooze to the surface every single day.

Who by now doesn't see the massive hypocrisy in so many of GOP positions? Who by now hasn't seen the miles-long list of "ethics-based" Republicans who have gladly stuck their fingers into the socket of any power skirt who walks by? Another day, another "family values" Republican praised for his ethical fortitude but who's really about as moral as a cobra at a Mouseketeers reunion.

Of course, in your more cynical and wary heart, you know it's not just the Republicans. Such 'scandal' is merely SOP for Washington, sex and sleaze and hooking up pretty much the name of the game no matter your gender or party affiliation; politicos nailing lobbyists, senators nailing interns, aides nailing publicists, the corridors of power from the mayor's office all the way up to the Big House simply reeking with used condoms and grainy hidden videos and a thousand tubby Mike Duvalls spanking a thousand gold-digging lobbyists who have, it must be said, rather repulsive taste in men.

To imagine Washington as somehow slightly more pure or principled than, say, your average Midwestern frat house during Beer Bong Week is not merely naive, it's downright ignorant. Maybe the real question is why we insist on believing our elected officials are somehow more immune, more upright and just. Is it simply that we like to imagine we're being led by people slightly more thoughtful and wise than ourselves? Willful ignorance, thy name is America.

Of course, it's not merely our doing. The GOP squeezes its own thick layer of hypocrisy over the entire political landscape, making the stink that much more rancid and profound. You don't find many Dems wailing about the need to lock up the homosexuals out of one side of their mouth, while delivering blowjobs to their gay lover with the other. To many keeping score, it ain't really about the deeds themselves; it's all about the hypocrisy.

As the AP reported, Duvall "had received a 100 percent rating from Capitol Resource Institute, a conservative advocacy group, for his votes on legislation considered pro-family during the 2007-08 legislative session." How sweet. And also, you know, repulsive.

It doth bring forth the question, once again and for the millionth time: What does it take? How many politicos must openly mock and betray and spit all over their BS family values shtick before anyone learns anything, before a shift transpires, before a majority of the GOP wakes up and says, "Oh my God, you know what? We've been going about this all wrong."

You already know the answer. The number is infinite. There is no threshold, there is no boundary, because that's simply not how it works. To the GOP, Duvall and his ilk are just more sinners in need of correction and forgiveness, not actually another slimy example of a failed and unfeasible ideology.

It's directly akin to any sort of religious fundamentalist or Bible literalists: There are no failed platforms, only failed followers. There is nothing wrong with the core idea, no matter how childish or untenable it may be. There are only flawed humans, unable to keep their pants on, their desires in check, their ids sealed in concrete. Guilt and shame forever and ever, amen.

So we merely pause for a hiccup of time, and bid farewell to another minor Republican whose name you will forget roughly 36 hours from now, whose lecherous, archetypal deeds will hereby be added the Great Book of Conservative/Religious Hypocrisy and Pitiable Obviousness, a tome far more reliable than any political platform, far larger and more timeless than any Bible.

Duvall's trifling tale will be entered in as yet another of those entirely forgettable, slightly nauseating footnotes, full of spank and sleaze, signifying nothing.

Together we are greater than the sum of our parts


Friday, September 11, 2009 8:24 AM


You know, the whole back and forth between Liberals and Republicans is kind of sad.

They set you up, only 2 sides, and you guys hack at each other while ignoring what really matters.

Makes me glad to be an Independent, a BrownCoat.


Friday, September 11, 2009 8:27 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

First of all, looking at this guy....


There's only ONE reason to have sex with him, and that's to lobby for your special interest. But really... isn't that taking your lobbying job just a little TOO seriously? (OTOH, maybe lobbyists have prostitute mentality anyway, so bona fide SEX might not be too much of a leap.) Anyway, I get the "connection" between the Duvall and his energy-industry lobbyist/ hooker.

But AFA as hypocrisy goes, the question of the day is: How many hypocritical Republicans can dance on the head of a pen!s?

Liberals and Republicans... really important
Hey Wulf, care to tell us again how important it is that IF Obama had not been born on USA soil THEN he couldn't be Prez? (Sorry, just couldn't resist.)


Friday, September 11, 2009 8:30 AM


or how many hypocritical Dems...


