More phony 'Terrorism'

UPDATED: Tuesday, November 3, 2009 07:00
VIEWED: 1575
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Wednesday, October 28, 2009 2:08 PM


This just in, the Feddies decided to bust a cap in a local fence up in Dearborn, result of some flimflam bust that went bad, prolly due to their paid informant shovelling shit - and now they're all on about how this berk was some kinda big bad so called terrorist, yadda yadda, in an excuse to cover up their procedural misconduct and incompetence.

The locals are gonna go fucking ballistic, given how the FBI and their goddamn shills have been out and out harrassing, extorting and threatening the community over their race and beliefs - which IMHO amounts to a form of state sponsored terrorism itself.

The guy's a fucking FENCE, garden variety crooked, and as such naught more than any other low level crook - there's a lot of funny business involved with this, it might have even been an attempt to turn the guy into an informant, or set him up, that blew up in their faces - one unconfirmed rumor has it that he came upon them planting shit in his warehouse and a gun battle erupted.

More when I know more.

Tell me again who the bad guys are, cause it's lookin more than a bit muddled from where *I* am sittin, watching shit like this on an ongoing basis.



Wednesday, October 28, 2009 5:40 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

Is this it?

Detroit mosque leader shot and killed in FBI raids


He regularly preaches anti-government and anti-law enforcement rhetoric," an FBI agent wrote in an affidavit. "Abdullah and his followers have trained regularly in the use of firearms, and continue to train in martial arts and sword fighting."

The Ummah is headed nationally by Jamil Abdullah Al-Amin, formerly known as H. Rap Brown, who is serving a state sentence for the murder of two police officers in Georgia.

Early Wednesday afternoon, FBI agents and local police from the Joint Terrorism Task Force surrounded a warehouse and trucking firm on Miller Road near Michigan Avenue where Abdullah and four of his followers were hiding, said Special Agent Sandra Berchtold, a spokeswoman for the FBI in Detroit.

When agents entered the warehouse, four of the men obeyed orders to surrender but Abdullah opened fire and was shot to death, Berchtold said. An FBI dog was also shot and killed, she said.

No terrorism charges filed. Probably turns out the dead man fired no shots either.

The "stolen property" is probably appliances taken from the home that was stolen from them by tax sale auction.

I bet Obama spends $1-million taxdollars on a funeral for this dead "cop". Which means all cops are dogs to Big Brother.


Wednesday, October 28, 2009 7:01 PM


You changed your avatar


Wednesday, October 28, 2009 7:01 PM


Double post. Lucy is out, Hell Girl is in. Haven't seen Hell Girl


Wednesday, October 28, 2009 7:57 PM


Yeah, that's it - but something about the whole matter reeks of rotten, lookin at the faxes of the paperwork a local kindly sent me, it reeks of bullshit actually, another Ft Dix Six setup, and the spin cycle on this is kinda telling.

I did hear tell of some newsie getting roughed up for making some intolerant comments, but I don't have a lot of sympathy for "news" that send out "true believers" and just roll their own "facts" anyways, so there's that...

Gotta love the bullshitstorm though...
"He regularly preaches anti-government and anti-law enforcement rhetoric"

Well, gee, guess that makes all of us terrorists and firefly a criminal conspiracy, don't it ?

"Abdullah and his followers have trained regularly in the use of firearms, and continue to train in martial arts and sword fighting."

Yeah cause self defense is just so fuckin eeeevil, right ?
Guess we gotta round up the NRA and JFPO too now, huh ?

"Special Agent Sandra Berchtold, a spokeswoman for the FBI in Detroit.

When agents entered the warehouse, four of the men obeyed orders to surrender but Abdullah opened fire and was shot to death, Berchtold said. An FBI dog was also shot and killed, she said."

Well, given that police dogs REGULARLY maul and cripple people (1), even when supposedly called off, if he shot the dog it was probably in self-defense, although yeah, that's likely to get you shot, either on the spot, or on the floor in the back of the head while cuffed (cause yanno, that happens to, it's just rarely caught on tape) by a pissed off cop, so he was a dead man either way.

