Bachman and Hannity were crowing over their surprise at the 20,000-45,000 protesters at their recent Washington DC rally, which was "completely word of ..."/>


FauxNews Does It Again! And AGAIN!

UPDATED: Monday, November 23, 2009 07:20
VIEWED: 2775
PAGE 2 of 2

Friday, November 20, 2009 10:12 AM


"Further, does that "free speech" right extend to freedom NOT TO speak? For instance, does the President have the right to NOT grant an interview to a reporter or "news outlet"?"


Trying to answer these questions while busy, excuse me if they are a bit disjointed.


Friday, November 20, 2009 10:23 AM



Originally posted by Wulfenstar:

However, as to Fox, Obamas staff have said (quote) "The White House is calling on other news organizations to isolate and alienate Fox News as it sends out top advisers to rail against the cable channel as a Republican Party mouthpiece."


“What I think is fair to say about Fox — and certainly it’s the way we view it — is that it really is more a wing of the Republican Party,” said Anita Dunn, White House communications director, on CNN. “They take their talking points, put them on the air; take their opposition research, put them on the air. And that’s fine. But let’s not pretend they’re a news network....”

Saying those things is not unconstitutional. If they outlawed Fox, or put actual legal restrictions on someone, you'd have a point, but that's not the case.

So, how is what they are doing unconstitutional? Boycots are protected as well. Folks have the choice to participate or not.

"I thoroughly disapprove of duels. If a man should challenge me, I would take him kindly and forgivingly by the hand and lead him to a quiet place and kill him."


Friday, November 20, 2009 10:25 AM


Freedom is Important because People are Important


Originally posted by Wulfenstar:
Further, I'd like to ask you specifically what you consider to be "free speech", and who specifically you think it applies to. I realize you think you should be able to say anything to anyone at any time, but do these rights that you hold to be universal also apply to the President of the United States? In other words, does the President (or any of his staff or administration) have any right to say that he considers a certain news organization to be a pathetic joke? "

The President is a U.S. citizen (PLEASE dont snark on this one), so he and his staff can say whatever they want.

However, by calling for a boycott, it is essentially creating an embargo on free speech.

And again, who are his handlers, and why are they trying to control information? To, in essence, control the propaganda that is put forth?

Hello Wulf,

I disagree. Asking people to willingly turn away from a belief or institution is not control on free speech. It is exercise of free speech. It's like when I tell people they should stop listening and supporting Piratenews until he cleans up his messages and uses more honest reporting. I do NOT advocate banning Piratenews. I am not trying to shut him down. I am trying to get people to see that he is unreasonable and not to support his mania.

However, if it could be shown that the government was using illegal leverage (having FOX news people arrested, having FOX news affiliates audited, etc.) Then I would agree that they have done something illegal.

Just as if I were to hack into PirateNews' website and shut it down, I would be doing something illegal.

Encouraging people to turn away from and ignore a news agency is not illegal. Nor is it unconstitutional.


"Liberty must not be purchased at the cost of Humanity." --Captain Robert Henner


Friday, November 20, 2009 10:38 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by Wulfenstar:
Quote: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."


Okay, now we're getting somewhere. Can you please show me WHERE AND WHEN the Obama administration OR this Congress made a law muzzling Fox News specifically? Where did they "abridge the freedom of speech, or of the press" of Fox News?


Work is the curse of the Drinking Class.
- Oscar Wilde


Friday, November 20, 2009 10:50 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by Wulfenstar:
"What is it that you find "un-Constitutional" in Obama's staff saying that Fox News isn't really a news organization? What specific constitutional breach did they commit? How EXACTLY did they "silence" either Fox News OR Lou Dobbs?"

Again, I didn't say Lou Dobbs.

However, as to Fox, Obamas staff have said (quote) "The White House is calling on other news organizations to isolate and alienate Fox News as it sends out top advisers to rail against the cable channel as a Republican Party mouthpiece."


“What I think is fair to say about Fox — and certainly it’s the way we view it — is that it really is more a wing of the Republican Party,” said Anita Dunn, White House communications director, on CNN. “They take their talking points, put them on the air; take their opposition research, put them on the air. And that’s fine. But let’s not pretend they’re a news network....”

I will link here, TO Fox for this one.

Okay, do you have a source for any of those alleged quotes that ISN'T Fox News? You'll pardon me and understand if I'm a bit skeptical of your source on those. I've been following the story, and I haven't heard that first "quote" attributed to anyone within the Obama Administration, and the specific wording of it sounds far more like something that Sean Hannity or Glen Beck would say, and then try to CLAIM that the administration said.

