Wifely Duties

UPDATED: Friday, January 8, 2010 18:47
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Tuesday, December 16, 2008 12:07 PM



Originally posted by Wulfenstar:
It opened up opportunities at the cost of the lives of the children that these women would abandon for their own wants.

Wait - I thought this wasn't just about women? Admit it Wulf - you're a sexist old coot, aren't you? Be a REAL man and own up to it!

Hmm. Or were you just treated like shit by your own mother and that's why you make these assumptions? If that's the case, I'm truly sad for you. Bad parents suck. But all women aren't like that, and you do yourself and women a disservice by projecting the blame.

(And if this offends you, tough. The tone of your post above doesn't encourage me to be gentle with you. Consider it a fuck-you-very-much. )


Wednesday, December 17, 2008 12:16 PM





Actually, that whole "most inflammatory thing possible" part of his posts is EXACTLY what makes me question his motives and understanding of the situation.

Are there 50 million italians?

My point exactly, I'm not sure that "fucking jews" is an approach that adds to your credibility, but his point would be that it attracts attention and responses, which gives him audience, which is true. He knows it sounds batsh*t crazy, and doesn't care, because it works.

I think the point was about how the new society has mandated everyone's time, and there is no free time, and no time to raise children, so they're being raised by the public school and the idiot box, but I have learned from experience that such a post doesn't generate the same level of response.

I still think there's another way, I just haven't found out what it is yet.


Wednesday, December 17, 2008 12:20 PM



PN was trying to attract responses with absurd remarks. It's not new. but arguing whether that is a good tactic is probably more fruitful than arguing whether it's a good position. I'm guessing no one, including PN supports the position. A lot of people might support the mild, non-reponse getting "someone other than the state or TV needs to take care of the kids"

Personally, I'd propose some sort of communal organization, I don't have great faith in parenting. But that's a whole other story


Wednesday, December 17, 2008 8:56 PM



Originally posted by dreamtrove:

I think the point was about how the new society has mandated everyone's time, and there is no free time, and no time to raise children, so they're being raised by the public school and the idiot box, but I have learned from experience that such a post doesn't generate the same level of response.

I still think there's another way, I just haven't found out what it is yet.

You are getting close there.
Fifty years ago, the average U.S. family made the same as the average family now, adjusted for inflation - but now we need 2 income earners to make that same wage. Other countries/economies do not.
The women's 'equal pay' baloney has traded the pay for one income earner for the same pay split between 2 earners, subsidising the maternity leave and transient worker (work this year, not last year or next year) with the actual worker, so that all get "equal pay" whether they do the work or not.
So that now, the same pay out from companies/businesses is half as much per person, so most families MUST have 2 earners to keep up with the Joneses.
Other countries/economies do not have that disadvantage, so our economy slips farther behind (the rest of the world), despite the superior economic model of Capitalist Free Enterprise.

Some think that it is better to require 2 income earners per family. Some think it is better to require only one, and have the second optional, like 50 years ago. The benefit (some view) of the second is that when a single parent is a female, there is not as much stigma or as many obstacles in the path - many different jobs in many different fields are available to women now, for the women who chose to work them.


Thursday, December 18, 2008 4:52 AM



That's a pretty good analysis.

I'd only add that many of other countries have a similar situation and similar problems, but as we approach a one world economic scheme of socialist-capitalist hybrid, there is only one economy.

Capitalism is inherently evil, but it's infinitely better than socialism. Everything needs to be looked from our perspective, which I think it's safe to say, if someone enjoyed firefly for some reason other than that they were stoned, a part of them is either libertarian leaning or a complete anarchist.

That said, Capitalism is better because it coerces the population into slavery. The wage slave system is actually better than slavery itself from the point of view of the masters, because no whipping is required, or relatively little, and the cost of labor is below the cost of supplying food housing and medical care.

Dodging the argument that slaveholders throughout history ducked those responsibilities to their subjects, just suffice it to say that not only do employers duck them, so do service providers.

The main point here is that the cost of maintaining those basic services is now pushed off on the worker, and in order to get them, the worker has to a) give up on some of them, and b) go into debt.

Nazi work camps shirked on the cost until everyone died. They were stupid. The new masters not only shirk, but they get the workers owing them. (Everyone recalls the "Truck System") So, okay, not directly, but often indirectly, you may work for a corporation, but that corporation's major shareholders are the banks than loan the money for mortgages, credit cards, etc. The banks become the masters, and your boss is only the whip holder.

The reason that capitalism is infinitely superior for our purposes is that it is coercive, but by choice. We can opt out of it. Socialism is universal slavery by law. There is no option. And any socialists on the board, spare me the euro-socialism argument, those countries are 90% capitalism or more, more probably than the us, if you look at govt. control % of the economy.

At the moment, the scariest "change we can believe in" is Obama's idea that "You must buy health insurance for your children." Sounds good if you're not listening, but what it's really saying is "here's a very expensive bill that you will now have to pay to buy a consumer product which is a middleman for another consumer product that has no net benefit, if you want to have kids." That's another way of saying "You can opt out, or you can have kids." Not allowing people the freedom of having children under their own terms, a path that we embarked on with the introduction of Clinton and Waco, have carried on through Bush, and now will potentially complete with Obama, falls under the UN charter of genocide.

So, our ability to opt out will soon have to adapt, by creating its own insurance company, a shelter for those who choose freedom over slavery, so that they can have a right to have children.

Even with all of this evil about, it still does take only 20 hours a week of work to keep yourself afloat, if you do it right. This hasn't changed since the dawn of the human race. The only thing that changes is whether or not you have the freedom to make that choice.


Thursday, December 18, 2008 5:19 AM


... fully loaded, safety off...


Originally posted by dreamtrove:
At the moment, the scariest "change we can believe in" is Obama's idea that "You must buy health insurance for your children." Sounds good if you're not listening, but what it's really saying is "here's a very expensive bill that you will now have to pay to buy a consumer product which is a middleman for another consumer product that has no net benefit, if you want to have kids." That's another way of saying "You can opt out, or you can have kids." Not allowing people the freedom of having children under their own terms, a path that we embarked on with the introduction of Clinton and Waco, have carried on through Bush, and now will potentially complete with Obama, falls under the UN charter of genocide.

I keep reading this thinking I'm missing something... are you equating his desire to see that all children get insurance with Genocide?

Scifi movie music + Firefly dialogue clips, 24 hours a day -


Thursday, December 18, 2008 10:57 AM



Read the UN charter on genocide. I'm not equating anything, it's already there. He can provide children with healthcare all he wants. But that's not what he proposed. What he proposed was that "if you have children, you must buy them health insurance." That's intentionally discouraging the birth rate. Go read, learn.

It's not the only genocidal policy by our govt, against its own people, but at least we don't have a "one child policy" ... yet.


Thursday, December 18, 2008 11:21 AM


... fully loaded, safety off...


Originally posted by dreamtrove:

Read the UN charter on genocide. I'm not equating anything, it's already there. He can provide children with healthcare all he wants. But that's not what he proposed. What he proposed was that "if you have children, you must buy them health insurance." That's intentionally discouraging the birth rate. Go read, learn.