"preaches that every Muslim should "have a weapon and should not be scared to use their weapon when needed,"

So we should go arrest all gay people involved in the Pink Pistols initiative now ?
Cause yanno, that's the same thing THEY say, right ?

"In January, when members were evicted from a building on Joy Road for non-payment of property taxes, Detroit police confiscated two firearms, about 40 knives and martial arts weapons from Abdullah's apartment, the complaint alleged."

All of which are COMPLETELY LEGAL to own here, and most small shopkeepers in Dearborn sell the knifes, martial arts toys and novelty lighters as trinkets - they've got a good market for it and can get them cheap in bulk from various sources.

As for property taxes, care to take bets that because it was a non-christian religious building they refused a tax exemption and started some shit about it ?
I'll give you five to one on it - any takers ?

"According to the complaint, Abdullah told an informant that if the FBI came to get him: "I'll just strap a bomb on and blow up everybody." On another occasion, he said: "We've got to take out the U.S. government," the complaint alleges.

David Nu'man of Detroit, who considered himself a friend of Abdullah, said he is skeptical about the allegations.

"It doesn't seem to be of his character," said Nu'man, who had attended the mosque on Joy Road but was not a member."

(emphasis mine)
Oh gee, another "informant" - like the one who tried to frame up the Dix Six, or the one who gave Ramzi Youssefs boys a working bomb.
Suuuuure - and the fact that they were holding services means yeah, they prolly WERE denied an exemption for not being Christian *Hissss*

I put this shoveljob right up there with Saddams WMD.

And so what about "Ummah" - one could make the SAME claims about the John Birch Society, The Federalist Society, Focus on Family, PNAC and so forth, so on - don't see them bein rounded up, do ya ?

And damned ironic for the FBI to bring up the Black Panthers, given how badly history has outed the FBI regarding that for the murderous, lying, terrorist bastards they are - how ABOUT that "comic book" eh ?

And what are most of em charged with ?
"Conspiracy to commit" aka being the wrong race and religion - ok, let's not even PRETEND we don't know what this really is, I've not the goddamn patience for it.

Guy had a rep as a fence, that's it - as Niska would say, just gossip, people talking, not solid - sure as shit not evidence.

You wanna talk hate crime, how bout shit like this, then ?
Certainly qualifies in my opinion.

And that's problem ONE....

(stand by)


Wednesday, October 28, 2009 8:07 PM


...And now we get to problem TWO.

That eventually, since nothing has changed and this terrorism against their community is going to continue, sooner or later some of em are gonna get to thinkin if they're dead men walkin ANYWAY just cause of their race and religion, if they're gonna hang no matter what - might as well do something worth the rope, right ?

Which of course will get all the wrong people hurt and hand "justification" to the slime we have pretending to be our protectors.

And so, having given the FBI the ONLY chance they were gonna get, the Cross Country team is gonna have a shit fit tomorrow when I yank the rug from em, roll the whole ball into a database file and toss it to "Jackie" to sort out later - no matter what good they're doing on one end, I cannot support murderous terrorists like them.

And then I gotta cram in a short nap after doing rounds, go up there, grab Mahmoud and Bob, and go try to talk people who have EVERY GODDAMN REASON TO DO IT out of retaliating...

Convince them to meekly lie down and accept a blatant and foul injustice, and for what, so we can do it to em again and again a'la Palestine ?
Please, they're NOT stupid.

Damn lucky I can even spare the time to try by putting Wendy on rounds tomorrow night - even more so that I am willing to try.

I can't say I got much hope for it, but imma see about finding a third option here, and personally, imma see Sandra Berchtold run out of this goddamn state on a rail, THAT price they're gonna pay no matter what, for this.

And for the love of mercy, any of y'all who happen to be Christian do me the bloody favor of not. friggin. reminding. me. - leastways till I've gotten a chance to pour some balmy water on this smouldering rage both personally and with that community, cause imma VERY likely to be not real nice over it.

And yes, I changed the Av to Ai Enma - how ironic... look it up.


There always has to be a price.


Thursday, October 29, 2009 3:20 AM


Focus on Family?

