Britain Sux: Parliament accuses Social Services of 'child kidnapping'

UPDATED: Monday, November 30, 2009 08:59
VIEWED: 1728
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Sunday, November 29, 2009 1:04 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

Furious MP uses Parliamentary privilege to accuse council of 'kidnapping' nine-week-old baby from parents


Tory MP Tim Yeo used Parliamentary privilege to make the allegations in the Commons, saying Suffolk County Council had declared the couple to be unfit parents despite having no evidence of physical or emotional abuse.

'This council actively seeks opportunities to remove babies from their mothers,' he added.

'Its social work staff do so in a manner which in my view is sometimes tantamount to child kidnapping.'

Big Sister loves you. Now turn in your guns and STFU.

German Nazi Queen of the 53-nation British Empire (USA annexed in 2008 via


Sunday, November 29, 2009 1:10 PM


Keeping order in every verse


Originally posted by piratenews:

Furious MP uses Parliamentary privilege to accuse council of 'kidnapping' nine-week-old baby from parents


Tory MP Tim Yeo used Parliamentary privilege to make the allegations in the Commons, saying Suffolk County Council had declared the couple to be unfit parents despite having no evidence of physical or emotional abuse.

'This council actively seeks opportunities to remove babies from their mothers,' he added.

'Its social work staff do so in a manner which in my view is sometimes tantamount to child kidnapping.'

Big Sister loves you. Now turn in your guns and STFU.

German Nazi Queen of the 53-nation British Empire (USA annexed in 2008 via

So what is your point? A Minister of parliament has used his legitimate privilege to stand up for the rights of constituents in his jurisdiction? Or an MP has dared to criticise the social services? Either way, thats called democracy. Heard of it???

Peacekeeper---keeping order in every verse!!!


Sunday, November 29, 2009 1:25 PM


If it's anything like here, you are damned if you do and damned if you don't - if you are child protective services. Here they get slammed all the time for not taking children away from abusive homes as they try to leave kids with family as much as possible, seeing how successful foster care seems to be /sarcasm


Sunday, November 29, 2009 1:29 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

The problem in this case is Social Services being used by one of its employees for personal payback.

This is possible because there has never been constitutional due process allowed in any so-called "family court", which are secret Star Chamber frauds.

"Family courts" were invented as a tool for Kosher Nazi eugenicists like Rabbi Rockefeller in USA and UK to forcible sterilize, lobotomize or kill entire races, or single moms when their kids got a B in govt school.


Sunday, November 29, 2009 4:16 PM



But the devil *is* damned. CPS is a classic "well meaning evil" which is probably the worst, and most pervasive form on the earth.

Sure, there's a problem, but that doesn't mean that anyone who tries to tackle the problem is "good."

There's a problem of Western occupation in the middle east, doesn't make Al Qaeda "good" and no.


This is redundant. Kidnapping already has kid in it. Anyway, CPS kidnaps all the time. It's big govt. Oh anyone can disband govt. any time, I'm okay with that.


Sunday, November 29, 2009 6:52 PM


Magonsdaughter ?

Please remind me if needs be cause I don't have time to cull out the exact ones up this instant - but noted childrens advocate and lawyer Andrew Vachss has had a list of what would need to be done to start solving this problem in a couple articles in his Dispatches section of the site - and they are right good ideas, though no one has acted on them.

Good intentions, done in a halfassed and counterproductive fashion are not nearly as much help as they could be, as they should be, and despite me being mostly a wrecking ball against abusive systems/structures, I would certainly be quite pleased to see Social Services clean up it's act and become actually useful instead of such a hit or miss coin flip.



Sunday, November 29, 2009 9:02 PM


I can't (as usual) reply on the American system. But I do work on the edges (which means I sometimes make notifications) to the child protection system here.

Recently there has been a huge report damning the department involved, for a whole host of alleged 'crimes'. I have some sympathy for the department and it's employees, who are simply there to protect kids from abuse and neglect at home, which exists, which is serious and evidence is, getting more pervasive.

As usual, the media has a fine time kicking the government's butt for letting it all happen, like someone can wave a magic wand and make it all go away.

