Philip Morris coughs up $300-million to smoker

UPDATED: Monday, November 23, 2009 03:29
PAGE 1 of 1

Friday, November 20, 2009 7:31 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

Philip Morris ordered to pay $300 million to smoker


We the Jury, return the following verdict:

1. Was the negligence on the part of Philip Morris USA a legal cause of Lucinda Naugle's emphysema?


2. Were the defective cigarettes by reason of their design, manufactured by Philip Morris USA, a legal cause of Lucinda Naugle's emphysema?


3. Did Lucinda Naugle reasonably rely on a statement to her detriment made by Philip Morris USA that intentionally concealed or omitted material information?


4. On the claim of fraud by conspiracy, were acts done by Philip Morris USA, in furtherance of the conspiracy a legal cause of Ms. Naugle's injuries?

Yes-V. . . .

8. Please state whether, under the circumstances of this case, you find by clear and convincing evidence that punitive damages are warranted against Defendant, Philip Morris USA.


In determining the amount of punitive damages, if any, please state the total amount which you feel should-be assessed against the defendant. The Court, in entering judgment, will not reduce the amount of punitive damages by the percentage of fault which you find is chargeable to the plaintiff.

9. What is the total amount of punitive damages, if any, you find, by the greater weight of the evidence, should be assessed against Philip Morris USA?


SO SAY WE ALL, this 19 day of November, 2009

Naugle's lawsuit was among about 8,000 cases filed in the wake of a 2006 Florida Supreme Court decision that tossed out a massive class action against the tobacco companies. The case, known as Engle v. RJ Reynolds, resulted in the largest verdict in U.S. history at trial -- $145 billion.

The Florida high court ruling, which decertified the class of about 700,000 smokers, allowed some to file individual complaints.


Saturday, November 21, 2009 4:21 AM


Freedom is Important because People are Important


There must be important information that I am missing out on. Something that might convince me that the customer was led to believe cigarettes were good for ya.

Every pack of cigarettes I've ever seen has a sign on it from the surgeon general. It is prominently displayed. And it says something to the effect of,



"Liberty must not be purchased at the cost of Humanity." --Captain Robert Henner


Saturday, November 21, 2009 4:44 PM


While they didn't always carry those warnings, Anthony, I have to question the sanity of anyone who'd think sticking a dead, mutilated plant in their mouth, lighting it on fire, and inhaling the result is anything BUT harmful.

Hell, I knew EXACTLY what I was doing, and the risks thereof, when I lit my first one, and the mood stabilizing and concentration enhancing effects were sufficient to not only replace the heavy mix of psychotropics they were shoving on me against my consent, but to eliminate a lot of the problems which lead TO those drugs being shoved at me.

I always found it passing strange that nobody even questioned it when the "patient" suddenly stops taking the meds, and suddenly no longer displays much of the control problems which led to the prescription of em...

Supposedly coffee and smokes were gonna make me dead before I was thirty *eyeroll* and yet here I am, and if THOSE are what does me in, it'd be a friggin miracle - but what they *did* do was enable me to tolerate society and other humans sufficiently to not react with such violence to their mere presence in my personal space.

Problem with this whole issue is, yes, the tobacco companies are liars - but no one seems to have the balls to question the other end of the argument, like Koops rigged studies, and the fraud and chicanery antismoking orgs have engaged in, often on government money...

It's like a criminal case in which the evidence hangs the perp dead to rights, and yet some overzealous cop or prosecutor plants more to bulk it up and then blows both credibility and case out of the water - both "sides" of this argument are fulla shit, and *NEITHER* one should be given an ounce of credibility based on their behavior, but the "antis" get a free pass every time, despite the amount of deception, waste, and outright fraud they have often engaged in ?

Oh hell no, and for many of em "good intentions" isn't even an excuse cause they had no such thing, especially when manipulating the tax code in an unconstitutional fashion, slamming me with a 1300% increase (NOT a typo) in tax on bulk tobacco in an attempt to control MY behavior "for my own good" ?

No, fuck that - such an action places them in the same category as the other so called do-gooders who would like to see us in little padded cells so we don't hurt ourselves or reduce our productivity value in between service to their favorite government or corporate dominion.

I am not a sheep to be sheared or fleeced, and I very severely resent any attempt to restrict or force my behavior in a fashion I do not want unless corresponding value is given - i.e. you want me to do or not so something, I better damn well get something out of it, but in this case all I get is a tax-robbery to bankroll assholes who wanna use that money to finance more fucking tax-robbery...

I've worked pretty hard to deliberately defund and cripple SCHIP in every fashion possible in retaliation for this, and have watched in dismay as smuggling grows, since it always winds up connected with harder drug smuggling even when started with the best of intentions cause there's more money in it - not to mention the crime and violence, once again proving that prohibition by any means is a damn dumb, counterproductive idea.

That's why I sneer when folks say legalise and tax drugs, cause it'll spin right into this, and it'll STILL be underground-illegal, cause they'd face this exact same dynamic, all it would do in the end would be reduce the street price below the taxed price.

Twice in the past month I've had smugglers offer me cut rate tobacco, and I am sure you can find low end street dealers in detroit picking up a line of tobacco in addition to crack, meth and weed.

Is that really where we want this to go ?
Cause it's going there.

And this whole mess here is one more reason why.
Try suing a drug cartel cause some idiot member of your family went and OD'd...

As for fraud and waste, while FORCES is indeed a partisan site, few others have the balls or the gall to call out stuff like THIS.
"Employees of a public relations firm working for more restrictive smoking ordinances recently received the following salaries through Proposition 99 revenues: 11

* Project Director, $265/hr;
* Political Director, 145/hr;
* Legislative Manager 345/hr;
* Communications Director, 150/hr;
* Research Manager, 160/hr;
* Media Manager, 110/hr. "

Again, follow the money.

The antis are every bit as crooked, more so, in my opinion because they pretend to be "helping" people.


There always has to be a price.


Sunday, November 22, 2009 10:21 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

It would be nice to read the transcript of the trial, or better yet see the video on TeeVee, to see what evidence made the jury so angry.

Perhaps it's the 1,000s of secret deadly ingredients not on the label. Or that tobacco is freebased with baking soda to make it more addictive, just like crack cocaine.

Perhaps the jury each had a family member(s) die from tobacco addiction. Each tobacco addict spends $100,000 to $300,000 on tobacco before they die.

Appellate judges will certainly be bribed to reduce this verdict.


Monday, November 23, 2009 2:40 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Appellate judges will certainly be bribed to reduce this verdict.

Ain't that the truth!


Monday, November 23, 2009 3:29 AM


This is bullshit.

Hope the asshole enjoys the millions of dollars they get for being stupid and making everyone else pay for it. Who do you think is going to pay that tab? Certainly not Phillip Morris. Nope... that'll be passed down to the smokers.

It's bad enough I'm paying an unfair burden by subsidizing kids that poor people shouldn't have anyways with my habit, but now I'll be subsidizing this idiot's yacht.

Bet they're broke before they die and have nothing to give to their own children too.


Come to think of it, won't the Federal Government walk away with about half of that after it's claimed as income?

Anybody noticing a pattern here?

"A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned."






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