Here's a chilling note.

UPDATED: Thursday, November 12, 2009 19:12
PAGE 1 of 1

Wednesday, November 11, 2009 8:53 AM


One reason I keep banging the drum about communication and operational security is stuff that doesn't often appear to the public eye, the true depth to which the Gov is willing to sink in order to track anyone who dares dissent.

Case in point, THIS.
"In a case that raises questions about online journalism and privacy rights, the U.S. Department of Justice sent a formal request to an independent news site ordering it to provide details of all reader visits on a certain day. The grand jury subpoena also required the Philadelphia-based Web site “not to disclose the existence of this request” unless authorized by the Justice Department, a gag order that presents an unusual quandary for any news organization.

The subpoena from U.S. Attorney Tim Morrison in Indianapolis demanded “all IP traffic to and from” on June 25, 2008. It instructed Clair to “include IP addresses, times, and any other identifying information,” including e-mail addresses, physical addresses, registered accounts, and Indymedia readers’ Social Security Numbers, bank account numbers, credit card numbers, and so on."

Read the subpeano for yourself, seriously...

Remember that the Gov has previously seized, wiped (effectively destroying) and failed to return Indymedia servers before as a retaliation for offering coverage of protests which they were trying to suppress.

Speakin of, notice NOT ONE WORD about the protest in response to the shooting of that Imam up here ?
Not one, in ANY media, what-so-ever - and I won some money off that, mind you, cause one of my recent side incomes involved political betting.

Oh yes, and if anyone here remembers the May Day assault on bilingual journalists, I'll have you know that the police internal investigation finally got around to producing it's "findings" (*snort*) care to guess ?
"Oh it was all a mistake, really, no one is to blame, except maybe the protesters cause how dare they..."
etc etc, et al, ad nauseum.

Sooner or later, matters continue as they are - these folk are gonna stop playin by the enemies rules, and start playin by mine, at which point...

And I really, REALLY hope it doesn't have to come to that.
I know all too well the price of it.

There always has to be a price.


Wednesday, November 11, 2009 8:58 AM


Wow. So who posted the subpeona?


Wednesday, November 11, 2009 9:07 AM


Everything goes somewhere, miss...

And again, people talk, even and especially when they're not supposed to.



Wednesday, November 11, 2009 9:45 AM


Ah. Leaked to the fringe, was it? That would have been the first thing I would have done.

Isn't that kind of gag-order illegal anyhow? I mean, I can only assume by the wording that includes showing it to your own lawyer, which would be an unconstitutional denial of legal counsel.

Isn't calling it a subpeona the wrong word for it? That's when you're supposed to appear in court and testify, I wasn't aware it involved doing a lazy ass prosecutor's job gathering evidence for them.

And besides, If you fail to comply with a subpeona, the worst they can do is charge you with contempt.

Ppht, yeah, broadcast that baby, and force them to get a warrant to seize your servers, then take their asses to court for the destruction of your property.


Wednesday, November 11, 2009 12:19 PM


Ah, see...

What you really need to look past, is any presumption that THEY will play by the rules they spend so much time shoving down our throats.

Which, historically, ain't never fuckin happened, and so long as this particular dynamic exists - never will.

Lemme put it to you this way - strip all the bullshit, all the rationalizations off of it...

And STILL, even now, underneath all the lies it's the same goddamn Feudal (later known as Fascist) dynamic which has been society and civilizations curse since the whole idea of "born better" or "born bad" combined with "control you for your own good" to produce a class segregated society.

And whether we ADMIT this or not, we certainly have one, complete with petty lords (govt officials, police, etc) and royalty (congress, joint chiefs, etc) lording over us peons and not subject to the same rules - and we even have our own untouchables, if you include the way we treat our youth as subhuman.

The pretty facade has changed, but the ugly truth underneath it ain't changed in damn near a thousand years no matter what we pretend.

