Fascist pig cops taser 10-yr-old- girl for refusing shower in her own home

UPDATED: Tuesday, December 8, 2009 09:03
VIEWED: 3423
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Thursday, November 19, 2009 1:36 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

Only in Amerika...


The girl's father, Anthony Medlock, who is divorced from her mother, said the girl showed signs of emotional problems but did not deserve to be "treated like an animal".

He said: "Ten years old and they shot electricity through her body, and I want to know how the heck in God's green earth can they get away with this.

"If you can't pick the kid up and take her to your car, handcuff her, then I don't think you need to be an officer. She doesn't deserve to be treated like a dog. She's not a tiger." Local Mayor Vernon McDaniel said the FBI should investigate.

He said if the officer tried to forcefully put the girl in handcuffs, he could have accidentally broken her arm or leg.

Mr Noggle said the girl will face disorderly conduct charges as a juvenile.


Thursday, November 19, 2009 2:07 PM


Freedom is Important because People are Important


I saw a snippet of this story on CNN but was waiting to get home to analyze it fully since I can't view news videos from here, and CNN has a bad habit of posting news in videos. (I like videos, but feel they should complement the story. I like my news articles to be... Well, articles. Typed out and such for easy perusal from any location.)

I'm not home yet, but I did read the article you linked because it was not a video. (Thanks for that.)

I feel there must be more to this story. I feel like I am missing some kind of important detail.

Certainly I am appalled that a child was tasered.

But I am more appalled that a parent would call the police because their child was refusing to obey them. Were I the officer on that call, I might consider citing the parent for requesting police response for a non-crime. Since when is a temper tantrum considered criminal behavior? I just can't wrap my head around it.

Usually, when something makes as little sense as this does, I assume I am missing some information. So, I am waiting for that missing information to materialize.


"Liberty must not be purchased at the cost of Humanity." --Captain Robert Henner


Thursday, November 19, 2009 2:40 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

If the girl had mental problems, they were caused by mercury vaccines, fluoridated chlorinated water, MSG, sugar, ritalin and other psymeds.

This manufactures "justification" for the police state gulag, which has 10 times the number of prisoners as 30 years ago.

Same holds true for "bad" parents and retarded cops.

Divorced parents don't help kids, aided and abetted by the murder of religion.


Thursday, November 19, 2009 3:16 PM


Freedom is Important because People are Important


It almost seems pointless to debate with you, Piratenews, but I am inspired to do so for reasons that are beyond my ken. I'll try to steer you true because you've actually managed to post something of interest, and I don't want you to spoil it as you usually do.

"If the girl had mental problems, they were caused by mercury vaccines, fluoridated chlorinated water, MSG, sugar, ritalin and other psymeds."

That is an interesting theory. Unfortunately, like all of your 'interesting' theories, you state it as a fact. This is why you are not a skeptic. You have a clear point of view and are incapable of considering possibilities outside of that view. Do you consider it impossible to have mental problems unrelated to mercury, flouridated water, MSG, sugar, ritalin, and other psymeds? Or was mental illness first spawned by the invention of refined sugar? Were ancient peoples universally sane? I think not. So IF the girl had mental problems, Piratenews does not have enough information to firmly assert a diagnosis or cause.

"This manufactures "justification" for the police state gulag, which has 10 times the number of prisoners as 30 years ago."

I am surprised to hear that sugar was invented and sold to manufacture justification for the police state gulag. Again, you have a theory (one which I consider of dubious value) and you state it as fact. You firmly assert it. But you can't know that it's true. Perhaps you believe in it, take it on faith? When your guesses or theories become firm conviction, you cease to be useful to your cause because you cease to explore the evidence with an open mind.

"Same holds true for "bad" parents and retarded cops."

I am fascinated to learn that bad parents and cops are a product of the modern age. I thought that bad parents and cops had existed since the dawn of social structure.

"Divorced parents don't help kids, aided and abetted by the murder of religion."

I'm not sure what this means, exactly. I'm afraid to ask you to expound on it, based on your previous statements.

Most importantly of all, and more important than your individual statements here, is the sum of them. You seemed to want to discuss the bad behavior of a police officer, or possibly the bad behavior of a parent. But before anyone can absorb the incident you've raised, you veer off. It becomes MSG and mind control and religion. You murder the story with these comments almost immediately.

It is for this reason that I have frequently imagined you to be one of three things.

