UPDATED: Sunday, January 24, 2010 18:38
VIEWED: 13234
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Friday, January 15, 2010 3:46 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

The Haiti Earthquake - You Need To Know Where It Came From

Cathy O'Brien wrote that CIA controlled Haiti and released AIDS there as a bioweapon.

Pentagon's Tsunami Bomb in World War 2

Haiti is the only slave rebellion that actually succeeded

Nikola Tesla’s Earthquake Machine

Mythbusters' machine was not even close to Tesla's Earthquake machine, with no way to adjust frequency:


Friday, January 15, 2010 4:26 AM


Keep the Shiny side up

Took way longer than I expected for this to show up. You feeling okay, PN?

"Keep the Shiny side up"


Friday, January 15, 2010 11:28 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Good-o; use the suffering and death of thousands of people to push your filthy agenda, that's our PN.

You rank right up there with Limbaugh, little man, just another sicko pouncing on anything to spout your ugliness.


Friday, January 15, 2010 11:39 AM



Originally posted by Niki2:
Good-o; use the suffering and death of thousands of people to push your filthy agenda, that's our PN.

You rank right up there with Limbaugh, little man, just another sicko pouncing on anything to spout your ugliness.

Thats the " American " way isn't it

An examination of US foreign policy shows that the US gov actually goes even farther...

Even if John is only right %10 of the time, I for one am glad he speaks out

Most don't

Either you Are with the terrorists, or ... you Are with the terrorists

Life is like a jar of Jalapeño peppers.
What you do today, might Burn Your Ass Tomorrow"


Friday, January 15, 2010 7:29 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!


Niki2 wrote:

Good-o; use the suffering and death of thousands of people to push your filthy agenda, that's our PN.

You rank right up there with Limbaugh, little man, just another sicko pouncing on anything to spout your ugliness.

Nikovich, Limbaugh is a jew just like you.

My filthy agenda is saving millions of lives.

Your filthy agenda is mass murder of millions of Arab and Christian Semites, while non-semitic fake Khazar jews in Israel and USA laff at the stoopid goyim, all the way to the bank.

Read Cathy O'Brien's books on her trips to Haiti for CIA, Reagan and Bush. Book 1 is a free pdf, google it.


Friday, January 15, 2010 7:44 PM



Originally posted by piratenews:

My filthy agenda is saving millions of lives.

How is that, precisely, John?
Tell us.

The laughing Chrisisall


Friday, January 15, 2010 8:36 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by chrisisall:

Originally posted by piratenews:

My filthy agenda is saving millions of lives.

How is that, precisely, John?
Tell us.

The laughing Chrisisall

Don't you know? He saved millions of lives by nuking western Europe for the U.S.A.F.! Remember? First you have to kill them, in order to save them.

PN's filthy agenda is that same one that Hitler had. He's after the wholesale annihilation of all non-whites and "undesirables". That's why he's so overjoyed about the devastation in Haiti.


Work is the curse of the Drinking Class.
- Oscar Wilde


Friday, January 15, 2010 10:59 PM


I have been lurking on this list for over three years now and have not said a word because I suffer from social anxiety (yes, even on an internet list).
But I strongly feel the need to support PN now. I agree that his reporting style is over the top and some of it is BS, but I have found some valuable information also and I am grateful he has the courage to post. Sometimes the truth is stranger than fiction.



Saturday, January 16, 2010 1:53 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

Haiti Capitol building decapitated by Pentagon earthquake nuke



Originally posted by chrisisall:


Originally posted by piratenews:

My filthy agenda is saving millions of lives.

How is that, precisely, John?
Tell us.

I'm a Peacenik fighting to stop wars. Unlike warmongers like Nikovich who want stoopid Christian goyim cattle to volunteer to kill and be killed so Israel dont have to fight. Duh. 2.7-million Iraqis genocided so far in the non-stop 20-year Iraq War.

Now King Hussein Obama ordered the Pentagon to invade Haiti. Will US troops stay there and die there for the next 30 years? How convenient...

10,000 US Troops to Be in Haiti, Offshore by Monday

Cathy O'Brien in Haiti for CIA and White House
Chapter 23 Whirled Vision


Saturday, January 16, 2010 1:59 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!


Originally posted by Littlebird:
I have been lurking on this list for over three years now and have not said a word because I suffer from social anxiety (yes, even on an internet list).
But I strongly feel the need to support PN now. I agree that his reporting style is over the top and some of it is BS, but I have found some valuable information also and I am grateful he has the courage to post. Sometimes the truth is stranger than fiction.


Nothing personal, just the professional business of propaganda mind control under COINTELPRO and MKULTRA. They are paid to be here. Good job if you dont mind selling your soul to Satan, or Molech.

I'm amazed more folks dont notice its a Civil War out there. The internet is one of the main battelfields. In the Revolutionary War, only 5% fought on either side. The rest just cowered in fear.

