Jon Stewart had fun with Lou Dobbs recently...I didn't catch it the day it aired, but they played it last night and I thought he did a great job of teari..."/>


Jon Stewart loves Lou Dobs

UPDATED: Wednesday, November 25, 2009 19:41
PAGE 1 of 1

Wednesday, November 25, 2009 8:08 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Jon Stewart had fun with Lou Dobbs recently...I didn't catch it the day it aired, but they played it last night and I thought he did a great job of tearing Dobbs a new one, tho' Dobbs got in a few good points:

I think Dobbs makes some sense, but I don't feel he was responding to Stewart's points, rather putting across his own points.

(apologies for the ads)


Wednesday, November 25, 2009 8:25 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

Already posted.

I get all my news from Comedy News Network and Jon 'Stewart' Leibowitz. I especially enjoy him sucking up to indicted warcriminals like Sir Heinz 'Henry' Kissinger Kosher Knight of the British Empire.


Wednesday, November 25, 2009 8:34 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Accepted; but I'd rather put it up without the Jew-hating commentary. Thank you for giving us a link that covers all three parts of the interview...tho' I'm not sure I want it with Huffington Post's comments, either. I missed it because of that; I can't handle your form of insanity enough to actually read most of your posts.

I'd be interested in reading what anyone has to write about what Dobbs/Stewart had to say, and it was originally posted in a long thread about other things relating to Dobbs.

Even with ads, I'd rather see the videos myself without your brand of commentary, thank you.


Wednesday, November 25, 2009 8:58 AM



Welcome to the wonderful world of free speech. It's the first amendment, of a land we like to call America. Not saying love it or leave it, but more "Did you even watch this Firefly show?"

Sorry, don't mean to be harsh, but it's not as if the libertarian anarchist bent of the story was not exactly subtle. A bunch of criminals with lots of guns defy a collectivist empire to fight for individual liberties, and protect some crazy girl. I think that's the show I saw, not sure what you were watching

Seriously, give John a break. We all rant. You rant at least as much as I do, and each of us is a match for PN in that dept.

You have two options with his take on non-christians (why does everyone rag on PN for his slant on jews and not any other group, which he also slams?) then you have really two good solid options:

1) Ignore it.
2) If you think he's wrong, then debate it. Just say so.

I think displacing threads goes down with maliciously editing titles. When I said "it's okay" I said "it's okay if it doesn't hit anyone else's nose, by which I also meant, steps on their toes.

Oh, I will give PN this: He's okay with Muslims.


What's up with that? Is it because Muslims accept Jesus? Or is it that they are victims in this situation and you sympathize with their plight.

I get the thing about jews, I just disagree. True, an awful lot of the people causing problems at the top level of society are jewish, I just think that's too wide a net. Specifically, they're also all zionist thinktanker globalists neocons and neolibs, and a lot of the other people causing trouble are non-jewish thinktanker globalists neocons and neolibs.

But about 85% of jews or so do not even identify themselves as "zionist."

It's sort of like how people attack conservatives for Bush, or muslims for terrorism, or black people for black gangs (and to be fair, sicilians, for the mob.) Sure, some tiny % of an ethnicity is a conspiracy. It's not that uncommon or unusual. Most pagans are not Skull and Bones, Bohemian Grove or anything like. Most Chinese don't like Communists.

One that actually *does* bother me, because I can't find any logical reason for it:


What has any Mexican done to anyone here? or anywhere? short of okay, random Mexicans commit crimes. So what. So do Americans.

I remember in college feeling overwhelmingly battered by the liberal elite as a white male for being the villain of every piece. I put up this argument then, to defend my position:

"Okay, I'm from a third generation immigrant family. When I look at the white men in power, it's not me. It's not anyone of my socio-economic stripe: It's the same white families over and over again. And here's why they did what they did: They were in power. Asians, Africans, Latin Americans, etc. have all proven that when put in power they would do the exact same things."

And if you look, you'll see the same thing with jewish powermongers: It's the same jewish families again and again.

How about this for a simpler explanation:

It's the haves and the have-nots. The haves pass on their have-i-ness through inheritance, the principle fundamental flaw in capitalism.

Oh, and here comes a thread title edit. someone robbed Dobbs of a 'b'


Wednesday, November 25, 2009 9:11 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

DT, I'm not sure what that was all about or where it was going. My posting the interview when it had already been posted? It was unintentional; guess you didn't catch my remark that "I missed it". I wasn't aware it had been posted previously. There is no "delete" here--I had missed the posting of the interview, which I admitted freely, so there was no way to remove the thread I began with the interview. So I responded to PN and accepted that it had been posted previously, then added some comments on where it had been posted and the editorial content of same.

You and I rant equivalent to PN? Whew, that's a wild one; I guess we'll have to agree to disagree, and count my disagreement as VEHEMENT! Whatever rants I may write, they bear NO resemblance whatsoever to the insanity I see as I scroll down past PN's!