So long as we believe in the stupid, asinine myth that humans are by nature wicked and evil, that we need to be "controlled" - and this myth always, ALWAYS pushed by those offering to do such controlling "for our own good" - then this is not going to change, civilization was a starter step, not the finale, but we're stuck on that first step by folks who's ability to control and manipulate us for their own pleasure and gain will crumble to bits if we ever make that step beyond it - and who could and would try to destroy humanity utterly rather than see it pass out of their control.

And it's gonna end one of two ways, and may unfortunately, and potentially, involve an irate leadership enraged by the defiance of us peons, nuking it's own people.

The childish if-I-can't-have-it-no-one-can mentality which lead to the cold war has ever held more threat to us from our own leaders than any boogeyman entity they try to scare us with.

Seriously, does ANYONE think that humongous military machine and it's budget are for our defense against laughable threats which spend less than a tenth, a hundreth, of that ?

No, it's for the defense of the powers that be, against US, M'lady - and you KNOW this.

Isn't it time you stopped believing in faery tales ?


ETA: Suggested topical reading.


Wednesday, November 11, 2009 12:40 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by Bytemite:
Ah. Leaked to the fringe, was it? That would have been the first thing I would have done.

Isn't that kind of gag-order illegal anyhow? I mean, I can only assume by the wording that includes showing it to your own lawyer, which would be an unconstitutional denial of legal counsel.

Isn't calling it a subpeona the wrong word for it? That's when you're supposed to appear in court and testify, I wasn't aware it involved doing a lazy ass prosecutor's job gathering evidence for them.

And besides, If you fail to comply with a subpeona, the worst they can do is charge you with contempt.

Ppht, yeah, broadcast that baby, and force them to get a warrant to seize your servers, then take their asses to court for the destruction of your property.

And while you're delaying using those tactics, backup the server info to a secure location, then "wipe" the servers they're subpoenaing with a trojan of some sort, and hand those off to them, chock full of bugs. :) If you're worth a damn at your IT job, you can do that AND make it look purely accidental.

And blab the shit EVERYWHERE - get your customers on YOUR side, and AGAINST government intrusion for no good reason.

Oh, and always remember, kiddies: If anyone asks you what happened, who did this, where's the servers, etc., you simply answer "I don't recall". That phrase kept Nixon, Reagan, Cheney, Gonzalez, and Dubya out of prison. That's all it takes. "I don't recall."


Let the wild rumpus start!


Wednesday, November 11, 2009 9:00 PM



Thursday, November 12, 2009 4:56 PM


No comment here, nothing to see, move it along, I'll send you an email with what isn't said here.


Thursday, November 12, 2009 7:12 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

The subpoena sounds like the feds want to repo all photos of their undercover provacateurs. Not realizing that the photos already are Out There. Or just retaliation for posting pix of terrorist cops.

No requirement to speak at a grand jury, unless given immunity in writing before the start. Then the dont recalls can begin. But how do you get immunity when you never perped a crime? So this subpoena may be a bluff? Just show up and shut up? Definitely need a sharp lawyer to quash the subpoena, or cant be in the jury room, but can sit outside, while the witness walks outside after EVERY question, to ask legal advice whether to answer or not. Without a search warrant signed by a judge, I doubt the prosecutors have any legal authority (but who knows with the Super Secret U.S.A.P.A.T.R.I.O.T. Acts, cuz even the laws are secret). It's probably a trick to get some fool to volunteer to waive their constitutional right to STFU, like a traffic cop asking "do you know how fast you were going?". No Miranda rights, because you voluntarily confessed to a crime.

There's many legal problems with fed prosecutions, one of which is that there's no such thing as citizen's arrest for fed crimes, and no right for citizens to testify to a grand jury without a prosecutor, unlike all state law. This violates Equal Protection doctrine in 14th Amendment to the US Constitution, and violates all state constitutions for equal protection. If a citizen cant prosecute a crime, then no govt employee can either. That's THE LAW.

JrBush declared war on Indymedia (me), sending everybody to youtube/googlevideo (CIA).

Good to see "Obama" doin the same.






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