Set up 2 camps, then let them have at each other.


Friday, September 11, 2009 8:43 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

I'm registered independent and a lot of people did THAT recently, as well. I only lean so far left now because of the last eight years...prior to that, didn't like Clinton or many others.

It's not "partisan" in this case, tho'. For me at least, it IS the hypocrisy of claiming they had the lock on "morality", "family values", "religion" and so forth that makes it so funny. I know there are Dems who've done the same, but the hypocrisy of the right makes it laughablem, especially when you consider the row made about Clinton's indiscretion and Sanford saying IF he was ever in such a predicament, he'd resign. Now? Not so much; he's hanging on for dear life.

Got news for you, Wulf: If Dems claimed the sole ownership of the above, it would be equally funny if they were in the same predicament now.

Sig, you nailed it:

lobbyists have prostitute mentality anyway, so bona fide SEX might not be too much of a leap[/quote}On ANY side!
(Like your crack to Wulf, too; very on point!)

Together we are greater than the sum of our parts


Friday, September 11, 2009 9:48 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Mark Sanford on resignation as the better option
Haggard on the evils of homosexuality
Duvall, Ensign, Stanley, Gingrich, and the whole “C-street” gang on “family values”. (What does the C stand for, anyway? )
Foley on child exploitation
Sarah Palin on abstinence

TO RWAers, this isn’t hypocrisy. It’s human failing. In order to get back into the fold, all you have to do is make proper obeisance to TBTB, cry big tears and promise that you’ll never ever be bad again. (But if you are, you’ll go through the whole charade again.) This is exactly the response that RWAers like Dobson expect from beaten children:

“Spanking should be of sufficient magnitude to cause genuine tears.” Afterwards when the child crumples “to the breast of his parent, he should be welcomed with open, warm, loving arms.” “Tell him how much you love him.”

This is NOT about doing better. What RAWers really care about is having the sinner acknowledge the power of the hierarchy. Once you do that, you’re fine.

Non-RWAers expect people to "walk the talk": two entirely different goals.


Friday, September 11, 2009 9:57 AM


Any time you Dems try and claim the morale high ground....

Screaming in the dark here... but they set you up, as 2 sides against each other... and instead of saying "Frak that, we want more options", you all bend your knees to 1 of 2 camps. And then try to claim the moral high ground.

Its like watching WW1.


Friday, September 11, 2009 10:06 AM


I don't like hypocrisy as much as anyone, but I also don't like the tone of this article. Private life is private life FOR ANYONE, whether or not there's a bit of homosexuality involved on the side.

Infidelity is really a very minor, and very PERSONAL infraction. Corruption is a far bigger problem. Sexual favours are a matter of public concern, everything else involving an affair is unimportant and irrelevant. Whether you're a politician or whether you're an average person, the public has no business in anything else.

I also call out the writer of this article for painting homosexuality as something unseemly if infidelity, abuse, and bribery/sexual favours are not involved. So long as there's mutual consent and public dollars aren't involved, I DON'T CARE.


Friday, September 11, 2009 10:08 AM




Friday, September 11, 2009 10:22 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


you all bend your knees to 1 of 2 camps. And then try to claim the moral high ground.
Smile when you say that, you c*cksucking dick.

You think that just because we don't like Repub hypocrisy that we like Dem hypocrisy any better? Pull your head outta your arse once in a while, willya?

So long as there's mutual consent and public dollars aren't involved, I DON'T CARE.
If you claim to be for one thing but do another AND you're in public office: I CARE AND SO SHOULD YOU. We have to have SOME trust that our politicans will do what they say. If not: off with their heads.


Friday, September 11, 2009 11:49 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...


In order to get back into the fold, all you have to do is make proper obeisance to TBTB, cry big tears and promise that you’ll never ever be bad again. (But if you are, you’ll go through the whole charade again.)
Everything you said. And not only that, you get APPLAUDED for owning up to it (even tho' they almost never own up to it until its exposed anyway...)

Non-RWAers expect people to "walk the talk"
Aw, c'mon, they get "defended" just as much, we just have lower expectations of them and it's less funny because they don't stand on their soapbox and say they've got a lock on morality.