1) A prankster/jokester who enjoys seeing people respond to his rediculousness.
2) A MIB
3) A Loon

If you are none of these things, then please learn and adapt, and let's have a reasonable discussion. If you are any of these things, then please depart, as you are simply disruptive. As you currently exist, you are the thorn to your purported friends, and a rose to your purported enemies.


"Liberty must not be purchased at the cost of Humanity." --Captain Robert Henner


Thursday, November 19, 2009 3:21 PM


I do like your style AnthonyT - it's a pleasure to read. Should I bother looking out for a fic or two from you?


Thursday, November 19, 2009 3:28 PM


Freedom is Important because People are Important


Originally posted by Aliasse:
I do like your style AnthonyT - it's a pleasure to read. Should I bother looking out for a fic or two from you?


I wish. It has long been my aspiration to write a novel. Sadly, whenever I get half-way through, I become convinced that I've gone in a horribly wrong direction, and stop writing. I believe it's a psychological impediment. I would love to blame it on my drinking water, but suspect it's just a personal issue I need to overcome.

I've noticed you posting widely just recently. Are you new to the forums?


"Liberty must not be purchased at the cost of Humanity." --Captain Robert Henner


Thursday, November 19, 2009 3:37 PM


Writing fics helps with other writing - that's my experience. And it's so much FUN! I think your difficulty has got less to do with your drinking water and more to do with your sugar consumption. Did you know that sugar is Jewish?

I'm a big fan ficcer. I try to avoid the forums but sometimes when I'm browsing fics and spy the Community tab I give in to the same sort of curiosity that makes you put your hand in the blender.


Thursday, November 19, 2009 5:57 PM


As yes, train wreck fascination.

I believe the above incident is more the responsibility of the parent than the child - in such situations, SOMEONE has to be adult about things, shouldn't it BE the adult ?

When you get into a he-said-she-said-yes-no kind of spat as a kid, with another kid, it's nothing, but when an adult gets into that with a kid, suddenly it's a temper tantrum and all the kids fault ?

Besides which, one blowback effect of the force-resistance-more force concept of authoritarian parenting is that stuff like this is GOING to happen - eventually the child will become strong enough, smart enough, to begin effectively resisting your attempts to crush or dominate their will, which has become all the stronger in isometric exercise against the adults especially as such is often invoked for arbitrary reasons just because they can, or to show dominance.

In short, kick ANY animal often enough, long enough, and you WILL wind up getting bit.

And to put a rare slant on it which I don't hold to, but just for example value - why didn't the cop charge the parent with criminal negligence when his piss poor parenting directly resulted in potential danger to a law enforcement officer ?

But no, it's all the kids fault, always...
Yeah, sure it is...

"You will never know the joys of heaven.."


Friday, November 20, 2009 1:10 PM


Apparently the jerk has been suspended, but the why is very telling.

First off, why the hell is the attached camera under the control of the officer - they can NOT be trusted with such, because they will turn the damn thing off on any debateable action, trusting to their powerful political machine and undue influence on the court to get them off since there's no evidence.

But from the sound of things, that wasn't intentional so much as this cop let his temper get the better of him in a situation he should not have escalated in the first place.

It is NOT the job of the police to act as a parental enforcement arm, if you've screwed it up this badly as a parent, you got no business being one.

And if you cannot effectively engage and restrain a little girl, you ain't got no business being a cop, neither.

Sort through this, and the engagement is quite clear, he tried to manhandle the kid off the bed, got kicked in the nuts for his troubles, and then became angry and used the taser on her from behind when she curled up in a ball again - that is unacceptable, and what he SHOULD have done was tell the mother this was out of his authority and called social services.
(not that I care for them either, but that would have been proper procedure in most cases)

As for the kid "having problems" - I suspect a deeper issue at work here, especially since the kid is currently at a youth shelter, probably refusing to return to a home where she was treated like that, and frankly I do not blame her, whatever passed BEFORE the officer arrived would be most interesting to know.

Unlikely that we will, since the kids privacy trumps our need to know and I am ok with that - but children as a general rule do not act out in such a fashion unless there are some damn serious problems within the family going unaddressed.

As for the cop, I'd be desking his ass for a while, or an *unpaid* suspension cause he handled that so badly it borders on professional negligence.
And if anyone is charged for this, it should be him and the mother, cause neither one acted any more mature about the matter than the kid.


Why was it so goddamn important anyway that the kid obey RIGHT NOW, OR ELSE ?
Why, I ask you ?

