Sheriff says FU to Obama

UPDATED: Wednesday, October 14, 2009 04:37
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Tuesday, October 13, 2009 2:15 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

Arizona Sheriff Vows to Enforce Immigration Law Whether ‘Feds’ Like It or Not


“When we come across illegal aliens, we arrest them,” Arpaio said. “That’s the part they don’t like, and that’s the one they took away.”

Arpaio claims that more than 30,000 individuals have been identified as illegal aliens since his department signed on with ICE in 2007.

He also claims that even without the 287(g), federal law allows state and local law enforcement agencies to enforce immigration laws if probable cause exists.

“Federal law does expressly authorize state and local police to make immigration arrests of previously deported felons who return to the United States and are in the country unlawfully,” Kobach said.

“That federal statute is found at 8 U.S.C. 1252c. In addition, as the U.S. Department of Justice officially recognized in 2002, state and local police possess the inherent authority to arrest illegal aliens and detain them briefly in order to transfer them to federal custody,” Kobach added.

“Those are two forms of arrest authority that Sheriff Arpaio possesses, apart from Section 287(g) authority,” Kobach said.

Arpaio said that the law usually isn’t enforced, but he would like to change that.

“You know what?” Arpaio said. “I’m going to start enforcing that law.”


Tuesday, October 13, 2009 2:34 PM


Freedom is Important because People are Important


For the benefit of rational people who may visit this thread, I will elucidate what all of the noise is about here in Arizona.

The Sheriff instituted several measures to catch illegal aliens. Many of these I have no problems with. For instance, all people who visited inmates at the prison had their identity checked. If they were found to be illegal aliens, they were arrested. This seems sound to me.

Another program checked the identity of all persons arrested in Maricopa. A prudent measure. If they were found to be illegal aliens, they were held until they could be processed by INS.

Unfortunately, he also instituted a program of stopping, questioning, and detaining 'suspected' illegal immigrants. This led to a phenomenon known as 'Driving While Brown.' Or 'Standing Around While Brown.' Or my favorite, 'Breathing While Brown.' That is, Literal racial profiling of anyone who looked like they might be Mexican, and weren't dressed with the proper identifiers of affluence.

You will doubtless hear PirateNews now begin to condemn the actions of this Sheriff, and confess that whatever good he may accomplish, it is not worth the violation of Civil Rights and Liberties.



"Liberty must not be purchased at the cost of Humanity." --Captain Robert Henner


Tuesday, October 13, 2009 4:44 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by AnthonyT:

For the benefit of rational people who may visit this thread, I will elucidate what all of the noise is about here in Arizona.

The Sheriff instituted several measures to catch illegal aliens. Many of these I have no problems with. For instance, all people who visited inmates at the prison had their identity checked. If they were found to be illegal aliens, they were arrested. This seems sound to me.

Another program checked the identity of all persons arrested in Maricopa. A prudent measure. If they were found to be illegal aliens, they were held until they could be processed by INS.

Unfortunately, he also instituted a program of stopping, questioning, and detaining 'suspected' illegal immigrants. This led to a phenomenon known as 'Driving While Brown.' Or 'Standing Around While Brown.' Or my favorite, 'Breathing While Brown.' That is, Literal racial profiling of anyone who looked like they might be Mexican, and weren't dressed with the proper identifiers of affluence.

You will doubtless hear PirateNews now begin to condemn the actions of this Sheriff, and confess that whatever good he may accomplish, it is not worth the violation of Civil Rights and Liberties.



"Liberty must not be purchased at the cost of Humanity." --Captain Robert Henner

Maybe we could have all the brown people in Arizona wear some sort of symbol on their clothes, so we could easily tell them apart. I mean, there's no chance that would ever be misused, right? And the only ones who would refuse would be the illegal ones, right?

And I'm sure PN would be on board with that, too. After all, you can only violate the rights of "real" Americans, right?

For those who don't know or couldn't tell, that was all snark.

Joe Arpaio is pretty well known as an over-the-top fascist asshole. Figures that a Nazi asshole like PN would identify with him.


The percentage you're paying is too high-priced
While you're living beyond all your means;
And the man in the suit has just bought a new car
From the profit he's made on your dreams


Tuesday, October 13, 2009 5:50 PM


Either your with the terrorists, or ... your with the terrorists

Lets party like its 1939


Tuesday, October 13, 2009 10:26 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

In time of war, illegal aliens are the enemy's invading army.

They're very very lucky the gubmit isn't lining them up and putting bullets in their heads and plowing them into mass graves, like USA does every day in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Somalia, Iran and did for US citizens in New Orleans. US Supreme Court already ordered that non-citizens have no Constitutional rights, and in some case US citizens (US v Padilla).

Brownies should be trippin over themselves to turn in illegal aliens, since that's who's stealin their jobs first. But they're scared of the homicidal gangs that do the slave runnin.

My wife was told she would be murdered by the Mexican mafia if she turned in the 100s of illegals working at that 5-star VIP resort in Tennessee. Dept of Homeland Security ICE had ZERO interest when she tried to file a complaint. Illegals were robbing the customers blind at that resort, with immunity, and taking retaliation against coworkers. Other illegals in that town rape and murder customers in their hotel rooms by using pass keys, and rape and murder all over the county.

Isn't doper Cheech gettin paid for playing a COP these days?


Wednesday, October 14, 2009 4:07 AM


Freedom is Important because People are Important


Piratenews, you neglected to speak out against the Sheriff at the top of the thread.

He is part of the 'gangsta government' violating Civil Rights and Civil Liberties.

You need to speak against this Sheriff who is 'Saying FU to Obama.'

Unless you only believe in the rights of people who look like you. Unless you support the 'gangsta govmint' just so long as they're not pinning the star on your chest?

You know what a 'Brownie' is in the US, Pirate? You know what a Jew is? A citizen.

A Brownie is YOU.


"Liberty must not be purchased at the cost of Humanity." --Captain Robert Henner


Wednesday, October 14, 2009 4:37 AM


Just posting this because it's true:

The next immigration between the US and Mexico is that people leave the US to go to Mexico. This has been true for a couple of years now. It's like the net growth trend in Las Vegas is negative.

While I'm at it, a few more things that are generally accepted and never reported by the media:
Iran never invades anyone. Neither does Afghanistan.
Most suicide bombers are unaware that there is a bomb in their car.
The US has never been at war with Russia.
After the "defeat of communism" there were more communists than there were before. (It's not just China, it's Africa, and now, arguably, S. America.)
Depleted Uranium emits a lower level of radiation per mass than does a television.
Based on the usage of Nuclear bombs, the world's biggest threat is the US, followed by France.
The cleanest tapwater in the US is NYC, the worst: WV.

Reasons to move to Mexico:
1. More jobs
2. More civil liberties.
(I hear the weather is also nice.)