WTF??? A shoot-out at Fort Hood???

UPDATED: Tuesday, November 24, 2009 18:29
VIEWED: 9305
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Saturday, November 7, 2009 12:53 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


posted by Out2Lunch:

...and BTW , bragging on sucking gubmint teat ain't exactly distinguishing you as smart...

This coming from the person who was trying to tell someone the best way to go about applying for disability through Social Security... So you seem to have experience in not exactly distinguishing yourself as smart.


Let the wild rumpus start!


Saturday, November 7, 2009 1:27 PM



Originally posted by Kwicko:

posted by Out2theBlack:

...and BTW , bragging on sucking gubmint teat ain't exactly distinguishing you as smart...

This coming from the person who was trying to tell someone the best way to go about applying for disability through Social Security... So you seem to have experience in not exactly distinguishing yourself as smart.

Squicko , you continually distinguish yourself as an imbecile , and you take cheap shots at others' misfortune...

On the other hand , I'm not a Pharisee like yourself , but rather , a TRUE Humanitarian...

Originally posted by Kwicko:

Worst case? The guy dies. We tried to help when no one else would. Second-worse case? He's a fraud and takes the Browncoats for a tidy little sum. Big deal. If and when I give a "homeless" person money on the street, I don't expect that it's going towards a downpayment on a house; I pretty much expect it's going towards booze.

Let us know how we can help, and we're there. I don't have much in this world, but I don't have so little that I can't share what I do have.

Let's make this happen! We're Browncoats, dammit - we LIVE for this kind of thing!

Sure , I told some folk how to go and get THEIR coin , which was stolen from them with an adhesion contract , beginning before they could legally consent or be a party to a contract , in many instances...Rape of the Innocents , as usual , with fraudulent gubmint programs...or pogroms...

When informing Folk of their rights , I begin by telling them to go to their local Office of the Socialist Security Administration and demand to see the VIDEO , which describes the 'programs' available under which they may attempt to be reimbursed some of their STOLEN funds...

Ironically , the VIDEO itself tells the Truth , emphasizing to the Viewer that IT IS THEIR 'MONEY'...In legal circles , this is regarded as DISCLOSURE , which is a necessary component of 'legally' perpetuating a FRAUD...

Then , once they get a little angry at the subsequent obstruction , obfuscation , and intentional DELAY perped against them by the Socialist dead wood FRAUDSTERS , the rest of their education in the ways of TRUTH may begin...

“ Discontent is the first step in the progress of a man or a nation...”


Saturday, November 7, 2009 1:33 PM



Originally posted by SignyM:
O2B... you're beginning to deserve the moniker Out2Lunch.

Whoa there. Slow down, take a deep breath, or I'll be forced to ignore you.

Ignore away...Knock yourself 'Out'...


Well thank you...I'll have my Secretary call your Secretary and you can DO Lunch , StickyNymph , like you offered once before...

I'll bring the Magnum of latex...

You'll be the one needing to take the deep breaths...Huff away !


Saturday, November 7, 2009 1:48 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by out2theblack:

Squicko , you continually distinguish yourself as an imbecile , and you take cheap shots at others' misfortune...

I "take cheap shots at others' misfortune"? YOU are the one claiming they're "sucking off the gubmint teat", not I. I think we owe it to ourselves to take care of each and every one of our citizens in their time of need.


On the other hand , I'm not a Pharisee like yourself , but rather , a TRUE Humanitarian...

Sure , I told some folk how to go and get THEIR coin , which was stolen from them with an adhesion contract , beginning before they could legally consent or be a party to a contract , in many instances...

Of course, you didn't bother to actually READ anything in that post you cited above, or you'd have seen that the person in need can't really get HIS "coin, which was stolen from [him]", because he's never been able to work, and thus has not paid into the system. So in the truest sense, it's NOT "his" coin, but rather OURS, the nation's, all of the people's.

But you, safely ensconced in your cloud of asinine, want to rail against "the gubmint" stealing your money, and other "sucking off the gubmint teat", all the while calling yourself a "true humanitarian".

You offer advice on how to suck off the government tit, then disparage those who you claim do so, all while patting yourself on the back for "helping" and being a "true" humanitarian. Tell me, where in that post did you actually offer to help, with YOUR "coin", out of YOUR pocket?


Let the wild rumpus start!


Saturday, November 7, 2009 1:57 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by out2theblack:

I'll bring the Magnum of latex...

You'll be the one needing to take the deep breaths...Huff away !

Wow. You ARE a smooth-tongued devil, aren't you? When losing an argument with Rue or Signy, you always seem ready to offer your services as a rapist. Very classy of you.


Saturday, November 7, 2009 1:57 PM



Originally posted by Kwicko:
...Of course, you didn't bother to actually READ anything in that post you cited above, or you'd have seen that the person in need can't really get HIS "coin, which was stolen from [him]", because he's never been able to work, and thus has not paid into the system. So in the truest sense, it's NOT "his" coin, but rather OURS, the nation's, all of the people's.

But you, safely ensconced in your cloud of asinine, want to rail against "the gubmint" stealing your money, and other "sucking off the gubmint teat", all the while calling yourself a "true humanitarian".

You offer advice on how to suck off the government tit, then disparage those who you claim do so, all while patting yourself on the back for "helping" and being a "true" humanitarian. Tell me, where in that post did you actually offer to help, with YOUR "coin", out of YOUR pocket?

'Cause it's my coin , too , ya dope , and I don't have any expectation of ever being able to retrieve any of it , but for a small fraction , MAYBE...

I only disparage those who suck the teat whilst being part of the problem...Like 'Rue'...

The unfortunates are welcome to as much as they may receive , I don't care whether they paid into 'the System' , or not...'Drago' is welcome to whatever he may get of MY coin , thank you very much...No strings attached...

That's why there's SSI...Ostensibly...

But , it is a CONfidence game , just like other Socialist schemes...

And , I did read the posts , besides asking Byte for some clarifying information...

My concern is real , as is my humanitarianism...


Saturday, November 7, 2009 2:06 PM



Originally posted by Kwicko:

Originally posted by out2theblack:

I'll bring the Magnum of latex...

You'll be the one needing to take the deep breaths...Huff away !