ETA: No, that's as expected. *This* is Irony ;)


Thursday, October 29, 2009 11:44 AM


Ok, updates, while there's a break in all the cussin and discussin here.

FYI, the *reason* I brought Mahmoud and Bob..
(everyone calls him Bob cause no one can pronounce his name, even in it's native form, even he wonders what his mother was thinking)

Is cause I speak only TWO languages - bad english, and worse english, right?
And between them they speak heaven knows how many, which is why they landed all those juicy airport runs, plus they are known "local boys" and can get at least a few of these boneheads to listen to me.

Of course, no kill like overkill - when the brothers had lunch I went back to my old hometown and picked up the big guns, the mini-mart owners wife!
*cringe, wince*
(I can't pronounce her name neither, I just call her See-Saw cause that's as close as I can get, and she finds that terribly funny)
I have NO idea what she's sayin to em, but daaaamnnnnnnn....

You know, these guys ain't really so scary once you get to know em, and most certainly are NOT very intimidating when cringing back from a woman half their size with a wooden spoon stuck through her belt wagging her finger in their face - I might not know the words, but context here gives me a pretty good idea of the general content - no matter what one thinks of the Muslim communities attitude towards women in general, they won't be crossing THAT one if they can help it, yeeesh.

While not so many of the community noteables involved in this are actually Pashtun, basically we're holding a Jirga - enough of my personal tenets cross over with Pashtunwali and I am Unitarian Universalist besides, something they already know from my previous efforts in trying to muzzle abuses against their community, although they see me as a meddling busybody to some degree as well.
(And there's a lot of pissing and moaning about me bringing HER up there, but hey, if they didn't wanna be reasonable....)

At the very LEAST we've succeeded in putting a damper on the hotheads who wanted to do something crazy-stupid right away, they're contenting themselves with nasty looks and grumbling, but for the moment have been more or less restrained by a very clear explaination of how such conduct would violate their own tenets, harm innocents needlessly and result in serious retribution, official and otherwise, against their community - SeeSaw had some commentary about poking dragons with matchsticks regarding that - a wise man does not directly challenge a superior force, but rather calls upon his Faith for guidance.

And yes, some of them DID rough up a photographer who made some offensive comments, which he does not admit to - however given his employer is a rightwing propaganda engine I wouldn't be surprised - but that does not excuse their conduct and one of the things I am pushing for is that proper restitution be made whether he's an infidel or not, at the very least replacement of damaged equipment and an apology.

Andy the Fed is hanging around, talking to some of the Imams and not getting very far - I guess it's kinda hard to justify your employers being a pack of intolerant racist pricks, but at least that didn't send that bitch Berchtold - that woulda started a riot for sure.

The authorities seem to be a bunch of fucking dimwits who don't realize there's as many factions of Muslim faith as there are Christian, and that whole "You're a bunch of heretics" bullshit going in both directions means he's accomplishing about jack shit on his end - here's for hoping I don't have to evac his ass if he manages to enrage them, which is an outside possibility.

The Magistrate was as lenient as he could possibly get away with short of admitting this was all bullshit, and released some of these guys on bond, which has eased off things a bit - no one has been "sent off to gitmo" despite a whole lot of shit-talk and threats from asshole members of the FBI who seem hell bent on TRYING to provoke something if they couldn't create it.

He also ABSOLUTELY shitcanned and threw out any terrorism charges, seeing right through the screen of bullshit the FBI was shovelling and so far has treated this as a straight criminal proceeding and a waste of both his and the federal authorites time - which is all well and proper, since the court complaint filed by the FBI is kinda of laughable, especially if you read between the lines.

Speakin of, my lawyer called ME this morning, and wants a chunk of this, something he never does unless the bloodthirsty sumbitch smells money, and lots of it, and he ain't tellin me shit about how or why - but any sand he wants to pour in their gears he's welcome to do so - bastard scampered off to the local ACLU and I wish him luck - I can't go cause when they inevitably shrug it off cause the victims ain't Christian I would have to follow through on the promise of what would HAPPEN if they dumped another case I brought em like that, a promise I made on the name of Tempest Kayne Smith, and am not going to be forgetting, nor forgiving...