It's not the only genocidal policy by our govt, against its own people, but at least we don't have a "one child policy" ... yet.

I'll give the UN Charter a check in a few - I sincerely doubt any of it's authors would agree with your characterization though.

Just checked his site because, quite frankly I could not remember the details:

"When children are born, their parents will be assisted in signing them up for affordable, high quality coverage, either through their own employer-sponsored insurance plans, through Medicaid or SCHIP, or through options established by the Obama plan.
We will continue to make sure that children are covered, which may include verification when parents sign them up for daycare or school. Obama’s plan will help parents make sure their children get the care they need, at the time they need it."

Seems like a noble endeavor to me IF it can be done. I don't see any language that discourages having babies (if anything, it might encourage since they will be taken care of).

It's probably a little too early to tell - especially that part, "or through options established by the Obama plan."


Thursday, December 18, 2008 11:48 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!


Originally posted by pizmobeach:

Originally posted by dreamtrove:

Read the UN charter on genocide. I'm not equating anything, it's already there. He can provide children with healthcare all he wants. But that's not what he proposed. What he proposed was that "if you have children, you must buy them health insurance." That's intentionally discouraging the birth rate. Go read, learn.

It's not the only genocidal policy by our govt, against its own people, but at least we don't have a "one child policy" ... yet.

I'll give the UN Charter a check in a few - I sincerely doubt any of it's authors would agree with your characterization though.

Just checked his site because, quite frankly I could not remember the details:

"When children are born, their parents will be assisted in signing them up for affordable, high quality coverage, either through their own employer-sponsored insurance plans, through Medicaid or SCHIP, or through options established by the Obama plan.
We will continue to make sure that children are covered, which may include verification when parents sign them up for daycare or school. Obama’s plan will help parents make sure their children get the care they need, at the time they need it."

Seems like a noble endeavor to me IF it can be done. I don't see any language that discourages having babies (if anything, it might encourage since they will be taken care of).

It's probably a little too early to tell - especially that part, "or through options established by the Obama plan."

50-million illegal aliens need free medical care, er, 100-million. They average 6 anchor babies each... Billed to YOU.

And everyone will be forced at gunpoint to take the bioweaponized vaccines, that include live HIV and cancer virus. Same vaccines that infected 50% of Africans with AIDS. Just like the military is already forced to do by socialized medicine.


Thursday, December 18, 2008 12:49 PM


There is no freedom without the freedom to say no.



It cannot be said enough, those who do not learn from history, are doomed to endlessly repeat it


Thursday, December 18, 2008 1:59 PM


... fully loaded, safety off...


Originally posted by piratenews:

Originally posted by pizmobeach:

Originally posted by dreamtrove:

Read the UN charter on genocide. I'm not equating anything, it's already there. He can provide children with healthcare all he wants. But that's not what he proposed. What he proposed was that "if you have children, you must buy them health insurance." That's intentionally discouraging the birth rate. Go read, learn.

It's not the only genocidal policy by our govt, against its own people, but at least we don't have a "one child policy" ... yet.

I'll give the UN Charter a check in a few - I sincerely doubt any of it's authors would agree with your characterization though.

Just checked his site because, quite frankly I could not remember the details:

"When children are born, their parents will be assisted in signing them up for affordable, high quality coverage, either through their own employer-sponsored insurance plans, through Medicaid or SCHIP, or through options established by the Obama plan.
We will continue to make sure that children are covered, which may include verification when parents sign them up for daycare or school. Obama’s plan will help parents make sure their children get the care they need, at the time they need it."

Seems like a noble endeavor to me IF it can be done. I don't see any language that discourages having babies (if anything, it might encourage since they will be taken care of).

It's probably a little too early to tell - especially that part, "or through options established by the Obama plan."

50-million illegal aliens need free medical care, er, 100-million. They average 6 anchor babies each... Billed to YOU.

And everyone will be forced at gunpoint to take the bioweaponized vaccines, that include live HIV and cancer virus. Same vaccines that infected 50% of Africans with AIDS. Just like the military is already forced to do by socialized medicine.

PN - my hat's off. I am amazed at how many buttons you can push in the space of 3 sentences. You should teach a class! Maybe you do?

I especially love, "forced at gunpoint to take the bioweaponized vaccines." Nice, but I really think it's missing some Hulking Demonic Nazi Nurse imagery (just guessing your style).

Whatever, you regain your stride with *somehow* (magic? witchcraft?) being able to add the words, "HIV" "cancer" "virus" "African" "AIDS" and the recently made toxic "socialized" all in just 2 sentences - f*cking amazing, tour de force English.


Thursday, December 18, 2008 2:04 PM


... fully loaded, safety off...


Originally posted by Fremdfirma:
There is no freedom without the freedom to say no.



It cannot be said enough, those who do not learn from history, are doomed to endlessly repeat it

I appreciate the link. I'm here to learn. "There is no freedom without the freedom to say no" SOUNDS like a no brainer, but I don't think it's that simple, it sounds like "never ask a No question," salesmen speak, and I don't trust it.

I will try and read the link.


Thursday, December 18, 2008 4:40 PM


In the campaign he said he'd mandate it. The message was clear: If you couldn't afford health insurance, you had no business having children. You must buy the product. And yes, lots of luck in those free programs still being around after a national program is established. He's so NWO, and it's so NWO to control population. The world becomes very simple once you see it. And it's not a conspiracy theory, it's out there in the open. Reduce the world populaton to one billion, it was in the mission statement of the CFR when Obama joined. He's on board with global population control.

My favorite was Nick Rockefeller on the subject:
"So that means 5 billion people have to do, who cares how they die?"

Oh, have fun, hope on. Some of us my fight against our extinction, but don't mind us, we're just finicky conservatives objecting to our extermination, it's just a little nitpick of ours. How quaint


Thursday, December 18, 2008 5:36 PM


I highly reccommend the Asimov short story "The Winnowing" at this time.



Thursday, December 18, 2008 7:53 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!


Originally posted by pizmobeach:

Originally posted by piratenews:

50-million illegal aliens need free medical care, er, 100-million. They average 6 anchor babies each... Billed to YOU.

And everyone will be forced at gunpoint to take the bioweaponized vaccines, that include live HIV and cancer virus. Same vaccines that infected 50% of Africans with AIDS. Just like the military is already forced to do by socialized medicine.

PN - my hat's off. I am amazed at how many buttons you can push in the space of 3 sentences. You should teach a class! Maybe you do?

I especially love, "forced at gunpoint to take the bioweaponized vaccines." Nice, but I really think it's missing some Hulking Demonic Nazi Nurse imagery (just guessing your style).

Whatever, you regain your stride with *somehow* (magic? witchcraft?) being able to add the words, "HIV" "cancer" "virus" "African" "AIDS" and the recently made toxic "socialized" all in just 2 sentences - f*cking amazing, tour de force English.

Here ya go, for you folks who love strangers sticking needles to inject you with chemicals not on the label. Note the starvation is a common tool for serial killings in "hospices" in USA today, with folks of all ages strapped to gurneys begging for food, when their insurance money runs out, or when their doctors steal their million-dollar accounts (Terri Schiavo).