Now, as to the second quote, Anita Dunn did indeed say that. But I don't see the part about her announcing any "boycott" of Fox News. I see her (and saw her make the remarks on the air) saying that we shouldn't pretend that Fox News is a *news* network, and that's what this entire thread has been about. And in my opinion, she's correct.

As I've said before, if you have an agenda, feel free to push it. MSNBC does, clearly. They make not bones about it. They call themselves "The Place for Politics", which tells you that things are going to get their political spin. What they DON'T call their coverage is "fair and balanced", or try to claim that it's unbiased and not agenda-driven. If you're going to claim that your "news" channel is going to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth in a "fair and balanced" way, it's probably best that you not be caught out again and again and again telling outright lies and inventing "quotes".

So, in your opinion, would it be okay for me to put a story out on MSNBC that says "This just in - with photos to prove it - Ron Paul blows goats!" and then put up pictures with the face blocked out, claiming it was Ron Paul blowing a goat? Would that be within my "free speech" rights, or would that, in your estimation, be crossing a line by simply making shit up that isn't true (as far as you know), and then backing up the claims with doctored or misleading photos?


Work is the curse of the Drinking Class.
- Oscar Wilde


Friday, November 20, 2009 11:01 AM


Those quotes wern't from Fox.

"So, in your opinion, would it be okay for me to put a story out on MSNBC that says "This just in - with photos to prove it - Ron Paul blows goats!" and then put up pictures with the face blocked out, claiming it was Ron Paul blowing a goat? Would that be within my "free speech" rights, or would that, in your estimation, be crossing a line by simply making shit up that isn't true (as far as you know), and then backing up the claims with doctored or misleading photos?"

lol Yeah itd be fine. PN does it all the time, so do supermarket tabloids.

The problem is of course, that you would no longer be considered a "legitimate" news agency.

When you are considered legitimate, your "news" and "facts" have more weight and are believed and trusted by more people.

What is happening is that this administration is trying to discredit a news agency, in order to silence a dissenting opinion. To, make Fox out as a supermarket tabloid, so that people will no longer listen to them.

As Fox seems to be the largest detractor, with political clout to back it up (there are other smaller news agencies critical of Obama, but they don't carry as much "weight" as Fox) dont you guys find it very disturbing that this administration would seek to discredit it?

ETA: Lets say this was 3 years ago, and Bushs team was saying the same kind of things about NPR, or CNN?

lol I always WANT to hear a dissenting opinion. I want to hear "NO". I would get very nervous if I didn't. Because nobody, and noones ideas are perfect.


Friday, November 20, 2009 11:06 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by Wulfenstar:

The President is a U.S. citizen (PLEASE dont snark on this one), so he and his staff can say whatever they want.

Heck, we actually AGREE on that much! Pardon the mini-snark, but I'm a bit surprised. Can I put you on the record as saying that Obama IS a natural-born U.S. citizen?


However, by calling for a boycott, it is essentially creating an embargo on free speech.

I think this is where *I* have to call "shenanigans". You're assigning actions and positions to the White House that they simply haven't taken and don't hold. Who called for a boycott? Saying that you don't take their "news" coverage seriously is not the same as calling for a boycott. To put it in perspective, I said in another thread that I absolutely do not take Sarah Palin seriously, and I don't find her to be a serious person who can be taken seriously or spoken to or about in a serious manner. But you never, NEVER heard me call for any kind of "boycott" of her, her book, her appearances, her little political rallies, or anything else.


And again, who are his handlers, and why are they trying to control information? To, in essence, control the propaganda that is put forth?

THAT is the crux of the matter, right there. WHO are his handlers, and WHY are they trying to control information? As to who, that depends on whom you ask, no doubt. To PN, "the Jews" are his handlers; to DT, it may be the CFR (Council on Foreign Relations); to Frem it might be AIPAC. So that part is up in the air.

As to WHY "they" (and this is true no matter WHO the "they" is, mind you) are trying to control information, it's all about spin. EVERYONE is trying to control the information coming from the White House and out of the Capitol. If you can put your spin on it, you get to control the conversation a bit more, since essentially you get to lay out the terms of the debate. It's why things like "Death Panels" really take off - because they sound juicier and more scandalous than calling them "end of life matters and decision-making", which is indeed what they amount to ("Death Panels" ask questions like, "If you are in a persistent vegetative state, would you wish to remain on life support indefinitely, or would you wish to be removed from life support?" which are questions that people really should have documented answers for, just in case).