Wow. You ARE a smooth-tongued devil, aren't you? When losing an argument with Rue or Signy, you always seem ready to offer your services as the rapist. Very classy of you.

Nope...StickyNymph offered her services to me , in the first place...

But , you are right about me being 'classy'. That's why I bring Truth to them as need it told !

And , you misspelled 'THERAPIST'.


Saturday, November 7, 2009 3:15 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by out2theblack:

Originally posted by Kwicko:

Originally posted by out2theblack:

I'll bring the Magnum of latex...

You'll be the one needing to take the deep breaths...Huff away !

Wow. You ARE a smooth-tongued devil, aren't you? When losing an argument with Rue or Signy, you always seem ready to offer your services as a rapist. Very classy of you.

Nope...StickyNymph offered her services to me , in the first place...

But , you are right about me being 'classy'. That's why I bring Truth to them as need it told !

And , you misspelled 'THE RAPIST'.

Actually, I didn't. Because I didn't use the word "the" OR "therapist". But nice try. Is that really the game you want to play?


Let the wild rumpus start!


Saturday, November 7, 2009 3:35 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


as is my humanitarianism...
Ah yes. Your humanitarianism. We can ALL see what a "humaitarian" you are.

I have to wonder, O2B... why, exactly, are you posting here? Because if it's to convince people of your POV you're discrediting your argument something awful.

'Fraid I'm going to have to start ignoring you again.


Saturday, November 7, 2009 9:33 PM


I read this thread, which Chrisisall started in response to a true human tragedy (however it started), hoping to see some thoughtful insight, and indeed there has been quite a bit. We Browncoats can be an incredibly compassionate and supportive bunch, and not just of our own. Most of us mourn for everyone involved.

But, there has also been some truly appalling stupidity in this thread. I normally try not to engage in flaming, but sometimes boundaries are crossed and I feel obliged to respond, and I've seen disappointing similarities from the poster acronymed below in other threads (with apologies to you language purists who object to the use of "acronym" as a verb).

So, I propose that instead of using the acronym O2B for its idiotic user (no one wants to spend time typing full alliterations), that we use the acronym AS (as in, Appalling Stupidity, or perhaps A*Shole) in our considered responses.

Personally, I can't bring myself to even respond to such drivel as AS barfs up. But I do believe in free speech and will vigorously defend her/his right to spew. Barf on AS! Show us what you've recently ingested............



Saturday, November 7, 2009 10:27 PM



Originally posted by out2theblack:
as is my humanitarianism...

Gee, imma humanitarian too!

Just not the happy, friendly kind.


PS. Yes, I'm joking, although my believes hold no taboo against it, most humans ain't worth eatin cause they're all loaded up on toxic junk food.


Sunday, November 8, 2009 9:56 AM



Originally posted by Fremdfirma:

Originally posted by out2theblack:
as is my humanitarianism...

Gee, imma humanitarian too!

Just not the happy, friendly kind.


That is funny...Thanks for the levity...

Incidentally , though , that Black Program patch with the B2 planform and the war-god homage really ought not read , Gustatis Similis Pullus , which means , 'Tastes Like Chicken'...DoD cock-up , as usual , or else they really don't get the joke...


Sunday, November 8, 2009 10:06 AM



Originally posted by SignyM:

as is my humanitarianism...
Ah yes. Your humanitarianism. We can ALL see what a "humaitarian" you are.

'Fraid I'm going to have to start ignoring you again.

Humanitarian...Fixed that for you...

Would you ignore ?

Especially when it wasn't your little argument in the first place ? Bet you can't...

Hey , just had a little fun from rue going off 'half-cocked' again , and the usual go se suspects start showing up and 'piling on'...

Plus , a certain kind of fool who seizes someone else's quarrel like taking hold of the ears of a rabid dog...And , then wants to explore a 'tragedy' in an insightful way ?

I pity folk like that , but also can't stop the guffaws...

Gorramned idjits .

Those who know not , know not that they know not...

Just want to wake the somnambulators , who're in love with the dream-fantasy that is 'socialism'...


Sunday, November 8, 2009 11:23 AM


Hmmm , lookit , the shooter has been taken off his ventilator , but remains in intensive care , unable to communicate...

Dead men tell no tales...

Any bets on when this guy dies ?

Sure , that's SOP , weaning folk from ventilators , but the part that is not often told is that many patients in similar circumstances die soon afterward...

Reports also tell of his being in a drug-induced coma...


Sunday, November 8, 2009 11:27 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Gorramned idjits .

Those who know not , know not that they know not...

Of course, that's exactly how we all feel about you, you know.

And of course, with that, Out2Lunch will now run away, back to the shadows under the bridge where he lives...


Hmmm , lookit , the shooter has been taken off his ventilator , but remains in intensive care , unable to communicate...

Dead men tell no tales...

Any bets on when this guy dies ?

So you don't think the Army wants a trial? You don't think the government wants him convicted so they can ask for the death penalty?

Sounds like you think there's some sort of conspiracy here, and maybe the army set this all up and wants to make sure their operative is never heard.


Monday, November 9, 2009 10:08 AM


I note with some skepticism that it was not until the FBI became deeply involved that we begin to get 'evidence' that he was shouting 'Allah Ackbar!' in an extremist Muslim manner and was making blog posts that 'encouraged and praised' extremist Muslim terrorists and suicide bombers.

:\ It seems like "He was screaming Allah Ackbar while he shot at us!" is something you'd have heard ASAP, considering, since it's a dramatic thing and would be really easy for news services to get people to admit.

But no. It's almost two days later when the FBI comes in that we hear about all the guy's extremist Muslim activities.



Monday, November 9, 2009 10:17 AM


Signed, I do think this is fishy. Tragic and fishy.

I've been hearing lots about racism towards Arabs in the military and intelligence community. I don't know what the point of setting this Hasan up would be, or making claims of Muslim extremism after the fact (whichever way this might tend), but speculatively, it could be ideological or policy related.

It could be what happened is what happened, but I try not to believe the official story on principle unless all other stories are dead ends or impossible.