Nurses' Participation in the Nazi Euthanasia Programs

Professor Susan Benedict, CRNA, DSN, FAAN
College of Nursing, Medical University of South Carolina
Western Journal of Nursing Research, April 1999

During the Nazi era, so-called "euthanasia programs" were established for handicapped and mentally ill children and adults. Organized killings of an estimated 70,000 German citizens took place at killing centers and in psychiatric institutions.

The end of 1996 marked the 50th anniversary of the Doctors' Trial in Nuremberg in which physicians were convicted of crimes against humanity.

At the specialized centers, children who were designated by the Reich Committee for euthanasia were killed shortly after arrival by medication or were starved to death. In the pediatric unit of Haar, for example, 332 children died of deliberate starvation or by an overdose of Luminal [Phenobarbital]. This drug was mixed into the children's food every morning and night until they became unconscious and developed pneumonia. Some were also given injections of morphine and scopolamine.

The doctors sometimes received a 250RM [approximately $800 US] Christmas bonus. In some clinics the tensions of the job were soothed by a visit to the wine cellars to mark every fiftieth killing with copious amounts of wine and cider.

Although the children were killed with injections or starvation, these methods were not efficient for the large number of adults at the killing centers. In these locations, gas was used. Patients were transported by bus from local and regional hospitals to the killing centers. "At the killing center, the arriving patients were met by the staff and led to the reception room by a male or female nurse, who might have accompanied them on their trip". They were then taken to gas chambers which were disguised as shower rooms.

Hitler ordered the organized euthanasia program for the adults to end in August 1941. The killings had become public knowledge and opposition to the programs came from individuals and churches; however, the children's euthanasia program continued without interruption and the stop order applied only to the killings in the gas chambers of the killing centers. "As with the children, after the stop order, physicians and nurses killed handicapped adults with tablets, injections, and starvation. In fact, more victims of euthanasia perished after the stop order was issued than before".

Fraudulent death certificates were prepared and the bodies were cremated. Families were notified of the deaths of these relatives and could receive an urn of ashes purported to be those of their loved one. In reality, the urns contained combined ashes of many people from the crematorium.

If the patients were in their right minds and could see through everything, we told them that their health condition had improved in a manner that they only would have to take a cure in order to get discharged.

Young nurses deliberately weren't appointed to participate in the killings because we feared they couldn't be able to keep their mouths shut.

The killing of patients was never done by only one nurse. Practical experience had shown that it was absolutely necessary for the killing to be done by at least two nurses. The killing of a person is a hard strain on the nerves of the person doing it.

It's a fact of experience that medicine doesn't taste good and people generally are not readily prepared to take medicine. The same can be said with regard to injections. Almost all of our patients were scared of injections. In order to give the dissolved medicine, particularly the injections, and the cooperation of at least two nurses was necessary.

When giving the dissolved medicine, I proceeded with a lot of compassion. I had told patients that they would have to take a cure. Of course I could tell these fairy tales only to those patients who were still in their right minds to the extent that they could understand it. I took them lovingly and stroked them when I gave the medicine. If, for example, a patient did not empty the entire cup because it was too bitter, I talked to her nicely, telling her that she had already drunk so much that she would drink the rest, otherwise her cure couldn't be finished. Some could be convinced to empty the cup completely. In other cases, I gave the medicine by the spoonful.

They were not to be tortured more than necessary and I thought it would be better to give them an injection.

The Director Grabowski always warned us of the Gestapo. He said he would inform the Gestapo if we didn't do what he ordered.

Vaccines are for suckers. Injecting heroin with a dirty needle is safer. The same nuts who funded the Nazis also fund the vaccines today - Rockefellers, Bayer = IG Farben.

On a happier note, more wifely duties by the slaves, er, soldiers in Iraq:


Thursday, December 18, 2008 9:11 PM


Yep, and having learned from some of the finest sleaze this world has ever produced, who were in fact idolized by the western world quite openly, and still are, secretly, in many political factions here even today...

Then went on to apply those same methods to others, having learned NOTHING from the experience but how to emulate it, in the same fashion an abused child often grows up to be an abusive parent.

From the Irgun-Etzel brownshirts to the Palestinian ghettos and "detention" camps, to the ethnic cleansing of the Sephardim, it's all the bloody same, and yet we're supposed to look the other way because they were victimized ?

And then did so to the point where they have a goddamn noose on our political process by rerouting foreign aid monies to buy and suborn our politicians who then vote them MORE foreign aid moneys to speed and continue the process, all the while spying on and sabotaging us at every turn and corner, up to and including taking out one of our naval vessels that saw a little too much ?

How blind does someone have to be to NOT call them out on this crap ?

I still say we need to cut em off, whatever it takes, AMDOCS, COMVERSE, The ZoneAlarm trickery, USS Liberty, the "Dancing Arabs", Urban Moving Systems, the "Art Students", AIPAC, The Lavon Incident, The false flag attack on the hotel in Kenya, Nov 2002, Adam Pearlman, Dov Zackheim and a lotta missin money, The Libya bait and switch that caused Reagan to bomb Quadaffis office, The King David Hotel, The high likelyhood that Entebbe was a false flag (raised by MI6), I mean hell folks, that's just the *documented* stuff, if you include events that cannot be substantially proven but most of the evidence points to em, this'd go six pages easy.

That doesn't make other assholes like the Tali-tubbies or the Northern Opium Alliance, or MEK or any of the others any better, but we do not (for the moment) consider them "friendly" as official policy, despite our idiotic support of BOTH Afghan factions busy thrashing each others brains out.

And we don't have signed treaties carrying Constitutional power with the others, especially not ones that demand we service their petroleum needs even at the expense of our own.
Think I jest ?
Do your homework and see for yourself.
To sum it up, folks, as clear as I can put it.

They. Are. Not. Our. Friends.

And every time we treat them like they are we get another knife in the back.
Isn't anyone else tired of that shit ?
Cause I know I am.


It cannot be said enough, those who do not learn from history, are doomed to endlessly repeat it


Thursday, December 18, 2008 11:49 PM



Originally posted by rue:
I can't believe the BS posted here.

Women have NEVER had a free ride, historically or during evolution.

Look at more primitive societies - you will find females provide roughly 80%+ of the food through gathering and primitive agriculture, males provide 20% or less through hunting.

It is common for women to do all the farming AND cooking AND child minding AND fetching - water, firewood, goods - women are often treated as beasts of burden.

Girls are treated as trade goods, sold into prostitution, often to fund the father's drug habits.

Islam is the driving force of female mutilation. Hey guys, how would you like to have YOUR parts dug out with a rusty razor blade in order to be considered 'clean' ?

As for Islam - the more restrictive it is - in say Afghanistan, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Morocco, Nigeria, Western Sahara - the higher the female suicide rates, mutilation rates, abuse rates. Uuhhm, yeah, women really must like that.

When it comes to childcare, in Fiji today (an egalitarian society) the older people look after the children, men fish, and women plant, harvest and cook taro and other vegetables. Food is too hard to come by to waste the time of able-bodied adults in looking after children.

