The Rich British Unemployed.

UPDATED: Friday, September 18, 2009 07:37
VIEWED: 2174
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Wednesday, September 16, 2009 4:54 PM


Keeping order in every verse

I don't know what it's like over in the states,but here in Britain, I am apalled about the benefit culture that exists. Here's my scenario. I am a divorced father of one child. I am with a new partner with whom I have bought a nice house. We both have reasonably well paid jobs and claim nothing in the form of state benefit whatsoever. My ex-wife lives with her partner,their two children and my daughter.That's five people,none of whom earn a single penny for themselves.Her fella sits on his arse all day and plays PC games.They receive unemployment benefit each,housing benefit to keep a roof over their heads and extra allowances for each child.Plus they get free health and dental care while they aren't working.All in all,they actually have almost as much income as we do. And we work for our stuff. How can you expect anybody in their predicament to go out and work when they receive more for doing nothing. It's a big bone of contention for me and millions of other hard working people.And you wonder why our younger people are growing up with no respect for themselves or anybody else.Our government is PAYING people to sit on their backsides and that money comes from MY pocket.Do you have a similar problem in the States or are your lazy bastards FORCED into work?

Peacekeeper---keeping order in every verse!!!


Wednesday, September 16, 2009 5:21 PM


There are definitely people that abuse the system. The system is almost set up to be abused. I remember about 15 years ago, I was right out of school, had one kid, and was making about $18k a year. We qualified for certain kinds of public assistance: Food stamps $660/month ($220 each and our 1 year got a full amount) and our healthcare was sliding scale at the time, cost us $120/month (Hawaii axed that system the following year). The following year I ended working 60 hours a week (I'm self employed) and I earned $25k which kicked our family out of the system, but lets do some math. My healthcare costs went from $120 a month to $380 and our grocery bill went from us paying $0 out of pocket to around $450/month (less than what the gov was giving us for free). So, that's $3120 in additional health expenses and $5400 in additional food expenses. So, event hough I busted my ass and earned $7000 more than the previous year, I ended up with $1520 LESS money to pay rent, car insurance, utilities etc. So, at a certain level, there is no incentive to do better.

I know the Bush axed a lot of that, but I know a woman who works a 40 hour week and still qualifies for food stamps, free healthcare for her kids, and even a rent and childcare subsidy. She is actually afraid to get a raise, because is she earns even $2 more per hour, she will lose $15,000 worth of benefits!

I think there should be a system for people who can't make it, disabled, or stuck between jobs, etc - there should be a safety net, but the system we have is seriously flawed.

BTW Now I have my own business and pay 100% of the healthcare costs of all my employees- and it costs me a lot.


Thursday, September 17, 2009 10:33 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

I seem to recall that unemployment "dole" never expires in UK. Unemployment insurance runs out after about 6 months in USA, then the govt quits counting them in unemployment statistics.

In Tennessee, the govt closed all human unemployment offices, switching to a robot telephone system, and NOBODY IS GETTING PAID THEIR BENEFITS. California pays their unemployment benefits in IOUs, so millions of illegal aliens are going back to Mexico.

Many US military families have to live on food stamps, especially when their spouses deploy overseas. Food stamps in Tennessee is only about $80 a month.

Illegal aliens get free healthcare, food stamps, free housing, and many other govt benefits, often when using fake ID and multiple aliases with multiple claims. In Tennessee, the Highway Patrol sold fake I.D. to 500,000 illegal aliens, who are not required to have driver licenses to drive, and refuse to arrest or deport them.

HEALTHY illegal aliens get SSI "disability" up to $60,000 per year per couple, with free medical, without every paying taxes in USA, with immunity from deporation as "refugees" (mainly atheist "jewish" mafiya from Russia). That's about four times more than a US citizen would get for SSI disability. Their "disability" is having to move to USA for FREE. Congress even wants to pay Russian soldiers full military pensions in USA, paid by the PENTAGON, even when their job in Commie Russia was attacking USA.

90% of the 700,000 US soldiers paid disability from the Iraq War have to live on $100/month disability pension. Soldiers are banned from hiring lawyers to help them file VA disability claims, but the VA employs 4,000 lawyers.