Monday, November 9, 2009 11:51 AM



Originally posted by Drago:
I note with some skepticism that it was not until the FBI became deeply involved that we begin to get 'evidence' that he was shouting 'Allah Ackbar!' in an extremist Muslim manner and was making blog posts that 'encouraged and praised' extremist Muslim terrorists and suicide bombers.

:\ It seems like "He was screaming Allah Ackbar while he shot at us!" is something you'd have heard ASAP, considering, since it's a dramatic thing and would be really easy for news services to get people to admit.

But no. It's almost two days later when the FBI comes in that we hear about all the guy's extremist Muslim activities.


See also, THIS thread.
More Phony Terrorism

Which is about them pulling that shit locally up here, and getting ripped to bits over it with the help of yours truly.

And yes, it reeks to high heaven, especially with some glaring inconsistencies in the official story, and MOST especially when you take into account they felt the need to blockade communications up to and including *jamming nearby cellphone towers, which strikes me as damned odd.

But again, I rather suspect once again ideology is going to trump whatever the real facts are and we'll probably never know them - might get lucky, though.


*Yes, I would know this - as signal intel and interception is one of my specialties, an anomoly like that is going to draw attention of my people very quickly.


Monday, November 9, 2009 12:38 PM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...


I read this thread, which Chrisisall started in response to a true human tragedy (however it started), hoping to see some thoughtful insight, and indeed there has been quite a bit. We Browncoats can be an incredibly compassionate and supportive bunch, and not just of our own. Most of us mourn for everyone involved.

But, there has also been some truly appalling stupidity in this thread.

That was a waste of time, wasn't it Perfesser? I was thinking exactly the same thing as I read through the thread; was really interested at first, then all but sprained my finger scrolling down to ignore all PN's rants and the snarking back and forth. I notice your post did no good either, which is why I rarely bother.

On the other hand, I'm not into assigning negative acronyms to anyone, and once one of the extremists STARTS the snarking, what I see is nastiness coming back at them and then pretty much equal stuff going back and forth from then on. Nobody's innocent.

As to the subject at HAND; yes, I wondered about some of the stuff that "came out" after the fact as well. I also am wondering (along with many others) why the "mistaken" info was given out that he was dead, then hours and hours later they say, uh, no, he's still alive.

Also, what I heard was that he was NOT a regular at the mosque and that his religion was something he didn't follow meticulously. Also that he had been AFRAID of being deployed, all of which may have changed given I haven't followed it recently, I'm sick of the media drooling all over the story.

They were highlighting at first the fact that, as a p-doc, he dealt with PTSD sufferers a lot, so that might have contributed to his fear and his being triggered into an act of insanity.

On CNN and MSNBC, up until the time I stopped watching, I didn't hear a thing about him shouting "Allah akbar", so that one had to come out way later, too, since I watched for the first day. I don't put anything past any government, and certainly it would serve their purpose to inflame anger...would be a good way to improve the country's backing of more troops to Afghanistan, wouldn't it?

I don't know whether he's a Muslim and for him it was an act of terrorism, or the government is trying to make it look that way for their own agenda, but obviously it worked great on some people (as can be seen here), and either way it was a horrenous, terribly sad thing to have happened. I hope the military DOES work to fix whatever let this happen, for everyone's sake.

I refuse to be turned against human beings and led to consider them subhuman or any less than human. It's too stupid and easy a way to think. And I refuse to waste my time getting caught up in personal attacks any more than I can manage, because it's just a total waste of time and silly. I fell into that trap on the other board I was on, until I realized how much time I wasted being nasty to people upon whom it had no effect except to make them nasty back to me. But those who do it get SOMETHING out of it, sadly, so let 'em rant. I just wish it didn't take so much space in an interesting discussion.

Together we are greater than the sum of our parts


Monday, November 9, 2009 3:43 PM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

Oh yodely yo.


Anyone home ?


Monday, November 9, 2009 4:19 PM


You escaped from the no internet hell!



Monday, November 9, 2009 4:49 PM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

But back in it in the next few minutes and there till after T day... sigh ...



Silence is consent.


Monday, November 9, 2009 6:23 PM


Rue, I remember you talking about secondary PTSD, and was just wondering

what do you think about depression and side effects to prescription pain meds...

I went off for a few days last week, and was more than a little... lets say " jittery "

if you add to that the stress of being deployed to a war you consider immoral and useless as well as being surround by co-workers who treat you like crap...

I couldn't honestly rule out opening fire myself after my experience last week... you just don't think straight in those situations

any thoughts or revelations?

Either your with the terrorists, or ... your with the terrorists

Lets party like its 1939


Monday, November 9, 2009 6:37 PM


Gino, she's unfortunately not going to be able to respond to you until after the 26th of November. Just so you know.

You might consider sending her a PM, she'll probably get an e-mail notice of your reply here in this thread, but depending on how long it's been off the front page, you might not get an answer.


Monday, November 9, 2009 7:32 PM



Originally posted by Bytemite:
Gino, she's unfortunately not going to be able to respond to you until after the 26th of November. Just so you know.

You might consider sending her a PM, she'll probably get an e-mail notice of your reply here in this thread, but depending on how long it's been off the front page, you might not get an answer.

oh. no problem thanks for letting me know ...

I like to pick Rues head sometimes on stuff like this, her background gives her an interesting perspective


Monday, November 9, 2009 7:38 PM


Yep, agreed. :) PTSD is something that recently has been a big interest for me, too.

Anyway, just didn't want to see you waiting around wondering.


Tuesday, November 10, 2009 8:17 AM



Originally posted by GinoBiffaroni:

...what do you think about depression and side effects to prescription pain meds...

I went off for a few days last week, and was more than a little... lets say " jittery "

if you add to that the stress of being deployed to a war you consider immoral and useless as well as being surround by co-workers who treat you like crap...

I couldn't honestly rule out opening fire myself after my experience last week... you just don't think straight in those situations

any thoughts or revelations?

Would need to know what meds you're taking GB , so as to know exactly what you are dealing with...

You mention depression , but also the side effects of 'pain meds'...

I wonder if you're taking any meds for depression , because some side effects
like you are describing are commonplace with those chemicals...

Are you at all familiar with the term 'akathisia' ?

You may PM direct to me if you'd like to discuss this personally .