The idea of the delicate flower staying at home is a recent Western notion, spawned in the late 1800's, and only for high class consumption, as women in lower classes still did the farming, worked in mills and sweatshops, as housemaids etc.

And y'all need to read the book 'Mother Love'. It's historically common (in Europe through the 1200's to currently, for which data is available) that when females have social opportunities other than child-bearing, they choose those things other than child-bearing.

Female choice is the driving force of the 'demographic transition' - the reliable change to smaller family size as overall prosperity goes up, education goes up, and people move to cities.

A male dominated society in which females are restricted has never been a good things for women. And given the choice, women choose otherwise.


Silence is consent.

Hey, good post. Said everything I believe but am too lazy to write.


Friday, December 19, 2008 3:41 AM


... fully loaded, safety off...


Originally posted by dreamtrove:

Oh, have fun, hope on. Some of us my fight against our extinction, but don't mind us, we're just finicky conservatives objecting to our extermination, it's just a little nitpick of ours. How quaint

Having read a few of your posts I completely understand why you'd be extremely suspicious of these kinds of medical plans.

In the meantime, all children already have some form of mandated health insurance/care by virtue of simply being alive: some of it is the traditional kind, some is "Health Care by ER," and some is just neglect, zero care. What kind of solution is that? Is that a civilized, advanced society? You see Genocide and I see the first steps to providing every citizen with some kind of health care, starting with children.

I'd love to hear a better option.


Friday, December 19, 2008 6:43 AM



Originally posted by dreamtrove:

Oh, have fun, hope on. Some of us my fight against our extinction, but don't mind us, we're just finicky conservatives objecting to our extermination, it's just a little nitpick of ours. How quaint

How does population control equal extinction? Why must less humans on this planet (easily accomplished by having less children, not by killing off living humans) necessarily be a bad thing? The way I see it, we're quite a large number already, consuming, consuming, consuming, and not at all threatened by extinction except through overpopulation or our own aggressive tendencies in the first place.

And if someone can't afford health insurance for their kid maybe they SHOULD think twice about having a baby. Children deserve good health care.


Tuesday, January 5, 2010 8:18 AM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

Just thought I'd post this here, to finish up an old topic.

The FLDS men who were found guilty of underage marriage are now in the sentencing phase. Others are still either on trial or waiting for their trials.

As I have said before and still maintain, this is not about them being punished for being 'different'. It's not about 'a few bad apples'. Grooming girl children and giving them no other choice but to be underage brides to much older men in polygamous marriages is DOCTRINE.

This thing is bent by its very nature.

SAN ANGELO, Texas — n Sentencing phase continues in sex assault

ELDORADO — Lead Prosecutor Eric Nichols will continue today offering further evidence and calling witnesses to testify in the sentencing phase of the trial of Allan Eugene Keate, a member of the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints found guilty Tuesday by a Schleicher County jury on a charge of sexual assault of a child.

Keate elected before the trial began Dec. 7 to have his sentence determined by the jury rather than the judge, if convicted.

Wednesday began with jurors hearing testimony from prosecution witnesses. Documents saying Keate had married off his teenage daughters were entered into evidence.

Rebecca Musser, a former FLDS member, returned to the witness stand to testify about her life in an FLDS community. Musser had testified earlier in the trial.

She said she was “placed” with Rulon Jeffs, who was prophet of the FLDS community at the time.

The FLDS practice polygamy by arranging “spiritual” or “celestial” marriages that are not recognized by civil authorities.

Musser said that she was 19 years old and that Jeffs was 84. She said she was Jeffs’ 19th wife.

Nichols used a projector to show jurors a picture showing dozens of women clothed in white surrounding a man in a black jacket.

“These are all his wives at the time of the wedding photo,” Musser said.

Nichols then brought stacks of manila folders to Musser and had her verify the types of documents contained in them: personal records, priesthood records, marriage records and other categories.

Musser also explained the phrase “house in hiding,” which would later appear on pictures shown to the jury.

“We were taught that God would sweep the wicked off the face of the earth and ... a part of that group would come against (the FLDS), so they would need to hide their way of life,” Musser said.

The prosecution also called Carolyn Jessop as an expert witness on the sect, having lived in an FLDS community for 35 years. She left in 2003, she said, because she disagreed with the marrying age dropping to 14.

Jessop said she was among six wives and her husband fathered 54 children.

Life was convoluted and contentious in a polygamist household, she said.

“There was conflict with who got what jobs,” Jessop said. “There was a lot of contention among the wives. ... A lot of our religion was about how to keep sweet.”

Lead defense attorney Randy Wilson asked Jessop if she had any connection to Keate’s family life. She said she did not.

“She has no close or direct link,” Wilson said.

Nichols brought in an investigator with the Texas Attorney General’s office, Sgt. Wesley Hensley to comment on the contents of the evidence shown to Musser. He read off marriage records and personal records to show that Keate had multiple nonlegal wives and children by them and that he had taken a wife previously “sealed” to another man.

Nichols also questioned Hensley about the children.

“Did you find records that would indicate that these children were placed in a spiritual or celestial marriage?” Nichols asked.

“Yes,” Hensley said.

The prosecution then displayed a variety of documents indicating that Keate had participated in marrying off three of his daughters, two of them 15 and one 14.

Nichols later showed letters, also seen during the verdict phase of the trial, from Keate to FLDS prophet Warren Jeffs that complained that Keate’s underage wife acted “silly” and that Keate had received letters daily from her, at his orders, about how she was doing and how much she loved him.

Keate also asked the “beloved bishop,” as he called Warren Jeffs, about how to be intimate with his wives.

“Sometimes I rotate and stay with each wife in their room,” one letter read. He asked whether that was the right thing to do and if he should sleep with the women who can no longer bear children.

Family law expert John Sampson took the witness stand again to give his opinion regarding the enhancement to the penal code about sexual assault of a child, which says that sexual assault of a child is a first-degree felony if the offender was prohibited from marrying or purporting to marry the victim.

Sampson said that in his opinion, Keate falls under the enhancement.

The court adjourned about 5 p.m.

Keate is one of 10 FLDS men indicted by a Schleicher County grand jury in November 2008 on charges of sexual assault of a child in connection with allegedly illegal marriages to underage girls. He is the second to stand trial.

In November a Schleicher County jury convicted Raymond Merril Jessop of child sexual assault and sentenced him to 10 years in prison after less than three hours of deliberation.

Jessop’s conviction was for a second-degree felony; Keate faces a maximum sentence of life imprisonment because he is accused of committing the crime after the Texas Legislature added an enhancement to the penal code.


Silence is consent.


Tuesday, January 5, 2010 8:50 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!


Originally posted by rue:

As I have said before and still maintain, this is not about them being punished for being 'different'. It's not about 'a few bad apples'. Grooming girl children and giving them no other choice but to be underage brides to much older men in polygamous marriages is DOCTRINE.

All religions and creeds practice polygamy every day. It's renamed adultery, fornication and divorce.

Doctors make trillion$ by selling contraception and aborticide DOCTRINE.