Frak that, we want more options
Huzzah! Doesn't mean I don't find the "holier than thou" hypocrisy funnier 'n hell when it's exposed.

I also call out the writer of this article for painting homosexuality as something unseemly if infidelity, abuse, and bribery/sexual favours are not involved
Uhhh, that had to be a misunderstanding...Morford doesn't have ANY negative feelings about being gay. I'll have to reread, but he might have been expressing the opinion of the hypocrites...I KNOW he wasn't putting homosexuality down, from years of reading him. Ahh, I reread and I'm right; he's expressing THEIR viewpoint, that homosexuality is as bad, if not WORSE, than adultery, so it's hypocrisy to decry it then do it. Not his opinion, theirs.

If you claim to be for one thing but do another AND you're in public office...
Yup. You want a public life, you're fair game in my book. Wouldn't give a damn myself if it weren't for the long-term, blatant hypocrisy.

We have to have SOME trust that our politicans will do what they say
Oh, baby, do you still believe that?? I sure don't, but I get a giggle out of seeing them hoist on their own sanctimoniousness!

Together we are greater than the sum of our parts


Friday, September 11, 2009 12:28 PM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!


Do you EVER bother to get all the facts before you spew ?

Here is the latest:

"OWOSSO, Mich. – A man fatally shot an anti-abortion activist near a Michigan high school Friday, drove to a gravel pit and shot its owner to death and planned to kill a third man, but was arrested before he could act, a prosecutor said.

Harlan James Drake, 33, was charged Friday with first-degree murder in the deaths of James Pouillon, 63, and Mike Fuoss, 61, said Shiawassee County Prosecutor Randy Colbry.

"The defendant had ill will toward these three individuals — not for the same reason necessarily, but had a grudge," Colbry said."

So, it comes down to personal grudges, not an 'activist librul'.

Gad, you're such a douchebag.


And that is after considering all the facts.


Friday, September 11, 2009 12:31 PM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Thanx for clarifying that, Rue. Amazing the place we've gotten to, where the shooting of someone is automatically assumed to be about a cause...sad.

Together we are greater than the sum of our parts


Friday, September 11, 2009 12:37 PM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

EVERY single initial story said something different, which was a reason to wait for least a few hours to see what came out.

But they ALL said he had shot two people. The second person shot SHOULD have been a serious stumbling block for anyone (with half a brain) to assuming the one man was killed for his anti-choice activities. Because why then was the other killed ?

The fact that he had planned to kill a third man - a fact that came out shortly after they caught him - should have put the final nail in the coffin of the 'political activist' angle.

BTW - I could just as easily have posted that it's a case of one right-wing gun-nut going after other right-wing nuts, and pointing out how nice it is that they're going after their own.

I noticed something that Wulf does. He's not content to hate an individual - no, he has to extend his hate to whole GROUPS of people. So, for example, he can't just hate ME - no, he has to hate my 'ilk'. He can't just hate a violent man who shot two other men - no, he has to assume it was, and hate, left-wing hypocrites. He can't just hate the people who tormented him in school - no, he has to hate ALL blacks. ALL hippies. And so on.

The dude's got serious issues, not the least of which is the version of reality he carries in his head is not at all like the world the way it is.

Which is why he keeps saying there's going to be a revolution!





Silence is consent.


Friday, September 11, 2009 12:57 PM


So when Bill goddamn Clinton was in office and most everyone on the left thought there were better things to worry about, and all the right was calling for blood...


You all were right the first time, there really are better things to be paying attention to. And that goes the same for the birther movement, too.

Homosexuality is not my concern, nor is someone's personal affairs. I said that if public dollars or sexual favours are involved that it's corruption, and that shit DOES need looking into, but otherwise, like I said, don't care.

People are going to be hypocrites. Everyone contradicts themselves at some point or another in their lives. That too is also minor, and not worth spilling vitriol at people for things that should remain private.

Everyone with a public life also has a private life. The PUBLIC life is fair game. Bills, political stances, all of that. The private life is an attack on their character and not relevant to the issues.


Friday, September 11, 2009 1:38 PM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

"Everyone with a public life also has a private life. The PUBLIC life is fair game. Bills, political stances, all of that."

