Grand jury seeks arrest of Hussein Obama Soetoro today

UPDATED: Wednesday, December 2, 2009 17:03
VIEWED: 1111
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Tuesday, December 1, 2009 2:36 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!


Obama Treason Charges Advance In Tennessee Grand Jury

On Tuesday December 1st 2009, Retired Navy Commander Walter Fitzpatrick III will present the evidence behind his treason complaint against Obama/Soetoro to all thirteen members of a Tennessee Grand Jury in Monroe County Tennessee.

Fitzpatrick had to go so far as to file criminal obstruction charges against Grand Jury Foreman Pettway before he would gain access to the court.

That's where my cousin was a judge. She's now on the TN Supreme Court. Very racist county BTW, esp the Democrats.

Manson prosecutor Vinnie Bugliosi says any grand jury can arrest any president:


Tuesday, December 1, 2009 3:01 AM


... fully loaded, safety off...

Rather than work to create a better world with the person the majority voted for (Um, that's like Democracy) they'd rather try and tear things down and make things worse. That's the definition of hubris, just a bit.

I had no idea there were so many pro Biden people! They'll do anything to make him president - Go Joe!

"Duh, um, we didn't think of that..."

Scifi movie music + Firefly dialogue clips, 24 hours a day -


Tuesday, December 1, 2009 5:38 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

PN, let us all know how it goes. I'm sure we won't hear a thing about this in the "mainstream media", after all. Even when they arrest the President, it won't be reported, right?


Tuesday, December 1, 2009 6:12 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Fitzpatrick had to go so far as to file criminal obstruction charges against Grand Jury Foreman Pettway before he would gain access to the court.
Yeah, why not just roll over the jury? Thaty's what a jury trial is all about, right?


Tuesday, December 1, 2009 2:04 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

I wonder if Obama will be able to make his speech to the nation tonight. I mean, if he's been arrested and all, like PN says he will be "today", then I don't s'pose he'll be able to speak to the nation, will he?

Or will they make his jail cell look like the Oval Office?


Work is the curse of the Drinking Class.
- Oscar Wilde


Tuesday, December 1, 2009 2:13 PM



Um, that's like Democracy

No it's not. You don't elect representatives in a Democracy.

I give you SOME point about the working within the system thing and working with the popular vote to make things better, but what if the system's broken?

But... Yeah. This arrest is kind of a joke. Especially since PN admits the potentially racist motivations of this grand jury. Ain't gonna happen.

Which is almost a shame, I'm plenty pissed about Afghanistan, and the public needs to make its elected officials accountable for their actions. But then again, this appears to be about the GODDAMN BIRTH CERTIFICATE stuff again and the last thing we need is the first black president to get lynched by a racist Tennessee jury who won't remotely approach a fair trial. Riots everywhere.

Birth certificate stuff drowns out everyone who actually has a legitimate complaint against this president and makes it easier for all dissidents to be labeled, dismissed, and discredited as racist. I say enough already with the birth certificate thing, it's not helping.


Tuesday, December 1, 2009 4:07 PM


... fully loaded, safety off...


Originally posted by Bytemite:

Um, that's like Democracy

No it's not. You don't elect representatives in a Democracy.

Nor do you pick blueberries in the spring!

The context in which I used the word

" to create a better world with the person the majority voted for (Um, that's like Democracy)"

seems confirmed here:
1 a : government by the people; especially : rule of the majority

Scifi movie music + Firefly dialogue clips, 24 hours a day -


Tuesday, December 1, 2009 4:23 PM


Huh. Okay then.

This is still more accurate,

But in that case, I'll stop contesting when people use the term democracy in that context.


Wednesday, December 2, 2009 5:52 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Well, I guess the Grand Jury DIDN'T seek to arrest Obama, did it?


Wednesday, December 2, 2009 6:17 AM



Originally posted by Bytemite:
... But then again, this appears to be about the GODDAMN BIRTH CERTIFICATE stuff again and the last thing we need is the first black president to get lynched by a racist Tennessee jury who won't remotely approach a fair trial. Riots everywhere.