I've dealt with some really broken kids, and much of the time when they're having an issue of this sort, leaving them alone for a little while is a far better method of handling it than standing there escalating it into a full on confrontation which is needless, counterproductive, and even if you "win" is going to set the stage for worse down the road - cause either the child or the parent is going to break eventually, and then you wind up with...
Broken people.

Only an idiot like Dobson could think that type of parenting anything but a friggin disaster in the making.

At least I am comforted that the father is not on board with this garbage, and the kid will not wind up in a hellcamp, even should that option be explored by the mother.

"Simply untie the scarlet thread..."


Friday, November 20, 2009 2:49 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

Parents can't spank a kid, that's aggrevated assault.

So call a cop to taser or shoot your kids to death. That's ok.

Methinks civilization is collapsing.


Friday, November 20, 2009 4:34 PM



Originally posted by piratenews:
Parents can't spank a kid, that's aggrevated assault.

Damn right it is, or oughta be.

Same bullshit arguments for beating your servants and beating your wife are no more valid for beating your kid.

As with any form of persuasion, from childrearing to interrogation, if you have to go hands-on, you've completely fucked it up, and doing so is only gonna fuck it up worse.

Oh, and John - don't even think to try shovelling the hellcamp excuse that these kids are "out of control" cause they were not abused ENOUGH, not only will it not fly with me, and quickly enough be cut to ribbons...

You'll be wasting effort better spent elsewhere, like muckraking Biden and ACTA.



Friday, November 20, 2009 5:08 PM


This whole story has me bewildered. The child was not commiting a crime, so why are the police involved? If the parent feels it is necessary to call 911 to control her child, then it is time to contact juvenile authorities to take the girl out of this house and find out what is going on and not send the police.

I did a little digging and the FBI is going to investigate this. It appears the state authorities did not want to touch this one.


Monday, November 23, 2009 5:42 AM


Just for your edification.

Copy of Page2 of the police report, HERE.

Sounds a lot like "arrested for resisting arrest" to me, which is bullshit when it happens to an adult, and it's bullshit when it happens to a kid, IMHO.

The officers presence and actions directly escalated the situation to the point of physical confrontation which he did, in fact, initiate.
That makes HIM responsible, and negligent.

I would give much to know exactly what occured prior to the officers arrival, given that such extreme behavior is generally not without some cause amongst children - and while I am sure they didn't do so, an examination by a qualified medical professional might have revealed evidence of physical abuse or excess force by the officer, but this step was apparently not taken.

There's also cause to doubt the word of the officer regarding the extremity of the childs conduct, cause it's a known fact that when you compare such statements to video evidence, it's almost a given that the officer is either substantially exaggerating, or outright lying.

And I still question the necessity of using force at all, since I have seen no evidence of any particular reason beyond adult egos why it was so bloody important that the child *immediately* comply with demands, especially when emotionally distraught.

Again, in a situation like this, someone has to be adult about things, shouldn't it BE the adults ?

Just sayin..



Monday, November 23, 2009 6:54 AM



Originally posted by AnthonyT:

But I am more appalled that a parent would call the police because their child was refusing to obey them. Were I the officer on that call, I might consider citing the parent for requesting police response for a non-crime. Since when is a temper tantrum considered criminal behavior? I just can't wrap my head around it.

It can happen. For example, my sister's current husband has a child from a previous marriage who has severe mental issues coupled with a very short temper and no real ability to control herself. She's only, oh, 14 or so, yet when she goes on a 'temper tantrum', things usually wind up broken and destroyed, she's screaming her lungs out, her adrenaline gets going and she can and will fight tooth and nail like a wet, pissed-off cat if you try to stop her physically.

I seriously suggested calling the police the last time I was present and it happened. She refuses to see her parents as authority figures, so they're of no use except in physically holding her down to make her stop; She barely respects the police, and only because she has a history with them. She knows they don't fool around.

And of course, physical punishment goes right out because she threatens to call child services if they touch her - which is, despite what you'd think, a dire threat. Because they know she will lie through her teeth about how horribly they treat her, and who're they gonna believe, a girl capable of beating herself up to show off bruises and then cutting herself up (Both things she does REGARDLESS,) or two parents who're only capable of saying 'She's lying!' and 'She did it herself!', both things child services hear EVERY TIME they confront abusive parents about their child?


Monday, December 7, 2009 11:53 AM


Seems a trend in motion...
Deputies use Taser on ‘out of control’ child

Seriously, first off I can say that most of these are bullshit, based on a long history of real world experience with this kind of thing, one reason I come down so hard on parenting styles that lead directly to such confrontations.

