Cervarix Death

UPDATED: Tuesday, September 29, 2009 22:58
PAGE 1 of 1

Monday, September 28, 2009 2:55 PM


I remember a few here were debating this when I read this, and thought you might be interested

Schoolgirl dies after cancer jab

A 14-year-old girl has died after being given a cervical cancer jab as part of a national immunisation programme, but the exact cause of death is unknown.

" I don't believe in hypothetical situations - it's kinda like lying to your brain "

" They don't hate America, they hate Americans " Homer Simpson

Lets party like its 1939


Monday, September 28, 2009 3:16 PM



There are more than 100 types of HPV but only 13 of them are known to cause cancer.

So... strengthining the individual's immune system with better nutrition & supplements is not a better option than injecting deadly s**t into them.... interesting.

The laughing Chrisisall


Monday, September 28, 2009 3:42 PM



Originally posted by chrisisall:

There are more than 100 types of HPV but only 13 of them are known to cause cancer.

So... strengthining the individual's immune system with better nutrition & supplements is not a better option than injecting deadly s**t into them.... interesting.

The laughing Chrisisall

definitely not as profitable

" I don't believe in hypothetical situations - it's kinda like lying to your brain "

" They don't hate America, they hate Americans " Homer Simpson

Lets party like its 1939


Monday, September 28, 2009 4:23 PM


Hell, there's more to it than that, the "mystery illness" that swept UK school systems immediately following that was quite well documented.

As far as my limited knowledge of the topic goes, the damage seems to be coming from the adjuvants rather than the vaccines themselves - and unfortunately no one is willing to question or investigate because they're afraid of what they might find, and fear running up hard against the established medical "systems" which don't care very much for being challenged, no matter how valid the grounds.

If we can eliminate the adjuvant related death and injury issues, we can make these damn things SAFE, but frankly, no one much seems to care, and every time I raise the matter (not necessarily here, mind you) I get my head ripped off for even suggesting it.


It cannot be said enough, those who do not learn from history, are doomed to endlessly repeat it


Tuesday, September 29, 2009 10:00 AM


More on that "Mystery Illness" if you wanna follow it up yourselves.

Mystery illness paralyses girl given cervical cancer jab

Swept the UK school system right after, and everybody involved tried SO HARD to look the other way and find something, anything, else to blame.



Tuesday, September 29, 2009 10:05 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

I had a WTF reaction to this...

Cheryl Cave said that she found the timing of her daughter’s symptoms impossible to ignore. She said that within 30 minutes of Ashleigh having the jab at Maricourt Catholic high school on the morning of October 15, she was complaining of severe headaches and dizziness. Over the next 48 hours her condition worsened and she collapsed five times. Two days later they set off to visit friends in Hampshire but the schoolgirl collapsed again on the train.
WTF mother would set off on a "visit" AFTER her daughter had collapsed five times???


Tuesday, September 29, 2009 10:17 AM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

Apparently HPV is hard to detect, as there are no good DNA or other tests for it. As a result, HPV is generally diagnosed by examining lesions where the virus is concentrated. However, that makes studying the course of HPV infection difficult.

What is known is that children (of both sexes) sometimes carry HPV in their oral cavity, not as a result of sexual activity, but (it is thought) due to infection by passing through the birth canal of an infected mother.

Assuming that the girl died of a vaccine reaction, I wonder if she had a pre-existing HPV infection, and the vaccine set off an over-zealous immune response.

ETA: a relative of a co-worker recently had a case of ascending paralysis. Aside from Guillain-Barre, there are very few possibilites - polio and rabies. How they ruled out Guillain-Barre in the one case is a mystery to me.


Silence is consent.


Tuesday, September 29, 2009 10:52 AM



Assuming that the girl died of a vaccine reaction, I wonder if she had a pre-existing HPV infection, and the vaccine set off an over-zealous immune response.

That did seem to be one of the problems rearing it's head with Gardasil, that a pre-existing presence could cause some serious bad juju, but no one seems willing to investigate or put effort into mitigation of prevention of the problem, it's driving me up the damn wall...

And there's also the adjuvant issue, cause again, if we manage to jump that hurdle, we can make these things SAFE, or at least a hell of a lot safer, but no one wants to admit fault, not just cause of lawsuits, but because egos and the status quo are on the line, argh.

It's a damn sad day when a freakin blue collar grunt from Detroit is raising questions and issues the medical establishment SHOULD have addressed long before this - given the far better education and resources they have to work with!



Tuesday, September 29, 2009 4:52 PM



Hope you're feeling better.


HPV is hard to detect

An antibody test would do it, but this bypasses the dumbness test, which is, "it's not a blood virus so why are you injecting large quantities of the synthetic antigen into the blood?"

