I'm sure you've been hearing, it's hell around the country, and I'm getting from friends in England and Europe that they're getting the same kind of stuf..."/>


Cold weather!!! What's it like where you are?

UPDATED: Wednesday, January 13, 2010 08:41
PAGE 1 of 1

Monday, January 11, 2010 11:29 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

I'm sure you've been hearing, it's hell around the country, and I'm getting from friends in England and Europe that they're getting the same kind of stuff. I hunted around and found these. Some are fun to watch, but not for those experiencing them, I'm sure!:

Wind in Oregon

Cars in Black Ice:


In England...

Heavy snow around the world...

In Beijing:

On the Isle of Wight:




Freezing temperatures even the animals can't take:



Lots of animals in Florida:

What a Winter, eh? Gee, we're even getting down to highs in the 40s here in No. Ca. Tough life, hee, hee, hee!


Monday, January 11, 2010 11:49 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

We got down to 11 degrees Friday night, and we lost power for a few hours, but we were fine. It stayed dry, no precipitation, no icing to worry about, nothing like that.


Monday, January 11, 2010 11:58 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Wow. I just can't imagine that cold...I heard it was -31 in the Dakotas!!! Why would anyone want to live like that? Brrrrr!!!


Monday, January 11, 2010 12:29 PM


We actually haven't deviated much from our usual winter temperatures in Utah, which are usually in the twenties and teens.

You get used to it. I actually spend my fifteen minute bus transfer wait napping, most times. It's too cold to do anything else.


Monday, January 11, 2010 12:39 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by Niki2:
Wow. I just can't imagine that cold...I heard it was -31 in the Dakotas!!! Why would anyone want to live like that? Brrrrr!!!

Okay, eleven degrees I can live with - especially given that that's the lowest it's gotten here in Austin in more than a decade. Seriously, people who planted banana trees and pineapples as ornamentals were shocked a few years ago when the things started producing fruit. Seems all it really takes is a couple years without a hard freeze! Sadly, I don't think my pineapple plant survived the weekend. I planted it last summer, and it was about 24" tall on Friday. Now, not so much. :) That's okay - I'll plant another, or a dozen more!

What kills me about Austin ain't the cold - it's the HEAT. Well, that and the humidity. Honestly, I don't think we were made for 114 degrees and 98% humidity, and I've seen those conditions here, both at the same time. You could actually TASTE the air, it was so wet and heavy. :(

'Course, I know folks who wonder how anyone can live in Cali with the 'quakes and fires. As the man said, "Some people juggle geese!"

Speaking of earthquakes, how'd you fare? At least now you've got an answer for why the seals left SF bay, right? ;)


Work is the curse of the Drinking Class.
- Oscar Wilde


Monday, January 11, 2010 12:51 PM


here in ohio it's about the same as usual 10-20s with wind chill, most snow we've had yet is about 5 inches. Actually this winter has been pretty mild so far *knock on wood*

"Haha, mine is an evil laugh."


Monday, January 11, 2010 1:24 PM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

'Quakes? It's a joke to us, only scares people who don't live here. Tornados go through and destroy EVERYTHING, and kill people. 'Quakes big enough to notice come very rarely, and don't kill many or destroy much when they do.

The Loma Prieta quake a few years ago was made to look like the whole state was devastated. In actuality it was a mess in the Santa Cruz Mountains, but other than some damage in the Marina District in SF (where they built on sand, which liquifies in a quake, so their own fault) and part of a freeway collapsing in Oakland, we were untouched. Felt it, tho'! We're only 11 miles from SF, but it just shook things a bit.

That 6.5er yesterday morning? Right off the Coast...nobody HERE felt it, and even those North of us who did, it only rattled a bit and knocked a few things off shelves!

Yes, the CSLs and other animals sense them coming sooner than us, but what wooses; they were totally unaffected in the Bay by that little one. Probably shook more on the Faragon Islands, which is their sanctuary off the Coast! Idjits.

If you ever saw "L.A. Story" and the couple shaken in bed by a 'quake, where each one guesses a magnitude, that's how it really IS. We feel one, then start guessing--if you feel it, it's got either a close epicenter or it's over 6 and not far away. VERY rare.

It's something we all laugh about...we get serious 'quakes SO rarely out here, while weather is hellacious in the northern states, humidity and heat are incredible in the South, tornados in the Midwest and hurricanes in the far South, yet people say "I couldn't live out there with all those earthquakes!" Blame the media; it's nothing like they show!

And I'll take them ANY day over freezing weather, hurricanes and tornados...OR the hot humidity! Here it rarely goes above 100 and our humidity in SUMMER is rarely over 60%. Winter it gets humid, fog and rain and stuff, but that don't count.

As to the fires, those are mostly in So. Ca., and almost never in populated areas up here (except for Santa Cruz Mountains, but there, low population). We only hear about 'em. More likely mud slides and/or flooding, but the ecology's changing, we don't get the rain we did before...So. Ca.'s in a drought, and they'd be FAR worse if they didn't steal OUR water! Never build a city in a desert...shees!

Uh, I take all of that back...we have TERRIBLE earthquakes all the time...you don't wanna move here...please don't!


Monday, January 11, 2010 5:56 PM


Well, this is Michigan, it's colder than hell, right ?

Actually, not - it's only gone below zero a couple times and then mostly on wind chill, but try telling my relatives that, who think this place is like a couple miles under the north pole and full of vikings besides, the one thing my niece most remembers from her one Xmas visit up here was the constant howling wind, which you get mostly cause of the big lakes and the smaller ones in between Detroit and Ann Arbor causing the air currents to pogo back and forth.