But then, people run for office on their PRIVATE lives. I am a promisekeeper. I am a religious person. I will stand against pedophilia. My religious position on homosexuality will define my public one. You can be assured that I will adhere to the same religious precepts you believe in.

I think that puts their private lives into the realm of public accountability. Though I agree with the important idea that SignyM pointed out - with people of a certain mindset, there IS no accountability required - just obeisance.


Silence is consent.


Friday, September 11, 2009 2:25 PM


Private lives with public accountability? What a scary thought. If you're scrutinizing someone for doing something... Well, cheating and infidelity is wrong, but I just see it as more something between the wife and the husband and the lover. But scrutinizing someone for something that isn't murder, abuse, or theft, if a public person's private life is fair game, then whose isn't?

I get where you're annoyed, and I get that these guys are cheating lying sleazeballs. I would just prefer looking at stuff that they could actually be charged with.

The only one I've seen so far is sex with a minor. Throw him in jail, play the bail-no-bail game for that, fine. The rest of them, this stuff just distracts from who threw them under the bus in the first place, and WHY.


Friday, September 11, 2009 2:36 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


So when Bill goddamn Clinton was in office and most everyone on the left thought there were better things to worry about, and all the right was calling for blood...
Bill goddamn Clinton didn't run on a platform of morality.

What I WAS pissed at Clinton for was not keeping HIS promises... like when he shoved NAFTA down our throats, and signed DMCA.

I hate being friggin' lied to, by EITHER side.


Friday, September 11, 2009 2:43 PM


Fair enough. Personally I'm mad about the continuing efforts to destabilize the Middle East.

But those were public issues. On the private issues with Monica Lewinski, it was no one's business, and the investigation and CIRCUS was a joke and a sign of what the hell is WRONG with this country.


Friday, September 11, 2009 2:53 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

I get what you're saying, Byte. But dwelling on the hypocrisy of these so-called "family values, Xtian conservatives" does, at times, wake up their RWA suporters to the fact that they're being lied to by people who do nothing more than put on a show.


Friday, September 11, 2009 6:10 PM


Too bad we can't run this guy against Obama.

I'm only half joking - y'all are right about one thing, it's not that they're sleazebags that's so offensive - it's that they pretend not to be in the face of demonstrated evidence that they are!

That's one thing that bought Clinton such a pass, he was sleaze, but he was CHARMING sleaze, and he didn't really pretend he was holding the moral high ground so much.



Saturday, September 12, 2009 3:40 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

OMG Frem!

This is the first time I've ever seen Shatner do something funny! What a hoot!


Saturday, September 12, 2009 5:38 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...


it's that they pretend not to be in the face of demonstrated evidence that they are!

wake up their RWA suporters to the fact that they're being lied to by people who do nothing more than put on a show.

But that's just it, they don't SEE it--remember the symptoms? Nothing will ever make them admit--even the few who DO see it.

The Shatner thing was hysterical! I've seen him do a lot of stuff I think funny...not because he's a good actor, he never was, but because I admire the man's willingness to make a fool of himself and not stand on his "iconic" pedestal. I think he's great (and mind you, I HATED him in Star Trek--exactly for some of the things he makes fun of himself now).

Together we are greater than the sum of our parts


Saturday, September 12, 2009 4:53 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


The Shatner thing was hysterical! I've seen him do a lot of stuff I think funny...not because he's a good actor, he never was, but because I admire the man's willingness to make a fool of himself and not stand on his "iconic" pedestal. I think he's great (and mind you, I HATED him in Star Trek--exactly for some of the things he makes fun of himself now).

Bingo. He's a genius precisely BECAUSE he's made himself a caricature of himself. If you haven't seen him do anything funny, you simply haven't been watching. Or listening.

Shatner figured out a long, long time ago that he was no great thespian. And then he figured out that we're laughing at him, but that means WE'RE PAYING ATTENTION TO HIM. So he made a career out of it. He's laughing at us while we're laughing at him. The difference is, he's laughing all the way to the bank. My hat's genuinely off to the man as a true artist - just not in the way that he might have originally intended to be.

Shatner's a lot like Warhol. It's not that his "art" in and of itself is any great shakes; it's that he's such a consummate huckster and sham artist that he's been able to sell all the rest of us on the idea that he really IS that great. That is pure artistry, plain and simple.