Tuesday, January 5, 2010 9:04 AM



"When children are born, their parents will be assisted in signing them up for affordable, high quality coverage, either through their own employer-sponsored insurance plans, through Medicaid or SCHIP, or through options established by the Obama plan.
We will continue to make sure that children are covered, which may include verification when parents sign them up for daycare or school. Obama’s plan will help parents make sure their children get the care they need, at the time they need it."

Seems like a noble endeavor to me IF it can be done. I don't see any language that discourages having babies (if anything, it might encourage since they will be taken care of).

It's probably a little too early to tell - especially that part, "or through options established by the Obama plan."

Here's the problem, Pizmo. No public option means people have to pay for that insurance outta their own pockets. Raising kids already costs a crapload of money. Now it costs more, which means people have an incentive to have fewer kids, because they can't afford them when before they might have been able to.

There's a movement out there associated with the globalist movement that wants to see a decrease in human population. The most obvious and likely reason from this is there's less people to share resources with for the people still around.

A decrease in population sounds like a good thing, they say "none of us live forever," and "this is for our children." But considering the manipulative way they go about discouraging the birth rate and other forms of social engineering... Well, there's of course the obvious question, when a prominent leader talks about how reducing global population should be a goal (often under the facade of environmentalism - which isn't a bad cause, it's just been co-opted), the average citizen and their families should ask if they're considered to be part of that group, or whether that leader is thinking about his peers and their families (the social elite). Probably it's the later. Second, the secrecy and underhandedness about the decreased/controlled population movement suggests to me they have other reasons for wanting smaller populations that they want to conceal. And third... I don't like their methods. More than enough reason for me to oppose the movement.

DT once sent me some information about the very first feminists, who were also very into eugenics. Disturbingly so.

I consider myself feminist, I'm female, I work, and I have no intention of having children. Pregnancy looks very painful and gross. I support any woman who wants to work, they have the right to make that choice. Hopefully they would do so in a manner that does not neglect the children they have at home, it is possible, just as you would hope fathers who work don't go out and spend all their cash gambling and drinking.

I don't know if the feminist movement is still an ally of eugenics. I hope not, because the stated goal, equality between sexes, isn't a bad one. Unfortunately, there's also feminists who seem to think equality means they're entitled to a little revenge on men, which is a hateful attitude, as bad as any racist. And I have to concede that a reduction in childbirth is a result of feminist attitudes, and reduction in childbirth is one of the interests of the crowd so keen on social engineering, so that element could very well still exist.

It does no good to join in a cause that sounds worthwhile if you don't know who is directing you and why. That's how people get scammed.


Tuesday, January 5, 2010 9:31 AM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

"There's a movement out there associated with the globalist movement that wants to see a decrease in human population."

That movement must not be very strong in well-off European countries where having children is heavily supported through medical and social policies.

"And I have to concede that a reduction in childbirth is a result of feminist attitudes ..."

No, it is mainly due to the 'demographic transition' wherein, through improved economics, women find better things to do than have children.


Silence is consent.


Tuesday, January 5, 2010 9:59 AM


And it is with much satisfaction that we're watchin em fry, Rue.

A much better result than drowning their victims in the foster care system - we've recently reached a tenative alliance with the Rebecca Project due to having mutual issues with how our legal system treats victims of this kind of abuse.

Tenative cause my penchant for playing rough bothers em, but I ain't in charge no more, so no matter.

Thankfully the original El Dorado case which was so badly poisoned got dropped, otherwise many of these asshats would have walked, and I was very concerned some of em mighta got a free pass outta that, but thankfully once the folks who DID wanna make it a theological war got shut out of it, things have gone a lot smoother.

I still don't buy your still-unproven assertion that it was doctrine till you find it in their own records, but in practice one can certainly make the case - but then again, any biblical based belief can be called on a number of rather nasty things from the gruesome work of torture-porn they call a Bible anyhows.

Disagreement aside though, doctrine or not, anyone deliberating acting in an exploitive or abusive fashion to kids is gonna get short shrift from me, or even whatever flak I can help toss upon them, cause some of those jackasses in texas got fried on stuff their own handed over when it came clear what the game was.
(Where exactly do you think they got the documents in question, given that the original warrants for that mess got tossed ?)

Any belief system can be exploited in such a fashion once folk start settin it above their own human instincts - and frankly, neither one of us are completely without at least a mild dash of ulterior hostility towards them and their religion even if it weren't abusive, and as such we should not pretend that we are.

That said, I do believe we can agree that these bastards aren't going to pay nearly enough for their misdeeds, but having them out of the community is progress, and it's not like the place isn't still under watchful eyes.

I just wish to hell they'd bagged these guys up by the book in the first place instead of trying to kick off a Baptist-Mormon crusade, but one can thank Judge Walther for that, grrr.



Tuesday, January 5, 2010 10:11 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Reading thru old posts, just my $0.02: Wulf hates his mom 'cause his dad wasn't even around to take the flak.


Tuesday, January 5, 2010 10:14 AM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

Another topic for another day.

I must try to bow out for the rest of the day, as my holiday vacation has left me with a post-vacation load of work !


Silence is consent.


Tuesday, January 5, 2010 10:16 AM


You and me both, I'm such a slacker..
We're *still* integrating that Canadian database cause the damned thing had to be rewritten almost entire due to compatibility issues, damn Excel all to hell.

I'll roast a couple bad actors in effigy for ya over lunch, tho.



Tuesday, January 5, 2010 10:26 AM


... fully loaded, safety off...


Originally posted by Bytemite:

"When children are born, their parents will be assisted in signing them up for affordable, high quality coverage, either through their own employer-sponsored insurance plans, through Medicaid or SCHIP, or through options established by the Obama plan.
We will continue to make sure that children are covered, which may include verification when parents sign them up for daycare or school. Obama’s plan will help parents make sure their children get the care they need, at the time they need it."

Seems like a noble endeavor to me IF it can be done. I don't see any language that discourages having babies (if anything, it might encourage since they will be taken care of).

It's probably a little too early to tell - especially that part, "or through options established by the Obama plan."

Here's the problem, Pizmo. No public option means people have to pay for that insurance outta their own pockets. Raising kids already costs a crapload of money. Now it costs more, which means people have an incentive to have fewer kids, because they can't afford them when before they might have been able to.

There's a movement out there associated with the globalist movement that wants to see a decrease in human population. The most obvious and likely reason from this is there's less people to share resources with for the people still around.

Hi Byte - I made those comments over a year ago (Dec 2008) before mandated insurance was even a glint in Big Ins' dirty rotten eye.

Fwiw, I can see your logic, but I don't agree with your suspicions or conclusions. You can't have exactly the same number of people on the planet year to year, so which is better for those that are alive, less or more?
I applaud China's one child policy, and by extension a reduction in future child births around the world so long as it's upfront and voluntary. Trouble is, much like there was with birthers and death panel believers, there are movements that want to make it seem like anyone who talks in favor of it is part of some kind of baby eating cult.

Scifi movie music + Firefly dialogue clips, 24 hours a day -


Tuesday, January 5, 2010 10:27 AM



No, it is mainly due to the 'demographic transition' wherein, through improved economics, women find better things to do than have children.