Serious, if the virus invades through epithelial tissues, typically in the mouth, it takes about a month to get an immune response. Well, we have a month. Use the synthetic antigen the same way the virus would attack.

Yes you are correct, this is misclassified as an STD, it's usually picked up by children, and adults, in the mouth, but not typically at the time of birth.


as there are no good DNA or other tests for it.

The entire genome has been sequenced, and the antigens are well known, this should be easy, it's just no one is doing it for some reason.


Assuming that the girl died of a vaccine reaction, I wonder if she had a pre-existing HPV infection, and the vaccine set off an over-zealous immune response.

This is a lock. It's basically an iron-clad guarantee that she had the disease prior to the infection. 80% of the population will get one or more HPV viruses at some point, which is why children are the best targets, they are least likely to have it. It basically increases steadily with age, as you could get it anywhere you put something in your mouth, like at a restaurant.


ETA: a relative of a co-worker recently had a case of ascending paralysis. Aside from Guillain-Barre, there are very few possibilites - polio and rabies. How they ruled out Guillain-Barre in the one case is a mystery to me.

Guillain-Barre should be no mystery, it's another manifestation of anaphylactic shock. This is a captain obvious report: If someone has an epithelial infection, there's a very low level of blood contact, and so the body has to build a large number of antibodies to counter it. Injecting a large amount of synthetic antigen into the blood is going to produce a hyperactive immune response in anyone who already has the disease. It's really not going to do anything else.

It's somewhat questionable as a technique, as you might want to force the body to develop a high level of antibodies if you want them to actually be able to fight the disease. I'm not sure this application is the best way.

All of that said, as I've said before: The science underlying the creation of Gardasil is impeccable. It's the application that's at fault. If the thing were delivered as a sublingual lozenge or something similar, you would never see this sort of reaction. Sure, it would take a month to develop resistance, but we have a month, and the resulting resistance would likely be more effective.

For the record, the varieties of HPV are a mislead. There are two, HPV-16 and HPV-18 which are both hazardous and pandemic. Gardasil easily handles both of these. Sure, hypothetically, there are other carcinogenic viruses in the family for which it would not work, but since they are not pandemic in the population, that's a bridge that we will cross later.

I know this stuff because I research it, and lately because I'm researching potential causes of my own problems. There is no test available for men currently.

Also, I have a friend who is working on a cancer research team developing a competing product to Gardasil, only his is a cure for those who already have it, not a vaccine, on the theory that if we take this basic formula: Any human has a cumulative 1% chance per year of carrying the virus with age" which seems to be the statistical trend, then that leaves me and chris and the younger folk here with around 40% and a lot of us here with more like 60% of carrying one of these two viruses. The research Merck has done here will be very useful to us, they have really done their homework. The snag is, being Merck, they are watching the bottom line, manipulating govts. and rushing this thing into use, which can hurt the cause more than it helps. But I'd be an idiot not to take the research they've done and build on that. I don't know what little biotech company they swallowed with some sort of buyout to get this quality research, but I was impressed.

Yes, this sort of thing is tragic, I agree. It's also a case of human stupidity and greed, maybe corruption as well, and lack of patience. Also remember that these guys are trying to cure cancer, and they're coming a lot closer than anyone has before. I just hope they don't totally fuck it up by being reckless.

As an aside, and not to belittle or justify anything: this isn't to be put on a level with casualties in a war in Afghanistan, Iraq, etc. Our ongoing pointless conflict in afghanistan has claimed officially over 800 of 1424 official deaths since Obama took office (Change we can believe in?) Knowing what we know, that MIAs and people who die from injuries after leaving the arena of conflict, even those that die in a military hospital in Qatar, Germany or the US. A more real figure would follow the "year and a day" rule that US law follows. Certainly a death two days later would slip under the rug in the war death toll. Obama ridiculed the surge in Iraq, and I agreed. That was senator Obama. Why did president Obama order a surge, and drone air strikes in Afghanistan, and Pakistan? And don't give me "Bush did it" Bush and Cheney were evil. That's a pretty low bar to shoot for. As for Afghan civilian casualties, we don't know, but all the estimates I'm seeing are that the 2009 figures are exceeding the death toll from the September 11th attacks.


Tuesday, September 29, 2009 10:58 PM



Originally posted by chrisisall:

There are more than 100 types of HPV but only 13 of them are known to cause cancer.

So... strengthining the individual's immune system with better nutrition & supplements is not a better option than injecting deadly s**t into them.... interesting.

The laughing Chrisisall

Hush now. We don't want HIV believers to stop taking AZT, or cancer patients to stop radiating themselves to death, that's some profitable s**t. Just believe everything any doctor ever tells you.






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