So while Fox tries to control information in their way, the White House tries to do the same in its own way. Fox tells you not to believe the President, but if the White House tells you the same thing about Fox News, people shit all over themselves and go berserk claiming that the White House is trying to muzzle a legitimate news outlet.

For the record, I don't think they're trying to MUZZLE Fox; I think they're trying to force them to live up to what a "journalist" is supposed to do. Sadly, the closest thing Fox has to REAL reporters are the "pimp & ho" kids from the ACORN scandal.


Work is the curse of the Drinking Class.
- Oscar Wilde


Friday, November 20, 2009 11:14 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by Wulfenstar:
Those quotes wern't from Fox.

Actually, yes they were. Can I call 'em, or what?

I said it sounded like Hannity or Beck.

Here's Hannity's blog. Read the first sentence. See if it sounds familiar to what you posted as a quote from the Obama Administration.


October 19, 2009
White House Steps Up Assault on Fox News

The White House is calling on other news organizations to isolate and alienate Fox News as it sends out top advisers to rail against the cable channel as a Republican Party mouthpiece.

Top political strategists question the decision by the Obama administration to escalate its offensive against Fox News. And as of Monday, the four other major television networks had not given any indication that they intend to sever their ties with Fox News.


Work is the curse of the Drinking Class.
- Oscar Wilde


Friday, November 20, 2009 11:16 AM


Actually I got it from one of those other smaller sites I was talking about. Now let me go see if I can find the link..


Friday, November 20, 2009 11:22 AM



Friday, November 20, 2009 11:27 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by Wulfenstar:

"So, in your opinion, would it be okay for me to put a story out on MSNBC that says "This just in - with photos to prove it - Ron Paul blows goats!" and then put up pictures with the face blocked out, claiming it was Ron Paul blowing a goat? Would that be within my "free speech" rights, or would that, in your estimation, be crossing a line by simply making shit up that isn't true (as far as you know), and then backing up the claims with doctored or misleading photos?"

lol Yeah itd be fine. PN does it all the time, so do supermarket tabloids.

The problem is of course, that you would no longer be considered a "legitimate" news agency.

When you are considered legitimate, your "news" and "facts" have more weight and are believed and trusted by more people.

EXACTLY! And as long as FauxNews is going to ACT like a tabloid, they should be REGARDED as a tabloid.


What is happening is that this administration is trying to discredit a news agency, in order to silence a dissenting opinion. To, make Fox out as a supermarket tabloid, so that people will no longer listen to them.

They are trying to tell people that this isn't a "news" agency, but an "opinion" agency. Which it most certainly and clearly IS. They can claim whatever they want, but they can't claim that it's "news" or "fact" when they spout their opinion.


ETA: Lets say this was 3 years ago, and Bushs team was saying the same kind of things about NPR, or CNN?

Or MSNBC? That's documented. Dana Pirino even admitted as much, on Fox, much to the chagrin of their "news" anchors. Look and see how many interviews Bush did with MSNBC sometime.


lol I always WANT to hear a dissenting opinion. I want to hear "NO". I would get very nervous if I didn't. Because nobody, and no ones ideas are perfect.

If you want to hear a dissenting opinion, maybe you should be listening to more than just Fox news, and reading more than just Fox news blogs.


Work is the curse of the Drinking Class.
- Oscar Wilde


Friday, November 20, 2009 11:29 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by Wulfenstar:
Actually I got it from one of those other smaller sites I was talking about. Now let me go see if I can find the link..

Funny, but that "quote" is not there. It's on Hannity's blog, because Hannity wrote it. Not Obama, not his administration. Hannity. At Fox.

And this perfectly illustrates the danger of having a "news" agency like Fox behave like a tabloid. Because they will make things up that were never said, and then the chattering class will run and tell each other that these things were said by Obama.

Arrrggghhhh... And now I have to leave my day job and go work all night because the girl who was supposed to handle the shift at the convention center can't make it. So I'm off to do that now.


Work is the curse of the Drinking Class.
- Oscar Wilde


Friday, November 20, 2009 2:07 PM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Wow, you guys really truck. Dunno if I can catch up, but I'll try:

Wulf, I don't recall anyone trying to "silence" ClusterFox...when did that happen?