Tuesday, November 10, 2009 12:19 PM


It was just a painkiller / anti inflammatory for a sprained wrist, it was swollen but good.

No meds for the depression, I've known I have had ups and downs for years never sought any treatment...

the painmeds and a fight with my wife sent me into a pretty bad place for a bit. When this happens I try to just be alone, maybe take my dog for a run. Even depressed I can't get mad at my chocolate lab.

I was just thinking that if this guy had similar or worse combined with stress and who knows what meds...

I can see what happened, happening

Especially since he was likely the one who was suppose to recognize the condition in those around him, but who was looking for the symptoms with him.

BTW Thanks for your interest, things like that make this a great community to come and chat in


Tuesday, November 10, 2009 2:17 PM


No problem , Gino ! Just happy to be doin' good works...

The reason that I mentioned the akathisia is that it has been implicated
in many attacks and all .

Here's interesting background about the Ft. Hood shootings :

'...The fact that at least three gunmen are involved already has Shuster and Miklaszewski mentioning similarities to the Fort Dix Six plot on MSNBC . . . two of the gunmen are still at large and one has fired shots at the SWAT team on the scene . . . . New details from CNN: One gunman "neutralized," one "cornered," no word on the third. . . . Whether there are two shooters or three seems to be in dispute at the moment, but there's certainly more than one: The second shooting on the base evidently occurred at a theater. . . . Fox News says there are reports that the men were dressed in fatigues. . . . MSNBC TV says two shooters are in custody now. . . . it sounds like both shooters are military . . .According to MSNBC, there were three shooters. . . In case you're wondering whether the other two soldiers in custody were actual accomplices or just being questioned because they knew Hasan, Rick Perry just said at the presser he's holding that all three were shooters. . . . Hearing rumblings on Twitter right now that Perry was wrong and that the two other "suspects" have now been released. Was Hasan, in fact, a lone gunman? . . . . According to the general conducting the briefing going on right now, he appears to be a lone gunman.'


Tuesday, November 10, 2009 2:21 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

Wow, that should totally be helpful to Gino in working with his depression and pain! [/snark]


Tuesday, November 10, 2009 6:43 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

Hasan Known to U.S. Intelligence Agencies; Congressional Requests for Information Refused

Where's the other 2 shooters?

If they rearrest the 2 shooters, no more court martial for Dr Hasan, it would go to a real trial in fed court.

Dont that smell like dead fish to you?

This shooting is just what Obama, Pentagon, and Mossad (proxy for Brit Empire) needed to get the wars hyped up again. Coincidence?

Too many soldiers suing Obama for his missing birth certificate.

2 shooters are special forces, paid by Uncle Scam to shoot US soldiers, just like they do every day in Iraq and Afghanistan? Just like Cheney wanted Navy SEALS to attack US Navy to blame Iran. Just like Israel did to USS Liberty to blame Egypt.


Tuesday, November 10, 2009 7:17 PM



Originally posted by Kwicko:
Wow, that should totally be helpful to Gino in working with his depression and pain! [/snark]

lol, you notice how I'm not posting on Israel or Afghanistan at the moment...

what could be said with

Obama-Netanyahu talks see no result

or better Karzai hits back against critics

with the quote

Afghanistan's president has come out fighting against calls by the US to crack down on corruption, arguing that his government is not solely to blame and saying that the West is in his country only for its own ends.

Sadly maybe depression is maybe the norm... the rest of you are way too happy

Either your with the terrorists, or ... your with the terrorists

Lets party like its 1939


Thursday, November 12, 2009 4:37 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

First-Hand Account from Ft. Hood


I am probably alive because I pulled a ---------- and entered the wrong building first (the main SRP building).

The Medical SRP building is off to the side. Realizing my mistake I left the main building and walked down the sidewalk to the medical SRP building. As I'm walking up to it the gunshots start. Slow and methodical. But continuous. Two ambulatory wounded came out. Then two soldiers dragging a third who was covered in blood. Hearing the shots but not seeing the shooter, along with a couple other soldiers I stood in the street and yelled at everyone who came running that it was clear but to "RUN!". I kept motioning people fast. about 6-10 minutes later (the shooting continuous), two cops ran up. one male, one female. we pointed in the direction of the shots. they headed that way (the medical SRP building was about 50 meters away). then a lot more gunfire. a couple minutes later a balding man in ACU's came around the building carrying a pistol and holding it tactically. He started shooting at us and we all dived back to the cars behind us. I don't think he hit the couple other guys who were there. I did see the bullet holes later in the cars. First I went behind a tire and then looked under the body of the car. I've been trained how to respond to gunfire...but with my own weapon. To have no weapon I don't know how to explain what that felt like. I hadn't run away and stayed because I had thought about the consequences or anything like that. I wasn't thinking anything through. Please understand, there was no intention. I was just staying there because I didn't think about running. It never occurred to me that he might shoot me.

Until he started shooting in my direction and I realized I was unarmed. Then the female cop comes around the corner. He shoots her. (according to the news accounts she got a round into him. I believe it, I just didn't see it. he didn't go down.) She goes down. He starts reloading. He's fiddling with his mags. Weirdly he hasn't dropped the one that was in his weapon. He's holding the fresh one and the old one (you do that on the range when time is not of the essence but in combat you would just let the old mag go). I see the male cop around the left corner of the building. (I'm about 15-20 meters from the shooter.) I yell at the cop, "He's reloading, he's reloading. Shoot him! Shoot him!) You have to understand, everything was quiet at this point. The cop appears to hear me and comes around the corner and shoots the shooter. He goes down. The cop kicks his weapon further away. I sprint up to the downed female cop. Another captain (I think he was with me behind the cars) comes up as well. She's bleeding profusely out of her thigh. We take our belts off and tourniquet her just like we've been trained (I hope we did it right...we didn't have any CLS (combat lifesaver) bags with their awesome tourniquets on us, so we worked with what we had). Meanwhile, in the most bizarre moment of the day, a photographer was standing over us taking pictures. I suppose I'll be seeing those tomorrow.