Same end result, a decrease in childbirth. Do you disagree? Women go to work, have less children. Demographic shift. The going to work part is part of equality of the sexes (and I admit this!) and therefore women going to work is encouraged by feminism, which causes a demographic shift. Is this WRONG?


That movement must not be very strong in well-off European countries where having children is heavily supported through medical and social policies.

And what's the average birth rate of Europeans despite that? Low, is it? Perhaps because of social pressures and even subconscious messages about having less children for the better of the world, or even worries about the state of the world and bringing children into it?


Tuesday, January 5, 2010 10:35 AM


Yeah, I know those were a year old, but it had some bearing on the topic I wanted to discuss, so I addressed the comments about Obama's healthcare plan.

The problem with those policies is who it benefits, and it's not the populations the policy is instituted on.

The way I see it, it benefits the rich and those already in power, because those already in power are not having as many children anyway, so they aren't affected by the policies. But the lower classes that live a harder life and where it is less certain that their children will live to adulthood, these policies cause direct harm to them, and also exist to prevent the lower class population from exceeding a certain number that the powers that be think they can control.

That's how it is in China, the urban areas where all the power groups are (where they have undergone something like Rue's demographic transition) are unaffected, but rural areas and areas that are not Chinese ethnically but that the Chinese government claims are part of China, they are very much affected, and it is really almost a form of ethnic cleansing. The rural people of China do NOT like the one child policy. Perhaps they are selfish for wanting to have progeny that live long enough to reproduce themselves, but I don't think so.


Tuesday, January 5, 2010 10:37 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

DT, the reality is that there are too mnay people for the earth to support. It may not feel that way since you live in the North American West, but you have not been to Europe, China, Japan, India, Bagladesh, Indonesia etc where any land that is even marginally arable is farmed, and every even semi-horizontal piece of land is occupied with something.


Tuesday, January 5, 2010 10:40 AM


... fully loaded, safety off...


Originally posted by SignyM:
DT, the reality is that there are too mnay people for the earth to support. It may not feel that way since you live in the North American West, but you have not been to Europe, China, Japan, India, Bagladesh, Indonesia etc where any land that is even marginally arable is farmed, and every even semi-horizontal piece of land is occupied with something.

Is DT ByteMite? It makes a kind of sense...

Scifi movie music + Firefly dialogue clips, 24 hours a day -


Tuesday, January 5, 2010 10:45 AM


DT is male, and lives somewhere in the midwest. But we talk via e-mail. You should hear him mock me when I first told him I didn't want to have kids, or the thread he made last night where he keeps insisting that I've entirely misinterpreted Orwell. No, I GOT the point about the political rhetoric, but I still think that was just a small part of the link DT posted.

He also seems to think that I'm some kind of flirt, which, no. Just no. I'm not defined by his female-male axis, I deliberately took myself out of it, and it is frustrating as hell when someone condescends to me to say EITHER "You don't want kids or a romantic partner? Oh, it's just a phase!" OR "You don't want kids or a romantic partner? You've just been brainwashed by TPTB!"

But I think he has points about population control. He and I have been talking for a while about what the end goal of the leaders who want population decreases might be, it doesn't seem to me to be the stated goal of protecting the environment and building a future for our children. When has government or industry (one and the same) ever given a good GORRAM about the environment or the future? It's profits profits profits, how do I get me the biggest share?

And I like to confuzzle those assholes at every possible turn. So I try to figure out what they're up to. My theory on what their goal for population control might be changes from week to week based on whether a simpler more obvious reason occurs to me. This is my latest one.


Tuesday, January 5, 2010 10:48 AM


... fully loaded, safety off...


Originally posted by Bytemite:
Yeah, I know those were a year old, but it had some bearing on the topic I wanted to discuss, so I addressed the comments about Obama's healthcare plan.

The problem with those policies is who it benefits, and it's not the populations the policy is instituted on.

The way I see it, it benefits the rich and those already in power, because those already in power are not having as many children anyway, so they aren't affected by the policies. But the lower classes that live a harder life and where it is less certain that their children will live to adulthood, these policies cause direct harm to them, and also exist to prevent the lower class population from exceeding a certain number that the powers that be think they can control.

That's how it is in China, the urban areas where all the power groups are (where they have undergone something like Rue's demographic transition) are unaffected, but rural areas and areas that are not Chinese ethnically but that the Chinese government claims are part of China, they are very much affected, and it is really almost a form of ethnic cleansing. The rural people of China do NOT like the one child policy. Perhaps they are selfish for wanting to have progeny that live long enough to reproduce themselves, but I don't think so.

It doesn't seem like ethnic cleansing if it pertains to Chinese as well - it's everyone equally.

I can conceive of an argument for Rich People wanting more working class so they can tax them more or find other ways to charge them fees and create even greater wealth.

Scifi movie music + Firefly dialogue clips, 24 hours a day -


Tuesday, January 5, 2010 11:00 AM


Except you forget Marx and Orwell, which TPTB certainly have read. Get enough proletariates, and they overthrow the powers. It's the dialectic. The powers do not want that, so they want us to stay as stagnant intellectually and numberwise as possible. Or, if they can get us to be less smart and more controllable (either through a smaller population or just so dumb and unresisting and cattle-like that population size doesn't matter), then so much the better for them.

The industrial revolution made mass production a possibility via taking a long skilled process and cutting it down into small parts that can be overseen by unskilled (expendable) labourers. The cost was that a process required a larger labour force and more wages, something they've been trying to get around ever since.


Tuesday, January 5, 2010 11:12 AM



DT, the reality is that there are too mnay people for the earth to support. It may not feel that way since you live in the North American West, but you have not been to Europe, China, Japan, India, Bagladesh, Indonesia etc where any land that is even marginally arable is farmed, and every even semi-horizontal piece of land is occupied with something.

You directed this to me, first of all. I'm not DT. He lives in the Midwest, like Iowa or something, I live in Utah. Right location, wrong person.

Now. We don't WANT to use up all the land. That's a bad idea. You want to destablize as few ecosystems as possible (none would be best), because if you have no biodiversity, and something hits that crop hard, you're screwed. And that's not even considering the ethics of just letting (or actively making) millions of species extinct. No one is arguing that we should populate so that we use up every square inch of the Earth.

But if we had some improvements, we could cut down on a lot of the land being used, and increase our output. And if we were to actually invest in establishing some freaking off world colonies, the human race might have some long term potential without having to make any potentially murky decisions.

Yes, you're right, population decrease would ALSO make us use less land, but if you go that route, you still have to ask yourself, "what populations do we decrease?" That's not a decision that I think anyone should make, because it's impossible to be neutral when it's your nation, YOUR people's reproductive future at stake. Furthermore, without force (China), the population is unlikely to accept such a measure because it goes against basic instincts. Unless it's whitecoated, or they're preconditioned to accept it, a population will always choose survival over lofty sounding noble goals.


Tuesday, January 5, 2010 11:16 AM


"Reading thru old posts, just my $0.02: Wulf hates his mom 'cause his dad wasn't even around to take the flak."

