To Michigan, with love: Uh oh.

UPDATED: Tuesday, October 20, 2009 09:47
PAGE 1 of 1

Monday, October 19, 2009 5:09 AM


Y'all may wanna keep an eye on Upton.

I've mentioned before my pet peeves and grievances with Energy Solutions, well, it recently came out that the whole lot of them are crooks, too. Not that it was ever in any doubt, but there's actual evidence now that they've been misrepresenting their profits and inflating their stock market prices.

Also, their storage safety sucks.

So if Upton is in the pocket of Energy Solutions... Well, just watch the guy. Radioactive waste isn't the ONLY crap Energy Solutions is into, and they're not just in Utah.


Monday, October 19, 2009 8:26 AM


Well, see, given the temper tantrums, threats, blatant and unapologetic economic and political sabotage that party has engaged in here, and the so-called candidates they've been fielding, right now the mood of michigan (despite what the two fascist-friendly, scab-hiring, propaganda papers owned by Republican interests might say) is extremely, bitterly hostile towards that entire party - hell, even the most rabid supporters of the bastards have creeped under rocks and hidden at the rage - and them bumper stickers and signs oh so quietly dissappeared in the night, as if we're not gonna remember these enablers ?

Seriously, when they almost BANKRUPTED OUR STATE, with a fucking phonied-up budget crisis as a political stunt when we were running a goddamn surplus at the time, man... that ain't goin away any time soon, you understand ?

And let's not forget that dipshit McCain coming up here and trying to give a speech to hard core unionists about the wonders of nuclear power down the road from Fermi, who never wanted it in the first place and being seniors, most of em, remember all too well that it came damned close to wiping Detroit off the map.
(Republicans wouldn't mind that at all, since most of the people there are the wrong color and economic level to be of any "use" to them)

One thing I learned about these folk from living here, is that regardless of party they are very conservative in that they evaluate all the facts of something and chew it over for a good long while before they accept or reject it.
And they can hold a grudge just about forever!

The Republican party has done it's utmost to destroy our economy, our infrastructure, our very livelyhoods, out of a petty little temper tantrum over not being in charge - and ain't nobody, NOBODY, here, gonna forget that for a bloody long time.

These days, we don't even take those pissants seriously any more, which I think is a mistake, but it's generally the way folk up here are, they won't harass or yell at you, nope, they'll just friggin IGNORE you - which is the proper response for a child throwing a tantrum, sure...

But petulant little shits with political power and connections with the alphabet scum like Hoekstra - the more you ignore them, the more rabid they get, till they do something outright insane in trying to get their way, kinda like the Joint Chiefs did over Cuba with NORTHWOODS, right ?

I would NOT put it past them to try some shit like that on a local level to "prove" all those "filthy Ay-rabs" over in Dearborn (most of whom are here BECAUSE they despise the jihadis and prefer OUR company, such as it is, to theirs) are some kinda mortal threat, etc etc.

But then, for all their stubborn conservatism, these folk are NOT stupid, either - the day when they don't look at Republicans as one step short of satans minions is gonna be long in the coming, don't ya know.


It cannot be said enough, those who do not learn from history, are doomed to endlessly repeat it


Monday, October 19, 2009 8:34 AM


Ha, okay. :) Good to know.

What was this about a phony budget crisis? And economic sabotage? I imagine the bail-outs for GM and some of the other Michigan manufacturers didn't work out, but it sounds like there's more to it than that?


Monday, October 19, 2009 3:51 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

Yes, he's dumping it on my town.

We've been getting foreign nuke waste for years, including from our dear friend Libya.

CNN says radiation in your water supply is good for you.


Monday, October 19, 2009 3:59 PM


Yeah, it's particularly dumb when your area has faults and is earthquake prone. Oh sure, the containers will survive a 7.8 magnitude...

The NRC looks favourably upon bribes.


Monday, October 19, 2009 7:40 PM



Originally posted by Bytemite:
What was this about a phony budget crisis? And economic sabotage? I imagine the bail-outs for GM and some of the other Michigan manufacturers didn't work out, but it sounds like there's more to it than that?

The gist of it ?

Jenny, the Gov, had some folk working on the budget, and she's never been big on partisan politics - she was formerly the State Attorney General and generally involved in legal stuff that didn't have a lot of that kinda thing involved, you see.