Then a soldier came up and identified himself as a medic. I then realized her weapon was lying there unsecured (and on "fire"). I stood over it and when I saw a cop yelled for him to come over and secure her weapon (I would have done so but I was worried someone would mistake me for a bad guy). I then went over to the shooter. He was unconscious. A Lt Colonel was there and had secured his primary weapon for the time being. He also had a revolver. I couldn't believe he was one of ours. I didn't want to believe it. Then I saw his name and rank and realized this wasn't just some specialist with mental issues. At this point there was a guy there from CID and I asked him if he knew he was the shooter and had him secured. He said he did. I then went over the slaughter house. the medical SRP building. No human should ever have to see what that looked like. and I won't tell you. Just believe me. Please. there was nothing to be done there. Someone then said there was someone critically wounded around the corner. I ran around (while seeing this floor to ceiling window that someone had jumped through movie style) and saw a large African-American soldier lying on his back with two or three soldiers attending. I ran up and identified two entrance wounds on the right side of his stomach, one exit wound on the left side and one head wound. He was not bleeding externally from the stomach wounds (though almost certainly internally) but was bleeding from the head wound. A soldier was using a shirt to try and stop the head bleeding. He was conscious so I began talking to him to keep him so. He was 42, from North Carolina, he was named something Jr., his son was named something III and he had a daughter as well. His children lived with him. He was divorced. I told him the blubber on his stomach saved his life. He smiled. a young soldier in civvies showed up and identified himself as a combat medic. We debated whether to put him on the back of a pickup truck. A doctor (well, an audiologist) showed up and said you can't move him, he has a head wound. we finally sat tight.

I went back to the slaughterhouse. they weren't letting anyone in there. not even medics.

finally, after about 45 minutes had elapsed some cops showed up in tactical vests. someone said the TBI building was unsecured. They headed into there.

All of a sudden a couple more shots were fired. People shouted there was a second shooter. a half hour later the SWAT showed up.

there was no second shooter. that had been an impetuous cop apparently. but that confused things for a while. meanwhile I went back to the shooter. the female cop had been taken away. a medic was pumping plasma into the shooter. I'm not proud of this but I went up to her and said "this is the shooter, is there anyone else who needs them first". she indicated everyone else living was attended to. I still hadn't seen any EMTs or ambulances. I had so much blood on me that people kept asking me if I was ok. but that was all other people's blood. eventually (an hour and a half to two hours after the shootings) they started landing choppers. they took out the big African American guy and the shooter. I guess the ambulatory wounded were all at the SRP building. Everyone else in my area
was dead.

suppose the emergency responders were told there were multiple shooters. I heard that was the delay with the choppers (they were all civilian helicopters). they needed a secure LZ. but other than the initial cops who did everything right, I didnt' see a lot of them for a while. I did see many a soldier rush out to help their fellows/sisters. there was one female soldier, I dont' know her name or rank but I would recognize her anywhere who was everywhere helping people. a couple people, mainly civilians, were hysterical, but only a couple. one civilian freaked out when I tried to comfort her when she saw my uniform. I guess she had seen the shooter up close. a lot of soldiers were rushing out to help even when we thought there was another gunman out there. this Army is not broken no matter what the pundits say. not the Army I saw.

and then they kept me for a long time to come. oh, and perhaps the most surreal thing, at 1500 (the end of the workday on Thursdays) when the bugle sounded we all came to attention and saluted the flag. in the middle of it all.

this is what I saw. it can't have been real. but this is my small corner of what happened

Were the "2nd shooters" executing patsies and witnesses to other shooters and handlers? Or just OD of adrenaline?


Thursday, November 12, 2009 7:23 AM


Yanno, it keeps coming back to mind that the very first confirmed "fragging" in Iraq was at the hands of a soldier who was some time before, court martialed for being Muslim.

Ain't what they SAID, but read the case, that's pretty much what it was - kinda like that girl who refused an order to perform oral sex on her Sgt being charged with insubordination...

Did the army not think that were they gonna turn this into a damn religious crusade, perhaps the troops who WEREN'T protestant christians MIGHT take issue with it - particularly if they were mistreated and harassed because of it ?

Goddamn, I can only imagine - given the racism and intolerance practiced now, back in my day even, NO REL PREF was the kiss of death for both your career and often enough your person, it was certainly enough for a couple "training accidents" aimed at me over religious differences.

So I can certainly see a trained psychiatrist hinting that maybe if you plan to kill every follower of islam on the planet, maybe you should dispose of the ones within your ranks before they figure that out and do something about it.

Still, we don't KNOW anything - all we got to go on is the conflicting and extremely suspicious bullshit shovelled by known liars before they could have known a single fact, and ideology is certainly gonna take precedence here, so we prolly never will.

S'funny, one of my buddies in Kosovo got his own share of hassle for NO REL PREF hisself, he actually had CID show up and accuse, then attempt to CHARGE him for the criminal practice of witchcraft!
(I wish to hell I was kidding, I'm not.)

So he took that ball and ran with it, writing a "confession" to such things as witchcraft, voodoun, deviant sexual conduct, sodomy, involuntary intercourse with his own hand, sexual harrassment of non-military personnel (goats), fraternisation with enemy livestock, excessive thinking, err, drinking, lewd and unbecoming conduct, drug use (caffiene, nicotene), and performing deliberate pysops against his own command staff...

Then handed it off to the female CID investigator and said "this is the part where you strip search and handcuff me, right ?" with a mile-wide grin.

Of course, this pissed her off, and the male CID investigator nearly exploding trying not to laugh didn't help - she stormed straight to his commander and threw a hissy, especially when he started laughing so hard the whole post could hear him - and that was the end of that, but really, he got lucky...

I wound up in the friggin brig for a couple days cause a sergeant found it a bit suspicious that I stepped outside to have a smoke on a bright sunny day and five minutes later a really nasty thunderstorm rolled over the barracks, and proceeded to be on my case for a couple weeks thereafter, eventually reporting my discussions with other troops on military ethics as ruining morale, sedition, and an attempt to start a cult.
(the latter was in response to a survey asking if I would obey orders to fire on civilians who refused to lay down arms for confiscation)

So yeah, I can imagine the shit muslim or even suspected muslim folk prolly have to put up with in the army - heaven knows I spent enough damn time in the brig myself over NO REL PREF to have nearly cleared one whole wall.
(I'd scrape the paint off to pass the time as my way of annoyin them.)