And as for calling them "a news source", thanx for my second big laugh of the day! Wulf, if those quotes weren’t from Faux News, could you please give us to cites from where they DID originate? The one you gave us doesn’t say that anywhere (and scrolling down the list of topics is pretty clear what their slant is). I didn’t hear the remark anywhere either. So you need to produce a link to where it actually appeared OTHER than Faux News…hopefully a reliable one…?

thanx, Mike, for my third smile of the day (didn’t deserve a giggle or laugh, too predictable) with that link. They just don’t know when to stop, do they? I adore their apologies—“let’s look incompetent, rather than fraudulent!”

Uhhh, Anthony, “harming their credibility” and “restore their reputation” seems to indicate you believe they HAVE credibility to harm, and HAD a reputation to restore… Really?? Oh, I see Mike had the same reaction I did, except I don’t think it’s a “good one”, because I don’t think you meant it as a joke!

As to the Daily Show, I agree about the entertainment value fer shore, but I find Olbermann just as entertaining, and I take him just about as seriously. Maddow is less entertaining, but still fun, and gives me more things to investigate on my own to verify. I, too, am getting sick of CNN, for reasons similar to yours.

Yes, Mike, you got it:

I rely on the news to give me the broadest possible strokes on what it is that people are interested in. Then I have to go online and start digging, to actually try to churn up enough info the discern what they're NOT telling us, not just what they ARE telling us. And even at that, you have to read between the lines an awful lot.
Exactly what I do.

The only thing I can figure about the push-back on trying the terrorists is that usually “Party of no” thing…ANYTHING Obama or the Dems do has to be ripped apart (if possible)and be claimed to be socialist, making us unsafe, or whatever argument they can imagine to come up with. Isn’t that about how it’s been all along? I believe trying them in a military tribunal does exactly what you said, make martyrs of them and acknowledge that we ARE afraid of them, which is what terrorism is all about. Trying them as criminals to me lessens them to that category, says we don’t consider them or their “war” on us as legitimate, and shows we believe in the court of law. But tell a right-winger that…


By the way, anyone who's done much editing with modern software would tell you that "accidentally" inserting old footage from other events into a new story is ridiculously unlikely.

They either have utterly incompetent editors, or they are flat out lying.

Yeah, anyone with half a brain knows this, which is why their excuses are so pathetic. Personally, I vote for “flat out lying”, given the subject of the “errors” and how they inflated on their show the number of people who showed up at the first tea party. Pretty blatant, but their views won’t buy that.

Mike, I don’t think “they're trying to force them to live up to what a "journalist" is supposed to do” at all. I think they know the futility of such a thing, as do all sane people, I think they were just saying “we know it too”, in the hopes that MAYBE someone was listening. Unfortunately, it did no good, only give Fox Noise something to cry about and make more noise about—their audience isn’t listening to rational statements, and the rest of us already knew it. If you take the time to read down the comments on the Hannity link, you’ll see it’s peopled with others just like Wulf, for whom Faux News is the darling and who believe Obama’s “scared” of them because he spoke out. Does anyone really think these people can be reasoned with?

Which is why, Anthony, it’s not incompetence…they don’t CARE! Their audience will buy it’s a mistake, or whine that everyone’s out to get Fox, or whatever…they, like Wulf, BELIEVE ClusterFox is a “reliable news” source…and see his reaction to them being called out? Like ClusterFox’s viewers, he sees it as an attempt to “un-Constitutionally silence” them. There’s your explanation as to why they don’t give a flying fuck. Anything they do will be eaten up like so much candy, and nothing will change their minds.

Sadly, Wulf, you’re so defensive of ClusterFox you can’t see beyond them. No, I don’t believe other news stations are as fraudulent as they are, even slightly. Sure, I see plenty of shading, and omissions, which is why I investigate for myself…but out-and-out fraud? I don’t think so, kiddo. As to “silencing”, I don’t think anyone would equate “isolate and alienate” with silencing, even if they had said it (which I doubt, as you can produce no links proving it), nor as a boycott…it was more, “they can say anything they want, but hey guys, don’t buy into it as ‘news’. There’s not a damned thing wrong, in my opinion, with calling a spade a spade. Anyone not wedded to them KNOWS ClusterFox hasn’t been a news agency for a very long time. They were an arm of the Bush Administration…hell, even BUSH made jokes about it!

Faux News and “tabloid”? Excellent. Thank you, Wulf, that’s PERFECT!!! It’s too bad you can’t see it, because it’s absolutely right on! I don’t find it the LEAST bit disturbing that this administration called them on being exactly what they are…NOT a credible news source. Actually, I’d like to have heard them MAKE the comparison between Faux News and a tabloid…that would have been right on, too. The comparison to talk radio wasn’t bad…especially as Limbaugh IS talk radio, but a tabloid would have been more appropriate. You know how tabloids blow up things and make stuff up, and we all expect nothing less? There you go! You wouldn't call what you pick up at the check-out counter "reliable news sources", would you?