At least *for the moment* no one is about to bash someone elses head in over this, but they are also not keen on taking any course of action which leaves them open to similar abuses of this nature and they don't give not one ounce of credibility to any promises or reassurances from the feds - especially since this is not the first time the bastards have lied to them, they want guarantees on a political level, and as such, they're willing to put up with a shyster like me and at least hear me out due to the possibility of getting them.

So long as Judge Sheer keeps acting like a roadblock against the feds more excessive abuses things will get a chance to cool off, but of course they're already howling for his head about it - and imma do what I can to ensure he stays right on that bench, right in their way, so much as I can peddle influence on that one....

Oh for the love of... ARGH - AND I now have to have a talk with Chief Evans about "doing dumb shit he's too old for" for getting into a run-n-gun shootout trying to chase suspects less than half his age on foot - while a credit to his profession, and likely to be very effective in turning the DPD from a pack of jackals back into professionals, getting his ass shot off chasing perps personally is freakin STUPID for a guy his age...
Yeah yeah, like I have any room to talk.

And I gotta run, SeeSaw is comin this way and eyeballing my laptop with evil intentions - I better actually get off my ass before she turns that ire on ME.


PS. If you've interest in why I changed my avatar to Hell Girl...
Check out the MEDIA section, you'll get the idea.


Thursday, October 29, 2009 5:08 PM


Yeah, this is gonna go late, hope Wendy's makin out ok on the rounds...

These guys were garden variety crooks, and yon dead guy WAS a fence - as for the rest, just usual hoodlum bullshit talk, all it was - and the damn feds knew that, they were tryin to provoke something cause the various eyewitness accounts have some seriously conflicting stories, which provided I can get anyone to give a shit...

Is gonna hang a couple of these feds unless they can explain some errant shell casings.

People talk, even when they ain't supposed to, hell, especially when they ain't supposed to - why bring the counterterrorism team in on a stolen goods case elsewise, and why make the bust in such a fashion as to deliberately provoke a fight ?

Hell, I'm surprised they didn't bring one of their tonka toy tanks, like they have every other time they tried to pick some shit.

Sooner or later those gung ho federal assholes are going to lock horns with someone willing and capable of taking both sides to hell despite their best efforts to pick "soft" targets like any other bully does...
(You'll note you never see em raid a drug cartel warehouse like that, yes ?)
...and then imma have the same reaction to that as Mikey would to Corpies and Bankers gettin lynched.

Once you've chosen to be tyranny's triggerman, you ain't "people" to me no more.

Anyhows, garden variety crooks, yet another waste of your tax dollar and enforcement resources to puff up the blatant fiction that the FBI are anything but just another criminal syndicate.

Oh, and as an aside, I wonder if the dumb fucks even know how provocative referring to middle eastern folk as "Thugs" is, I doubt it.

Of course, this comes from someone currently wearing a yellow scarf with a dedication to Kali printed around the border, but ain't no one made comment about it cause they're not sure whether it's a joke... or not.

And such was my intention - but yeah, calling middle eastern folk thugs is a bit more insulting than you realize, ok ?



Friday, October 30, 2009 2:07 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

Frem: Thanks for posting about this and keeping us updated. And yes, all I'm getting about it from the MSM is that it was "terrorists" that were involved in a shootout with the feds.'' What you're saying sounds very much like the more accurate scenario and description of what happened and how it all went down.

Keep us posted, and happy hunting!


Let the wild rumpus start!


Friday, October 30, 2009 12:02 PM


Well, so far so good - Sheer seems very determined to prosecute it only as a straight criminal proceeding, and has in every case opted for the barest minimum of charges or penalty available to him in protest of FBI abuses and media manipulation regarding this - technically they could be charged for the latter, but we'd never get it to stick.

Gonna be an internal review over the wayward shell casings, but just like the cops it's gonna be bullshit - you cannot trust an organization to investigate itself when you already know it's corrupt, that's just silly.