And so, she actually expected those Republican assholes to do the job, which is a slight against her as Governor, yes - but my support of the lady is and always has been for reasons other than her performance as Governor - which for a state hanging on by it's fingernails while the Republican party tries to push it off the cliff ain't been half bad.

So, they pull up and show around this budget that shows a massive shortfall, start wailing and gnashing their teeth and blaming all that is Democrat and stonewalling ANY effort to resolve it that didn't involve raising taxes - resulting in a near total shutdown of MI Government, which I was actually kinda hopin for cause folk around here might have taken the opportunity to question why they needed it, right ?

So, the taxes get jacked, much howling ensues, and the Republicans take to the airwaves screaming about tax-n-spend Democrats despite being the ones who blocked every cut they wanted to make...

Only to find out that the budget they had submitted was a total fake, cobbled together whole cloth, and hiding millions in uncollected taxes on big businesses around here who are their primary, one could say damn near only, supporters.

We were running a SURPLUS at the time - and upon "discovering" that of course those Republican pigs jammed their little trotters in the trough and started rooting for more porkbarrel - and so forth, and so on, all completely uncontested by the current State Attorney General, one Mike Cox, who does mostly NOTHING but suck the cock of big business while protecting them FROM the outraged citizens, and use his office and budget to campaign for Republican candidates on State money and time - to my shame I voted for his ass the first time around cause he's related to Archibald Cox, the guy who put a boot up Nixons ass and perhaps some of that rubbed off, but I guess not.

The State Attorney Generals office has actually had to hire more people to go and do the job at all while Cox is busy either helping his buddies campaign, sabotaging and harassing their opponents, or trying rabidly to prosecute any Democrat he can with even the most ridiculous of accusations, and has some kinda of asshole deal going on with the ambitious, and extraordinarily corrupt, Wayne County Prosecutor Kym Worthy.

And of course, both "news" papers, the Detroit "Free Press" and the Detroit "News" are rabidly anti-union, pro-fascist, pro-Republican/Big Business, screw the poor propaganda rags which actually managed to get AWAY with dumping all their union employees and replacing them with scabs a while back, something which no one around here has ever forgotten.

They supported Dick Posthumous, who's campaign quickly BECAME posthumous, when Jenny steamrollered his ass (we threw every OUNCE of support our org could generate behind her, too!) and then they rolled out Dick DeVos, who even THOSE propaganda rags could not stomach enough to support...

Term limits and all, guess they'll be finding some other Dick to try to stick in Michigan this time around, but so far they've been unable to get one up.

That bastard Engler, on his way out - once it was clear we'd have enough of both him and his party, did one thing that earned my everlasting hatred and damn near put me out of work for good.

He went to the sleaziest, slimiest, most dog-rotten corrupt cab company in the state (Metrocars) and gave them a no-bid airport rights contract with a massive multimillion dollar advance - the only good that came of that is them finally firing the crazies, alcoholics and druggies they did have driving, and replacing those deathtraps they were using for cabs - I had to call multiple violations in on these guys, mind you, which professional courtesy woulda required me to overlook if they weren't both blatant and a damned danger to the public at large.

They had to hire the new guys from out of state, cause no one HERE would even work for em - and with exclusive airport rights, initially any OTHER cab had to park a mile from the terminal in order to legally pick up - who's gonna drag their luggage a mile, right ?

He economically DESTROYED the taxicab industry, and they've still not recovered cause the fuel prices while they were sorting out the mess did for most other companies besides - that and the grevious taxes ran ME out of the biz cause I could not survive on what was left over once the feds and their goddamn taxes picked me clean - state taxes were a pittance in comparison.

While I rarely directly engage any politician around here above the local level, save for Dingbat aka Dingell, who's a right decent fellow, and on occasion Monica Conyers (who got Spitzered over filing a STATE level impeachment of Bush when her husband didn't have the balls to file a Federal one) believe me, they all know what my boot up their ass feels like by now.

Hoekstra is busy selling us out to the alphabet boys - notice how fast Cheneys little asshole deal with the CIA went off the radar ?

Hoek has decided to blackmail them into a couple favors in exchange for keeping it quiet instead of him and Reyes tearing their ass up over it, and I am wondering exactly what those favors may entail - bastard bears watching, and imma watch, damn sure I am.