Now most folks play pretend that everything is fine, even while they lose their jobs, their homes and their lives. My father in law was murdered on Wednesday during "routine" surgery (dont ever tell doctors you if you signed a living will). One of his friends was telling us he can't sell his $1.5-million house, which has no offers at $750,000. Bank is forclosing because he has to pay $2500 cash deductable every time his wife gets chemo at the doctor ($15000 per doctor visit). His company has no work building houses in the current economic Depression. My brother in law is a foreigner PhD overthrowing USA for the Global Warming Nazis (his wife my law professor sis is paid $3000/year and live in USA in a 1000 sq ft slum w/o TV or internet, burgled 3 times by their illegal alien employees, which is how they think everyone should live). It's all part of The Plan.


Saturday, January 16, 2010 2:55 AM


... fully loaded, safety off...

Gadzooks what a weapon!

Makes you wonder why we didn't use it in say, Iraq.

And we want to "defeat" Haiti to rid us of what threat exactly?

Scifi movie music + Firefly dialogue clips, 24 hours a day -


Saturday, January 16, 2010 3:03 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by pizmobeach:
Gadzooks what a weapon!

Makes you wonder why we didn't use it in say, Iraq.

And we want to "defeat" Haiti to rid us of what threat exactly?

Scifi movie music + Firefly dialogue clips, 24 hours a day -

Details, details...

Actually, PN, it is YOU who is paid to be here. You are the ONLY one on this site trying to profit from it.


Work is the curse of the Drinking Class.
- Oscar Wilde


Saturday, January 16, 2010 5:00 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...


Nikovich, Limbaugh is a jew just like you.

...Unlike warmongers like Nikovich

Nikovich, eh? I wonder where you got that from...

Sorry, you're not sane enough to be upset by.

Hey, "Littlebird", if you're real, welcome...if you're a sockpuppet PN created to back himself up...

and oooo, I've wanted to use this emoticon for so long, and never had a reason. Hey, PN:


Saturday, January 16, 2010 5:53 AM


I don't know about PN getting paid to post on this site, but some of his information has helped me and I appreciate it.

I think I understand parts of "the plan" having been a victim of MK Ultra programming during the early 50's and 60's. PN's link to the book TranceFormation in America helped me put a few more puzzle pieces of my life back together.

I've spent years just trying to stay alive and put myself back together and I have run across some pretty far out things during my journey of healing so some of PN's stuff does not sound so crazy to me, and not to the many therapists and healers who work with people like us.

I suppose it would be easier to just call us all crazy and sweep this all under the rug, but I am hoping to find a few friends here who won't do that. Sorry if I sound defensive, it's been hard.

Another good book on mind control is by Carol Rutz and is called A Nation Betrayed. Here is a link to a review of the book if anyone want's to explore this subject more.

And for another look at a part of the plan is the Greenbaum speech. And believe me I would think this stuff was crazy if I had not gone through it myself and met others along the way.

So, yes, I will probably defend PN's work to a degree and I am hoping that does not get me to ridiculed, because I really like most of you on this list and have enjoyed your conversations a great deal over the years.

Oh my! Delurking and stating opinions is scary business.



Saturday, January 16, 2010 6:01 AM


No, Nicki, I am not a sockpuppet. I am myownself.

Thankyou for your welcome.



Saturday, January 16, 2010 6:17 AM



Originally posted by piratenews:

I'm a Peacenik fighting to stop wars.

I appreciate that, dude, but ya gotta come off the Blofeld thing. Seriously, an earthquake initiator? Seen Under Siege 2 a few too many times, bro?

The laughing Chrisisall


Saturday, January 16, 2010 11:17 AM


Nah, I ain't gonna call ya bonkers.. much.

Thing is, I happen to be a bit more tolerant of PN cause I kinda know how he got that way, not everyone who comes face first with stuff so horrific it can erode a persons sanity like a sandblaster gets off easy, you know.

Not to mention other motivations, which Mikey calls him up short on, often enough.

I've seen the bottom of some of those rabbit holes myself, but I don't discuss it so much for a couple reasons, first off some of that stuff is so goddamn woo-woo weird you run into bigfoot effect, you try explaining it, even with hard evidence in hand (which I *do* have, mind) and it's just so damned out-there that whoever you're talkin to files it in with bigfoot and the loch ness monster cause the concept of such things actually existing is so far out of THEIR reality they can not, will not, wrap their minds around it... not all at once, anyways.

Predators of kids PLAY on that crap with the satanic trappings, even if they score all that crap on the warrant and have it right there on the evidence table - folks still file it under bullshit, and worse is the treatment the kids get when the defense attorney gets the jury to laugh them off the stand, grrr - where you do think I get *my* shock troops from ?