Of course the ACLU gave lawyer boy the brush off, one of the few times I've ever seen him actually pissed - and if I hadn't known him for years it wouldn't be noticeable... he gets all polite, distant and formal - bastard has liquid nitrogen in his veins and a sub-zero heart - I've never liked him cause he is a flat out sociopath of the first order, which makes him a great lawyer, but I didn't want him in this and do not trust him.
Still, he smells money, and I suspect any further abuses around here are going to lead to a lawsuit pretty quick, call it a hunch...

Politically, well, workin on that, Hoekstras another righty-whitey racist punk and not only useless but downright counterproductive to even talk to - plus he's busy sleazing it up with Reyes to try and cover up Cheneys misuse of our intel assets as a death squad, so that's right out.

His ass is ours anyway - ridicule is a wonderful political weapon, the stake through the heart that ensures they stay dead.

Mike Cox is even worse, and now he's busy trying to set up to run for Governor, which is IMHO about as pointless an exercise as there is, after the last two Dicks (Posthumous, Devos) went limp at the polls, Cox is gonna need a whole lot of political viagra to even compete, and the Dems haven't even fronted a candidate yet...
See Also: Walter Mondale + Hawaiian Primary.
How the hell do you LOSE a primary when you're running unopposed ?
His announcement on that was met by stone silence, followed by (I kid you not) a couple quiet snickers - he's REAL pissed about it and has been sulking for weeks.

I can't really get into the tactics of response without tipping our hand - but I did want to give a view into the headache of "my world" and just what it's like sometimes.

One thing I advised them against was closing off the community and becoming even more insular and secretive - not only is it foolish and would give credence to the bullshit being shovelled, it cuts them off from the non-muslim community and any support they might pick up from that direction, which formented an idea between me and SeeSaw that combines an american concept with a muslim one.

We're going to take the american cookout, and mix it in with traditional islamic hospitality, because the sharing of food is always a bonding gesture between people, and I do believe we can manage a list of dishes from both ends without offending sensibilities - I did get cracked in the knuckles with that spoon over it though, she gaurds her recipe book as jealously as I do mine, little good that a peek woulda done me since it's not in english anyways.

You being a texan, Mikey - if you should ever want to offer hospitality to someone of islamic faith, try chili with a cornbread on the side and pastry with coffee for afters - it's similar enough to their own cuisine to be appealing and yet american enough to be a new experience.

Anyhows, looks like my primary weapon in this is gonna be a spatula, rather than a tire iron, and a couple runs of chocolate chip cookies baked large enough to encourage sharing of them.

If we can encourage open hands instead of balled fists, maybe wisdom will prevail.


There always has to be a price.


Friday, October 30, 2009 9:54 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

Pakis Say Blackwater Xe Exploded Peshawar False-Flag Bomb Blast

Expect alot more of this, including in USA.


Saturday, October 31, 2009 9:57 AM


Yanno, it's kinda pathetic having watched Andy the Fed try to explain away those shell casings, only to come back again as if he never even tried to deny it and then try to justify shooting someone eighteen times.

I gotta go help load stuff though, so imma be busy for a bit.



Saturday, October 31, 2009 5:54 PM


More local stuff.

Pretty good editorial comment, in which the different accounts of the situation are mentioned.

This bit includes the damning evidence against the FBI.

Shot him eighteen times, and then deliberately left him to bleed out while airlifting the dog - like there wasn't room for two on that chopper ?

And then of course, lied about it, both verbally and in official reports, and now try to weasel-word it - oh I don't think so.

Also, some of the "Stolen" property is now in question as to whether it was in fact stolen, that'll be addressed if and when evidence either way is actually available.

More to say, but out of time right now.



Sunday, November 1, 2009 11:14 AM


Ok, update...

Don't have the medical examiners report, but my contact told me the wounds were consistent with an execution style shooting - as in the guy was hit multiple times after he was down - this is a bad, bad procedural no-no.
We'll be tryin to get that report released to his family, I think.

Oh, and the dog - some questions linger, as was the dog set on them before or AFTER they surrendered, and was it neligence or malice ?