Birth certificate stuff drowns out everyone who actually has a legitimate complaint against this president and makes it easier for all dissidents to be labeled, dismissed, and discredited as racist. I say enough already with the birth certificate thing, it's not helping.

I agree with that 100%, and I've written on the subject here before. This birth certificate thing is ridiculous, and any Republican politician that fails to stand up and loudly denounce & distance himself from the gutter where this controversy lives is worthy of detestable scorn & public ridicule.


Wednesday, December 2, 2009 7:36 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

Oh, PN - when will you stop putting your faith in courts and grand juries? I thought you didn't accept their legitimacy in ANY matters in the first place. Guess it's different when they're threatening to do something you agree with.

By the way, how'd that arrest go? When can we expect arraignment? Will you be opposing bail? After all, Obama MUST be considered a flight risk, right? He's got Air Force One at his disposal, AND he's got birth certificates and passports from at least a hundred and fifty nations, to hear Orly Taitz tell it...

Please keep us posted on this, as it's probably the most important thing you spend time on.


Work is the curse of the Drinking Class.
- Oscar Wilde


Wednesday, December 2, 2009 7:51 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Birther bullshit again? Geez, when are we going to start ignoring that assininity? Oh, I forgot, it was put up by PN. Cancel that, nothing to see here, move on (I wish we WOULD move on from this topic, it is pure ridiculousness and is being treated as such, as it should be by anyone with common sense).


Wednesday, December 2, 2009 8:06 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

On Huffington Post and Mother Jones today:


Walter Fitzpatrick: From Tea Party To Charging Obama With Treason

But then Fitzpatrick evidently discovered that Monroe County has rather liberal rules about grand juries. In most places, only a local prosecutor can present evidence to a grand jury and request an indictment. In Monroe County, any private citizen can show up with a petition and seek an indictment. The most common initiators of such proceedings are usually victims of robberies or assaults, however, not activists trying to unseat the president.

Any person in Tennessee can prosecute any crime to any grand jury in Tennessee, and proably true in any state. It's called "presentment" not "indictment" when no prosecutor is involved, and is allowed by the TN Constitution and TB Rules of Criminal Procedure.

Only fed courts/prosecutors allegedly ban citizen/slaves from testifying straight to a grand jury, which is probably a violation of constitutional equal protection doctrine (if a govt employee gets to do it, then everyone can too).

Richard Cheney was indicted for murder by grand jury in Texas while he was VP. Not counting his 2 prior convictions for drunk driving.

Charles Manson prosecutor Vincent Bugliosi wants Bush/Clinton/Obama arrested by state grand jury, then publicly executed by death penalty for mass murder. He wrote a book about it a speaks about it on TV and radio.


But the attempt didn’t go very well. JB Williams, a frequent contributor to the conservative website Town Hall and apparently something of an unofficial spokesman for Fitzpatrick, wrote that the local DA and the grand jury foreman threw Fitzpatrick out of court. (Fitzpatrick could not be reached for a response, and the district attorney was unavailable to comment on this account.)*

Fitzpatrick’s supporters frequently cite his status as a retired Navy lieutenant commander as proof of his integrity and patriotism. What they fail to mention is that in 1990 he was court-martialed for financial negligence, a move that essentially ended his military career. He runs a blog called JAG Hunters, and reportedly lives in Sweetwater, Tennessee. His website provides all the information activists need to file their own treason charges against Obama, and he invites people to copy him on their filings so that he can publicize their efforts. He lists seven others who’ve joined the crusade so far.

Fitzpatrick is hardly the first to attempt legal proceedings against Obama, but his scheme is unique in that it involves criminal allegations. Those challenging Obama’s citizenship in court have usually done so via civil suits (most of which have been thrown out by unsympathetic judges). Others have convened mock "citizens" grand juries to "indict" the president, sending the charging documents to local prosecutors in North Carolina and elsewhere. So far, no prosecutors have taken up the case.