I'm sure th system does let some kids down, but it's underfunded and over stretched. The work itself is horrible - nobody stays for long in child protection - the burn out is phenomenal - what you experience on a day to day basis wears at the soul of any but the most selfless and altruistic.

As someone commented recently - why isn't their a report damning all the abusive, neglectful parents?


Sunday, November 29, 2009 9:20 PM



I don't see why you would hand that sort of power to anyone, let alone the US govt., which as far a I can see is pretty universally abusive.

Aren't kids better off just relying on twitter?


Sunday, November 29, 2009 11:05 PM


No Dream - they are not.

Properly done, the concept COULD work, but it would require the system itself to be both self sufficient, and self sustaining, which can be done but since we consider kids subhuman, no one gives a fuck enough to try.

Ideally, it would eventually eliminate it's own reason to exist, but I cannot sell that politically, now can I ?

Magonsdaughter ?
I believe your system and ours suffer from the same basic problems, which are what make them so very hit or miss, and adapting Vachss's suggestions to your own social/legal structure might be something worth a shot since the groundwork on concept and execution is already there to start from.


PS. - Think on this - IF Social Services ever worked as intended, there'd be little need for half of what I do, wouldn't there ?


Monday, November 30, 2009 1:51 AM


Keeping order in every verse


Originally posted by piratenews:
The problem in this case is Social Services being used by one of its employees for personal payback.

This is possible because there has never been constitutional due process allowed in any so-called "family court", which are secret Star Chamber frauds.

"Family courts" were invented as a tool for Kosher Nazi eugenicists like Rabbi Rockefeller in USA and UK to forcible sterilize, lobotomize or kill entire races, or single moms when their kids got a B in govt school.

One of its' employees? Who exactly.You're not clear on that. In fact, your diatribe is unclear in any form of human speech!!

Peacekeeper---keeping order in every verse!!!


Monday, November 30, 2009 2:38 AM



Originally posted by piratenews:

"Family courts" were invented as a tool for Kosher Nazi eugenicists like Rabbi Rockefeller in USA and UK to forcible sterilize, lobotomize or kill entire races, or single moms when their kids got a B in govt school.

As an actual Briton, I would like to confirm the truth of this: I lobotimised myself for being a Nazi and only getting a B in my 'Sterilise the masses' class. And Social Services just stood by and laughed! Anyway, I'm going to complain to my MP, who is admittedly a Kosher eugenicist, but democracy is a flawed system, as we all know...


Monday, November 30, 2009 8:59 AM


Oh he has a point, all too often social services winds up used as a weapon during divorce cases or personal issues - one reason why the idea of a seperate lawyer for the child, a Guardian Ad Litem, was initiated in the first place.

And yes, "family" court is even more of a star chamber than our ordinary "justice" system, although not half as bad still as Juvie, unless in a jurisdiction that combines the two for convenience, since those processed and left hanging by Family almost inevitably wind up in Juvie sooner or later...

One thing that still bothers me cause it's needless and there's no rhyme or reason for it is the sexism, that's just damned idiotic - a good parent is a good parent, regardless of gender, but operating on sexist assumptions alone, I've seen many kids assigned to mothers the court knew were abusive rather than supportive fathers simply for that reason(2) - especially if the child is female cause while yes, there ARE problem and predator parents, not every single gesture of affection is a sexual advance, and this has lead to fathers fearing to even be kind to their daughters - which is a shame cause girls need their daddies, too - it's one the first examples they have of a male authority figure who's approval and affection are not sexual in nature, and not having that example leads them to pain and suffering down the road.

But of course, they're just subhuman creatures anyway, just potential resources, it ain't like they're HUMAN, like they're PEOPLE, right ?

One of the unspoken things about assigning a Guardian Ad Litem in such cases is to FORCE that exact point upon the court, that this is a human being - not property, not housepet, but an actual person who has their own mind and will and should absolutely have some say in their own fate.

And it's a damned shame that it needs to be forced, isn't it ?


ETA (2) - It looks very much like that poor 10yr old girl in the tasering incident fell prey to this exact phenomenon, which should give you a good idea of what that kind of stupidity eventually goes.

PS, Aliasse - that was good, coffee snorting good, meh heh heh.






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