I suppose the question one might ask is why there are not more of such incidents, given that thought clear in mind.


PS. NO REL PREF = dogtag shorthand for No Religious Preference, which means you practice (as I did) something the military will not acknowledge as an actual religion, or you practice one you'd damn well be advised not to admit to.


Friday, November 13, 2009 12:39 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

Note that US soldiers were previously allowed to carry personal firearms on military bases for self defense, until 1993 when Dictator Billary Clinton Blythe III (bastard jew Rockefeller) reversed that law.

"I am probably alive because I pulled a shitter."
-Sgt Mark Todd, Ft Hood hero (suspected Muslim)


New account of Fort Hood shooting may put another officer in spotlight

Sergeant Kimberly Munley was the heroine America desperately sought in the hours after the massacre at the Fort Hood army base in Texas.

But a week after Major Nidal Hasan allegedly shot and killed 13 people and wounded dozens more, it has emerged that a previously unheralded police sergeant may in fact have fired the bullets that ended the attack, not Munley.

A witness to the shooting spree told the New York Times today that Hasan was taken down by Senior Sergeant Mark Todd, a veteran police officer.

In TV appearances, Munley and Todd have thus far failed to clear up exactly who shot him.

Munley insisted that she fired at Hasan, but did not say whether she had hit him. Todd talked of firing the shots that brought down Hasan - the first time he had ever fired at a human being in his 25-year career - but could not say whether Hasan had already been shot.

"I seen him [sic], I drew his attention toward me, and then he opened fire and then I neutralised him and secured him," Todd told CBS's Early Show this morning.

Pressed whether Hasan was still armed and threatening when he opened fire, Todd said: "We were engaged in a gunfight, and then I neutralised him, or we neutralised him."

Hasan, 39, is recovering in the hospital from police gunshot wounds. Ballistics tests and further investigation may ultimately determine which of the two police sergeants shot him.

The tale of Munley's apparent heroism recalls the case of Jessica Lynch, an army private first class who the US military said was wounded while fighting off Iraqi troops during the US invasion, reportedly firing her rifle heroically before being captured. It later emerged she was injured in a vehicle accident during an ambush and was well cared for by the Iraqis.

Munley, a petite, highly-trained civilian police officer and firearms expert, was initially said to have encountered Hasan during the attack, rushed at him and shot him down, taking at least three bullets from his pistol in the process.

Quoting an anonymous eyewitness, however, the New York Times called into question that account, reporting that Hasan remained on his feet, apparently unharmed and reloading his pistol, after shooting Munley. The witness said it was unclear whether Munley fired off a shot before Todd arrived seconds later, shooting Hasan until he fell to the ground then kicking his gun away and handcuffing him.

"It's muscle memory," Todd told CBS. "In a situation like this you don't have to think about it, you just react. By the grace of god I'm standing here with no injuries, with not a scratch."

Fort Hood suspect 'is paralysed' (by jew docs on purpose?), illegally served criminal charges in ICU without his lawyer present


Saturday, November 14, 2009 9:04 AM


'Major Nidal Malik Hasan, jihadist or patsy?

By Jerry Mazza
Online Journal Associate Editor

Nov 13, 2009, 00:28

The story as it unwinds seems too scripted to be true. That Army psychiatrist and Major Nidal M. Hasan went on a rampage at Fort Hood with two guns blazing, a .357 Magnum and a semi-automatic pistol with laser target-finder, after shouting the Arabic phrase ‘Allah Akbar’ (God is Greatest) as he opened fire, and will live (so far) to talk about it, though an Army-appointed lawyer says he will never get a fair trial.

Hasan coincidentally received his masters in chemistry at Virginia Tech, famous for the infamous Seung-Hui Cho, the campus killer gunman credited on April 19, 2007, with the deadliest shooting rampage in modern history. Seung-Hui’s sister curiously works for a State Department office that oversees billions of dollars in American aid for Iraq. See the link to Citizens for Legitimate Government on him and his ‘Missing Records.’ It’s more of the script, the association of Hasan with Seung-Hui.

Consider, too, that in 2007, Major Hasan, who received his medical degree in psychiatry from Walter Reed Hospital, spoke there, warning of threats within the ranks of Muslim Soldiers in a 50-slide Power-Point presentation, titled The Koranic World View As it Relates to Muslims in the U.S. Military. “He stood before his supervisors and about 25 other mental health staff members and lectured on Islam, suicide bombers and threats the military could encounter from Muslims conflicted about fighting in the Muslim countries of Iraq and Afghanistan,” reports the Nov. 10 Washington Post, which includes Hasan’s entire presentation.

Hasan went so far as to say, “It’s getting harder and harder for Muslims in the service to morally justify being in a military that seems constantly engaged against fellow Muslims.” How and why these words didn’t get his military superiors to question him seems beyond understanding, unless that, too, was part of the script. Could it be that they felt he was speaking the truth? But there was a more than veiled threat in the presentation, which you’ll see if you read it.

In fact, Hasan entered Walter Reed in 2003 and spent six years as an intern, resident and fellow. He was transferred to Fort Hood as a psychiatrist in July 2009 and was to leave soon for Afghanistan and had asked on numerous occasions not to be deployed. He even offered the U.S. government its money back for his Walter Reed education, every dollar of it. He did not want to fight fellow Muslims. Yet no one raised an eye? This is a U.S. Army major speaking, not some slacker from the sticks trying to dodge combat.

Of course, aside from his glaringly strong (if not correct) feelings against the Iraq and Afghanistan Wars, his supervisors found him quite competent counseling wounded PTSD soldiers returning from Iraq and Afghanistan. In the NY Times’ Details Emerge about Fort Hood suspect’s history, “Col. Kimberly Kesling, deputy commander of clinical services at Darnall Army Medical Center at Fort Hood, said she had known Hasan.

“‘You wouldn’t think that someone who works in your facility and provided excellent care for his patients, which he did, could do something like this,’ Kesling said. She described him as ‘a quiet man who wouldn’t seek the limelight’ and said she was shocked when she heard he was the suspect in the shootings.’” One can only imagine the tales he heard, which would only bolster his philosophical antipathy to the War on Terror, which he considered and claims to be a war on Islam, with which any number of Americans would agree.'