Fitzpatrick is trying to appeal directly to the people through a grand jury comprised of average citizens who volunteer their time. Still, unless the jurors of Monroe County are truly rabid Obama haters, it seems unlikely that they will be persuaded—or that they even have the power to indict the president in the first place. Treason, after all, is a federal crime, not a county-level offense. When I asked a court employee whether the Monroe County grand jury has jurisdiction to indict a sitting president, she seemed rather baffled: "I wouldn’t think so. That would not go before a local court." She observed that the grand jury won’t issue any decision on the case until December 7. But for any real criminal charges to go forward, the local district attorney would have to agree to take up the case, a move that any sane prosecutor would be reluctant to make.

Still, the futility of Fitzpatrick’s enterprise hasn't deterred self-declared "patriots" across the country from rallying around the news of his testimony and planning caravans to descend on Madisonville to lend moral support. The Tennessee chapter of Sons of Liberty Riders, for instance, will be convening at the Sweetwater Comfort Inn at 7 a.m. before riding their choppers to the courthouse.

The planned rally came as a big surprise to courthouse employees. When I told one staffer about the caravan, she was shocked, noting that Madisonville was a tiny place where not much ever happens. She exclaimed, "Maybe we should tell the restaurant across the street!"

*UPDATE: James Stutts, the Monroe County District Attorney, left a message Monday night saying that in fact, Fitzpatrick testified for two hours before the grand jury in August and the jury declined to bring any charges based on his testimony. He also disputes Fitzpatrick's characterization of that appearance and says the former Navy man was not physicially restrained in any way nor was he forced from the courtroom.

Tennessee prosecutors are corrupt as precondition for employment, to grant immunity to govt employees for almost all crimes, no matter how many times the criminals confess in public on court records. Knox County TN grand jury refused to arrest the thieves who confessed to stealing my 2 cars, which were never returned, yet the govt filed a class action against those same car thieves and fired 100 of them, and a specia lcity council audit found "fraud on 100% of those towing contracts". Why do that if they were innocent?

When a Tennessee prosecutor actually prosecutes a govt criminal, that prosecutor is fired, such as when Knox County ADA Bob Jolly prosecuted a US DEA hitman assassin dope dealer "confidential informant" for his 2nd murder and kidnapping, and got him convicted. Now the assassin works in the DA's office, to the disgust of disgruntled ADAs.

I always prosecute govt employees when I get a traffic ticket, by sworn complaint to the judge and grand jury. I always win those cases, since when cops get to break traffic laws (proven by their own in-car video), then nobody can be prosecuted for traffic "crimes", under Equal Protection doctrine.

Monroe County TN is a very racist area, especially the Democrats. When the Baptist preacher in Madisonville wanted to marry 2 members who were black/white, the deacons said he'd be fired -- so no wedding.

Video of Tennessee residents testifying to a grand jury without a prosecutor, complaining about govt employees perpetrating crimes:

Tennessee state rep Frank Nicely sued Obama to show his birth certificate:


Wednesday, December 2, 2009 9:14 AM


The Grand Jury, like the regular Jury, was initially intended as a check against malicious prosecutions, but just like the other, endless weasel worded usurpations and corruption of the process by blatantly ignoring the rule of law have made it naught more than a rubber stamp anyways.

The indictment rate is about 98-99%

As the old saying goes, any halfway competent prosecutor could convince a grand jury to indict a ham sandwich.

So I'd be remiss in my function as a voice of reason to not point out the hypocrisy of using such a badly broken process in malice against an elected president - when the very abuses of this process against citizens is one of the things we hold against our current government, and this president didn't have shit to do with it.

If you wanna hoist a president responsible for that shit on this petard, you're gonna need a shovel and a Bocor priest, right ?



Wednesday, December 2, 2009 9:32 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Any person in Tennessee can prosecute any crime to any grand jury in Tennessee
So any person, loppy or not... can present evidence to a grand jury?

Well, why aren't YOU there?



Wednesday, December 2, 2009 10:07 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


I wanted to add something for you two specifically. It's really in response to another thread (which i can't find) where to two of you were chortling over how bizarre and far-out the right-wing media has gotten. Your strategy for dealing with the phenomenon was to let them go way out on a limb and then ... somehow... saw the limb off.