I hadn't immediately been aware of this, but apparently there's a severe and bitter antagonism between the local community and the K-9 officers, who have been engaging in conduct that I believe constitutes deliberate harrassment, which apparently started shortly after the conviction of Sgt Smith.

Never QUITE understood why Islamic folk don't like dogs, they're missing out on some good companions there, but that is their right - oddly enough they're quite fond of cats, and I am not above exploiting my rapport with felidae to increase my influence with em.

Anyhow, since no drugs were suspected at the time, the presence of a K-9 officer, in light of the well known enmity between them and the community, strikes me as yet another deliberately provocative and needless gesture.
And of course there's no way to know at this time - maybe ever, not for SURE - whether the dog was cut loose by accident, or deliberately.
From a psychological standpoint, I am betting it was deliberate either way.

That's one thing which causes me to sneer at hollywood images of an unarmed crowd facing down cops or troops - the whole stand-down scene in V for Vendetta was a facepalm groaner for me cause of it.

In every crowd of hoo-rah rocketjocks, be they military, security, or police - you've always, always got that one intolerant, racist, hardcase political jackass who's first thought isn't "If anyone shoots, we'll all be ripped limb from limb!" but instead is something like "Yeeha, I can finally KILL some of these damn librul commie symp muslim goatfucking bastards, and hey, imma cop, i can claim it was an accident, just paid vacation and a reprimand, what a bargain..." and *BANG*...
And then EVERYONE shoots.
Which is about how it goes, every time, no matter what hollywood tells you.

And probably the cause of what happened here, so far as my assessment of the situation based on the evidence currently at hand - I'd love to have a little chat with the K-9 officer, but pretty sure that ain't gonna be possible.
We'll settle for his service record if we can get it, turn their own red tape against em cause any attempt to sanitize it will fail miserably given that should they do so they will without a doubt miss one or more copies thereof.

Sequence of events LOOKS like this - at least so far.

Cops/Feds roll up lookin for and trying to pick a fight.
Guys in warehouse surrender.
Dog gets loose, charges.
One guy fires on dog.
EVERYONE shoots him, repeatedly, even after he's down.
Cops/Feds airlift the dog, leave guy to die.

So while the media and public don't seem to care very much, heads WILL roll on this cause of procedural mis-steps which do not require any exploration of motive or intent - eighteen shots is excessive, shooting a downed suspect is bad juju, and refusing medivac to a critically wounded suspect when it was immediately at hand is downright criminally negligent.

There's also the matter of the alleged "stolen" property, and the role of the informant - both of which seem to be tied together in a fashion that leads me to believe the informant may have "donated" stolen property with malice aforethought, which was then used as an excuse to obtain a warrant, which makes the criminals in this the ones wearing badges, should this be the case.

Whether or not that end even gets pursued, we got enough to cause heads to roll as it is, provided we can get anyone with the authority and ability to do so, which in the interest of saving their own ass and career, most superiors in law enforcement are quite happy to send the men under them to the gallows.

Something one SHOULD think about before they volunteer to become tyrannys triggermen.

This is vengeance...
So I am to ferry you to hell."


Monday, November 2, 2009 6:44 AM


Missed this one the first time around, keep updating! I like stories where people beat their oppressors at their own game.

I'm particularly interested to see if Andy gets fired, and good riddance.


Monday, November 2, 2009 9:55 PM


Oh, I doubt Andy is gonna have too much trouble - if anything, I feel sorry for the poor bastard, they stuck him on damage control and now he has the unenviable position of trying to defend the indefensible when he *knows* his own agency was in the wrong, so mostly he's just following crummy orders from bad bosses, and who hasn't had to do that ?

It's Sandra B's head I want - if making incendiary statements is something they're going to hold against civvies, damn well law enforcement of any kind should be held to a higher standard, and her repeated lies and deliberate misstatements to mainstream news agencies trying to whip up an anti-muslim frenzy constitute the very same thing they're accusing these people of, the same hypocrisy as when busting a street thug dealing speed to kids is cheered, and yet no one says a word about big pharmas flood of ritalin.