Anyhows, we hate these assholes, and we got every right to - they're FINISHED here, far as popular support goes.


It cannot be said enough, those who do not learn from history, are doomed to endlessly repeat it


Tuesday, October 20, 2009 9:47 AM


Stuff like this....


The Wayne County Election Commission determined Monday that language in petitions to recall council members in Grosse Pointe Shores and Flat Rock was clear enough to start the gathering of signatures but rejected language in a petition to recall the Redford Township supervisor, whose name was misspelled.

Those who could be recalled have 10 days to appeal the decision to Wayne County Circuit Court. They are Grosse Pointe Shores Mayor James Cooper and council members Victoria Boyce, Robert Graziani, Brian Hunt and Frederick Minturn and Flat Rock Councilman Jonathan Dropiewski.

Geri Lillis, who filed language to have Supervisor Tracey Schultz Kobylarz recalled for laying off three managers without the Redford Township board's approval, said that she plans to file a new petition.

Grosse Pointe Shores resident Robert Lee filed the language for petitions seeking to recall the mayor and four council members who voted for a 1-mill tax increase in June. The additional mill for the 2009-10 budget is expected to generate about $330,000.

In Flat Rock, the language to recall Dropiewski states that he voted against approving a motion to continue funding for police and fire at a June meeting.

Petition language is good for 180 days. Petitioners need to have signatures totaling 25% of the number of voters in the last gubernatorial race in that community.

You see, we're DAMNED quick with a recall if you lie to us, or screw it up - although the Redford situation is almost comical in that everyone involved is so crooked it's kind of laughable, and add good ole Gus and his merry band of rejects to the mix, well...

Another state issue today is the whole Standish Prison mess, which, frankly - couldn't we do with LESS prisons, LESS laws, instead of criminalizing EVERYBODY, really ?

And imma *HANG* Councilman Nelson over THIS little statement...
"My worst fear is that the prison sits empty"
You can imagine just how many ways I can hang THAT millstone around his neck, I am quite sure.

Right now the rethugs are screaming over the school budget veto - cause they reneged on their promises to cut spending, and seem to think Jenny can just magically pull the money out of thin air or something, all the while trying to force more tax increases for political points...

Which if they happen, piss everyone off, and don't fix the problem cause the Rethugs just jack up the pork spending - which, mind you, there's a ton of in the damned school systems, little of the money actually makes it into anything usefully educational.

And if she does drop the boom on the Corpies and demand they pay their fucking taxes, they threaten to leave, or do leave, and the Rethugs howl about mismanagement and driving businesses from the state.

I am SICK TO DEATH of Corpies getting a free pass on taxes while we get reamed, and frankly I am of the opinion we oughta do what Chavez did, one of the smarter things he did before going half-nuts from corruption of power was nationalize businesses that laughed in his face when presented with their tax bill, up to and including militarily seizing every bit of their property he could reach.
(Which is, mind you, the REAL reason US Politicians hate the fucker so much.)

Damn well that's an example worth a second look, if YOU refused to pay your taxes the Gov would spare no bloody expense making an example out of like the Browns, wouldn't they ?
For damn sure they'd seize your assets and property!

So why do Corpies, why SHOULD Corpies, get a free pass ?

Fuck em, demand payment, and if they don't comply start seizing shit, and start with the businesses bankrolling that scumbag Mike Bishop and his merry little band of looters, who I guarantee you, will haul ass to Dubai with the rest of these jackasses when they get done pillaging our state.

Not like that'll save em if it all goes to hell and folk start lookin for someone to blame - cause once all the collaborators and enablers here get swung from a rope... and probably too damn many innocents besides - I know enough history to be trying to put the brakes on such things, mind, not that I seem to be makin much headway in the face of such "reckless hate", but least I try... you can bet your sweet bippy they'll go lookin for the source.

Part of why I wanted to crush them immediately after the election was an attempt to head off the seemingly inevitable witch hunt and purge that's going to trigger off their demented and suicidal behavior of continuing the same abuses that got em thrown down from the halls of power in the first place.

I figure in the end they'll wind up like Saruman and Wormtongue, but yanno I am finding it kinda hard to care.


It cannot be said enough, those who do not learn from history, are doomed to endlessly repeat it