Only way to get it across to someone is usually to exploit a small crack of curiosity and give em just enough of a trail of bread crumbs to lead em to the edge - and that's as far as I will go, cause there really are some things in this world so awful, so hideous, that just *knowing* them can damage you emotionally and mentally, and I do not feel I have the right to inflict that upon someone without their knowing consent.

Just so you have some idea of who you're talkin to about it, I am one of those few activists that stood against that crap and fought the fruits of that evil seed (pun intended) with some success.

You'll find more about that issue here.

I also know a bit about sorting it out for the casualties of these types of programs, at the very least some damned good resources for it.

All that said, PN is fulla shit on this one, he's just yankin peoples chains - which he does mostly for attention when folks ignore him.

Anyhows, welcome to the free for all mosh pit of discussion that is RWED.



Saturday, January 16, 2010 11:26 AM



Originally posted by Littlebird:
I don't know about PN getting paid to post on this site, but some of his information has helped me and I appreciate it.

I think I understand parts of "the plan" having been a victim of MK Ultra programming during the early 50's and 60's. PN's link to the book TranceFormation in America helped me put a few more puzzle pieces of my life back together.

I've spent years just trying to stay alive and put myself back together and I have run across some pretty far out things during my journey of healing so some of PN's stuff does not sound so crazy to me, and not to the many therapists and healers who work with people like us.

I suppose it would be easier to just call us all crazy and sweep this all under the rug, but I am hoping to find a few friends here who won't do that. Sorry if I sound defensive, it's been hard.

Another good book on mind control is by Carol Rutz and is called A Nation Betrayed. Here is a link to a review of the book if anyone want's to explore this subject more.

And for another look at a part of the plan is the Greenbaum speech. And believe me I would think this stuff was crazy if I had not gone through it myself and met others along the way.

So, yes, I will probably defend PN's work to a degree and I am hoping that does not get me to ridiculed, because I really like most of you on this list and have enjoyed your conversations a great deal over the years.

Oh my! Delurking and stating opinions is scary business.

Well said , VERY well said ! Thanks for doing the work , thanks for being here...

I've been a Fireflyfan since the very beginning , but I lurked here for years before 'joining' , and making a post...

Not to worry , LittleBird , you do have a friend here . Keep Flying , little one , it's worthwhile...


Saturday, January 16, 2010 2:29 PM



My condolences to you and your wife on your father in laws passing. That's rough.

I'd say hang in there, but I already know you will.



Saturday, January 16, 2010 2:57 PM



Thank you for your reply. I tossed and turned all night thinking that by sharing so much all at once that I had pretty much dug my own grave, climbed in, and covered myself up. smile (still gotta figure out how to use the emoticons)

Thanks for hearing me. That means the world.

I so admire the work you do to help kids and people like myself. I support that 100% and if there is anything I can do to help the cause, just say the word. *looks around carefully waiting for the ax to fall*

Also, I definitely would be interested in any information you feel comfortable in sharing regarding resources or healing. You are certainly on the front lines and I am amazed you are still in one piece more or less.

Yep, I recognize Mike's style in dealing with certain situations. Usually direct, to the point and succinct with a touch of snark. sometimes more than a touch. He has brought a smile to my face many times over the years.

I'm sure I'll have more to say as time goes on but feeling a bit wiped out right now.

Thank you for all you do and who you are.



Saturday, January 16, 2010 3:03 PM



Thank you for your kind words. They are much appreciated.

And, yes, I will keep on flying cause that's just what we do on the good ship Serenity.



Saturday, January 16, 2010 4:11 PM


Littlebird, no worries, one of the ways to stomp this stuff good and proper is to drag it out in the open and beat it like a dusty rug - some bitter flowers only grow in the dark, and exposing them will kill them.

It also encourages folk who actually have documentation or evidence to provide it, once they know they're not alone, once they realize they can distribute it wide enough that silencing them is pointless, which leads them not only to share with us, but often enough the press as well, although the past decade or so that's not been so good a venue - but there's always the internet, which the powers that be haven't managed to strangle yet, and won't, if enough stand against it.

I do find your username a bit ironic, too, given the situation how could I not ?

The best advice I can offer you is simply refuse to be silent, not so much about your own trauma, but when you see the adaptation of that horrible research being used on people, point it out to them, be they young or old, instill that reflexive "Hey, wait just a damn minute!" in everyone you can possibly reach - not all will respond to that, and certainly not many will like you, but you will find that this issue isn't the horrible "thing that shall not be uttered" - not. any. more.

And yes, I know all about the axe falling, which is why I operated for so many years behind a layer of smoke and mirrors laid down long before the laws and technologies designed to prevent doing exactly that were even conceived, much less applied, but there's not so much need even for that any more, there's too many to be silenced, not when the end result of that is creating a martyr and lighting the fuse on a powderkeg that's been simmering for three generations - even the powers that be have a limit to their stupidity.