"It was already blue when we got here!"


Sunday, September 13, 2009 2:32 AM


Keep the Shiny side up

But back to real malfeasance-in-office type scandals. A new chapter in the Blagojevich cesspit.


A week before one of ex-Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich's closest advisers was to go to prison for fraud, the commercial roofing contractor died at a Chicago hospital, and the mayor of a town where he was found said the death was being investigated as a suicide.

An autopsy was planned Sunday for Christopher G. Kelly, 51, who was discovered Friday night in a lumber yard parking lot in Country Club Hills, a town just southwest of Chicago. Kelly died Saturday morning, authorities said.

"Keep the Shiny side up"


Sunday, September 13, 2009 7:47 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


But that's just it, they don't SEE it--remember the symptoms? Nothing will ever make them admit--even the few who DO see it.
Not entirely true. Every now and again, the weight of hypocrisy catches up with some.

Frank Schaeffer, a former co-conspirator with Pat Robertson, Jerry Fawell, has written a book explaining just how the leadership of the Right Wing developed and and implemented a plan to inspire "crazies" to kill. In Crazy For God he takes the reader though the late night sessions where they planned the psychologcal method of incendiary rant, to be constantly repeated by - seemingly - different voices which was designed to convince any would-be assassin that God needed him to kill. It further explains how the rhetoric was to be done in such a way that the leaders and appointed speakers would have "deniability" following the fact. These tactics were also designed to create "Manchurian Citizens" able to be manipulated toward any end, and used eventually in an effort to take over the ballot boxes of the Nation.

Geezer... yes, there are trails of unfortunate deaths as a result of many scandals, including the Enron scandal and Iran-Contragate. More - much more- goes on than meets the eye.


Sunday, September 13, 2009 8:38 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Okay, yeah, I agree. Numerous people have come out since the end of the Bush Dictatorship to talk about what really happened, and there are other defectors from every cult, clan, and group who eventually see the corruption/idiocy going on around them and speak out. I'll give you that. But for the vast majority of idjits out there, hypocrisy blindness is a chronic disability!

And Mike, you nailed my feelings about Shatner to a "T". When they revived Star Trek he did say long, long ago, as it looks like you already know, that he knew he couldn't act. He found it amusing that he'd become such an icon and hey ho, figured out "why not go with it"? But that we could all be so honest about our abilities and laugh at ourselves as easily!

Together we are greater than the sum of our parts


Sunday, September 13, 2009 8:59 AM



Sunday, September 13, 2009 12:40 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by Niki2:
Okay, yeah, I agree. Numerous people have come out since the end of the Bush Dictatorship to talk about what really happened, and there are other defectors from every cult, clan, and group who eventually see the corruption/idiocy going on around them and speak out. I'll give you that. But for the vast majority of idjits out there, hypocrisy blindness is a chronic disability!

You know what's sad, Nik? As many as have come out since the end of the Bush Debacle, it's still only been 8 months since he left. There are going to be more, many more, in the years to come. Too bad it took 'em so long to find their balls - um, I mean, their consciences...

The worst part is those left behind, who not only refuse to see the cult for what it is, but actively attack those who leave it and try to expose it.


And Mike, you nailed my feelings about Shatner to a "T". When they revived Star Trek he did say long, long ago, as it looks like you already know, that he knew he couldn't act. He found it amusing that he'd become such an icon and hey ho, figured out "why not go with it"? But that we could all be so honest about our abilities and laugh at ourselves as easily!

Obviously you have never seen me dance. Think 6'8", 260 pounds, I have even less rhythm than your average middle-aged white guy, but I *do* still love to dance. I'm horrible at it, but I really don't care. :) This life is too short to not have fun as often as possible. I find mine in singing and dancing, no matter how horribly.


"It was already blue when we got here!"


Sunday, September 13, 2009 1:17 PM


Keep the Shiny side up


Originally posted by Niki2:
Yeah, another Mark Morford, but he's so GOOD at it!

What strikes me as really funny about Mr. Morford's anti-capitalist rants is what's at the bottom of the page.

© 2009 Hearst Communications Inc.