Saturday, November 14, 2009 10:51 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by out2theblack:
'Major Nidal Malik Hasan, jihadist or patsy?

It seems odd that he has to be one or the other "jihadist" or "patsy", like there's nothing between the two, and no way he could just be an asshole and a murderer. So I wonder if every "christian" who commits murder is a "crusader" or a "christian warrior". Can one be a follower of a religion without being a zealot about it?

I'd caution those who want to immediately jump on the "jihadist" bandwagon that doing so only makes it EASIER for your government to implement ever more stringent policing tactics to keep an eye on you.


The story as it unwinds seems too scripted to be true. That Army psychiatrist and Major Nidal M. Hasan went on a rampage at Fort Hood with two guns blazing, a .357 Magnum and a semi-automatic pistol with laser target-finder, after shouting the Arabic phrase ‘Allah Akbar’ (God is Greatest) as he opened fire, and will live (so far) to talk about it, though an Army-appointed lawyer says he will never get a fair trial.

I find the "semi-automatic pistol with laser target-finder" bit to be a little disingenuous, and it seems aimed at influencing those who know little to nothing about guns. A laser sight is no more a "target finder" than a telescopic sight or open sights. It's meant to HELP you aim, it doesn't aim for you, and it doesn't magically lock your weapon onto the target. Also, every laser system I've tried was VERY hard to see even in indoor lighting, and impossible to use in daylight outdoors. They're for helping acquire targets in low-light or darkness situations, where it's difficult or impossible to use your normal open sights. Laser aiming systems tend to get blamed for an awful lot of things, usually in movies and television, but sometimes even in the real world, it seems.

Amazingly enough, O2B and I seem to have a nugget of agreement on most of the rest of the article. It seems mighty odd that either (a) EVERYBODY that knew Hasan knew he was a bomb looking for a place to explode, or (b) NOBODY who knew him ever suspected him of being capable of such behavior.

Also, the timing seems very convenient, too. Here we are, at a juncture in Afghanistan where we have to decide whether or not to send more American kids to their deaths, and when we're trying to decide whether or not to renew and reinvigorate the Patriot Act, and suddenly some gun-wielding crazed "muslim" goes on a rampage on a U.S. military base. What are the odds?


Work is the curse of the Drinking Class.
- Oscar Wilde


Saturday, November 14, 2009 3:27 PM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

I'm with you, Mike. I heard nothing about the cry of Allah Akbar until two days after the shooting, and what I heard was that they couldn't confirm it. I've heard he was a devout Muslim, according to his Iman, but previous to that I heard he'd only attended mosque infrequently. Other things I've heard on the "official" news have been questionable to me, too. And I've seen too many times when propaganda has been used to fire up the populace...anyone remember the runup to Iraq? buy into any of this wholeheartedly.

I don't know what the truth is--I kind of think we never will--so I'm just going to see him as a man who went off, killed many people, and will be held responsible. Doesn't matter to me whether he was a "terrorist" or a "murderer" or a guy gone off his nut for whatever reason. The act is all that's important to me. I remember the "threat level" fruit-loops all too well to trust the military or government when it comes to this shit.


Saturday, November 14, 2009 3:54 PM



Originally posted by Niki2:
And I've seen too many times when propaganda has been used to fire up the populace...anyone remember the runup to Iraq? buy into any of this wholeheartedly.

Yes Niki, he was a nut. They come in many varieties- to single out a particular kind for representitive microcosmic scrutiny is... most illogical.

The laughing Chrisisall


Saturday, November 14, 2009 7:16 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

His defense will try to claim some form of secondary PTSD-by-proxy, or they'll claim that he just snapped and was insane at the time of the crime, but most reports agree that he wasn't due on base that day for any reason, had no reason at all to be at the soldier readiness center, so it seems obvious that there was at least SOME level of premeditation involved.

If he's a jihadist, where's his "suicide tape"? How come nobody's noticed that little missing tidbit - seems radical muslims are pretty notorious for leaving videos behind.


Work is the curse of the Drinking Class.
- Oscar Wilde


Friday, November 20, 2009 7:42 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by Fremdfirma:

I have no information at this time - but I did note that the IMMEDIATE reaction of both the media and political factors was "Hey, he has an arab sounding name, maybe we can hang this on radical islam, yay!"

There's also likely a factor of secondary caregiver trauma, as mental health personnel treating PTSD tend to suffer a high degree of psychological casualty themselves - and whoever dumped him on Ft Hood from Walter Reed might well have soft-shoed their assessment in order to be well rid of him if he was starting to crack.

Right now, we do not know - and given that first reaction and the bullshit ass-covering spin cycle likely to follow, we might not ever know the facts.

That's all I can say to it, at the moment.


This is not a necropost. I brought this one back up because I distinctly remember reading Frem's warnings on this one, and wanted to bring them back up here and tell him "Good call." You nailed it, pretty much in every detail.


Work is the curse of the Drinking Class.
- Oscar Wilde


Saturday, November 21, 2009 3:18 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

Reports said he counseled vets who confessed to warcrimes, and he wanted the military to prosecute them.

But of course his commanders refused.

True or cover story?

Also indictations Hasan and his family was high-level intel, which explains why he was promoted and invited to speak at Homeland Security Cons.

His legal defense will either be a govt sham, or his lawyers will be terrified of being sent to prison themselves, so they'll throw the game.

Lynne Stewart...Heroic Human Rights Lawyer Jailed for Life (no mention allowed of FBI's employee Emad Salem who taped FBI ordering him and giving him the bomb for WTC in 93)


Saturday, November 21, 2009 4:05 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!


Originally posted by Kwicko:

If he's a jihadist, where's his "suicide tape"? How come nobody's noticed that little missing tidbit - seems radical muslims are pretty notorious for leaving videos behind.

It takes time for casting call and manufacture of lipsync video. Preferably after the patsy is assassinated, like Bin Laden. Half of the 9/11 "suicide hijackers" are still alive, flying for Saudi Airlines and Saudi AF, and giving interviews to BBC News.