As for resources to cope, to understand, to heal - two names come forth, researchers who hold the very keys to the internally boobytrapped variation of PTSD most victims suffer, unable to seek help or even accept it because their own hypervigilant defenses prevent external solutions.

Start with the work of Doctor Bruce D Perry, and the Childtrauma academy for the physical-chemical comprehension, and follow through with Alice Millers social-psychological understanding, while will enable you to disarm that mentally spring loaded mess from inside - have patience though, a calm and stable environment with limited social interaction is a key part of working through it yourself to the point where you're ABLE to accept external help.

Of course, the courage to fight down the "TELL THEM NOTHING, SHOW NO WEAKNESS" reflex is commendable, but yeah, it'll take it out of you, sure.

Not quite in one piece, mind - the beginning of this was pretty physical, although these days it's a war of words, I am about 30 some percent mechanical replacement parts, a veritable smorgasboard of metal, ceramic and high tech plastics, and my health has suffered pretty badly as a result of unrelated hard living, mostly it's just that I was too damned angry then, and am too damn stubborn now, and if the grim reaper wants me, he'd better bring a damn strong posse cause I ain't goin easy.

Take heart though, human nature isn't what you've been told it is, we're NOT beasts who need to be controlled "for our own good" (and notice it's ALWAYS the ones offering that control espousing the myth, eh ?) but rather human nature is HUMANE.

And that means we're gonna win this, just as surely as a tree root trumps a sidewalk, with all the power of inevitability.


There always has to be a price.


Saturday, January 16, 2010 4:43 PM


Thank you Frem. You have given me a lot to chew on. Never dreamed I'd come away from this with so much valuable information. And it is different from what I am used to so this should be interesting.

Maybe I should change my user name from Littlebird to BigBird? I like Irony when I understand it,but sometimes things get jumbled in the brain pan.
But a sense of humor is a life saver.

Thanks again.



Saturday, January 16, 2010 5:34 PM


Okay, PIRATE OF CRAP, their is a bone i have to pick with you, ya little prick. If you think this whole thing is funny, then you have no heart, no consience, and efinantly no care for you're fellow human being. And trust me, my original version of this post layed into you're ass so DON'T tempt me. I LOATH you PN, for making this into a joke. Now get back to whatever it is you do, besides pulling out bs like this. Also laugh is spelled L.A.U.G.H, not laff, prick.

"Mom, he has her chip. He has her."
John Connor,"Born To Run", TSCC EP 2x22

"No more gas in the rig,(can't even get it started)" - Rihanna,'Disturbia'


Saturday, January 16, 2010 5:59 PM


I've been kind of busy today, and I'm sorry that I missed out on this exchange, but Frem, I read what LittleBird was so brave in posting, and I'm so glad you were here to help.

LittleBird, welcome. I don't know much to anything about the conspiracies out there, conspiracies that I do think are real and exist, but I'm glad you've managed to make it to the other side okay.

I hope you'll feel safe posting here, and we will probably understand if there are things that you don't feel comfortable discussing. You only have to tell us what you want to tell us, at the pace you want to tell us. This is what's good about the internet, you can protect yourself and insulate yourself and gain confidence. You don't have to tell us everything or even ANYTHING. Just say that you're not comfortable continuing if conversation starts to get to you, generally you'll get a little "okay, I hear you" post back, and you can move on to return to the conversation at a later date or decide not to discuss it in the future.

If someone wants to continue debating (which can happen), then there's two options. You can either just leave it at your "I'm not comfortable post" and not respond to any other comments in that thread on that topic. That can be tricky, because people often make some very good points that you feel like you want to address, and the temptation can be strong to continue, but if you're not comfortable, it's a good time to stop. Another method you can use, if you feel like something is being said about you or your opinion that's not the impression you want to give, but you want to get out, then scale back your comments to only address and clarify the one or two points of misunderstanding, rather than trying to address every line in a big long post and potentially feeding the debate.

For the most part, everyone here is pretty good at being civil for a highly political board, and you seem earnest and genuine, and that's what counts.

And I agree with you, PN has some very, very important topics to talk about. I wish he wouldn't obscure them so much with other stuff. Such as this post he's made about Haiti, which is very opportunistic of him, and I'm a little disappointed that he's even approaching the levels media vultures who are just salivating over the human tragedy.

But all PN's stuff about globalists and the methods of controlling how people act, what they do, how they think, we can see it. We can see it in a population that is increasingly unable to think for themselves despite being burned by the maneuverings of the powerful at every step. I don't think he has the right groups pegged for who's the most powerful, being Jewish or homosexual does not make someone a bad person, and I'll always disagree with PN's views there. But certainly there are Zionists who are a FACTION in the globalist community, and there are many factions that make up the powers that be, all pushing various bizarre agendas via deal-making.