As to Faux News telling you not to believe the President, my gawd, that’s the LEAST they do! How would Wulf like it, I wonder, if the administration started calling Faux News “communist” and saying they threaten the stability of America, are in league with the terrorists, are destroying the country, are made up of illegal immigrants, and on and on—even one TENTH of the things Faux News has said of the administration/President/Dems???


Friday, November 20, 2009 2:20 PM


Freedom is Important because People are Important


I thought I should say this: Calling for a boycott is not even a violation of Free Speech to my mind. Calling for a boycott is actually an expression of free speech.

Enforcing a boycott IS a violation of Free Speech. Making the sale of Book X illegal, for instance. Or having the FCC shut down FOX.

I would be delighted if the Obama administration called for a boycott on Fox news, and any news agency that refuses to sever ties with them. I would be ecstatic if the relationship between the White House and the news agencies became hostile. Just so long as the White House doesn't actually censor the news, I'm happy.

Personally, I think the government and the news agencies are a bit too chummy for my taste. Rather than passing along official Press Releases all day, it would be nice if the news agencies did some actual investigative journalism.


"Liberty must not be purchased at the cost of Humanity." --Captain Robert Henner


Friday, November 20, 2009 2:43 PM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Investigative journalism has been dead for years. Talking heads don't want to get their suits dirty, and like I said, it's been "newstainment" for ages now. Otherwise why would Prejean get the coverage she does?


Friday, November 20, 2009 7:14 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by AnthonyT:

I thought I should say this: Calling for a boycott is not even a violation of Free Speech to my mind. Calling for a boycott is actually an expression of free speech.

Enforcing a boycott IS a violation of Free Speech. Making the sale of Book X illegal, for instance. Or having the FCC shut down FOX.

I would be delighted if the Obama administration called for a boycott on Fox news, and any news agency that refuses to sever ties with them. I would be ecstatic if the relationship between the White House and the news agencies became hostile. Just so long as the White House doesn't actually censor the news, I'm happy.

Personally, I think the government and the news agencies are a bit too chummy for my taste. Rather than passing along official Press Releases all day, it would be nice if the news agencies did some actual investigative journalism.


"Liberty must not be purchased at the cost of Humanity." --Captain Robert Henner

Good points, Anthony. And yes, the press SHOULD have an adversarial relationship with the government. It SHOULD be skeptical. Think how many lives might have been saved had we had a skeptical press in 2002.

But what they DON'T need to do is invent facts and outright fabricate stories.


Work is the curse of the Drinking Class.
- Oscar Wilde


Friday, November 20, 2009 7:26 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Posted by Niki2:

The only thing I can figure about the push-back on trying the terrorists is that usually “Party of no” thing…ANYTHING Obama or the Dems do has to be ripped apart (if possible)and be claimed to be socialist, making us unsafe, or whatever argument they can imagine to come up with. Isn’t that about how it’s been all along? I believe trying them in a military tribunal does exactly what you said, make martyrs of them and acknowledge that we ARE afraid of them, which is what terrorism is all about. Trying them as criminals to me lessens them to that category, says we don’t consider them or their “war” on us as legitimate, and shows we believe in the court of law. But tell a right-winger that…

Sadly, I *wish* it were that "innocent". I get nervous any time my government starts telling me that the military is the best answer for what is basically a crime problem. I don't like where that road leads, and it feels like the Republicans have been walking us down that road for quite a while now.

By the way, "terror" isn't the REAL aim of terrorism. The REAL aim is economic. The idea is to get people so scared they won't go out, they won't go overseas, they won't shop or go on vacation, they won't spend, and the economy will grind to a halt and collapse under the enormous weight of ever-increasing military expenditures. On that front, Bush played perfectly into the hands of Bin Laden, and Bin Laden definitely won at least a few battles, if not the war.

You know how you beat the terrorists? By ignoring the fuck out of them, refusing to be cowed by them, and by putting up two bigger, taller, nicer, FANCIER towers right there on Ground Zero. And cap 'em with a couple giant eagle flagpoles flipping the bird towards Mecca. Tell the terrorists, "3000 people? Is that the best you got? Fuck, we kill ten times more than that every year on our highways, and that's if we're not trying! Shit, we kill MORE than ten times that many every year just because they don't have health insurance, and we don't even give a fuck about their deaths! Do you think three thousand makes a goddam DENT? We could lose that many every day, and you STILL couldn't fuck with us!"