And yes, there's some that aren't - but in THOSE cases, if it's bad enough to merit that kind of involvement in the first place the child is being done a terrible disservice because that is not the proper environment to help them with their problems, and for a fact, use of force is only going to make whatever problems they have worse.



Monday, December 7, 2009 12:08 PM



In continuance of the last post, cause I felt this matter required a separate and direct address...

I don't know the specifics of the case, but divorce is always hard on a childs viewpoint of the parents, which with underlying issues or hostility/gamesmanship between the parents can become pretty dire, yes.

There's also medication issues if the girl is on any because long term use of "control" medications, how to put it... it's like a mental/neuro atrophy, if the medications are used as they usually are, the dependence on them prevents the child from development of self-control, something possible to ease through with graduating to lower doses over time, but outside of Baylors Child Trauma unit, not many docs actually have the care or interest to do it, see ?

And so eventually the medication stops working, especially if they're using a stimulant post puberty, cause it'll start to have a different effect and make things worse, MUCH worse, and then they have no internal control cause they've never developed it - I've seen this dozens of times, although like I said, I don't know about the case in question.

What I *DO* know, is that use of force in such situations is only going to make it worse - there's almost always some reason and cause for a lack of respect for parental authority, and that phrase itself shows the key - lack of respect.

You cannot get respect by using force, and from your tone it strikes me that they see their own child as an enemy or adversary - which she has become, because every time force is used on her it just escalates the cycle, you understand ?

And now that they have broken trust by use of that force, your options are more limited, because she will NOT take any suggestion or assistance initiated by the parents, which will doom it from the start.

Best bet on a matter like that is to have someone she sees as neutral or friendly talk with her, ASK her, and help her explore options - a ball that if you can get rolling, will be able to bring the parents back into it once she sorts out enough of her own issues to try rebuilding with her family, if she even wants to, which she may not.

The only reason I offer that much, unasked, and probably unwanted, is that, again, I've seen this a hundred times before - and if it continues to escalate, someone may very well get badly hurt or worse, I've seen that too damn often before, too.

The use of force is NEVER a proper option in a parental or mental health respect, NEVER.



Monday, December 7, 2009 12:33 PM


Hmm, just finally checked this thread. I don't really have much to comment about the girl who was tasered beyond what's already been said, and I don't mean to continue anything off topic here... But being as I know Drago from elsewhere, I've heard some stories about this girl before.

As far as I've been told, there hasn't been abuse. What I heard was that her behaviour was triggered because she was moved from where she was living before. I can't remember the details, but Drago's sister is taking care of her now. I don't know, maybe the people she was living with before were abusive or she had behavioural problems even back then.

In any case, it's not just the adults she encounters who she's lashing out against. She apparently has done some damage to small animals and supposedly she slashed the throat of one of Drago's eight year old nephews, or tried to, or something. Like I said, I forget the details.

Remember the story you posted once about the social worker and the kid who proudly proclaimed he was "born a rapist?" She's almost got that kind of vibe. Irrational hate towards everything, especially innocent things that haven't hurt her. Don't know why. No one knows how they can help her.

Maybe someone should just go ahead and promise to help her get the papers to be independent or something, because she hates her caretakers so much, on the basis that she doesn't damage herself so she can claim abuse. But that seems risky too.


Tuesday, December 8, 2009 4:04 AM


The kid has always been unstable since she was very young. The whole hitting/cutting herself thing started, as far as I can tell, when her age was still in single digits. Make no mistake, when I say this kid is crazy, I MEAN she's insane. When I say she's dangerous, I MEAN she's dangerous to herself and others.
This girl, on the way to her father's house to live with him and my sister, opened the door of a car doing 40 and threw herself out of it. She didn't want to leave her mother's. Notice I didn't say 'mother's care'. There was none. She was letting these girls drink, smoke, hang out with older guys and likely having sex, there were probably drugs involved. They didn't want to live with their father because it meant they'd have PARENTS, and not an older roommate who just said 'Whatever.' and went back to whatever she was doing.
And there was no choice. Their mother had been living in a camper with them. She was being made to move into a smaller one - there was no room in it for the girls. They had to go to their father.
They didn't like this arrangement. The 14 year old - the crazy one - actually planned to run away and live homeless in the next city over so she could be with her friends rather than go to my sister's house to live.
Hence the tantrums, the having to hold her down (Usually because she was trying to hurt herself,) the refusing to acknowledge that my sister and their father were authority figures - up to that point she'd never HAD an authority figure and she REFUSED to accept any now.