Saturday, January 16, 2010 10:33 PM


Thank's Bytemite. Appreciate your words of wisdom. I agree that Jewish people and homosexuals are not bad people. The Zionists however really bother me. They have their hands in way to many cookie jars.
And are really mean to their neighbors to put it mildly.

By the way, I notice you live in SLC. I lived there for 30 years up until 3 years ago. I lived a few blocks from Trolley Square. I miss that wacky town.
Feels like I grew up in the conspiracy capital of the world. Have you ever been to Gilgal garden? That place is trippy. Sure is beautiful country though. One of my sons still lives there.

Anyway Frem gave me some very interesting material to read over so think I'll try and take a few days off the net to regroup. feeling a bit anxious. how does that go.. one step forward and two steps back or something like that.



Sunday, January 17, 2010 3:42 AM



Originally posted by jameron4eva:
Okay, PIRATE OF CRAP, their is a bone i have to pick with you, ya little prick. If you think this whole thing is funny, then you have no heart, no consience, and efinantly no care for you're fellow human being. And trust me, my original version of this post layed into you're ass so DON'T tempt me. I LOATH you PN, for making this into a joke. Now get back to whatever it is you do, besides pulling out bs like this. Also laugh is spelled L.A.U.G.H, not laff, prick.

"Mom, he has her chip. He has her."
John Connor,"Born To Run", TSCC EP 2x22

"No more gas in the rig,(can't even get it started)" - Rihanna,'Disturbia'

F is for FAIL.

Okay, PIRATE OF CRAP, there is a bone i have to pick with you, you little prick. If you think this whole thing is funny, then you have no heart, no conscience, and definitely no care for your fellow human being. And trust me, my original version of this post laid into your ass so DON'T tempt me. I LOATHE you PN, for making this into a joke. Now get back to whatever it is you do, besides pulling out bs like this. Also laugh is spelled L.A.U.G.H, not laff, prick.



The Spelling Fairy™


Sunday, January 17, 2010 7:17 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Geez, was that totally unnecessary! Laying into people because of typos and misspellings is usually childish, and says far more about the person correcting than anyone else.

People misuse "your" and "there" all the's so typical, if we called each other on it every time, we'd have threads and threads of useless snarking.

If you don't already know it, "ya" is a colloquism, kind of like "thinkin'" and "'cuz"; if you haven't picked up on that by now, you haven't been on the internet long! And it's obvious "efinitely" was a typo--I do that one myself all the time.

There was no reason for this, it's just silly.

As for the rest, whatever useful things PN says go right over my head because of his ugliness, which I won't tolerate in anyone. To me, it only encourages him in his nastiness to read anything he writes or watch any of the videos; if he has something to say and says it reasonably, I'd listen. He rarely does. Decency gets points; what he does brings nothing and makes me ignore him mostly, others tell him off. If he ever changes his style (and he won't), I'll read his posts.

And I firmly agree; to make a joke or push an agenda about the horrors taking place in Haiti is exactly the same as what Pat Robertson did. I hold both in contempt.


Sunday, January 17, 2010 8:16 AM


"Damn yokels, can't even tell a transport ship ain't got no guns on it." - Jayne Cobb


Originally posted by Niki2:
Geez, was that totally unnecessary! Laying into people because of typos and misspellings is usually childish, and says far more about the person correcting than anyone else.

People misuse "your" and "there" all the's so typical, if we called each other on it every time, we'd have threads and threads of useless snarking.

If you don't already know it, "ya" is a colloquism, kind of like "thinkin'" and "'cuz"; if you haven't picked up on that by now, you haven't been on the internet long! And it's obvious "efinitely" was a typo--I do that one myself all the time.

There was no reason for this, it's just silly.

As for the rest, whatever useful things PN says go right over my head because of his ugliness, which I won't tolerate in anyone. To me, it only encourages him in his nastiness to read anything he writes or watch any of the videos; if he has something to say and says it reasonably, I'd listen. He rarely does. Decency gets points; what he does brings nothing and makes me ignore him mostly, others tell him off. If he ever changes his style (and he won't), I'll read his posts.

And I firmly agree; to make a joke or push an agenda about the horrors taking place in Haiti is exactly the same as what Pat Robertson did. I hold both in contempt.

5 platinum says that was Kwicko or ChrisIsAll having a bit a fun.

Find here the Serenity you seek. -Tara Maclay


Sunday, January 17, 2010 10:16 AM


No bet, that was Mikey, and he gives it away four different ways in that single post.

He's kinda channelling Grammar Nazi from Queen of Wands here though...



Sunday, January 17, 2010 11:48 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by Fremdfirma:

No bet, that was Mikey, and he gives it away four different ways in that single post.

He's kinda channelling Grammar Nazi from Queen of Wands here though...