The purpose of govt in USA and UK is to overthrow their govt. Which is suicide... Welcome to the Kosher New World Odor dictatorship by the private central banks. Genocide is next. Even Megadeth in Britain named their latest CD for Alex Jones, with most songs about genocide.

Note the bloody slaughterhouse walls...


Dialectic Chaos
This Day We Fight!
44 Minutes
Bite The Hand
The Hardest Part Of Letting Go...
Head Crusher
How The Story Ends
The Right To Go Insane

Dave Mustaine, Megadeth's frontman and co-lead guitarist, said, "We have some great song concepts, like 'Nothing Left to Lose' is a song about having been wiped out, like so many Americans, from the recession and potential depression years of 2000, or 'Bite the Hand That Feeds', which is a song about the greed of the fiduciary leaders of the financial world and how they just didn't care about the responsibility they had to the public."

"I also have some bizarre songs, like 'Head Crusher,' which is about the medieval torture device, and "Endgame," the title track, which is about a bill that ex-President George W. Bush signed into law that gave him the power to put American citizens in detention centers here in the United States."

On the September 10th edition of the Alex Jones Show, Jones suggested that the title and cover of Endgame was inspired by the movie Endgame written and directed also by Jones. Jones stated that he had sent Mustaine a copy of the movie after he had appeared on the radio program in 2008.


Thursday, September 17, 2009 10:37 AM


The British should look to the U.S.

Remember that our founders were British, but CHOSE to fight against that tyranny.

We became Americans.

You guys can still free yourselves, if you really want to.


Thursday, September 17, 2009 11:03 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!


Originally posted by Wulfenstar:
The British should look to the U.S.

Remember that our founders were British, but CHOSE to fight against that tyranny.

We became Americans.

You guys can still free yourselves, if you really want to.

Yes. Wars are first won in the media, then the courtrooms, then the battlefields.

If you do a good job in the first 2, the 3rd might not be necessary. But that's why law is not taught in skools nor on TeeVee, and why guns are banned in UK and the British Empire.

Rothschilds' private Bank of England owns the private "Federal" Reserve Bank in USA that prints all US "dollars" (Federal Reserve Accounting Unit Dollar F.R.A.U.D.) and exports all IRS income taxes. So it's not lookin too good...

Israeli citizen, Mossad soldier spy and ballerina Rhambo Emanuel is Hussein Obama's chief of staff


Thursday, September 17, 2009 11:05 AM


"Yes. Wars are first won in the media, then the courtrooms, then the battlefields.

If you do a good job in the first 2, the 3rd might not be necessary. But that's why guns are banned in UK and the British Empire."

Lol.... this is why I have never given up on Pirate.


Thursday, September 17, 2009 4:12 PM


And yet in spite of gun control, the states of great britain are having a lot more success seceding from their union than ours are.


Thursday, September 17, 2009 4:19 PM


Systems become the gospel. That is their limitation.

-Paraphrasing Bruce Lee here.

The laughing Chrisisall


Thursday, September 17, 2009 5:43 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

I'm still having a hard time finding where Obama has confiscated your guns. Must just be y'all, 'cause nobody's come around looking for mine!


Thursday, September 17, 2009 5:58 PM



Originally posted by Kwicko:
I'm still having a hard time finding where Obama has confiscated your guns. Must just be y'all, 'cause nobody's come around looking for mine!

Your cats cover up for the agents that took them! Little feline bitches!~

The laughing Chrisisall


Friday, September 18, 2009 7:37 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

Shit, Chris - my cats dream of the day they'll be able to use my own guns against me and get the drop on me! Little fuckers have lots of plans, but damned little foresight - they've utterly forgotten that if and when they take me out, they're screwed, since I'm the one who goes out and works his ass off to keep them in good food and clean litter (Ooh - clean litter; that sounds like an oxymoron).

Still, it doesn't stop them from plotting their little plots, and hatching their little plans. As of now, I'm officialy in a state of war with one of the cats. The other is claiming neutrality, but he seems to be sidling up sideways to both of us, playing one side against another, and angling - always angling - to get more treats out of the deal.

So they might want me gone, but they sure as hell don't want my guns gone. They're actually thinking they'll be able to use them against me.


Old friend charity
Cruel twisted smile
And the smile signals emptiness
For me
Starless and Bible black






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