Anyhows, usually it's pretty easy to sort these incidents out - all you really have to do is remove any assumption whatever that the FBI are the good guys, it's that very blindness that make them hard for other folk to investigate.

For a fact, the FBI is responsible for more abuse against the people than any criminal syndicate they've ever busted, and if you factor in Hoover and COINTELPRO, responsible for more than all the crooks they've ever busted combined - remember they were originally founded to enforce a set of regs and laws forced upon the people by a tiny minority, which everyone defied and thought unconscionable and unconstitutional, something later borne out by the repeal of prohibition, and many times have served as naught more than a political weapon by whoever was in power at the time, or corporate interests.

As such, they're actually worse than anyone they pursue - and even when the very best light is shined on em, like the Cross Country team, there's still lingering nasty bumps in the road, like how they chose to prosecute victims of kid-peddlers who just happened to have turned eighteen while being abused, or their well-known preference for busting folks who REPORT those kinds of criminals, over and above those who actually do the committing.

And of course, our local ACLU branch is useless, mostly staffed by righty-whitey GOP-lite "libertarians" who seem to think the only oppressed minority in the us are rich white christians - you can imagine I have little nice to say to them, especially after both Tempest Smith and the epic confrontation over Libertarian party funding (and where some of it came from!) just prior to that...

So lawyer boy apparently went off to the Guild to wind them up about it, and CD has a copy of the related press release here.

Ron has been all in their crap too, and with Evans in charge now, a man I respect tremendously, we MIGHT have the ability to clean up the DPD, if he don't get his damn fool ass killed first - I'm still annoyed at him trying to be more badass than his age allows for, as if I had any room to talk...

Stephen down at peoples voice really, really let em have it though, the blogosphere isn't showing much mercy, nor should they.

So things are proceeding as well as can be expected, but I really doubt justice will be served, especially with Sandra B whining to the press about threats of retaliation which have not in fact materialized cause wiser heads prevailed immediately.

If gettin her fired proves impossible, then I shall just turn her credibility to mulch and make her useless in her designated position, at which point she will either have to display career skills beyond office politics backstabbing (yeah, right!) or watch her career come to a screeching dead-end halt in a rather permanent fashion, which is more or less what happened to prosecutor David McDade over the Genarlow Wilson case - and it's not we've ever taken our thumb off that bastard, either.

As for the K-9 officer and whatever squaddies overstepped themselves, we don't have to do a damn thing, like I said, I know and respect Evans - they'll be lucky if all he does is transfer them to the upper peninsula where they can freeze their ass off in the closest thing we got to siberia here in MI, but any attempt from the criminal syndicate of jackboot lickers like the FOP to stop it is gonna get a wooden shoe or two on our behalf, sure.

True justice is unlikely to happen - the best we can hope for is proceeding with a civil suit on behalf of the family, but all the money in the world can't bring the guy back, besides which, that'll still be us taxpayers once again footing the bill for our so-called protectors misconduct.

Me, I'd like to see these bastards eat a budget cut, all of em - but that's a topic for another day.

"This is vengeance...
So I am to ferry you to hell."


Tuesday, November 3, 2009 5:22 AM


Well, at least there's some fallout, and wiser heads DID prevail. Imagine if they didn't.

And this might also bring some of the issues of racial profiling into the spotlight.

This kind of thing makes me want to go ask my Muslim friend how she's doing and if she's heard of any crap like this in our neck of the woods. Surprisingly, Salt Lake City has it's own tight-knit Muslim community too.


Tuesday, November 3, 2009 6:45 AM


Detroit groups to protest FBI terrorism on Nov. 5
Feds change story about Imam’s assassination

By Abayomi Azikiwe
Editor, Pan-African News Wire
Published Nov 2, 2009 9:29 PM

Funeral services for Imam Luqman Ameen Abdullah were held Oct. 31 at the Muslim Center on Detroit’s west side. More than a thousand people attended the memorial from the Detroit area and around the United States. The Muslim leader had been gunned down by FBI agents on Oct. 28.