[raises hand]

That obvious, huh? ;)

Yes, that was me. Something struck me as ironically funny about Jameron chiding another poster on their spelling of the word "laff" (which IS another accepted albeit incorrect spelling, as in calling something "a laff riot" or "a laffer") - and doing so in a post just RIDDLED with misspellings.

So I called forth an old identity that used to haunt the Honda boards back in the 20th century. The Spelling Fairy™ is the somewhat gentler companion to The Grammar Nazi™, and goes around correcting poor spelling with a *tink* of a magic wand.

And yes, Niki, correcting "ya" was over the top. That was the point; since Jameron saw fit to throw a fit over the word "laff", I figured it was only appropriate to call him on his use of informal language as well.

By the way, I promise to only let The Spelling Fairy™ work for the greater good.


Sunday, January 17, 2010 11:55 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Oh, whew. I wish people didn't use sock puppets. I don't even know how you DO that anyway--it makes me leery of everybody. I'm still not sure about Littlebird: Don't take it seriously, just coming in suddenly, posting repeatedly, and having so much to say in PNs favor makes me paranoid about PN creating a sock puppet to stroke himself.

Sock puppets SUCK! Maybe I'll start calling them "Suckpuppets". I wish they weren't allowed--how DOES one do that, anyway? Not that I want to, just curious...most sites won't let you register under two different names.


Sunday, January 17, 2010 12:48 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

My initial reaction to LittleBird is the same as yours. Not convinced, yet not ready to pile on, either, just in case she IS who she says she is.

As for sockpuppetry, is it still a sockpuppet if you freely admit it? (And doesn't THAT raise some existential questions? Do Sockpuppets dream of woven wool sheep?)

I believe (if memory serves) Signy brought up Jkiddo being her other self (one created from home and another from work when she couldn't remember her log-in info), or something like that); as such, I treat them as the same person, since they often partake in the same conversations.

Would it help if I were to make The Spelling Fairy™ part of the public domain, so to speak? I can easily post up the log-in info without giving away anything personal or confidential.

My only hesitancy in doing so would be that some around here would misuse the awesome power of The Spelling Fairy™. :)


Sunday, January 17, 2010 2:36 PM


I really don't know how to convince anybody here that I am not a sockpuppet. How do you suggest that I do that? Seriously.

I would honestly like to have a somewhat rational conversation on the topic of mind control. This is obviously a subject of interest to Joss considering his River storyline in Firefly and his Dollhouse show.

Sorry if I offended anyone by coming across so strong in defense of PN. Maybe I was just having a bad day and was tired of seeing somebody continually picked on. Like I said before he actually helped me with some information that filled in some missing pieces for me. I appreciated that.

I am having a real hard time even talking about this stuff. Getting around the "don't tell" programing is a real bitch. I have been having a major anxiety attack and it feels as if my head is splitting open. Not that I have any great dark secrets to tell or anything. The only secret that is not really a secret anymore is that these programs really do exist.

I wonder how many others are lurking on this list who were drawn to it because of the mind control issues? Others who are practically paralyzed with fear to talk about it?

I am worn out from fear and isolation. I am trying to break this programming by speaking out about it on a forum that has a mind control storyline.

I am a 57 year old grandmother. I was a child during the cold war years and in the MK programs designed to "protect" the American people.

I am still trying to find my way around this site and I haven't figured out how to create a new thread line yet. I was about to do that when I saw the sockpuppet stuff.

I was thinking if we had a thread dealing with mind control under a different heading it might invite conversation from others who might have been in these programs or maybe still are. I don't think I am the only one. I hope not. It's lonely.

Maybe someone could ask PN nicely to tone it down so others could talk about this in a saner way. Hmmm... talking about an insane subject in a sane way. Is it possible? Heck, I'll even ask him myownself. I just can't figure out how to start a new thread. help. Or someone else can start it and I'll jump in.

And, once again, how can I prove that I am who I say I am so I can be taken seriously and treated like a "real" person.




Sunday, January 17, 2010 3:07 PM


I just wanted to add that most people have taken me at me at my word and I do appreciate that. But, jeeze the *Spelling Fairy*. I really need that dude on my side. Or maybe it's the grammar fairy.



Sunday, January 17, 2010 3:43 PM


Everyone gets accused of being a sockpuppet. Personally, I don't care who is and who isn't. I'm not sure it changes anything. The person in the mirror may be your double, but it's also you. Humans are incapable of creating anything without putting something of themselves, something true in their creations. If you're talking to a sockpuppet, aren't you still talking to the person controlling the sockpuppet?

I'm not sure there's any way to disprove it. Even IP may not prove or disprove. You have to analyze speech patterns, and some unlucky people, such as myself, tend to pick up speech patterns and unconsciously imitate the more I talk to specific people.

About all you can do is shrug it off until people trust you and see the ways you're different.


