PirateNews on History Channel today

UPDATED: Sunday, November 15, 2009 14:53
VIEWED: 1225
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Sunday, November 15, 2009 4:09 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

My 6 seconds of fame...


The 9/11 Conspiracies: Fact or Fiction

Sun, Nov 15, 5:00p - 7:00p
2007 | TVPG | 120 mins

Conspiracy theories about the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, grow on the Internet.

Narrated by Lestor Holt of NBC News. History Channel Universal owned by George Bush Sr, Queen of England and the Bin Ladens in Carlyle Group.

Only Pirate News tells the truth about Lt Col Rick Gibney


Sunday, November 15, 2009 5:50 AM


Freedom is Important because People are Important


It's a shame that people have harassed this woman for merely taking a photograph.

I hope you're not one of them, Piratenews.

You know, I've been hearing this 'Flight 93 shot down' theory for a long, long time. Since the bloody day it happened, as a matter of fact.

And you know what? I can not for the life of me figure out what the big deal is. If I knew that planes were crashing into buildings, and that THIS plane was probably taken over, I'd have ordered it to be shot down ASAP.

I expect the same should be true of any shanghaied flight for all our tomorrows. So, ironically, this conspiracy amounts to: "US President orders appropriate airstrike and covers it up." Kind of on par with, "Firefighter saves baby from burning building and lies about it."

Which gets a big shrug outta me. It would have been very appropriate and proper to throw a pair of sidewinders into that bird, to prevent it from causing massive loss of life.


"Liberty must not be purchased at the cost of Humanity." --Captain Robert Henner


Sunday, November 15, 2009 6:03 AM


Cool. Any traffic spike from that?


Sunday, November 15, 2009 7:55 AM


Anthony, I think the "big deal" about it, is that by all accounts which acknowledge that possibility, the officer in question outright defied direct orders in taking that action.

Which leads to a bunch of questions we'll prolly never know the answer to.



Sunday, November 15, 2009 8:42 AM


Freedom is Important because People are Important


If that's the case, Frem, then I wish we had such thinkers back when the Liberty was being perforated.


"Liberty must not be purchased at the cost of Humanity." --Captain Robert Henner


Sunday, November 15, 2009 11:54 AM


Anthony, it came damned close to that, in more than one way.

You may recall me mentioning a periscope sighting and rumors of a submarine possibly equipped with a periviz attachment that supposedly shot some footage of the event.

Well, confirmed - that was the USS Amberjack, SS 522 - however the usual denials and pretenses are still going on, since if it wasn't on a mission, if no such mission existed, then what the hell was it doing there ?

And yeah, there was a tape, cause at least one member of congress watched it, but that's all I can tell you, whatever still photos and radio transcripts might have existed certainly no longer do - that's been "made sure of".

But yes, some of the Amberjack crew were contemplating possible intervention, especially when the torpedo boats showed up, but the Captain vetoed that idea and got the hell out of dodge.

There was also an NSA spybird watching and listening to the whole damned incident (and how convenient the positioning, hmm?) and they kept that quiet a long time, and then released some obviously cooked tapes that failed any decent forensic exam, and at least one of the operators confirmed those are NOT the tapes they recorded.

Two carriers launched four aircraft each, Saratoga another I do not recall - but the CinC got on the horn with Adm Geis and demanded they be recalled, and Geis *did* consider violating that order, or giving the recall order too late to prevent an engagement, but he was concerned the NSA staffer might shoot him or remove his command, so he complied, but he did call out the NSA staffer and instructed him to keep his mouth shut about it till they shoveled him in.
(Surprisingly, the staffer kept that promise.)

I've yet to see any account of the pilots of those aircraft, but one can imagine they might have had their own opinions - the only one I could see requiring a recall was the one carrying the "Big Football" if the rumors are accurate and one of them was nuclear loaded.
(Generally one aircraft of the hot launch squad would be, at the time.)

Some times, real courage requires telling your immediate command to piss up a rope, and some times, it goes further than that.

I got into a LOT of trouble over an incident where a sergeant ordered a private to perform fellatio on him, and then had her charged with insubordination for refusing - a charge which stuck, cause the military, lip service aside, EXPECTS you to obey illegal orders, and if they cannot bag you for refusal, they'll hit you for the manner or method thereof.

I took... *ISSUE* with the matter, which gave a command group who already hated me for not being a protestant christian and a mindless little drone the excuse they needed to brig me for nearly a week - and it didn't help the MPs opinion of me when it took half a dozen of em to put me in there.