Pelosi Won't Say Whether Osama Bin Laden Should be Told He Has the Right to Remain Silent and Get a Lawyer

"I would like to assure the world that I did not plan the recent attacks.”
-Usama bin Laden, CNN, "Bin Laden says he wasn't behind attacks," September 17, 2001

Usama Bin Laden's funeral: Egyptian Paper Al-Wafd, Wednesday, December 26, 2001

"He also had dealings with Omar Sheikh [MI6 born in Britain], the man who murdered Usama Bin Laden."
-Pakistani prime minister Benazir Bhutto (assassinated 6 weeks later), BBC interview by Sir David Frost Knight of the British Empire, 2nd November 2007

"9/11 is not mentioned on Usama Bin Laden’s Most Wanted page. He has not been formally indicted and charged in connection with 9/11 because the FBI has no hard evidence connecting Bin Laden to 9/11.”
—FBI agent Rex Tomb, June 6, 2006

"We've never made the case, or argued the case that somehow Osama bin Laden was directly involved in 9/11. That evidence has never been forthcoming."
-Dick Cheney, "Interview of the Vice President by Tony Snow", March 29, 2006
youtube nb3fesK-4S4

OPERATION NORTHWOODS - the signed confession by US Govt for perping sniper attacks to blame patsies in USA

Watch the movie SHOOTER today, with Marky Mark, on how to frame a patsy.


Sunday, November 22, 2009 7:48 AM



Originally posted by Kwicko:

Originally posted by participant:

Wow, you really aren't very bright, are you?

If he was born in Virginia, then in the vast majority of cases, he IS AN AMERICAN.

Wow you are not very bright are you?

only 20% of Muslim Americans in polls will first say they are US citizens, many identify themselves first as Muslim rather than an American first because the Muslim identity talkes priority. So when asked in polls many admit their Islamic belief comes before the United States
I am against having Islamic marriages, Islamic clerics policing communities or Islamic courts operating in the United States. This reason is why in my opinion it's important that so many American Muslims are not so religious. The more religious they are, the more difficult the problem becomes.


Originally posted by Kwicko:

Refresh my memory - what branch of "radical Islam" did Tim McVeigh follow? How 'bout David Koresh? Jim Jones? George W. Bush?

Are you calling Bush a terrorist?


Sunday, November 22, 2009 8:34 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Posted by Participant:

Wow you are not very bright are you?

only 20% of Muslim Americans in polls will first say they are US citizens, many identify themselves first as Muslim rather than an American first because the Muslim identity talkes priority. So when asked in polls many admit their Islamic belief comes before the United States

How many "christian" Americans in those same polls will renounce their christianity before the name of their country? That IS what you're asking, you realize.


I am against having Islamic the United States. This reason is why in my opinion it's important that so many American Muslims are not so religious. The more religious they are, the more difficult the problem becomes.

You want to outlaw islamic belief in America; how would you feel if christianity were banned in America? Will you join me in stamping out the pervasive and corrosive influence of christianity in our schools and communities?



Originally posted by Kwicko:

Refresh my memory - what branch of "radical Islam" did Tim McVeigh follow? How 'bout David Koresh? Jim Jones? George W. Bush?

Are you calling Bush a terrorist?

Yes. If the shoe that's thrown at you fits, try it on.

George W. Bush is responsible for more American deaths than the 9/11 hijackers, and he is responsible for every single Iraqi death since March 2003. Every drop of their blood is on his hands, not that you care one bit about any of them.


Work is the curse of the Drinking Class.
- Oscar Wilde


Sunday, November 22, 2009 9:17 AM


Hey. if you can get that 700 club trash off the air I am with you

Either your with the terrorists, or ... your with the terrorists

Lets party like its 1939


Sunday, November 22, 2009 9:18 AM


The Army psychiatrist charged with killing 13 people at Fort Hood will be confined until his military trial, initially staying in a hospital where he is recovering from gunshot wounds, his lawyer said.

During a hearing in Major Nidal Hasan's room in a Texas hospital yesterday, a magistrate ruled there was probable cause that Hasan committed the November 5 shooting spree at Fort Hood, said his civilian lawyer, John Galligan.

Hasan has been in intensive care at Brooke Army Medical Centre since the shooting.

His lawyer said Hasan had been told he has permanent paralysis. He has no feeling from the chest down and limited movement in his arms.

Yesterday's hearing was closed to the media. Officials at Fort Hood declined to comment.

Hasan has been charged with 13 counts of premeditated murder. Authorities have not said whether they will seek the death penalty.

Galligan said he was concerned about where Hasan would be moved once he was released from hospital, but he did not know when that would happen.

The hearing comes as new revelations about Hasan's monitored email contacts with an extremist preacher in Yemen deepen questions about whether his behaviour should have set off red flags before the shooting rampage.

He told Anwar al-Awlaki that he "couldn't wait to join him in the discussions they would be having over non-alcoholic wine in the afterlife", according to ABC News. He also asked the cleric when jihad (holy war) was appropriate and whether it was permissible if innocents were killed in a suicide attack.


Originally posted by Kwicko:
Every drop of their blood is on his hands, not that you care one bit about any of them.

A lot of people are to blame for Iraq
- Cheney is to blame, the CIA is to blame, Rumsfeld, you can blame the Pentagon and their reports, Saddam himself....I think its easier for you people to single out a guy like Bush and pin everything on him because it makes things easy to understand for some of you political people


Sunday, November 22, 2009 9:39 AM


Freedom is Important because People are Important

"Perverted Japanophile FREMDFIRMA still acting like an anti-semitic motherfucker in this thread"


I just saw that someone changed the subject line to this.

Fuck you in the neck.


"Liberty must not be purchased at the cost of Humanity." --Captain Robert Henner


Sunday, November 22, 2009 9:56 AM


happens all the time man, a thread title 4 posts below reads

' Participant still a racist insane asshole! '

How nice

Anyway getting back on topic

I hope the punk gets what he deserves. Respect to those who serve, RIP to the fallen and a speedy recover to those injured in this attack


Sunday, November 22, 2009 12:14 PM


Awww, he threw a ragefest for me and I missed it ?

I'm touched, really...







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