The problem with that appraoch is that there are a fair number of nut-jobs in the nation already primed to take those "news items" seriously. They are - at best- immune to facts. What seems like total lunacy today becomes gospel tomorrow. In July 2009 28% of Republicans were "birthers"

by September it was 42%.

I thought Glenn Beck would be TOO crazy for anyone to watch, but turns out there are a group of crazies who're even more batshit that HE is. (At least he's making money at it.) Somewhere between 40-50%(!!!) believe in creation, literally, as the Bible describes it. (WULF, if you're reading: This is NOT an example of Americans thinking for themselves!) A significant minority (approx 30%) still think that Saddam had WMD, and similar percetanges believe that Saddam had ties to al-Qaida ties, or was repsonsible for 9/11.

I'm sure at one time Germans didn't take the little man with the funny mustache too seriously either.

These nut-jobs may be funny and stupid, and cling to so-called leaders who are just as nutty and stupid as they are (Beck, Palin et al) but there are an awful lot of them. Even Canada is a bastion of reason compared to the USA. I don't know how we got so collectively crazed, but we need to look at this seriously.


Wednesday, December 2, 2009 10:52 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Even Canada is a bastion of reason compared to the USA. I don't know how we got so collectively crazed, but we need to look at this seriously.

Obviously, you haven't clicked on any of PN's links lately... "canadafreepress", anyone? Their star reporter is named - I'm NOT making this up - "Hugh Betcha". Get it? With wit like that, how can they NOT be legit?


Work is the curse of the Drinking Class.
- Oscar Wilde


Wednesday, December 2, 2009 5:03 PM


Actually it's more Mikeys strategy to encourage them to go way out on a limb and lop it off, mine is a little more complex.

I wish to deprive them of their "troops" by attacking the institutions and structures which create them and their blind authoritarian brethren, whether by economic sabotage, credibility destruction, or my personal favorite, using crowd and mass psych dynamics to turn their own forces against them resulting in damage to structure and troops, some of which are fifth and sixth column folks workin for people like me to begin with.

There's actually predictive software that can analyse and adjust crowd dynamics, which is based on the MASSIVE core engine, and I do use to test key phrases and statements used to wind the bastards up in just the manner desired, which is a hell of a lot easier than you'd think cause once you break the "code" of their simplistic, knee-jerk thought processes you can get em to hop on command yourself once you have insinuated yourself into their "credible source" mental box.

Then there's the willing, gleeful enablers, who do what they do not out of ignorance or conditioning, but absolutely with malice aforethough, to acheive power and comfort themselves (in a police state, the police do pretty well for themselves, right ?) or to use the machinery for personal retaliation or gain (Palin comes to mind) or that they'd rather be on the giving than receiving end - the latter being your typical and despicable agents provacateur, snitches and other general scum.

Those folks I try to lead to their doom at the hands of the people they are using, abusing and selling out, usually by exposing them for what they are since it's damned easy to bait them into narcissist rants which expose their true motives and their comm and signal security absolutely sucks.

Mainly though, the whole thrust of my concept is depriving them of troops, because without the ignorant morons willing to pull triggers for em, they got nothin, just one more loud mouth in a world that's got plenty enough of those already.

And yes, that causes me to have a dim view of our intel, military, and police forces, cause say whatever one wishes, the truth of the matter is that they would, absolutely, if the order was given, slaughter or incarcerate americans en masse without even so much of a blink - support the troops my ass, and even the military and ex-military folk wince when I point out that the 82nd Airborne is the scummiest of the bunch since they actually participated in the illegal and unconstitutional disarming of american citizens with a hearty Hooahh! and much enthusiasm.

Just picture that highly motivated "sir, yes sir!" response to gunning us down or locking us up, get it REAL fucking clear in your head, that it HAPPENED, that it CAN HAPPEN - the next time someone asks you if you "support the troops".

Fuck the troops, as long as they see me as a potential OpFors, a mission assignment, and a potential target - I will be the enemy they regard me as.

"This is vengeance...
So I am to ferry you to hell."






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