Sunday, January 17, 2010 3:56 PM


OK, thank's Bytemite, that makes sense. Time will tell, or not. Does not need to make a difference.


Sunday, January 17, 2010 4:02 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by Littlebird:
I just wanted to add that most people have taken me at me at my word and I do appreciate that. But, jeeze the *Spelling Fairy*. I really need that dude on my side. Or maybe it's the grammar fairy.


Be patient. We're not against you; some of us are just unconvinced.

Oh, and The Spelling Fairy™ is on everyone's side. :) The Grammar Nazi™? Not so much. He's vicious, and you really don't want to run into him. I've heard he has a good doppelganger called The Grammar Fairy™, but I've never met him.

As to mind-control programs... I've got a sneaking suspicion that most people wouldn't honestly have any idea if they were in such a program or not. You could be in a study, literally for years, and never have any idea, if it were set up well enough. Right? I mean, a different class track in school might well be "mind control" if you're inclined to look at it that way. Me? I was resistant to pretty much EVERYTHING "they" tried on me in schools. I delighted in blowing their bell curves up and frying their tests, and then refusing to partake in their advanced classes. I generally spot patterns in aptitude tests, and then I just screw with the tester to see how they react.

So who knows? Maybe THEY were in MY mind-control program... muahahahahahahahahah!

The ONLY reason I'm not fully convinced of who or what you are is all down to timing. It seemed rather... convenient that you showed up where and when you did here.

But you're welcome here nonetheless. We're all just folk, after all, and even those with whom I vehemently disagree are welcome to post here. The more the merrier. Hard to have a good debate in an echo chamber.


Work is the curse of the Drinking Class.
- Oscar Wilde


Sunday, January 17, 2010 4:04 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by Bytemite:
Everyone gets accused of being a sockpuppet. Personally, I don't care who is and who isn't. I'm not sure it changes anything. The person in the mirror may be your double, but it's also you. Humans are incapable of creating anything without putting something of themselves, something true in their creations. If you're talking to a sockpuppet, aren't you still talking to the person controlling the sockpuppet?

I'm not sure there's any way to disprove it. Even IP may not prove or disprove. You have to analyze speech patterns, and some unlucky people, such as myself, tend to pick up speech patterns and unconsciously imitate the more I talk to specific people.

About all you can do is shrug it off until people trust you and see the ways you're different.

Yeah, if memory serves, our Miss Byte here has been accused of being the far more caustic Fremdfirma on occasion, just for sharing similar views. Of course, I've been accused of being Frem as well, which I take as a high compliment indeed! :)


Sunday, January 17, 2010 4:40 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

By the way, LittleBird, if I didn't apologize already, then let me do so now.

It was wrong of me to assume you aren't who you say you are, and I was a dick about it, and you have my sincere apologies.

It is my deep hope that you'll stick around here and keep participating. You've broken your silence, and it's to our great benefit that you continue to do so.


Work is the curse of the Drinking Class.
- Oscar Wilde


Sunday, January 17, 2010 4:44 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

Littlebird, I suspect Joss keeps using his fav theme of mind control because he's on a mission to deprogram MKULTRA survivors.

Cathy O'Brien wrote that Haiti is a nation of mind-control victims.


Haiti earthquake: death toll may hit 200,000

"We have already collected around 50,000 dead bodies," Paul Antoine Bien-Aime, Haiti's interior minister told Reuters. "We anticipate there will be between 100,000 and 200,000 dead in total, although we will never know the exact number."

Around 40,000 bodies have been buried in mass graves.

Uncle Scam to the rescue? Smells like Katrina, where FEMA, Pentagon and Blackwater bombed the levees, cut the police radio wires, blocked aid coming in, blocked survivors from walking out under penalty of death, killed 5,000 survivors with a bullet to the head, and banned 100,000 black residents from returning home to New Orleans.

"You're doin a heck of a job, Brownie!"
-GW Bush


Sunday, January 17, 2010 4:53 PM


Oh believe me, I know *all* about the don't-tell defenses and whatnot, but you've already cleared the major hurdle.

Imma try to start a thread for this and save ya the hassle, but I am on duty tonite and gotta get on that, in between rounds I'll see what I can do to start the topic, cause I do have stuff to say that ain't been looked at from those angles yet...



Sunday, January 17, 2010 10:28 PM



Oh, I can be very patient.

I will try not to provoke the Grammar Nazi. He sounds a bit frightening.

Yes, I think the majority of people in the Mind Control programs are unaware of being involved. Schools seem to be one great big mind control factory to me. I'm glad you were part of the resistance. I can actually imagine one or two of your teachers sitting in the corner drooling after you were finished with them.

I think there are different levels to the programming. I searched for many years to find out why I was so messed up. It wasn't until around 2002 when a psychologist I was working with told me I had all the qualities of an MK victim. Up until then I had no idea of any of this. I started doing lots of research on the subject and meeting others involved in the programs. Finally it all made sense. It just fit.