"Keep the Shiny side up"


Sunday, September 13, 2009 4:00 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

You act as if you're surprised that Hearst would employ a liberal, or that they could be seen as "playing both sides against the middle".


"It was already blue when we got here!"


Monday, September 14, 2009 2:44 AM


Keep the Shiny side up


Originally posted by Kwicko:
You act as if you're surprised that Hearst would employ a liberal, or that they could be seen as "playing both sides against the middle".

Not really. It is nice of Mr. Morford to give Hearst Liberal cred. I'm also not surprised at the number of folks, like him, who rant that they hate Capitalism yet work for and buy from Capitalists. You'd think they'd have the courage of their convictions, and deal only with communes, etc.

"Keep the Shiny side up"


Monday, September 14, 2009 6:46 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Ahhh, Geezer, such a sad little should get out of it more often, there's a big, wide world out here full of greys...and COLORS even!

Nobody will get any argument from me about the Hearsts--remember I've lived here most of my life. But the fact is that the Chron (SF Chronicle, home newspaper of SFGate, it's website) is vastly more liberal than most of the newspapers around here--well, the BIG ones, not the local rags, which can be downright scary left (!). If you'd read them on line at all, you'd have noticed.

Secondly, Mark Morford is DEFINITELY not anti-Capitalist...what a joke. Yes, he's left, quite left, but he's also quite willing to skewer anyone, anytime, for anything. He's a political SATIRE columnist...get it? Satirizing politics? All politics? And not even politics...he's gone after all kinds of stuff, from all corners of the world, and labeling him as you did is actually funnier than hell.

You should read his column "Down with crab cakes! Ban Whole Foods! On the ludicrous outcry against a brilliant, oddball CEO and his unfortunate opinion, that lefties are boycotting Whole Foods because it's CEO said basically he doesn't think most people actually deserve national healthcare, and how stupid the lefties are being about it. Or his rant about multivitamins and how we should, with today's technology, be able to create the one big pill we can all take to enhance EVERYTHING.

There's his joyous discovery of the iPhone in "New iPhone "totally 100 percent perfect" - Apple's 3GS device "completely and entirely without flaw or drawback," critics say", or "In defense of PETA's total stupidity - Who, pray who, will save the houseflies? And our sanity?", laughing at the idiocy of their outcry over Obama killing a fly.

There's "How to stay relevant - Technofreaky whipsaw culture leaving you in the e-dust? Try this", in which he rants

See, this column is not merely about how to stay relevant and engaged in this slapdash snarkfest of a modern world just by forcing yourself, against your will and better judgment, to get over your curmudgeonly resistance to newfangled gizmos and social networking and things that go GoogleBingTweet in the night.
He writes about the evolution of hate mail, having attained the magic threshhold of 5,000 Facebook "friends", and lots more. Should I go on?

If anything, Morford is obsessed with sex; virtually every article contains some kind of graphic reference to sex, our bodies, etc. I wrote him in response to his request for friendly e-mail (given the above) and said I loved his stuff, and forgave him his frequent obsessive adoration of talking about sex and things sexual; he replied that he appreciated my appreciation of his column and forgave me for my lack of appreciation of his frequent obsessive adoration of talking about sex and things sexual. He's just plain fun, mostly.

You really should get out more. Or maybe bounce around on the web a bit to look into stuff before you haul off and label people, pigeonhole them and brand them. It just embarrasses you, even if you don't realize it.

Together we are greater than the sum of our parts


Monday, September 14, 2009 6:51 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...


You know what's sad, Nik? As many as have come out since the end of the Bush Debacle, it's still only been 8 months since he left. There are going to be more, many more, in the years to come. Too bad it took 'em so long to find their balls - um, I mean, their consciences...

The worst part is those left behind, who not only refuse to see the cult for what it is, but actively attack those who leave it and try to expose it.


As to your dancing, I could ramble on about a roommate I had once who was so two-left-footed my guy at the time gave up trying to teach him to folkdance (which we were both heavily into), but how I stuck it out and to everyone's amazement, eventually he ended up in the most well-known local professional folkdance troup. Never give up, never surrender!

Together we are greater than the sum of our parts


Monday, September 14, 2009 6:54 AM



Originally posted by Wulfenstar:
or how many hypocritical Dems...