Trust me on this, Anthony - the military has a lot of little "tests" to make SURE you will obey even ridiculous, illegal, or unconstitutional orders, all the while giving lip service otherwise, but the truth of the matter is before you often enough that everyone knows what it is.

Those willing and capable of defying such orders are either drummed out of service, or held over and never promoted to where that might become a problem - the aforementioned incident, being of a blacklisted religion, possessing an independent attitude and worst of all, responding to that survey (whether or not I'd fire on citizens in the process of confiscating their arms) caused whatever military career I might have had normally to come to a crashing halt at PFC/E-3.

Although, it opened up "other" avenues within the military, which I had little desire to pursue because despite my aggressive nature, I don't believe in doing mortal harm to folks I have no personal reason to dislike.
(Of course, shootin at me gives me a LOT of cause to dislike you, and I was carryin an M60A1 and a biiig chip on my shoulder.)

Anyhows, it's EXTREMELY unlikely these days to find someone with the courage to tell command to piss off, they make every effort to weed out folks who will not obey EVERY order, no matter what it is, and are quite successful at doing so.

"Sometimes the bravest thing to do... is nothing."


Sunday, November 15, 2009 1:40 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

What makes Flight 93 important is jews Cheney and Rummy ordered the entire military to stand down, but the commanding general in charge of Langley AFB NEADS disobeyed that illegal order, and Major Rick Gibney said he shot it down, for which he was awarded on TV by the governor of North Dakota and in the Congressional Record.

Note that a Canadian general of the British Empire was the top general in charge of USAF NORAD on 9/11/2001, who delivered Cheney's order to stand down, while running simultaneous "drills" of dozens of hijacked airliners crashing into buildings in NYC and DC.

I asked the question on Infowars Radio of Col Donn DeGrandpre, who first identified Maj Gibney in the national media as confessing the shooting down Flight 93. That's why I'm on History Channel, to "debunk" me (with a million dollars in free advertising). The colonel had an "accidental" stroke and died right after that interview.

Col De GRandpre wrote that all passengers and crew were unconscious on Flight 93, which was flying by remote control when it was shot down, with no hijackers on board (as confessed in Operation Northwoods). Like the Greek 737 that was almost shot down by F16s before it crashed out of gas, with one frozen stewardess trying to fly it (the airlines execs were all arrested for mass murder).

What's scary about Flight 93 is the possibility that the crew regained full control of the plane by disabling the remote control hijack system (Operation Northwoods), and could not be allowed to land and testify in court. Or all the real passengers from the other 3 airliners were herded on this plane at the NASA hanger in Cleveland, then shot down on purpose to bury the witnesses (most who appeared to be in on the scam based on their job descriptions), like Operation Northwoods but with real dead bodies. So even the F16 pilots may have been lied to.

I suspect Flight 93 was supposed to hit the Pentagon (alibi), but after it was shot down, a missile or small drone was substituted. Which is why Cheney was quoted by Pineta in the 9/11 Commission Report and on CSPAN saying STAND DOWN and let it hit the Pentagon. Thus no video is allowed to be seen of that impact. Or it was targeted at the Capital building (decapitate Congress for martial law), or the White House (alibi).


Originally posted by dreamtrove:
Cool. Any traffic spike from that?

Yes. But I get much bigger spikes when I'm linked on Seems that mentioning websites on TV has less effect than advertising salesmen want you to think. Couch potatos don't get off their ass to walk to a computer. The internet crowd is separate from the TV audience. It dont help that History Channel's 9/11 Conspiracies was designed as a lobotomy, so Truthseekers can't stand to watch it.

But I think I'm the only person on that History Channel show that got their website URL actually shown on the screen.

Almost all the 9/11 Truthers shown on HC now have their own international radio shows. Like Come and Take It Radio Show:

Erin on History Channel with Pirate News

9/11 Truth is cool. Chicks dig it. Join Today!


Sunday, November 15, 2009 2:53 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!


Originally posted by AnthonyT:

It's a shame that people have harassed this woman for merely taking a photograph.

I hope you're not one of them, Piratenews.

Nobody harassed her, but she sure sold the hell out of that fake photo which she named "End of Serenity". She even sued AP for not paying her. Val McClatchey may be related to McClatchy Newspapers.

Here's the website shown on History channel that proves her photo is fake, that the "plume" looks like a bomb blast not fuel fire and is not lined up with the crash crater:

Phone call recording: Shanksville resident says Val McClatchey's photo was faked for profit






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