No, I don't have any hard proof I was involved. Most of the records were destroyed during the Church hearings. Enough was left to prove the programs themselves were real though. I guess my memories and life experiences are all I have to go on.

So, what is it about the timing that makes me an SP suspect? Just curious.

Oh, and apology accepted. No problem.



Sunday, January 17, 2010 10:39 PM



Yes, I suspected Joss might be trying to help deprogram survivors in his programs. I wonder if he has someone close to him who was in the programs.

Which book did Cathy O'Brien write about Haiti in? I must of missed it if it was in the Transformation book. I'll have to go back and look it up.



Sunday, January 17, 2010 10:49 PM



Thank's for starting a new thread on this topic. I'm really looking forward to what you have to say.

And, Yay! I don't have to mess with all this technology gadgetry to try and figure it out. Believe it or not I am married to a software designer. He just shakes his head when he sees my eyes glaze over and fixes the problem himself.


Monday, January 18, 2010 7:45 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Hi Littlebird; as I said in the thread about sockpuppets, I thought it might be about this thread and I was right. I don't apologize for questioning you, as I didn't jump right on disbelieving you but rather asked--useless as that is I realize if someone actually IS a sockpuppet, but I didn't immediately decide you were, I was just hesitant, mostly for the same reason Mike was; you came in out of nowhere and started defending PN, and I don't think too many of us trust PN, with all his hatred and prejudice, and I for one thought it convenient that someone would jump in from nowhere to say good things about him.

I explained in that other thread why I'm new to sockpuppetry and why it's freaked me out to the point where anyone new makes me wonder. It just "is", it has nothing to do with you. I hope we get the chance to know you, and I for one am giving up the worry about you being a sock puppet as of right now; I'll take your threads as I try to take everyone's, for themselves.

Someone asked why it mattered if a "person" was a sock puppet, that you're talking to the same person either way. The only thing I can tell you is that I grew up with a HEAVY trigger about dishonesty--I won't go into the psychological harm my mom did to me which caused this, just suffice it to say all my work hasn't overcome, and I probably will never overcome, my feelings about being tricked, lied to, talked about behind my back and a few other things. I've accepted that part of myself and just try to stay aware of it. I came here from some pretty nasty exchanges on another Firefly board and some invasion of privacy and some fraud, all directed at or about me. Some of them actually followed me here and tried to poison the board against me. I wish I had never experienced what I did, because it colored my perceptions. I won't go beyond that, as I tend to write long anyway (!). Just welcome, and as far as I'm concerned, I'll go from "welcome".

I DO apologize on behalf of all of us that this sock puppet thing exists and it makes some of us more leery of new people; it shouldn't be that way and I'm sad it is.


Monday, January 18, 2010 8:28 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!


United Nations Told Doctors to Let Haitians Die: Security concerns cause doctors to leave hospital, quake victims

Earthquake victims, writhing in pain and grasping at life, watched doctors and nurses walk away from a field hospital Friday night after a Belgian medical team evacuated the area, saying it was concerned about security.

The decision left CNN Chief Medical Correspondent Sanjay Gupta as the only doctor at the hospital to get the patients through the night.

Doctors Without Borders Cargo Plane With Full Hospital and Staff Blocked From Landing in Haiti

The Militarization of Emergency Aid to Haiti: Is it a Humanitarian Operation or an Invasion?


Monday, January 18, 2010 8:33 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!


Originally posted by Littlebird:

Which book did Cathy O'Brien write about Haiti in? I must of missed it if it was in the Transformation book. I'll have to go back and look it up.

Cathy O'Brien in Haiti for CIA and White House
Chapter 23 Whirled Vision (World Vision)

World Vision are those nice folks in CIA whose employees and family members assassinated John Lenin and shot Ronald Reagan. George Bush cousin John Hinkley Jr was found "not guilty" by insanity after shooting Reagan, and was released from the loonybin (brainwash factory) by GW Bush and Obama.,_Jr.

Feds admit bombing levees after Hurricane Katrina:


Monday, January 18, 2010 11:27 AM


Thank's for that. I do understand about childhood conditioning creating all sorts of trust issues that are extremely hard to overcome. It's a lifelong job and can really wear a person down. Glad to see you're still standing and sharing.

We actually have some things in common. I am an older model hippie chick myself. Tried communal living, group marriage, bisexuality in my younger days. I hug trees.

Anyway, I am glad we both found this amazing site and I am looking forward to some interesting discussions. I feel a bit intimidated by the levels of intelligence I see in some of the discussions here though. But I'm sure that won't stop me from adding my 2 cents worth to the fray.


Monday, January 18, 2010 11:32 AM


Ok, thank's for the chapter PN. I'll give that a re-read.






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