The way to beat terrorists is to refuse to be terrified of them. Treat them like the two-bit hoods and petty crooks they are, and throw them in a dank cell forever and forget about them. You know what terrifies a terrorist? Not making a bit of a fucking difference, and then being completely forgotten about.


Work is the curse of the Drinking Class.
- Oscar Wilde


Friday, November 20, 2009 7:35 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Posted by Niki2:

Mike, I don’t think “they're trying to force them to live up to what a "journalist" is supposed to do” at all. I think they know the futility of such a thing, as do all sane people, I think they were just saying “we know it too”, in the hopes that MAYBE someone was listening. Unfortunately, it did no good, only give Fox Noise something to cry about and make more noise about...

I should have been more accurate. They're trying to force Fox to at least behave the way a *modern* journalist does. That is, show at least a passing respect for truth and accuracy.

Now, as to the idea that it did no good at all to call them out... I disagree. I know what you're saying, but you'll also note that they're being called on it more often, and MORE people are looking and fack-checking them now, and either they're going to start reining that shit in, or they're going to be known even amongst their most loyal followers as purveyors of many fine things, but the truth won't be among those things. The more people notice, the more people WILL notice. I'll take that as a win-win. :)

The reason the tabloid example is so perfect is because it fits. I mean, it REALLY fits. Look at Murdoch and his holdings: Tabloids. Lurid headlines on Page One, tits on Page Six. New York Post. Hell, he's even turned the once-respected Wall Street Journal into nothing more than a paid tabloid advertisement for Golden Sacks - er, I mean Goldman Sachs. Murdoch is to "news" what American Idle [sic] is to scripted television drama. In other words, the two (Murdoch and "news") have no relationship at all, and shouldn't even be mentioned in the same sentence.


Work is the curse of the Drinking Class.
- Oscar Wilde


Saturday, November 21, 2009 2:53 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Wow, you guys really truck. Dunno if I can catch up, but I'll try:

Oh, it doesn't normally move along that quickly, Niks. Wulf and I seemed to catch each other in real time, both posting at the same time, and things can move really fast when that happens, with all the back and forth. It's ALMOST like having a live conversation with someone when it happens.


Work is the curse of the Drinking Class.
- Oscar Wilde


Saturday, November 21, 2009 4:00 PM


It kinda reminds me of that PC - Mac commercial where the PC guy says "trust me it's different this time" regarding Windows software problems past and present.

Faux News - Fair and Balanced,
I gotta stop laughing for a moment to cotinue..................

Ah, hell. I just can't do it with a straight face.

Do not pay any attention to the man behind the curtain.

Ha, ha, ha, haaaaaaaa, ha, haaaaaaaaaaaa

Make them stop...............




Monday, November 23, 2009 7:20 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...


The way to beat terrorists is to refuse to be terrified of them. Treat them like the two-bit hoods and petty crooks they are, and throw them in a dank cell forever and forget about them. You know what terrifies a terrorist? Not making a bit of a fucking difference, and then being completely forgotten about.
Sums it up for me! I saw something long ago in which they showed that terrorism never actually WORKED, yet groups keep trying it over and over again. I'm sure other(s) here will disagree on that, but they put forth some pretty cogent arguments at the time.

But still, on Fixed News we part ways at

Now, as to the idea that it did no good at all to call them out... I disagree
I still maintain that there was no effort to have any impact on Fixed Noise, I think it was just calling them out for what they are and saying what millions of us have known all along.

I repeat: It makes no difference. Their viewers are as steadfast as those of talk radio, and just as desirous of knowing the "truth". They may lose a few viewers over it, but I doubt many; most of their followers are died-in-the-wool and will only defend them.

Yes,I loved the tabloid comparison. Talk radio is good too, but tabloid fits better to my sense of humor. I realize talk radio is probably more accurate, as the two behave the same, and Fixed Noise doesn't actually blow things up quite as bad as tabloids...but I like it.

Do NOT get me started on Murdoch. He is the one and only thing in this world that I hold against Aussies. I even forgive them Mel Gibson, but not Murdoch. I'll let it rest there, or this would be less than a PG post.

Shiny, I hope you didn't hurt yourself laughing. I'm right there with you...

O, my...I just realized my true HATRED of Fixed Noise is far, far more intense than my dislike/disdain of Palin...I must REEEEELY fear them, huh??

Or is it more






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