Of course, I am out there workin nights in this mess, but I have thermals, a uniform, jacket liner, snowmobile suit and work jacket on, plus my fuzzy hat and scarf with two sets of gloves, and shoe chains to keep traction, I ain't even cold, but watching the under-dressed scamper causes me to worry for em cause under the right conditions of humidity and wind you can grab yourself a case of frostbite out there in under eight minutes.

I don't mind so much, it keeps the creepers away, and it's actually quite pretty if you're properly geared for it instead of freezing your yarbles off.

ETA: on the other hand, Baltimore...
"If I owned this place and hell, I'd rent this place out... and live in hell!"
-Toombs, referencing Crematoria



Monday, January 11, 2010 7:16 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

Niki, you forget that I spent time growing up in Monterey, and in Taiwan, where earthquakes are quite common. My wife still laughs about it, because when I put the dishes away, I always leave space between the drinking glasses so they won't make noise when we get a tremor. :)

The funny part is, most people DO fear earthquakes, even though they are quite rare. And even funnier is that Austin sits right atop the Balcones Fault, which has been inactive for quite some time (about 10 million years) :)

Actually, we DID have a bit of a jolt from a few years back, from a quake in West Texas that hit about a 5.8. We felt it in Austin. And the glasses jangled, because my wife had put them away that time! That'll teach her!


Monday, January 11, 2010 7:54 PM



freezing your yarbles off.

I'm stealing this word. It's permanently added to my lexicon. Just you wait, you're going to see me using it somewhere at some point.


Monday, January 11, 2010 9:32 PM


Yesterday was 45 C - 113 F and it didn't get below 30 C last night - that is around 86 F. One of the hottest nights on record, but I slept like a baby. An angry hungry baby.

The cool change has arrived luckily. Ever seen a cat sweat? It wasn't pretty.


Monday, January 11, 2010 9:59 PM


Meh heh heh.

Actually I stole it from Alex, in A Clockwork Orange - present in both book and movie.

Been known to use that very line trying to pick shit with folk too, most of whom had NO idea where it was from.



Monday, January 11, 2010 10:22 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed PirateNew.org wooHOO!!!!!!

15 degrees...

5 feet of snow...

Running... low... on... wood...





Oh I forgot the electric blanket. Cool!


Tuesday, January 12, 2010 7:23 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Frem, yes, I've been eddicated about the Wind-off-the-Lake from Choey, who moved from there to here. She says she'd never go back; she likes our weather! Jo did too, coming from England, but after about three years she said she missed the snow. We have to drive about three hours East to the Sierras to see snow. The few times it's actually snowed here, everyone runs up to Mt. Tam (the only place it actually "snows") and come back with snow piled on their cars...a real treat I guess!

Nobody around HERE is scared of earthquakes...unless we get a whopper like the Loma Prieta! If it shakes that much here, we KNOW there's trouble in the City and across the Bay. I do worry sometimes about Jim, who is an Asst. Manager at the 5th and Mission garage--his office is at the bottom of a five-story cement parking garage!

But SF for the most part is BUILT for them--except the idiots who built on sand, which liquifies in a quake! Friends were at work when the Loma Prieta hit (we worked on the 32nd story), one told me how she stood in the break room, which has floor-to-ceiling windows, and watched the high rises sway. Glad I missed THAT!

Grew up in Monterey, eh? I'm envious...we go down there to go to Pacific Grove for otter watching, and I adore the area. 'Course, Monterey itself can be kinda ugly-cityish, but everything around it...sigh...I'd give my right arm to live there (well, maybe my left...)! So close to Big Sur, where we camped in our younger days, and Carmel...what can I say about Carmel?

Actually, you guys aren't the only ones. Illinois sits on the biggest fault in America--if that puppy ever pops, we'll ALL be in trouble!!

Magons, I thought at first you had gotten your Farenheit numbers wrong, then remembered you're Down Under. That's always been strange to me! I couldn't take THOSE temps either...it gets over 70F here (21C), I start to sweat. But then, I sleep outdoors 365 days a year, so I'm more geared to cool than warm. We only get over the century mark (38C) once or twice a year, which is far too many for ME!

PN, we're not allowed to HAVE wood fires around here right now; we're in "spare the air" days with the fog holding the smog in, and they actually go around checking. First offense is a warning, second is a $300 fine, then it goes up. They said on the news the other day that they've only had a couple of second offenders. But of course, they don't get out to the little Coastal towns, which probably get away with whatever they want!


Tuesday, January 12, 2010 7:25 AM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

Cold weather!!! What's it like where you are?

Drier than normal. But given the last 20 years or so, I think that's become the new normal.


Silence is consent.


Wednesday, January 13, 2010 8:41 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Us, too, Rue. Saddens me; I used to love the Marin rains, which would deluge us for our short Winter; now I mourn their loss. Drought will hit us eventually, I think; we've been spared from it this long because we have our own string of lakes which supply us with the majority of our water needs. The less rain, the more we, too, will have to become dependent on other sources, and we've always been proud that we haven't been until now. Now we seem to be getting less rain every year.

Sigh...I know the majority of people here don't believe in man-made climate change, but I happen to be one of those who does. Global warming doesn't mean every place gets hotter, it means the weather is CHANGED, and that's certainly been happening the past few years. Just where I stand on it.






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