I DO ignore PN, as I've said before and that I do was why I missed the original posting of the interview. Not sure what else you were looking for from me....maybe a blank post stating "I posted something that's already been posted, please accept my abject apologies"? As there was nothing malicious about my mistaken post, I can only assume this diatribe has some other intent, or else that you didn't grasp I hadn't realized it was posted before? I sincerely hope the latter.


Wednesday, November 25, 2009 3:36 PM



Equiv. In quantity, not content...

As for the stewart interview, it was okay: the one interesting point was the question of when the revolution began. I think I can peg it better than they did:


After Katrina, there was a total loss of faith in govt's ability to protect the people. 2006 saw a democratic landslide as a vote of no confidence. Pelosi promised 100 days of change.

Then there was Jack.

2007, Aaron Russo, about to die of cancer, circulates interviews, a movie, videos, all about the FED, the insiders game, etc.

Russo gave me, and I think, many others, the primer to understand exactly what it was that Ron Paul had been saying for years.

Sure. I followed Paul from 2001, but I didn't understand the whole austrian school thing, and the rest of it. Yes, I learned a lot of that in Reform, but Actually, I learned a lot of that *here*, and first and foremost I have to credit John with it. Pirate News has stuff to say, and you should listen. So do Alex Jones and David Icke. Disagree with them at times? Of course. But then again, be prepared to be wrong.

But a random motel stop, coming back from picking up a jukebox from a mexican I bought it from on ebay, I had to stop for the night and I couldn't sleep, there was some sort of electrical whine comming from the conference room, probably dying fluorescent lights and so I turn on the TV some random UHF channel is running Freedom to Fascism at 1 or 2 AM.

Russo was on the money, and I knew it instantly. I went back, only, rewatched, and started searching, and this stuff was spreading everywhere. Americans, waking up through the power of the internet, getting bombarded by conspiracy that was 90% crap and 10% scary as hell truth...

Then, there was an audience, finally, that understood what Ron Paul was trying to tell people. Coincidence of timing, the subprime collapse, the market, the dollar, the wars turning south, and endless corruption scandals, it all played right into his hands, and we had to see. Everyone saw. I know a lot of kids, younger people, teens, 20s, who all knew, and understood.

So, okay, that's not why tea parties, glen beck etc., that's just when FOX got into it.

FOX had no advantage in supporting Ron Paul, but after Obama was elected, they had every advantage in supporting this sort of revolution. So that's when the *media* noticed, officially. But Jon Stewart watchs the media, and so he noticed.

But FOX is in it because of Obama, but it's not about Obama, it's about the internet, collapsing society, and a puzzle, that for me has been piecing together for about 5 years, but for the public, probably Aaron Russo sparked the national awareness, and then people started researching, and found out what was really going on. Once that happened, the course was pretty irrevocable.

I support the idea. We should take it over. I just have a different take. I'm not going to follow Glen Beck, he's a tool. So is Dobbs. I recommended storming the Palin campaign as a trojan horse. I still think it's a good idea.

I don't think this is going away. I think this is like when the Iraqis or the Chinese discovered democracy. I'm not democracies biggest fan, but you can find a lot of fans of it in Iraq and in China. Our Iraq war was not about democracy, sure. But if we had done nothing, I suspect that democratic revolution would have overthrown Saddam anyway, and probably with a lot less bloodshed.

But right now, in the US, it's about independence, and that's about freedom from govt. control, freedom from debt, freedom from corporate control, international finance, global military imperialism, etc. etc. etc.

And stewart did touch on that with Dobbs, but only the tip of the iceberg.

Dobbs, for his part, stumped his BS platform which will resound not very strongly. This isn't about 2a.

I know you're a solid democrat, but I strongly recommend putting on your political blinders, and reading some of this stuff.

Ask Pirate News about corruption in military subcontracting. Sure, he can rant every conspiracy theory that generates traffic and tie it to jews and satanists and whatever, but the truth is, John's at least as sane as you and me, he just plays a lunatic, and he plays it to the hilt, but he actually knows the score.

And do what we should all do, and certainly what I should do, and i say this more to myself than to anyone else: don't worry about what you have to say and getting it out, don't wait to talk:


And it's not the people who already agree with you that you need to listen to. it's the ones who don't.

Yes, I'm serious.


Wednesday, November 25, 2009 7:41 PM


Freedom is Important because People are Important

" he just plays a lunatic, and he plays it to the hilt..."


If I can't perceive the difference, then there's no difference to me. He's either a loon or he's intentionally disruptive, and if you're saying he's sane then that leaves the worse choice on the table.

I'm nice to Piratenews when he's not acting the loon. Which isn't as often as I'd like.

As for what show Niki was watching... it was probably the one where Jane got smacked down for being rude at the dinner table. Freedom doesn't mean that everyone eats excrement without complaint. It rather means they're just as free to rail against nonsense as someone else is to post it.


"Liberty must not be purchased at the cost of Humanity." --Captain Robert Henner






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