Jobs Report

UPDATED: Saturday, January 9, 2010 10:17
PAGE 1 of 1

Friday, January 8, 2010 6:27 AM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

It comes as no surprise: a jobless recovery is no recovery at all. And you can't fix the economy by shoveling $$$$ from us who can least afford it at the already wealthy, whether they be bankers, derivatives traders, or MEDICAL INSURANCE COMPANIES. Obama's already done two out of three, and is going for the third.

God help us.


Silence is consent.


Friday, January 8, 2010 6:33 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

When he said there were things he admired about Reagan, who knew he was talking about Tinkle-On Economics? :(

At the rate he's going, Obama's going to be among those without a job in this "recovery". He's got three more years; let's HOPE he can CHANGE his ways, and quit making things worse.


Work is the curse of the Drinking Class.
- Oscar Wilde


Friday, January 8, 2010 6:59 AM



I see this as a by-product of corporatism. Business is most stable economically speaking if it stays small scale and local. Of course there are still market fluctuations, and of course some businesses will fail. Even towns will sometimes fail, if they're boom towns and the price for the goods they're producing goes bust. But generally with a small local business economy you're not looking at quite the scale of fluctuations as you are with a corporate economic system.

Add in a government complicit/complacent allowing these corporations to become a bigger and bigger share of the economy, and suddenly they're "too big to fail."

The hope is, everyone eventually sees what a bad idea it is, and corporations disintegrate into smaller businesses just to stay afloat in the bad economy they've created.


Friday, January 8, 2010 7:36 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

20% to 60% unemployment, depending on the city, but pathological liars in the snooz media and gangsta govt say 10%.

Revolution is the only solution.

"Hanging is too good for him! Burning is too good for him! He should be torn into little pieces and buried alive! I will kill him! Kill!! Kill!!"
-Hanover Fiste, Heavy Metal


Friday, January 8, 2010 8:06 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Did anyone hear about the call to take our money out of the big guys, BofA, Chase, Wells Fargo, Citi, etc., and put it into smaller, local banks? I would think it's a great idea, and we don't even have to do it, as all our money is in Westamerica, a regional bank--it's not really "small", but compared to the big guys, it's miniscule.

The concepts are:

They're too big to fail? Fine, let's make 'em smaller so they can't say that as an excuse to prop 'em up, and

Regional banks will and DO lend to small businesses and have much more free lending practices in the first place.

I LIKE it! If we could all get rid of our credit cards and make do with ATMs, and move our money to regional banks, just think...


Friday, January 8, 2010 9:00 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

Yes, Niki - Frem posted about it a few days ago, as he was shocked that a right-winger like Lew Rockwell would be getting behind an idea proposed by the staff over at the Huffington Post, but they're ALL right. This is one of those ideas that ALL of us can get behind.

And I'd do it in a heartbeat, too, if I hadn't already done so some number of years ago, when NationsBank decided they wanted to charge me some of MY money if I wanted to walk up to an actual human bank teller to deposit MY paycheck into MY bank account so that THEY could use MY money to buy smaller banks and make risky loans to people who were decidedly not me.

They seemed genuinely surprised when I told 'em they could go shit in their hat, and I was going elsewhere with my money, and wouldn't be back.

'Course, as Frem has also pointed out, that didn't stop the fuckers from stealing more of MY money from the federal government, since I had the unmitigated gall not to play their little bullshit game.

Anyhoo, if you've read this far and are still interested... then you really need to get a life! (I kid.)

Seriously, if you're still reading, here's more info from the horse's mouth, so to speak:

I wholeheartedly endorse this movement and this idea. And yes, if these "too big to fail" banks do fail, then people will lose their jobs. But I'm sure the smaller banks and credit unions will be hiring by then. :)


Work is the curse of the Drinking Class.
- Oscar Wilde


Friday, January 8, 2010 11:22 AM


Well, I have the unlikely advantage of being in a profession that becomes MORE valuable as the economy declines, and being a welcomed if not exactly beloved* part of the community itself at this end of the county is pretty good for longterm viability...

I do worry about others though, not to mention folks desperation is startin to make my job a little harder than I'd like cause imma lazy old bastard.

*This particular small subdistrict has begun to realize just how much of a political "lock" I have on the area after that confrontation with the local police forces over budget and behavior issues, and has begun to (rightly) express concern about it - what's funny is that I absolutely will not TELL them that their renewed interest in advancing their own cause is about what I hoped would happen, cause I am too busy playing melodramatic would-be evil overlord in order to provoke that interest.

Of course it does kinda surprise me on the other hand just how high the percentage all but chanting long-live-the-tyrant is, especially since they're mostly the older folk I was figuring would be the most obstinate - go fig, I suppose there's hope for the younger generations yet.