Set up 2 camps, then let them have at each other.

How many Dems run on the family values ticket? How many have pushed to put legal limits on sexual behavior they then indulge in? How many Dems have spent millions and millions investigating a blowjob?

"I thoroughly disapprove of duels. If a man should challenge me, I would take him kindly and forgivingly by the hand and lead him to a quiet place and kill him."


Monday, September 14, 2009 6:57 AM


Thanks for proving my point.


Monday, September 14, 2009 7:14 AM



Set up 2 camps, then let them have at each other.

I can't... it just too EASY, *laughing*

Oh man, Mikey... your ball.



Monday, September 14, 2009 7:15 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Oops, double post...


Monday, September 14, 2009 7:29 AM


Keep the Shiny side up


Originally posted by Niki2:
Secondly, Mark Morford is DEFINITELY not anti-Capitalist...what a joke.

Being on the other side of the country I don't read the Chronicle or SFGate much. The two examples of Mr. Morford's work you've posted didn't seem all that ha-ha, funny, snarky. The America: Arms dealer to the stars! had quite a bit of anti-capitalist rhetoric.

"So it is that a new report has just emerged, announcing with a sort of drab and bitter capitalistic glee that America is once again the number one weapons dealer in the world."

"Sad fact is, capitalism trumps all rational arguments, all notions that we are out only to promote good in the world, and we will sell weapons to just about anyone anywhere short of Al Qaeda itself."

"...we are, at heart, a rather ruthless capitalist military juggernaut that will gladly sell a sharpening stone to an axe murderer if it serves our purposes and makes Lockheed Martin a tidy profit."

So, is this just Mr. Morford being humorous and really agreeing that capitalists selling arms creates jobs and pumps up the economy, or is it that you don't see the rhetoric because you agree with it?

And I notice you're picking up the usual Liberal tone around here: insulting and condescending. Too bad.

"Keep the Shiny side up"


Monday, September 14, 2009 7:34 AM


What part of Satire and Sarcasm escapes you, Geeze ?

Column flip, board goes white.

You really need to up your game or get new material, dude.



Monday, September 14, 2009 8:26 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


And I notice you're picking up the usual Liberal tone around here: insulting and condescending. Too bad.

Show me the part of THAT response that wasn't supposed to be insulting and condescending. What a typical asshole Republican you are, Geezer.

Oh, and you think it's perfectly fine to sell weapons to mass murderers, then? I mean, you're a CAPITALIST, after all - do you have the courage of your convictions? Anything that can be done for a profit, SHOULD be done?


Old friend charity
Cruel twisted smile
And the smile signals emptiness
For me
Starless and Bible black


Monday, September 14, 2009 8:28 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by Fremdfirma:

Set up 2 camps, then let them have at each other.

I can't... it just too EASY, *laughing*

Oh man, Mikey... your ball.


Well, of those two "camps", only one of 'em has both a "big tent" AND a group calling themselves the "log cabin republicans"... They're also a favorite "camp" of Baptist youth ministers. I'm just sayin'...


Monday, September 14, 2009 8:42 AM


Ok... dont get the "camp" reference. Yeah, I know, its probably a joke at my expense... but a little news, please. It will help me in the future when I need to deal with juvenile assclowns to know what to be careful about saying...


Monday, September 14, 2009 9:27 AM


all hail the mighty nyquil an waitin for the coma to kick in.



Monday, September 14, 2009 9:38 AM


Keep the Shiny side up


Originally posted by Fremdfirma:
What part of Satire and Sarcasm escapes you, Geeze ?

Okay, Frem. Educate me. Read the "America: Arms dealer to the stars!" article and point out the Satire and Sarcasm.

"Keep the Shiny side up"


Monday, September 14, 2009 9:42 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Nope, the Arms Dealers column was very political, and as far as I'm concerned, everything you quoted was right on. The frequent references to capitalism were directly relevant to the topic: that because it makes a pofit (isn't that what capitalism is about?), the US is quite happy to sell arms to all and sundry. Where exactly did he lie, except to put in some adjectives reflecting his opinion?