WTF Sig?

Ahem. I wasnt even in this..



Tuesday, January 5, 2010 11:24 AM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

And well, just ONE more post ...

"And what's the average birth rate of Europeans despite that? Low, is it? Perhaps because of social pressures and even subconscious messages about having less children for the better of the world, or even worries about the state of the world and bringing children into it?"

Your logic escapes me. Everywhere across the world, and even through history, when women do better economically they have fewer children. This was true in 14th century France, in 20th century China where the greatest birthrate decline took place BEFORE the one URBAN child policy (as a result of improved economics), in 21st century Iraq, and in historically frozen areas of Ethiopia.

So are you saying that women are COERCED into having fewer children when the economy becomes too NICE to them ?

Or that the government COERCES them into having fewer children as part of some grand conspiracy with policies that make having kids EASIER ?

NAaaaaahhhhh - that CAN'T be what you're saying.


Silence is consent.


Tuesday, January 5, 2010 11:36 AM



So are you saying that women are COERCED into having fewer children when the economy becomes too NICE to them ?

Or that the government COERCES them into having fewer children as part of some grand conspiracy with policies that make having kids LESS of a burden ?

Neither. I'm saying that there's factors, even when times are good and there's help available, that make people cautious about how many children they have. "What if something happens to the economy/the environment and we can no longer support them? That would be bad, never mind the social welfare programs. How do I know those programs could help all of my children? I've never been on social welfare before"... And so on. Parents are always worrying about their children, about their children not being injured and getting enough to eat. Recently, the "getting enough to eat" part has become a question of how much money people have, and how much supply of food there is. By supply I mean in the sense of supply and demand. How many farmlands there has been has been a factor in the past to supply and there have always been concerns about that, but capitalism introduces a whole new level to that regarding price fixing for food stuffs.

The government policies I'm talking about make having children harder. Policies that make it easier are only a bandaid for a broader problem, caused by capitalism and need. The government gives, but the government and the system takes a heck of a lot more.


Tuesday, January 5, 2010 12:06 PM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

OK - one LAST one and then I'll have to continue this later.

You fudamentally misundertand the mental equation, I think b/c you assume that your thoughts represent the thoughts of others.

In poor agricultural countries everywhere, children are social security. The drive is to have MORE children ESPECIALLY in the face of poverty and scarce resources. Even in poor urban areas (think of the dump-dwellers of Manila, or the cardboard shack-dwellers of Rio, or the slum-dwellers of Jakarta ),
children are the only socially available option to women. (BTW, there is an interesting neurological article on why being socially excluded is so extremely painful. And why doing the ONE thing society will recognize you for is so emotionally compelling.)

In fact, you have not begun to think about what drove that fact to be true even in 14th century France (Source: Mother Love). Or when the society's best rewards for women come from being mothers (China 19th century).

Come to think of it, you have really not presented anything like a historical trend, or cross-cultural comparison, or ... anything ...

You need, I think, to break out of your own head - it's really small in there and the only thing you'll find is yourself ! - and realize that other people do NOT consider the 'fate of the planet' or 'what will happen to my grandchildren ?' when THEY have children, or not. In many cases, they are making the only choice available to them. And, as can be seen from MANY other situations (some of which I have referenced), not having children when other options are available and more rewarding is the driver behind the demographic transition.

Do some research on 'the demographic transition' - OK ?

And, uhm - WHICH government polices are making it harder ? Be specific !


Silence is consent.


Tuesday, January 5, 2010 12:27 PM



And, uhm - WHICH government polices are making it harder ? Be specific !

Rue, what started this whole conversation? If there is no public option to help people pay for insurance they can't afford, and it is against the law for them to not have insurance, then they must buy insurance from the insurance companies. If they can't afford this, then how can they afford to have (more) children?


you have not begun to think


You need, I think, to break out of your own head - it's really small in there and the only thing you'll find is yourself !

I've shown you respect, Rue. Well, except for the potato thing, that was kinda sassy, but I took it back and I'll also apologize for it. Calling me a pea brain is unnecessary, we knew you disagree with me. You could also choose more accurate insults that I couldn't breathe a word against. I mean, you haven't even called me bat shit crazy yet. Am I not bat shit crazy? o_0 @_@ Wheee!

You seem to think that when a culture experiences demographic transitions that places within the culture don't lag behind. There's poor in America and Europe too, and they tend to have more children. Probably because they can't afford birth control. Oh, look, benefits for the better off for conforming to the system.

I guess China isn't cross culture enough though.

Anyway, it looks like you're very interested in squishing me right now, and I'm not interested in a flame war and sort of would prefer to remain unsquished.


Tuesday, January 5, 2010 12:40 PM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!


I did not call you a pea brain. I think your POV is limited to an extremely small group of people and not representative of millions, perhaps billions, of people. I was hoping you would expand you dataset to include those many you seem to have ignored, who represent many cultures across the globe, many eras - and many people in fact who had no thought to the fate of the planet (b/c culturally, it was not an issue).

Where I work and in my neighborhood there are several Hispanic families I know quite well. The parents came from Mexico and from families with 9, 11, 14 children. ALL of their children, who are educated, had had zero, one or two children - no more. Here we have the demographic transition in one generation - despite the fact that culturally, they were raised to value family. My Ethiopian coworker came from a family of 14 children as well as another couple dozen 'adopted' children. He and his wife (also Ethiopian) had exactly two children. He was explicit in stating that the reason to have so many children 'back in Ethiopia' (in the backwaters where he came from) was b/c they were considered social security. BTW It was his wife who wanted fewer children for her own personal reasons.

Out of the dozens of couples I know very well - all highly educated - I only know of one couple who had no children strictly out of concern for the planet.

And while the poor in thhe US many not be able to afford birth control - the poor in Europe have free access to it b/c they have their health needs provided for (Ireland making an exception for birth control).

And, as you seem to have slid past, China had its GREATEST reduciton of birth rate BEFORE the one urban child policy (a polciy you insist on mischaracterizing and which has the support of 80% of the population)) - due completely to improving economics.

I have pointed out the fatal flaw in your logic stating that people who are concerned about being able to afford children have fewer as a result - by highlighting the FACT that the poorest people who can afford them the least have the most. And paradoxically, the better-off who can afford them the most have fewer.

As for your proposal that it was EUROPEANS who were making it harder to have children by their polices, and having family-friendly polices was only a 'band-aid', you STILL have not provided any kind of data, evidence, or, anything ...


Silence is consent.


Tuesday, January 5, 2010 12:57 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Oops, sorry Byte. A serious brain fart induced by scanning too many posts too quickly. (Still, you and DT are very much alike in this, so the mistake is understandable.)

But if we had some improvements, we could cut down on a lot of the land being used, and increase our output.
Doubtful. We would have to invent essentially closed-cycle human production.

And if we were to actually invest in establishing some freaking off world colonies, the human race might have some long term potential without having to make any potentially murky decisions.
The problem is now, Byte, not in the distant future when we "might" go off-world. And if we had the $$ and the will to go off-world, wouldn't we have the $$ and the will to improve our earth?