Also worth amusement is that our uniform policy has some very specific "no stormtrooping" directives, sunglasses in particular and anything that obscures the face is absolutely verboten unless the temperature goes below 0F degrees, carried equipment is to be kept to the barest minimums and razor pressed creases are a no-no, we can look profession and still look HUMAN, and I insist upon that, rather firmly - bad enough we got stuck with black and red uniforms instead of the neutral gray I wanted, we don't have to add jackboots to it.



Friday, January 8, 2010 11:35 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

So you're saying NO jackboots? How will you ever be taken seriously?

Honestly, I *DID* notice quite a change in attitude among the Austin police when they started wearing the knee-high leather boots. It was almost instantaneous. The mood on Sixth Street went from "Enjoy yourself, but don't be a dickhead" to "Up against the wall NOW, asshole!" in a matter of weeks. And included one incident of the police actually INSTIGATING a riot, which even the police chief admitted to (on his way out the door after being fired for it, that is).

Nowadays, you just don't go down there. The "entertainment district" is strictly for the tourists and other victims. Locals avoid it like they do Hippie Hollow.


Work is the curse of the Drinking Class.
- Oscar Wilde


Friday, January 8, 2010 12:15 PM


That's exactly it, Mikey - lookin at just how fast the slide goes when you start militarizing the uniform and triggering lucifer effect is what led me to put down those uniform guidelines to prevent it.

As contract security, your entire authority consists only of what folks are willing to *give* you - and that is related directly to three things, your behavior, your professionalism, and your appearance.

If you appear all menacing, and provoke a fear reaction, anger is not far behind it and you risk needlessly escalating the very situations you are supposed to prevent and resolve just by your presence - your clients should at all times know you by your first name, a bare minimum about your own interests from "idle" conversation as you familiarize yourself with the site, view you as a HUMAN BEING, and an ally instead of invader.

Conversely, and something maybe not immediately apparent to my pet goons, is that said "idle" conversation also humanizes the community to THEM, making them less inclined to the kind of stupidity that could directly hinder that whole gettin paid thing...

As I am fond of telling the residents, yeah, imma hired goon - but I am YOUR hired goon, and that makes you a "friendly".

There's also that I have noticed the more gear someone is carryin, the less focused their attention is on their job and environment, even if they're not USING it, just luggin it around screws with their situational awareness, so company policy is that our personnel have to have a minimum of one hand free at ALL times, so they are not juggling gear when they should be payin attention - no friggin radio to worry about neither, beyond a single panic button switch to a repeater in the office.

Oh yes, and we WALK the damn rounds, none of this cozy little car where you're half-asleep anywhere crap, you get out there and BE part of the environment, you will develop enough situational awareness to KNOW when somethings wrong even if you cannot immediately spot it, you'll at least know to start lookin.

The police as a rule fail all three of those guidelines, and this is why they are so ineffective at anything but cleaning up to mess AFTER something happens, rather than preventing it from coming to pass in the first place.



Friday, January 8, 2010 12:42 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

Yuppers, Frem. I've been places where cops walked a beat - ACTUALLY WALKED IT - and there was significantly less crime. And now those same cops sit in a cruiser in a nearby parking lot, and they may or may not respond to a "shots fired" call, and crime is everywhere, and right out in the open.

I've had to play the cops against the media before, too, telling the cops that the house up the street - no, don't turn around, just know that I'm talking about the beige two-story with the red door and the green porch light that's on when they're "in business" and holding - is selling crack. And I'm just telling the cops so they can start watching, and see if they notice what *I* notice. Oh, and by the way, I also sent tapes and info to the local news channels, too, telling them what I'm telling you, showing them evidence, which you're welcome to as well, and letting them know that I'm letting YOU know, too.

That works every damn time, in my experience. If the cops think someone might rat them out for not doing their damn job - even AFTER I've already done the leg-work for them - then they take a sudden interest in DOING THEIR DAMN JOB.

And yes, that happened, just that way, and more than once. Hell, more than once to the same damned house. And if I told a cop, nothing happened. But if I told a cop that I'd told the media, the dealers would invariably be busted within two weeks! :)

I know the cops are generally useless, and the media is about the same, but you CAN use them to your advantage, if you play it right.


Work is the curse of the Drinking Class.
- Oscar Wilde


Saturday, January 9, 2010 8:47 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Sorry for the "double post", Frem; I don't go into posts that look like something from PN or don't appear to be something that will interest me. Mea culpa.


Saturday, January 9, 2010 10:17 AM


Meh, a good idea is always worth repeating twice!

I don't trust any place capable of slamming an iron grate between me and my resources, so I don't do banks, and the only credit union I have business with is miles away for deniability purposes, although now they're handling the business accounts, of course, cause they EARNED the tiny bit of trust I have in them.

I've been a little leery of credit unions ever since one up here took issue with my application for religious reasons, that left a really bad taste in my mouth, it did.







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