As to

And I notice you're picking up the usual Liberal tone around here: insulting and condescending. Too bad.
Well, it was sarcasm from my point of view, not condescension. To condescend, one has to believe they're better than the other person, which I don't. I've agreed with you at times, I believe, and disagreed at others.

What you posted was just such an overt and incorrect judment off of two columns;

I'm also not surprised at the number of folks, like him, who rant that they hate Capitalism yet work for and buy from Capitalists. You'd think they'd have the courage of their convictions, and deal only with communes, etc.
that I couldn't help seeing the humor of your words. It's pretty snide and very partisan, and amused me that you can make such sweeping snarks of someone you know little to nothing about.

I firmly believe too many people who make remarks like that live in a black-and-white world, and snarked back at you. Fair is fair; and if you want to accuse me of the "usual liberal tone", you ain't readin', mistah. Some of the very nastiest, most mean-spirited, personally-attacking stuff I've seen here is from the right...if you can compare what I wrote as "condescending" and "insulting" to the downright crude and truly VICIOUS stuff I've seen from others on the right, be my guest, but you're waaaay off the mark. I have my own "line" which I will not cross, and your judgments of me mean nothing.

All in all, my main statement is that you were happy to make a huge leap from two columns to the man himself, and slur him and me, then have the temerity to judge me as well and brand me in your reply--I realize that's your point of view, but it's wrong.

As well, you showed absolutely no recognition of the fact I pointed out that Morford writes on many topics, and disses the left when he sees it as well as the right; instead, you defended your words by pointing out that one column was a politically-bent rant on our country's willingness to profit from wars as if it was incorrect, thereby deserving of condemnation.

Doesn't work. Actually, it's pretty hypocritical of you to even defend capitalism, with respect to the subject matter. What you denegrate him for seems to indicate it is YOU who agree "that capitalists selling arms creates jobs and pumps up the economy". That's a pretty weak stance, IMO.

Together we are greater than the sum of our parts


Monday, September 14, 2009 9:56 AM


Just for funnies.....


Monday, September 14, 2009 10:00 AM


Keep the Shiny side up


Originally posted by Kwicko:

And I notice you're picking up the usual Liberal tone around here: insulting and condescending. Too bad.

Show me the part of THAT response that wasn't supposed to be insulting and condescending. What a typical asshole Republican you are, Geezer.

Well, you gotta admit I was right about the insulting Liberal part. About the only Republican I've voted for is our local State Representative. Since I live in one of the most liberal areas of Northern Virginia (60% for the Obama/Biden ticket), and he's been in office since 1994, you should probably be able to figure he's about as moderate Repub. as it gets and does a good job on local issues.


Oh, and you think it's perfectly fine to sell weapons to mass murderers, then?

Why? wanna buy some?

"Keep the Shiny side up"


Monday, September 14, 2009 10:01 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Yup, that's part of what makes them attractive to the right...hotness with no brains has always been attractive to middle-aged men, feeds their fantasies they might actually GET something like that (hah!). It's also a great way to manipulate people to follow your "cause"--give'em a hot woman, and they'll buy everything from motorcycles to government!

Together we are greater than the sum of our parts


Monday, September 14, 2009 10:17 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...


Why? wanna buy some?
Didn't even come close to answering the question...not even a funny dodge, just a transparent one. :disappionted: Feel like actually answering it? You've knocked Morford for writing a column saying capitalism trumps humanity in this respect--if you knock him, unless you explain otherwise, it means you agree with the

Uh, point out the sarcasm and satire??? Sarcasm:

Isn't that fun to swallow with your hopes and dreams for a peaceful and calmly evolving future?

we only sell said weapons to our friendly, peace-seeking allies so they may protect themselves from various evildoers and swarthy terrorists whom we also detest and wish death and hate upon, or you could tell yourself that most of said weaponry is really for defense and for shielding babies and puppies and virgins from the darker nature of man.

...will gladly sell a sharpening stone to an axe murderer if it serves our purposes and makes Lockheed Martin a tidy profit.


if everyone owns a few thousand warheads, no one will shoot anyone simply because they don't want to get shot themselves
Oh, wait, this is ridiculous; except for the out-and-out condemning comments, the entire ARTICLE is sarcasm. Did you actually read it?

Together we are greater than the sum of our parts






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