Yes, you're right, population decrease would ALSO make us use less land, but if you go that route, you still have to ask yourself, "what populations do we decrease?" That's not a decision that I think anyone should make, because it's impossible to be neutral when it's your nation, YOUR people's reproductive future at stake. Furthermore, without force (China), the population is unlikely to accept such a measure because it goes against basic instincts. Unless it's whitecoated, or they're preconditioned to accept it, a population will always choose survival over lofty sounding noble goals.
Pacific Islanders ... faced most immediately with the quandary of limited resources and exponential population growth, chose survival BY population control. It was either that, or face complete social and biological catastrophe, as the Easter Islanders did. The earth is just a bigger island; its not infinite. Survival and population control are not "opposing" forces, I see them as synergistic.

The reason why people have so many children is severalfold:

1) As long as you have sex, in the absence of birth control, you will have children. Children are born in concentration camps, in famine, as a product of rape. They're automatic, just as shitting follows eating. They come, whether you want them or not.

2) In farming societies, children are a resource: hands to work the land, and a cushion for your old age. Because so many children died young (~50%) parents planned on "extras". Once clean water and sanitation are introduced, those "extras" pile up.

The conditions for low birthrate are also severalfold

1) As soon as labor is no longer manual labor, children become a drain. Long years of support and education, with no productivity in the meantime, makes children an economic bust. Such is modern life!!

2) Once women have a chance NOT to have children, and they have other things to do with their lives, they stop. Children are not as much fun as being a child yourself.


Tuesday, January 5, 2010 1:09 PM


My data was that the birthrate of European nations is low despite government aid (which I never denied existed)and my conclusion was that 1) the government programs are not helping the birthrate, even the ones that are incentives for more children, 2) there are other factors at work, or 3) both.


I have pointed out the fata flaw in your logic that people wo are concerned about being able to afford children have fewer as a result - by highlighting the FACT that the poorest people who can afford them the least have the most.

It's not a fatal flaw, it's a question of demographics. As I said above, the poorest of Americans tend to have the most children. I don't disagree with you there. It's as true world wide as it is here because it IS a form of social security, whether the parents expect the children to take care of them, or whether mortality rates are just that high. But the people who are the most educated and have the most resources have the least children. This is because they feel like they want to focus all those resources on those one or two children (and because pregnancy really is a bitch). But it's also still a question of resources and economic security. They don't have more children because resources are limited by a capitalist system. These family level considerations are easily converted into arguments about the resources and population and environmental problems faced by humanity. Hence the reason I extrapolated.


Tuesday, January 5, 2010 1:13 PM



The problem is now, Byte, not in the distant future when we "might" go off-world. And if we had the $$ and the will to go off-world, wouldn't we have the $$ and the will to improve our earth?

I think we should try to do both.

I don't disagree with any of the facts you posted.


Tuesday, January 5, 2010 1:19 PM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

"My data was that the birthrate of European nations is low despite government aid (which I never denied existed)and my conclusion was that 1) the government programs are not helping the birthrate, even the ones that are incentives for more children, 2) there are other factors at work, or 3) both."

There IS something going on - and it's a completely natural phenomenon called the DEMOGRAPHIC TRANSITION, which happens everywhere and across the ages. I keep pointing this out. It doesn't require a massive conspiracy to consider that maybe, just possibly maybe, given a choice women find better things to do than have children.

"... even the ones that are incentives for more children ..."

Are there others that DISincetivise having children ? A question you have yet to answer.

As for whether or not the programs are helping, the only way to know that is to stop having them and seeing if the birth rate drops.

"This is because they feel like they want to focus all those resources on those one or two children (and because pregnancy really is a bitch)."

And THIS is completely unproven on your part. Whereas I have shown that IN CASES WHERE THIS DYNAMIC DOESN'T HOLD lower birth rate is STILL the outcome.

"But it's also still a question of resources and economic security. They don't have more children because resources are limited by a capitalist system. "

And resources AREN'T limited even more by the capitalist system in Bangladesh ? You simply can't say that A (lack of recoures) is a cause of B (fewer children) when MORE of A (poverty) causes LESS of B (more children).


Silence is consent.


Tuesday, January 5, 2010 1:53 PM


Government here introduced a pretty hefty baby bonus to combat aging population situation which did result in an increase in the birth rate - it has also increased the number of people who have babies for a bit of a quick cash injection which I'm pretty certain is not a great motivation for having children

I don't believe in global conspiracies to increase or decrease populations - the world is too complex and chaotic for anything like that to happen

i think there is a tendancy in the west to have fewer children because we are largely motivated by materialism and having children takes money from the pot - both in earning capacity and what you have to spend to rear them. Other less individualistic cultures tend to value children more because they tend to expand the economic pot rather than reduce it and because culturally people's expectations focus on family a lot more - which increases status and so on - whereas in modern western cultures, family tends to be a sideline to career and money

As for the alleged utopia that was the 1950's and 60's - I'm pretty sure that the whole nuclear family - dad at work and mum at home - was a kind of blip in history - it was a time of unprecedented prosperity and also a time when the world (perhaps as a subconciously unit) was seeking to replenish its population after many years of war and hardship.

Prior to that, wealthy women stayed at home - often along side their wealthy husbands - to pursue a life of leisure - whereas the bulk of the population - men, women and children worked hard and made do with all sorts of circumstances to have and care for children.

As for the original riduclous post - women of course can be totally subservient to their husbands in terms of their sexual needs and to society for its reproductive needs if you consider that women needs, desires and wishes are of less importance than men's - in other words that their value as human beings is less.


Tuesday, January 5, 2010 2:00 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


But it's also still a question of resources and economic security. They don't have more children because resources are limited by a capitalist system. These family level considerations are easily converted into arguments about the resources and population and environmental problems faced by humanity. Hence the reason I extrapolated
That doesn't make sense. On the one hand, you agree that poor people have more children, even in capitalist societies. On the other hand, you say that under capitalism people are limited by resource considerations from having children. Both statments can't be true, so you must be pointing to something else.


Tuesday, January 5, 2010 2:04 PM



Are there others that DISincetivise having children ? A question you have yet to answer.

I already told you, this conversation started out discussing one such program, mandatory health care with no public option.

I feel like I'm not getting anywhere in this discussion, or maybe am being ignored now.


maybe, just possibly maybe, given a choice women find better things to do than have children.

Did I ever argue that they didn't? Did I ever say that I don't think that some of the things we do instead are good things? I'm talking cause and effect. What ideology that I see, and how it effects birthrate. You're the one bringing all this other stuff in.


"But it's also still a question of resources and economic security. They don't have more children because resources are limited by a capitalist system. "

And resources AREN'T limited even more by the capitalist system in Bangladesh ? You simply can't say that A (lack of recoures) is a cause of B (fewer children) when MORE of A (poverty) causes LESS of B (more children).

DIFFERENT DEMOGRAPHICS. A rural and or poor group is going to have a different response than a middle class group, because they have different survival tactics.

I'm just repeating myself now.


Tuesday, January 5, 2010 2:16 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

So the difference isn't the social economic incentives so much as it is the child's economic role in society?






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