...not that he doesn't often, but I really liked what he had to say on this one. I don't agree with him completely, and I, too, wish he'd get out of the..."/>
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Ron Paul makes sense...
Thursday, January 7, 2010 7:58 AM
Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...
Quote: Dick Cheney is taking criticism from at least one member of his own party over the former vice president's recent and persistent criticisms of the Obama administration's handling of national security issues. Ron Paul, the Texas congressman and upstart 2008 presidential candidate, told CNN's Larry King Monday night Cheney is in no place to criticize Obama's handling of the war on terrorism. "I think he had his eight years, and he's caused a lot of trouble for our country and perpetuated a war in Iraq unnecessary and wrong-headed," said Paul. "I would say it would be best he not be so critical right now." Paul was a constant critic of the Iraq war during his unsuccessful presidential run. While he is currently not seeking a higher office, his son, Rand, is seeking the Republican nomination for Senate in Kentucky. Paul's comments come several days after Cheney released a tough-worded statement criticizing the president's response to the attempted terrorist attack on Christmas Day. "He seems to think if he gives terrorists the rights of Americans, lets them lawyer up and reads them their Miranda rights, we won't be at war," Cheney said in the statement. "He seems to think if we bring the mastermind of 9/11 to New York, give him a lawyer and trial in civilian court, we won't be at war. He seems to think if he closes Guantanamo and releases the hard-core al Qaeda trained terrorists still there, we won't be at war."' White House Communications Director Dan Pffeifer later responded the president "is not interested in bellicose rhetoric, he is focused on action."
Thursday, January 7, 2010 8:55 AM
Thursday, January 7, 2010 9:37 AM
Thursday, January 7, 2010 9:44 AM
Quote:The comments on that article are pure love. <3 Most times, self-flagellation is a preferable alternative to amateur commentary on political articles.