Speakers at the services stressed that Imam Abdullah was known throughout the city and country as a peaceful man who worked tirelessly to help the poor people in the community surrounding the Masjid Al-Haqq mosque, where he had presided for decades. Questions were raised about the account of the events given by the FBI, the U.S. Attorney’s office and the corporate media.

According to information that surfaced just days after his assassination, the Imam was shot 18 times by FBI agents at a warehouse in Dearborn, located right outside the city of Detroit. The warehouse had been set up by the FBI in an attempt to frame the mosque members for involvement in “stolen goods.” The purported “stolen goods” were also supplied by the FBI.

Imam Dawud Walid, executive director of the Council on American-Islamic Relations in Michigan, told the Fighting for Justice radio program, which aired on the Detroit affiliate of Air America on Nov. 1, that “Imam Luqman was shot 18 times before he was handcuffed and placed on a stretcher. In a meeting between the FBI, representatives of the U.S. Attorney’s office and area leaders of the Muslim community on Friday, they informed us that Imam Abdullah never fired on the federal agents. They said that the Imam shot at an FBI dog and then he was shot by the agents. The dog was medivaced to a veterinary hospital while the Imam received no medical attention,” Imam Walid said.

Also speaking on the program was Imam Abdullah Bey El-Amin of the Muslim Center, where the funeral was held for the assassinated leader. Imam El-Amin corroborated that “Imam Abdullah had multiple, multiple, multiple gunshot wounds to his body.” El-Amin, a funeral director by profession, prepared the slain leader’s body for burial.

Imams Walid and El-Amin, plus other prominent Islamic leaders in the Detroit area, have called for an independent investigation into the circumstances surrounding Imam Abdullah’s death. Callers to the radio program viewed the shooting and the arrests of other Masjid Al-Haqq members as a continuation of the federal government’s Counter-Intelligence Program (Cointelpro), which was implemented against so-called dissidents between the 1950s and the 1970s.

The African-American community suffered the most damage from the Cointelpro terror operations, which resulted in the deaths of numerous leaders and the framing of others by the federal government and local police agencies across the country.

Groups to demonstrate at Federal Building

In response to the assassination of Imam Abdullah, the Michigan Emergency Committee Against War & Injustice (MECAWI) has called for a mass demonstration outside the federal building in downtown Detroit on Nov. 5, from 4:30 to 6:00 p.m. The demonstration is designed to both condemn the assassination of the Islamic leader as well as demand an independent investigation into his death at the hands of the FBI.

A statement issued by MECAWI on Nov. 2 said that “The FBI and the media headlines are trying to cover up this outrageous murder. But their story has changed every day as more and more facts have come to light. Even the government’s own ‘criminal complaint’ makes it clear that there was no reason for this huge assault on the Muslim community.”

Groups endorsing the demonstration include the Detroit Coalition Against Police Brutality, Latinos Unidos of Michigan, Students for Justice in Palestine, the Detroit Green Party and Workers World Party.
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Tuesday, November 3, 2009 7:00 AM


And yes, that means exactly what it looks like - the IWW has decided to backstop this as well, if needs be we'll set every goddamn activist group in the county on them.

And yes, the "stolen" property was a setup, planted by one of the three "informants" which are criminals on the FBI payroll in exchange for reduced charges and living the high life on the government dime while screwing the politically-inconvenient people of the day.

So this was murder, pure and simple, with malice aforethought - and the FBI damn well WAS trying to provoke a shootout to "justify" their existence.

So who are the real criminals here ?
As usual, the ones with the badges.

So who are the real terrorists ?
Look no further than our own "law enforcement".

Of course, the IWW stepping forward to back this up is prolly gonna get us all accused of criminal conspiracy, formenting terrorism, and all those polite euphamisms for not bowing and scraping to the petty lords in blue.

A hundred years of taking that shit, and we're still here though, ain't we ?

And we got far better weapons than guns and bombs - we got cameras, we got internet, pyschology, ridicule, public humiliation, among others.

While fools make enemies, the wise make allies, and the local muslim community can be a pretty damned good ally - unless you're a total fucking moron blinded by religious and racial intolerence.

"This is vengeance...
So I am to ferry you to hell."






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