And no Byte, she didn't try to cut a kid's throat. You really forgot the details on that one. o_0
After having lived with my sister and her father for a while, she'd steadfastly refused to take her medication. They couldn't make her without holding her down and forcing it into her, and they weren't willing to do that. Then one day she and her older sister, also living with my sister and her father at the time decided they were going to a sleepover. Note they decided. Neither of them ever really left much room in their plans for parental approval.
Along about dark, my sister gets a call. From the police. The girl had hit a young boy in the hand with a machete, and cut his hand to the bone.
There were two 'versions' of these events that came out. One was that she told the boy to close his eyes and hold out his hand. The other was that it was an accident. I tend to believe the first version - because I'm pretty sure the boy's parents said they wouldn't do anything nasty, as long as the girl got professional help.

After that, she was sent to some institution for observation, treatment, and medication.
Now, after she got out of this place, I was amazed. As long as she took her medicine, she was an awesome kid. She was funny as hell, lost a lot of that creepy self-cutting vibe she had, she was fun to have around.

Then she stopped taking it. Within days she was back to slapping her father for daring to argue with her about the plans she made without consulting her parents first. Temper tantrums, threats to hurt people including my young nephews. It was Hell again.

Then she had to go back to the institution or whatever the hell it was for some more observation and so they could check and see if she could stay normal on smaller doses of medicine now.
She was there one night. Then her mother showed up and 'rescued' her. Since she WAS the mother, it was legal, the place couldn't do a thing. The girl was right back with the smoking, the drinking, the sex and the drugs.

At that point she got an ultimatum. "Stay where you're at or come back with us. You're not gonna just go from parent to parent on whim whenever you don't like something the other parent does."

She just said fine and stayed with her mother.

As for the small animals, my sister had several small dogs, but she had one favorite. A short time after the girl arrived at the house, most of the dogs had bruises from being kicked, and my sister's favorite was dead. Completely healthy one day, symptoms like he'd been fed crushed glass the next, and then he was dead.
We can't PROVE she did it, but we have our suspicions.


Tuesday, December 8, 2009 9:03 AM


Yep, that's a case that needs a little more than the parents can handle, they are completely out of their league no matter how good their intentions, Drago.

Problem is, health care in this country, especially mental health care, is so screwed up it makes stuff like that hard as hell to deal with, especially since no one ever *wants* to believe a kid is that bad off internally, and I am sure you know exactly what I mean.

And yes, you've nailed the problem with depending on medication to control it, there's the assumption they are gonna take it, and it's a bit like treating TB with cough syrup, symptom over cause - which is useful in a short term to suppress symptoms so they can be treated, but is not and should not be a whole solution.

And from your description at least one doc had the sense and decency to try graduating down the doseage, but again, the family is kind of out of their depth in coping with the situation and hasn't handled it well, sure.

I don't have a technical phrase for it, but I *have* dealt with this particular issue before, it's a damn tough one even for someone with experience and resources because the internal things that drive them to the violence are even stronger in nature than compulsive disorders, and in this case the "compel" is violence, which makes it doubly dangerous not only to others around them, but to themselves.

And yes, it does go that extreme, in fact it can go WORSE, cause I've seen it - hell, there's some suspicion that this particular malady is the basis for werewolf legends, I kid you not.

One girl I dealt with had me build a "safe room" where she'd go when she felt it coming on, but even that requires a degree of control and influence I suspect the girl in question hasn't developed, which would be the first key to unlocking her from that mess, and the second would be figuring out what some of the triggers are.

Still, force isn't really an option there, she's better at it than they are, more willing to use it, often unable to NOT use it, and it doesn't help solve the problem any.

There's actually very few non counterproductive treatment options for this, because even most professionals are out of their league when dealing with it, and as such treatment as might work is resource and time intensive, most of em won't even try - it's generally what we refer to as a "Class Four", aka lost cause, which is why I have wound up dealing with a couple, cause you do find them sometimes when dealing with very ugly issues, yes.

And you are correct, most people do NOT want to believe something like this even exists, they just call em evil and be done - never realizing that what they do "in mode" hits and hurts them so hard they actually start pushing themselves into it even more so they don't have to deal, a destructive cycle that left unchecked, destroys them and anyone around them.

I feel for the girl and her family, though - we really DO need better options for this sort of thing.
