Elizabeth Smart Rape Case Begins...

UPDATED: Saturday, October 3, 2009 02:08
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Friday, October 2, 2009 12:58 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!


Fiend raped Smart day after day

2 October 2009

Seven years after being abducted by a sex-obsessed, religious zealot in Utah, a poised and beautiful Elizabeth Smart calmly testified for the first time yesterday -- laying out in harrowing detail her nine-month ordeal of rape and abuse.

Now 21, the angelic Mormon harpist described how in 2002 she went from an innocent 14-year-old girl asleep in her bed to being subjected to daily sexual assaults and religious brainwashings by Brian David Mitchell, who kept her bound to a tree and plied her with drugs and alcohol.

All the while, the creepy, wild-bearded, self-proclaimed prophet claimed that raping her up to four times a day was for the greater glory of God.

"Anything I showed resistance or hesitation to, he would turn to me and say, 'The Lord has commanded you to do this, you have to experience the lowest form of humanity to experience the highest," Smart testified in Salt Lake City federal court.

"He was religious, but not spiritual, not Christ-like," she said. "He used religion to get what he wanted."

Speaking calmly, Smart began her testimony by recalling the night of June 5, 2002, when she woke up in her family's Salt Lake City home with something cold pressed to her neck and a bearded man standing above her.

"He came into my room and held a knife to my throat and threatened me with my life and my family's life to come with him," she said.

"He placed his hand on my chest. He then put the knife up to my neck and he told me to get up quietly and if I didn't then he would kill me and my family," she said.

Smart said Mitchell -- dressed in sweat pants, a ski hat and tennis shoes -- ordered her to dress and said he was taking her hostage for ransom.

Still holding the knife to her neck, Mitchell forced her to march three miles through a canyon behind her house to a campsite where his wife, Wanda Eileen Barzee, waited for them. There, Barzee prepared Smart for a "marriage ceremony."

"He took me inside where Wanda then tried to force me to bathe. After arguing with her, she eventually just proceeded to wash my feet and told me to change out of my pajamas into a robe-type of garment," Smart said. "When I refused, she said if I didn't she would have Brian Mitchell come rip my pajamas off. I put the robe on and he came and performed a ceremony which was to marry me to him."

"After that, he proceeded to rape me," Smart said.

She said Mitchell forced her to drink alcohol and take drugs to make her less resistant to his sleazy sexual advances and would make her look at pornography and insisted she "be humble" to him.


No need for guns for self defense. The police will protect you.

Note how the media whores want freedom for convicted Kosher pedophile sodomite rapist Roman Polanski, for doing almost the same crime.


Friday, October 2, 2009 2:56 PM


Being that I actually live in Utah, I have some commentary on how people in this region can become as unhinged as Mitchell, but I'll save it until it's appropriate.


Friday, October 2, 2009 3:39 PM


I think the *way* the media is sensationalizing this matter is downright offensive and appalling.

As far as unhinged people in Utah... erm.

Not sure how long you've lived there, or how much of the dark history you know, but in the mid-80's there was some SERIOUS nasty business I was indirectly involved in cause as a Juvie I was both suicidally brave, and way harder to apply legal pressure to - damn near got my ass killed.

Utah is quite full of unhinged people, although from my experiences, it's usually not Mormons as much as it is other folk hiding behind/within them.

Hell, I still remember smuggling D&D manuals and dice when they tried that idiotic ban, not even for the money, but just to be an asshole.

Anyhows, I feel for the girl, cause the media is gonna do her over far worse than the scumbag, if no one makes an issue about it.


It cannot be said enough, those who do not learn from history, are doomed to endlessly repeat it


Friday, October 2, 2009 4:09 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


I think the *way* the media is sensationalizing this matter is downright offensive and appalling.

You know what's fucking me up about all this?

Why the hell do they have to keep showing her face? What the fuck happened to the idea that rape victims - and most especially UNDERAGE rape victims - have some expectation of anonymity and privacy?

My heart breaks for this poor girl, it really does. And a media circus around her, slavering, slobbering, and salivating over every sleazy and sordid detail of her captivity and repeated rape is just what she DOESN'T NEED. If any of these people are truly concerned for her, they'd get the hell away from her and make sure she has some long-term counseling, because she's likely going to need it if she ever wants even the slightest hint of a chance at a normal life again.


The percentage you're paying is too high-priced
While you're living beyond all your means;
And the man in the suit has just bought a new car
From the profit he's made on your dreams


Friday, October 2, 2009 4:21 PM


Unfortunately, there's also been other times when Elizabeth Smart has been forced into the limelight. Ever since her rescue, she has been quietly helping to do a lot with abduction and under age rape cases and legislation... Or at least QUIETLY trying to do so. Unfortunately, she's a local celebrity by our very own media, so every time her name comes up around here, it makes headlines, and sometimes those headlines make national news. I feel for her.

I know plenty of very nice Mormons, many of my extended family members are among them, but... well, the Mormon church around here isn't as unaware of certain ongoings as one might think. And it often helps to conceal and enable them. For example, the community is very not friendly towards women who seek divorce from some of these individuals hiding under this umbrella. It's actually kind of appalling, and lets some horrible and disturbing examples of child abuse go uncontested. Very patriarchal culture, and many things that should be talked about are taboo.

There's also a very strong indoctrinization thing that occurs among Mormons around here, reinforced by the very powerful community and presence they have, and this contributes to some genuine crazy / CREEEPY Stepford-esque behaviour. Both as a psychological side effect of the indoctrinization and the message of it. To people who are already susceptible to certain conditions, it sure as hell doesn't help.

Mitchell is a product of this style of indoctrinization who went the openly crazy route instead of the Stepford route. >_> And the Stepfords can snap, too, so it's really two sides of the same coin.

Frem: my family is originally from here. I was born elsewhere when we were moving around for a while, came back here when I was a kid. So I've been here a little more than fourteen years.


Friday, October 2, 2009 4:31 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

Church of Morman is the original Church of SciFi... a sex-crazed Church of SciFi. Not that that's a bad thing.

For Ms Smart to be a Morman just shows how she's still under mind kontrol. Probably the only thing holding her multiple minds together...


Friday, October 2, 2009 4:37 PM


I'm sure her family strongly encouraged her to turn to the the church and her faith to help cope after she was rescued.

Something like this would make me LOSE faith (not that I have it), and I'd actually be offended by the idea of going back to something that ultimately went so wrong as to get me into that in the first place. Something that also, from what I've heard, made her susceptible to the mind games Mitchell played with her. But what're you going to do? It comforts people, I guess.


Friday, October 2, 2009 5:48 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!


Saturday, October 3, 2009 2:08 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Church of Morman is the original Church of SciFi... a sex-crazed Church of SciFi.

That's not just the mormons - that's pretty much all churches.






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